[Gpg4win-commits] r1573 - trunk/doc

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Fri Oct 8 14:55:50 CEST 2010

Author: emanuel
Date: 2010-10-08 14:55:49 +0200 (Fri, 08 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 1573

Cleaned old English content because installer creates README
files by renaming README.en.txt. Waits for translation.

Modified: trunk/doc/ChangeLog
--- trunk/doc/ChangeLog	2010-10-08 12:48:10 UTC (rev 1572)
+++ trunk/doc/ChangeLog	2010-10-08 12:55:49 UTC (rev 1573)
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
 	* README.de.txt, README.en.txt, pkg-copyright.txt: Update.
+	* README.ar.txt, README.es.txt, README.fr.txt, README.pt.txt,
+	README.ru.txt:
+	Clean duplicated English content. Add pointer to README.en.txt.
+	Note: Gpg4win Installer creates above-named README files by renaming
+	README.en.txt. So these files not needed as long as there is no
+	translation for a README file available.
 2010-10-04  Emanuel Schuetze <emanuel at intevation.de>
 * website/donate.htm4, website/donate-de.htm4: Add new sponsor.

Modified: trunk/doc/README.ar.txt
--- trunk/doc/README.ar.txt	2010-10-08 12:48:10 UTC (rev 1572)
+++ trunk/doc/README.ar.txt	2010-10-08 12:55:49 UTC (rev 1573)
@@ -1,310 +1 @@
-;; README.en.txt                               -*- coding: latin-1; -*-
-;; This is the README installed with Gpg4win. Lines with a ; in the first
-;; column are considered a comment and not included in the actually
-;; installed version.  Certain keywords are replaced by the Makefile;
-;; those words are enclosed by exclamation marks.
-                   English README file for Gpg4win
-                   ===============================
-+++ You are welcome to translate this file into Arabic!
-Please contact the Gpg4win developer mailing list for contributing
-and look at http://gpg4win.de/localize-gpg4win.html +++
-This is Gpg4win, version !VERSION!.
-     1. Important Notes
-     2. Changes
-     3. Known Bugs (and Workarounds)
-     4. Version History
-     5. Version Numbers of Included Software
-     6. Installer Options
-     7. Legal Notices
-1. Important Notes
-Manuals describing the installation of Gpg4win are currently only
-available in German.  Check out http://www/gpg4win.org for latest
-If you used an older version of Gpg4win in the past, please check
-out the migration hints in the Gpg4win Compendium's appendix.
-Please read the "Known bugs" section before you start working with
-2. Changes
-Gpg4win2 has major changes compared to Gpg4win 1.x.  Below is a list
-of the most important ones:
-- Kleopatra is the new certificate manager.  Kleopatra is the S/MIME
-  certificate manager of KDE (a desktop environment used on many
-  GNU/Linux systems).  For use in Gpg4win it has been extended to
-  support OpenPGP and to act as a graphical user interface for all
-  cryptographic operations.  It is automatically started if another
-  component requests its services and then runs permanently in your
-  system tray.  WinPT has been dropped.
-- GpgEX is the new plugin for the Microsoft Explorer and replaces GpgEE.
-- The mail program Claws Mail has been updated to a modern version.
-  It now supports SSL, NNTP and IMAP.
-- GpgOL, the plugin for Outlook 2003 and 2007 has been comprehensively
-  updated.  It now supports PGP/MIME and thus makes the use of
-  encrypted or signed attachments much easier and standard conform.
-  Support for S/MIME has been added.  Most dialogs are now provided by
-  Kleopatra for graphical user dialogs.
-- The German "Gpg4win-Kompendium" is the new documentation for Gpg4win.
-  This combines the previous "Einsteiger" and "Durchblicker" manuals.
-  All chapters were reworked and extended to describe the new Gpg4win
-  Version 2.0. Among other things, this means adaption to Kleopatra,
-  GpgEX and PGP/MIME and new texts for S/MIME and X.509.
-- Support of these platforms:
-  Operating System: Windows 2000, XP (32/64), Vista (32/64)
-  Outlook: 2003, 2007
-Short overview on changes compared to version 2.0.1:
-- Kleopatra:
-  * New certificate wizard for OpenPGP and X.509 improved
-  * Certificate selection dialog for sign/encrypt comes up in case of  
-    conflict only
-  * Result dialog for sign/encrypt combined in one window
-  * File crypto operations with GpgEX stabilized
-  * SmartCard support for X.509 NetKey cards improved
-  * Rekursive sign/encrypt of files/directory now possible; condition:  
-    external archive tool required (see README file for configuration)
-  * new oxygen icons
-  * Several minor and medium issues and errors were fixed
-- GpgOL:
-  * Symbol load mechanism improved to add new icons
-    (now with crypto icons for the message list)
-- Pinentry:
-  * Change default: switch from GTK to QT4
-    (GTK still enabled for gpg4win-light installer)
-  * new icons for pinentry-qt4
-  * Pinentry-qt4 dialog always comes up in foreground
-- GnuPG-Backend:
-  * Generate new certificate for OpenPGP/X.509: default key length
-    updated (new Default: RSA, 2048 bit); 
-    furthermore select list of key length in Kleopatra updated
-- Installer:
-  * new images for NSIS installer
-- Included components are:
-    GnuPG:        2.0.14
-    Kleopatra:    2.0.14-svn1098530 (20100303)
-    GPA:          0.9.0
-    GpgOL:        1.1.1
-    GpgEX:        0.9.5
-    Claws-Mail:   3.7.4cvs1
-    Kompendium:   3.0.0-rc1
-3. Known Bugs (and Workarounds)
-- Using smart card with Kleopatra
-   The initial setting of smart cards with Kleopatra is currently not
-   yet possible. Please run the following steps one-time to use your
-   smart card with Kleopatra.
-   * OpenPGP card
-     Use the gpg command line tool to create a new OpenPGP certificate
-     on your card (a) or to activate your existing certificate of
-     your card (b):
-     (a) Create new certificate
-       - Insert card.
-       - Run "gpg --card-edit".
-       - Switch to admin modus by enter: "admin".
-       - Enter "generate" to create a new certificate.
-     (b) Activate existing certificate of your card
-       - Import associated (public) certificate of your card (e.g.
-         from certificate server or from a exported certificate file).
-       - Insert card.
-       - Run "gpg --card-status".
-   * X.509 Telesec Netkey 3 card
-     Use Kleopatra to initializing your card:
-     - Insert card.
-     - Click at the Kleopatra systemtray icon (or use the context menu of
-       the systemtray icon and run the learn card command).
-   After finishing these steps your OpenPGP / X.509 certificate
-   from your smart card is shown in Kleopatra under the tab
-   "My certificates" (marked with a smart card icon).
-   A good (graphical) alternative for setting up your smart
-   card and changing PIN is GPA. A better smart card support for
-   Kleopatra is in process.
-- Using the Outlook Plugin "GpgOL":
-  * You defintely should create copies of your old encrypted/signed
-    emails, e.g. in the form of PST files.
-  * Encrypted E-Mails occuring un-encrypted on the email server: It
-    can happen that parts of encrypted emails are copied to your email
-    server (IMAP or MAPI) in un-encrypted/decrypted form when creating
-    or viewing them.  Affected is the content of the email view
-    window, thus usually the so-called email body.  Attachments are
-    not affected.  Switching off the Outlook preview will lower the
-    probability of this to happen, but not eliminate the issue.
-    A solution is being worked on.
-  * Sending signed or encrypted messages via an Exchange based account
-    does not yet work.
-- Using GpgEX with Windows x64:
-   * In some cases sign/encrypt or decrypt/verify via GpgEX doesn't work 
-     correctly (Kleopatra freezed). Then you should kill Kleopatra via 
-     task manager and run the file crypto operation directly in Kleopatra
-     (see file menu).
-   * Problems with Windows x64:
-     GpgEX is a (32bit) plugin for the (32bit) Windows
-     Explorer and it does _not_ run in a 64bit Explorer
-     (= default for a Windows 64bit system).
-     Workaround: Run the 32bit Explorer to use GpgEX.
-     Click "Start" -> "Run", type the following in the box, and then
-     click OK:
-         C:\windows\syswow64\explorer.exe /separate
-     Note: Adjust the path to your x64-based version of Windows if
-     necessary. 
-     This separate command seems to be currently broken in Win7/64bit.
-- sign/encrypt files with archive function:
-   * The new Kleopatra function to sign/encrypt files as archive
-     is currently not full implemented. It's for testing for 
-     expert users only. An extra archive application is required.
-     Configure the pack command in the config file of Kleopatra:
-       C:\Programme\GNU\GnuPG\share\config\libkleopatrarc
-     Here an exemple for the tool "7-ZIP" (http://www.7-zip.org):
-        [Archive Definition #0]
-        Name=TAR (via 7-ZIP)
-        id=7zip
-        extensions=tar
-        pack-command=7z a dummy -ttar -so
-4. Version History
-Find below the changes as recorded in the source distribution's NEWS
-file.  An up-to-date list of changes is also available at
-http://www.gpg4win.de/change-history.html .
-5. Version Numbers of Included Software
-6. Installer Options
-The default installation path can be speficied with the /D=PATH
-option, which must be last on the command line.  The installer
-supports the options /S for unattended installation, and the option
-/C=INIFILE to specify an .ini file which should contain exactly one
-section "[gpg4win]".  This section contains various installer settings
-and absolute file paths to configuration files that should be
-preinstalled.  Most options just set a different default value.
-Excetions are documented below.  Here is an example file which shows
-all possible keys:
-  ; Installer settings.  Do not define or leave empty for defaults.
-  inst_gpgol = true
-  inst_gpgex = true
-  inst_kleopatra = true
-  inst_gpa = true
-  inst_claws_mail = false
-  inst_compendium_de = true
-  inst_man_novice_en = true
-  ; Where to install short-cuts.
-  inst_start_menu = true
-  inst_desktop = false
-  inst_quick_launch_bar = false
-  ; Contrary to other settings in this file, the start menu folder
-  ; setting here will override the user selection at installation
-  ; time.
-  inst_start_menu_folder = Gpg4win
-  ; Additional configuration files to install.
-  gpg.conf = D:\config\gpg-site.conf
-  gpg-agent.conf = D:\config\gpg-agent-site.conf
-  trustlist.txt = D:\config\trustlist-site.txt
-  dirmngr.conf = D:\config\dirmngr-site.conf
-  dirmngr_ldapserver.conf = D:\config\dirmngr_ldapserver-site.conf
-  scdaemon.conf = D:\config\scdaemon-site.txt
-  gpa.conf = D:\config\gpa-site.conf
-An example command for unattended installation could look like this:
-gpg4win.exe /S /C=C:\TEMP\gpg4win.ini /D=D:\Programme\Gpg4win
-For the MSI installer, the above also holds, with the following
-changes: Unattended installation is achieved as usual with the /qb-
-option to msiexec.  The control file must be called gpg4win.ini and
-reside in the system directory (C:\WINDOWS).  It is found
-automatically by the installer.  The installation directory can be
-specified with an entry for "instdir".  Also, each entry can be given
-in uppercase at the command line through INSTDIR=... and
-INST_GPA=FALSE etc. (the control file takes precedence, though).  The
-default config files as well as start menu directory and optional
-installation of short cuts are currently not supported through the MSI
-7. Legal notices pertaining to the individual packets
-Gpg4win consist of several independent developed packages, available
-under different license conditions.  Most of these packages however
-are available under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).  Common
-to all is that they are free to use without restrictions, may be
-modified and that modifications may be distributed.  If the source
-files (i.e. gpg4win-src-x.y.z.exe) are distributed along with the
-binaries and the use of the GNU GPL has been pointed out, distribution
-is in in all cases possible.
-What follows is a list of copyright statements.
-Happy GiPiGing,
-  Your Gpg4win Team
-***end of file ***
+see README.en.txt

Modified: trunk/doc/README.es.txt
--- trunk/doc/README.es.txt	2010-10-08 12:48:10 UTC (rev 1572)
+++ trunk/doc/README.es.txt	2010-10-08 12:55:49 UTC (rev 1573)
@@ -1,310 +1 @@
-;; README.en.txt                               -*- coding: latin-1; -*-
-;; This is the README installed with Gpg4win. Lines with a ; in the first
-;; column are considered a comment and not included in the actually
-;; installed version.  Certain keywords are replaced by the Makefile;
-;; those words are enclosed by exclamation marks.
-                   English README file for Gpg4win
-                   ===============================
-+++ You are welcome to translate this file into Spanish!
-Please contact the Gpg4win developer mailing list for contributing
-and look at http://gpg4win.de/localize-gpg4win.html +++
-This is Gpg4win, version !VERSION!.
-     1. Important Notes
-     2. Changes
-     3. Known Bugs (and Workarounds)
-     4. Version History
-     5. Version Numbers of Included Software
-     6. Installer Options
-     7. Legal Notices
-1. Important Notes
-Manuals describing the installation of Gpg4win are currently only
-available in German.  Check out http://www/gpg4win.org for latest
-If you used an older version of Gpg4win in the past, please check
-out the migration hints in the Gpg4win Compendium's appendix.
-Please read the "Known bugs" section before you start working with
-2. Changes
-Gpg4win2 has major changes compared to Gpg4win 1.x.  Below is a list
-of the most important ones:
-- Kleopatra is the new certificate manager.  Kleopatra is the S/MIME
-  certificate manager of KDE (a desktop environment used on many
-  GNU/Linux systems).  For use in Gpg4win it has been extended to
-  support OpenPGP and to act as a graphical user interface for all
-  cryptographic operations.  It is automatically started if another
-  component requests its services and then runs permanently in your
-  system tray.  WinPT has been dropped.
-- GpgEX is the new plugin for the Microsoft Explorer and replaces GpgEE.
-- The mail program Claws Mail has been updated to a modern version.
-  It now supports SSL, NNTP and IMAP.
-- GpgOL, the plugin for Outlook 2003 and 2007 has been comprehensively
-  updated.  It now supports PGP/MIME and thus makes the use of
-  encrypted or signed attachments much easier and standard conform.
-  Support for S/MIME has been added.  Most dialogs are now provided by
-  Kleopatra for graphical user dialogs.
-- The German "Gpg4win-Kompendium" is the new documentation for Gpg4win.
-  This combines the previous "Einsteiger" and "Durchblicker" manuals.
-  All chapters were reworked and extended to describe the new Gpg4win
-  Version 2.0. Among other things, this means adaption to Kleopatra,
-  GpgEX and PGP/MIME and new texts for S/MIME and X.509.
-- Support of these platforms:
-  Operating System: Windows 2000, XP (32/64), Vista (32/64)
-  Outlook: 2003, 2007
-Short overview on changes compared to version 2.0.1:
-- Kleopatra:
-  * New certificate wizard for OpenPGP and X.509 improved
-  * Certificate selection dialog for sign/encrypt comes up in case of  
-    conflict only
-  * Result dialog for sign/encrypt combined in one window
-  * File crypto operations with GpgEX stabilized
-  * SmartCard support for X.509 NetKey cards improved
-  * Rekursive sign/encrypt of files/directory now possible; condition:  
-    external archive tool required (see README file for configuration)
-  * new oxygen icons
-  * Several minor and medium issues and errors were fixed
-- GpgOL:
-  * Symbol load mechanism improved to add new icons
-    (now with crypto icons for the message list)
-- Pinentry:
-  * Change default: switch from GTK to QT4
-    (GTK still enabled for gpg4win-light installer)
-  * new icons for pinentry-qt4
-  * Pinentry-qt4 dialog always comes up in foreground
-- GnuPG-Backend:
-  * Generate new certificate for OpenPGP/X.509: default key length
-    updated (new Default: RSA, 2048 bit); 
-    furthermore select list of key length in Kleopatra updated
-- Installer:
-  * new images for NSIS installer
-- Included components are:
-    GnuPG:        2.0.14
-    Kleopatra:    2.0.14-svn1098530 (20100303)
-    GPA:          0.9.0
-    GpgOL:        1.1.1
-    GpgEX:        0.9.5
-    Claws-Mail:   3.7.4cvs1
-    Kompendium:   3.0.0-rc1
-3. Known Bugs (and Workarounds)
-- Using smart card with Kleopatra
-   The initial setting of smart cards with Kleopatra is currently not
-   yet possible. Please run the following steps one-time to use your
-   smart card with Kleopatra.
-   * OpenPGP card
-     Use the gpg command line tool to create a new OpenPGP certificate
-     on your card (a) or to activate your existing certificate of
-     your card (b):
-     (a) Create new certificate
-       - Insert card.
-       - Run "gpg --card-edit".
-       - Switch to admin modus by enter: "admin".
-       - Enter "generate" to create a new certificate.
-     (b) Activate existing certificate of your card
-       - Import associated (public) certificate of your card (e.g.
-         from certificate server or from a exported certificate file).
-       - Insert card.
-       - Run "gpg --card-status".
-   * X.509 Telesec Netkey 3 card
-     Use Kleopatra to initializing your card:
-     - Insert card.
-     - Click at the Kleopatra systemtray icon (or use the context menu of
-       the systemtray icon and run the learn card command).
-   After finishing these steps your OpenPGP / X.509 certificate
-   from your smart card is shown in Kleopatra under the tab
-   "My certificates" (marked with a smart card icon).
-   A good (graphical) alternative for setting up your smart
-   card and changing PIN is GPA. A better smart card support for
-   Kleopatra is in process.
-- Using the Outlook Plugin "GpgOL":
-  * You defintely should create copies of your old encrypted/signed
-    emails, e.g. in the form of PST files.
-  * Encrypted E-Mails occuring un-encrypted on the email server: It
-    can happen that parts of encrypted emails are copied to your email
-    server (IMAP or MAPI) in un-encrypted/decrypted form when creating
-    or viewing them.  Affected is the content of the email view
-    window, thus usually the so-called email body.  Attachments are
-    not affected.  Switching off the Outlook preview will lower the
-    probability of this to happen, but not eliminate the issue.
-    A solution is being worked on.
-  * Sending signed or encrypted messages via an Exchange based account
-    does not yet work.
-- Using GpgEX with Windows x64:
-   * In some cases sign/encrypt or decrypt/verify via GpgEX doesn't work 
-     correctly (Kleopatra freezed). Then you should kill Kleopatra via 
-     task manager and run the file crypto operation directly in Kleopatra
-     (see file menu).
-   * Problems with Windows x64:
-     GpgEX is a (32bit) plugin for the (32bit) Windows
-     Explorer and it does _not_ run in a 64bit Explorer
-     (= default for a Windows 64bit system).
-     Workaround: Run the 32bit Explorer to use GpgEX.
-     Click "Start" -> "Run", type the following in the box, and then
-     click OK:
-         C:\windows\syswow64\explorer.exe /separate
-     Note: Adjust the path to your x64-based version of Windows if
-     necessary. 
-     This separate command seems to be currently broken in Win7/64bit.
-- sign/encrypt files with archive function:
-   * The new Kleopatra function to sign/encrypt files as archive
-     is currently not full implemented. It's for testing for 
-     expert users only. An extra archive application is required.
-     Configure the pack command in the config file of Kleopatra:
-       C:\Programme\GNU\GnuPG\share\config\libkleopatrarc
-     Here an exemple for the tool "7-ZIP" (http://www.7-zip.org):
-        [Archive Definition #0]
-        Name=TAR (via 7-ZIP)
-        id=7zip
-        extensions=tar
-        pack-command=7z a dummy -ttar -so
-4. Version History
-Find below the changes as recorded in the source distribution's NEWS
-file.  An up-to-date list of changes is also available at
-http://www.gpg4win.de/change-history.html .
-5. Version Numbers of Included Software
-6. Installer Options
-The default installation path can be speficied with the /D=PATH
-option, which must be last on the command line.  The installer
-supports the options /S for unattended installation, and the option
-/C=INIFILE to specify an .ini file which should contain exactly one
-section "[gpg4win]".  This section contains various installer settings
-and absolute file paths to configuration files that should be
-preinstalled.  Most options just set a different default value.
-Excetions are documented below.  Here is an example file which shows
-all possible keys:
-  ; Installer settings.  Do not define or leave empty for defaults.
-  inst_gpgol = true
-  inst_gpgex = true
-  inst_kleopatra = true
-  inst_gpa = true
-  inst_claws_mail = false
-  inst_compendium_de = true
-  inst_man_novice_en = true
-  ; Where to install short-cuts.
-  inst_start_menu = true
-  inst_desktop = false
-  inst_quick_launch_bar = false
-  ; Contrary to other settings in this file, the start menu folder
-  ; setting here will override the user selection at installation
-  ; time.
-  inst_start_menu_folder = Gpg4win
-  ; Additional configuration files to install.
-  gpg.conf = D:\config\gpg-site.conf
-  gpg-agent.conf = D:\config\gpg-agent-site.conf
-  trustlist.txt = D:\config\trustlist-site.txt
-  dirmngr.conf = D:\config\dirmngr-site.conf
-  dirmngr_ldapserver.conf = D:\config\dirmngr_ldapserver-site.conf
-  scdaemon.conf = D:\config\scdaemon-site.txt
-  gpa.conf = D:\config\gpa-site.conf
-An example command for unattended installation could look like this:
-gpg4win.exe /S /C=C:\TEMP\gpg4win.ini /D=D:\Programme\Gpg4win
-For the MSI installer, the above also holds, with the following
-changes: Unattended installation is achieved as usual with the /qb-
-option to msiexec.  The control file must be called gpg4win.ini and
-reside in the system directory (C:\WINDOWS).  It is found
-automatically by the installer.  The installation directory can be
-specified with an entry for "instdir".  Also, each entry can be given
-in uppercase at the command line through INSTDIR=... and
-INST_GPA=FALSE etc. (the control file takes precedence, though).  The
-default config files as well as start menu directory and optional
-installation of short cuts are currently not supported through the MSI
-7. Legal notices pertaining to the individual packets
-Gpg4win consist of several independent developed packages, available
-under different license conditions.  Most of these packages however
-are available under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).  Common
-to all is that they are free to use without restrictions, may be
-modified and that modifications may be distributed.  If the source
-files (i.e. gpg4win-src-x.y.z.exe) are distributed along with the
-binaries and the use of the GNU GPL has been pointed out, distribution
-is in in all cases possible.
-What follows is a list of copyright statements.
-Happy GiPiGing,
-  Your Gpg4win Team
-***end of file ***
+see README.en.txt

Modified: trunk/doc/README.fr.txt
--- trunk/doc/README.fr.txt	2010-10-08 12:48:10 UTC (rev 1572)
+++ trunk/doc/README.fr.txt	2010-10-08 12:55:49 UTC (rev 1573)
@@ -1,310 +1 @@
-;; README.en.txt                               -*- coding: latin-1; -*-
-;; This is the README installed with Gpg4win. Lines with a ; in the first
-;; column are considered a comment and not included in the actually
-;; installed version.  Certain keywords are replaced by the Makefile;
-;; those words are enclosed by exclamation marks.
-                   English README file for Gpg4win
-                   ===============================
-+++ You are welcome to translate this file into French!
-Please contact the Gpg4win developer mailing list for contributing
-and look at http://gpg4win.de/localize-gpg4win.html +++
-This is Gpg4win, version !VERSION!.
-     1. Important Notes
-     2. Changes
-     3. Known Bugs (and Workarounds)
-     4. Version History
-     5. Version Numbers of Included Software
-     6. Installer Options
-     7. Legal Notices
-1. Important Notes
-Manuals describing the installation of Gpg4win are currently only
-available in German.  Check out http://www/gpg4win.org for latest
-If you used an older version of Gpg4win in the past, please check
-out the migration hints in the Gpg4win Compendium's appendix.
-Please read the "Known bugs" section before you start working with
-2. Changes
-Gpg4win2 has major changes compared to Gpg4win 1.x.  Below is a list
-of the most important ones:
-- Kleopatra is the new certificate manager.  Kleopatra is the S/MIME
-  certificate manager of KDE (a desktop environment used on many
-  GNU/Linux systems).  For use in Gpg4win it has been extended to
-  support OpenPGP and to act as a graphical user interface for all
-  cryptographic operations.  It is automatically started if another
-  component requests its services and then runs permanently in your
-  system tray.  WinPT has been dropped.
-- GpgEX is the new plugin for the Microsoft Explorer and replaces GpgEE.
-- The mail program Claws Mail has been updated to a modern version.
-  It now supports SSL, NNTP and IMAP.
-- GpgOL, the plugin for Outlook 2003 and 2007 has been comprehensively
-  updated.  It now supports PGP/MIME and thus makes the use of
-  encrypted or signed attachments much easier and standard conform.
-  Support for S/MIME has been added.  Most dialogs are now provided by
-  Kleopatra for graphical user dialogs.
-- The German "Gpg4win-Kompendium" is the new documentation for Gpg4win.
-  This combines the previous "Einsteiger" and "Durchblicker" manuals.
-  All chapters were reworked and extended to describe the new Gpg4win
-  Version 2.0. Among other things, this means adaption to Kleopatra,
-  GpgEX and PGP/MIME and new texts for S/MIME and X.509.
-- Support of these platforms:
-  Operating System: Windows 2000, XP (32/64), Vista (32/64)
-  Outlook: 2003, 2007
-Short overview on changes compared to version 2.0.1:
-- Kleopatra:
-  * New certificate wizard for OpenPGP and X.509 improved
-  * Certificate selection dialog for sign/encrypt comes up in case of  
-    conflict only
-  * Result dialog for sign/encrypt combined in one window
-  * File crypto operations with GpgEX stabilized
-  * SmartCard support for X.509 NetKey cards improved
-  * Rekursive sign/encrypt of files/directory now possible; condition:  
-    external archive tool required (see README file for configuration)
-  * new oxygen icons
-  * Several minor and medium issues and errors were fixed
-- GpgOL:
-  * Symbol load mechanism improved to add new icons
-    (now with crypto icons for the message list)
-- Pinentry:
-  * Change default: switch from GTK to QT4
-    (GTK still enabled for gpg4win-light installer)
-  * new icons for pinentry-qt4
-  * Pinentry-qt4 dialog always comes up in foreground
-- GnuPG-Backend:
-  * Generate new certificate for OpenPGP/X.509: default key length
-    updated (new Default: RSA, 2048 bit); 
-    furthermore select list of key length in Kleopatra updated
-- Installer:
-  * new images for NSIS installer
-- Included components are:
-    GnuPG:        2.0.14
-    Kleopatra:    2.0.14-svn1098530 (20100303)
-    GPA:          0.9.0
-    GpgOL:        1.1.1
-    GpgEX:        0.9.5
-    Claws-Mail:   3.7.4cvs1
-    Kompendium:   3.0.0-rc1
-3. Known Bugs (and Workarounds)
-- Using smart card with Kleopatra
-   The initial setting of smart cards with Kleopatra is currently not
-   yet possible. Please run the following steps one-time to use your
-   smart card with Kleopatra.
-   * OpenPGP card
-     Use the gpg command line tool to create a new OpenPGP certificate
-     on your card (a) or to activate your existing certificate of
-     your card (b):
-     (a) Create new certificate
-       - Insert card.
-       - Run "gpg --card-edit".
-       - Switch to admin modus by enter: "admin".
-       - Enter "generate" to create a new certificate.
-     (b) Activate existing certificate of your card
-       - Import associated (public) certificate of your card (e.g.
-         from certificate server or from a exported certificate file).
-       - Insert card.
-       - Run "gpg --card-status".
-   * X.509 Telesec Netkey 3 card
-     Use Kleopatra to initializing your card:
-     - Insert card.
-     - Click at the Kleopatra systemtray icon (or use the context menu of
-       the systemtray icon and run the learn card command).
-   After finishing these steps your OpenPGP / X.509 certificate
-   from your smart card is shown in Kleopatra under the tab
-   "My certificates" (marked with a smart card icon).
-   A good (graphical) alternative for setting up your smart
-   card and changing PIN is GPA. A better smart card support for
-   Kleopatra is in process.
-- Using the Outlook Plugin "GpgOL":
-  * You defintely should create copies of your old encrypted/signed
-    emails, e.g. in the form of PST files.
-  * Encrypted E-Mails occuring un-encrypted on the email server: It
-    can happen that parts of encrypted emails are copied to your email
-    server (IMAP or MAPI) in un-encrypted/decrypted form when creating
-    or viewing them.  Affected is the content of the email view
-    window, thus usually the so-called email body.  Attachments are
-    not affected.  Switching off the Outlook preview will lower the
-    probability of this to happen, but not eliminate the issue.
-    A solution is being worked on.
-  * Sending signed or encrypted messages via an Exchange based account
-    does not yet work.
-- Using GpgEX with Windows x64:
-   * In some cases sign/encrypt or decrypt/verify via GpgEX doesn't work 
-     correctly (Kleopatra freezed). Then you should kill Kleopatra via 
-     task manager and run the file crypto operation directly in Kleopatra
-     (see file menu).
-   * Problems with Windows x64:
-     GpgEX is a (32bit) plugin for the (32bit) Windows
-     Explorer and it does _not_ run in a 64bit Explorer
-     (= default for a Windows 64bit system).
-     Workaround: Run the 32bit Explorer to use GpgEX.
-     Click "Start" -> "Run", type the following in the box, and then
-     click OK:
-         C:\windows\syswow64\explorer.exe /separate
-     Note: Adjust the path to your x64-based version of Windows if
-     necessary. 
-     This separate command seems to be currently broken in Win7/64bit.
-- sign/encrypt files with archive function:
-   * The new Kleopatra function to sign/encrypt files as archive
-     is currently not full implemented. It's for testing for 
-     expert users only. An extra archive application is required.
-     Configure the pack command in the config file of Kleopatra:
-       C:\Programme\GNU\GnuPG\share\config\libkleopatrarc
-     Here an exemple for the tool "7-ZIP" (http://www.7-zip.org):
-        [Archive Definition #0]
-        Name=TAR (via 7-ZIP)
-        id=7zip
-        extensions=tar
-        pack-command=7z a dummy -ttar -so
-4. Version History
-Find below the changes as recorded in the source distribution's NEWS
-file.  An up-to-date list of changes is also available at
-http://www.gpg4win.de/change-history.html .
-5. Version Numbers of Included Software
-6. Installer Options
-The default installation path can be speficied with the /D=PATH
-option, which must be last on the command line.  The installer
-supports the options /S for unattended installation, and the option
-/C=INIFILE to specify an .ini file which should contain exactly one
-section "[gpg4win]".  This section contains various installer settings
-and absolute file paths to configuration files that should be
-preinstalled.  Most options just set a different default value.
-Excetions are documented below.  Here is an example file which shows
-all possible keys:
-  ; Installer settings.  Do not define or leave empty for defaults.
-  inst_gpgol = true
-  inst_gpgex = true
-  inst_kleopatra = true
-  inst_gpa = true
-  inst_claws_mail = false
-  inst_compendium_de = true
-  inst_man_novice_en = true
-  ; Where to install short-cuts.
-  inst_start_menu = true
-  inst_desktop = false
-  inst_quick_launch_bar = false
-  ; Contrary to other settings in this file, the start menu folder
-  ; setting here will override the user selection at installation
-  ; time.
-  inst_start_menu_folder = Gpg4win
-  ; Additional configuration files to install.
-  gpg.conf = D:\config\gpg-site.conf
-  gpg-agent.conf = D:\config\gpg-agent-site.conf
-  trustlist.txt = D:\config\trustlist-site.txt
-  dirmngr.conf = D:\config\dirmngr-site.conf
-  dirmngr_ldapserver.conf = D:\config\dirmngr_ldapserver-site.conf
-  scdaemon.conf = D:\config\scdaemon-site.txt
-  gpa.conf = D:\config\gpa-site.conf
-An example command for unattended installation could look like this:
-gpg4win.exe /S /C=C:\TEMP\gpg4win.ini /D=D:\Programme\Gpg4win
-For the MSI installer, the above also holds, with the following
-changes: Unattended installation is achieved as usual with the /qb-
-option to msiexec.  The control file must be called gpg4win.ini and
-reside in the system directory (C:\WINDOWS).  It is found
-automatically by the installer.  The installation directory can be
-specified with an entry for "instdir".  Also, each entry can be given
-in uppercase at the command line through INSTDIR=... and
-INST_GPA=FALSE etc. (the control file takes precedence, though).  The
-default config files as well as start menu directory and optional
-installation of short cuts are currently not supported through the MSI
-7. Legal notices pertaining to the individual packets
-Gpg4win consist of several independent developed packages, available
-under different license conditions.  Most of these packages however
-are available under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).  Common
-to all is that they are free to use without restrictions, may be
-modified and that modifications may be distributed.  If the source
-files (i.e. gpg4win-src-x.y.z.exe) are distributed along with the
-binaries and the use of the GNU GPL has been pointed out, distribution
-is in in all cases possible.
-What follows is a list of copyright statements.
-Happy GiPiGing,
-  Your Gpg4win Team
-***end of file ***
+see README.en.txt

Modified: trunk/doc/README.pt.txt
--- trunk/doc/README.pt.txt	2010-10-08 12:48:10 UTC (rev 1572)
+++ trunk/doc/README.pt.txt	2010-10-08 12:55:49 UTC (rev 1573)
@@ -1,310 +1 @@
-;; README.en.txt                               -*- coding: latin-1; -*-
-;; This is the README installed with Gpg4win. Lines with a ; in the first
-;; column are considered a comment and not included in the actually
-;; installed version.  Certain keywords are replaced by the Makefile;
-;; those words are enclosed by exclamation marks.
-                   English README file for Gpg4win
-                   ===============================
-+++ You are welcome to translate this file into Portuguese!
-Please contact the Gpg4win developer mailing list for contributing
-and look at http://gpg4win.de/localize-gpg4win.html +++
-This is Gpg4win, version !VERSION!.
-     1. Important Notes
-     2. Changes
-     3. Known Bugs (and Workarounds)
-     4. Version History
-     5. Version Numbers of Included Software
-     6. Installer Options
-     7. Legal Notices
-1. Important Notes
-Manuals describing the installation of Gpg4win are currently only
-available in German.  Check out http://www/gpg4win.org for latest
-If you used an older version of Gpg4win in the past, please check
-out the migration hints in the Gpg4win Compendium's appendix.
-Please read the "Known bugs" section before you start working with
-2. Changes
-Gpg4win2 has major changes compared to Gpg4win 1.x.  Below is a list
-of the most important ones:
-- Kleopatra is the new certificate manager.  Kleopatra is the S/MIME
-  certificate manager of KDE (a desktop environment used on many
-  GNU/Linux systems).  For use in Gpg4win it has been extended to
-  support OpenPGP and to act as a graphical user interface for all
-  cryptographic operations.  It is automatically started if another
-  component requests its services and then runs permanently in your
-  system tray.  WinPT has been dropped.
-- GpgEX is the new plugin for the Microsoft Explorer and replaces GpgEE.
-- The mail program Claws Mail has been updated to a modern version.
-  It now supports SSL, NNTP and IMAP.
-- GpgOL, the plugin for Outlook 2003 and 2007 has been comprehensively
-  updated.  It now supports PGP/MIME and thus makes the use of
-  encrypted or signed attachments much easier and standard conform.
-  Support for S/MIME has been added.  Most dialogs are now provided by
-  Kleopatra for graphical user dialogs.
-- The German "Gpg4win-Kompendium" is the new documentation for Gpg4win.
-  This combines the previous "Einsteiger" and "Durchblicker" manuals.
-  All chapters were reworked and extended to describe the new Gpg4win
-  Version 2.0. Among other things, this means adaption to Kleopatra,
-  GpgEX and PGP/MIME and new texts for S/MIME and X.509.
-- Support of these platforms:
-  Operating System: Windows 2000, XP (32/64), Vista (32/64)
-  Outlook: 2003, 2007
-Short overview on changes compared to version 2.0.1:
-- Kleopatra:
-  * New certificate wizard for OpenPGP and X.509 improved
-  * Certificate selection dialog for sign/encrypt comes up in case of  
-    conflict only
-  * Result dialog for sign/encrypt combined in one window
-  * File crypto operations with GpgEX stabilized
-  * SmartCard support for X.509 NetKey cards improved
-  * Rekursive sign/encrypt of files/directory now possible; condition:  
-    external archive tool required (see README file for configuration)
-  * new oxygen icons
-  * Several minor and medium issues and errors were fixed
-- GpgOL:
-  * Symbol load mechanism improved to add new icons
-    (now with crypto icons for the message list)
-- Pinentry:
-  * Change default: switch from GTK to QT4
-    (GTK still enabled for gpg4win-light installer)
-  * new icons for pinentry-qt4
-  * Pinentry-qt4 dialog always comes up in foreground
-- GnuPG-Backend:
-  * Generate new certificate for OpenPGP/X.509: default key length
-    updated (new Default: RSA, 2048 bit); 
-    furthermore select list of key length in Kleopatra updated
-- Installer:
-  * new images for NSIS installer
-- Included components are:
-    GnuPG:        2.0.14
-    Kleopatra:    2.0.14-svn1098530 (20100303)
-    GPA:          0.9.0
-    GpgOL:        1.1.1
-    GpgEX:        0.9.5
-    Claws-Mail:   3.7.4cvs1
-    Kompendium:   3.0.0-rc1
-3. Known Bugs (and Workarounds)
-- Using smart card with Kleopatra
-   The initial setting of smart cards with Kleopatra is currently not
-   yet possible. Please run the following steps one-time to use your
-   smart card with Kleopatra.
-   * OpenPGP card
-     Use the gpg command line tool to create a new OpenPGP certificate
-     on your card (a) or to activate your existing certificate of
-     your card (b):
-     (a) Create new certificate
-       - Insert card.
-       - Run "gpg --card-edit".
-       - Switch to admin modus by enter: "admin".
-       - Enter "generate" to create a new certificate.
-     (b) Activate existing certificate of your card
-       - Import associated (public) certificate of your card (e.g.
-         from certificate server or from a exported certificate file).
-       - Insert card.
-       - Run "gpg --card-status".
-   * X.509 Telesec Netkey 3 card
-     Use Kleopatra to initializing your card:
-     - Insert card.
-     - Click at the Kleopatra systemtray icon (or use the context menu of
-       the systemtray icon and run the learn card command).
-   After finishing these steps your OpenPGP / X.509 certificate
-   from your smart card is shown in Kleopatra under the tab
-   "My certificates" (marked with a smart card icon).
-   A good (graphical) alternative for setting up your smart
-   card and changing PIN is GPA. A better smart card support for
-   Kleopatra is in process.
-- Using the Outlook Plugin "GpgOL":
-  * You defintely should create copies of your old encrypted/signed
-    emails, e.g. in the form of PST files.
-  * Encrypted E-Mails occuring un-encrypted on the email server: It
-    can happen that parts of encrypted emails are copied to your email
-    server (IMAP or MAPI) in un-encrypted/decrypted form when creating
-    or viewing them.  Affected is the content of the email view
-    window, thus usually the so-called email body.  Attachments are
-    not affected.  Switching off the Outlook preview will lower the
-    probability of this to happen, but not eliminate the issue.
-    A solution is being worked on.
-  * Sending signed or encrypted messages via an Exchange based account
-    does not yet work.
-- Using GpgEX with Windows x64:
-   * In some cases sign/encrypt or decrypt/verify via GpgEX doesn't work 
-     correctly (Kleopatra freezed). Then you should kill Kleopatra via 
-     task manager and run the file crypto operation directly in Kleopatra
-     (see file menu).
-   * Problems with Windows x64:
-     GpgEX is a (32bit) plugin for the (32bit) Windows
-     Explorer and it does _not_ run in a 64bit Explorer
-     (= default for a Windows 64bit system).
-     Workaround: Run the 32bit Explorer to use GpgEX.
-     Click "Start" -> "Run", type the following in the box, and then
-     click OK:
-         C:\windows\syswow64\explorer.exe /separate
-     Note: Adjust the path to your x64-based version of Windows if
-     necessary. 
-     This separate command seems to be currently broken in Win7/64bit.
-- sign/encrypt files with archive function:
-   * The new Kleopatra function to sign/encrypt files as archive
-     is currently not full implemented. It's for testing for 
-     expert users only. An extra archive application is required.
-     Configure the pack command in the config file of Kleopatra:
-       C:\Programme\GNU\GnuPG\share\config\libkleopatrarc
-     Here an exemple for the tool "7-ZIP" (http://www.7-zip.org):
-        [Archive Definition #0]
-        Name=TAR (via 7-ZIP)
-        id=7zip
-        extensions=tar
-        pack-command=7z a dummy -ttar -so
-4. Version History
-Find below the changes as recorded in the source distribution's NEWS
-file.  An up-to-date list of changes is also available at
-http://www.gpg4win.de/change-history.html .
-5. Version Numbers of Included Software
-6. Installer Options
-The default installation path can be speficied with the /D=PATH
-option, which must be last on the command line.  The installer
-supports the options /S for unattended installation, and the option
-/C=INIFILE to specify an .ini file which should contain exactly one
-section "[gpg4win]".  This section contains various installer settings
-and absolute file paths to configuration files that should be
-preinstalled.  Most options just set a different default value.
-Excetions are documented below.  Here is an example file which shows
-all possible keys:
-  ; Installer settings.  Do not define or leave empty for defaults.
-  inst_gpgol = true
-  inst_gpgex = true
-  inst_kleopatra = true
-  inst_gpa = true
-  inst_claws_mail = false
-  inst_compendium_de = true
-  inst_man_novice_en = true
-  ; Where to install short-cuts.
-  inst_start_menu = true
-  inst_desktop = false
-  inst_quick_launch_bar = false
-  ; Contrary to other settings in this file, the start menu folder
-  ; setting here will override the user selection at installation
-  ; time.
-  inst_start_menu_folder = Gpg4win
-  ; Additional configuration files to install.
-  gpg.conf = D:\config\gpg-site.conf
-  gpg-agent.conf = D:\config\gpg-agent-site.conf
-  trustlist.txt = D:\config\trustlist-site.txt
-  dirmngr.conf = D:\config\dirmngr-site.conf
-  dirmngr_ldapserver.conf = D:\config\dirmngr_ldapserver-site.conf
-  scdaemon.conf = D:\config\scdaemon-site.txt
-  gpa.conf = D:\config\gpa-site.conf
-An example command for unattended installation could look like this:
-gpg4win.exe /S /C=C:\TEMP\gpg4win.ini /D=D:\Programme\Gpg4win
-For the MSI installer, the above also holds, with the following
-changes: Unattended installation is achieved as usual with the /qb-
-option to msiexec.  The control file must be called gpg4win.ini and
-reside in the system directory (C:\WINDOWS).  It is found
-automatically by the installer.  The installation directory can be
-specified with an entry for "instdir".  Also, each entry can be given
-in uppercase at the command line through INSTDIR=... and
-INST_GPA=FALSE etc. (the control file takes precedence, though).  The
-default config files as well as start menu directory and optional
-installation of short cuts are currently not supported through the MSI
-7. Legal notices pertaining to the individual packets
-Gpg4win consist of several independent developed packages, available
-under different license conditions.  Most of these packages however
-are available under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).  Common
-to all is that they are free to use without restrictions, may be
-modified and that modifications may be distributed.  If the source
-files (i.e. gpg4win-src-x.y.z.exe) are distributed along with the
-binaries and the use of the GNU GPL has been pointed out, distribution
-is in in all cases possible.
-What follows is a list of copyright statements.
-Happy GiPiGing,
-  Your Gpg4win Team
-***end of file ***
+see README.en.txt

Modified: trunk/doc/README.ru.txt
--- trunk/doc/README.ru.txt	2010-10-08 12:48:10 UTC (rev 1572)
+++ trunk/doc/README.ru.txt	2010-10-08 12:55:49 UTC (rev 1573)
@@ -1,310 +1 @@
-;; README.en.txt                               -*- coding: latin-1; -*-
-;; This is the README installed with Gpg4win. Lines with a ; in the first
-;; column are considered a comment and not included in the actually
-;; installed version.  Certain keywords are replaced by the Makefile;
-;; those words are enclosed by exclamation marks.
-                   English README file for Gpg4win
-                   ===============================
-+++ You are welcome to translate this file into Russian!
-Please contact the Gpg4win developer mailing list for contributing
-and look at http://gpg4win.de/localize-gpg4win.html +++
-This is Gpg4win, version !VERSION!.
-     1. Important Notes
-     2. Changes
-     3. Known Bugs (and Workarounds)
-     4. Version History
-     5. Version Numbers of Included Software
-     6. Installer Options
-     7. Legal Notices
-1. Important Notes
-Manuals describing the installation of Gpg4win are currently only
-available in German.  Check out http://www/gpg4win.org for latest
-If you used an older version of Gpg4win in the past, please check
-out the migration hints in the Gpg4win Compendium's appendix.
-Please read the "Known bugs" section before you start working with
-2. Changes
-Gpg4win2 has major changes compared to Gpg4win 1.x.  Below is a list
-of the most important ones:
-- Kleopatra is the new certificate manager.  Kleopatra is the S/MIME
-  certificate manager of KDE (a desktop environment used on many
-  GNU/Linux systems).  For use in Gpg4win it has been extended to
-  support OpenPGP and to act as a graphical user interface for all
-  cryptographic operations.  It is automatically started if another
-  component requests its services and then runs permanently in your
-  system tray.  WinPT has been dropped.
-- GpgEX is the new plugin for the Microsoft Explorer and replaces GpgEE.
-- The mail program Claws Mail has been updated to a modern version.
-  It now supports SSL, NNTP and IMAP.
-- GpgOL, the plugin for Outlook 2003 and 2007 has been comprehensively
-  updated.  It now supports PGP/MIME and thus makes the use of
-  encrypted or signed attachments much easier and standard conform.
-  Support for S/MIME has been added.  Most dialogs are now provided by
-  Kleopatra for graphical user dialogs.
-- The German "Gpg4win-Kompendium" is the new documentation for Gpg4win.
-  This combines the previous "Einsteiger" and "Durchblicker" manuals.
-  All chapters were reworked and extended to describe the new Gpg4win
-  Version 2.0. Among other things, this means adaption to Kleopatra,
-  GpgEX and PGP/MIME and new texts for S/MIME and X.509.
-- Support of these platforms:
-  Operating System: Windows 2000, XP (32/64), Vista (32/64)
-  Outlook: 2003, 2007
-Short overview on changes compared to version 2.0.1:
-- Kleopatra:
-  * New certificate wizard for OpenPGP and X.509 improved
-  * Certificate selection dialog for sign/encrypt comes up in case of  
-    conflict only
-  * Result dialog for sign/encrypt combined in one window
-  * File crypto operations with GpgEX stabilized
-  * SmartCard support for X.509 NetKey cards improved
-  * Rekursive sign/encrypt of files/directory now possible; condition:  
-    external archive tool required (see README file for configuration)
-  * new oxygen icons
-  * Several minor and medium issues and errors were fixed
-- GpgOL:
-  * Symbol load mechanism improved to add new icons
-    (now with crypto icons for the message list)
-- Pinentry:
-  * Change default: switch from GTK to QT4
-    (GTK still enabled for gpg4win-light installer)
-  * new icons for pinentry-qt4
-  * Pinentry-qt4 dialog always comes up in foreground
-- GnuPG-Backend:
-  * Generate new certificate for OpenPGP/X.509: default key length
-    updated (new Default: RSA, 2048 bit); 
-    furthermore select list of key length in Kleopatra updated
-- Installer:
-  * new images for NSIS installer
-- Included components are:
-    GnuPG:        2.0.14
-    Kleopatra:    2.0.14-svn1098530 (20100303)
-    GPA:          0.9.0
-    GpgOL:        1.1.1
-    GpgEX:        0.9.5
-    Claws-Mail:   3.7.4cvs1
-    Kompendium:   3.0.0-rc1
-3. Known Bugs (and Workarounds)
-- Using smart card with Kleopatra
-   The initial setting of smart cards with Kleopatra is currently not
-   yet possible. Please run the following steps one-time to use your
-   smart card with Kleopatra.
-   * OpenPGP card
-     Use the gpg command line tool to create a new OpenPGP certificate
-     on your card (a) or to activate your existing certificate of
-     your card (b):
-     (a) Create new certificate
-       - Insert card.
-       - Run "gpg --card-edit".
-       - Switch to admin modus by enter: "admin".
-       - Enter "generate" to create a new certificate.
-     (b) Activate existing certificate of your card
-       - Import associated (public) certificate of your card (e.g.
-         from certificate server or from a exported certificate file).
-       - Insert card.
-       - Run "gpg --card-status".
-   * X.509 Telesec Netkey 3 card
-     Use Kleopatra to initializing your card:
-     - Insert card.
-     - Click at the Kleopatra systemtray icon (or use the context menu of
-       the systemtray icon and run the learn card command).
-   After finishing these steps your OpenPGP / X.509 certificate
-   from your smart card is shown in Kleopatra under the tab
-   "My certificates" (marked with a smart card icon).
-   A good (graphical) alternative for setting up your smart
-   card and changing PIN is GPA. A better smart card support for
-   Kleopatra is in process.
-- Using the Outlook Plugin "GpgOL":
-  * You defintely should create copies of your old encrypted/signed
-    emails, e.g. in the form of PST files.
-  * Encrypted E-Mails occuring un-encrypted on the email server: It
-    can happen that parts of encrypted emails are copied to your email
-    server (IMAP or MAPI) in un-encrypted/decrypted form when creating
-    or viewing them.  Affected is the content of the email view
-    window, thus usually the so-called email body.  Attachments are
-    not affected.  Switching off the Outlook preview will lower the
-    probability of this to happen, but not eliminate the issue.
-    A solution is being worked on.
-  * Sending signed or encrypted messages via an Exchange based account
-    does not yet work.
-- Using GpgEX with Windows x64:
-   * In some cases sign/encrypt or decrypt/verify via GpgEX doesn't work 
-     correctly (Kleopatra freezed). Then you should kill Kleopatra via 
-     task manager and run the file crypto operation directly in Kleopatra
-     (see file menu).
-   * Problems with Windows x64:
-     GpgEX is a (32bit) plugin for the (32bit) Windows
-     Explorer and it does _not_ run in a 64bit Explorer
-     (= default for a Windows 64bit system).
-     Workaround: Run the 32bit Explorer to use GpgEX.
-     Click "Start" -> "Run", type the following in the box, and then
-     click OK:
-         C:\windows\syswow64\explorer.exe /separate
-     Note: Adjust the path to your x64-based version of Windows if
-     necessary. 
-     This separate command seems to be currently broken in Win7/64bit.
-- sign/encrypt files with archive function:
-   * The new Kleopatra function to sign/encrypt files as archive
-     is currently not full implemented. It's for testing for 
-     expert users only. An extra archive application is required.
-     Configure the pack command in the config file of Kleopatra:
-       C:\Programme\GNU\GnuPG\share\config\libkleopatrarc
-     Here an exemple for the tool "7-ZIP" (http://www.7-zip.org):
-        [Archive Definition #0]
-        Name=TAR (via 7-ZIP)
-        id=7zip
-        extensions=tar
-        pack-command=7z a dummy -ttar -so
-4. Version History
-Find below the changes as recorded in the source distribution's NEWS
-file.  An up-to-date list of changes is also available at
-http://www.gpg4win.de/change-history.html .
-5. Version Numbers of Included Software
-6. Installer Options
-The default installation path can be speficied with the /D=PATH
-option, which must be last on the command line.  The installer
-supports the options /S for unattended installation, and the option
-/C=INIFILE to specify an .ini file which should contain exactly one
-section "[gpg4win]".  This section contains various installer settings
-and absolute file paths to configuration files that should be
-preinstalled.  Most options just set a different default value.
-Excetions are documented below.  Here is an example file which shows
-all possible keys:
-  ; Installer settings.  Do not define or leave empty for defaults.
-  inst_gpgol = true
-  inst_gpgex = true
-  inst_kleopatra = true
-  inst_gpa = true
-  inst_claws_mail = false
-  inst_compendium_de = true
-  inst_man_novice_en = true
-  ; Where to install short-cuts.
-  inst_start_menu = true
-  inst_desktop = false
-  inst_quick_launch_bar = false
-  ; Contrary to other settings in this file, the start menu folder
-  ; setting here will override the user selection at installation
-  ; time.
-  inst_start_menu_folder = Gpg4win
-  ; Additional configuration files to install.
-  gpg.conf = D:\config\gpg-site.conf
-  gpg-agent.conf = D:\config\gpg-agent-site.conf
-  trustlist.txt = D:\config\trustlist-site.txt
-  dirmngr.conf = D:\config\dirmngr-site.conf
-  dirmngr_ldapserver.conf = D:\config\dirmngr_ldapserver-site.conf
-  scdaemon.conf = D:\config\scdaemon-site.txt
-  gpa.conf = D:\config\gpa-site.conf
-An example command for unattended installation could look like this:
-gpg4win.exe /S /C=C:\TEMP\gpg4win.ini /D=D:\Programme\Gpg4win
-For the MSI installer, the above also holds, with the following
-changes: Unattended installation is achieved as usual with the /qb-
-option to msiexec.  The control file must be called gpg4win.ini and
-reside in the system directory (C:\WINDOWS).  It is found
-automatically by the installer.  The installation directory can be
-specified with an entry for "instdir".  Also, each entry can be given
-in uppercase at the command line through INSTDIR=... and
-INST_GPA=FALSE etc. (the control file takes precedence, though).  The
-default config files as well as start menu directory and optional
-installation of short cuts are currently not supported through the MSI
-7. Legal notices pertaining to the individual packets
-Gpg4win consist of several independent developed packages, available
-under different license conditions.  Most of these packages however
-are available under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).  Common
-to all is that they are free to use without restrictions, may be
-modified and that modifications may be distributed.  If the source
-files (i.e. gpg4win-src-x.y.z.exe) are distributed along with the
-binaries and the use of the GNU GPL has been pointed out, distribution
-is in in all cases possible.
-What follows is a list of copyright statements.
-Happy GiPiGing,
-  Your Gpg4win Team
-***end of file ***
+see README.en.txt

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