[Gpg4win-commits] [git] Gpg4win - branch, master, updated. gpg4win-2.3.1-215-gd36e65d

by Andre Heinecke cvs at cvs.gnupg.org
Fri Mar 3 16:09:36 CET 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "GnuPG for Windows".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  d36e65d5eaa444398cef6202c68da4d591fa6af2 (commit)
       via  ecc8084cbbd71b36257a80870b6af5b35d2926ad (commit)
       via  5c14adead86cd94cb6cff54d3ca9156a6b1b94c8 (commit)
      from  85b14145970711d05d5ff806cf639c6182bf3da0 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit d36e65d5eaa444398cef6202c68da4d591fa6af2
Author: Andre Heinecke <aheinecke at intevation.de>
Date:   Fri Mar 3 16:09:22 2017 +0100

    Update NEWS and README's

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 98cddd9..8b42b2e 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -108,8 +108,33 @@ Noteworthy changes in version 3.0.0 (unreleased)
 (de) Pinentry erlaubt es nun die eingegebene Passprhase anzuzeigen.
+(en) Kleopatra now supports OpenPGP Smartcards management.
+(de) Kleopatra unterstützt nun OpenPGP Smartcards.
+(en) GpgOL for Outlook 2010 and later has a new interface to show
+     the signature / encryption state inside of Outlook.
+(de) GpgOL für Outlook 2010 und spätere Versionen hat ein neues
+     Benutzerinterface um den Crypostatus direkt im Mailfenster
+     anzuzeigen.
+(en) GnuPG now supports https and uses the https sks-keyserver pool
+     by default.
+(de) GnuPG unterstützt nun https und verwendet standardmässig den
+     https sks-keyserver pool.
+(en) GpgOL now supports sending and receiving HTML Mails
+(de) GpgOL unterstützt nun das senden und empfangen von HTML Mails
+(en) Many bugfixes and minor improvements.
+(de) Viele fehlerbehebungen und kleinere verbesserungen.
-GnuPG:          2.1.15
+GnuPG:          2.1.19
 Kleopatra:      3.0.0
 GPA:            0.9.9
 GpgOL:          1.4.0
diff --git a/doc/README.de.txt b/doc/README.de.txt
index 83a79f1..c31311b 100644
--- a/doc/README.de.txt
+++ b/doc/README.de.txt
@@ -104,47 +104,64 @@ Neu in Gpg4win Version !VERSION! (!BUILD_ISODATE!)
 - Pinentry erlaubt es nun die eingegebene Passprhase anzuzeigen.
-3. Bekannte Probleme (und Abhilfen)
-- Smartcard-Nutzung mit Kleopatra
-   Die Einrichtung von Smartcards unter Kleopatra ist derzeit noch
-   nicht vollständig möglich. Bitte führen Sie folgende Schritte
-   einmalig durch, um Ihre Smartcard anschließend unter Kleopatra
-   nutzen zu können.
-   * OpenPGP Karte
-     Verwenden Sie das gpg-Kommandozeilen-Werkzeug, um ein neues
-     OpenPGP-Zertifikat auf Ihrer Karte zu erzeugen (a) oder Ihr
-     vohandenes Zertifikat von Ihrer Karte zu aktivieren (b):
-     (a) Neues Zertifikat erzeugen
-       - Karte einlegen.
-       - Führen Sie "gpg --card-edit" auf der Kommandozeile aus.
-       - Wechseln Sie in den Admin-Modus mit "admin".
-       - Geben Sie "generate" ein und folgen Sie den Anweisungen, um
-         ein neues Zertifiakt zu erzeugen.
-     (b) Vorhandenes Zertifikat von der Karte aktivieren
-       - Das (zu der Karte) zugehörige öffentliche Zertifikat
-         importieren (z.B. von einem Zertifikatsserver oder von einer
-         vorher exportierten Zertifikatsdatei).
-       - Karte einlegen.
-       - Führen Sie "gpg --card-status" auf der Kommandozeile aus.
-   * X.509 Telesec Netkey 3 Karte
-     Verwenden Sie Kleopatra, um Ihre Karte (einmalig) zu initialisieren:
-     - Karte einlegen.
-     - Auf das blinkende Kleopatra-Smartcard-Systemtray-Icon klicken
-       (oder direkt das Systemtray-Kontextmenü "Smartcard" und dort
-       den "LearnCard"-Eintrag aufrufen).
-   Anschließend wird Ihr OpenPGP- bzw. X.509-Smartcard-Zertifikat in
-   Kleopatra unter dem Reiter "Meine Zertifikate" angezeigt (markiert
-   mit einem Smartcard-Icon).
-- Verwendung der Outlook-Programmerweiterung "GpgOL":
+- Kleopatra unterstützt nun OpenPGP Smartcards.
+- GpgOL für Outlook 2010 und spätere Versionen hat ein neues
+  Benutzerinterface um den Crypostatus direkt im Mailfenster
+  anzuzeigen.
+- GnuPG unterstützt nun https und verwendet standardmässig den
+  https sks-keyserver pool.
+- GpgOL unterstützt nun das senden und empfangen von HTML Mails
+- Viele Fehlerbehebungen und kleinere verbesserungen.
+3. Anmerkungen
+- Allgemein
+  * Für Version 3.0 planen wir eine einfache möglichkeit zu bieten in einen
+    automatisierten Modus zu wechseln. Dies wird die folgenden GnuPG Optionen
+    setzen:
+        auto-key-locate wkd
+        auto-key-retrieve
+        trust-model tofu+pgp
+    Da das neue Vertrauensmodell noch nicht so wie wir uns das wünschen in
+    Kleopatra behandelt wird (insbesondere bezüglich Dateisignaturen) wird
+    dies noch nicht angeboten.
+    Sie können die Optionen manuell in der gpg.conf setzen. Das neue
+    vertrauensmodell wird von GpgOL bereits unterstützt.
+- Kleopatra
+  * Netkey Smartcards werden noch nicht von der neuen Smartcard ansicht
+  unterstützt.
+- GpgOL
+  * Es ist nicht möglich mails zu verändern (z.B. sie zu verschieben oder
+    Flaggen zu setzen) während diese entschlüsselt betrachtet werden.
+    Um dies zu umgehen schließen Sie die entsprechende Mail oder wählen
+    Sie ab und modifzieren / verschieben diese dann über Rechtsklick oder
+    Drag & Drop.
+  * Crypto mails die als Anhang weitergeleitet wurden werden nicht verarbeitet.
+  * Der Zertifikatsauswahldialog öffnet sich teilweise im Hintergrund und bedarf
+    insgesamt einer Überarbeitung.
+  * Outlook 2003 und 2007 support is abgekündigt und wird in einer Zukunftigen
+    Version vollständig entfernt werden.
+- GpgOL für Outlook 2003 und 2007
+  Outlook 2003 und 2007 support is abgekündigt und wird in einer Zukunftige
+  Version vollständig entfernt werden.
   * Sie sollten unbedingt vor der Installation von GpgOL
     Sicherheitskopien Ihrer alten verschlüsselten/signierten E-Mails
diff --git a/doc/README.en.txt b/doc/README.en.txt
index ca3b8e6..1424a27 100644
--- a/doc/README.en.txt
+++ b/doc/README.en.txt
@@ -98,43 +98,59 @@ New in Gpg4win Version !VERSION! (!BUILD_ISODATE!)
 - Pinentry now enables you to inspect the typed passphrase.
-3. Known Bugs (and Workarounds)
-- Using smart cards with Kleopatra:
-   * OpenPGP card
-     The initial setting of a smart card with Kleopatra is not yet
-     possible. Please run the following steps once to use your smart
-     card with Kleopatra.
-     Use the gpg command line tool to create a new OpenPGP certificate
-     on your card (a) or to activate your existing certificate of
-     your card (b):
-     (a) Create new certificate
-       - Insert card.
-       - Run "gpg --card-edit".
-       - Switch to admin modus by enter: "admin".
-       - Enter "generate" to create a new certificate.
-     (b) Activate existing certificate of your card
-       - Import associated (public) certificate of your card (e.g.
-         from certificate server or from a exported certificate file).
-       - Insert card.
-       - Run "gpg --card-status".
-   * X.509 Telesec Netkey 3 card
-     Use Kleopatra to initialize your card:
-     - Insert card.
-     - Click on the flashing Kleopatra system tray icon (or use the 
-       context menu "smart card" of the system tray icon and run the 
-       "learn card" command directly).
-   After finishing these steps your OpenPGP / X.509 certificate from your
-   smart card is shown in Kleopatra under the tab "My certificates" 
-   (marked with a smart card icon).
-- Using the Outlook Plugin "GpgOL":
+- Kleopatra now supports OpenPGP Smartcards management.
+- GpgOL for Outlook 2010 and later has a new interface to show
+  the signature / encryption state inside of Outlook.
+- GnuPG now supports https and uses the https sks-keyserver pool
+  by default.
+- GpgOL now supports sending and receiving HTML Mails
+- Many bugfixes and minor improvements.
+3. Additional Notes
+- General
+  * For 3.0 we plan to offer a quick switch to a more automatic mode that
+    will set the gnupg options:
+        auto-key-locate wkd
+        auto-key-retrieve
+        trust-model tofu+pgp
+    As this is not properly handled everywhere (especially Kleopatra's
+    file verification dialog) this is not yet default or easily accessible.
+    You can add it manually to your gpg.conf. The trust-model is fully
+    supported by GpgOL.
+- Kleopatra
+  * Netkey cards are not yet supported by the new Manage Smartcard view.
+- GpgOL
+  * It is not possible to modify mails (e.g. moving / flagging the mail)
+    while they are shown decrypted.
+    To workaround this unselect the crypto mail and then make changes
+    through the right click context menu or move it with drag and drop.
+  * Crypto mails forwarded as attachment are not properly handled.
+  * The certificate selection dialog sometimes opens in the background and
+    needs an overhaul.
+  * Localization is incomplete
+- GpgOL for Outlook 2003 and 2007 (deprecated):
+  Outlook 2003 and 2007 support is deprecated and may be removed in a
+  future version.
   * You defintely should create copies of your old encrypted/signed
     emails before installing GpgOL, e.g. in the form of PST files.
@@ -144,7 +160,7 @@ New in Gpg4win Version !VERSION! (!BUILD_ISODATE!)
     does not yet work.
     [see https://bugs.g10code.com/gnupg/issue1102]
     (Please note, using SMTP with GpgOL and Exchange seems to be work.
-    Or use GpgOL with Outlook 2010/2013.)
+    Or use GpgOL with Outlook 2010 or later.)
   * For Outlook 2003/2007 only:
     Encrypted E-Mails occuring un-encrypted on the email server: It

commit ecc8084cbbd71b36257a80870b6af5b35d2926ad
Author: Andre Heinecke <aheinecke at intevation.de>
Date:   Fri Mar 3 16:07:08 2017 +0100

    Update Kleopatra and GpgOL to latest master
    * packages/packages.current(Kleopatra, GpgOL): Update
    * patches/kleopatra/relax-gpgme-checks.patch: Enable features our
    GpgME already supports.
    * patches/kleopatra: Rebase to current master

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 3bac8b7..a04d295 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = autogen.sh README.GIT ONEWS \
         patches/extra-cmake-modules/0001-Add-convert-utility-support-for-Windows-icons.patch \
         patches/kleopatra/0005-Hack-generated-conf-files-for-Crosscompiling.patch \
         patches/kleopatra/lower-kf5-required.patch \
+        patches/kleopatra/relax-gpgme-checks.patch \
         patches/libgpg-error-1.21/0001-Add-FD_ISSET-replacement-for-Windows.patch \
         patches/gpgex-1.0.4/0001-Prefer-kleowrapped-gpgwrapped-binaries.patch \
         patches/libkleo/lower-kf5-required.patch \
diff --git a/packages/packages.current b/packages/packages.current
index fab223d..6f3eb67 100644
--- a/packages/packages.current
+++ b/packages/packages.current
@@ -520,8 +520,9 @@ chk 94734a63406ad62643acd5908837482e7f60d6ea8ee523b3587cbdc97e062319
 # ditto for gpgol.
 # by: ah
 # verified: tarball created by ah
-file gpgol/gpgol-2.0.0-beta256.tar.bz2
-chk 029a2e07b7f7165e0f4f2eb785f2cd0a2fd8c91771230eadcf1d20acc8a7f324
+file gpgol/gpgol-2.0.0-beta259.tar.bz2
+chk f89a57cc57124e2bd4e506c4b26c8ca2ee4f7c3a8b987b0816762ea57251a8bf
 # Libkleo
 # last changed: see package date.
@@ -544,5 +545,5 @@ chk d07988acf4398583580f0f55aae73c3082687fba19d2aa8048979d53a82cf592
 # last changed: see package date.
 # by: ah
 # verified: Tarball created by ah.
-file kleopatra/kleopatra-201701171118.tar.gz
-chk 6de660fcfb3cebb9825a3e763f0ea7eb219f3e997675a45771e3a3d9fb15e5a0
+file kleopatra/kleopatra-201703031520.tar.gz
+chk cb4bf790d5cf1cba61a2c7220a8452125eae380d28643f2c2d3ad882dbcf393d
diff --git a/patches/kleopatra/0005-Hack-generated-conf-files-for-Crosscompiling.patch b/patches/kleopatra/0005-Hack-generated-conf-files-for-Crosscompiling.patch
index 45724c7..533d4ef 100755
--- a/patches/kleopatra/0005-Hack-generated-conf-files-for-Crosscompiling.patch
+++ b/patches/kleopatra/0005-Hack-generated-conf-files-for-Crosscompiling.patch
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ that has a packaged kconfig_compiler5.
  create mode 100644 src/tooltippreferences.h
 diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
-index 6799187..8c8193c 100644
+index 0c1b207..29ac1e0 100644
 --- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
 +++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -259,12 +259,21 @@ ki18n_wrap_ui(_kleopatra_SRCS
+@@ -263,12 +263,21 @@ ki18n_wrap_ui(_kleopatra_SRCS
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ index 6799187..8c8193c 100644
  file(GLOB ICONS_SRCS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/icons/*-apps-kleopatra.png")
  ecm_add_app_icon(_kleopatra_SRCS ICONS ${ICONS_SRCS})
 diff --git a/src/conf/CMakeLists.txt b/src/conf/CMakeLists.txt
-index bd46c88..d7351e2 100644
+index 5e2092c..888d87d 100644
 --- a/src/conf/CMakeLists.txt
 +++ b/src/conf/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -14,10 +14,6 @@ if(BUILD_libkleopatraclient)
-     cryptooperationsconfigwidget.ui
+@@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ if(BUILD_libkleopatraclient)
+     smimevalidationconfigurationwidget.ui
 -  kconfig_add_kcfg_files(_kcm_kleopatra_libkleopatraclient_extra_SRCS
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ index bd46c88..d7351e2 100644
    set(_kcm_kleopatra_libkleopatraclient_extra_LIBS kleopatraclientgui)
-@@ -48,12 +44,18 @@ ki18n_wrap_ui(kcm_kleopatra_PART_SRCS
+@@ -47,12 +43,18 @@ ki18n_wrap_ui(kcm_kleopatra_PART_SRCS
diff --git a/patches/kleopatra/lower-kf5-required.patch b/patches/kleopatra/lower-kf5-required.patch
index ec773b2..16a91ea 100755
--- a/patches/kleopatra/lower-kf5-required.patch
+++ b/patches/kleopatra/lower-kf5-required.patch
@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@ patch -p1 -l -f $* < $0
 exit $?
 diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
-index 7223ab9..754088c 100644
+index 622164c..2e06952 100644
 --- a/CMakeLists.txt
 +++ b/CMakeLists.txt
 @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ option(FORCE_DISABLE_KCMUTILS "Force building Kleopatra without KCMUtils. Doing
  option(DISABLE_KWATCHGNUPG "Don't build the kwatchgnupg tool [default=OFF]" OFF)
  # Standalone build. Find / include everything neccessary.
--set(KF5_VERSION "5.30.0")
+-set(KF5_VERSION "5.31.0")
 -set(KMIME_VERSION "5.4.40")
-+set(KF5_VERSION "5.25.0")
-+set(KMIME_VERSION "5.2")
++set(KF5_VERSION "5.20.0")
++set(KMIME_VERSION "5.2.40")
  set(LIBKLEO_VERSION "5.4.40")
- set(QT_REQUIRED_VERSION "5.5.0")
+ set(QT_REQUIRED_VERSION "5.6.0")
diff --git a/patches/kleopatra/relax-gpgme-checks.patch b/patches/kleopatra/relax-gpgme-checks.patch
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..605cd93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/kleopatra/relax-gpgme-checks.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+patch -p1 -l -f $* < $0
+exit $?
+diff --git a/src/commands/keytocardcommand.cpp b/src/commands/keytocardcommand.cpp
+index 7fedf50..464c2a0 100644
+--- a/src/commands/keytocardcommand.cpp
++++ b/src/commands/keytocardcommand.cpp
+@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
+ #include <cassert>
+ #include <gpgme++/gpgmepp_version.h>
+-#if GPGMEPP_VERSION > 0x10801
++#if GPGMEPP_VERSION > 0x10800
+ #endif
+diff --git a/src/view/pgpcardwidget.cpp b/src/view/pgpcardwidget.cpp
+index 4d04f20..3a69744 100644
+--- a/src/view/pgpcardwidget.cpp
++++ b/src/view/pgpcardwidget.cpp
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
+ #include <QGpgME/DataProvider>
+-#if GPGMEPP_VERSION > 0x10801 // 1.8.1
++#if GPGMEPP_VERSION > 0x10800 // 1.8.1
+ // TODO remove ifdef once > 1.8.1 is required
+ #include <gpgme++/gpggencardkeyinteractor.h>

commit 5c14adead86cd94cb6cff54d3ca9156a6b1b94c8
Author: Andre Heinecke <aheinecke at intevation.de>
Date:   Fri Mar 3 16:06:51 2017 +0100

    Install missing icons

diff --git a/src/inst-breeze-icons.nsi b/src/inst-breeze-icons.nsi
index d2c572a..a5afd4c 100644
--- a/src/inst-breeze-icons.nsi
+++ b/src/inst-breeze-icons.nsi
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ Section "-breeze-icons" SEC_breeze_icons
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/16/configure-shortcuts.svg
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/16/configure-toolbars.svg
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/16/configure.svg
+  File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/16/cell_edit.svg
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/16/dialog-cancel.svg
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/16/dialog-close.svg
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/16/dialog-ok-apply.svg
@@ -347,6 +348,7 @@ Section "-breeze-icons" SEC_breeze_icons
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/22/application-exit.svg
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/22/arrow-down.svg
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/22/arrow-up.svg
+  File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/22/cell_edit.svg
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/22/configure-shortcuts.svg
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/22/configure-toolbars.svg
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/22/configure.svg
@@ -546,5 +548,8 @@ Section "-breeze-icons" SEC_breeze_icons
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/emblems/8/emblem-error.svg
   File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/emblems/8/emblem-question.svg
+  SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\symbolic"
+  File ${prefix}/share/icons/breeze/actions/symbolic/send-to-symbolic.svg
diff --git a/src/uninst-breeze-icons.nsi b/src/uninst-breeze-icons.nsi
index 90f1bfb..b8e69ef 100644
--- a/src/uninst-breeze-icons.nsi
+++ b/src/uninst-breeze-icons.nsi
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ Section "-un.breeze-icons"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\24\application-exit.svg"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\24\visibility.svg"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\24\hint.svg"
+  Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\22\cell_edit.svg"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\22\window-close.svg"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\22\view-refresh.svg"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\22\view-certificate-sign.svg"
@@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ Section "-un.breeze-icons"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\22\arrow-down.svg"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\22\application-exit.svg"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\22\question.svg"
+  Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\16\cell_edit.svg"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\16\window-close.svg"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\16\view-refresh.svg"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\16\tools-report-bug.svg"
@@ -444,6 +446,7 @@ Section "-un.breeze-icons"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze-dark\actions\16\application-exit.svg"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze-dark\actions\16\visibility.svg"
   Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze-dark\actions\16\hint.svg"
+  Delete "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze-dark\actions\symbolic\send-to-symbolic.svg"
   RMDir "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\emblems\8"
   RMDir "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\emblems"
@@ -462,6 +465,7 @@ Section "-un.breeze-icons"
   RMDir "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\apps\32"
   RMDir "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\apps\22"
   RMDir "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\apps"
+  RMDir "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\symbolic"
   RMDir "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\32"
   RMDir "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\24"
   RMDir "$INSTDIR\share\icons\breeze\actions\22"


Summary of changes:
 Makefile.am                                        |  1 +
 NEWS                                               | 27 +++++-
 doc/README.de.txt                                  | 99 +++++++++++++---------
 doc/README.en.txt                                  | 92 +++++++++++---------
 packages/packages.current                          |  9 +-
 ...k-generated-conf-files-for-Crosscompiling.patch | 12 +--
 patches/kleopatra/lower-kf5-required.patch         | 11 +--
 patches/kleopatra/relax-gpgme-checks.patch         | 30 +++++++
 src/inst-breeze-icons.nsi                          |  5 ++
 src/uninst-breeze-icons.nsi                        |  4 +
 10 files changed, 195 insertions(+), 95 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 patches/kleopatra/relax-gpgme-checks.patch

GnuPG for Windows

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