[Gpg4win-devel] Gpg4win V3.0.0 - English .POs

Jochen Saalfeld jochen at intevation.de
Mon Oct 9 10:22:44 CEST 2017

Hey Marco,

The English text in the .PO files reference to the texts in the Source Code 

Lets say you want to change the text "Senders Mail-Adress" to "Senders' Mail 
Adress", you got to search for the String in the Source Code files, then 
change every reference in every .PO file, so they can be substituted with the 
others language counterpart.

In short: There are no English .POs, because the English Language is in the 
Source Code itself.

Example: You see the msgid "An instance of this installer is already 
running.". You search for it in the repository and find that it es referenced 
in src/g4wihelp.nsi line 22. So you apply your changes in that file and the 
msgid in every PO file, so it can be referenced correctly.

I can't tell much about the Tortoise Issue, I only know it as an SVN-Tool for 
Windows and I don't know if it suitable for handling GIT-Repositories, since 
it is another kind of Version Control System.

There is an official Git for Windows[1] and there are tons of tutorials out 
there about how to work with git[3].

But since we are not on GitHub or other sites like that you can't just push 
your changes. You need to send a patch[2] to this list, containing your local 
changes. It will then be reviewed and or applied in your name by one of our 

Best wishes,

[1] - https://git-scm.com/download/win
[2] - https://makandracards.com/makandra/2521-git-how-to-create-and-apply-patches
[3] - https://try.github.io/levels/1/challenges/1

jochen at intevation.de | intevation.de/ | 0541335083214 | PGPkey: 0x64B67DF4
Intevation GmbH, Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrueck - AG Osnabrueck, HR B 18998
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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