[Gpg4win-users-en] Informsec2013 project has ended!

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Wed Nov 6 16:42:36 CET 2013

Dear Friends of Gpg4win,

the last big Gpg4win improvements were done during a project
called Informsec2013, for details see https://wiki.gnupg.org/Informsec2013

It allowed us to add a number of important features to Gpg4win 
like the 64bit support for GpgEx and the "basic" support for Outlook 2010 and
2013. Also we could do a long needed bigger update of all components.
A big THANK YOU to the Information Security Coalition for giving
this grant to g10code and Intevation!

The good news is: We have gotten an improved Gpg4win at an important time!
We could not know that the NSA spying affair was coming up, so a lot more 
people and organisations got aware of how important the work of GnuPG and 
Gpg4win is to protect their communications.

The bad news is: A lot of tasks remain in need to be done in order 
to make Gpg4win a really cool tool that gives a good user experience to the 
majority of computer users. And we are still underfunded to do these 
improvements or a full maintence to support the large number of people that 
send us nice problem reports with improvement idead or potential defects that 
need analysis and possible development.

Our development community continues to be quite small. It is basically a 
handvoll of people at Intevation and g10code with help from a number of 
volunteers that mainly do testing. The two companies will of course try to 
get more funding, maybe from the German Federal Acency of IT security. Or 
from organisations that need smaller improvements to Gpg4win. 

In addition we grown the the payment methods for volunteer payments
to flattr and European Bank transfer. We do get some "donations" via this 
channel, but it is not yet enough to maintain or even extend the current 
Gpg4win package. Outlook 2010/2013 support and the new releases brought us 
a few more donors, Emanuel will publish a report on this in due time.

Bottom line:
Overall our Gpg4win development and support activities will slow down 
to what we manage at the side until we can secure more funding.

You can help: http://www.gpg4win.org/contribute.html

A big THANKS again to all sponsors, your support has been very important
to make the current Gpg4win happen!

Best Regards,
www.intevation.de/~bernhard (CEO)    www.fsfe.org (Founding GA Member)
Intevation GmbH, Osnabrück, DE; Amtsgericht Osnabrück, HRB 18998
Geschäftsführer Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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