[Winpt-users] Mystery Box

Timo Schulz twoaday at gmx.net
Tue Dec 6 07:15:22 CET 2005

On Mon Dec 05 2005; 16:44, Matthew561 at aol.com wrote:

> close WinPT.  If I sign a message I have "GPG Status Finished" 
> left hanging in the middle of my screen.  When this happens I have
> to click on the task box and then the WinPT key icon to get the

That's weird because this code uses a timer and after it expired,
the dialog should be automatically destroyed.

I'm a little confused due to all the different situations, does the
'gpg status message box' is hanging on the screen all the time?

Again I did some tests but in the entire time I can remember, the
'gpg status message box' never remained on screen.


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