[Winpt-users] Winpt 11.11RC1

Timo Schulz twoaday at gmx.net
Sat Apr 8 13:37:51 CEST 2006

On Fri Apr 07 2006; 18:13, Matthew561 at aol.com wrote:

> preference dialogue, the "default" settings have replaced my changes.  
> The default settings for the keyrings is not correct for my system but at 
> the same time GPG/WinPT loads my keyrings correctly!!??  

I tested it and I guess something is different on your machine. 
What I did:
- open the GPG prefs and change the home dir to "c:\gnupg" -> OK.
- open the Key Manager and the keys are read from c:\gnupg\pubring.gpg.
- open the GPG prefs. the settings were stored -> OK
       (checked the registry: likewise).
- open the GPG prefs again. change settings to $APPDATA\gnupg -> OK.
  (checked the registry: value changed).
- the Key Manager reloads the key and shows the keys from

Now the problem is to find out what is different on your machine.


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