[Winpt-users] Another pre version before 1.0.0

Timo Schulz twoaday at gmx.net
Mon Aug 7 20:49:42 CEST 2006

djek wrote:

> I tried to validate the zip with your expired key with the File Manager.

My expired key? I don't have an expired key.
The expiration date of my laptop (mobile) key has been changed.
If you still use the old key, you should sync it with a keyserver code.

> It got an error 'Error during verification process', not a very helpful
> message.

> maybe something for 1.0.1?

In any case I will add this to my TODO list. IMHO the clipboard
verify dialog is more user friendly, I guess I forgot to change
this for the file manager part.

> After updating the key (key server update works fine!)
> it all worked, yay :-)
> using gpg 1.4.5 and winpt-1.0.0pre3

Nice to hear this.

Then I guess I will release 1.0.0 in 1-2 days.

Thanks for teh hint,


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