[Dive4elements-commits] [PATCH 5 of 5] Remove river_name and map elements to reduce datacage level depth
Wald Commits
scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Mon Mar 25 15:39:20 CET 2013
# HG changeset patch
# User Andre Heinecke <aheinecke at intevation.de>
# Date 1364222334 -3600
# Node ID 5ca06120b918db6784da19f415a5e3adab443adc
# Parent 08262e0ce57a94242c8cd5e89679c085f3657a18
Remove river_name and map elements to reduce datacage level depth
diff -r 08262e0ce57a -r 5ca06120b918 flys-artifacts/doc/conf/meta-data.xml
--- a/flys-artifacts/doc/conf/meta-data.xml Mon Mar 25 15:02:04 2013 +0100
+++ b/flys-artifacts/doc/conf/meta-data.xml Mon Mar 25 15:38:54 2013 +0100
@@ -709,1048 +709,1044 @@
+ River-Node
- <river>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${river_name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${river_name}"/>
- <dc:choose>
- <dc:when test="dc:contains($parameters, 'recommended')">
- <dc:comment>
- Recommendations (client shall load immediately).
- </dc:comment>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'w_differences') or (dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'discharge_longitudinal_section'))">
- <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'historical_discharge_wq')">
- <dc:call-macro name="mainvalues"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'cross_section')">
- <dc:call-macro name="cross_sections"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="hyks"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'computed_discharge_curve')">
- <dc:call-macro name="mainvalues"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'duration_curve')">
- <dc:call-macro name="mainvalues"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'reference_curve')">
- <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="mainvalues"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'fix_wq_curve')">
- <dc:call-macro name="qsectors"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'longitudinal_section')">
- <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'fix_longitudinal_section_curve')">
- <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'bed_difference_epoch')">
- <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'bed_difference_year')">
- <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'bed_difference_height_year')">
- <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'flow_velocity')">
- <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
- </dc:if>
- </dc:when>
- <dc:otherwise>
- <dc:comment>
- Non - Recommendations.
- </dc:comment>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'cross_section')">
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_0"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_1_additionals"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_3_officials"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-points"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="cross_sections"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="hyks"/>
- </dc:if>
- <!--dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'computed_discharge_curve')">
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_0_wq"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-wq"/>
- </dc:if-->
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'longitudinal_section') or (dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'w_differences')) or (dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'discharge_longitudinal_section'))">
- <dc:call-macro name="longitudinal-section-prototype"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'duration_curve')">
- <dc:call-macro name="mainvalues"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations_relative_point"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-points-relative_points"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_5_flood-protections_relative_points"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'reference_curve')">
- <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
- <!--dc:call-macro name="basedata_0"/-->
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_1_additionals-relative_point"/>
- <dc:comment comment=" FIXATIONS ---------------------------"/>
+ <dc:choose>
+ <dc:when test="dc:contains($parameters, 'recommended')">
+ <dc:comment>
+ Recommendations (client shall load immediately).
+ </dc:comment>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'w_differences') or (dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'discharge_longitudinal_section'))">
+ <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'historical_discharge_wq')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="mainvalues"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'cross_section')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="cross_sections"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="hyks"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'computed_discharge_curve')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="mainvalues"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'duration_curve')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="mainvalues"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'reference_curve')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="mainvalues"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'fix_wq_curve')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="qsectors"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'longitudinal_section')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'fix_longitudinal_section_curve')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'bed_difference_epoch')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'bed_difference_year')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'bed_difference_height_year')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'flow_velocity')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ </dc:when>
+ <dc:otherwise>
+ <dc:comment>
+ Non - Recommendations.
+ </dc:comment>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'cross_section')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_0"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_1_additionals"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_3_officials"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-points"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="cross_sections"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="hyks"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <!--dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'computed_discharge_curve')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_0_wq"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-wq"/>
+ </dc:if-->
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'longitudinal_section') or (dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'w_differences')) or (dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'discharge_longitudinal_section'))">
+ <dc:call-macro name="longitudinal-section-prototype"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'duration_curve')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="mainvalues"/>
<dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations_relative_point"/>
- <dc:comment comment=" HOEHENMARKEN ---------------------------"/>
<dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-points-relative_points"/>
<dc:call-macro name="basedata_5_flood-protections_relative_points"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'fix_wq_curve')">
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_0_wq"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_1_additionals_marks"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations_wqkms"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_3_officials"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-points"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_5_flood-protections_relative_points"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'fix_deltawt_curve')">
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'fix_longitudinal_section_curve')">
- <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'map')">
- <map>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-complete"/>
- </map>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'flow_velocity')">
- <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="flow_velocity_measurements"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:comment>
- MINFO bedheight middle
- </dc:comment>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'bedheight_middle')">
- <dc:call-macro name="sounding-width"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:comment comment="--- non-recommendations---"/>
- </dc:otherwise>
- </dc:choose>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'reference_curve')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
+ <!--dc:call-macro name="basedata_0"/-->
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_1_additionals-relative_point"/>
+ <dc:comment comment=" FIXATIONS ---------------------------"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations_relative_point"/>
+ <dc:comment comment=" HOEHENMARKEN ---------------------------"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-points-relative_points"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_5_flood-protections_relative_points"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'fix_wq_curve')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_0_wq"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_1_additionals_marks"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations_wqkms"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_3_officials"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-points"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_5_flood-protections_relative_points"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'fix_deltawt_curve')">
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'fix_longitudinal_section_curve')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'map')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-complete"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'flow_velocity')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="annotations"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flow_velocity_measurements"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:comment>
+ MINFO bedheight middle
+ </dc:comment>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'bedheight_middle')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="sounding-width"/>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:comment comment="--- non-recommendations---"/>
+ </dc:otherwise>
+ </dc:choose>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'waterlevels')">
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'waterlevels')">
- <!-- base data -->
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_0"/>
+ <!-- base data -->
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_0"/>
- <!-- extra-longitudinal-sections -->
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_1_additionals"/>
+ <!-- extra-longitudinal-sections -->
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_1_additionals"/>
- <!-- fixations -->
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations"/>
+ <!-- fixations -->
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations"/>
- <!-- flood water marks-->
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-points"/>
+ <!-- flood water marks-->
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-points"/>
- <!-- flood protection -->
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_5_flood-protections"/>
+ <!-- flood protection -->
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_5_flood-protections"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'computed_discharge_curve') and (dc:contains($parameters, 'recommended'))">
- <!--dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations_wst"/-->
- </dc:if>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'computed_discharge_curve') and (dc:contains($parameters, 'recommended'))">
+ <!--dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations_wst"/-->
+ </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'computed_discharge_curve') and not (dc:contains($parameters, 'recommended'))">
- <discharge_table_nn>
- <discharge_table_gauge>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT id AS gauge_id,
- name AS gauge_name
- FROM gauges WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <gauge>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${gauge_name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="db-id" value="${gauge_id}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="gaugedischarge"/>
- <dc:attribute name="from" value="${g_start}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="to" value="${g_stop}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${gauge_name}"/>
- </gauge>
- <!--
- <gauge>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${gauge_name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="db-id" value="${gauge_id}"/>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT description AS gauge_desc,
- d.id AS discharge_id,
- ti.start_time AS g_start,
- ti.stop_time AS g_stop
- FROM discharge_tables d JOIN time_intervals ti
- ON d.time_interval_id = ti.id
- WHERE d.gauge_id = ${gauge_id} AND d.kind = 1
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <historical>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${gauge_desc}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="gaugedischarge"/>
- <dc:attribute name="from" value="${g_start}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="to" value="${g_stop}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${discharge_id}-${g_start}-${g_stop}"/>
- </historical>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </gauge>
- -->
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </discharge_table_gauge>
- </discharge_table_nn>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations_wst"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_5_flood-protections"/>
- <!-- former waterlevels -->
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_0"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_1_additionals"/>
- <!-- former flood-water-marks -->
- <dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-points"/>
- <computed_discharge_curve>
- <dc:call-macro name="mainvalues"/>
- </computed_discharge_curve>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'fix_wq_curve') and not (dc:contains($parameters, 'recommended'))">
- <discharge_table_nn>
- <discharge_table_gauge>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT id AS gauge_id,
- name AS gauge_name
- FROM gauges WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <gauge>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${gauge_name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="db-id" value="${gauge_id}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="gaugedischarge"/>
- <dc:attribute name="from" value="${g_start}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="to" value="${g_stop}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${gauge_name}"/>
- </gauge>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </discharge_table_gauge>
- </discharge_table_nn>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'floodmap') or dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'floodmap-hws')">
- <floodmap>
- <dc:choose>
- <dc:when test="dc:contains($parameters, 'recommended')">
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-recommended"/>
- </dc:when>
- <dc:when test="dc:contains($parameters, 'dem')">
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-dem"/>
- </dc:when>
- <dc:otherwise>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-complete"/>
- </dc:otherwise>
- </dc:choose>
- </floodmap>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($parameters, 'hws')">
- <hws>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-hws-lines" />
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-hws-points" />
- </hws>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-recommended">
- <dc:comment>
- FIXME: Following two macros look identical to me.
- </dc:comment>
- <kilometrage>
- <riveraxis>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="riveraxis"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
- </riveraxis>
- </kilometrage>
- <rastermap>
- <background>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsbackground"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
- </background>
- </rastermap>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-dem">
- <dems>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT d.id AS dem_id,
- r.a AS dem_lower,
- r.b AS dem_upper,
- d.name AS name,
- d.projection || ' | ' || t.start_time || ' - ' || t.stop_time AS info
- FROM dem d
- JOIN ranges r ON d.range_id = r.id
- JOIN time_intervals t ON d.time_interval_id = t.id
- WHERE d.river_id = ${river_id}
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dem>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="demfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${dem_id}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="info" value="${info}"/>
- </dem>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </dems>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-hws-lines">
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'computed_discharge_curve') and not (dc:contains($parameters, 'recommended'))">
+ <discharge_table_nn>
+ <discharge_table_gauge>
- name AS hws_name,
- official AS hws_official,
- kind_id AS hws_kind
- FROM hws_lines
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ SELECT id AS gauge_id,
+ name AS gauge_name
+ FROM gauges WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- <lines>
- <official>
- <Durchlass>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=1 and $hws_official=1">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
- </hws>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <gauge>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${gauge_name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="db-id" value="${gauge_id}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="gaugedischarge"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="from" value="${g_start}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="to" value="${g_stop}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${gauge_name}"/>
+ </gauge>
+ <!--
+ <gauge>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${gauge_name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="db-id" value="${gauge_id}"/>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT description AS gauge_desc,
+ d.id AS discharge_id,
+ ti.start_time AS g_start,
+ ti.stop_time AS g_stop
+ FROM discharge_tables d JOIN time_intervals ti
+ ON d.time_interval_id = ti.id
+ WHERE d.gauge_id = ${gauge_id} AND d.kind = 1
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <historical>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${gauge_desc}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="gaugedischarge"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="from" value="${g_start}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="to" value="${g_stop}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${discharge_id}-${g_start}-${g_stop}"/>
+ </historical>
- </Durchlass>
- <Damm>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=2 and $hws_official=1">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Damm>
- <Graben>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=3 and $hws_official=1">
+ </dc:context>
+ </gauge>
+ -->
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </discharge_table_gauge>
+ </discharge_table_nn>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_2_fixations_wst"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_5_flood-protections"/>
+ <!-- former waterlevels -->
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_0"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_1_additionals"/>
+ <!-- former flood-water-marks -->
+ <dc:call-macro name="basedata_4_heightmarks-points"/>
+ <computed_discharge_curve>
+ <dc:call-macro name="mainvalues"/>
+ </computed_discharge_curve>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'fix_wq_curve') and not (dc:contains($parameters, 'recommended'))">
+ <discharge_table_nn>
+ <discharge_table_gauge>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT id AS gauge_id,
+ name AS gauge_name
+ FROM gauges WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <gauge>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${gauge_name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="db-id" value="${gauge_id}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="gaugedischarge"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="from" value="${g_start}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="to" value="${g_stop}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${gauge_name}"/>
+ </gauge>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </discharge_table_gauge>
+ </discharge_table_nn>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'floodmap') or dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'floodmap-hws')">
+ <floodmap>
+ <dc:choose>
+ <dc:when test="dc:contains($parameters, 'recommended')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-recommended"/>
+ </dc:when>
+ <dc:when test="dc:contains($parameters, 'dem')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-dem"/>
+ </dc:when>
+ <dc:otherwise>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-complete"/>
+ </dc:otherwise>
+ </dc:choose>
+ </floodmap>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($parameters, 'hws')">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-hws-lines" />
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-hws-points" />
+ </hws>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-recommended">
+ <dc:comment>
+ FIXME: Following two macros look identical to me.
+ </dc:comment>
+ <kilometrage>
+ <riveraxis>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="riveraxis"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
+ </riveraxis>
+ </kilometrage>
+ <rastermap>
+ <background>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsbackground"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
+ </background>
+ </rastermap>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-dem">
+ <dems>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT d.id AS dem_id,
+ r.a AS dem_lower,
+ r.b AS dem_upper,
+ d.name AS name,
+ d.projection || ' | ' || t.start_time || ' - ' || t.stop_time AS info
+ FROM dem d
+ JOIN ranges r ON d.range_id = r.id
+ JOIN time_intervals t ON d.time_interval_id = t.id
+ WHERE d.river_id = ${river_id}
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dem>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="demfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${dem_id}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="info" value="${info}"/>
+ </dem>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </dems>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-hws-lines">
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ name AS hws_name,
+ official AS hws_official,
+ kind_id AS hws_kind
+ FROM hws_lines
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ </dc:statement>
+ <lines>
+ <official>
+ <Durchlass>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=1 and $hws_official=1">
<dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
<dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
- </dc:elements>
- </Graben>
- </official>
- <inofficial>
- <Durchlass>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=1 and $hws_official=0">
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Durchlass>
+ <Damm>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=2 and $hws_official=1">
<dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
<dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
- </dc:elements>
- </Durchlass>
- <Damm>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=2 and $hws_official=0">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Damm>
- <Graben>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=3 and $hws_official=0">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Graben>
- </inofficial>
- </lines>
- </dc:context>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-hws-points">
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Damm>
+ <Graben>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=3 and $hws_official=1">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Graben>
+ </official>
+ <inofficial>
+ <Durchlass>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=1 and $hws_official=0">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Durchlass>
+ <Damm>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=2 and $hws_official=0">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Damm>
+ <Graben>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=3 and $hws_official=0">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Graben>
+ </inofficial>
+ </lines>
+ </dc:context>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-hws-points">
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ name AS hws_points_name,
+ official AS hws_points_official,
+ kind_id AS hws_points_kind
+ FROM hws_points
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ </dc:statement>
+ <points>
+ <official>
+ <Durchlass>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_points_kind=1 and $hws_points_official=1">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_points_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Durchlass>
+ <Damm>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_points_kind=2 and $hws_points_official=1">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_points_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Damm>
+ <Graben>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=3 and $hws_official=1">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_points_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Graben>
+ </official>
+ <inofficial>
+ <Durchlass>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_points_kind=1 and $hws_points_official=0">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_points_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Durchlass>
+ <Damm>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_points_kind=2 and $hws_points_official=0">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_points_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Damm>
+ <Graben>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_points_kind=3 and $hws_points_official=0">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_points_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Graben>
+ </inofficial>
+ </points>
+ </dc:context>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-km">
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT count(*) as km_exists
+ FROM river_axes_km WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
+ <km>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmskmfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
+ </km>
+ </dc:if>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-qps">
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT count(*) as km_exists
+ FROM cross_section_tracks WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
+ <qps>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsqpsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
+ </qps>
+ </dc:if>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-hydr-boundaries">
+ <hydr_boundaries_lines>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-hydr-boundaries-lines"/>
+ </hydr_boundaries_lines>
+ <hydr_boundaries_polygons>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-hydr-boundaries-poly"/>
+ </hydr_boundaries_polygons>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-hydr-boundaries-lines">
+ <bfg>
- name AS hws_points_name,
- official AS hws_points_official,
- kind_id AS hws_points_kind
- FROM hws_points
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- </dc:statement>
- <points>
- <official>
- <Durchlass>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_points_kind=1 and $hws_points_official=1">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_points_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Durchlass>
- <Damm>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_points_kind=2 and $hws_points_official=1">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_points_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Damm>
- <Graben>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=3 and $hws_official=1">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_points_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Graben>
- </official>
- <inofficial>
- <Durchlass>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_points_kind=1 and $hws_points_official=0">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_points_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Durchlass>
- <Damm>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_points_kind=2 and $hws_points_official=0">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_points_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Damm>
- <Graben>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_points_kind=3 and $hws_points_official=0">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="hwsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_points_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Graben>
- </inofficial>
- </points>
- </dc:context>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-km">
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT count(*) as km_exists
- FROM river_axes_km WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ SELECT count(*) as km_exists, name as name
+ FROM hydr_boundaries WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 1 GROUP BY name
<dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
- <km>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmskmfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
- </km>
+ <hydrboundary>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshydrboundariesfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
+ </hydrboundary>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-qps">
+ </bfg>
+ <land>
- SELECT count(*) as km_exists
- FROM cross_section_tracks WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ SELECT count(*) as km_exists, name as name
+ FROM hydr_boundaries WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 2 GROUP BY name
<dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
- <qps>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsqpsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
- </qps>
+ <hydrboundary>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshydrboundariesfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
+ </hydrboundary>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-hydr-boundaries">
- <hydr_boundaries_lines>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-hydr-boundaries-lines"/>
- </hydr_boundaries_lines>
- <hydr_boundaries_polygons>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-hydr-boundaries-poly"/>
- </hydr_boundaries_polygons>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-hydr-boundaries-lines">
- <bfg>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT count(*) as km_exists, name as name
- FROM hydr_boundaries WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 1 GROUP BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
- <hydrboundary>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshydrboundariesfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
- </hydrboundary>
- </dc:if>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </bfg>
- <land>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT count(*) as km_exists, name as name
- FROM hydr_boundaries WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 2 GROUP BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
- <hydrboundary>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshydrboundariesfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
- </hydrboundary>
- </dc:if>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </land>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-hydr-boundaries-poly">
- <bfg>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT count(*) as km_exists, name as name
- FROM hydr_boundaries_poly WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 1 GROUP BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshydrboundariespolyfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:if>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </bfg>
- <land>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT count(*) as km_exists, name as name
- FROM hydr_boundaries_poly WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 2 GROUP BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshydrboundariespolyfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:if>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </land>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-floodplain">
+ </land>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-hydr-boundaries-poly">
+ <bfg>
- SELECT count(*) as km_exists
- FROM floodplain WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ SELECT count(*) as km_exists, name as name
+ FROM hydr_boundaries_poly WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 1 GROUP BY name
<dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
- <floodplain>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsfloodplainfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
- </floodplain>
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshydrboundariespolyfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
+ </hws>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="hwslines_by_kind">
- <dc:comment>
- Call from a context where fed_name hws_kind hws_name and river_id is
- availble
- </dc:comment>
- <Durchlass>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=1">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshwslinesfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${hws_name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
- </hws>
+ </bfg>
+ <land>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT count(*) as km_exists, name as name
+ FROM hydr_boundaries_poly WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 2 GROUP BY name
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshydrboundariespolyfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:if>
- </Durchlass>
- <Damm>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=2">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshwslinesfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${hws_name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Damm>
- <Graben>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=3">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshwslinesfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${hws_name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Graben>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="hwslines">
- <hws_lines>
- <official>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- fs.name AS fed_name,
- fs.id AS fed_id
- FROM hws_lines hws
- JOIN fed_states fs ON hws.fed_state_id = fs.id
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- AND hws.official=1
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- name AS hws_name,
- kind_id AS hws_kind
- FROM hws_lines
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- AND official=1
- AND fed_state_id = ${fed_id} ORDER BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <fedstate>
- <dc:attribute name="description" value="${fed_name}"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="hwslines_by_kind"/>
- </fedstate>
- </dc:context>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT distinct
- name AS hws_name,
- kind_id AS hws_kind
- FROM hws_lines
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- AND official=1
- AND fed_state_id IS NULL
- ORDER BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <hws_fed_unknown>
- <dc:call-macro name="hwslines_by_kind"/>
- </hws_fed_unknown>
- </dc:context>
- </official>
- <inofficial>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- fs.name AS fed_name,
- fs.id AS fed_id
- FROM hws_lines hws
- JOIN fed_states fs ON hws.fed_state_id = fs.id
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- AND hws.official=0
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- name AS hws_name,
- kind_id AS hws_kind
- FROM hws_lines
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- AND official=0
- AND fed_state_id = ${fed_id} ORDER BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <fedstate>
- <dc:attribute name="description" value="${fed_name}"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="hwslines_by_kind"/>
- </fedstate>
- </dc:context>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT distinct
- name AS hws_name,
- kind_id AS hws_kind
- FROM hws_lines
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- AND official=0
- AND fed_state_id IS NULL ORDER BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <hws_fed_unknown>
- <dc:call-macro name="hwslines_by_kind"/>
- </hws_fed_unknown>
- </dc:context>
- </inofficial>
- </hws_lines>
+ </dc:context>
+ </land>
- <dc:macro name="hwspoints_by_kind">
- <dc:comment>
- Call from a context where fed_name hws_kind hws_name and river_id is
- availble
- </dc:comment>
- <Durchlass>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=1">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshwspointsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${hws_name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Durchlass>
- <Damm>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=2">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshwspointsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${hws_name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Damm>
- <Graben>
- <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=3">
- <hws>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshwspointsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${hws_name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
- </hws>
- </dc:elements>
- </Graben>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="hwspoints">
- <hws_points>
- <official>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- fs.name AS fed_name,
- fs.id AS fed_id
- FROM hws_points hws
- JOIN fed_states fs ON hws.fed_state_id = fs.id
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- AND hws.official=1
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- name AS hws_name,
- kind_id AS hws_kind
- FROM hws_points
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- AND official=1
- AND fed_state_id = ${fed_id} ORDER BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <fedstate>
- <dc:attribute name="description" value="${fed_name}"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="hwspoints_by_kind"/>
- </fedstate>
- </dc:context>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT distinct
- name AS hws_name,
- kind_id AS hws_kind
- FROM hws_points
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- AND official=1
- AND fed_state_id IS NULL
- ORDER BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <hws_fed_unknown>
- <dc:call-macro name="hwspoints_by_kind"/>
- </hws_fed_unknown>
- </dc:context>
- </official>
- <inofficial>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- fs.name AS fed_name,
- fs.id AS fed_id
- FROM hws_points hws
- JOIN fed_states fs ON hws.fed_state_id = fs.id
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- AND hws.official=0
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- name AS hws_name,
- kind_id AS hws_kind
- FROM hws_points
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- AND official=0
- AND fed_state_id = ${fed_id} ORDER BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <fedstate>
- <dc:attribute name="description" value="${fed_name}"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="hwspoints_by_kind"/>
- </fedstate>
- </dc:context>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT distinct
- name AS hws_name,
- kind_id AS hws_kind
- FROM hws_points
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- AND official=0
- AND fed_state_id IS NULL ORDER BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <hws_fed_unknown>
- <dc:call-macro name="hwspoints_by_kind"/>
- </hws_fed_unknown>
- </dc:context>
- </inofficial>
- </hws_points>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-buildings">
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-floodplain">
- b.kind_id AS building_kind_id,
- bk.name AS building_kind
- FROM buildings b
- JOIN building_kinds bk ON b.kind_id = bk.id
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ SELECT count(*) as km_exists
+ FROM floodplain WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- <dc:elements>
- <buildings>
- <dc:attribute name="description" value="${building_kind}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsbuildingsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${building_kind};${building_kind_id}"/>
- </buildings>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
+ <floodplain>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsfloodplainfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
+ </floodplain>
+ </dc:if>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-fixpoints">
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT count(*) as km_exists, name as name
- FROM fixpoints WHERE river_id = ${river_id} GROUP BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
- <fixpoint>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsfixpointsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
- </fixpoint>
- </dc:if>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
+ <dc:macro name="hwslines_by_kind">
+ <dc:comment>
+ Call from a context where fed_name hws_kind hws_name and river_id is
+ availble
+ </dc:comment>
+ <Durchlass>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=1">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshwslinesfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${hws_name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Durchlass>
+ <Damm>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=2">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshwslinesfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${hws_name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Damm>
+ <Graben>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=3">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshwslinesfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${hws_name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Graben>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="hwslines">
+ <hws_lines>
+ <official>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ fs.name AS fed_name,
+ fs.id AS fed_id
+ FROM hws_lines hws
+ JOIN fed_states fs ON hws.fed_state_id = fs.id
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ AND hws.official=1
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ name AS hws_name,
+ kind_id AS hws_kind
+ FROM hws_lines
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ AND official=1
+ AND fed_state_id = ${fed_id} ORDER BY name
+ </dc:statement>
+ <fedstate>
+ <dc:attribute name="description" value="${fed_name}"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="hwslines_by_kind"/>
+ </fedstate>
+ </dc:context>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT distinct
+ name AS hws_name,
+ kind_id AS hws_kind
+ FROM hws_lines
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ AND official=1
+ AND fed_state_id IS NULL
+ ORDER BY name
+ </dc:statement>
+ <hws_fed_unknown>
+ <dc:call-macro name="hwslines_by_kind"/>
+ </hws_fed_unknown>
+ </dc:context>
+ </official>
+ <inofficial>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ fs.name AS fed_name,
+ fs.id AS fed_id
+ FROM hws_lines hws
+ JOIN fed_states fs ON hws.fed_state_id = fs.id
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ AND hws.official=0
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ name AS hws_name,
+ kind_id AS hws_kind
+ FROM hws_lines
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ AND official=0
+ AND fed_state_id = ${fed_id} ORDER BY name
+ </dc:statement>
+ <fedstate>
+ <dc:attribute name="description" value="${fed_name}"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="hwslines_by_kind"/>
+ </fedstate>
+ </dc:context>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT distinct
+ name AS hws_name,
+ kind_id AS hws_kind
+ FROM hws_lines
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ AND official=0
+ AND fed_state_id IS NULL ORDER BY name
+ </dc:statement>
+ <hws_fed_unknown>
+ <dc:call-macro name="hwslines_by_kind"/>
+ </hws_fed_unknown>
+ </dc:context>
+ </inofficial>
+ </hws_lines>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="hwspoints_by_kind">
+ <dc:comment>
+ Call from a context where fed_name hws_kind hws_name and river_id is
+ availble
+ </dc:comment>
+ <Durchlass>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=1">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshwspointsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${hws_name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Durchlass>
+ <Damm>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=2">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshwspointsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${hws_name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Damm>
+ <Graben>
+ <dc:elements filter="$hws_kind=3">
+ <hws>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmshwspointsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${hws_name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${hws_name}"/>
+ </hws>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </Graben>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="hwspoints">
+ <hws_points>
+ <official>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ fs.name AS fed_name,
+ fs.id AS fed_id
+ FROM hws_points hws
+ JOIN fed_states fs ON hws.fed_state_id = fs.id
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ AND hws.official=1
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ name AS hws_name,
+ kind_id AS hws_kind
+ FROM hws_points
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ AND official=1
+ AND fed_state_id = ${fed_id} ORDER BY name
+ </dc:statement>
+ <fedstate>
+ <dc:attribute name="description" value="${fed_name}"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="hwspoints_by_kind"/>
+ </fedstate>
+ </dc:context>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT distinct
+ name AS hws_name,
+ kind_id AS hws_kind
+ FROM hws_points
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ AND official=1
+ AND fed_state_id IS NULL
+ ORDER BY name
+ </dc:statement>
+ <hws_fed_unknown>
+ <dc:call-macro name="hwspoints_by_kind"/>
+ </hws_fed_unknown>
+ </dc:context>
+ </official>
+ <inofficial>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ fs.name AS fed_name,
+ fs.id AS fed_id
+ FROM hws_points hws
+ JOIN fed_states fs ON hws.fed_state_id = fs.id
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ AND hws.official=0
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ name AS hws_name,
+ kind_id AS hws_kind
+ FROM hws_points
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ AND official=0
+ AND fed_state_id = ${fed_id} ORDER BY name
+ </dc:statement>
+ <fedstate>
+ <dc:attribute name="description" value="${fed_name}"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="hwspoints_by_kind"/>
+ </fedstate>
+ </dc:context>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT distinct
+ name AS hws_name,
+ kind_id AS hws_kind
+ FROM hws_points
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ AND official=0
+ AND fed_state_id IS NULL ORDER BY name
+ </dc:statement>
+ <hws_fed_unknown>
+ <dc:call-macro name="hwspoints_by_kind"/>
+ </hws_fed_unknown>
+ </dc:context>
+ </inofficial>
+ </hws_points>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-buildings">
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ b.kind_id AS building_kind_id,
+ bk.name AS building_kind
+ FROM buildings b
+ JOIN building_kinds bk ON b.kind_id = bk.id
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <buildings>
+ <dc:attribute name="description" value="${building_kind}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsbuildingsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${building_kind};${building_kind_id}"/>
+ </buildings>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-fixpoints">
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT count(*) as km_exists, name as name
+ FROM fixpoints WHERE river_id = ${river_id} GROUP BY name
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
+ <fixpoint>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsfixpointsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
+ </fixpoint>
+ </dc:if>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-gaugelocations">
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT count(*) as km_exists, name as name
+ FROM gauge_location WHERE river_id = ${river_id} GROUP BY name
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
+ <gaugelocation>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsgaugelocationfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
+ </gaugelocation>
+ </dc:if>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-uesk">
+ <uesk>
+ <calculations>
+ <current>
+ <bfg>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT count(*) as uesg_exist, name as name
+ FROM floodmaps
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 111
+ GROUP BY name, kind
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:if test="$uesg_exist>0">
+ <floodmaps>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsfloodmapsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
+ </floodmaps>
+ </dc:if>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </bfg>
+ <land>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT count(*) as uesg_exist, name as name
+ FROM floodmaps
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 112
+ GROUP BY name, kind
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:if test="$uesg_exist>0">
+ <floodmaps>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsfloodmapsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
+ </floodmaps>
+ </dc:if>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </land>
+ </current>
+ <potentiel>
+ <bfg>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT count(*) as uesg_exist, name as name
+ FROM floodmaps
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 121
+ GROUP BY name, kind
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:if test="$uesg_exist>0">
+ <floodmaps>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsfloodmapsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
+ </floodmaps>
+ </dc:if>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </bfg>
+ <land>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT count(*) as uesg_exist, name as name
+ FROM floodmaps
+ WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 122
+ GROUP BY name, kind
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <dc:if test="$uesg_exist>0">
+ <floodmaps>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsfloodmapsfactory"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
+ </floodmaps>
+ </dc:if>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </land>
+ </potentiel>
+ </calculations>
+ </uesk>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="flood-map-complete">
+ <buildings>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-buildings"/>
+ </buildings>
+ <catchments>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-catchments"/>
+ </catchments>
+ <fixpoints>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-fixpoints"/>
+ </fixpoints>
+ <hydrboundaries>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-hydr-boundaries"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-floodplain"/>
+ </hydrboundaries>
+ <kilometrage>
+ <riveraxis>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="riveraxis"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
+ </riveraxis>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-km"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-qps"/>
+ </kilometrage>
+ <hws>
+ <dc:call-macro name="hwslines"/>
+ <dc:call-macro name="hwspoints"/>
+ </hws>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-uesk"/>
+ <gaugelocations>
+ <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-gaugelocations"/>
+ </gaugelocations>
+ <rastermap>
+ <background>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsbackground"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
+ </background>
+ </rastermap>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-gaugelocations">
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT count(*) as km_exists, name as name
- FROM gauge_location WHERE river_id = ${river_id} GROUP BY name
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:if test="$km_exists>0">
- <gaugelocation>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsgaugelocationfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
- </gaugelocation>
- </dc:if>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-uesk">
- <uesk>
- <calculations>
- <current>
- <bfg>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT count(*) as uesg_exist, name as name
- FROM floodmaps
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 111
- GROUP BY name, kind
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:if test="$uesg_exist>0">
- <floodmaps>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsfloodmapsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
- </floodmaps>
- </dc:if>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </bfg>
- <land>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT count(*) as uesg_exist, name as name
- FROM floodmaps
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 112
- GROUP BY name, kind
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:if test="$uesg_exist>0">
- <floodmaps>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsfloodmapsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
- </floodmaps>
- </dc:if>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </land>
- </current>
- <potentiel>
- <bfg>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT count(*) as uesg_exist, name as name
- FROM floodmaps
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 121
- GROUP BY name, kind
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:if test="$uesg_exist>0">
- <floodmaps>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsfloodmapsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
- </floodmaps>
- </dc:if>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </bfg>
- <land>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT count(*) as uesg_exist, name as name
- FROM floodmaps
- WHERE river_id = ${river_id} AND kind = 122
- GROUP BY name, kind
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <dc:if test="$uesg_exist>0">
- <floodmaps>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsfloodmapsfactory"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id};${name}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="name" value="${name}"/>
- </floodmaps>
- </dc:if>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </land>
- </potentiel>
- </calculations>
- </uesk>
- </dc:macro>
- <dc:macro name="flood-map-complete">
- <buildings>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-buildings"/>
- </buildings>
- <catchments>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-catchments"/>
- </catchments>
- <fixpoints>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-fixpoints"/>
- </fixpoints>
- <hydrboundaries>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-hydr-boundaries"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-floodplain"/>
- </hydrboundaries>
- <kilometrage>
- <riveraxis>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="riveraxis"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
- </riveraxis>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-km"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-qps"/>
- </kilometrage>
- <hws>
- <dc:call-macro name="hwslines"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="hwspoints"/>
- </hws>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-uesk"/>
- <gaugelocations>
- <dc:call-macro name="flood-map-gaugelocations"/>
- </gaugelocations>
- <rastermap>
- <background>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="wmsbackground"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="${river_id}"/>
- </background>
- </rastermap>
- </dc:macro>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'minfo-heights')">
- <dc:call-macro name="minfo-heights"/>
- <dc:macro name="minfo-heights">
- <bedheights>
- <dc:call-macro name="bed-heights-single"/>
- <dc:call-macro name="bed-heights-epoch"/>
- </bedheights>
- </dc:macro>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'minfo-heights-epoch')">
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'minfo-heights')">
+ <dc:call-macro name="minfo-heights"/>
+ <dc:macro name="minfo-heights">
+ <dc:call-macro name="bed-heights-single"/>
<dc:call-macro name="bed-heights-epoch"/>
- </dc:if>
- <dc:macro name="bed-heights-single">
- <single>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT id AS bedh_id,
- year AS bedh_year,
- description AS bedh_descr
- FROM bed_height_single WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <height>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="bedheight"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="bedheight-single-${bedh_id}-${bedh_year}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="description" value="${bedh_descr}"/>
- </height>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </single>
- <dc:macro name="bed-heights-epoch">
- <epoch>
- <dc:context>
- <dc:statement>
- SELECT id AS bedh_id,
- time_interval_id AS bedh_interval_id,
- description AS bedh_descr
- FROM bed_height_epoch WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
- </dc:statement>
- <dc:elements>
- <height>
- <dc:attribute name="factory" value="bedheight"/>
- <dc:attribute name="ids" value="bedheight-epoch-${bedh_id}-${bedh_interval_id}"/>
- <dc:attribute name="description" value="${bedh_descr}"/>
- </height>
- </dc:elements>
- </dc:context>
- </epoch>
- </dc:macro>
- </river>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:if test="dc:contains($artifact-outs, 'minfo-heights-epoch')">
+ <bedheights>
+ <dc:call-macro name="bed-heights-epoch"/>
+ </bedheights>
+ </dc:if>
+ <dc:macro name="bed-heights-single">
+ <single>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT id AS bedh_id,
+ year AS bedh_year,
+ description AS bedh_descr
+ FROM bed_height_single WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <height>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="bedheight"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="bedheight-single-${bedh_id}-${bedh_year}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="description" value="${bedh_descr}"/>
+ </height>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </single>
+ </dc:macro>
+ <dc:macro name="bed-heights-epoch">
+ <epoch>
+ <dc:context>
+ <dc:statement>
+ SELECT id AS bedh_id,
+ time_interval_id AS bedh_interval_id,
+ description AS bedh_descr
+ FROM bed_height_epoch WHERE river_id = ${river_id}
+ </dc:statement>
+ <dc:elements>
+ <height>
+ <dc:attribute name="factory" value="bedheight"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="ids" value="bedheight-epoch-${bedh_id}-${bedh_interval_id}"/>
+ <dc:attribute name="description" value="${bedh_descr}"/>
+ </height>
+ </dc:elements>
+ </dc:context>
+ </epoch>
+ </dc:macro>
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