August 2018 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Aug 1 13:21:50 CEST 2018
Ending: Fri Aug 31 17:11:36 CEST 2018
Messages: 203
- dive4elements/river at 9359: 3 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 3] S-Info flood duration: fixed error report output name, changed duration from int to double, added formatter
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 3] Fixed: S-Info flood duration Q-D interpolation for non monotonous Q values, NaN instead of -1 in error cases
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 3 of 3] Two minor importer changes
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9360: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Outliers in fixation calculation are now shown within the other 'B' event themes and get a separate symbol (triangle)
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9361: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Refactoring on SalixLineCalculationResult etc., calculation using MQ etc., scenario (regional+supra) csv columns and meta data added
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9362: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Fixed: waterlevels from database should not get the "Bezugspegel" column in the result output
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Fixed: missing commit
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9363: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] salix pdf export fix
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9364: new changeset
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9365: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] sinfo.flowdepth Results.isShowRefGauge==false->spalte ausblenden; result.isShowRefGauge==false&&results.isShowRefGauge==true->result.refGauge=""
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9366: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] bundu.bezugswst workflow reviewed
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9368: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] Fixed: rounding methods NaN aware in Formatter
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] Fixed U-Info salix mw calculation, added filtered themes, own y axis, warning report
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] radio choice fix
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9370: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] Merge
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9372: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] seddb accident
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] distance_only_part_validation bugfix
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9373: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] ungültige utf-chars zerstören
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9374: new changeset
Wald Commits
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9376: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] Fixed: cm rounding in S-Info flow depth/tkh and U-Info salix via BigDecimal, half_even mode
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] S-Info flood duration theme rename, and more infrastructure themes in the duration curve
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9378: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] Renaming (predefined...) and own package for database loaded S-Info series of collisions and infrastructure height
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] Added datacage for S-Info collision and U-Info salix line, added datacage grouping for previous calculations of collisions, flood durations, salix lines
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9379: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] handbuch link test
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] links online-hilfe uinfo
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9380: new changeset
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9381: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Bundu Onlinehilfe Links
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9382: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Fixed: avoiding NaN exception in BigDecimal rounding
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9383: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] sinfo onlinehilfe
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9384: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] bundu missing links
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9385: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] bundu missing links 2
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9386: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] bundu workflow review
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9387: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] bundu result links
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] little fixes on links (uinfo, sinfo)
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9388: new changeset
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9389: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Salix-Linie -> Iota
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9390: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] "Name der Peilung" columname minfo
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9391: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] salix historical sounding workflow changed
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9392: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Implemented first approach of bundu dynamic main value calculation
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9393: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] qdTables all types have to be in
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9394: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Added U-Info iota (prev. salix) calculation for historical scenario
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Bundu dynamix main value calculation: added hsq-ii, removed hq5, correction of duration q calculation
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9395: new changeset
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9398: 3 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 3] Fixed: bundu bzws start year plus one
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 3] Added gauge name column for uinfo iota
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 3 of 3] Fixed: sinfo flood duration: no w/q problem report with unchecked wspl option
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9399: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Fixed: startYear shifted by one year
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9400: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Missing class added
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9402: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] Added color fields to the vegetation zone database table and importer, max days field changed from exclusive to inclusive
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] Changed hard coded standard vegetation zone table to fetching it from the database, i18n for the standard zone names
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9403: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] VegetationZone umbenennen
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9404: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] common time range for gauges incl. error messages
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9405: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] minMax queries
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9406: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] salix pdf export column added
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9407: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Label for Eingabhilfe bundu.bezugswasserstände.EingabeFürWQDaten
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9409: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] Renamed salix column to iota
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] Changed bundu bzws workflow to stop in case of missing daily discharge values and other minor changes
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9410: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Fixed: computing of min and max date
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9412: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] features.xml reset; conf.xml merge
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] bundu wst time range globalErrorMsg to client - no error thrown
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9413: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] micro review
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] bundu bezugswst länge der abflusszeitreihe fix + klasse vergessen
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9414: new changeset
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9416: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] Rework of fixanalysis computation and dWt and WQ facets. Got rid of strange remapping and bitshifting code by explicitely saving the column information and using it in the facets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] Navigationtheme panel now shows themes of dWt and WQ charts grayed out, if the current station is outside the valid range of the theme
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9417: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] sinfo.collision jUnit-Test
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9418: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] sinfo floodduration jUnit test
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9419: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Fixed year extraction from date and message format for the years without group digit
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9420: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] i10n navi chart record handler
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9421: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Fixed NaN handling in salix historical scenarion calculation, added problem report
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9423: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] uinfo salix no scenario jUnit test
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] Merge
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9424: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] jUnit test uinfo salix regional
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9426: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] Extended CrossSectionFacet so it may fetch different data from within the artifact result
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] Activated cross section output mode for salix line and implemented some themes preliminary
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9427: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] salix.regional scenario select bugfix
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] jUnit salix historical+supraregional
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9428: new changeset
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9429: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Work on salix cross sections; waterlevels work now with different colors
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9432: 3 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 3] Added calculation of salix hw5 and salix line w
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 3] Added inverted attribute for y axis
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 3 of 3] Added bundu bzws w calculation and longitudinal sections of wspl and depth
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9434: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] dW salix regional eingabehilfe column name
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] Merge
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9435: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] indexOutOfBounds Metadata Soundings Header
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9436: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] function auto select fix
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9437: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] bugfix bugfix (sorry!)
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9438: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Replaced own W and Q facets in bundu bzws by subclass of FixWaterlevelFacet, added annotations and datacage
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9440: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] bundu jUnit test first attempt
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] Backed out changeset: ce0a48b93f4b
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9442: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] Backed out changeset: e991c4cec0d0
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] little improvements
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9443: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Added computation of uinfo salix line vegetation zone height (not yet connected to the cross section facet)
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9444: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Added heights and depths of cross section fields in the bundu bzws calculation and longitudinal section charts
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9445: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Variant for inverted y axis added
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9446: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Added bundu bzws calculation for missing volumes (masses still not yet ready) and results1/2/3
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9447: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Changed bundu bzws soundings selection to single select, added bed height query variant for field bed heights
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9448: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] CSV-Export bundu.wst fehlvolumen
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9449: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] withFieldsOnly bundu.wst sounding
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9450: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Bundu bzws calculation nearly completed, some corrections with csv output, started with linking the minfo density calculation
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9451: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Bundu bzws density calculation completed
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9453: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 1 of 2] pdf export result 3 miss vol
Wald Commits
- [PATCH 2 of 2] Merge
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9454: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Bundu.wst.UD -> Q-Values are set on Client side now
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9455: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] pdf export disabled flag
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9456: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Flowdepth Experiment revert
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9457: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] ausgelagerte Wasserspiegellage AWSPL neue Spalte
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9458: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] bundu bezugswst WQ-Input: UD disabled on global Error
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9459: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] fallunterscheidung isQ - fixWaterlevelExporter
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9460: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] log-Ausgaben crossSection isStart
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9461: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] vergessen
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9462: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] another log
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9463: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Niemals Objekte mit == vergleichen!!!
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9464: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] cross-section logs removed
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9465: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] bezugswst sounding select for miss'vol only (calc crashes)
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9466: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Reihenfolge fix
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9467: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] little improvements
Wald Commits
- dive4elements/river at 9468: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [PATCH] Fixed: error output of year contained dot
Wald Commits
Last message date:
Fri Aug 31 17:11:36 CEST 2018
Archived on: Fri Aug 31 17:11:37 CEST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).