[Formed-commits] r307 - in trunk: . formed/formed/plugins/export

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Fri Feb 6 18:24:27 CET 2009

Author: teichmann
Date: 2009-02-06 18:24:27 +0100 (Fri, 06 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 307

Repair SQL schema creation for radio groups.

Modified: trunk/ChangeLog
--- trunk/ChangeLog	2009-02-06 13:39:56 UTC (rev 306)
+++ trunk/ChangeLog	2009-02-06 17:24:27 UTC (rev 307)
@@ -1,3 +1,31 @@
+2009-02-09	Sascha L. Teichmanne <teichmann at intevation.de>
+	Repair SQL schema creation for radio groups.
+	* formed/formed/plugins/export/sql.py: radio groups are handled
+	  like choices now.
+2009-02-09	Sascha L. Teichmanne <teichmann at intevation.de>
+	Make it startable again.
+	* formed/formed/plugins/export/xls.py: Import pyExcelerator only
+	  when plug-in is called.
+	* formed/formed/model/nodecomponents.py: Event routing was messed up.
+	  Rewired root node with document.
+	* formed/formed/plugins/web/help.py: Removed old xml.ext import.
+	  XXX: This breaks creating help by now!
+	* formed/formed/io/parser.py: Replace old deprecated base class
+	  by new one.
+	* formed/formed/main.py: Do not crash if locale cannot be set.
+	* formed/formed/ui/controls.py: Use document.getCase() instead
+	  of document.case to prevent uninitialized dereferences.
 2009-01-22	Torsten Irländer <torsten.irlaender at intevation.de>
 	Implemented new XML-Format for formed xml files.

Modified: trunk/formed/formed/plugins/export/sql.py
--- trunk/formed/formed/plugins/export/sql.py	2009-02-06 13:39:56 UTC (rev 306)
+++ trunk/formed/formed/plugins/export/sql.py	2009-02-06 17:24:27 UTC (rev 307)
@@ -472,27 +472,45 @@
         radioTable.appendColumn(Column('id', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL'))
         radioTable.appendColumn(Column('value', 'VARCHAR(%d) NOT NULL' % max_length))
-        idx = -1
+        default_idx = None
         for i, child in enumerate(radio.children):
             cname = child.getName()
-            if idx == -1 and cname == selected:
-                idx = i
+            try:
+                value = int(child.getValue())
+            except ValueError:
+                print >> sys, "WARNING: cannot convert radio '%s' value '%s' to integer" % (
+                    cname, child.getValue())
+                continue
+            if default_idx is None and (child.getChecked() or cname == selected):
+                default_idx = value
             radioTable.appendInsert("(id, value) VALUES (%d, '%s')" % (
-                i, sqlQuote(cname)))
+                value, sqlQuote(child.getDescription())))
-        self.tables.append(radioTable)
+        other = self.findSameContent(radioTable)
+        if other:
+            into = other.name
+            print >> sys.stderr, "Found radio '%s" % into
+        else:
+            into = name + "_tbl"
+            self.tables.append(radioTable)
         table = self.tableStack[-1]
-        if idx != -1:
-            table.appendColumn(Column(name, 'INTEGER DEFAULT %d' % idx, func=radio.getFunction()))
-        else:
-            table.appendColumn(Column(name, 'INTEGER', func=radio.getFunction()))
+        table.appendColumn(
+            Column(
+                name,
+                default_idx is not None and ('INTEGER DEFAULT %d' % default_idx) or 'INTEGER',
+                func=radio.getFunction()))
-            "FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s_tbl (id)" % (name, name))
-        table.addDependency("%s_tbl" % name)
+            "FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s (id)" % (name, into))
+        table.addDependency(into)
     def _createGroup(self, group):
         repeat = group.isRepeat()

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