[Gpa-commits] r847 - in trunk: . po src

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Wed Mar 12 17:24:22 CET 2008

Author: werner
Date: 2008-03-12 17:24:18 +0100 (Wed, 12 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 847

Changed license test to reflect reality.
Updated about dialog.
Started with server SIGN command.
Allow file/clipboard signing with CMS.
Minor other fixes.

Modified: trunk/COPYING
--- trunk/COPYING	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/COPYING	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -1,284 +1,626 @@
-		       Version 2, June 1991
+		       Version 3, 29 June 2007
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
  Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
  of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+  The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to
 your programs, too.
   When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
 price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
 have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
-  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
   For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
-  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
-  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
+  For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
-  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+  Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
   The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
 modification follow.
-  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  0. Definitions.
-  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
+  "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+  "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License.  Each licensee is addressed as "you".  "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
-  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+  To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy.  The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
-    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
-    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+  A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
-    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
-    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
-    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
-    parties under the terms of this License.
+  To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
-    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
-    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
-    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
-    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
-    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
-    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
-    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
-    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
-    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
-    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+  To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
+  An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
+  1. Source Code.
-  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+  The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it.  "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
-    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
-    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
-    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+  A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
-    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
-    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
-    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
-    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
-    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
-    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+  The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form.  A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
-    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
-    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
-    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
-    received the program in object code or executable form with such
-    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+  The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities.  However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work.  For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
+  The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
-  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
+  The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
-  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
+  2. Basic Permissions.
-  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+  All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+  You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force.  You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright.  Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+  Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+  3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+  No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+  When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+  4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+  You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+  You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+  5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+  You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+    it, and giving a relevant date.
+    b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+    released under this License and any conditions added under section
+    7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+    "keep intact all notices".
+    c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+    License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This
+    License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+    additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+    regardless of how they are packaged.  This License gives no
+    permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+    invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+    d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+    Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+    interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+    work need not make them do so.
+  A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit.  Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+  6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+  You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+    a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+    Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+    customarily used for software interchange.
+    b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+    written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+    long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+    model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+    copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+    product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+    medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+    more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+    conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+    Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+    c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+    written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This
+    alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+    only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+    with subsection 6b.
+    d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+    place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+    Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+    further charge.  You need not require recipients to copy the
+    Corresponding Source along with the object code.  If the place to
+    copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+    may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+    that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+    clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+    Corresponding Source.  Regardless of what server hosts the
+    Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+    available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+    e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+    you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+    Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+    charge under subsection 6d.
+  A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+  A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage.  For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.  A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+  "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source.  The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+  If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information.  But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+  The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed.  Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+  Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+  7. Additional Terms.
+  "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law.  If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+  When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it.  (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+    a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+    terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+    b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+    author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+    Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+    c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+    requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+    reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+    d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+    authors of the material; or
+    e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+    trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+    f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+    material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+    it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+    any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+    those licensors and authors.
+  All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+  If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+  Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+  8. Termination.
+  You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+  However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+  Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+  Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+  9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+  You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance.  However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work.  These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License.  Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+  10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+  Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+  An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+  You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+  11. Patents.
+  A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.  The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+  A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version.  For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
 this License.
-  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+  Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+  In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement).  To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+  If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients.  "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+  If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+  A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License.  You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+  Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+  12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+  If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
 otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+  13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
+  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  14. Revised Versions of this License.
-  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+  The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
 be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
 address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
-  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+  If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+  Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+  15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+  16. Limitation of Liability.
+  17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+  If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
 	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
   If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
@@ -287,15 +629,15 @@
   To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
 to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
 the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
     <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
     Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     (at your option) any later version.
     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
@@ -304,37 +646,31 @@
     GNU General Public License for more details.
     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
+  If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
-    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author
-    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    <program>  Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
     under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
 The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
-  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
-  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License.  But first, please read
-  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
-  Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.

Modified: trunk/ChangeLog
--- trunk/ChangeLog	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/ChangeLog	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2008-03-12  Werner Koch  <wk at g10code.com>
+	* COPYING: Replace by GPLv3 version.
 2008-03-06  Werner Koch  <wk at g10code.com>
 	Note that the code is now under the GPLv3+ due to a couple of new

Modified: trunk/po/ChangeLog
--- trunk/po/ChangeLog	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/ChangeLog	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2008-03-12  Werner Koch  <wk at g10code.com>
+	* ru.po, fr.po, ar.po, es.po: Fixed fuzzies for command line options.
+	* de.po: Fixed fuzzies and translated new strings.
 2008-03-11  Marcus Brinkmann  <marcus at g10code.de>
 	* es.po: New version by Alberto Escudero-Pascual.

Modified: trunk/po/ar.po
--- trunk/po/ar.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/ar.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: GPA\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-10 15:34+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-10 16:01+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-12 12:33+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Ahmad Gharbeia أحمد غربية <gharbeia at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Arabic <doc at arabeyes.org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@
 #: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
 #: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
-#: src/keyring.c:1637
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
 msgid "Clipboard"
 msgstr "الحافظة"
-#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:843
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/_ملف"
@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/ملف/sep2"
-#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:844
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/ملف/أ_غلق"
-#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:846
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/ملف/ا_خرج"
-#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:849
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "/_تحرير"
@@ -111,11 +111,11 @@
 msgid "/Edit/Cut"
 msgstr "/تحرير/قص"
-#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:850
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
 msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
 msgstr "/تحرير/ا_نسخ"
-#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:852
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
 msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
 msgstr "/تحرير/ا_لصق"
@@ -123,31 +123,31 @@
 msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
 msgstr "/تحرير/ا_حذف"
-#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:854
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
 msgid "/Edit/sep1"
 msgstr "/تحرير/sep1"
-#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:855
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/تحرير/ا_ختر الكل"
-#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:856
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/تحرير/sep2"
-#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/تحرير/ال_تفضيلات..."
-#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:859
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
 msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
 msgstr "/تحرير/تفضيلات ال_خلفية..."
-#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:886
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/_نوافذ"
-#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:887
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
 msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "/نوافذ/_محرر حلقة المفاتيح"
@@ -155,11 +155,11 @@
 msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
 msgstr "/نوافذ/_مدير الملفات"
-#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:889
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
 msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
 msgstr "/نوافذ/ال_حافظة"
-#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:928
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
 msgid "/Edit/Copy"
 msgstr "/تحرير/انسخ"
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
 msgid "paste the clipboard"
 msgstr "ألصق الحافظة"
-#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1550
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "وقّع"
@@ -267,11 +267,11 @@
 msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "ظهِّر النصّ"
-#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1611
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
 msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "يفتح حوار التفضيلات"
-#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1612
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "التفضيلات"
@@ -287,27 +287,27 @@
 msgid "keyring editor"
 msgstr "محرر حلقة المفاتيح"
-#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1628
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "ملفات"
-#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1629
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
 msgid "Open the file manager"
 msgstr "يفتح مدير الملفات"
-#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1630
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
 msgid "file manager"
 msgstr "مدير الملفات"
-#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1645
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "مساعدة"
-#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1646
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr "شرح مساعد خصوصية جنو"
-#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1647
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "مساعدة"
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@
 #: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
-#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
 #: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
 msgid "_Cancel"
 msgstr "أ_لغِ"
@@ -482,11 +482,11 @@
 msgid "decrypt file"
 msgstr "استخرج الملفّ"
-#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1638
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
 msgid "Open the clipboard"
 msgstr "يفتح الحافظة"
-#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1639
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
 msgid "clipboard"
 msgstr "الحافظة"
@@ -534,14 +534,14 @@
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
 #: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:153
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "_نعم"
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
 #: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:156
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "_لا"
@@ -587,36 +587,39 @@
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "_تصفّح..."
-#: src/gpa.c:91
+#: src/gpa.c:92
 msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "اعرض معلومات الإصدارة واخرج"
-#: src/gpa.c:93
+#: src/gpa.c:94
 msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "افتح محرر حلقة المفاتيح (البدئي)"
-#: src/gpa.c:95
-msgid "Open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "افتح مدير الملفات"
-#: src/gpa.c:97
-#, fuzzy
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr "يفتح الحافظة"
+#: src/gpa.c:100
 msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
 msgstr "ابدأ فقط خادوم واجهة المستخدم"
-#: src/gpa.c:99
+#: src/gpa.c:102
 msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "اقرأ الخيارات من ملفّ"
-#: src/gpa.c:290
+#: src/gpa.c:293
 msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr "[ملف...]"
-#: src/gpa.c:292
+#: src/gpa.c:295
 msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
 msgstr "واجهة رسومية لأجل GnuPG"
-#: src/gpa.c:293
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "من فضلك أبلغ عن العلات في <"
@@ -677,7 +680,7 @@
 msgstr "لا يحوي الملفّ \"%s\" بيانات معماة صالحة."
 #: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:482 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
 #: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "عبارة السر خطأ."
@@ -708,7 +711,7 @@
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
 #: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:184 src/verifydlg.c:115
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "أ_غلق"
@@ -725,7 +728,7 @@
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "انتهت صلاحية هذا المفتاح في %s:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:410
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "لم تحدد مفتاحا للتوقيع"
@@ -733,6 +736,13 @@
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "يجري التوقيع..."
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
 #: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "يجري التحقق..."
@@ -786,12 +796,12 @@
 "أُدخلت وقتا غير صحيح.\n"
 "(لا يمكن أن يكون تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية في الماضي.)"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:512 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
 #: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "معرِّف المفتاح"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:562 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
 #: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "اسم المستخدم"
@@ -860,7 +870,7 @@
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "الطول"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:524
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "تاريخ الانتهاء"
@@ -880,16 +890,16 @@
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr "يمكن الاستيثاق به"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:787
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:906
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "منقوض"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:902
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "منتهية صلاحيته"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "معطل"
@@ -897,12 +907,12 @@
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "غير موقّع"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:893 src/verifydlg.c:212
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "صالح"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:627 src/gpgmetools.c:634
-#: src/keyring.c:1156 src/keysigndlg.c:104
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "اسم المستخدم:"
@@ -910,8 +920,8 @@
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "أسماء المستخدم:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:628 src/gpgmetools.c:635
-#: src/keyring.c:1158
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "معرِّف المفتاح:"
@@ -986,7 +996,7 @@
 "في الأغلب هذه علّة في GPA.\n"
 "سيُحاول GPA التعافي من هذا العطل."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:446
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -1000,7 +1010,7 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:451
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -1008,119 +1018,119 @@
 "المفتاح المحفوظ احتياطيا في هذا الملف هو:\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "‏DSA و الجمل (البدئي)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:513
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "‏DSA (للتوقيع فقط)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:514
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "‏RSA (للتوقيع فقط)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:547 src/gpgmetools.c:570 src/gpgmetools.c:587
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:898 src/gpgmetools.c:931
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "مجهول"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:550
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "أبدًا"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:553
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "هامشية"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:556
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "كاملة"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:559
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "مطلقة"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:585
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "ناقص"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:591
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "صالح تماما"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "من فضلك أدخل عبارة سر المفتاح التالي:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:633
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "عبارة سر خاطئة؛ أعِد المحاولة:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:658
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "أدخل عبارة السر"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:780
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr "[لاشيئ]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:870 src/verifydlg.c:269
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[هوية مستخدم مجهولة]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/verifydlg.c:217
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "سيئ"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:919
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr "عام"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:922
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr "شخصي"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:925
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr "عادي"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:928
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr "إيجابي"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:946
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr "يمكن استخدام المفتاح في الشهادة و التوقيع و التعمية."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:949
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr "يمكن استخدام المفتاح في الشهادة و التوقيع لكن ليس في التعمية."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:955
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr "يمكن استخدام المفتاح في الشهادة و التعمية."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:958
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "يمكن استخدام المفتاح في الشهادة فقط."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:966
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
 msgstr "يمكن استخدام المفتاح في التوقيع و التعمية لكن ليس في الشهادة."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:969
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "يمكن استخدام المفتاح في التوقيع فقط."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:974
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "يمكن استخدام المفتاح في التعمية فقط."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:977
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr "لا فائدة لهذا المفتاح."
@@ -1391,7 +1401,7 @@
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "خُذ _نسخة احتياطية"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:719 src/keyring.c:747
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "_لاحقا"
@@ -1416,7 +1426,7 @@
 "تم توليد مفتاحك بنجاح. المفتاح صالح بلا أمد محدد وطوله 1024 بتّة."
-#: src/keylist.c:324
+#: src/keylist.c:342
 msgid ""
 "GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
 "This might take a few seconds."
@@ -1424,57 +1434,63 @@
 "يُعيد GnuPG بناء قاعدة بيانات الثقة.\n"
 "قد يستغرق هذا بضع دقائق."
-#: src/keylist.c:513
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:568
 msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:525
+#: src/keylist.c:581
 msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:535 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
 msgid "Owner Trust"
 msgstr "الثقة في المالك"
-#: src/keylist.c:536
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
 "The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
 "holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
 "It is only meaningful for OpenPGP."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:548
+#: src/keylist.c:604
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Validity"
 msgstr "صلاحية المفتاح"
-#: src/keylist.c:549
+#: src/keylist.c:605
 msgid ""
 "The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
 "That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:563
+#: src/keylist.c:619
 msgid ""
 "The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:437
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "لم تُحدد أي مفاتيح للتعمية."
-#: src/keyring.c:714
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
 msgstr "ليس لديك مفتاح سري. أتريد توليد واحد الآن (محبذ) أم القيام بهذا لاحقا؟"
-#: src/keyring.c:718
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "_ولِّد المفتاح الآن"
-#: src/keyring.c:741
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1482,216 +1498,216 @@
 "لم تتخذ نسخة احتياطية من مفتاحك السري بعد. أتريد أخذ نسخة احتياطية الآن "
 "(محبذ) أم القيام بهذا لاحقا؟"
-#: src/keyring.c:746
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "ا_حفظ المفتاح احتياطيا الآن"
-#: src/keyring.c:863
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/ال_مفاتيح"
-#: src/keyring.c:864
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/_حدّث"
-#: src/keyring.c:866
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/sep0"
-#: src/keyring.c:867
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/مفتاح _جديد"
-#: src/keyring.c:869
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/ا_حذف المفاتيح..."
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/_وقّع المفاتيح..."
-#: src/keyring.c:873
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/حدد ال_ثقة في المالك..."
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/حرّ_ر المفتاح السرّي..."
-#: src/keyring.c:875
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/sep2"
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/ا_ستورد المفاتيح..."
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/_صدّر المفاتيح..."
-#: src/keyring.c:878
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/ا_حفظ احتياطيا..."
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "/ال_خادوم"
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/الخادوم/المفاتيح ال_سرّية..."
-#: src/keyring.c:883
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/الخادوم/أ_رسِل المفاتيح..."
-#: src/keyring.c:888
+#: src/keyring.c:908
 msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
 msgstr "/نوافذ/_مدير الملفات"
-#: src/keyring.c:919
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/صدّر المفاتيح..."
-#: src/keyring.c:924
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/احذف المفاتيح..."
-#: src/keyring.c:932
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/أرسِل المفاتيح..."
-#: src/keyring.c:939
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/حدّد الثقة في المالك..."
-#: src/keyring.c:946
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/وقّع المفاتيح..."
-#: src/keyring.c:952
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/حرّر المفتاح السري..."
-#: src/keyring.c:957
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/المفاتيح/احفظ احتياطيا..."
-#: src/keyring.c:974
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "/ا_نسخ"
-#: src/keyring.c:976
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/أ_لصق"
-#: src/keyring.c:978
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/ا_حذف المفاتيح..."
-#: src/keyring.c:981
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/و_قّع المفاتيح..."
-#: src/keyring.c:982
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/حدّد ال_ثقة في المالك..."
-#: src/keyring.c:983
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/حرّ_ر المفتاح السرّي..."
-#: src/keyring.c:985
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/_صدّر المفاتيح..."
-#: src/keyring.c:986
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr "/أر_سِل المفاتيح للخادوم..."
-#: src/keyring.c:987
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/احفظ ا_حتياطيا..."
-#: src/keyring.c:998
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/حدد الثقة في المالك..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1005
+#: src/keyring.c:1025
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/وقّع الملفات..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1011
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/حرر المفتاح السري..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1016
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/احفظ احتياطيا..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1086
+#: src/keyring.c:1106
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr "المفاتيح الفرعية"
-#: src/keyring.c:1160 src/keysigndlg.c:110
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "البصمة:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1162
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "ينتهي في:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1164
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "الثقة في المالك:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1166
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "صلاحية المفتاح:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1168
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "نوع المفتاح:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1170
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "أُنشئ في:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1173
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "التفاصيل"
-#: src/keyring.c:1181
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr "اعرض التوقيعات على اسم المستخدم:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1205
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "التوقيعات"
-#: src/keyring.c:1229
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "للمفتاح جزئين سرّي وعلني"
-#: src/keyring.c:1232
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "لهذا المفتاح جزء علني فقط"
-#: src/keyring.c:1267
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr "%s %u بتّة"
-#: src/keyring.c:1292
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "لم تُحدد أي مفاتيح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1295
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
@@ -1702,107 +1718,107 @@
 msgstr[4] "حُدِّد %d مفتاحًا"
 msgstr[5] "حُدِّد %d مفتاح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1327
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "كل التوقيعات"
-#: src/keyring.c:1532
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "حرّر"
-#: src/keyring.c:1533
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "حرّر المفتاح السري المحدد"
-#: src/keyring.c:1534
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "حرّر المفتاح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1542
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "احذف المفتاح المحدد"
-#: src/keyring.c:1543
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "احذف المفتاح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "وقّع المفتاح المحدد"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "وقّع المفتاح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1558
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "استورد"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "استورِد المفاتيح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "استورِد المفاتيح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1564
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "صدّر"
-#: src/keyring.c:1565
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "صدّر المفاتيح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1565
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "صدّر المفاتيح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1578
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "موجزة"
-#: src/keyring.c:1578
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "يعرض قائمة مفاتيح موجزة"
-#: src/keyring.c:1579
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "موجزة"
-#: src/keyring.c:1590
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "مفصَّلة"
-#: src/keyring.c:1590
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "يعرض تفاصيل المفاتيح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1591
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "مُفصَّلة"
-#: src/keyring.c:1619
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr "ينعش حلقة المفاتيح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1620
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr "أنعش حلقة المفاتيح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1691
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
 msgid "Selected default key:"
 msgstr "المفتاح المحدد بدئيا:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1701
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
 msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
 msgstr "لم يحدد أي مفتاح بدئيا في التفضيلات."
-#: src/keyring.c:1813
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "مساعد خصوصية جنو - محرر حلقة المفاتيح"
-#: src/keyring.c:1845
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "محرر حلقة المفاتيح"
@@ -1990,19 +2006,22 @@
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "خادوم المفاتيح الذي حددته غير صالح"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:54
-msgid "Default _key:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
 msgstr "ال_مفتاح البدئي:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:99
-msgid "Default key_server: "
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
 msgstr "_خادوم المفاتيح البدئي:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:147
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
 msgstr "استخدم الطَّور ال_متقدّم:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:183
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "التضبيطات"

Modified: trunk/po/cs.po
--- trunk/po/cs.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/cs.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: cs\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-24 14:59+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-05-24 15:04+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Zdeněk Hataš <zdenek.hatas at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: czech <cs at li.org>\n"
@@ -18,262 +18,555 @@
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%"
 "10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:134 src/expirydlg.c:115 src/filesigndlg.c:123
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:294 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:144 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:95
-#: src/gpawizard.c:287 src/gpgmetools.c:660 src/keygendlg.c:140
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:110 src/passwddlg.c:98
-msgid "_Cancel"
-msgstr "_Zrušit"
+#: src/clipboard.c:367 src/fileman.c:350
+msgid "Open File"
+msgstr "Otevřít soubor"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:135
-msgid "Encrypt files"
-msgstr "Zašifrovat soubor"
+#: src/clipboard.c:395 src/confdialog.c:1266 src/gtktools.c:353
+msgid "GPA Message"
+msgstr "Zpráva GPA"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:166
-msgid "_Public Keys"
-msgstr "_Veřejné klíče"
+#. TRANSLATORS: The arguments are the filename, the integer size
+#. and the unit (such as KB or MB).
+#: src/clipboard.c:412
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file %s is %lli%s large.  Do you really  want to open it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Soubor %s již existuje.\n"
+"Chcete jej přepsat?"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:169
-msgid "_Sign"
-msgstr "Podep_sat"
+#: src/clipboard.c:481
+msgid "Save As..."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:190 src/filesigndlg.c:180
-msgid "Sign _as "
-msgstr "Podeps_at jako"
+#: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
+#: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clipboard"
+msgstr "Zur _Zwischenablage exportieren"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:193
-msgid "A_rmor"
-msgstr "ASCII-_zakódovat"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:63
-msgid "Please provide a correct date."
-msgstr "Zadejte prosím platné datum."
-#: src/expirydlg.c:110
-msgid "Change expiry date"
-msgstr "Změnit datum expirace"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:128
-msgid "_never expire"
-msgstr "_nikdy nevyprší"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:133
-msgid "_expire on:"
-msgstr "_vyprší:"
-#: src/fileman.c:345
-msgid "Open File"
-msgstr "Otevřít soubor"
-#: src/fileman.c:350 src/fileman.c:899
-msgid "The file is already open."
-msgstr "Soubor je již otevřený"
-#: src/fileman.c:467 src/keyring.c:844
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/_Soubor"
-#: src/fileman.c:468
+#: src/clipboard.c:693 src/fileman.c:474
+msgid "/File/C_lear"
+msgstr "/Soubor/Vymazat"
+#: src/clipboard.c:694 src/fileman.c:473
 msgid "/File/_Open"
 msgstr "/Soubor/_Otevřít"
-#: src/fileman.c:469
-msgid "/File/C_lear"
-msgstr "/Soubor/Vymazat"
+#: src/clipboard.c:695
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/File/Save _As"
+msgstr "/Soubor/_Zavřít"
-#: src/fileman.c:470
+#: src/clipboard.c:697 src/fileman.c:475
 msgid "/File/sep1"
 msgstr "/Soubor/sep1"
-#: src/fileman.c:471
+#: src/clipboard.c:698 src/fileman.c:476
 msgid "/File/_Sign"
 msgstr "/Soubor/Podep_sat"
-#: src/fileman.c:472
+#: src/clipboard.c:699 src/fileman.c:477
 msgid "/File/_Verify"
 msgstr "/Soubor/O_věřit"
-#: src/fileman.c:473
+#: src/clipboard.c:700 src/fileman.c:478
 msgid "/File/_Encrypt"
 msgstr "/Soubor/Å _ifrovat"
-#: src/fileman.c:474
+#: src/clipboard.c:701 src/fileman.c:479
 msgid "/File/_Decrypt"
 msgstr "/Soubor/_Dešifrovat"
-#: src/fileman.c:475
+#: src/clipboard.c:702 src/fileman.c:480
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/Soubor/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:476 src/keyring.c:845
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/Soubor/_Zavřít"
-#: src/fileman.c:477 src/keyring.c:847
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/Soubor/U_končit"
-#: src/fileman.c:480 src/keyring.c:850
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "/_Upravit"
-#: src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:856
+#: src/clipboard.c:710
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Undo"
+msgstr "/Upravit/Kopírovat"
+#: src/clipboard.c:711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Redo"
+msgstr "/Upravit/Kopírovat"
+#: src/clipboard.c:712
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/sep0"
+msgstr "/Upravit/sep2"
+#: src/clipboard.c:714 src/clipboard.c:750
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Cut"
+msgstr "/Upravit/Kopírovat"
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
+msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
+msgstr "/Upravit/Kopírovat"
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
+msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
+msgstr "/Upravit/Vložit"
+#: src/clipboard.c:717
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
+msgstr "/Upravit/Vložit"
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
+msgid "/Edit/sep1"
+msgstr "/Upravit/sep1"
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/Upravit/Vybrat vše"
-#: src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/Upravit/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:483 src/keyring.c:858
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/Upravit/Na_stavení"
-#: src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:885
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
+msgstr "/Upravit/Na_stavení"
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/_Okna"
-#: src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:886
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
+msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
+msgstr "/Okna/Správce _klíčů"
+#: src/clipboard.c:730 src/fileman.c:496
 msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
 msgstr "/Okna/_Správce souborů"
-#: src/fileman.c:489 src/keyring.c:887
-msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
-msgstr "/Okna/Správce _klíčů"
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
+msgstr "/Okna/_Správce souborů"
-#: src/fileman.c:508
-msgid "/File/Sign"
-msgstr "/Soubor/Podepsat"
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
+msgid "/Edit/Copy"
+msgstr "/Upravit/Kopírovat"
-#: src/fileman.c:513
-msgid "/File/Verify"
-msgstr "/Soubor/Ověřit"
+#: src/clipboard.c:766
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Delete"
+msgstr "/Upravit/Vybrat vše"
-#: src/fileman.c:518
-msgid "/File/Encrypt"
-msgstr "/Soubor/Å ifrovat"
+#: src/clipboard.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Paste"
+msgstr "/Upravit/Vložit"
-#: src/fileman.c:523
-msgid "/File/Decrypt"
-msgstr "/Soubor/Dešifrovat"
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "Clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "Open a file"
 msgstr "Otevřít soubor"
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "open file"
 msgstr "otevřít soubor"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "Close all files"
-msgstr "Vymazat všechny soubory"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save to a file"
+msgstr "Otevřít soubor"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "close files"
-msgstr "Uzavřít soubory"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "save file as"
+msgstr "Datei _speichern unter: "
-#: src/fileman.c:604 src/keyring.c:1567
+#: src/clipboard.c:900
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cut the selection"
+msgstr "Zašifrovat vybraný soubor"
+#: src/clipboard.c:901
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cut the selection"
+msgstr "Zašifrovat vybraný soubor"
+#: src/clipboard.c:907
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copy the selection"
+msgstr "Zašifrovat vybraný soubor"
+#: src/clipboard.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "copy the selection"
+msgstr "Zašifrovat vybraný soubor"
+#: src/clipboard.c:914
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Paste the clipboard"
+msgstr "Zur _Zwischenablage exportieren"
+#: src/clipboard.c:915
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "paste the clipboard"
+msgstr "Zur _Zwischenablage exportieren"
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "Podepsat"
-#: src/fileman.c:605
-msgid "Sign the selected file"
-msgstr "Podepsat vybraný soubor"
+#: src/clipboard.c:926
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sign the selected text"
+msgstr "Podepsat vybraný klíč"
-#: src/fileman.c:606
-msgid "sign file"
-msgstr "podepsat soubor"
+#: src/clipboard.c:927
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "sign text"
+msgstr "podepsat klíč"
-#: src/fileman.c:615
+#: src/clipboard.c:935 src/fileman.c:623
 msgid "Verify"
 msgstr "Ověřit"
-#: src/fileman.c:616
-msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:936
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Check signatures of selected text"
 msgstr "Zkontrolovat podpis vybraného souboru"
-#: src/fileman.c:617
-msgid "verify file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:937
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "verify text"
 msgstr "ověřit soubor"
-#: src/fileman.c:626
+#: src/clipboard.c:945 src/fileman.c:634
 msgid "Encrypt"
 msgstr "Zašifrovat"
-#: src/fileman.c:627
-msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:946
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Zašifrovat vybraný soubor"
-#: src/fileman.c:628
-msgid "encrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:947
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "encrypt text"
 msgstr "zašifrovat soubor"
-#: src/fileman.c:637
+#: src/clipboard.c:955 src/fileman.c:645
 msgid "Decrypt"
 msgstr "Dešifrovat"
-#: src/fileman.c:638
-msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:956
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Decrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Dešifrovat vybraný soubor"
-#: src/fileman.c:639
-msgid "decrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:957
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "dešifrovat soubor"
-#: src/fileman.c:654 src/keyring.c:1632
-msgid "Open the Preferences dialog"
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "Otevřít dialog Nastavení"
-#: src/fileman.c:655 src/keyring.c:1633
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "nastavení"
-#: src/fileman.c:663 src/keyring.c:1656
+#: src/clipboard.c:975 src/fileman.c:666
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keyring"
+msgstr "Správce klíčů"
+#: src/clipboard.c:976 src/fileman.c:667
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the keyring editor"
+msgstr "otevřít Správce klíčů (výchozí)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:977 src/fileman.c:668
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "keyring editor"
+msgstr "Správce klíčů"
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Soubory"
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the file manager"
+msgstr "Otevřít Správce souborů"
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
+msgid "file manager"
+msgstr "Správce souborů"
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Nápověda"
-#: src/fileman.c:664 src/keyring.c:1657
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr "Co je GNU Privacy Assistant"
-#: src/fileman.c:665 src/keyring.c:1658
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "nápověda"
-#: src/fileman.c:764
+#: src/clipboard.c:1084
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Clipboard"
+msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Správce souborů"
+#: src/confdialog.c:993
+msgid "<b>Main</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use default values"
+msgstr "Standard-Schlüssel festlegen"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use default value"
+msgstr "Standard-Schlüssel festlegen"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1146
+msgid "Do not use option"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom values"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom value"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1155
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use default argument"
+msgstr "Empfängerliste festlegen"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1280
+msgid ""
+"There are unapplied changes by you. Changing the expert setting will apply "
+"those changes.  Do you want to continue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1325
+msgid "Crypto Backend Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1334
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1346
+msgid "Configure the tools of the GnuPG system."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1350
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Level:"
+msgstr "Úroveň"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1359
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "_Zpět"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1360
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1361
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Expert"
+msgstr "Exportovat"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr "_Zrušit"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt documents"
+msgstr "Zašifrovat soubor"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:174
+msgid "_Public Keys"
+msgstr "_Veřejné klíče"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:177
+msgid "_Sign"
+msgstr "Podep_sat"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:201 src/filesigndlg.c:185
+msgid "Sign _as "
+msgstr "Podeps_at jako"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:215 src/filesigndlg.c:187
+msgid "A_rmor"
+msgstr "ASCII-_zakódovat"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:64
+msgid "Please provide a correct date."
+msgstr "Zadejte prosím platné datum."
+#: src/expirydlg.c:111
+msgid "Change expiry date"
+msgstr "Změnit datum expirace"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:129
+msgid "_never expire"
+msgstr "_nikdy nevyprší"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:134
+msgid "_expire on:"
+msgstr "_vyprší:"
+#: src/fileman.c:355 src/fileman.c:953
+msgid "The file is already open."
+msgstr "Soubor je již otevřený"
+#: src/fileman.c:516
+msgid "/File/Sign"
+msgstr "/Soubor/Podepsat"
+#: src/fileman.c:521
+msgid "/File/Verify"
+msgstr "/Soubor/Ověřit"
+#: src/fileman.c:526
+msgid "/File/Encrypt"
+msgstr "/Soubor/Å ifrovat"
+#: src/fileman.c:531
+msgid "/File/Decrypt"
+msgstr "/Soubor/Dešifrovat"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "Close all files"
+msgstr "Vymazat všechny soubory"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "close files"
+msgstr "Uzavřít soubory"
+#: src/fileman.c:613
+msgid "Sign the selected file"
+msgstr "Podepsat vybraný soubor"
+#: src/fileman.c:614
+msgid "sign file"
+msgstr "podepsat soubor"
+#: src/fileman.c:624
+msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+msgstr "Zkontrolovat podpis vybraného souboru"
+#: src/fileman.c:625
+msgid "verify file"
+msgstr "ověřit soubor"
+#: src/fileman.c:635
+msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "Zašifrovat vybraný soubor"
+#: src/fileman.c:636
+msgid "encrypt file"
+msgstr "zašifrovat soubor"
+#: src/fileman.c:646
+msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "Dešifrovat vybraný soubor"
+#: src/fileman.c:647
+msgid "decrypt file"
+msgstr "dešifrovat soubor"
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the clipboard"
+msgstr "Zur _Zwischenablage exportieren"
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "clipboard"
+msgstr "Zur _Zwischenablage exportieren"
+#: src/fileman.c:785
 msgid "File"
 msgstr "Soubor"
-#: src/fileman.c:821
+#: src/fileman.c:850
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - File Manager"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Správce souborů"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:124
-msgid "Sign files"
-msgstr "Podepsat soubory"
+#: src/fileman.c:876
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Manager"
+msgstr "Správce souborů"
 #: src/filesigndlg.c:134
+msgid "Sign documents"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:144
 msgid "Signing Mode"
 msgstr "Mód podpisu"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:142
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:152
 msgid "si_gn and compress"
 msgstr "podep_sat a komprimovat"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:148
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:158
 msgid "_cleartext signature"
 msgstr "podpis v čistém _textu"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:155
-msgid "sign in separate _file"
-msgstr "podpis v _odděleném souboru"
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_detached signature"
+msgstr "podpis v čistém _textu"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:159
-msgid "a_rmor"
-msgstr "ASCII-_zakódovat"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:215 src/gpgmetools.c:137
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:213 src/gpgmetools.c:138
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The file %s already exists.\n"
@@ -282,21 +575,21 @@
 "Soubor %s již existuje.\n"
 "Chcete jej přepsat?"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:218 src/gpaexportserverop.c:132
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:311 src/gpafileverifyop.c:175 src/gpgmetools.c:140
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:43 src/keydeletedlg.c:92 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:136
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "_Ano"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:219 src/gpaexportserverop.c:133
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:312 src/gpafileverifyop.c:176 src/gpgmetools.c:141
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:45 src/keydeletedlg.c:94 src/keysigndlg.c:66
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:139
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "_Ne"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:231
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "A copy of your secret key has been made to the file:\n"
@@ -313,85 +606,93 @@
 "Toto je citlivá informace a měla by být bezpečně uložena\n"
 "(např. na disketě na bezpečném místě)."
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:246
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:244
 msgid "An error ocurred during the backup operation."
 msgstr "V průběhu zálohování došlo k chybě."
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:262
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:260
 msgid "Backup key to file"
 msgstr "Zálohovat klíč do souboru"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:289
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:287
 msgid "Backup Keys"
 msgstr "Zálohovat klíče"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:313
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "Generating backup of key: %s"
 msgstr "Vytvářím zálohu klíče: %s"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:319
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:317
 msgid "_Backup to file:"
 msgstr "_Zálohovat do souboru:"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:331
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:329
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "_Procházet"
-#: src/gpa.c:373
-msgid "display this help and exit"
-msgstr "zobrazit tuto nápovědu a skončit"
-#: src/gpa.c:374
-msgid "output version information and exit"
+#: src/gpa.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "vypsat verzi a skončit"
-#: src/gpa.c:375
-msgid "open keyring editor (default)"
+#: src/gpa.c:94
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "otevřít Správce klíčů (výchozí)"
-#: src/gpa.c:376
-msgid "open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "otevřít Správce souborů"
-#: src/gpa.c:377
-msgid "read options from file"
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr "Zur _Zwischenablage exportieren"
+#: src/gpa.c:100
+msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "číst možnosti ze souboru"
-#: src/gpa.c:401
-msgid ""
-"Syntax: gpa [options]\n"
-"Graphical frontend to GnuPG\n"
+#: src/gpa.c:293
+msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:295
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
+msgstr ""
 "Syntaxe: gpa [možnosti]\n"
 "Grafické rozhraní pro GnuPG\n"
-#: src/gpa.c:403
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "/_Možnosti"
-#: src/gpa.c:409
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "Nahlaste prosím chybu <"
-#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:137
+#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:139
 msgid "The keys have been copied to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Klíče byly zkopírovány do schránky."
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:131
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:133
 msgid "Export public keys to file"
 msgstr "Exportovat veřejné klíče do souboru"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:135
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:137
 msgid "_armor"
 msgstr "ASCII-z_akódovat"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:169
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:171
 #, c-format
 msgid "The keys have been exported to %s."
 msgstr "Klíče byly exportovány do %s."
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:127
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:129
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The selected key will be sent to a public key\n"
@@ -402,87 +703,104 @@
 "Určitě chcete šířit tento klíč?"
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:185
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:187
 msgid "The keys have been sent to the server."
 msgstr "Klíče byly odeslány na server."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:89
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:94
 msgid "Decrypting..."
 msgstr "Dešifruji...."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:280 src/gpafileverifyop.c:385
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:358 src/gpafileverifyop.c:449
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
 msgstr "Soubor \"%s\" neobsahuje žádná OpenPGP data."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:288
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:359 src/gpafileverifyop.c:450
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGPdata."
+msgstr "Soubor \"%s\" neobsahuje žádná OpenPGP data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:369
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
 msgstr "Soubor \"%s\" neobsahuje platná šifrovaná data."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:296 src/gpafileencryptop.c:579
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:353 src/gpafileverifyop.c:393 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:233
-#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:195 src/gpakeysignop.c:227
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no validencrypted data."
+msgstr "Soubor \"%s\" neobsahuje platná šifrovaná data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "Neplatné heslo!"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:107
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:155
 msgid "Encrypting..."
 msgstr "Å ifruji ..."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:309 src/verifydlg.c:224
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:453 src/verifydlg.c:222
 msgid "Unknown Key"
 msgstr "Neznámý klíč"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:325
-msgid "You are going to encrypt a file using the following key:"
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:469
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You are going to encrypt a document using the following key:"
 msgstr "Hodláte zašifrovat soubor následujícím klíčem:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:331
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:475
 msgid "However, it is not certain that the key belongs to that person."
 msgstr "Nicméně není jisté, že klíč patří této osobě."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:337
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:481
 msgid "Do you <b>really</b> want to use this key?"
 msgstr "<b>Určitě</b> chcete použít tento klíč?"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:358 src/gpafileencryptop.c:398 src/verifydlg.c:229
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:502 src/gpafileencryptop.c:542 src/verifydlg.c:227
 msgid "Revoked Key"
 msgstr "Zneplatněný klíč"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:360 src/gpafileencryptop.c:400 src/gpawizard.c:279
-#: src/gtktools.c:315 src/gtktools.c:348 src/helpmenu.c:418
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:150 src/keylist.c:512 src/settingsdlg.c:166
-#: src/verifydlg.c:117
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
+#: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "_Zavřít"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:373
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:517
 msgid "The following key has been revoked by it's owner:"
 msgstr "Následující klíč byl zneplatněn vlastníkem:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:378 src/gpafileencryptop.c:421
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:522 src/gpafileencryptop.c:565
 msgid "And can not be used for encryption."
 msgstr "A nemůže být použit pro šifrování."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:413
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "Následujícímu klíči vypršela platnost %s:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:497 src/gpafilesignop.c:281
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "Nevybrali jste žádný klíč pro podpis"
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:97
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:148
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "Podepisuji ..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:98
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "Ověřuji ..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:169
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "GPA found a file that could be a signature of %s. Would you like to verify "
@@ -495,19 +813,19 @@
 "Nalezený soubor: %s"
-#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:78
+#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:80
 msgid "Generating Key..."
 msgstr "Vytvářím klíč ..."
-#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:129
+#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:131
 msgid "Import public keys from file"
 msgstr "Nahrát veřejné klíče ze souboru"
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:195
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:197
 msgid "No keys were found."
 msgstr "Nebyly nalezeny žádné klíče."
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:203
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%i public keys read\n"
@@ -524,158 +842,158 @@
 "%i získáno soukromých klíčů\n"
 "%i nezměněných soukromých klíčů"
-#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:237
+#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:239
 msgid ""
 "Invalid time given.\n"
 "(you may not set the expiration time to the past.)"
 msgstr "Neplatný čas.(nemůžete nastavit čas vypršení do minulosti.)"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:88 src/keylist.c:224 src/keylist.c:259
-#: src/siglist.c:92 src/siglist.c:112 src/verifydlg.c:326
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "ID klíče"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:97 src/keylist.c:233 src/keylist.c:298
-#: src/siglist.c:98 src/siglist.c:141 src/verifydlg.c:338
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "Jméno uživatele"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:186
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:188
 msgid "No private key for signing."
 msgstr "Nebyl nalezen soukromý klíč pro podpis."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:231
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:233
 msgid "This key has expired! Unable to sign."
 msgstr "Klíči vypršela platnost! Podpis není možný."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:237
 msgid "This key has already been signed with your own!"
 msgstr "Tento klíč už jste sám podepsal!"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:240
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:242
 msgid "You haven't selected a default key to sign with!"
 msgstr "Nebyl vybrán výchozí klíč pro podepisování!"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:31
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
 msgid "days"
 msgstr "dny"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:32
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
 msgid "weeks"
 msgstr "týdny"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:35
 msgid "months"
 msgstr "měsíce"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:36
 msgid "years"
 msgstr "roky"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:74
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:76
 msgid "never expires"
 msgstr "nikdy nevyprší"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:92
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:94
 msgid "unknown"
 msgstr "neznámá"
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:100
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:101
 msgid "Which key do you want to import? (The key must be specified by key ID)."
 msgstr "Který klíč chcete získat? (Musíte zadat ID klíče)."
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:115
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:116
 msgid "Key _ID:"
 msgstr "_ID klíče:"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:70
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:72
 msgid "Subkey ID"
 msgstr "ID podklíče"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:76 src/siglist.c:118 src/verifydlg.c:332
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:78 src/siglist.c:120 src/verifydlg.c:330
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Stav"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:82
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:84
 msgid "Algorithm"
 msgstr "Algoritmus"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:89
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:91
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Velikost"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:95 src/keyeditdlg.c:170 src/keylist.c:268
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "Platnost do"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:102
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:104
 msgid "Can sign"
 msgstr "Smí podepisovat"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:108
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:110
 msgid "Can certify"
 msgstr "Smí certifikovat"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:115
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:117
 msgid "Can encrypt"
 msgstr "Smí šifrovat"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:122
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:124
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr "Smí autentizovat"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:135 src/gpgmetools.c:577 src/gpgmetools.c:785
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:904
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "Zneplatněn"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:139 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:900
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "Vypršela platnost"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:143 src/gpgmetools.c:581
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "Deaktivovaný"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:147
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:149
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "Nepodepsaný"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:151 src/gpgmetools.c:891 src/verifydlg.c:214
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "Platný"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/gpgmetools.c:625 src/gpgmetools.c:632
-#: src/keyring.c:1173 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Jméno uživatele:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "Jména uživatelů:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:80 src/gpgmetools.c:626 src/gpgmetools.c:633
-#: src/keyring.c:1175
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "ID klíče:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:196
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:194
 msgid "Expiration"
 msgstr "Platnost do"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:203
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:201
 msgid "_indefinitely valid"
 msgstr "_trvale platný"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:212
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:210
 msgid "expire _after"
 msgstr "vyprší za"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:231
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:229
 msgid "expire o_n:"
 msgstr "_vyprší:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:304 src/keygendlg.c:285
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:302 src/keygendlg.c:295
 msgid ""
 "Invalid insert mode for expiry date."
@@ -683,15 +1001,15 @@
 "Neplatný mód pro vkládání data vypršení."
-#: src/gpawizard.c:258
+#: src/gpawizard.c:260
 msgid "_Back"
 msgstr "_Zpět"
-#: src/gpawizard.c:265
+#: src/gpawizard.c:267
 msgid "_Forward"
 msgstr "_Vpřed"
-#: src/gpawizard.c:272
+#: src/gpawizard.c:274
 msgid "_Apply"
 msgstr "_Potvrdit"
@@ -731,7 +1049,7 @@
 "Toto je zřejmě chyba v GPA.\n"
 "GPA se pokusí obnovit z chybového stavu."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:444
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -748,7 +1066,7 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:449
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -756,106 +1074,106 @@
 "V souboru je zálohován tento klíč:\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:510
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "DSA a ElGamal (výchozí)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:511
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (jen podpis)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "RSA (jen podpis)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:545 src/gpgmetools.c:568 src/gpgmetools.c:585
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/gpgmetools.c:929
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "Neznámá"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:548
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "Žádná"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:551
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "Částečná"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:554
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "Plná"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:557
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "Absolutní"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "Nekompletní"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:589
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "Platný"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:623
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "Zadejte prosím heslo pro následující klíč:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:631
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "Špatné heslo, zkuste to prosím znovu:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:656
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "Zadat heslo"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:778
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr "[Žádný]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:868 src/verifydlg.c:271
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[Neznámé ID uživatele]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:894 src/verifydlg.c:219
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "Špatný"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:917
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr "Obecný"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:920
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr "Persona"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:923
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr "Přibližný"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:926
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr "Pozitivní"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:944
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr "Tento klíč smí být použit pro certifikaci, podpis a šifrování."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:947
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "Tento klíč smí být použit pro certifikaci a podpis, ne však pro šifrování."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr "Tento klíč smí být použit pro certifikaci a šifrování."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "Tento klíč smí být použit pouze pro certifikaci."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:964
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
@@ -863,87 +1181,83 @@
 "Tento klíč smí být použit pouze pro šifrování a podpis, ne však pro "
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:967
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "Tento klíč smí být použit pouze pro podpis."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:972
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "Tento klíč smí být použit pouze pro šifrování."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:975
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr "Tento klíč je nepoužitelný."
-#: src/gtktools.c:311
+#: src/gtktools.c:320
 msgid "GPA Error"
 msgstr "Chyba GPA"
-#: src/gtktools.c:344
-msgid "GPA Message"
-msgstr "Zpráva GPA"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:198
+#: src/helpmenu.c:202
 msgid "About GPA"
 msgstr "O GPA"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:243
+#: src/helpmenu.c:247
 msgid "Brought to you by:"
 msgstr "Program vám přináší:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:280
+#: src/helpmenu.c:284
 msgid "GPA is Free Software under the"
 msgstr "GPA je otevřený program šířený"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:284
+#: src/helpmenu.c:288
 msgid "GNU General Public License."
 msgstr "pod GNU General Public License."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:288
+#: src/helpmenu.c:292
 msgid "For news see:"
 msgstr "Novinky na:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:293
+#: src/helpmenu.c:297
 msgid "http://www.gpg4win.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gpg4win.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:295
+#: src/helpmenu.c:299
 msgid "http://www.gnupg.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:378
+#: src/helpmenu.c:382
 msgid "GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "pod GNU General Public License."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:405
+#: src/helpmenu.c:409
 msgid "_GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "pod _GNU General Public License."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:432
+#: src/helpmenu.c:436
 msgid "Show Help Text\n"
 msgstr "Zobrazit test nápovědy\n"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:440
+#: src/helpmenu.c:444
 msgid "/_Help"
 msgstr "/_Nápověda"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:442
+#: src/helpmenu.c:446
 msgid "/Help/_Contents"
 msgstr "/Nápověda/_Obsah"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:445
+#: src/helpmenu.c:449
 msgid "/Help/_License"
 msgstr "/Nápověda/_Licence"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:446
+#: src/helpmenu.c:450
 msgid "/Help/_About"
 msgstr "/Nápověda/O _programu"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:40
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:41
 msgid "Removing Secret Key"
 msgstr "Odstraňuji soukromý klíč"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:54
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:55
 msgid ""
 "If you delete this key, you won't be able to\n"
 "read messages encrypted with it.\n"
@@ -955,15 +1269,15 @@
 "Opravdu jej chcete vymazat?"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:90
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:91
 msgid "Remove Key"
 msgstr "Odstranit klíč"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:103
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:104
 msgid "You have selected the following key for removal:"
 msgstr "Vybrali jste následující klíč pro odstranění:"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:113
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:114
 msgid ""
 "This key has a secret key. Deleting this key cannot be undone, unless you "
 "have a backup copy."
@@ -971,7 +1285,7 @@
 "Toto je soukromý klíč.  Pokud nemáte jeho záložní kopii, operace nemůže být "
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:122
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:123
 msgid ""
 "This key is a public key. Deleting this key cannot be undone easily, "
 "although you may be able to get a new copy  from the owner or from a key "
@@ -980,23 +1294,27 @@
 "Toto je veřejný klíč. Smazání nemůže být jednoduše vráceno, nicméně je "
 "možnost získat jeho novou kopii od vlastníka nebo ze serveru klíčů."
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:131
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:132
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this key?"
 msgstr "Jste si jistý, že chcete smazat tento klíč?"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:148
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:149
 msgid "Edit Key"
 msgstr "Upravit klíč"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:164
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:165
 msgid "Change _passphrase"
 msgstr "Změnit _heslo"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:184
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:185
 msgid "Change _expiration"
 msgstr "Změnit _dobu platnosti"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:54 src/keygenwizard.c:305 src/passwddlg.c:43
+#: src/keygendlg.c:58
+msgid "You must enter a User ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keygendlg.c:63 src/keygenwizard.c:307 src/passwddlg.c:45
 msgid ""
 "In \"Passphrase\" and \"Repeat passphrase\",\n"
 "you must enter the same passphrase."
@@ -1004,7 +1322,7 @@
 "Do pole \"Heslo\" and \"Opakovat heslo\",\n"
 "musíte zadat stejný řetězec."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:61 src/keygenwizard.c:312 src/passwddlg.c:50
+#: src/keygendlg.c:70 src/keygenwizard.c:314 src/passwddlg.c:52
 msgid ""
 "You did not enter a passphrase.\n"
 "It is needed to protect your private key."
@@ -1012,7 +1330,7 @@
 "Nezadali jste heslo.\n"
 "To je nutná pro ochranu vašeho soukromého klíče."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:74 src/keygenwizard.c:326 src/passwddlg.c:63
+#: src/keygendlg.c:83 src/keygenwizard.c:328 src/passwddlg.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Warning: You have entered a passphrase\n"
 "that is obviously not secure.\n"
@@ -1024,59 +1342,59 @@
 "Zadejte prosím jiné."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:79 src/keygenwizard.c:331 src/passwddlg.c:68
+#: src/keygendlg.c:88 src/keygenwizard.c:333 src/passwddlg.c:70
 msgid "_Enter new passphrase"
 msgstr "_Zadat novou heslo"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:80 src/keygenwizard.c:332 src/passwddlg.c:69
+#: src/keygendlg.c:89 src/keygenwizard.c:334 src/passwddlg.c:71
 msgid "Take this one _anyway"
 msgstr "Použít tuto"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:135 src/keygenwizard.c:539
+#: src/keygendlg.c:144 src/keygenwizard.c:541
 msgid "Generate key"
 msgstr "Vytvořit klíč"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:176
+#: src/keygendlg.c:185
 msgid "_Algorithm: "
 msgstr "_Algoritmus: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:188
+#: src/keygendlg.c:197
 msgid "_Key size (bits): "
 msgstr "Délka _klíče (v bitech): "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:189
+#: src/keygendlg.c:198
 msgid "768"
 msgstr "768"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:190
+#: src/keygendlg.c:199
 msgid "1024"
 msgstr "1024"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:191
+#: src/keygendlg.c:200
 msgid "2048"
 msgstr "2048"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:206
+#: src/keygendlg.c:216
 msgid "_User ID: "
 msgstr "ID _uživatele:"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:216
+#: src/keygendlg.c:226
 msgid "_Email: "
 msgstr "_E-Mail: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:226
+#: src/keygendlg.c:236
 msgid "_Comment: "
 msgstr "_Komentář: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:238
+#: src/keygendlg.c:248
 msgid "_Passphrase: "
 msgstr "_Heslo: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:250
+#: src/keygendlg.c:260
 msgid "_Repeat passphrase: "
 msgstr "_Opakovat heslo: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:150
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:152
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your full name.\n"
@@ -1088,15 +1406,15 @@
 "Vaše jméno bude částí nového klíče.Umožní snazší identifikaci klíčů pro "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:155
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:157
 msgid "Your Name:"
 msgstr "Vaše jméno:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:168
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:170
 msgid "Please insert your name"
 msgstr "Vložte prosím své jméno."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:181
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:183
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your email address.\n"
@@ -1109,27 +1427,27 @@
 "Ta bude součástí nového klíče. Umožní snazší identifikaci klíčů pro ostatní. "
 "Pokud používáte více adres,můžete je přidat později."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:188
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:190
 msgid "Your Email Address:"
 msgstr "Vaše E-Mail adresa:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:203
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:205
 msgid "Please insert your email address"
 msgstr "Vložte prosím e-mailovou adresu"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:237
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:239
 msgid "Please choose a passphrase for the new key."
 msgstr "Vyberte prosím heslo pro nový klíč."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:246 src/passwddlg.c:106
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:248 src/passwddlg.c:108
 msgid "Passphrase: "
 msgstr "Heslo: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:259 src/passwddlg.c:115
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:261 src/passwddlg.c:117
 msgid "Repeat Passphrase: "
 msgstr "Opakovat heslo: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:356
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:358
 msgid ""
 "It is recommended that you create a backup copy of your new key, once it has "
 "been generated.\n"
@@ -1139,15 +1457,15 @@
 "Doporučujeme vám vytvořit si záložní kopii nově vytvořeného klíče.\n"
 "Chcete vytvořit tuto zálohu?"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:365
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:367
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "Vytvořit _záložní kopii"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:372 src/keyring.c:724 src/keyring.c:752
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "_Později"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:400
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:402
 msgid ""
 "Your key is being generated.\n"
@@ -1157,7 +1475,7 @@
 "I na výkonném počítači může tato operace chvíli trvat. Prosím vyčkejte."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:409
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:411
 msgid ""
@@ -1168,15 +1486,7 @@
 "Právě jste vytvořili klíč. Klíč je trvale platný a jeho délka je 1024 bitů."
-#: src/keylist.c:278 src/ownertrustdlg.c:121
-msgid "Owner Trust"
-msgstr "Důvěra ve vlastníka"
-#: src/keylist.c:288
-msgid "Key Validity"
-msgstr "Platnost klíče"
-#: src/keylist.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:342
 msgid ""
 "GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
 "This might take a few seconds."
@@ -1184,33 +1494,53 @@
 "GnuPG rekonstruuje databázi důvěry.\n"
 "Toto může pár sekund trvat."
-#: src/keylist.c:510
-msgid "GPA Warning"
-msgstr "Varování GPA"
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:528
+#: src/keylist.c:568
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
+msgstr "Tento klíč smí být použit pouze pro certifikaci."
+#: src/keylist.c:581
+msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
+msgid "Owner Trust"
+msgstr "Důvěra ve vlastníka"
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
-"One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
-"GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be considered "
-"Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
-"The affected key is:"
+"The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
+"holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
+"It is only meaningful for OpenPGP."
 msgstr ""
-"Jeden z vašich soukromých klíčů obsahuje podpisových klíčů s algoritmem "
-"ElGamal. Díky chybě v GnuPG, musí být všechny ElGamal klíče používané s "
-"GnuPG verze 1.0.2 a novější považovány za kompromitované.\n"
-"Zneplatněte tento klíč nejdříve jak to bude možné.\n"
-"Dotčený klíč:"
-#: src/keyring.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:604
+msgid "Validity"
+msgstr "Gültigkeit"
+#: src/keylist.c:605
+msgid ""
+"The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
+"That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:619
+msgid ""
+"The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "Nebyl vybrán klíč pro podpis."
-#: src/keyring.c:719
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1218,11 +1548,11 @@
 "Ještě nemáte žádný soukromý klíč. Chcete jej vytvořit nyní (doporučeno), "
 "nebo později?"
-#: src/keyring.c:723
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "_Vytvořit klíč nyní"
-#: src/keyring.c:746
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1230,167 +1560,156 @@
 "Nemáte záložní kopii soukromého klíče. Chcete ji vytvořit nyní (doporučeno), "
 "nebo později?"
-#: src/keyring.c:751
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "_Zálohovat klíč nyní"
-#: src/keyring.c:851
-msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
-msgstr "/Upravit/Kopírovat"
-#: src/keyring.c:853
-msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
-msgstr "/Upravit/Vložit"
-#: src/keyring.c:855
-msgid "/Edit/sep1"
-msgstr "/Upravit/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:862
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/_Klíče"
-#: src/keyring.c:863
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr "/Klíče/_Aktualizovat"
-#: src/keyring.c:865
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/Klíče/sep0"
-#: src/keyring.c:866
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/_Nový klíč..."
-#: src/keyring.c:868
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/O_dstranit klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:870
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/Klíče/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/Podep_sat klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/Nastavit úroveň dů_věry..."
-#: src/keyring.c:873
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/Upravit soukromý klíč..."
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/Klíče/sep2"
-#: src/keyring.c:875
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/_Nahrát klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/E_xportovat klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/Zálohovat..."
-#: src/keyring.c:880
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "/_Server"
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/Server/_Získat klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Server/_Odeslat klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:916
+#: src/keyring.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
+msgstr "/Okna/_Správce souborů"
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/Exportovat klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:923
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/Odstranit klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:930
-msgid "/Edit/Copy"
-msgstr "/Upravit/Kopírovat"
-#: src/keyring.c:937
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Server/Odeslat klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:946
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/Nastavit úroveň důvěry..."
-#: src/keyring.c:954
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/Podepsat klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:962
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/Upravit soukromý klíč..."
-#: src/keyring.c:969
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Klíče/Zálohovat..."
-#: src/keyring.c:986
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "/Kopírovat"
-#: src/keyring.c:988
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/Vložit"
-#: src/keyring.c:990
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/O_dstranit klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:993
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Podep_sat klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:994
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Nastavit úroveň důvěry..."
-#: src/keyring.c:995
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Upravit soukromý klíč..."
-#: src/keyring.c:997
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/E_xportovat klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:998
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr "/Odeslat klíče na _server..."
-#: src/keyring.c:999
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/_Zálohovat..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1010
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Nastavit úroveň důvěry..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1018
+#: src/keyring.c:1025
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Podepsat klíče..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1026
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Upravit soukromý klíč..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1033
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Zálohovat..."
@@ -1398,60 +1717,60 @@
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr "Podklíče"
-#: src/keyring.c:1177 src/keysigndlg.c:112
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "Otisk:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1179
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "Vyprší:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1181
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "Důvěra ve vlastníka:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1183
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "Platnost klíče:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1185
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "Typ klíče:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1187
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "Vytvořen:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1190
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Podrobnosti"
-#: src/keyring.c:1198
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr "Zobrazit podpisy u jména uživatele:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1219
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "Podpisy"
-#: src/keyring.c:1244
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "Klíč má soukromou i veřejnou část"
-#: src/keyring.c:1249
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "Klíč má pouze veřejnou část"
-#: src/keyring.c:1283
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr "%s %u bitů"
-#: src/keyring.c:1309
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "Žádný klíč nevybrán"
-#: src/keyring.c:1313
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
@@ -1459,127 +1778,121 @@
 msgstr[1] "%d klíčů vybráno"
 msgstr[2] "%d klíčů vybráno"
-#: src/keyring.c:1345
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "VÅ¡echny podpisy"
-#: src/keyring.c:1549
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Upravit"
-#: src/keyring.c:1550
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "Upravit vybraný soukromý klíč"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "Upravit klíč"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "Odstranit vybraný klíč"
-#: src/keyring.c:1560
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "odstranit klíč"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "Podepsat vybraný klíč"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "podepsat klíč"
-#: src/keyring.c:1575
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "Importovat"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "Importovat klíče"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "získat klíče"
-#: src/keyring.c:1581
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "Exportovat"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "Exportovat klíče"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "exportovat klíče"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "Stručně"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "Zobrazit stručný seznam klíčů"
-#: src/keyring.c:1596
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "stručně"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "PodrobnÄ›"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "Zobrazit podrobný seznam klíčů"
-#: src/keyring.c:1608
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "podrobnÄ›"
-#: src/keyring.c:1641
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr "Aktualizovat keyring"
-#: src/keyring.c:1642
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr "aktualizovat keyring"
-#: src/keyring.c:1649
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr "Soubory"
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Selected default key:"
+msgstr "Vybraný výchozí klíč:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1650
-msgid "Open the File Manager"
-msgstr "Otevřít Správce souborů"
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
+msgstr "Keine zu schützenden Dateien ausgewählt."
-#: src/keyring.c:1651
-msgid "file manager"
-msgstr "Správce souborů"
-#: src/keyring.c:1674
-msgid "Selected Default Key:"
-msgstr "Vybraný výchozí klíč:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1820
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Správce klíčů"
-#: src/keyring.c:1851
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "Správce klíčů"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:60
 msgid "Sign Key"
 msgstr "Podepsat klíč"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:78
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:76
 msgid "Do you want to sign the following key?"
 msgstr "Chcete podepsat tento klíč?"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:122
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:120
 msgid ""
 "Check the name and fingerprint carefully to be sure that it really is the "
 "key you want to sign."
@@ -1587,19 +1900,19 @@
 "Zkontrolujte pečlivě jméno a otisk klíče abyste se ujistili, že je to "
 "opravdu klíč který chcete podepsat."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:130
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:128
 msgid "All user names in this key will be signed."
 msgstr "Všechna jména uživatele v tomto klíči budou podepsána."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:136
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:134
 msgid "The key will be signed with your default private key."
 msgstr "Klíč bude podepsán vašim výchozím soukromým klíčem."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:143
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:141
 msgid "Sign only _locally"
 msgstr "Podepsat pouze _lokálně"
-#: src/options.c:308
+#: src/options.c:316
 msgid ""
 "The private key you selected as default is no longer available.\n"
 "GPA will try to choose a new default key automatically."
@@ -1607,26 +1920,26 @@
 "Zvolený výchozí soukromý klíč již není dostupný.\n"
 "GPA se pokusí automaticky zvolit nový výchozí klíč."
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:105
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:106
 msgid "Change key ownertrust"
 msgstr "Změnit úroveň důvěry ve vlastníka klíče"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:129
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:130
 msgid "_Unknown"
 msgstr "Ne_známá"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:134
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:135
 msgid ""
 "You don't know how much to trust this user to verify other people's keys.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Nevím zda mohu věřit, že tento uživatel je schopen ověřit klíče jiných "
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:144
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:145
 msgid "_Never"
 msgstr "Žád_ná"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:150
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user at all to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys at all.\n"
@@ -1634,11 +1947,11 @@
 "Vůbec nevěřím, že tento uživatel je schopen správně ověřit validitu klíčů "
 "jiných osob.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:159
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:160
 msgid "_Marginal"
 msgstr "Částečná"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:164
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:165
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys enough to consider keys valid based on his/her sole word.\n"
@@ -1650,11 +1963,11 @@
 "jiných osob, abych mohl považovat tyto klíče za důvěryhodné pouze na základě "
 "jeho prohlášení.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:181
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:182
 msgid "_Full"
 msgstr "_Plná"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:186
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:187
 msgid ""
 "You trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's keys "
 "so much, that you'll consider valid any key signed by him/her, provided this "
@@ -1663,11 +1976,11 @@
 "Věřím, že tento uživatel je schopen dostatečně ověřit klíče jiných osob, "
 "abych mohl klíče jím podepsané považovat za důvěryhodné.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:199
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:200
 msgid "U_ltimate"
 msgstr "Absolutní"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:204
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:205
 msgid ""
 "You consider this key valid, and trust the user so much that you will "
 "consider any key signed by him/her fully valid.\n"
@@ -1681,56 +1994,56 @@
 "(Pozor: tato úroveň je určena pro klíče, které vlastníte. Nepoužívejte ji "
 "pro klíče jiných osob pokud si nejste opravdu jistý/á co děláte.)\n"
-#: src/passwddlg.c:94
+#: src/passwddlg.c:96
 msgid "Choose new passphrase"
 msgstr "Zvolte _nové heslo"
-#: src/server_access.c:284
+#: src/server_access.c:282
 msgid "No error"
 msgstr "Bez chyb"
 # gpapa.c: Keyserver-Fehlermeldungen
-#: src/server_access.c:287
+#: src/server_access.c:285
 msgid "Internal error"
 msgstr "Interní chyba"
-#: src/server_access.c:290
+#: src/server_access.c:288
 msgid "Operation not supported"
 msgstr "Operace není podporována"
-#: src/server_access.c:293
+#: src/server_access.c:291
 msgid "Version mismatch"
 msgstr "Neodpovídá verze"
-#: src/server_access.c:296
+#: src/server_access.c:294
 msgid "Internal keyserver error"
 msgstr "Interní chyba serveru klíčů"
-#: src/server_access.c:299
+#: src/server_access.c:297
 msgid "Out of memory"
 msgstr "Došla paměť"
-#: src/server_access.c:302
+#: src/server_access.c:300
 msgid "Key not found"
 msgstr "Klíč nebyl nalezen"
-#: src/server_access.c:305
+#: src/server_access.c:303
 msgid "Key already exists on server"
 msgstr "Klíč už na serveru existuje"
-#: src/server_access.c:308
+#: src/server_access.c:306
 msgid "Key incomplete"
 msgstr "Nekompletní klíč"
-#: src/server_access.c:311
+#: src/server_access.c:309
 msgid "Could not contact keyserver"
 msgstr "Nemohu kontaktovat server klíčů"
-#: src/server_access.c:314
+#: src/server_access.c:312
 msgid "Unknown Error"
 msgstr "Neznámá chyba"
-#: src/server_access.c:350
+#: src/server_access.c:348
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Connecting to server \"%s\".\n"
@@ -1739,7 +2052,7 @@
 "Připojuji se k serveru \"%s\".\n"
 "Čekejte prosím."
-#: src/server_access.c:373 src/server_access.c:393
+#: src/server_access.c:371 src/server_access.c:391
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "An error ocurred while contacting the server:\n"
@@ -1750,7 +2063,7 @@
-#: src/server_access.c:457
+#: src/server_access.c:455
 msgid ""
 "There is no plugin available for the keyserver\n"
 "protocol you specified."
@@ -1758,60 +2071,102 @@
 "Není dostupný zásuvný modul protokolu\n"
 "pro komunikaci se serverem klíčů."
-#: src/server_access.c:530 src/server_access.c:576
+#: src/server_access.c:528 src/server_access.c:574
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "Zadali jste neplatný server klíčů"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:45
-msgid "Default _key:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
 msgstr "Výchozí _klíč:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:86
-msgid "Default key_server: "
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
 msgstr "Výchozí key_server:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:130
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
 msgstr "Použít rozšířený mód:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:163
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Nastavení"
-#: src/siglist.c:126
+#: src/siglist.c:128
 msgid "Level"
 msgstr "Úroveň"
-#: src/siglist.c:133
+#: src/siglist.c:135
 msgid "Local"
 msgstr "Lokální"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:118
-msgid "Verify files"
+#: src/verifydlg.c:116
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Verify documents"
 msgstr "Ověřit soubory"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:234
+#: src/verifydlg.c:232
 msgid "Expired Key"
 msgstr "Klíči vypršela platnost"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:242
+#: src/verifydlg.c:240
 msgid "Key NOT valid"
 msgstr "Klíč není platný"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:361
+#: src/verifydlg.c:359
 #, c-format
 msgid "Verified data in file: %s"
 msgstr "Ověřena data v souboru: %s"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:366
+#: src/verifydlg.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Signature: %s"
 msgstr "Podpis: %s"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:372
+#: src/verifydlg.c:370
 msgid "Signatures:"
 msgstr "Podpisy:"
+#~ msgid "Sign files"
+#~ msgstr "Podepsat soubory"
+#~ msgid "sign in separate _file"
+#~ msgstr "podpis v _odděleném souboru"
+#~ msgid "a_rmor"
+#~ msgstr "ASCII-_zakódovat"
+#~ msgid "display this help and exit"
+#~ msgstr "zobrazit tuto nápovědu a skončit"
+#~ msgid "Options"
+#~ msgstr "/_Možnosti"
+#~ msgid "Key Validity"
+#~ msgstr "Platnost klíče"
+#~ msgid "GPA Warning"
+#~ msgstr "Varování GPA"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
+#~ "GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be "
+#~ "considered compromised.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "The affected key is:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Jeden z vašich soukromých klíčů obsahuje podpisových klíčů s algoritmem "
+#~ "ElGamal. Díky chybě v GnuPG, musí být všechny ElGamal klíče používané s "
+#~ "GnuPG verze 1.0.2 a novější považovány za kompromitované.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Zneplatněte tento klíč nejdříve jak to bude možné.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Dotčený klíč:"
 #~ msgid "GNU general public license"
 #~ msgstr "GNU general public license"
@@ -2175,9 +2530,6 @@
 #~ msgid "/Help/_Help"
 #~ msgstr "/Info/_Hilfe"
-#~ msgid "To _clipboard"
-#~ msgstr "Zur _Zwischenablage exportieren"
 #~ msgid "Weak passphrase"
 #~ msgstr "Unsicherer Passwortsatz"
@@ -2233,18 +2585,12 @@
 #~ "Keine geheimen Schlüssel für die Auswahl\n"
 #~ "eines Standard-Schlüssels vorhanden."
-#~ msgid "Set default key"
-#~ msgstr "Standard-Schlüssel festlegen"
 #~ msgid "/Options/_Keyserver"
 #~ msgstr "/Optionen/_Key-Server"
 #~ msgid "/Options/_Default Key"
 #~ msgstr "/Optionen/_Standard-Schlüssel"
-#~ msgid "Validity"
-#~ msgstr "Gültigkeit"
 #~ msgid "Signature"
 #~ msgstr "Signatur"
@@ -2344,9 +2690,6 @@
 #~ msgid "_Encrypt"
 #~ msgstr "_Verschlüsseln"
-#~ msgid "No files selected to protect."
-#~ msgstr "Keine zu schützenden Dateien ausgewählt."
 #~ msgid "Protect files by Password"
 #~ msgstr "Dateien mit Passwort schützen"
@@ -2368,9 +2711,6 @@
 #~ msgid "No files selected to decrypt."
 #~ msgstr "Keine Dateien zum Entschlüsseln ausgewählt."
-#~ msgid "Save file _as: "
-#~ msgstr "Datei _speichern unter: "
 #~ msgid "Save decrypted file as"
 #~ msgstr "Entschlüsselte Datei speichern unter"
@@ -2542,9 +2882,6 @@
 #~ "Keine öffentlichen Schlüssel für die\n"
 #~ "Auswahl der Empfänger vorhanden."
-#~ msgid "Set default recipients"
-#~ msgstr "Empfängerliste festlegen"
 #~ msgid "_Remove from recipients"
 #~ msgstr "Aus Empfängerliste ent_fernen"

Modified: trunk/po/de.po
--- trunk/po/de.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/de.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: de\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-02-16 00:29+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-02-16 00:55+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-12 12:52+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Steffen Michalek <steffen at michalek.de>\n"
 "Language-Team: deutsch <de at li.org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -20,294 +20,296 @@
 msgid "Open File"
 msgstr "Datei öffnen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:395 src/confdialog.c:1266 src/gtktools.c:346
+#: src/clipboard.c:395 src/confdialog.c:1266 src/gtktools.c:353
 msgid "GPA Message"
 msgstr "GPA Meldung"
-#: src/clipboard.c:410
+#. TRANSLATORS: The arguments are the filename, the integer size
+#. and the unit (such as KB or MB).
+#: src/clipboard.c:412
 #, c-format
-msgid "The file %s is %li%s large.  Do you really  want to open it?"
-msgstr "Die Datei »%s« ist %li%s groß.  Möchten Sie sie wirklich öffnen?"
+msgid "The file %s is %lli%s large.  Do you really  want to open it?"
+msgstr "Die Datei »%s« ist %lli%s groß.  Möchten Sie sie wirklich öffnen?"
-#: src/clipboard.c:479
+#: src/clipboard.c:481
 msgid "Save As..."
 msgstr "Speichern unter..."
-#: src/clipboard.c:520 src/clipboard.c:550 src/clipboard.c:580
-#: src/clipboard.c:610 src/clipboard.c:1108 src/fileman.c:675
-#: src/keyring.c:1661
+#: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
+#: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
 msgid "Clipboard"
 msgstr "Zwischenablage"
-#: src/clipboard.c:690 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:848
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/_Datei"
-#: src/clipboard.c:691 src/fileman.c:474
+#: src/clipboard.c:693 src/fileman.c:474
 msgid "/File/C_lear"
 msgstr "/Datei/_Leeren"
-#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:473
+#: src/clipboard.c:694 src/fileman.c:473
 msgid "/File/_Open"
 msgstr "/Datei/_Öffnen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:693
+#: src/clipboard.c:695
 msgid "/File/Save _As"
 msgstr "/Datei/Speichern unter"
-#: src/clipboard.c:695 src/fileman.c:475
+#: src/clipboard.c:697 src/fileman.c:475
 msgid "/File/sep1"
 msgstr "/Datei/sep1"
-#: src/clipboard.c:696 src/fileman.c:476
+#: src/clipboard.c:698 src/fileman.c:476
 msgid "/File/_Sign"
 msgstr "/Datei/_Signieren"
-#: src/clipboard.c:697 src/fileman.c:477
+#: src/clipboard.c:699 src/fileman.c:477
 msgid "/File/_Verify"
 msgstr "/Datei/Über_prüfen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:698 src/fileman.c:478
+#: src/clipboard.c:700 src/fileman.c:478
 msgid "/File/_Encrypt"
 msgstr "/Datei/_Verschlüsseln"
-#: src/clipboard.c:699 src/fileman.c:479
+#: src/clipboard.c:701 src/fileman.c:479
 msgid "/File/_Decrypt"
 msgstr "/Datei/_Entschlüsseln"
-#: src/clipboard.c:700 src/fileman.c:480
+#: src/clipboard.c:702 src/fileman.c:480
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/Datei/sep2"
-#: src/clipboard.c:701 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:849
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/Datei/_Fenster schließen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:702 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:851
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/Datei/_Beenden"
-#: src/clipboard.c:705 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:854
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "/_Bearbeiten"
-#: src/clipboard.c:708
+#: src/clipboard.c:710
 msgid "/Edit/_Undo"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/Zurücknehmen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:709
+#: src/clipboard.c:711
 msgid "/Edit/_Redo"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/Wiederholen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:710
+#: src/clipboard.c:712
 msgid "/Edit/sep0"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/sep0"
-#: src/clipboard.c:712 src/clipboard.c:748
+#: src/clipboard.c:714 src/clipboard.c:750
 msgid "/Edit/Cut"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/Ausschneiden"
-#: src/clipboard.c:713 src/keyring.c:855
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
 msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/_Kopieren"
-#: src/clipboard.c:714 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
 msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/Ein_fügen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:715
+#: src/clipboard.c:717
 msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/Löschen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:859
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
 msgid "/Edit/sep1"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/sep1"
-#: src/clipboard.c:717 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:860
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/Alle A_uswählen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:861
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/sep2"
-#: src/clipboard.c:720 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:862
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/_Einstellungen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:864
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
 msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/Backend _Einstellungen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:726 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:891
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/_Fenster"
-#: src/clipboard.c:727 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:892
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
 msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "/Fenster/_Schlüsselverwaltung"
-#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:496
+#: src/clipboard.c:730 src/fileman.c:496
 msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
 msgstr "/Fenster/_Dateiverwaltung"
-#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:894
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
 msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
 msgstr "/Fenster/_Zwischenablage"
-#: src/clipboard.c:756 src/keyring.c:937
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
 msgid "/Edit/Copy"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/Kopieren"
-#: src/clipboard.c:764
+#: src/clipboard.c:766
 msgid "/Edit/Delete"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/Löschen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:772
+#: src/clipboard.c:774
 msgid "/Edit/Paste"
 msgstr "/Bearbeiten/Ein_fügen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:874
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
 msgid "Clear buffer"
 msgstr "Textfeld löschen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:874
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
 msgid "clear buffer"
 msgstr "Textfeld löschen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:882 src/fileman.c:602
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "Open a file"
 msgstr "Datei öffnen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:882 src/fileman.c:602
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "open file"
 msgstr "Datei öffnen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:887
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
 msgid "Save to a file"
 msgstr "In eine Datei speichern"
-#: src/clipboard.c:887
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
 msgid "save file as"
 msgstr "Datei _speichern unter"
-#: src/clipboard.c:895
+#: src/clipboard.c:900
 msgid "Cut the selection"
 msgstr "Auswahl ausschneiden"
-#: src/clipboard.c:896
+#: src/clipboard.c:901
 msgid "cut the selection"
 msgstr "Auswahl ausschneiden"
-#: src/clipboard.c:902
+#: src/clipboard.c:907
 msgid "Copy the selection"
 msgstr "Auswahl kopieren"
-#: src/clipboard.c:903
+#: src/clipboard.c:908
 msgid "copy the selection"
 msgstr "Auswahl kopieren"
-#: src/clipboard.c:909
+#: src/clipboard.c:914
 msgid "Paste the clipboard"
 msgstr "Zwischenablage einfügen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:910
+#: src/clipboard.c:915
 msgid "paste the clipboard"
 msgstr "Zwischenablage einfügen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:920 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1574
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "Signieren"
-#: src/clipboard.c:921
+#: src/clipboard.c:926
 msgid "Sign the selected text"
 msgstr "Gewählten Text signieren"
-#: src/clipboard.c:922
+#: src/clipboard.c:927
 msgid "sign text"
 msgstr "Text signieren"
-#: src/clipboard.c:930 src/fileman.c:623
+#: src/clipboard.c:935 src/fileman.c:623
 msgid "Verify"
 msgstr "Prüfen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:931
+#: src/clipboard.c:936
 msgid "Check signatures of selected text"
 msgstr "Signatur des ausgewählten Texts prüfen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:932
+#: src/clipboard.c:937
 msgid "verify text"
 msgstr "Text prüfen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:940 src/fileman.c:634
+#: src/clipboard.c:945 src/fileman.c:634
 msgid "Encrypt"
 msgstr "Verschlüsseln"
-#: src/clipboard.c:941
+#: src/clipboard.c:946
 msgid "Encrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Gewählten Text verschlüsseln"
-#: src/clipboard.c:942
+#: src/clipboard.c:947
 msgid "encrypt text"
 msgstr "Text verschlüsseln"
-#: src/clipboard.c:950 src/fileman.c:645
+#: src/clipboard.c:955 src/fileman.c:645
 msgid "Decrypt"
 msgstr "Entschlüsseln"
-#: src/clipboard.c:951
+#: src/clipboard.c:956
 msgid "Decrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Gewählten Text entschlüsseln"
-#: src/clipboard.c:952
+#: src/clipboard.c:957
 msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "Text entschlüsseln"
-#: src/clipboard.c:962 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1635
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
 msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "Öffne den Dialog für die Einstellungen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:963 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1636
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "Einstellungen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:970 src/fileman.c:666
+#: src/clipboard.c:975 src/fileman.c:666
 msgid "Keyring"
 msgstr "Schlüsselverwaltung"
-#: src/clipboard.c:971 src/fileman.c:667
+#: src/clipboard.c:976 src/fileman.c:667
 msgid "Open the keyring editor"
 msgstr "Schlüsselverwaltung öffnen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:972 src/fileman.c:668
+#: src/clipboard.c:977 src/fileman.c:668
 msgid "keyring editor"
 msgstr "Schlüsselverwaltung"
-#: src/clipboard.c:978 src/keyring.c:1652
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "Dateien"
-#: src/clipboard.c:979 src/keyring.c:1653
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
 msgid "Open the file manager"
 msgstr "Dateiverwaltung aufrufen"
-#: src/clipboard.c:980 src/keyring.c:1654
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
 msgid "file manager"
 msgstr "Dateiverwaltung"
-#: src/clipboard.c:987 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1669
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Hilfe"
-#: src/clipboard.c:988 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1670
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr "Wie funktioniert der GNU Privacy Assistant?"
-#: src/clipboard.c:989 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1671
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "Hilfe"
-#: src/clipboard.c:1079
+#: src/clipboard.c:1084
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Clipboard"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Zwischenablage"
@@ -343,7 +345,10 @@
 msgid ""
 "There are unapplied changes by you. Changing the expert setting will apply "
 "those changes.  Do you want to continue?"
-msgstr "Sie haben Werte geändert aber nicht angewandt.  Wenn Sie die Experten-Einstellung ändern, werden diese Veränderungen angewandt.  Möchten Sie fortfahren?"
+msgstr ""
+"Sie haben Werte geändert aber nicht angewandt.  Wenn Sie die Experten-"
+"Einstellung ändern, werden diese Veränderungen angewandt.  Möchten Sie "
 #: src/confdialog.c:1325
 msgid "Crypto Backend Configuration"
@@ -375,7 +380,7 @@
 #: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
-#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
 #: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
 msgid "_Cancel"
 msgstr "_Abbrechen"
@@ -476,11 +481,11 @@
 msgid "decrypt file"
 msgstr "Datei entschlüsseln"
-#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1662
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
 msgid "Open the clipboard"
 msgstr "Zwischenablage öffnen"
-#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1663
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
 msgid "clipboard"
 msgstr "Zwischenablage"
@@ -528,14 +533,14 @@
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
 #: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:139
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "_Ja"
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
 #: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:142
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "_Nein"
@@ -582,35 +587,39 @@
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "_Durchsuchen..."
-#: src/gpa.c:241
+#: src/gpa.c:92
 msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "Versionsinformation anzeigen und beenden"
-#: src/gpa.c:243
+#: src/gpa.c:94
 msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "Schlüsselverwaltung öffnen"
-#: src/gpa.c:245
-msgid "Open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "Dateiverwaltung öffnen "
-#: src/gpa.c:247
-msgid "Start only the UI server"
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr "Zwischenablage öffnen"
+#: src/gpa.c:100
+msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
 msgstr "Nur den UI Server starten"
-#: src/gpa.c:249
+#: src/gpa.c:102
 msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "Optionen aus einer Datei lesen"
-#: src/gpa.c:281
+#: src/gpa.c:293
 msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr "[DATEI...]"
-#: src/gpa.c:282
+#: src/gpa.c:295
 msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
 msgstr "Grafische Benutzeroberfläche für GnuPG"
-#: src/gpa.c:283
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "Fehler bitte berichten an <"
@@ -650,12 +659,12 @@
 msgid "Decrypting..."
 msgstr "_Entschlüsseln"
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:358 src/gpafileverifyop.c:448
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:358 src/gpafileverifyop.c:449
 #, c-format
 msgid "\"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
 msgstr "\"%s\" enthält keine korrekt verschlüsselten OpenPGP-Daten."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:359 src/gpafileverifyop.c:449
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:359 src/gpafileverifyop.c:450
 #, c-format
 msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGPdata."
 msgstr "Die Datei \"%s\" enthält keine korrekt verschlüsselten OpenPGP-Daten."
@@ -671,7 +680,7 @@
 msgstr "Die Datei \"%s\" enthält keine korrekt verschlüsselten Daten."
 #: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:482 src/gpafileverifyop.c:459 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
 #: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "Unsicherer Passwortsatz!"
@@ -701,9 +710,8 @@
 msgstr "Zurückgezogener Schlüssel"
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
-#: src/gtktools.c:317 src/gtktools.c:350 src/helpmenu.c:422
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/keylist.c:512 src/settingsdlg.c:169
-#: src/verifydlg.c:115
+#: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "_Fenster schließen"
@@ -720,7 +728,7 @@
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "The folgende Schlüssel lief am %s aus:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:410
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "Es wurde kein Schlüssel zum Signieren ausgewählt."
@@ -728,6 +736,16 @@
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "Signieren ..."
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
+"Die ausgewlten Zertifikate isn nicht alle vom gleichen Typ.  Sie haben\n"
+"also wohl OpenPGP als auch X.509 Zertifikate ausgewählt.  Bitte wählen\n"
+"Sie nur Zertifikate eines Typs aus."
 #: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "Prüfen ..."
@@ -782,13 +800,13 @@
 "Ungültige Zeitangabe.\n"
 "(Sie können die Ablaufzeit nicht in die Vergangenheit setzen.)"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:224 src/keylist.c:259
-#: src/siglist.c:94 src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "Schlüsselkennung"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:233 src/keylist.c:298
-#: src/siglist.c:100 src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "Benutzerkennung"
@@ -856,7 +874,7 @@
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Größe"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:268
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "Verfallsdatum"
@@ -876,16 +894,16 @@
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr "Zum Autentifizieren verwendbar"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:787
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:906
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "Widerrufen"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:902
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "Abgelaufen"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "Deaktiviert"
@@ -893,12 +911,12 @@
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "Nicht beglaubigt"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:893 src/verifydlg.c:212
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "Gültig"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:627 src/gpgmetools.c:634
-#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:104
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Benutzerkennung:"
@@ -906,8 +924,8 @@
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "Benutzernamen:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:628 src/gpgmetools.c:635
-#: src/keyring.c:1182
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "Schlüsselkennung:"
@@ -983,7 +1001,7 @@
 "Dies ist wahrscheinlich ein Fehler in GPA.\n"
 "GPA versucht nun, sich davon wieder zu erholen."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:446
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -998,7 +1016,7 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:451
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -1006,111 +1024,111 @@
 "Der in dieser Datei gesicherte Schlüssel ist:\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "DSA und ElGamal (Voreinstellung)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:513
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (nur signieren)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:514
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "RSA (nur signieren)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:547 src/gpgmetools.c:570 src/gpgmetools.c:587
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:898 src/gpgmetools.c:931
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "unbekannt"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:550
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "niemals"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:553
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "geringfügig"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:556
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "vollständig"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:559
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "Ultimativ"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:585
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "unvollständig"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:591
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "voll gültig"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "Bitte geben Sie den Passwortsatz für den folgenden Schlüssel ein:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:633
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "Falscher Passwortsatz, bitte versuchen Sie es erneut:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:658
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "Passwortsatz eingeben"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:780
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr "[Keine]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:870 src/verifydlg.c:269
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[Unbekannte Benutzerkennung]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/verifydlg.c:217
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "Ungültig"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:919
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr "Generisch"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:922
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr "Persona"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:925
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr "Beiläufig"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:928
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr "Positiv"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:946
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "Der Schlüssel kann zur Zertifizierung, zum Signieren und zur Verschlüsselung "
 "verwendet werden."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:949
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "Der Schlüssel kann zur Zertifizierung und zum Signieren verwendet werden, "
 "nicht aber zur Verschlüsselung."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:955
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "Der Schlüssel kann zur Zertifizierung und zur Verschlüsselung verwendet "
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:958
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "Der Schlüssel ist ausschließlich zum Zertifizieren verwendbar."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:966
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
@@ -1118,19 +1136,19 @@
 "Der Schlüssel ist nur zum Signieren und Verschlüsseln verwendbar, nicht aber "
 "zum Zertifizieren."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:969
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "Der Schlüssel ist ausschließlich zum Signieren verwendbar."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:974
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "Der Schlüssel ist ausschließlich zum Verschlüsseln verwendbar."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:977
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr "Dieser Schlüssel ist nicht verwendbar."
-#: src/gtktools.c:313
+#: src/gtktools.c:320
 msgid "GPA Error"
 msgstr "GPA Fehler"
@@ -1403,7 +1421,7 @@
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "_Sicherheitskopie anlegen"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:728 src/keyring.c:756
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "Später _erledigen"
@@ -1428,15 +1446,7 @@
 "Sie haben erfolgreich Ihren neuen Schlüssel erzeugt. Dieser Schlüssel hat "
 "eine Länge von 1024 Bit und ist auf unbegrenzte Zeit gültig."
-#: src/keylist.c:278 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
-msgid "Owner Trust"
-msgstr "Benutzervertrauen"
-#: src/keylist.c:288
-msgid "Key Validity"
-msgstr "Gültigkeit des Schlüssels"
-#: src/keylist.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:342
 msgid ""
 "GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
 "This might take a few seconds."
@@ -1444,33 +1454,61 @@
 "GnuPG stellt die Verlässlichkeits-Datenbank wieder her.\n"
 "Das kann einige Sekunden dauern."
-#: src/keylist.c:510
-msgid "GPA Warning"
-msgstr "GPA Warnung"
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
+msgstr ""
+"Diese Spalte beschreibt den Typ des Zertifikats. Ein 'P' steht für\n"
+"OpenPGP und ein 'X' für X.509 (S/MIME). "
-#: src/keylist.c:528
+#: src/keylist.c:568
+msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
+msgstr "Die Schlüsselkennung (Key ID) is eine kurze Zahl zur Identifizerung eines Zertifikats."
+#: src/keylist.c:581
+msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
+msgstr "Das Ablaufdatum ist das Datum bis zu dem das Zertifikat gültig ist."
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
+msgid "Owner Trust"
+msgstr "Benutzervertrauen"
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
-"One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
-"GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be considered "
-"Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
-"The affected key is:"
+"The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
+"holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
+"It is only meaningful for OpenPGP."
 msgstr ""
-"Einer Ihrer Schlüssel hat einen ElGamal Signaturschlüssel.  Durch\n"
-"einen Fehler in GnuPG sind alle diese Schlüssel - sofern jemals mit\n"
-"GnuPG ab 1.0.2 verwendet - als kompromitiert zu betrachten.\n"
-"Bitte widerrufen Sie diesen Schlüssel sobald wie möglich.\n"
-"Der betroffene Schlüssel ist:"
+"Das Benutzervertrauen wird von Ihnen gesetzt und beschreibt inwieweit\n"
+"Sie dem Inhaber des Zertifikats vertrauen, andere Zertifikate korrekt\n"
+"zu unterschreiben (zertifizieren).  Dieser Wert ist nur für OpenPGP\n"
-#: src/keyring.c:456
+#: src/keylist.c:604
+msgid "Validity"
+msgstr "Gültigkeit"
+#: src/keylist.c:605
+msgid ""
+"The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
+"That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
+msgstr ""
+"Die Gültigkeit beschreibt wieviel Vertrauen das System in dieses\n"
+"Zertifikat steckt.  Also, wie sicher es ist, daß die benannte Person\n"
+"wirklich diese Person ist. "
+#: src/keylist.c:619
+msgid ""
+"The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
+msgstr "Der Benutzername is der im Zertifikat gespeicherte Name sowie die Email-Adresse."
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "Keine Schlüssel ausgewählt."
-#: src/keyring.c:723
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1478,11 +1516,11 @@
 "Sie haben noch keinen geheimen Schlüssel. Wollen Sie jetzt einen erzeugen "
 "(empfohlen), oder dies später erledigen?"
-#: src/keyring.c:727
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "Jetzt Schlüssel _erzeugen"
-#: src/keyring.c:750
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1490,143 +1528,143 @@
 "Sie haben noch keine Sicherheitskopie Ihres geheimen Schlüssels. Wollen Sie "
 "jetzt einen Sicherheitskopie anlegen (empfohlen), oder dies später erledigen?"
-#: src/keyring.c:755
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "_Sicherheitskopie anlegen"
-#: src/keyring.c:868
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/_Schlüssel"
-#: src/keyring.c:869
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/Auf_frischen"
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/sep0"
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/_Neuer Schlüssel..."
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/_Löschen..."
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/_Signieren..."
-#: src/keyring.c:878
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/_Vertrauen einstellen..."
-#: src/keyring.c:879
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/G_eheimen Schlüssel Bearbeiten..."
-#: src/keyring.c:880
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/sep2"
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/_Importieren..."
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/E_xportieren..."
-#: src/keyring.c:883
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/Sicherheitskopie _anlegen..."
-#: src/keyring.c:886
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "/_Server"
-#: src/keyring.c:887
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/Server/_Schlüssel erhalten..."
-#: src/keyring.c:888
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Server/_Schlüssel verschicken..."
-#: src/keyring.c:893
+#: src/keyring.c:908
 msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
 msgstr "/Fenster/_Dateiverwaltung"
-#: src/keyring.c:923
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/Exportieren..."
-#: src/keyring.c:930
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/Löschen..."
-#: src/keyring.c:944
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Server/Schlüssel verschicken..."
-#: src/keyring.c:953
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/Vertrauen einstellen..."
-#: src/keyring.c:961
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/Signieren..."
-#: src/keyring.c:969
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/Geheimen Schlüssel Bearbeiten..."
-#: src/keyring.c:976
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel/Sicherheitskopie _anlegen..."
-#: src/keyring.c:993
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "_Kopieren"
-#: src/keyring.c:995
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/Ein_fügen"
-#: src/keyring.c:997
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel _Löschen..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1000
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "Schlüssel _Signieren..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1001
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel-_Vertrauen einstellen..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1002
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/G_eheimen Schlüssel bearbeiten..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1004
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel e_xportieren..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1005
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel _zum Server senden ..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1006
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Sicherheitskopie _anlegen..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1017
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Vertrauenswürdigkeit des Eigentümers einstellen..."
@@ -1634,180 +1672,180 @@
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Schlüssel signieren..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1033
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Geheimen Schlüssel bearbeiten..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1040
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Sicherheitskopie _anlegen..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1113
+#: src/keyring.c:1106
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr "Untergeordnete Schlüssel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1184 src/keysigndlg.c:110
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "Fingerabdruck:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1186
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "ungültig ab:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1188
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "Benutzervertrauen:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1190
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "Gültigkeit:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1192
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "Art:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1194
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "erzeugt am:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1197
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Details"
-#: src/keyring.c:1205
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr ""
 "Signaturen für die einzelnen im Schlüssel enthaltenen Benutzernamen anzeigen:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1226
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "Signaturen"
-#: src/keyring.c:1251
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "Dieser Schlüssel hat einen öffentlichen und einen geheimen Teil"
-#: src/keyring.c:1256
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "Dieser Schlüssel hat nur einen öffentlichen Teil"
-#: src/keyring.c:1290
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr "%s %u bit"
-#: src/keyring.c:1316
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "Keine Schlüssel ausgewählt"
-#: src/keyring.c:1320
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
 msgstr[0] "%d Schlüssel ausgewählt"
 msgstr[1] "%d Schlüssel ausgewählt"
-#: src/keyring.c:1352
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "Alle Signaturen"
-#: src/keyring.c:1556
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Ändern"
-#: src/keyring.c:1557
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "Ausgewählten geheimen Schlüssel bearbeiten"
-#: src/keyring.c:1558
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "Schlüssel bearbeiten"
-#: src/keyring.c:1566
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "Gewählten Schlüssel entfernen"
-#: src/keyring.c:1567
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "Schlüssel entfernen"
-#: src/keyring.c:1575
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "Gewählten Schlüssel signieren"
-#: src/keyring.c:1575
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "Schlüssel signieren"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "Import"
-#: src/keyring.c:1583
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "Schlüssel importieren"
-#: src/keyring.c:1583
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "Schlüssel importieren"
-#: src/keyring.c:1588
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "Export"
-#: src/keyring.c:1589
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "Schlüssel exportieren"
-#: src/keyring.c:1589
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "Schlüssel exportieren"
-#: src/keyring.c:1602
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "Übersicht"
-#: src/keyring.c:1602
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "Schlüssel nur mit Benutzerkennung anzeigen"
-#: src/keyring.c:1603
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "Übersicht"
-#: src/keyring.c:1614
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "Details"
-#: src/keyring.c:1614
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "Schlüssel mit Verfallsdatum und Vertrauenswerten anzeigen"
-#: src/keyring.c:1615
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "detailliert"
-#: src/keyring.c:1643
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr "Schlüsselbund auffrischen"
-#: src/keyring.c:1644
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr "Schlüsselbund auffrischen"
-#: src/keyring.c:1716
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
 msgid "Selected default key:"
 msgstr "Standard-Schlüssel:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1726
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
 msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
 msgstr "Kein Standard-Schlüssel in den Einstellungen ausgewählt."
-#: src/keyring.c:1840
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Schlüsselverwaltung"
-#: src/keyring.c:1872
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "Schlüsselverwaltung"
@@ -2010,19 +2048,19 @@
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "Der angegebene Schlüssel-Server ist nicht gültig."
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:48
-msgid "Default _key:"
-msgstr "_Standard-Schlüssel:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
+msgstr "<b>_Standard-Schlüssel</b>"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:89
-msgid "Default key_server: "
-msgstr "_Standard-Schlüssel-Server:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Standard-Schlüssel-Ser_ver</b>"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:133
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
-msgstr "Einstellungen für Fortgeschrittene verwenden:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Einstellungen für _Fortgeschrittene verwenden<b>"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:166
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Einstellungen"
@@ -2060,6 +2098,29 @@
 msgid "Signatures:"
 msgstr "Signaturen (Beglaubigungen)"
+#~ msgid "Key Validity"
+#~ msgstr "Gültigkeit des Schlüssels"
+#~ msgid "GPA Warning"
+#~ msgstr "GPA Warnung"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
+#~ "GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be "
+#~ "considered compromised.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "The affected key is:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Einer Ihrer Schlüssel hat einen ElGamal Signaturschlüssel.  Durch\n"
+#~ "einen Fehler in GnuPG sind alle diese Schlüssel - sofern jemals mit\n"
+#~ "GnuPG ab 1.0.2 verwendet - als kompromitiert zu betrachten.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Bitte widerrufen Sie diesen Schlüssel sobald wie möglich.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Der betroffene Schlüssel ist:"
 #~ msgid "Sign files"
 #~ msgstr "Dateien signieren"
@@ -2487,9 +2548,6 @@
 #~ msgid "/Options/_Default Key"
 #~ msgstr "/Optionen/_Standard-Schlüssel"
-#~ msgid "Validity"
-#~ msgstr "Gültigkeit"
 #~ msgid "Signature"
 #~ msgstr "Signatur"

Modified: trunk/po/es.po
--- trunk/po/es.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/es.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: GPA 0.7.0\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-10 15:34+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-11 09:35+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-12 12:32+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: \n"
 "Language-Team: Spanish <es at li.org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@
 #: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
 #: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
-#: src/keyring.c:1637
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
 msgid "Clipboard"
 msgstr "Portapapeles"
-#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:843
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/_Archivo"
@@ -85,15 +85,15 @@
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/Archivo/sep2"
-#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:844
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/Archivo/C_errar"
-#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:846
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/Archivo/_Salir"
-#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:849
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "/_Editar"
@@ -113,11 +113,11 @@
 msgid "/Edit/Cut"
 msgstr "/Editar/Co_rtar"
-#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:850
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
 msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
 msgstr "/Editar/_Copiar"
-#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:852
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
 msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
 msgstr "/Editar/_Pegar"
@@ -125,31 +125,31 @@
 msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
 msgstr "/Editar/_Eliminar"
-#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:854
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
 msgid "/Edit/sep1"
 msgstr "/Editar/sep1"
-#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:855
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/Editar/Seleccionar _Todo"
-#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:856
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/Editar/sep2"
-#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/Editar/Pr_eferencias..."
-#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:859
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
 msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
 msgstr "/Editar/Pr_eferencias del motor..."
-#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:886
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/_Ventanas"
-#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:887
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
 msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "/Ventanas/_Editor Anillo de Claves"
@@ -157,11 +157,11 @@
 msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
 msgstr "/Ventanas/Gestor de _Archivos"
-#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:889
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
 msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
 msgstr "/Ventanas/_Portapapeles"
-#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:928
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
 msgid "/Edit/Copy"
 msgstr "/Editar/Copiar"
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
 msgid "paste the clipboard"
 msgstr "pegar el portapapeles"
-#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1550
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "Firmar"
@@ -269,11 +269,11 @@
 msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "descifrar texto"
-#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1611
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
 msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "Abrir la ventana de preferencias"
-#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1612
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "preferencias"
@@ -289,27 +289,27 @@
 msgid "keyring editor"
 msgstr "editor del anillo de claves"
-#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1628
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "Archivos"
-#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1629
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
 msgid "Open the file manager"
 msgstr "Abrir el gestor de archivos"
-#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1630
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
 msgid "file manager"
 msgstr "gestor de archivos"
-#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1645
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Ayuda"
-#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1646
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr "Comprendiendo el GNU Privacy Assistant"
-#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1647
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "ayuda"
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
 #: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
-#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
 #: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
 msgid "_Cancel"
 msgstr "_Cancelar"
@@ -484,11 +484,11 @@
 msgid "decrypt file"
 msgstr "descifrar archivo"
-#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1638
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
 msgid "Open the clipboard"
 msgstr "Abrir el portapapeles"
-#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1639
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
 msgid "clipboard"
 msgstr "portapapeles"
@@ -536,14 +536,14 @@
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
 #: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:153
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "_Sí"
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
 #: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:156
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "_No"
@@ -589,35 +589,39 @@
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "_Examinar..."
-#: src/gpa.c:91
+#: src/gpa.c:92
 msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "Mostrar información de versión y terminar"
-#: src/gpa.c:93
+#: src/gpa.c:94
 msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "Abrir editor del anillo de claves (por defecto)"
-#: src/gpa.c:95
-msgid "Open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "Abrir gestor de archivos"
-#: src/gpa.c:97
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr "Abrir el portapapeles"
+#: src/gpa.c:100
 msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
 msgstr "Iniciar solo el servicio de interface de usuario (implica --cms)"
-#: src/gpa.c:99
+#: src/gpa.c:102
 msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "Leer opciones desde un archivo"
-#: src/gpa.c:290
+#: src/gpa.c:293
 msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr "[ARCHIVO...]"
-#: src/gpa.c:292
+#: src/gpa.c:295
 msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
 msgstr "Interfaz gráfico a GnuPG"
-#: src/gpa.c:293
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "Por favor, envíe informes de error a <"
@@ -678,7 +682,7 @@
 msgstr "El archivo \"%s\" no contiene datos cifrados válidos."
 #: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:482 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
 #: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "¡Contraseña incorrecta!"
@@ -710,7 +714,7 @@
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
 #: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:184 src/verifydlg.c:115
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "_Cerrar"
@@ -727,7 +731,7 @@
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "Esta clave caducó el %s:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:410
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "No se seleccionó ninguna clave con la que firmar"
@@ -735,6 +739,13 @@
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "Firmando..."
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
 #: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "Verificando..."
@@ -788,12 +799,12 @@
 "Tiempo no válido.\n"
 "(no puede indicar un tiempo de expiración en el pasado.)"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:512 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
 #: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "ID de Clave"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:562 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
 #: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "Nombre de Usuario"
@@ -863,7 +874,7 @@
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Tamaño"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:524
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "Fecha de Caducidad"
@@ -883,16 +894,16 @@
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr "Puede autenticar"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:787
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:906
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "Revocada"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:902
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "Caducada"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "Desactivada"
@@ -900,12 +911,12 @@
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "Sin firmar"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:893 src/verifydlg.c:212
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "Válida"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:627 src/gpgmetools.c:634
-#: src/keyring.c:1156 src/keysigndlg.c:104
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Nombre de Usuario:"
@@ -913,8 +924,8 @@
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "Nombres de Usuario:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:628 src/gpgmetools.c:635
-#: src/keyring.c:1158
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "ID de Clave:"
@@ -990,7 +1001,7 @@
 "Esto probablemente se deba a un fallo en GPA.\n"
 "GPA intentará recuperarse de este error."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:446
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -1004,7 +1015,7 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:451
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -1012,106 +1023,106 @@
 "La clave contenida en este archivo es:\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "DSA y ElGamal (por defecto)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:513
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (solo firma)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:514
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "RSA (solo firma)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:547 src/gpgmetools.c:570 src/gpgmetools.c:587
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:898 src/gpgmetools.c:931
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "Desconocida"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:550
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "Nunca"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:553
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "Parcial"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:556
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "Total"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:559
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "Absoluta"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:585
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "Incompleta"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:591
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "Totalmente Válida"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "Por favor introduzca la contraseña para la siguiente clave:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:633
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "Contraseña incorrecta, por favor vuelva a intentarlo:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:658
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "Introduzca Contraseña"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:780
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr "[Ninguno]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:870 src/verifydlg.c:269
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[Identificador de usuario, user ID, desconocido]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/verifydlg.c:217
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "Incorrecta"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:919
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr "Genérica"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:922
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr "Persona"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:925
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr "Casual"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:928
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr "Positiva"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:946
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr "Esta clave puede utilizarse para certificación, firma y cifrado."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:949
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "Esta clave puede utilizarse para certificación y firma, pero no para cifrado."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:955
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr "Esta clave puede utilizarse para certificación y cifrado."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:958
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "Esta clave puede utilizarse sólo para certificación."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:966
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
@@ -1119,15 +1130,15 @@
 "Esta clave puede utilizarse sólo para firma y cifrado, pero no para\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:969
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "Esta clave puede utilizarse tan sólo para firma."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:974
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "Esta clave puede utilizarse tan sólo para cifrado."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:977
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr "Esta clave no vale para nada."
@@ -1403,7 +1414,7 @@
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "Crear copia de _seguridad"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:719 src/keyring.c:747
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "Hacerlo más _tarde"
@@ -1430,7 +1441,7 @@
 "Ha generado una clave con éxito. La clave no caduca nunca y tiene una "
 "longitud de 1024 bits."
-#: src/keylist.c:324
+#: src/keylist.c:342
 msgid ""
 "GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
 "This might take a few seconds."
@@ -1438,22 +1449,28 @@
 "GnuPG está reconstruyendo la base de datos de confianza\n"
 "Esto podría llevar unos segundos."
-#: src/keylist.c:513
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:568
 msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
 msgstr ""
 "El identificador de clave (key ID) es un número corto para identificar el "
-#: src/keylist.c:525
+#: src/keylist.c:581
 msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
 msgstr ""
 "La Fecha de Caducidad es la fecha hasta la cual el certificado es válido."
-#: src/keylist.c:535 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
 msgid "Owner Trust"
 msgstr "Confianza en el Usuario"
-#: src/keylist.c:536
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
 "The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
 "holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
@@ -1463,11 +1480,11 @@
 "describe si confias en dueño del certificado para firmar otros certificados. "
 "Esta opción solo tiene funcionalidad para OpenPGP."
-#: src/keylist.c:548
+#: src/keylist.c:604
 msgid "Validity"
 msgstr "Validez"
-#: src/keylist.c:549
+#: src/keylist.c:605
 msgid ""
 "The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
 "That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
@@ -1476,7 +1493,7 @@
 "certificado. La Valided permite medir la certeza de que el nombre de usuario "
 "es realmente el usuario."
-#: src/keylist.c:563
+#: src/keylist.c:619
 msgid ""
 "The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
@@ -1484,11 +1501,11 @@
 "El Nombre de Usuario es el nombre y a menudo también el correo electrónico "
 "del certificado."
-#: src/keyring.c:437
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "No hay ninguna clave seleccionada para firmar."
-#: src/keyring.c:714
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1496,11 +1513,11 @@
 "Aún no tiene una clave privada. ¿Quiere generar una ahora (recomendado) o "
 "hacerlo más tarde?"
-#: src/keyring.c:718
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "_Generar clave ahora"
-#: src/keyring.c:741
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1508,323 +1525,323 @@
 "No ha hecho aún una copia de seguridad de su clave privada. ¿Desea hacer una "
 "copia de seguridad ahora (recomendado), o más tarde?"
-#: src/keyring.c:746
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "Hacer _copia de seguridad ahora"
-#: src/keyring.c:863
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/_Claves"
-#: src/keyring.c:864
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr "/Claves/_Actualizar"
-#: src/keyring.c:866
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/Claves/sep0"
-#: src/keyring.c:867
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/Claves/_Nueva Clave..."
-#: src/keyring.c:869
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Claves/_Borrar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/Claves/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Claves/_Firmar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:873
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Claves/Establecer _Confianza en el Usuario..."
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Claves/_Editar Clave Privada..."
-#: src/keyring.c:875
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/Claves/sep2"
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/Claves/_Importar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Claves/E_xportar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:878
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Claves/_Copia de Seguridad..."
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "/_Servidor"
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/Servidor/_Descargar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:883
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Servidor/_Enviar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:888
+#: src/keyring.c:908
 msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
 msgstr "/Ventanas/Gestor de _Archivos"
-#: src/keyring.c:919
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/Claves/Exportar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:924
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Claves/Borrar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:932
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Servidor/Enviar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:939
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Claves/Establecer Confianza en el Usuario..."
-#: src/keyring.c:946
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Claves/Firmar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:952
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Claves/Editar Clave Privada..."
-#: src/keyring.c:957
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Claves/Copia de Seguridad..."
-#: src/keyring.c:974
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "/_Copiar"
-#: src/keyring.c:976
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/_Pegar"
-#: src/keyring.c:978
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/_Borrar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:981
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/_Firmar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:982
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Establecer _Confianza en el Usuario..."
-#: src/keyring.c:983
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/_Editar Clave Privada..."
-#: src/keyring.c:985
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/E_xportar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:986
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr "E_nviar claves al servidor"
-#: src/keyring.c:987
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/_Copia de Seguridad..."
-#: src/keyring.c:998
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Establecer Confianza en el Usuario..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1005
+#: src/keyring.c:1025
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Firmar Claves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1011
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Editar Clave Privada..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1016
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Copia de Seguridad..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1086
+#: src/keyring.c:1106
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr "Subclaves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1160 src/keysigndlg.c:110
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "Huella dactilar:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1162
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "Caduca el:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1164
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "Confianza en el usuario:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1166
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "Validez de la Clave:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1168
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "Tipo de Clave:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1170
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "Creada el:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1173
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Detalles"
-#: src/keyring.c:1181
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr "Mostrar firmas en el nombre de usuario:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1205
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "Firmas"
-#: src/keyring.c:1229
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "Esta clave tiene tanto una parte secreta como una pública"
-#: src/keyring.c:1232
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "Esta clave solo tiene una parte pública"
-#: src/keyring.c:1267
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr "%s %u bits"
-#: src/keyring.c:1292
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "No hay claves seleccionadas"
-#: src/keyring.c:1295
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
 msgstr[0] "%d clave seleccionada"
 msgstr[1] "%d claves seleccionadas"
-#: src/keyring.c:1327
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "Todas las firmas"
-#: src/keyring.c:1532
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Editar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1533
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "Editar la clave privada seleccionada"
-#: src/keyring.c:1534
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "editar clave"
-#: src/keyring.c:1542
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "Borrar la clave seleccionada"
-#: src/keyring.c:1543
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "borrar clave"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "Firmar la clave seleccionada"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "firmar clave"
-#: src/keyring.c:1558
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "Importar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "Importar Claves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "importar claves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1564
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "Exportar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1565
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "Exportar Claves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1565
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "exportar claves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1578
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "Breve"
-#: src/keyring.c:1578
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "Mostrar Lista de Claves Breve"
-#: src/keyring.c:1579
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "breve"
-#: src/keyring.c:1590
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "Detallada"
-#: src/keyring.c:1590
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "Mostrar detalles de las claves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1591
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "detallada"
-#: src/keyring.c:1619
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr "Actualizar el anillo de llaves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1620
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr "actualizar el anillo de llaves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1691
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
 msgid "Selected default key:"
 msgstr "Clave por defecto seleccionada:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1701
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
 msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
 msgstr "No hay ninguna clave predeterminada seleccionada en preferencias."
-#: src/keyring.c:1813
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Editor del Anillo"
-#: src/keyring.c:1845
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "Editor del Anillo"
@@ -2024,19 +2041,22 @@
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "El servidor de claves que especificó no es válido"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:54
-msgid "Default _key:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
 msgstr "Clave por _defecto:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:99
-msgid "Default key_server: "
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
 msgstr "Servidor de _claves por defecto:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:147
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
 msgstr "Usar modo _avanzado:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:183
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Preferencias"

Modified: trunk/po/fr.po
--- trunk/po/fr.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/fr.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: GPA 0.7.0\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-10 15:34+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-10 15:57+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-12 12:34+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: \n"
 "Language-Team:  <fr at li.org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
 #: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
 #: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
-#: src/keyring.c:1637
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
 msgid "Clipboard"
 msgstr "Presse-papiers"
-#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:843
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/_Fichier"
@@ -81,15 +81,15 @@
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/Fichier/sep2"
-#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:844
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/Fichier/_Fermer"
-#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:846
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/Fichier/_Quitter"
-#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:849
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "/_Editer"
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@
 msgid "/Edit/Cut"
 msgstr "/Édition/Couper"
-#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:850
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
 msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
 msgstr "/Édition/_Copier"
-#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:852
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
 msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
 msgstr "/Édition/_Coller"
@@ -121,31 +121,31 @@
 msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
 msgstr "/Édition/_Effacer"
-#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:854
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
 msgid "/Edit/sep1"
 msgstr "/Édition/sep1"
-#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:855
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/Édition/Sélectionner _Tout"
-#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:856
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/Édition/sep2"
-#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/Édition/Préfér_ences..."
-#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:859
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
 msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
 msgstr "/Édition/Préférences _Backend..."
-#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:886
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/_Fenêtres"
-#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:887
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
 msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "/Fenêtres/_Editeur de trousseau"
@@ -153,11 +153,11 @@
 msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
 msgstr "/Fenêtres/Gestionnaire de _fichiers"
-#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:889
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
 msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
 msgstr "/Fenêtres/_Presse-papiers"
-#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:928
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
 msgid "/Edit/Copy"
 msgstr "/Edition/Copier"
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
 msgid "paste the clipboard"
 msgstr "coller le presse-papiers"
-#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1550
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "Signer"
@@ -265,11 +265,11 @@
 msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "déchiffrer texte"
-#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1611
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
 msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "Ouvrir la fenêtre des préférences"
-#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1612
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "préférences"
@@ -285,27 +285,27 @@
 msgid "keyring editor"
 msgstr "éditeur de trousseau de clefs"
-#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1628
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "Fichiers"
-#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1629
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
 msgid "Open the file manager"
 msgstr "Ouvrir le gestionnaire de fichiers"
-#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1630
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
 msgid "file manager"
 msgstr "/Fenêtres/_Gestionnaire de fichier"
-#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1645
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Aide"
-#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1646
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr "Comprendre GNU Privacy Assistant"
-#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1647
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "aide"
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
 #: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
-#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
 #: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
 msgid "_Cancel"
 msgstr "_Annuler"
@@ -480,11 +480,11 @@
 msgid "decrypt file"
 msgstr "déchiffrer fichier"
-#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1638
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
 msgid "Open the clipboard"
 msgstr "Ouvrir le presse-papiers"
-#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1639
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
 msgid "clipboard"
 msgstr "presse-papiers"
@@ -532,14 +532,14 @@
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
 #: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:153
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "_Oui"
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
 #: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:156
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "_Non"
@@ -585,36 +585,39 @@
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "Pa_rcourir..."
-#: src/gpa.c:91
+#: src/gpa.c:92
 msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "Afficher l'information de version et quitter"
-#: src/gpa.c:93
+#: src/gpa.c:94
 msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "Éditeur de trousseau de clefs (par défaut)"
-#: src/gpa.c:95
-msgid "Open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "Gestionnaire de fichiers"
-#: src/gpa.c:97
-#, fuzzy
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr "Ouvrir le presse-papiers"
+#: src/gpa.c:100
 msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
 msgstr "Démarrer seulement le serveur d'interface graphique"
-#: src/gpa.c:99
+#: src/gpa.c:102
 msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "Lire les options depuis le fichier"
-#: src/gpa.c:290
+#: src/gpa.c:293
 msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr "[FICHIER...]"
-#: src/gpa.c:292
+#: src/gpa.c:295
 msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
 msgstr "Interface graphique pour GnuPG"
-#: src/gpa.c:293
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "Veuillez envoyer vos rapports de faille à <"
@@ -675,7 +678,7 @@
 msgstr "Le fichier \"%s\" ne contient pas de données OpenPGP valides."
 #: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:482 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
 #: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "Mot de passe incorrect!"
@@ -707,7 +710,7 @@
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
 #: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:184 src/verifydlg.c:115
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "_Fermer"
@@ -724,7 +727,7 @@
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "La clef suivante a expiré le %s"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:410
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné une clef pour signer"
@@ -732,6 +735,13 @@
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "Signature..."
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
 #: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "Vérification..."
@@ -786,12 +796,12 @@
 "La date est invalide.\n"
 "(la date d'expiration ne peut être située dans le passé.)"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:512 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
 #: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "ID de clef"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:562 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
 #: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur"
@@ -862,7 +872,7 @@
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Taille"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:524
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "Expiration"
@@ -882,16 +892,16 @@
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr "Authentifie"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:787
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:906
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "Révoquée"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:902
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "Expirée"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "Hors-fonction"
@@ -899,12 +909,12 @@
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "Non-signé"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:893 src/verifydlg.c:212
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "Valide"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:627 src/gpgmetools.c:634
-#: src/keyring.c:1156 src/keysigndlg.c:104
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur:"
@@ -912,8 +922,8 @@
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "Noms d'utilisateur:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:628 src/gpgmetools.c:635
-#: src/keyring.c:1158
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "ID de clef:"
@@ -989,7 +999,7 @@
 "Il s'agit probablement d'un bogue dans le GPA.\n"
 "GPA va tenter de récupérer de cette erreur."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:446
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -1003,7 +1013,7 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:451
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -1011,110 +1021,110 @@
 "La clef sauvegardée dans ce fichier est:\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "DSA et ElGamal (par défaut)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:513
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (signature seulement)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:514
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (signature seulement)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:547 src/gpgmetools.c:570 src/gpgmetools.c:587
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:898 src/gpgmetools.c:931
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "inconnu"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:550
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "Jamais"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:553
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "Marginale"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:556
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "Complète"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:559
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "Ultime"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:585
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "Incomplet"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:591
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "Complètement valide"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "Veuillez entrer le mot de passe pour la clef suivante:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:633
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "Mauvais mot de passe, essayez encore:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:658
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "Entrer le mot de passe"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:780
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr "[Aucun]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:870 src/verifydlg.c:269
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[ID d'utilisateur inconnu]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/verifydlg.c:217
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "Mauvaise"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:919
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr "Générique"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:922
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr "Personnelle"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:925
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr "Informelle"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:928
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr "Positive"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:946
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "La clef peut être utilisée pour fins de certification, de signature et de "
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:949
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "La clef peut être utilisée pour fins de certification et de signature mais "
 "pas de chiffrement."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:955
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "La clef peut être utilisée pour fins de certification et de chiffrement."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:958
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "La clef peut être utilisée pour fins de certification seulement."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:966
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
@@ -1122,15 +1132,15 @@
 "La clef peut être utilisée pour fins de signature et de chiffrement mais pas "
 "de certification."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:969
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "La clef peut être utilisée pour fins de signature seulement."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:974
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "La clef peut être utilisée pour fins de chiffrement seulement."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:977
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr "Cette clef est inutilisable."
@@ -1406,7 +1416,7 @@
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "Créer une _copie de sauvegarde"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:719 src/keyring.c:747
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "Le faire plus _tard"
@@ -1433,7 +1443,7 @@
 "Vous avez généré avec succès une clef. La clef n'a pas de date d'expiration "
 "et a une longueur de 1024 bits."
-#: src/keylist.c:324
+#: src/keylist.c:342
 msgid ""
 "GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
 "This might take a few seconds."
@@ -1441,47 +1451,53 @@
 "GnuPG met à jour les données de confiance.\n"
 "Ceci peut prendre quelques secondes."
-#: src/keylist.c:513
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:568
 msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:525
+#: src/keylist.c:581
 msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:535 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
 msgid "Owner Trust"
 msgstr "Confiance du propriétaire"
-#: src/keylist.c:536
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
 "The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
 "holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
 "It is only meaningful for OpenPGP."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:548
+#: src/keylist.c:604
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Validity"
 msgstr "Validité"
-#: src/keylist.c:549
+#: src/keylist.c:605
 msgid ""
 "The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
 "That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:563
+#: src/keylist.c:619
 msgid ""
 "The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:437
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "Aucune clef sélectionnée pour signer."
-#: src/keyring.c:714
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1489,11 +1505,11 @@
 "Vous n'avez pas encore de clef privée. Voulez-vous en générer une maintenant "
 "(recommendé) ou le faire plus tard?"
-#: src/keyring.c:718
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "_Générer la clef maintenant"
-#: src/keyring.c:741
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1501,323 +1517,323 @@
 "Vous n'avez pas encore de sauvegarde de votre clef privée. Voulez-vous faire "
 "une sauvegarde maintenant (recommendé) ou le faire plus tard ?"
-#: src/keyring.c:746
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "_Sauvegarder la clef maintenant"
-#: src/keyring.c:863
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/_Clefs"
-#: src/keyring.c:864
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr "/Clefs/_Recharger"
-#: src/keyring.c:866
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/Clefs/sep0"
-#: src/keyring.c:867
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/_Nouvelle Clef..."
-#: src/keyring.c:869
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/Supprimer Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/Clefs/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/_Signature de Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:873
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/Changer la confiance..."
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/_Édition de clef privée..."
-#: src/keyring.c:875
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/Clefs/sep2"
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/_Importer des Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/E_xporter des Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:878
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/_Sauvegarder..."
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "/_Serveur"
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/Serveur/_Récupération de Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:883
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Serveur/_Envoi de Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:888
+#: src/keyring.c:908
 msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
 msgstr "/Fenêtres/_Gestionnaire de fichiers"
-#: src/keyring.c:919
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/_Exporter des Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:924
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/_Supprimer des Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:932
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/_Envoi de Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:939
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/Changer la confiance..."
-#: src/keyring.c:946
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/Signature de clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:952
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/Édition de Clef Privée..."
-#: src/keyring.c:957
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Clefs/Sauvegarder..."
-#: src/keyring.c:974
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "/Édition/_Copier"
-#: src/keyring.c:976
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/Édition/_Coller"
-#: src/keyring.c:978
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Supprimer des Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:981
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/_Signature de Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:982
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Changer la confiance..."
-#: src/keyring.c:983
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/_Éditer une Clef Privée..."
-#: src/keyring.c:985
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/E_xporter des Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:986
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr "/E_nvoi de Clefs au Serveur..."
-#: src/keyring.c:987
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/_Sauvegarder..."
-#: src/keyring.c:998
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Changer la confiance..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1005
+#: src/keyring.c:1025
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Signature de Clefs..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1011
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Édition de Clefs Privées..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1016
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Sauvegarder..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1086
+#: src/keyring.c:1106
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr "Sous-clefs"
-#: src/keyring.c:1160 src/keysigndlg.c:110
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "Empreinte:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1162
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "Expire le:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1164
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "Confiance du propriétaire:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1166
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "Validité:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1168
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "Type de clef:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1170
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "Créée le:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1173
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Détails"
-#: src/keyring.c:1181
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr "Afficher les signatures d'un nom d'usager:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1205
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "Signatures"
-#: src/keyring.c:1229
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "La clef a à la fois une partie privée et une partie publique"
-#: src/keyring.c:1232
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "La clef a seulement une partie publique"
-#: src/keyring.c:1267
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr "%s %u bits"
-#: src/keyring.c:1292
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "Pas de clef sélectionnée"
-#: src/keyring.c:1295
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
 msgstr[0] "%d clef sélectionnée"
 msgstr[1] "%d clefs sélectionnées"
-#: src/keyring.c:1327
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "Toutes les signatures"
-#: src/keyring.c:1532
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Éditer"
-#: src/keyring.c:1533
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "Editer la clef sélectionnée"
-#: src/keyring.c:1534
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "éditer clef"
-#: src/keyring.c:1542
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "Supprimer la clef sélectionnée"
-#: src/keyring.c:1543
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "supprimer clef"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "Signer la clef sélectionnée"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "signer clef"
-#: src/keyring.c:1558
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "Importer"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "Importer des clefs"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "importer clefs"
-#: src/keyring.c:1564
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "Exporter"
-#: src/keyring.c:1565
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "Exporter des clefs"
-#: src/keyring.c:1565
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "exporter clefs"
-#: src/keyring.c:1578
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "Résumée"
-#: src/keyring.c:1578
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "Montrer un résumé de la liste de clefs"
-#: src/keyring.c:1579
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "résumée"
-#: src/keyring.c:1590
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "Détaillée"
-#: src/keyring.c:1590
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "Montrer les détails de la clef"
-#: src/keyring.c:1591
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "détaillé"
-#: src/keyring.c:1619
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr "Recharger le trousseau de clefs"
-#: src/keyring.c:1620
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr "Recharger le trousseau de clefs"
-#: src/keyring.c:1691
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
 msgid "Selected default key:"
 msgstr "Clef sélectionnée par défaut:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1701
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
 msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
 msgstr "Aucune clef sélectionnée par défaut dans les préférences"
-#: src/keyring.c:1813
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Éditeur de trousseau de clefs"
-#: src/keyring.c:1845
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "Éditeur de trousseau de clefs"
@@ -2018,19 +2034,22 @@
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "Le serveur de clefs que vous avez indiqué n'est pas valide"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:54
-msgid "Default _key:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
 msgstr "Clef par _défaut:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:99
-msgid "Default key_server: "
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
 msgstr "_Serveur de clefs par défaut:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:147
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
 msgstr "Utiliser le mode _avancé:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:183
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Réglages"

Modified: trunk/po/ja.po
--- trunk/po/ja.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/ja.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: GPA 0.6.1-cvs\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-24 14:59+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-11-03 17:11+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: TAKAHASHI Tamotsu <ttakah at lapis.plala.or.jp>\n"
 "Language-Team: Japanese <gnupg-i18n at gnupg.org>\n"
@@ -15,262 +15,555 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=EUC-JP\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:134 src/expirydlg.c:115 src/filesigndlg.c:123
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:294 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:144 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:95
-#: src/gpawizard.c:287 src/gpgmetools.c:660 src/keygendlg.c:140
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:110 src/passwddlg.c:98
-msgid "_Cancel"
-msgstr "¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë (_C)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:367 src/fileman.c:350
+msgid "Open File"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò³«¤¯"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:135
-msgid "Encrypt files"
-msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë°Å¹æ²½"
+#: src/clipboard.c:395 src/confdialog.c:1266 src/gtktools.c:353
+msgid "GPA Message"
+msgstr "GPA ¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:166
-msgid "_Public Keys"
-msgstr "¸ø³«¸° (_P)"
+#. TRANSLATORS: The arguments are the filename, the integer size
+#. and the unit (such as KB or MB).
+#: src/clipboard.c:412
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file %s is %lli%s large.  Do you really  want to open it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Ʊ¤¸¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë %s ¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤¹\n"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:169
-msgid "_Sign"
-msgstr "½ð̾¤¹¤ë (_S)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:481
+msgid "Save As..."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:190 src/filesigndlg.c:180
-msgid "Sign _as "
-msgstr "½ð̾ÁªÂò (_A)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
+#: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clipboard"
+msgstr "¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¥Ü¡¼¥É¤Ø¥³¥Ô¡¼ (_C)"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:193
-msgid "A_rmor"
-msgstr "¥¢¡¼¥Þ¤Î·ÁÀ® (_R)"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:63
-msgid "Please provide a correct date."
-msgstr "Àµ¤·¤¤ÆüÉÕ¤òÆþÎϤ·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:110
-msgid "Change expiry date"
-msgstr "Í­¸ú´ü¸Â¤òÊѹ¹"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:128
-msgid "_never expire"
-msgstr "̵´ü¸ÂÍ­¸ú (_N)"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:133
-msgid "_expire on:"
-msgstr "Í­¸ú´ü¸Â¤Î»ØÄê (_E):"
-#: src/fileman.c:345
-msgid "Open File"
-msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò³«¤¯"
-#: src/fileman.c:350 src/fileman.c:899
-msgid "The file is already open."
-msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ï³«¤«¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹"
-#: src/fileman.c:467 src/keyring.c:844
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (_F)"
-#: src/fileman.c:468
+#: src/clipboard.c:693 src/fileman.c:474
+msgid "/File/C_lear"
+msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/¥¯¥ê¥¢ (_L)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:694 src/fileman.c:473
 msgid "/File/_Open"
 msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/³«¤¯ (_O)"
-#: src/fileman.c:469
-msgid "/File/C_lear"
-msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/¥¯¥ê¥¢ (_L)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:695
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/File/Save _As"
+msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/ÊĤ¸¤ë (_C)"
-#: src/fileman.c:470
+#: src/clipboard.c:697 src/fileman.c:475
 msgid "/File/sep1"
 msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/sep1"
-#: src/fileman.c:471
+#: src/clipboard.c:698 src/fileman.c:476
 msgid "/File/_Sign"
 msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/½ð̾¤¹¤ë (_S)"
-#: src/fileman.c:472
+#: src/clipboard.c:699 src/fileman.c:477
 msgid "/File/_Verify"
 msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/¸¡¾Ú (_V)"
-#: src/fileman.c:473
+#: src/clipboard.c:700 src/fileman.c:478
 msgid "/File/_Encrypt"
 msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/°Å¹æ²½ (_E)"
-#: src/fileman.c:474
+#: src/clipboard.c:701 src/fileman.c:479
 msgid "/File/_Decrypt"
 msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/Éü¹æ²½ (_D)"
-#: src/fileman.c:475
+#: src/clipboard.c:702 src/fileman.c:480
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:476 src/keyring.c:845
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/ÊĤ¸¤ë (_C)"
-#: src/fileman.c:477 src/keyring.c:847
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/½ªÎ» (_Q)"
-#: src/fileman.c:480 src/keyring.c:850
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (_E)"
-#: src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:856
+#: src/clipboard.c:710
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Undo"
+msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/¥³¥Ô¡¼ (_C)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Redo"
+msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/¥³¥Ô¡¼ (_C)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:712
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/sep0"
+msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/sep2"
+#: src/clipboard.c:714 src/clipboard.c:750
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Cut"
+msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/¥³¥Ô¡¼ (C)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
+msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
+msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/¥³¥Ô¡¼ (_C)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
+msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
+msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/Ž¤êÉÕ¤± (_P)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:717
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
+msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/Ž¤êÉÕ¤± (_P)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
+msgid "/Edit/sep1"
+msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/sep1"
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/¤¹¤Ù¤ÆÁªÂò (_A)"
-#: src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:483 src/keyring.c:858
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/ÀßÄê (_E)"
-#: src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:885
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
+msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/ÀßÄê (_E)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/¥¦¥£¥ó¥É¥¦ (_W)"
-#: src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:886
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
+msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
+msgstr "/¥¦¥£¥ó¥É¥¦ (W)/¸°Â«¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿ (_K)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:730 src/fileman.c:496
 msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
 msgstr "/¥¦¥£¥ó¥É¥¦ (W)/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¥Þ¥Í¡¼¥¸¥ã (_F)"
-#: src/fileman.c:489 src/keyring.c:887
-msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
-msgstr "/¥¦¥£¥ó¥É¥¦ (W)/¸°Â«¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿ (_K)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
+msgstr "/¥¦¥£¥ó¥É¥¦ (W)/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¥Þ¥Í¡¼¥¸¥ã (_F)"
-#: src/fileman.c:508
-msgid "/File/Sign"
-msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/½ð̾¤¹¤ë (S)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
+msgid "/Edit/Copy"
+msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/¥³¥Ô¡¼ (C)"
-#: src/fileman.c:513
-msgid "/File/Verify"
-msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/¸¡¾Ú (V)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:766
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Delete"
+msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/¤¹¤Ù¤ÆÁªÂò (_A)"
-#: src/fileman.c:518
-msgid "/File/Encrypt"
-msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/°Å¹æ²½ (E)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Paste"
+msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/Ž¤êÉÕ¤± (_P)"
-#: src/fileman.c:523
-msgid "/File/Decrypt"
-msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/Éü¹æ²½ (D)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "Clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "Open a file"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò³«¤¯"
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "open file"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë³«¤¯"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "Close all files"
-msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò¤¹¤Ù¤ÆÊĤ¸¤ë"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save to a file"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò³«¤¯"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "close files"
-msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÊĤ¸¤ë"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "save file as"
+msgstr "̾Á°¤òÉÕ¤±¤ÆÊݸ (_A): "
-#: src/fileman.c:604 src/keyring.c:1567
+#: src/clipboard.c:900
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cut the selection"
+msgstr "ÁªÂò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò°Å¹æ²½¤¹¤ë"
+#: src/clipboard.c:901
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cut the selection"
+msgstr "ÁªÂò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò°Å¹æ²½¤¹¤ë"
+#: src/clipboard.c:907
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copy the selection"
+msgstr "ÁªÂò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò°Å¹æ²½¤¹¤ë"
+#: src/clipboard.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "copy the selection"
+msgstr "ÁªÂò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò°Å¹æ²½¤¹¤ë"
+#: src/clipboard.c:914
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Paste the clipboard"
+msgstr "¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¥Ü¡¼¥É¤Ø¥³¥Ô¡¼ (_C)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:915
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "paste the clipboard"
+msgstr "¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¥Ü¡¼¥É¤Ø¥³¥Ô¡¼ (_C)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "½ð̾¤¹¤ë"
-#: src/fileman.c:605
-msgid "Sign the selected file"
-msgstr "ÁªÂò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ë½ð̾¤¹¤ë"
+#: src/clipboard.c:926
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sign the selected text"
+msgstr "ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤¿¸°¤Ë½ð̾¤¹¤ë"
-#: src/fileman.c:606
-msgid "sign file"
-msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ë½ð̾"
+#: src/clipboard.c:927
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "sign text"
+msgstr "¸°¤Ë½ð̾"
-#: src/fileman.c:615
+#: src/clipboard.c:935 src/fileman.c:623
 msgid "Verify"
 msgstr "¸¡¾Ú"
-#: src/fileman.c:616
-msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:936
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Check signatures of selected text"
 msgstr "ÁªÂò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Î½ð̾¤ò¥Á¥§¥Ã¥¯"
-#: src/fileman.c:617
-msgid "verify file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:937
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "verify text"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¸¡¾Ú"
-#: src/fileman.c:626
+#: src/clipboard.c:945 src/fileman.c:634
 msgid "Encrypt"
 msgstr "°Å¹æ²½"
-#: src/fileman.c:627
-msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:946
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "ÁªÂò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò°Å¹æ²½¤¹¤ë"
-#: src/fileman.c:628
-msgid "encrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:947
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "encrypt text"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë°Å¹æ²½"
-#: src/fileman.c:637
+#: src/clipboard.c:955 src/fileman.c:645
 msgid "Decrypt"
 msgstr "Éü¹æ²½"
-#: src/fileman.c:638
-msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:956
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Decrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "ÁªÂò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤òÉü¹æ²½¤¹¤ë"
-#: src/fileman.c:639
-msgid "decrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:957
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÉü¹æ²½"
-#: src/fileman.c:654 src/keyring.c:1632
-msgid "Open the Preferences dialog"
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "ÀßÄê¥À¥¤¥¢¥í¥°¤ò³«¤¯"
-#: src/fileman.c:655 src/keyring.c:1633
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "ÀßÄê"
-#: src/fileman.c:663 src/keyring.c:1656
+#: src/clipboard.c:975 src/fileman.c:666
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keyring"
+msgstr "¸°Â«¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿"
+#: src/clipboard.c:976 src/fileman.c:667
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the keyring editor"
+msgstr "¸°Â«¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿¤ò³«¤¯ (¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:977 src/fileman.c:668
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "keyring editor"
+msgstr "¸°Â«¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿"
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë"
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the file manager"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¥Þ¥Í¡¼¥¸¥ã¤ò³«¤¯"
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
+msgid "file manager"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¥Þ¥Í¡¼¥¸¥ã"
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "¥Ø¥ë¥×"
-#: src/fileman.c:664 src/keyring.c:1657
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant ¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤ÆÍý²ò¤¹¤ë"
-#: src/fileman.c:665 src/keyring.c:1658
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "¥Ø¥ë¥×"
-#: src/fileman.c:764
+#: src/clipboard.c:1084
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Clipboard"
+msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¥Þ¥Í¡¼¥¸¥ã"
+#: src/confdialog.c:993
+msgid "<b>Main</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use default values"
+msgstr "¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î¸°¤òÀßÄê"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use default value"
+msgstr "¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î¸°¤òÀßÄê"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1146
+msgid "Do not use option"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom values"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom value"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1155
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use default argument"
+msgstr "¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î°¸Àè¤ÎÀßÄê"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1280
+msgid ""
+"There are unapplied changes by you. Changing the expert setting will apply "
+"those changes.  Do you want to continue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1325
+msgid "Crypto Backend Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1334
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1346
+msgid "Configure the tools of the GnuPG system."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1350
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Level:"
+msgstr "¥ì¥Ù¥ë"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1359
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "/¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×... (_B)"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1360
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1361
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Expert"
+msgstr "¥¨¥¯¥¹¥Ý¡¼¥È"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr "¥­¥ã¥ó¥»¥ë (_C)"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt documents"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë°Å¹æ²½"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:174
+msgid "_Public Keys"
+msgstr "¸ø³«¸° (_P)"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:177
+msgid "_Sign"
+msgstr "½ð̾¤¹¤ë (_S)"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:201 src/filesigndlg.c:185
+msgid "Sign _as "
+msgstr "½ð̾ÁªÂò (_A)"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:215 src/filesigndlg.c:187
+msgid "A_rmor"
+msgstr "¥¢¡¼¥Þ¤Î·ÁÀ® (_R)"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:64
+msgid "Please provide a correct date."
+msgstr "Àµ¤·¤¤ÆüÉÕ¤òÆþÎϤ·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:111
+msgid "Change expiry date"
+msgstr "Í­¸ú´ü¸Â¤òÊѹ¹"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:129
+msgid "_never expire"
+msgstr "̵´ü¸ÂÍ­¸ú (_N)"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:134
+msgid "_expire on:"
+msgstr "Í­¸ú´ü¸Â¤Î»ØÄê (_E):"
+#: src/fileman.c:355 src/fileman.c:953
+msgid "The file is already open."
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ï³«¤«¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹"
+#: src/fileman.c:516
+msgid "/File/Sign"
+msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/½ð̾¤¹¤ë (S)"
+#: src/fileman.c:521
+msgid "/File/Verify"
+msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/¸¡¾Ú (V)"
+#: src/fileman.c:526
+msgid "/File/Encrypt"
+msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/°Å¹æ²½ (E)"
+#: src/fileman.c:531
+msgid "/File/Decrypt"
+msgstr "/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (F)/Éü¹æ²½ (D)"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "Close all files"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò¤¹¤Ù¤ÆÊĤ¸¤ë"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "close files"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÊĤ¸¤ë"
+#: src/fileman.c:613
+msgid "Sign the selected file"
+msgstr "ÁªÂò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ë½ð̾¤¹¤ë"
+#: src/fileman.c:614
+msgid "sign file"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ë½ð̾"
+#: src/fileman.c:624
+msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+msgstr "ÁªÂò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Î½ð̾¤ò¥Á¥§¥Ã¥¯"
+#: src/fileman.c:625
+msgid "verify file"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¸¡¾Ú"
+#: src/fileman.c:635
+msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "ÁªÂò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò°Å¹æ²½¤¹¤ë"
+#: src/fileman.c:636
+msgid "encrypt file"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë°Å¹æ²½"
+#: src/fileman.c:646
+msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "ÁªÂò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤òÉü¹æ²½¤¹¤ë"
+#: src/fileman.c:647
+msgid "decrypt file"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ëÉü¹æ²½"
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the clipboard"
+msgstr "¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¥Ü¡¼¥É¤Ø¥³¥Ô¡¼ (_C)"
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "clipboard"
+msgstr "¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¥Ü¡¼¥É¤Ø¥³¥Ô¡¼ (_C)"
+#: src/fileman.c:785
 msgid "File"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë"
-#: src/fileman.c:821
+#: src/fileman.c:850
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - File Manager"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¥Þ¥Í¡¼¥¸¥ã"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:124
-msgid "Sign files"
-msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ë½ð̾¤¹¤ë"
+#: src/fileman.c:876
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Manager"
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¥Þ¥Í¡¼¥¸¥ã"
 #: src/filesigndlg.c:134
+msgid "Sign documents"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:144
 msgid "Signing Mode"
 msgstr "½ð̾Êý¼°"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:142
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:152
 msgid "si_gn and compress"
 msgstr "°µ½Ì¤¢¤ê¤Ç½ð̾¤¹¤ë (_G)"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:148
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:158
 msgid "_cleartext signature"
 msgstr "ʿʸ½ð̾ (_C)"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:155
-msgid "sign in separate _file"
-msgstr "ÊÌ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ë½ð̾¤¹¤ë (_F)"
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_detached signature"
+msgstr "ʿʸ½ð̾ (_C)"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:159
-msgid "a_rmor"
-msgstr "¥¢¡¼¥Þ·ÁÀ® (_R)"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:215 src/gpgmetools.c:137
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:213 src/gpgmetools.c:138
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The file %s already exists.\n"
@@ -279,21 +572,21 @@
 "Ʊ¤¸¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë %s ¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤¹\n"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:218 src/gpaexportserverop.c:132
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:311 src/gpafileverifyop.c:175 src/gpgmetools.c:140
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:43 src/keydeletedlg.c:92 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:136
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "¤Ï¤¤ (_Y)"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:219 src/gpaexportserverop.c:133
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:312 src/gpafileverifyop.c:176 src/gpgmetools.c:141
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:45 src/keydeletedlg.c:94 src/keysigndlg.c:66
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:139
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "¤¤¤¤¤¨ (_N)"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:231
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "A copy of your secret key has been made to the file:\n"
@@ -310,85 +603,93 @@
 "¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤ (Î㤨¤Ð¥Õ¥í¥Ã¥Ô¡¼¤ËÆþ¤ì¤Æ°ÂÁ´¤Ê¾ì½ê¤Ë±£¤·¤Æ¤ª¤¯)¡£"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:246
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:244
 msgid "An error ocurred during the backup operation."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:262
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:260
 msgid "Backup key to file"
 msgstr "¸°¤ò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ë¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×¤¹¤ë"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:289
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:287
 msgid "Backup Keys"
 msgstr "¸°¤ò¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:313
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "Generating backup of key: %s"
 msgstr "¸°¤Î¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×¤òºîÀ®¤¹¤ë: %s"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:319
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:317
 msgid "_Backup to file:"
 msgstr "¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×Àè¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë (_B):"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:331
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:329
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "¥Ö¥é¥¦¥º... (_R)"
-#: src/gpa.c:373
-msgid "display this help and exit"
-msgstr "¤³¤Î¥Ø¥ë¥×¤òɽ¼¨¤·¤Æ½ªÎ»"
-#: src/gpa.c:374
-msgid "output version information and exit"
+#: src/gpa.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó¾ðÊó¤ò½ÐÎϤ·¤Æ½ªÎ»"
-#: src/gpa.c:375
-msgid "open keyring editor (default)"
+#: src/gpa.c:94
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "¸°Â«¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿¤ò³«¤¯ (¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È)"
-#: src/gpa.c:376
-msgid "open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¥Þ¥Í¡¼¥¸¥ã¤ò³«¤¯"
-#: src/gpa.c:377
-msgid "read options from file"
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr "¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¥Ü¡¼¥É¤Ø¥³¥Ô¡¼ (_C)"
+#: src/gpa.c:100
+msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤«¤é¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥óÆɹþ"
-#: src/gpa.c:401
-msgid ""
-"Syntax: gpa [options]\n"
-"Graphical frontend to GnuPG\n"
+#: src/gpa.c:293
+msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:295
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
+msgstr ""
 "¹½Ê¸: gpa [¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó]\n"
 "GnuPG ¤Î¥°¥é¥Õ¥£¥«¥ë¤Ê¥Õ¥í¥ó¥È¥¨¥ó¥É\n"
-#: src/gpa.c:403
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó"
-#: src/gpa.c:409
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "¥Ð¥°¤Ï <"
-#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:137
+#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:139
 msgid "The keys have been copied to the clipboard."
 msgstr "¸°¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¥Ü¡¼¥É¤Ø¥³¥Ô¡¼¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:131
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:133
 msgid "Export public keys to file"
 msgstr "¸ø³«¸°¤ò¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ø¥¨¥¯¥¹¥Ý¡¼¥È"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:135
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:137
 msgid "_armor"
 msgstr "¥¢¡¼¥Þ (_A)"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:169
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:171
 #, c-format
 msgid "The keys have been exported to %s."
 msgstr "¸°¤¬ %s ¤Ë¥¨¥¯¥¹¥Ý¡¼¥È¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£"
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:127
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:129
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The selected key will be sent to a public key\n"
@@ -399,87 +700,104 @@
 "(¥µ¡¼¥Ð: \"%s\")\n"
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:185
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:187
 msgid "The keys have been sent to the server."
 msgstr "¸°¤ò¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤ØÁ÷¿®¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£"
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:89
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:94
 msgid "Decrypting..."
 msgstr "Éü¹æ²½Ãæ..."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:280 src/gpafileverifyop.c:385
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:358 src/gpafileverifyop.c:449
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë \"%s\" ¤Ë¤Ï OpenPGP ¥Ç¡¼¥¿¤¬´Þ¤Þ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£"
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:288
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:359 src/gpafileverifyop.c:450
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGPdata."
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë \"%s\" ¤Ë¤Ï OpenPGP ¥Ç¡¼¥¿¤¬´Þ¤Þ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£"
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:369
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë \"%s\" ¤Ë¤ÏÍ­¸ú¤Ê°Å¹æ²½¥Ç¡¼¥¿¤¬´Þ¤Þ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£"
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:296 src/gpafileencryptop.c:579
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:353 src/gpafileverifyop.c:393 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:233
-#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:195 src/gpakeysignop.c:227
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no validencrypted data."
+msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë \"%s\" ¤Ë¤ÏÍ­¸ú¤Ê°Å¹æ²½¥Ç¡¼¥¿¤¬´Þ¤Þ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£"
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "¥Ñ¥¹¥Õ¥ì¡¼¥º¤¬°ã¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡ª"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:107
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:155
 msgid "Encrypting..."
 msgstr "°Å¹æ²½Ãæ..."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:309 src/verifydlg.c:224
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:453 src/verifydlg.c:222
 msgid "Unknown Key"
 msgstr "̤³Îǧ¤Î¸°"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:325
-msgid "You are going to encrypt a file using the following key:"
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:469
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You are going to encrypt a document using the following key:"
 msgstr "¼¡¤Î¸°¤ò»È¤Ã¤Æ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ò°Å¹æ²½¤·¤è¤¦¤È¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:331
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:475
 msgid "However, it is not certain that the key belongs to that person."
 msgstr "¤È¤Ï¤¤¤¨¡¢¤½¤Î¸°¤¬¤½¤Î¿Í¤Ë°¤·¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤«¤É¤¦¤«¤Ï³Î¼Â¤Ç¤Ï¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:337
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:481
 msgid "Do you <b>really</b> want to use this key?"
 msgstr "<b>ËÜÅö¤Ë</b>¤³¤Î¸°¤ò»È¤¤¤¿¤¤¤Î¤Ç¤¹¤«?"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:358 src/gpafileencryptop.c:398 src/verifydlg.c:229
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:502 src/gpafileencryptop.c:542 src/verifydlg.c:227
 msgid "Revoked Key"
 msgstr "ÇË´þºÑ¤ß¤Î¸°"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:360 src/gpafileencryptop.c:400 src/gpawizard.c:279
-#: src/gtktools.c:315 src/gtktools.c:348 src/helpmenu.c:418
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:150 src/keylist.c:512 src/settingsdlg.c:166
-#: src/verifydlg.c:117
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
+#: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "ÊĤ¸¤ë (_C)"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:373
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:517
 msgid "The following key has been revoked by it's owner:"
 msgstr "°Ê²¼¤Î¸°¤Ï½êÍ­¼Ô¤Ë¤è¤Ã¤ÆÇË´þ¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:378 src/gpafileencryptop.c:421
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:522 src/gpafileencryptop.c:565
 msgid "And can not be used for encryption."
 msgstr "¤è¤Ã¤Æ¡¢°Å¹æ²½¤Ë»È¤¦¤³¤È¤Ï¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:413
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "¼¡¤Î¸°¤ÎÍ­¸ú´ü¸Â¤Ï %s ¤Ç¤¹:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:497 src/gpafilesignop.c:281
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "½ð̾¤¹¤ë¸°¤òÁªÂò¤·¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿"
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:97
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:148
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "½ð̾Ãæ..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:98
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "¸¡¾ÚÃæ..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:169
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "GPA found a file that could be a signature of %s. Would you like to verify "
@@ -488,19 +806,19 @@
 "The file found is: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:78
+#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:80
 msgid "Generating Key..."
 msgstr "¸°¤òÀ¸À®Ãæ..."
-#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:129
+#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:131
 msgid "Import public keys from file"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤«¤é¸ø³«¸°¤ò¥¤¥ó¥Ý¡¼¥È¤¹¤ë"
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:195
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:197
 msgid "No keys were found."
 msgstr "¸°¤¬¸«ÉÕ¤«¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¤Ç¤·¤¿¡£"
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:203
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%i public keys read\n"
@@ -517,158 +835,158 @@
 "%i ¸Ä¤ÎÈëÌ©¸°¤ò¥¤¥ó¥Ý¡¼¥È¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿\n"
 "%i ¸Ä¤ÎÈëÌ©¸°¤Ï̵Êѹ¹¤Ç¤¹"
-#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:237
+#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:239
 msgid ""
 "Invalid time given.\n"
 "(you may not set the expiration time to the past.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:88 src/keylist.c:224 src/keylist.c:259
-#: src/siglist.c:92 src/siglist.c:112 src/verifydlg.c:326
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "¸° ID"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:97 src/keylist.c:233 src/keylist.c:298
-#: src/siglist.c:98 src/siglist.c:141 src/verifydlg.c:338
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "¥æ¡¼¥¶Ì¾"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:186
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:188
 msgid "No private key for signing."
 msgstr "½ð̾¤Ë»È¤¦¸ø³«¸°¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:231
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:233
 msgid "This key has expired! Unable to sign."
 msgstr "¤³¤Î¸°¤Ï´ü¸Â¤¬ÀÚ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡ª ½ð̾¤Ç¤­¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:237
 msgid "This key has already been signed with your own!"
 msgstr "¤³¤Î¸°¤Ï´û¤Ë¼«Ê¬¼«¿È¤Î¸°¤Ç½ð̾¤·¤Æ¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤¹¡ª"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:240
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:242
 msgid "You haven't selected a default key to sign with!"
 msgstr "½ð̾¤¹¤ë¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î¸°¤òÁªÂò¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡ª"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:31
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
 msgid "days"
 msgstr "Æü"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:32
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
 msgid "weeks"
 msgstr "½µ"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:35
 msgid "months"
 msgstr "·î"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:36
 msgid "years"
 msgstr "ǯ"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:74
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:76
 msgid "never expires"
 msgstr "̵´ü¸Â"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:92
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:94
 msgid "unknown"
 msgstr "̤³Îǧ"
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:100
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:101
 msgid "Which key do you want to import? (The key must be specified by key ID)."
 msgstr "¤É¤Î¸°¤ò¥¤¥ó¥Ý¡¼¥È¤·¤Þ¤¹¤«? (¸°¤Ï ID ¤Ç»ØÄꤹ¤ëɬÍפ¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤¹)"
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:115
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:116
 msgid "Key _ID:"
 msgstr "¸° _ID"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:70
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:72
 msgid "Subkey ID"
 msgstr "Éû¸° ID"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:76 src/siglist.c:118 src/verifydlg.c:332
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:78 src/siglist.c:120 src/verifydlg.c:330
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "¥¹¥Æ¡¼¥¿¥¹"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:82
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:84
 msgid "Algorithm"
 msgstr "¥¢¥ë¥´¥ê¥º¥à"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:89
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:91
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "¥µ¥¤¥º"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:95 src/keyeditdlg.c:170 src/keylist.c:268
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "Í­¸ú´ü¸Â"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:102
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:104
 msgid "Can sign"
 msgstr "½ð̾²Äǽ"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:108
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:110
 msgid "Can certify"
 msgstr "¾ÚÌÀ²Äǽ"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:115
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:117
 msgid "Can encrypt"
 msgstr "°Å¹æ²½²Äǽ"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:122
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:124
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr "ǧ¾Ú²Äǽ"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:135 src/gpgmetools.c:577 src/gpgmetools.c:785
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:904
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "ÇË´þºÑ¤ß"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:139 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:900
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "´ü¸ÂÀÚ¤ì"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:143 src/gpgmetools.c:581
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "̵¸ú"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:147
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:149
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "½ð̾¤Ê¤·"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:151 src/gpgmetools.c:891 src/verifydlg.c:214
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "Í­¸ú"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/gpgmetools.c:625 src/gpgmetools.c:632
-#: src/keyring.c:1173 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "¥æ¡¼¥¶Ì¾:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "¥æ¡¼¥¶Ì¾:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:80 src/gpgmetools.c:626 src/gpgmetools.c:633
-#: src/keyring.c:1175
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "¸° ID:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:196
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:194
 msgid "Expiration"
 msgstr "´ü¸Â"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:203
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:201
 msgid "_indefinitely valid"
 msgstr "̵´ü¸ÂÍ­¸ú (_I)"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:212
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:210
 msgid "expire _after"
 msgstr "Í­¸ú¤Ê´ü´Ö (_A):"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:231
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:229
 msgid "expire o_n:"
 msgstr "Í­¸ú´ü¸Â¤Î»ØÄê (_N):"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:304 src/keygendlg.c:285
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:302 src/keygendlg.c:295
 msgid ""
 "Invalid insert mode for expiry date."
@@ -676,16 +994,16 @@
-#: src/gpawizard.c:258
+#: src/gpawizard.c:260
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_Back"
 msgstr "/¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×... (_B)"
-#: src/gpawizard.c:265
+#: src/gpawizard.c:267
 msgid "_Forward"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpawizard.c:272
+#: src/gpawizard.c:274
 msgid "_Apply"
 msgstr ""
@@ -725,7 +1043,7 @@
 "¤³¤ì¤Ï¤ª¤½¤é¤¯ GPA ¤Î¥Ð¥°¤Ç¤¹¡£\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:444
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -739,7 +1057,7 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:449
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -747,195 +1065,191 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:510
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "DSA ¤È ElGamel (¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:511
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (½ð̾¤Î¤ß)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "RSA (½ð̾¤Î¤ß)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:545 src/gpgmetools.c:568 src/gpgmetools.c:585
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/gpgmetools.c:929
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "̤³Îǧ"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:548
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "ÉÔ¿®"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:551
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "°ìÉô"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:554
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "´°Á´"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:557
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "µæ¶Ë"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "ÉÔ´°Á´"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:589
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "´°Á´¤ËÍ­¸ú"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:623
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "°Ê²¼¤Î¸°¤Î¥Ñ¥¹¥ï¡¼¥É¤òÆþÎϤ·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:631
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "¥Ñ¥¹¥Õ¥ì¡¼¥º¤¬°ã¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£¤â¤¦°ìÅÙ¤ª´ê¤¤¤·¤Þ¤¹:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:656
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "¥Ñ¥¹¥Õ¥ì¡¼¥º¤òÆþÎÏ"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:778
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:868 src/verifydlg.c:271
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[̤³Îǧ¥æ¡¼¥¶ ID]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:894 src/verifydlg.c:219
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "ÉÔÀµ"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:917
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr "°ìÈÌ"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:920
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr "¸Ä¿Í"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:923
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr "¥«¥¸¥å¥¢¥ë"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:926
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr "¥Ý¥¸¥Æ¥£¥ô"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:944
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr "¾ÚÌÀ¡¢½ð̾¡¢°Å¹æ²½¤Ë»È¤¨¤ë¸°¤Ç¤¹¡£"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:947
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr "¾ÚÌÀ¤ª¤è¤Ó½ð̾¤Ë»È¤¨¤Þ¤¹¤¬¡¢°Å¹æ²½¤Ë¤Ï»È¤¨¤Ê¤¤¸°¤Ç¤¹¡£"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr "¾ÚÌÀ¤È°Å¹æ²½¤Ë»È¤¨¤ë¸°¤Ç¤¹¡£"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "¾ÚÌÀ¤Ë¤Î¤ß»È¤¨¤ë¸°¤Ç¤¹¡£"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:964
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
 msgstr "½ð̾¤ª¤è¤Ó°Å¹æ²½¤Ë»È¤¨¤Þ¤¹¤¬¡¢¾ÚÌÀ¤Ë¤Ï»È¤¨¤Ê¤¤¸°¤Ç¤¹¡£"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:967
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "½ð̾¤Ë¤Î¤ß»È¤¨¤ë¸°¤Ç¤¹¡£"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:972
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "°Å¹æ²½¤Ë¤Î¤ß»È¤¨¤ë¸°¤Ç¤¹¡£"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:975
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr "¤³¤Î¸°¤Ï»È¤¨¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£"
-#: src/gtktools.c:311
+#: src/gtktools.c:320
 msgid "GPA Error"
 msgstr "GPA ¥¨¥é¡¼"
-#: src/gtktools.c:344
-msgid "GPA Message"
-msgstr "GPA ¥á¥Ã¥»¡¼¥¸"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:198
+#: src/helpmenu.c:202
 msgid "About GPA"
 msgstr "GPA ¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤Æ"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:243
+#: src/helpmenu.c:247
 msgid "Brought to you by:"
 msgstr "Ä󶡼Ô:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:280
+#: src/helpmenu.c:284
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPA is Free Software under the"
 msgstr "GPA is free software under the"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:284
+#: src/helpmenu.c:288
 msgid "GNU General Public License."
 msgstr "GNU General Public License."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:288
+#: src/helpmenu.c:292
 msgid "For news see:"
 msgstr "ºÇ¿·¾ðÊó¤Ï¤³¤Á¤é:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:293
+#: src/helpmenu.c:297
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "http://www.gpg4win.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:295
+#: src/helpmenu.c:299
 msgid "http://www.gnupg.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:378
+#: src/helpmenu.c:382
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "GNU General Public License."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:405
+#: src/helpmenu.c:409
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "GNU General Public License."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:432
+#: src/helpmenu.c:436
 msgid "Show Help Text\n"
 msgstr "¥Ø¥ë¥×¤ò¸«¤ë\n"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:440
+#: src/helpmenu.c:444
 msgid "/_Help"
 msgstr "/¥Ø¥ë¥× (_H)"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:442
+#: src/helpmenu.c:446
 msgid "/Help/_Contents"
 msgstr "/¥Ø¥ë¥× (H)/ÆâÍÆ (_C)"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:445
+#: src/helpmenu.c:449
 msgid "/Help/_License"
 msgstr "/¥Ø¥ë¥× (H)/¥é¥¤¥»¥ó¥¹ (_L)"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:446
+#: src/helpmenu.c:450
 msgid "/Help/_About"
 msgstr "/¥Ø¥ë¥× (H)/GPA ¤Ë¤Ä¤¤¤Æ (_A)"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:40
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:41
 msgid "Removing Secret Key"
 msgstr "ÈëÌ©¸°¤òºï½ü"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:54
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:55
 msgid ""
 "If you delete this key, you won't be able to\n"
 "read messages encrypted with it.\n"
@@ -947,15 +1261,15 @@
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:90
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:91
 msgid "Remove Key"
 msgstr "¸°¤òºï½ü"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:103
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:104
 msgid "You have selected the following key for removal:"
 msgstr "ºï½ü¤¹¤ë¸°¤ò°Ê²¼¤Î¤È¤ª¤êÁªÂò¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿:"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:113
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:114
 msgid ""
 "This key has a secret key. Deleting this key cannot be undone, unless you "
 "have a backup copy."
@@ -963,7 +1277,7 @@
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:122
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:123
 msgid ""
 "This key is a public key. Deleting this key cannot be undone easily, "
 "although you may be able to get a new copy  from the owner or from a key "
@@ -972,23 +1286,27 @@
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:131
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:132
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this key?"
 msgstr "ËÜÅö¤Ë¤³¤Î¸°¤òºï½ü¤·¤Þ¤¹¤«?"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:148
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:149
 msgid "Edit Key"
 msgstr "¸°¤òÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:164
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:165
 msgid "Change _passphrase"
 msgstr "¥Ñ¥¹¥Õ¥ì¡¼¥º¤òÊѹ¹ (_P)"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:184
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:185
 msgid "Change _expiration"
 msgstr "Í­¸ú´ü¸Â¤òÊѹ¹ (_E)"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:54 src/keygenwizard.c:305 src/passwddlg.c:43
+#: src/keygendlg.c:58
+msgid "You must enter a User ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keygendlg.c:63 src/keygenwizard.c:307 src/passwddlg.c:45
 msgid ""
 "In \"Passphrase\" and \"Repeat passphrase\",\n"
 "you must enter the same passphrase."
@@ -996,7 +1314,7 @@
 "\"¥Ñ¥¹¥ï¡¼¥É\" ¤È \"ºÆÆþÎÏ\" ¤Ë¤Ï\n"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:61 src/keygenwizard.c:312 src/passwddlg.c:50
+#: src/keygendlg.c:70 src/keygenwizard.c:314 src/passwddlg.c:52
 msgid ""
 "You did not enter a passphrase.\n"
 "It is needed to protect your private key."
@@ -1004,7 +1322,7 @@
-#: src/keygendlg.c:74 src/keygenwizard.c:326 src/passwddlg.c:63
+#: src/keygendlg.c:83 src/keygenwizard.c:328 src/passwddlg.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Warning: You have entered a passphrase\n"
 "that is obviously not secure.\n"
@@ -1016,59 +1334,59 @@
-#: src/keygendlg.c:79 src/keygenwizard.c:331 src/passwddlg.c:68
+#: src/keygendlg.c:88 src/keygenwizard.c:333 src/passwddlg.c:70
 msgid "_Enter new passphrase"
 msgstr "¿·¤·¤¤¥Ñ¥¹¥Õ¥ì¡¼¥º¤òÆþÎÏ (_E)"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:80 src/keygenwizard.c:332 src/passwddlg.c:69
+#: src/keygendlg.c:89 src/keygenwizard.c:334 src/passwddlg.c:71
 msgid "Take this one _anyway"
 msgstr "¤È¤Ë¤«¤¯¤³¤ì¤Ë¤¹¤ë (_A)"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:135 src/keygenwizard.c:539
+#: src/keygendlg.c:144 src/keygenwizard.c:541
 msgid "Generate key"
 msgstr "¸°¤òÀ¸À®"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:176
+#: src/keygendlg.c:185
 msgid "_Algorithm: "
 msgstr "¥¢¥ë¥´¥ê¥º¥à (_A): "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:188
+#: src/keygendlg.c:197
 msgid "_Key size (bits): "
 msgstr "¸°¤Î¥µ¥¤¥º (¥Ó¥Ã¥È) (_K): "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:189
+#: src/keygendlg.c:198
 msgid "768"
 msgstr "768"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:190
+#: src/keygendlg.c:199
 msgid "1024"
 msgstr "1024"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:191
+#: src/keygendlg.c:200
 msgid "2048"
 msgstr "2048"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:206
+#: src/keygendlg.c:216
 msgid "_User ID: "
 msgstr "¥æ¡¼¥¶ ID (_U): "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:216
+#: src/keygendlg.c:226
 msgid "_Email: "
 msgstr "_E ¥á¡¼¥ë: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:226
+#: src/keygendlg.c:236
 msgid "_Comment: "
 msgstr "¥³¥á¥ó¥È (_C): "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:238
+#: src/keygendlg.c:248
 msgid "_Passphrase: "
 msgstr "¥Ñ¥¹¥Õ¥ì¡¼¥º (_P): "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:250
+#: src/keygendlg.c:260
 msgid "_Repeat passphrase: "
 msgstr "ºÆÆþÎÏ (_R): "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:150
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:152
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your full name.\n"
@@ -1079,15 +1397,15 @@
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:155
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:157
 msgid "Your Name:"
 msgstr "»á̾:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:168
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:170
 msgid "Please insert your name"
 msgstr "»á̾¤òµ­Æþ¤·¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:181
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:183
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your email address.\n"
@@ -1100,27 +1418,27 @@
 "¾¤Î¿Í¤¬¸°¤ò´Êñ¤Ë¼±Ê̤Ǥ­¤ë¤è¤¦¤Ë¡¢E ¥á¡¼¥ë¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¤ò¿·¤·¤¤¸°¤Î°ìÉô¤Ë¤·¤Þ"
 "¤¹¡£E ¥á¡¼¥ë¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¤òÊ£¿ô»ý¤Ã¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤Î¤Ê¤é¡¢»Ä¤ê¤Ï¸å¤ÇÄɲäǤ­¤Þ¤¹¡£"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:188
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:190
 msgid "Your Email Address:"
 msgstr "E ¥á¡¼¥ë¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:203
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:205
 msgid "Please insert your email address"
 msgstr "E ¥á¡¼¥ë¥¢¥É¥ì¥¹¤òµ­Æþ¤·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:237
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:239
 msgid "Please choose a passphrase for the new key."
 msgstr "¿·¤·¤¤¸°¤Î¤¿¤á¤Î¥Ñ¥¹¥Õ¥ì¡¼¥º¤òÆþÎϤ·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤¡£"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:246 src/passwddlg.c:106
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:248 src/passwddlg.c:108
 msgid "Passphrase: "
 msgstr "¥Ñ¥¹¥Õ¥ì¡¼¥º: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:259 src/passwddlg.c:115
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:261 src/passwddlg.c:117
 msgid "Repeat Passphrase: "
 msgstr "ºÆÆþÎÏ: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:356
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:358
 msgid ""
 "It is recommended that you create a backup copy of your new key, once it has "
 "been generated.\n"
@@ -1130,15 +1448,15 @@
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:365
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:367
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×¤ÎºîÀ® (_B)"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:372 src/keyring.c:724 src/keyring.c:752
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "¸å¤Ç (_L)"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:400
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:402
 msgid ""
 "Your key is being generated.\n"
@@ -1148,7 +1466,7 @@
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:409
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:411
 msgid ""
@@ -1158,15 +1476,7 @@
 "¸°¤ÎºîÀ®¤ËÀ®¸ù¤·¤Þ¤·¤¿¡£¤³¤Î¸°¤Ï̵´ü¸Â¤ËÍ­¸ú¤Ç¡¢Ä¹¤µ¤Ï 1024 ¥Ó¥Ã¥È¤Ç¤¹¡£"
-#: src/keylist.c:278 src/ownertrustdlg.c:121
-msgid "Owner Trust"
-msgstr "½êÍ­¼Ô¤Î¿®ÍÑÅÙ"
-#: src/keylist.c:288
-msgid "Key Validity"
-msgstr "¸°¤ÎÍ­¸úÀ­"
-#: src/keylist.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:342
 msgid ""
 "GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
 "This might take a few seconds."
@@ -1174,37 +1484,65 @@
 "GnuPG ¤Ï¿®ÍÑÅ٥ǡ¼¥¿¥Ù¡¼¥¹¤òºÆ¹½ÃÛ¤·¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹¡£\n"
-#: src/keylist.c:510
-msgid "GPA Warning"
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:528
+#: src/keylist.c:568
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
+msgstr "¾ÚÌÀ¤Ë¤Î¤ß»È¤¨¤ë¸°¤Ç¤¹¡£"
+#: src/keylist.c:581
+msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
+msgid "Owner Trust"
+msgstr "½êÍ­¼Ô¤Î¿®ÍÑÅÙ"
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
-"One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
-"GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be considered "
-"Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
-"The affected key is:"
+"The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
+"holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
+"It is only meaningful for OpenPGP."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:604
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Validity"
+msgstr "¸°¤ÎÍ­¸úÀ­"
+#: src/keylist.c:605
+msgid ""
+"The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
+"That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:619
+msgid ""
+"The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "½ð̾¤¹¤ë¸°¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó"
-#: src/keyring.c:719
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
 msgstr ""
 "¤Þ¤ÀÈëÌ©¸°¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£º£¤¹¤°ºîÀ®¤·¤Þ¤¹¤« (¢«¿ä¾©)¡¢¤½¤ì¤È¤â¸å¤Ë¤·¤Þ¤¹¤«?"
-#: src/keyring.c:723
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "º£¤¹¤°¸°¤òºîÀ®¤¹¤ë (_G)"
-#: src/keyring.c:746
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1212,168 +1550,157 @@
 "¤Þ¤ÀÈëÌ©¸°¤Î¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£º£¤¹¤°¸°¤ò¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×¤·¤Þ¤¹¤« (¢«¿ä"
-#: src/keyring.c:751
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "º£¤¹¤°¸°¤ò¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×¤¹¤ë (_B)"
-#: src/keyring.c:851
-msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
-msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/¥³¥Ô¡¼ (_C)"
-#: src/keyring.c:853
-msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
-msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/Ž¤êÉÕ¤± (_P)"
-#: src/keyring.c:855
-msgid "/Edit/sep1"
-msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:862
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/¸° (_K)"
-#: src/keyring.c:863
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:865
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:866
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/¸°¤òºîÀ®... (_N)"
-#: src/keyring.c:868
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/¸°¤òºï½ü... (_D)"
-#: src/keyring.c:870
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/¸°¤Ë½ð̾... (_S)"
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/½êÍ­¼Ô¤Î¿®ÍÑÅÙ¤ò»ØÄê... (_O)"
-#: src/keyring.c:873
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/ÈëÌ©¸°¤òÊÔ½¸... (_E)"
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/sep2"
-#: src/keyring.c:875
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/¸°¤ò¥¤¥ó¥Ý¡¼¥È... (_I)"
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/¸°¤ò¥¨¥¯¥¹¥Ý¡¼¥È... (_X)"
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×... (_B)"
-#: src/keyring.c:880
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "/¥µ¡¼¥Ð (_S)"
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/¥µ¡¼¥Ð (S)/¸°¤ò¼èÆÀ... (_R)"
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/¥µ¡¼¥Ð (S)/¸°¤òÁ÷¿®... (_S)"
-#: src/keyring.c:916
+#: src/keyring.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
+msgstr "/¥¦¥£¥ó¥É¥¦ (W)/¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¥Þ¥Í¡¼¥¸¥ã (_F)"
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/¸°¤ò¥¨¥¯¥¹¥Ý¡¼¥È... (X)"
-#: src/keyring.c:923
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/¸°¤òºï½ü... (D)"
-#: src/keyring.c:930
-msgid "/Edit/Copy"
-msgstr "/ÊÔ½¸ (E)/¥³¥Ô¡¼ (C)"
-#: src/keyring.c:937
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/¥µ¡¼¥Ð (S)/¸°¤òÁ÷¿®... (S)"
-#: src/keyring.c:946
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/½êÍ­¼Ô¤Î¿®ÍÑÅÙ¤ò»ØÄê... (O)"
-#: src/keyring.c:954
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/¸°¤Ë½ð̾... (S)"
-#: src/keyring.c:962
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/ÈëÌ©¸°¤òÊÔ½¸... (E)"
-#: src/keyring.c:969
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/¸° (K)/¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×... (B)"
-#: src/keyring.c:986
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "/¥³¥Ô¡¼ (_C)"
-#: src/keyring.c:988
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/Ž¤êÉÕ¤± (_P)"
-#: src/keyring.c:990
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/¸°¤òºï½ü... (_D)"
-#: src/keyring.c:993
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/¸°¤Ë½ð̾... (_S)"
-#: src/keyring.c:994
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/½êÍ­¼Ô¤Î¿®ÍÑÅÙ¤ò»ØÄê... (_O)"
-#: src/keyring.c:995
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/ÈëÌ©¸°¤òÊÔ½¸... (_E)"
-#: src/keyring.c:997
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/¸°¤ò¥¨¥¯¥¹¥Ý¡¼¥È... (_X)"
-#: src/keyring.c:998
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr "/¸°¤ò¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤ØÁ÷¿®... (_N)"
-#: src/keyring.c:999
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×... (_B)"
-#: src/keyring.c:1010
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/½êÍ­¼Ô¤Î¿®ÍÑÅÙ¤ò»ØÄê... (O)"
-#: src/keyring.c:1018
+#: src/keyring.c:1025
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/¸°¤Ë½ð̾... (S)"
-#: src/keyring.c:1026
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/ÈëÌ©¸°¤òÊÔ½¸... (E)"
-#: src/keyring.c:1033
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/¥Ð¥Ã¥¯¥¢¥Ã¥×... (B)"
@@ -1381,205 +1708,199 @@
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr "Éû¸°"
-#: src/keyring.c:1177 src/keysigndlg.c:112
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "»ØÌæ:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1179
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "Í­¸ú´ü¸Â:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1181
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "½êÍ­¼Ô¤Î¿®ÍÑÅÙ:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1183
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "¸°¤ÎÍ­¸úÀ­:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1185
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "¸°¥¿¥¤¥×:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1187
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "ºîÀ®Æü:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1190
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "¾ÜºÙ"
-#: src/keyring.c:1198
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr "¥æ¡¼¥¶Ì¾¤ËÂФ¹¤ë½ð̾¤òɽ¼¨"
-#: src/keyring.c:1219
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "½ð̾"
-#: src/keyring.c:1244
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "¤³¤Î¸°¤ÏÈëÌ©¸°¤È¸ø³«¸°¤¬¤¢¤ë"
-#: src/keyring.c:1249
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "¤³¤Î¸°¤Ï¸ø³«¸°¤·¤«¤Ê¤¤"
-#: src/keyring.c:1283
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr "%s %u ¥Ó¥Ã¥È"
-#: src/keyring.c:1309
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "¸°¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó"
-#: src/keyring.c:1313
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
 msgstr[0] "%d ¸Ä¤Î¸°¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹"
 msgstr[1] "%d ¸Ä¤Î¸°¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤¹"
-#: src/keyring.c:1345
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "¤¹¤Ù¤Æ¤Î½ð̾"
-#: src/keyring.c:1549
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "ÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/keyring.c:1550
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤¿ÈëÌ©¸°¤òÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "¸°¤òÊÔ½¸"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤¿¸°¤òºï½ü"
-#: src/keyring.c:1560
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "¸°¤òºï½ü"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤¿¸°¤Ë½ð̾¤¹¤ë"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "¸°¤Ë½ð̾"
-#: src/keyring.c:1575
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "¥¤¥ó¥Ý¡¼¥È"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "¸°¤ò¥¤¥ó¥Ý¡¼¥È"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "¸°¥¤¥ó¥Ý¡¼¥È"
-#: src/keyring.c:1581
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "¥¨¥¯¥¹¥Ý¡¼¥È"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "¸°¤ò¥¨¥¯¥¹¥Ý¡¼¥È"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "¸°¥¨¥¯¥¹¥Ý¡¼¥È"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "Í×Ìó"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "Í×ÌóÈǤθ°¥ê¥¹¥È¤òɽ¼¨"
-#: src/keyring.c:1596
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "Í×Ìó"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "¾ÜºÙ"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "¸°¤Î¾ÜºÙ¤òɽ¼¨"
-#: src/keyring.c:1608
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "¾ÜºÙ"
-#: src/keyring.c:1641
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1642
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1649
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë"
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Selected default key:"
+msgstr "ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤¿¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î¸°:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1650
-msgid "Open the File Manager"
-msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¥Þ¥Í¡¼¥¸¥ã¤ò³«¤¯"
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
+msgstr "Êݸ¤ë¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó"
-#: src/keyring.c:1651
-msgid "file manager"
-msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¥Þ¥Í¡¼¥¸¥ã"
-#: src/keyring.c:1674
-msgid "Selected Default Key:"
-msgstr "ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤¿¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î¸°:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1820
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - ¸°Â«¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿"
-#: src/keyring.c:1851
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "¸°Â«¥¨¥Ç¥£¥¿"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:60
 msgid "Sign Key"
 msgstr "¸°¤Ë½ð̾"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:78
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:76
 msgid "Do you want to sign the following key?"
 msgstr "°Ê²¼¤Î¸°¤Ë½ð̾¤·¤Þ¤¹¤«?"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:122
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:120
 msgid ""
 "Check the name and fingerprint carefully to be sure that it really is the "
 "key you want to sign."
 msgstr "ËÜÅö¤Ë¤½¤ì¤¬½ð̾¤·¤¿¤¤¸°¤Ê¤Î¤«¡¢Ì¾Á°¤È»ØÌæ¤ò¤è¤¯¸«¤Æ³Îǧ¤·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤¡£"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:130
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:128
 msgid "All user names in this key will be signed."
 msgstr "¤³¤Î¸°¤Ë¤¢¤ë¥æ¡¼¥¶Ì¾¤Ï¡¢¤¹¤Ù¤Æ½ð̾¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤¹¡£"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:136
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:134
 msgid "The key will be signed with your default private key."
 msgstr "¤³¤Î¸°¤Ï¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤ÎÈëÌ©¸°¤Ç½ð̾¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤¹¡£"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:143
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:141
 msgid "Sign only _locally"
 msgstr "¥í¡¼¥«¥ë¤Ç¤À¤±½ð̾ (_L)"
-#: src/options.c:308
+#: src/options.c:316
 msgid ""
 "The private key you selected as default is no longer available.\n"
 "GPA will try to choose a new default key automatically."
@@ -1587,37 +1908,37 @@
 "GPA ¤Ï¡¢¿·¤·¤¤¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¸°¤ò¼«Æ°ÁªÂò¤·¤Æ¤ß¤Þ¤¹¡£"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:105
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:106
 msgid "Change key ownertrust"
 msgstr "¸°¤Î½êÍ­¼Ô¿®ÍÑÅÙ¤òÊѹ¹"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:129
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:130
 msgid "_Unknown"
 msgstr "̤³Îǧ (_U)"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:134
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:135
 msgid ""
 "You don't know how much to trust this user to verify other people's keys.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:144
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:145
 msgid "_Never"
 msgstr "ÉÔ¿® (_N)"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:150
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user at all to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys at all.\n"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:159
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:160
 msgid "_Marginal"
 msgstr "°ìÉô (_M)"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:164
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:165
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys enough to consider keys valid based on his/her sole word.\n"
@@ -1630,11 +1951,11 @@
 "¤È¤Ï¤¤¤¨¡¢¤³¤Î¥æ¡¼¥¶¤Î¸°¤¬Í­¸ú¤Ç¤¢¤ì¤Ð¡¢¤³¤Î¥æ¡¼¥¶¤È¾¤Î 2 ¿Í°Ê¾å¤Î¡Ö°ìÉô¡×Ū"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:181
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:182
 msgid "_Full"
 msgstr "´°Á´ (_F)"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:186
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:187
 msgid ""
 "You trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's keys "
 "so much, that you'll consider valid any key signed by him/her, provided this "
@@ -1644,11 +1965,11 @@
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:199
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:200
 msgid "U_ltimate"
 msgstr "µæ¶Ë (_L)"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:204
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:205
 msgid ""
 "You consider this key valid, and trust the user so much that you will "
 "consider any key signed by him/her fully valid.\n"
@@ -1663,55 +1984,55 @@
-#: src/passwddlg.c:94
+#: src/passwddlg.c:96
 msgid "Choose new passphrase"
 msgstr "¿·¤·¤¤¥Ñ¥¹¥Õ¥ì¡¼¥º¤òÁªÂò"
-#: src/server_access.c:284
+#: src/server_access.c:282
 msgid "No error"
 msgstr "¥¨¥é¡¼¤Ê¤·"
-#: src/server_access.c:287
+#: src/server_access.c:285
 msgid "Internal error"
 msgstr "ÆâÉô¥¨¥é¡¼"
-#: src/server_access.c:290
+#: src/server_access.c:288
 msgid "Operation not supported"
 msgstr "Áàºî¤¬¥µ¥Ý¡¼¥È¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó"
-#: src/server_access.c:293
+#: src/server_access.c:291
 msgid "Version mismatch"
 msgstr "¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó¤¬¹ç¤Ã¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó"
-#: src/server_access.c:296
+#: src/server_access.c:294
 msgid "Internal keyserver error"
 msgstr "¸°¥µ¡¼¥Ð´ØÏ¢¤ÎÆâÉô¥¨¥é¡¼"
-#: src/server_access.c:299
+#: src/server_access.c:297
 msgid "Out of memory"
 msgstr "¥á¥â¥êÉÔ­"
-#: src/server_access.c:302
+#: src/server_access.c:300
 msgid "Key not found"
 msgstr "¸°¤¬¸«ÉÕ¤«¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó"
-#: src/server_access.c:305
+#: src/server_access.c:303
 msgid "Key already exists on server"
 msgstr "¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤Ë´û¤Ë¸°¤¬Â¸ºß¤·¤Þ¤¹"
-#: src/server_access.c:308
+#: src/server_access.c:306
 msgid "Key incomplete"
 msgstr "¸°¤¬ÉÔ´°Á´¤Ç¤¹"
-#: src/server_access.c:311
+#: src/server_access.c:309
 msgid "Could not contact keyserver"
 msgstr "¸°¥µ¡¼¥Ð¡¼¤ÈÏ¢Íí¤¬¤È¤ì¤Þ¤»¤ó"
-#: src/server_access.c:314
+#: src/server_access.c:312
 msgid "Unknown Error"
 msgstr "̤³Îǧ¥¨¥é¡¼"
-#: src/server_access.c:350
+#: src/server_access.c:348
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Connecting to server \"%s\".\n"
@@ -1720,7 +2041,7 @@
 "¥µ¡¼¥Ð \"%s\" ¤ËÀܳÃæ¤Ç¤¹¡£\n"
-#: src/server_access.c:373 src/server_access.c:393
+#: src/server_access.c:371 src/server_access.c:391
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "An error ocurred while contacting the server:\n"
@@ -1731,7 +2052,7 @@
-#: src/server_access.c:457
+#: src/server_access.c:455
 msgid ""
 "There is no plugin available for the keyserver\n"
 "protocol you specified."
@@ -1739,60 +2060,79 @@
-#: src/server_access.c:530 src/server_access.c:576
+#: src/server_access.c:528 src/server_access.c:574
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "»ØÄꤵ¤ì¤¿¸°¥µ¡¼¥Ð¤Ï̵¸ú¤Ç¤¹"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:45
-msgid "Default _key:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
 msgstr "¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î¸° (_K):"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:86
-msgid "Default key_server: "
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
 msgstr "¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î¸°¥µ¡¼¥Ð (_S):"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:130
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
 msgstr "¾åµé¼Ô¥â¡¼¥É¤ò»È¤¦ (_A):"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:163
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "ÀßÄê"
-#: src/siglist.c:126
+#: src/siglist.c:128
 msgid "Level"
 msgstr "¥ì¥Ù¥ë"
-#: src/siglist.c:133
+#: src/siglist.c:135
 msgid "Local"
 msgstr "¥í¡¼¥«¥ë"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:118
-msgid "Verify files"
+#: src/verifydlg.c:116
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Verify documents"
 msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¸¡¾Ú"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:234
+#: src/verifydlg.c:232
 msgid "Expired Key"
 msgstr "´ü¸ÂÀÚ¤ì¤Î¸°"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:242
+#: src/verifydlg.c:240
 msgid "Key NOT valid"
 msgstr "¸°¤ÏÍ­¸ú¤Ç¤Ï¡Ö¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡×"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:361
+#: src/verifydlg.c:359
 #, c-format
 msgid "Verified data in file: %s"
 msgstr "¸¡¾Ú¤µ¤ì¤¿¥Ç¡¼¥¿: %s"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:366
+#: src/verifydlg.c:364
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Signature: %s"
 msgstr "½ð̾"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:372
+#: src/verifydlg.c:370
 msgid "Signatures:"
 msgstr "½ð̾:"
+#~ msgid "Sign files"
+#~ msgstr "¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ë½ð̾¤¹¤ë"
+#~ msgid "sign in separate _file"
+#~ msgstr "ÊÌ¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤Ë½ð̾¤¹¤ë (_F)"
+#~ msgid "a_rmor"
+#~ msgstr "¥¢¡¼¥Þ·ÁÀ® (_R)"
+#~ msgid "display this help and exit"
+#~ msgstr "¤³¤Î¥Ø¥ë¥×¤òɽ¼¨¤·¤Æ½ªÎ»"
+#~ msgid "Options"
+#~ msgstr "¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó"
 #~ msgid "GNU general public license"
 #~ msgstr "GNU °ìÈ̸øÍ­»ÈÍѵöÂú½ñ (GPL)"
@@ -2181,9 +2521,6 @@
 #~ msgid "Change _trust"
 #~ msgstr "¿®ÍÑÅÙ¤ÎÊѹ¹ (_T)"
-#~ msgid "To _clipboard"
-#~ msgstr "¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥×¥Ü¡¼¥É¤Ø¥³¥Ô¡¼ (_C)"
 #~ msgid "Weak passphrase"
 #~ msgstr "Àȼå¤Ê¥Ñ¥¹¥Õ¥ì¡¼¥º"
@@ -2273,9 +2610,6 @@
 #~ "select a default key from."
 #~ msgstr "¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¸°¤ËÁª¤Ù¤ëÈëÌ©¸°¤¬¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó"
-#~ msgid "Set default key"
-#~ msgstr "¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î¸°¤òÀßÄê"
 #~ msgid "/Options/_Keyserver"
 #~ msgstr "/¥ª¥×¥·¥ç¥ó (O)/¸°¥µ¡¼¥Ð¡¼ (_K)"
@@ -2484,9 +2818,6 @@
 #~ msgid "_Encrypt"
 #~ msgstr "°Å¹æ²½ (_E)"
-#~ msgid "No files selected to protect."
-#~ msgstr "Êݸ¤ë¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó"
 #~ msgid "Protect files by Password"
 #~ msgstr "¥Ñ¥¹¥ï¡¼¥É¤Ç¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤òÊݸî"
@@ -2508,9 +2839,6 @@
 #~ msgid "No files selected to decrypt."
 #~ msgstr "Éü¹æ²½¤¹¤ë¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤¬ÁªÂò¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£"
-#~ msgid "Save file _as: "
-#~ msgstr "̾Á°¤òÉÕ¤±¤ÆÊݸ (_A): "
 #~ msgid "Save decrypted file as"
 #~ msgstr "Éü¹æ²½¤·¤¿¥Õ¥¡¥¤¥ë¤ÎÊݸÀè"
@@ -2536,9 +2864,6 @@
 #~ "¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î°¸Àè¤È¤·¤Æ»È¤¨¤ë¸ø³«¸°¤¬\n"
 #~ "¤¢¤ê¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£"
-#~ msgid "Set default recipients"
-#~ msgstr "¥Ç¥Õ¥©¥ë¥È¤Î°¸Àè¤ÎÀßÄê"
 #~ msgid "_Remove from recipients"
 #~ msgstr "°¸À褫¤éºï½ü (_R)"

Modified: trunk/po/nl.po
--- trunk/po/nl.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/nl.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: GPA 0.5.1\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-24 14:59+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-10-19 14:29+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Michael Anckaert <michael.anckaert at pi.be>\n"
 "Language-Team: DUTCH <nl at li.org>\n"
@@ -12,262 +12,555 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:134 src/expirydlg.c:115 src/filesigndlg.c:123
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:294 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:144 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:95
-#: src/gpawizard.c:287 src/gpgmetools.c:660 src/keygendlg.c:140
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:110 src/passwddlg.c:98
-msgid "_Cancel"
-msgstr "_Annuleer"
+#: src/clipboard.c:367 src/fileman.c:350
+msgid "Open File"
+msgstr "Open bestand"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:135
-msgid "Encrypt files"
-msgstr "Versleutel bestanden"
+#: src/clipboard.c:395 src/confdialog.c:1266 src/gtktools.c:353
+msgid "GPA Message"
+msgstr "GPA Bericht"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:166
-msgid "_Public Keys"
-msgstr "_Publieke sleutels"
+#. TRANSLATORS: The arguments are the filename, the integer size
+#. and the unit (such as KB or MB).
+#: src/clipboard.c:412
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file %s is %lli%s large.  Do you really  want to open it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Het bestand %s bestaat al.\n"
+"Wilt u het bestand overschrijven?"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:169
-msgid "_Sign"
-msgstr "_Ondertekenen"
+#: src/clipboard.c:481
+msgid "Save As..."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:190 src/filesigndlg.c:180
-msgid "Sign _as "
-msgstr "Ondertekenen_als"
+#: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
+#: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Clipboard"
+msgstr "Naar _klembord"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:193
-msgid "A_rmor"
-msgstr "ASCII-_Armor"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:63
-msgid "Please provide a correct date."
-msgstr "Voorzie aub een correcte datum."
-#: src/expirydlg.c:110
-msgid "Change expiry date"
-msgstr "Verander verval datum"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:128
-msgid "_never expire"
-msgstr "vervalt _nooit"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:133
-msgid "_expire on:"
-msgstr "v_ervalt op"
-#: src/fileman.c:345
-msgid "Open File"
-msgstr "Open bestand"
-#: src/fileman.c:350 src/fileman.c:899
-msgid "The file is already open."
-msgstr "Het bestand is reeds geopend."
-#: src/fileman.c:467 src/keyring.c:844
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/_Bestand"
-#: src/fileman.c:468
+#: src/clipboard.c:693 src/fileman.c:474
+msgid "/File/C_lear"
+msgstr "/Bestand/_Leeg maken"
+#: src/clipboard.c:694 src/fileman.c:473
 msgid "/File/_Open"
 msgstr "/Bestand/_Openen"
-#: src/fileman.c:469
-msgid "/File/C_lear"
-msgstr "/Bestand/_Leeg maken"
+#: src/clipboard.c:695
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/File/Save _As"
+msgstr "/Bestand/_Sluiten"
-#: src/fileman.c:470
+#: src/clipboard.c:697 src/fileman.c:475
 msgid "/File/sep1"
 msgstr "/Bestand/sep1"
-#: src/fileman.c:471
+#: src/clipboard.c:698 src/fileman.c:476
 msgid "/File/_Sign"
 msgstr "/Bestand/_Ondertekenen"
-#: src/fileman.c:472
+#: src/clipboard.c:699 src/fileman.c:477
 msgid "/File/_Verify"
 msgstr "/Bestand/_Ontsleutelen"
-#: src/fileman.c:473
+#: src/clipboard.c:700 src/fileman.c:478
 msgid "/File/_Encrypt"
 msgstr "/Bestand/_Versleutelen"
-#: src/fileman.c:474
+#: src/clipboard.c:701 src/fileman.c:479
 msgid "/File/_Decrypt"
 msgstr "/Bestand/_Ontsleutelen"
-#: src/fileman.c:475
+#: src/clipboard.c:702 src/fileman.c:480
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/Bestand/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:476 src/keyring.c:845
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/Bestand/_Sluiten"
-#: src/fileman.c:477 src/keyring.c:847
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/Bestand/_Stoppen"
-#: src/fileman.c:480 src/keyring.c:850
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "Bewerk"
-#: src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:856
+#: src/clipboard.c:710
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Undo"
+msgstr "/Bewerk/_Kopieer"
+#: src/clipboard.c:711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Redo"
+msgstr "/Bewerk/_Kopieer"
+#: src/clipboard.c:712
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/sep0"
+msgstr "/Bestand/sep2"
+#: src/clipboard.c:714 src/clipboard.c:750
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Cut"
+msgstr "/Bewerk/Kopieer"
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
+msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
+msgstr "/Bewerk/_Kopieer"
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
+msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
+msgstr "/Bewerk/_Plak"
+#: src/clipboard.c:717
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
+msgstr "/Bewerk/_Plak"
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
+msgid "/Edit/sep1"
+msgstr "/Bestand/sep1"
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/Bewerk/Selecteer _Alles"
-#: src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/Bestand/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:483 src/keyring.c:858
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/Bewerk/Voork_euren..."
-#: src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:885
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
+msgstr "/Bewerk/Voork_euren..."
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/_Vensters"
-#: src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:886
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
+msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
+msgstr "/Vensters/_Keyring Editor"
+#: src/clipboard.c:730 src/fileman.c:496
 msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
 msgstr "/Vensters/_Bestandsbeheerder"
-#: src/fileman.c:489 src/keyring.c:887
-msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
-msgstr "/Vensters/_Keyring Editor"
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
+msgstr "/Vensters/_Bestandsbeheerder"
-#: src/fileman.c:508
-msgid "/File/Sign"
-msgstr "/Bestand/_Ondertekenen"
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
+msgid "/Edit/Copy"
+msgstr "/Bewerk/Kopieer"
-#: src/fileman.c:513
-msgid "/File/Verify"
-msgstr "/Bestand/verifieren"
+#: src/clipboard.c:766
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Delete"
+msgstr "/Bewerk/Selecteer _Alles"
-#: src/fileman.c:518
-msgid "/File/Encrypt"
-msgstr "/Bestand/_Versleutelen"
+#: src/clipboard.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Paste"
+msgstr "/Bewerk/_Plak"
-#: src/fileman.c:523
-msgid "/File/Decrypt"
-msgstr "/Bestand/_Ontsleutelen"
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "Clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "Open a file"
 msgstr "Bestand openen"
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "open file"
 msgstr "open bestand"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "Close all files"
-msgstr "Alle bestanden sluiten"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save to a file"
+msgstr "Bestand openen"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "close files"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "save file as"
 msgstr "sluit bestand"
-#: src/fileman.c:604 src/keyring.c:1567
+#: src/clipboard.c:900
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cut the selection"
+msgstr "Versleutel het geselecteerde bestand"
+#: src/clipboard.c:901
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cut the selection"
+msgstr "Versleutel het geselecteerde bestand"
+#: src/clipboard.c:907
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copy the selection"
+msgstr "Versleutel het geselecteerde bestand"
+#: src/clipboard.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "copy the selection"
+msgstr "Versleutel het geselecteerde bestand"
+#: src/clipboard.c:914
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Paste the clipboard"
+msgstr "Naar _klembord"
+#: src/clipboard.c:915
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "paste the clipboard"
+msgstr "Naar _klembord"
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "Ondertekenen"
-#: src/fileman.c:605
-msgid "Sign the selected file"
-msgstr "Onderteken het geselecteerde bestand"
+#: src/clipboard.c:926
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sign the selected text"
+msgstr "Onderteken de geselecteerde sleutel"
-#: src/fileman.c:606
-msgid "sign file"
-msgstr "onderteken bestand"
+#: src/clipboard.c:927
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "sign text"
+msgstr "onderteken sleutel"
-#: src/fileman.c:615
+#: src/clipboard.c:935 src/fileman.c:623
 msgid "Verify"
 msgstr "Verifieer"
-#: src/fileman.c:616
-msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:936
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Check signatures of selected text"
 msgstr "Controleer ondertekeningen van het geselecteerde bestand"
-#: src/fileman.c:617
-msgid "verify file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:937
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "verify text"
 msgstr "verifieer bestand"
-#: src/fileman.c:626
+#: src/clipboard.c:945 src/fileman.c:634
 msgid "Encrypt"
 msgstr "Versleutel"
-#: src/fileman.c:627
-msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:946
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Versleutel het geselecteerde bestand"
-#: src/fileman.c:628
-msgid "encrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:947
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "encrypt text"
 msgstr "versleutel bestand"
-#: src/fileman.c:637
+#: src/clipboard.c:955 src/fileman.c:645
 msgid "Decrypt"
 msgstr " Ontsleutel "
-#: src/fileman.c:638
-msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:956
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Decrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Ontsleutel het geselecteerde bestand"
-#: src/fileman.c:639
-msgid "decrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:957
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "ontsleutel bestand"
-#: src/fileman.c:654 src/keyring.c:1632
-msgid "Open the Preferences dialog"
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "Open de voorkeuren dialoog"
-#: src/fileman.c:655 src/keyring.c:1633
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "voorkeuren"
-#: src/fileman.c:663 src/keyring.c:1656
+#: src/clipboard.c:975 src/fileman.c:666
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keyring"
+msgstr "Keyring Editor"
+#: src/clipboard.c:976 src/fileman.c:667
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the keyring editor"
+msgstr "open keyring editor (standaard)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:977 src/fileman.c:668
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "keyring editor"
+msgstr "Keyring Editor"
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Bestanden"
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the file manager"
+msgstr "Open de bestandsbeheerder"
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
+msgid "file manager"
+msgstr "bestandsbeheerder"
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Help"
-#: src/fileman.c:664 src/keyring.c:1657
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr "De GNU Privacy Assistent verstaan"
-#: src/fileman.c:665 src/keyring.c:1658
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "help"
-#: src/fileman.c:764
+#: src/clipboard.c:1084
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Clipboard"
+msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Bestands beheerder"
+#: src/confdialog.c:993
+msgid "<b>Main</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use default values"
+msgstr "Stel standaard sleutel in"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use default value"
+msgstr "Stel standaard sleutel in"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1146
+msgid "Do not use option"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom values"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom value"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1155
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use default argument"
+msgstr "Stel standaard sleutel in"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1280
+msgid ""
+"There are unapplied changes by you. Changing the expert setting will apply "
+"those changes.  Do you want to continue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1325
+msgid "Crypto Backend Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1334
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1346
+msgid "Configure the tools of the GnuPG system."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1350
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Level:"
+msgstr "Niveau"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1359
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "/_Backup...."
+#: src/confdialog.c:1360
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1361
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Expert"
+msgstr "Exporteer"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr "_Annuleer"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt documents"
+msgstr "Versleutel bestanden"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:174
+msgid "_Public Keys"
+msgstr "_Publieke sleutels"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:177
+msgid "_Sign"
+msgstr "_Ondertekenen"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:201 src/filesigndlg.c:185
+msgid "Sign _as "
+msgstr "Ondertekenen_als"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:215 src/filesigndlg.c:187
+msgid "A_rmor"
+msgstr "ASCII-_Armor"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:64
+msgid "Please provide a correct date."
+msgstr "Voorzie aub een correcte datum."
+#: src/expirydlg.c:111
+msgid "Change expiry date"
+msgstr "Verander verval datum"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:129
+msgid "_never expire"
+msgstr "vervalt _nooit"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:134
+msgid "_expire on:"
+msgstr "v_ervalt op"
+#: src/fileman.c:355 src/fileman.c:953
+msgid "The file is already open."
+msgstr "Het bestand is reeds geopend."
+#: src/fileman.c:516
+msgid "/File/Sign"
+msgstr "/Bestand/_Ondertekenen"
+#: src/fileman.c:521
+msgid "/File/Verify"
+msgstr "/Bestand/verifieren"
+#: src/fileman.c:526
+msgid "/File/Encrypt"
+msgstr "/Bestand/_Versleutelen"
+#: src/fileman.c:531
+msgid "/File/Decrypt"
+msgstr "/Bestand/_Ontsleutelen"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "Close all files"
+msgstr "Alle bestanden sluiten"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "close files"
+msgstr "sluit bestand"
+#: src/fileman.c:613
+msgid "Sign the selected file"
+msgstr "Onderteken het geselecteerde bestand"
+#: src/fileman.c:614
+msgid "sign file"
+msgstr "onderteken bestand"
+#: src/fileman.c:624
+msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+msgstr "Controleer ondertekeningen van het geselecteerde bestand"
+#: src/fileman.c:625
+msgid "verify file"
+msgstr "verifieer bestand"
+#: src/fileman.c:635
+msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "Versleutel het geselecteerde bestand"
+#: src/fileman.c:636
+msgid "encrypt file"
+msgstr "versleutel bestand"
+#: src/fileman.c:646
+msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "Ontsleutel het geselecteerde bestand"
+#: src/fileman.c:647
+msgid "decrypt file"
+msgstr "ontsleutel bestand"
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the clipboard"
+msgstr "Naar _klembord"
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "clipboard"
+msgstr "Naar _klembord"
+#: src/fileman.c:785
 msgid "File"
 msgstr "Bestand"
-#: src/fileman.c:821
+#: src/fileman.c:850
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - File Manager"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Bestands beheerder"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:124
-msgid "Sign files"
-msgstr "Bestanden ondertekenen"
+#: src/fileman.c:876
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Manager"
+msgstr "bestandsbeheerder"
 #: src/filesigndlg.c:134
+msgid "Sign documents"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:144
 msgid "Signing Mode"
 msgstr "Onderteken modus"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:142
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:152
 msgid "si_gn and compress"
 msgstr "onder_teken en comprimeer"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:148
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:158
 msgid "_cleartext signature"
 msgstr "_platte text ondertekening"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:155
-msgid "sign in separate _file"
-msgstr "ondertekening in een appart _bestand"
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_detached signature"
+msgstr "_platte text ondertekening"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:159
-msgid "a_rmor"
-msgstr "a_rmor"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:215 src/gpgmetools.c:137
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:213 src/gpgmetools.c:138
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The file %s already exists.\n"
@@ -276,21 +569,21 @@
 "Het bestand %s bestaat al.\n"
 "Wilt u het bestand overschrijven?"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:218 src/gpaexportserverop.c:132
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:311 src/gpafileverifyop.c:175 src/gpgmetools.c:140
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:43 src/keydeletedlg.c:92 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:136
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "_Ja"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:219 src/gpaexportserverop.c:133
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:312 src/gpafileverifyop.c:176 src/gpgmetools.c:141
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:45 src/keydeletedlg.c:94 src/keysigndlg.c:66
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:139
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "_Nee"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:231
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "A copy of your secret key has been made to the file:\n"
@@ -307,85 +600,93 @@
 "Dit is gevoelige informatie en moet met zorg bewaard worden\n"
 "(bewaar deze kopie bijvoorbeeld op een floppy en in een veilige plaats)."
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:246
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:244
 msgid "An error ocurred during the backup operation."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:262
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:260
 msgid "Backup key to file"
 msgstr "_Backup sleutel naar bestand:"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:289
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:287
 msgid "Backup Keys"
 msgstr "Sleutels Backuppen"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:313
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "Generating backup of key: %s"
 msgstr "Genereren van backup van sleutel: %s"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:319
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:317
 msgid "_Backup to file:"
 msgstr "_Backup naar bestand:"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:331
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:329
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "_Bladeren..."
-#: src/gpa.c:373
-msgid "display this help and exit"
-msgstr "toon help en sluit"
-#: src/gpa.c:374
-msgid "output version information and exit"
+#: src/gpa.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "toon versie informatie en sluit"
-#: src/gpa.c:375
-msgid "open keyring editor (default)"
+#: src/gpa.c:94
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "open keyring editor (standaard)"
-#: src/gpa.c:376
-msgid "open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "open bestandsbeheerder"
-#: src/gpa.c:377
-msgid "read options from file"
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr "Naar _klembord"
+#: src/gpa.c:100
+msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "lees opties van bestand"
-#: src/gpa.c:401
-msgid ""
-"Syntax: gpa [options]\n"
-"Graphical frontend to GnuPG\n"
+#: src/gpa.c:293
+msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:295
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
+msgstr ""
 "Syntax: gpa [opties]\n"
 "Grafische frontend voor GnuPG\n"
-#: src/gpa.c:403
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "/_Opties"
-#: src/gpa.c:409
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "Rapporteer fouten aub naar <"
-#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:137
+#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:139
 msgid "The keys have been copied to the clipboard."
 msgstr "De sleutels werden naar het klembord gekopieerd."
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:131
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:133
 msgid "Export public keys to file"
 msgstr "Exporteer publieke sleutel naar bestand"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:135
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:137
 msgid "_armor"
 msgstr "ASCII-_Armor"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:169
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:171
 #, c-format
 msgid "The keys have been exported to %s."
 msgstr "De sleutels werden naar %s geëxporteerd."
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:127
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:129
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The selected key will be sent to a public key\n"
@@ -396,87 +697,104 @@
 "keyserver gestuurd worden (\"%s\").\n"
 "Bent u zeker dat u deze sleutel wilt verspreiden?"
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:185
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:187
 msgid "The keys have been sent to the server."
 msgstr "De sleutels werden naar de server gestuurd."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:89
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:94
 msgid "Decrypting..."
 msgstr "Aan het ontsleutelen..."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:280 src/gpafileverifyop.c:385
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:358 src/gpafileverifyop.c:449
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
 msgstr "Het bestand \"%s\" bevat geen OpenPGP data."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:288
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:359 src/gpafileverifyop.c:450
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGPdata."
+msgstr "Het bestand \"%s\" bevat geen OpenPGP data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:369
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
 msgstr "Het bestand \"%s\" bevat geen geldige versleutelde data."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:296 src/gpafileencryptop.c:579
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:353 src/gpafileverifyop.c:393 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:233
-#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:195 src/gpakeysignop.c:227
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no validencrypted data."
+msgstr "Het bestand \"%s\" bevat geen geldige versleutelde data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "Verkeerd wachtwoord!"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:107
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:155
 msgid "Encrypting..."
 msgstr "Aan het versleutelen..."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:309 src/verifydlg.c:224
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:453 src/verifydlg.c:222
 msgid "Unknown Key"
 msgstr "Onbekende Sleutel"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:325
-msgid "You are going to encrypt a file using the following key:"
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:469
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You are going to encrypt a document using the following key:"
 msgstr "U gaat een bestand versleutelen met de volgende sleutel:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:331
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:475
 msgid "However, it is not certain that the key belongs to that person."
 msgstr "Hoewel, het is niet zeker dat de sleutel aan die persoon toebehoort."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:337
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:481
 msgid "Do you <b>really</b> want to use this key?"
 msgstr "Wil je <b>echt</b> deze sleutel gebruiken?"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:358 src/gpafileencryptop.c:398 src/verifydlg.c:229
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:502 src/gpafileencryptop.c:542 src/verifydlg.c:227
 msgid "Revoked Key"
 msgstr "Teruggetrokken sleutel"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:360 src/gpafileencryptop.c:400 src/gpawizard.c:279
-#: src/gtktools.c:315 src/gtktools.c:348 src/helpmenu.c:418
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:150 src/keylist.c:512 src/settingsdlg.c:166
-#: src/verifydlg.c:117
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
+#: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "_Sluiten"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:373
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:517
 msgid "The following key has been revoked by it's owner:"
 msgstr "De volgende sleutel is gerevoceerd door de eigenaar:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:378 src/gpafileencryptop.c:421
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:522 src/gpafileencryptop.c:565
 msgid "And can not be used for encryption."
 msgstr "En kan niet gebruikt worden voor versleuteling."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:413
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "De volgende sleutel vervalt op %s:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:497 src/gpafilesignop.c:281
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "U hebt geen sleutel geselecteerd voor ondertekening"
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:97
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:148
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "Aan het ondertekenen..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:98
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "Aan het verifieren..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:169
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "GPA found a file that could be a signature of %s. Would you like to verify "
@@ -485,19 +803,19 @@
 "The file found is: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:78
+#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:80
 msgid "Generating Key..."
 msgstr "Genereren van de sleutel..."
-#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:129
+#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:131
 msgid "Import public keys from file"
 msgstr "Importeer publieke sleutels vanuit een bestand"
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:195
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:197
 msgid "No keys were found."
 msgstr "Geen sleutels gevonden."
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:203
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%i public keys read\n"
@@ -514,160 +832,160 @@
 "%i geheime sleutels geïmporteerd\n"
 "%i geheime sleutels onveranderd"
-#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:237
+#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:239
 msgid ""
 "Invalid time given.\n"
 "(you may not set the expiration time to the past.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:88 src/keylist.c:224 src/keylist.c:259
-#: src/siglist.c:92 src/siglist.c:112 src/verifydlg.c:326
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "Sleutel ID:"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:97 src/keylist.c:233 src/keylist.c:298
-#: src/siglist.c:98 src/siglist.c:141 src/verifydlg.c:338
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "Gebruiker naam"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:186
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:188
 msgid "No private key for signing."
 msgstr "Geen geheime sleutel voor ondertekening."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:231
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:233
 msgid "This key has expired! Unable to sign."
 msgstr "Deze sleutel is vervallen! Kan niet ondertekenen."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:237
 msgid "This key has already been signed with your own!"
 msgstr "Deze sleutel is al ondertekend met uw eigen sleutel!"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:240
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:242
 msgid "You haven't selected a default key to sign with!"
 msgstr "U hebt geen sleutel geselecteerd voor ondertekening"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:31
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
 msgid "days"
 msgstr "dagen"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:32
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
 msgid "weeks"
 msgstr "weken"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:35
 msgid "months"
 msgstr "maanden"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:36
 msgid "years"
 msgstr "jaren"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:74
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:76
 msgid "never expires"
 msgstr "vervalt nooit"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:92
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:94
 msgid "unknown"
 msgstr "onbekend"
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:100
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:101
 msgid "Which key do you want to import? (The key must be specified by key ID)."
 msgstr ""
 "Welke sleutel wilt u importeren? (De sleutel moet aangeduid zijn\n"
 "met zijn sleutel id."
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:115
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:116
 msgid "Key _ID:"
 msgstr "Sleutel _ID:"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:70
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:72
 msgid "Subkey ID"
 msgstr "Subsleutels ID"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:76 src/siglist.c:118 src/verifydlg.c:332
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:78 src/siglist.c:120 src/verifydlg.c:330
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:82
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:84
 msgid "Algorithm"
 msgstr "Algoritme"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:89
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:91
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Grootte"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:95 src/keyeditdlg.c:170 src/keylist.c:268
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "Verval datum"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:102
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:104
 msgid "Can sign"
 msgstr "Kan ondertekend worden"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:108
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:110
 msgid "Can certify"
 msgstr "Kan gecertifieerd worden"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:115
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:117
 msgid "Can encrypt"
 msgstr "Kan versleuteld worden"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:122
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:124
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr "Kan geauthenticeerd worden"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:135 src/gpgmetools.c:577 src/gpgmetools.c:785
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:904
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "Terugtrekken"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:139 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:900
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "Vervallen"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:143 src/gpgmetools.c:581
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "Uitgeschakeld"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:147
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:149
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "Niet ondertekend"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:151 src/gpgmetools.c:891 src/verifydlg.c:214
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "Geldig"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/gpgmetools.c:625 src/gpgmetools.c:632
-#: src/keyring.c:1173 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Gebruiker naam:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "Gebruikers Namen:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:80 src/gpgmetools.c:626 src/gpgmetools.c:633
-#: src/keyring.c:1175
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "Sleutel ID:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:196
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:194
 msgid "Expiration"
 msgstr "Vervaldag"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:203
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:201
 msgid "_indefinitely valid"
 msgstr "_oneindig geldig"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:212
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:210
 msgid "expire _after"
 msgstr "vervalt _na"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:231
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:229
 msgid "expire o_n:"
 msgstr "v_ervalt op"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:304 src/keygendlg.c:285
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:302 src/keygendlg.c:295
 msgid ""
 "Invalid insert mode for expiry date."
@@ -675,16 +993,16 @@
 "Ongeldige invoeg modus voor verval datum."
-#: src/gpawizard.c:258
+#: src/gpawizard.c:260
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_Back"
 msgstr "/_Backup...."
-#: src/gpawizard.c:265
+#: src/gpawizard.c:267
 msgid "_Forward"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpawizard.c:272
+#: src/gpawizard.c:274
 msgid "_Apply"
 msgstr ""
@@ -724,7 +1042,7 @@
 "Dit is waarschijnlijk een fout in GPA.\n"
 "GPA zal nu proberen te herstellen van deze fout."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:444
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -737,7 +1055,7 @@
 "* Bewaar dit bestand aub in een veilige plaats.                        *\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:449
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -745,109 +1063,109 @@
 "De sleutel is gebackuped in dit bestand:\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:510
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "DSA en ElGamal (standaard)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:511
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (alleen ondertekenen)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (alleen ondertekenen)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:545 src/gpgmetools.c:568 src/gpgmetools.c:585
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/gpgmetools.c:929
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "Onbekend"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:548
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "Nooit"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:551
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "Marginaal"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:554
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "Volledig"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:557
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "Ultiem"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "Niet compleet"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:589
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "Volledig geldig"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:623
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "Geef aub het wachwoord in voor de volgende sleutel:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:631
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "Verkeerd wachtwoord, probeer aub opnieuw:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:656
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "Wachtwoord ingeven"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:778
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:868 src/verifydlg.c:271
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[Onbekende gebruiker ID]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:894 src/verifydlg.c:219
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "Slecht"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:917
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr "Algemeen"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:920
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr "Persoonlijk"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:923
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr "Gewoon"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:926
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr "Positief"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:944
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "De sleutel kan gebruikt worden voor certificatie, onderteken en "
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:947
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "De sleutel kan gebruikt worden voor certificatie en ondertekenen, maar niet "
 "voor versleuteling."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr "De sleutel kan gebruikt worden voor certificatie en versleuteling."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "De sleutel kan alleen gebruikt worden voor certificatie."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:964
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
@@ -855,91 +1173,87 @@
 "De sleutel kan enkel gebruikt worden voor ondertekenen en encryptie, maar "
 "niet voor certificatie."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:967
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "De sleutel kan alleen gebruikt worden voor ondertekenen."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:972
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "De sleutel kan alleen gebruikt worden voor versleuteling."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:975
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr "Deze sleutel is waardeloos."
-#: src/gtktools.c:311
+#: src/gtktools.c:320
 msgid "GPA Error"
 msgstr "GPA Fout"
-#: src/gtktools.c:344
-msgid "GPA Message"
-msgstr "GPA Bericht"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:198
+#: src/helpmenu.c:202
 msgid "About GPA"
 msgstr "Over GPA"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:243
+#: src/helpmenu.c:247
 msgid "Brought to you by:"
 msgstr "U gebracht door:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:280
+#: src/helpmenu.c:284
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPA is Free Software under the"
 msgstr "GPA is vrije software onder de"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:284
+#: src/helpmenu.c:288
 msgid "GNU General Public License."
 msgstr "GNU General Public Licentie."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:288
+#: src/helpmenu.c:292
 msgid "For news see:"
 msgstr "Voor nieuws zie:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:293
+#: src/helpmenu.c:297
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "http://www.gpg4win.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:295
+#: src/helpmenu.c:299
 msgid "http://www.gnupg.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:378
+#: src/helpmenu.c:382
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "GNU General Public Licentie."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:405
+#: src/helpmenu.c:409
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "GNU General Public Licentie."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:432
+#: src/helpmenu.c:436
 msgid "Show Help Text\n"
 msgstr "Toon help text\n"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:440
+#: src/helpmenu.c:444
 msgid "/_Help"
 msgstr "/_Help"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:442
+#: src/helpmenu.c:446
 msgid "/Help/_Contents"
 msgstr "/Help/_Licentie"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:445
+#: src/helpmenu.c:449
 msgid "/Help/_License"
 msgstr "/Help/_Licentie"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:446
+#: src/helpmenu.c:450
 msgid "/Help/_About"
 msgstr "/Help/_Over GPA"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:40
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:41
 msgid "Removing Secret Key"
 msgstr "Verwijder geheime sleutel"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:54
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:55
 msgid ""
 "If you delete this key, you won't be able to\n"
 "read messages encrypted with it.\n"
@@ -951,15 +1265,15 @@
 "Ben je zeker dat je deze sleutel wil verwijderen?"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:90
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:91
 msgid "Remove Key"
 msgstr "Verwijder sleutel"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:103
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:104
 msgid "You have selected the following key for removal:"
 msgstr "U hebt de volgende sleutel geselecteerd voor verwijdering:"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:113
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:114
 msgid ""
 "This key has a secret key. Deleting this key cannot be undone, unless you "
 "have a backup copy."
@@ -967,7 +1281,7 @@
 "Deze sleutel heeft een geheime sleutel. Het ongedaan maken van deze sleutel "
 "kan niet tenzij u een backup heeft."
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:122
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:123
 msgid ""
 "This key is a public key. Deleting this key cannot be undone easily, "
 "although you may be able to get a new copy  from the owner or from a key "
@@ -977,23 +1291,27 @@
 "eenvoudig ongedaan gemaakt worden. Alhoewel je een nieuwe kopie van deze "
 "sleutel kan afhalen van een keyserver."
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:131
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:132
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this key?"
 msgstr "Weet u zeker dat je deze sleutel wilt verwijderen?"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:148
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:149
 msgid "Edit Key"
 msgstr "Bewerk sleutel"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:164
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:165
 msgid "Change _passphrase"
 msgstr "Verkeerd wachtwoord!"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:184
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:185
 msgid "Change _expiration"
 msgstr "_Verander verval datum"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:54 src/keygenwizard.c:305 src/passwddlg.c:43
+#: src/keygendlg.c:58
+msgid "You must enter a User ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keygendlg.c:63 src/keygenwizard.c:307 src/passwddlg.c:45
 msgid ""
 "In \"Passphrase\" and \"Repeat passphrase\",\n"
 "you must enter the same passphrase."
@@ -1001,7 +1319,7 @@
 "in \"Wachtwoord\" en \"Herhaal wachtwoord\",\n"
 "moet u hetzelfde wachtwoord herhalen."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:61 src/keygenwizard.c:312 src/passwddlg.c:50
+#: src/keygendlg.c:70 src/keygenwizard.c:314 src/passwddlg.c:52
 msgid ""
 "You did not enter a passphrase.\n"
 "It is needed to protect your private key."
@@ -1009,7 +1327,7 @@
 "U gaf geen wachtwoord in.\n"
 "Het is nodig om uw geheime sleutel te beschermen."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:74 src/keygenwizard.c:326 src/passwddlg.c:63
+#: src/keygendlg.c:83 src/keygenwizard.c:328 src/passwddlg.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Warning: You have entered a passphrase\n"
 "that is obviously not secure.\n"
@@ -1021,59 +1339,59 @@
 "Geef aub een nieuw wachtwoord in."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:79 src/keygenwizard.c:331 src/passwddlg.c:68
+#: src/keygendlg.c:88 src/keygenwizard.c:333 src/passwddlg.c:70
 msgid "_Enter new passphrase"
 msgstr "_Geef een nieuw wachtwoord in"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:80 src/keygenwizard.c:332 src/passwddlg.c:69
+#: src/keygendlg.c:89 src/keygenwizard.c:334 src/passwddlg.c:71
 msgid "Take this one _anyway"
 msgstr "Neem deze _weg"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:135 src/keygenwizard.c:539
+#: src/keygendlg.c:144 src/keygenwizard.c:541
 msgid "Generate key"
 msgstr "Genereer sleutel"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:176
+#: src/keygendlg.c:185
 msgid "_Algorithm: "
 msgstr "_Versleutel algoritme: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:188
+#: src/keygendlg.c:197
 msgid "_Key size (bits): "
 msgstr "_Sleutel grootte (Bits): "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:189
+#: src/keygendlg.c:198
 msgid "768"
 msgstr "768"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:190
+#: src/keygendlg.c:199
 msgid "1024"
 msgstr "1024"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:191
+#: src/keygendlg.c:200
 msgid "2048"
 msgstr "2048"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:206
+#: src/keygendlg.c:216
 msgid "_User ID: "
 msgstr "_Gebruik ID: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:216
+#: src/keygendlg.c:226
 msgid "_Email: "
 msgstr "_E-Mail: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:226
+#: src/keygendlg.c:236
 msgid "_Comment: "
 msgstr "_Commentaar: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:238
+#: src/keygendlg.c:248
 msgid "_Passphrase: "
 msgstr "_Wachtwoord: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:250
+#: src/keygendlg.c:260
 msgid "_Repeat passphrase: "
 msgstr "_Herhaal wachtwoord: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:150
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:152
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your full name.\n"
@@ -1085,15 +1403,15 @@
 "Uw naam zal deel uitmaken van de nieuwe sleutel en maak het eenvoudiger.voor "
 "anderen om sleutels te identificieren."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:155
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:157
 msgid "Your Name:"
 msgstr "Uw naam:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:168
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:170
 msgid "Please insert your name"
 msgstr "Geef aub uw  naam in"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:181
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:183
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your email address.\n"
@@ -1107,27 +1425,27 @@
 "eenvoudigerom sleutels te identificieren. Als u meerdere E-mail adressen "
 "heeft, kan u later nog altijd E-mail adressen toevoegen."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:188
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:190
 msgid "Your Email Address:"
 msgstr "Uw E-Mail adress:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:203
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:205
 msgid "Please insert your email address"
 msgstr "Geef aub uw E-mail adress in:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:237
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:239
 msgid "Please choose a passphrase for the new key."
 msgstr "Kies aub een wachtwoord voor de nieuwe sleutel."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:246 src/passwddlg.c:106
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:248 src/passwddlg.c:108
 msgid "Passphrase: "
 msgstr "Wachtwoord: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:259 src/passwddlg.c:115
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:261 src/passwddlg.c:117
 msgid "Repeat Passphrase: "
 msgstr "Herhaal wachtwoord: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:356
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:358
 msgid ""
 "It is recommended that you create a backup copy of your new key, once it has "
 "been generated.\n"
@@ -1138,15 +1456,15 @@
 "gemaakt is.\n"
 "Wilt u een reserve kopie maken?"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:365
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:367
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "Maak _backup kopie"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:372 src/keyring.c:724 src/keyring.c:752
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "Doe het _later"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:400
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:402
 msgid ""
 "Your key is being generated.\n"
@@ -1156,7 +1474,7 @@
 "Zelfs op snelle computers kan dit even duren. Wees aub geduldig."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:409
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:411
 msgid ""
@@ -1168,40 +1486,59 @@
 "U heeft succesvol een sleutel genereert. De sleutel oneindig geldig en "
 "heefeen lengte van 1024 bits."
-#: src/keylist.c:278 src/ownertrustdlg.c:121
+#: src/keylist.c:342
+msgid ""
+"GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
+"This might take a few seconds."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:568
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
+msgstr "De sleutel kan alleen gebruikt worden voor certificatie."
+#: src/keylist.c:581
+msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
 msgid "Owner Trust"
 msgstr "Eigenaars vertrouwen"
-#: src/keylist.c:288
-msgid "Key Validity"
-msgstr "Sleutel geldigheid"
-#: src/keylist.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
-"GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
-"This might take a few seconds."
+"The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
+"holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
+"It is only meaningful for OpenPGP."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:510
-msgid "GPA Warning"
+#: src/keylist.c:604
+msgid "Validity"
+msgstr "Geldigheid"
+#: src/keylist.c:605
+msgid ""
+"The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
+"That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:528
+#: src/keylist.c:619
 msgid ""
-"One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
-"GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be considered "
-"Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
-"The affected key is:"
+"The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:452
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "Geen sleutels geselecteerd voor ondertekening."
-#: src/keyring.c:719
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1209,11 +1546,11 @@
 "U heeft nog geen geheime sleutel. Wil u er nu een genereren (aanbevolen) of "
 "dit later doen?"
-#: src/keyring.c:723
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "_Genereer sleutel nu"
-#: src/keyring.c:746
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1221,168 +1558,157 @@
 "U heeft nog geen backup van uw geheime sleutel. Wil u uw sleutel nubackuppen "
 "(aanbevolen) of dit later doen?"
-#: src/keyring.c:751
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "_Backup sleutel nu"
-#: src/keyring.c:851
-msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
-msgstr "/Bewerk/_Kopieer"
-#: src/keyring.c:853
-msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
-msgstr "/Bewerk/_Plak"
-#: src/keyring.c:855
-msgid "/Edit/sep1"
-msgstr "/Bestand/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:862
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/_Sleutels"
-#: src/keyring.c:863
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:865
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/Bestand/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:866
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/_Nieuwe Sleutel..."
-#: src/keyring.c:868
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/_Verwijder sleutels...."
-#: src/keyring.c:870
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/Bestand/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/_Onderteken Sleutels..."
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/Verander _Eigenaars Vertrouwen...."
-#: src/keyring.c:873
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/_Bewerk Sleutel..."
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/Bestand/sep2"
-#: src/keyring.c:875
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/_Importeer Sleutels..."
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/E_xporteer Sleutels...."
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/_Backup...."
-#: src/keyring.c:880
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "/_Server"
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/Server/_Haal sleutels...."
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Server/_Stuur Sleutels..."
-#: src/keyring.c:916
+#: src/keyring.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
+msgstr "/Vensters/_Bestandsbeheerder"
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/Exporteer Sleutels..."
-#: src/keyring.c:923
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/Verwijder sleutels...."
-#: src/keyring.c:930
-msgid "/Edit/Copy"
-msgstr "/Bewerk/Kopieer"
-#: src/keyring.c:937
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Server/Stuur Sleutels..."
-#: src/keyring.c:946
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/Verander Eigenaars Vertrouwen...."
-#: src/keyring.c:954
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/Onderteken Sleutels..."
-#: src/keyring.c:962
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/Bewerk Sleutel..."
-#: src/keyring.c:969
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Sleutels/Backup...."
-#: src/keyring.c:986
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "/_Kopieer"
-#: src/keyring.c:988
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/_Plak"
-#: src/keyring.c:990
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/_Verwijder sleutels...."
-#: src/keyring.c:993
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/_Onderteken Sleutels..."
-#: src/keyring.c:994
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Verander _Eigenaars Vertrouwen...."
-#: src/keyring.c:995
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/_Bewerk Sleutel..."
-#: src/keyring.c:997
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/E_xporteer Sleutels...."
-#: src/keyring.c:998
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:999
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/_Backup...."
-#: src/keyring.c:1010
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Verander Eigenaars Vertrouwen...."
-#: src/keyring.c:1018
+#: src/keyring.c:1025
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Onderteken Sleutels..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1026
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Bewerk Sleutel..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1033
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Backup...."
@@ -1390,187 +1716,181 @@
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr "Subsleutels"
-#: src/keyring.c:1177 src/keysigndlg.c:112
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "Vingerafdruk:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1179
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "Vervalt op:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1181
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "Eigenaars Vertrouwen:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1183
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "Sleutel geldigheid:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1185
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "Sleutel Type:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1187
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "Gemaakt op:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1190
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Details"
-#: src/keyring.c:1198
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr "Controleer ondertekeningen van het geselecteerde bestand"
-#: src/keyring.c:1219
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "Ondertekeningen"
-#: src/keyring.c:1244
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "De sleutel heeft een geheim en publiek deel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1249
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "De sleutel heeft enkel een publiek deel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1283
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1309
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "Geen sleutels geselecteerd"
-#: src/keyring.c:1313
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
 msgstr[0] "%d sleutels geselecteerd"
 msgstr[1] "%d sleutels geselecteerd"
-#: src/keyring.c:1345
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "Ondertekeningen"
-#: src/keyring.c:1549
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Bewerk"
-#: src/keyring.c:1550
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "Bewerk de geselecteerde sleutel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "bewerk sleutel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "Verwijder de geselecteerde sleutel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1560
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "verwijder sleutel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "Onderteken de geselecteerde sleutel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "onderteken sleutel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1575
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "Importeer"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "Importeer sleutels"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "importeer sleutels"
-#: src/keyring.c:1581
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "Exporteer"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "Exporteer Sleutels"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "exporteer sleutels"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "Beperkt"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "Toon beperkte sleutellijst"
-#: src/keyring.c:1596
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "beperkt"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "Details"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "Toon Sleutel Details"
-#: src/keyring.c:1608
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "gedetailleerd"
-#: src/keyring.c:1641
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1642
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1649
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr "Bestanden"
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Selected default key:"
+msgstr "Selecteer Standaard Sleutel:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1650
-msgid "Open the File Manager"
-msgstr "Open de bestandsbeheerder"
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
+msgstr "Geen sleutels geselecteerd voor export."
-#: src/keyring.c:1651
-msgid "file manager"
-msgstr "bestandsbeheerder"
-#: src/keyring.c:1674
-msgid "Selected Default Key:"
-msgstr "Selecteer Standaard Sleutel:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1820
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistent - Keyring Editor"
-#: src/keyring.c:1851
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "Keyring Editor"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:60
 msgid "Sign Key"
 msgstr "Onderteken Sleutel"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:78
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:76
 msgid "Do you want to sign the following key?"
 msgstr "Wilt u de volgende sleutel ondertekenen?"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:122
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:120
 msgid ""
 "Check the name and fingerprint carefully to be sure that it really is the "
 "key you want to sign."
@@ -1578,19 +1898,19 @@
 "Controleer de naam en de vingerafdruk zorgvuldig en wees zeker dat dit echt "
 "de sleutel is die uw wilt ondertekenen."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:130
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:128
 msgid "All user names in this key will be signed."
 msgstr "Alle gebruiker namen in deze sleutel zullen worden ondertekend."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:136
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:134
 msgid "The key will be signed with your default private key."
 msgstr "De sleutel zal ondertekend worden met uw standaard geheime sleutel."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:143
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:141
 msgid "Sign only _locally"
 msgstr "Onderteken alleen _lokaal"
-#: src/options.c:308
+#: src/options.c:316
 msgid ""
 "The private key you selected as default is no longer available.\n"
 "GPA will try to choose a new default key automatically."
@@ -1599,26 +1919,26 @@
 "GPA zal proberen om automatisch een nieuwe standaard sleutel te vinden."
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:105
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:106
 msgid "Change key ownertrust"
 msgstr "Verander sleutel eigenaars vertrouwen"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:129
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:130
 msgid "_Unknown"
 msgstr "_Onbekent"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:134
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:135
 msgid ""
 "You don't know how much to trust this user to verify other people's keys.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "U weet niet hoeveel u deze gebruiker kan vertrouwen om andere sleutels te "
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:144
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:145
 msgid "_Never"
 msgstr "_Nooit"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:150
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user at all to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys at all.\n"
@@ -1626,11 +1946,11 @@
 "U vertrouwt deze gebruiker helemaal niet om de geldigheid van andere "
 "sleutels te controleren.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:159
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:160
 msgid "_Marginal"
 msgstr "_Marginaal"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:164
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:165
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys enough to consider keys valid based on his/her sole word.\n"
@@ -1644,11 +1964,11 @@
 "deze gebruiker als geldig beschouwen als het ook is getekend door tenminste "
 "twee andere marginaal vertrouwde gebruikers met geldige sleutels\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:181
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:182
 msgid "_Full"
 msgstr "_Volledig"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:186
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:187
 msgid ""
 "You trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's keys "
 "so much, that you'll consider valid any key signed by him/her, provided this "
@@ -1658,11 +1978,11 @@
 "controleren dat u elke sleutel ondertekend door hem/haar als geldig zult "
 "beschouwen, op voorwaarde dat deze gebruiker's sleutels geldig is.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:199
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:200
 msgid "U_ltimate"
 msgstr "U_ltiem"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:204
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:205
 msgid ""
 "You consider this key valid, and trust the user so much that you will "
 "consider any key signed by him/her fully valid.\n"
@@ -1676,56 +1996,56 @@
 "(Waarschuwing: Dit is alleen bedoeld voor sleutels die u bezit. Gebruik dit "
 "niet met andere sleutels indien u echt weet wat u doen.\n"
-#: src/passwddlg.c:94
+#: src/passwddlg.c:96
 msgid "Choose new passphrase"
 msgstr "_Geef een nieuw wachtwoord in"
-#: src/server_access.c:284
+#: src/server_access.c:282
 msgid "No error"
 msgstr "Geen fout"
 # gpapa.c: Keyserver-Fehlermeldungen
-#: src/server_access.c:287
+#: src/server_access.c:285
 msgid "Internal error"
 msgstr "Inwendige fout"
-#: src/server_access.c:290
+#: src/server_access.c:288
 msgid "Operation not supported"
 msgstr "Actie niet ondersteund"
-#: src/server_access.c:293
+#: src/server_access.c:291
 msgid "Version mismatch"
 msgstr "Niet passende versie"
-#: src/server_access.c:296
+#: src/server_access.c:294
 msgid "Internal keyserver error"
 msgstr "Inwendige keyserver fout"
-#: src/server_access.c:299
+#: src/server_access.c:297
 msgid "Out of memory"
 msgstr "Geen geheugen meer"
-#: src/server_access.c:302
+#: src/server_access.c:300
 msgid "Key not found"
 msgstr "Sleutel niet gevonden"
-#: src/server_access.c:305
+#: src/server_access.c:303
 msgid "Key already exists on server"
 msgstr "Sleutel bestaat al op de server"
-#: src/server_access.c:308
+#: src/server_access.c:306
 msgid "Key incomplete"
 msgstr "Sleutel niet compleet"
-#: src/server_access.c:311
+#: src/server_access.c:309
 msgid "Could not contact keyserver"
 msgstr "Kan de keyserver niet contacteren"
-#: src/server_access.c:314
+#: src/server_access.c:312
 msgid "Unknown Error"
 msgstr "Onbekende fout"
-#: src/server_access.c:350
+#: src/server_access.c:348
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Connecting to server \"%s\".\n"
@@ -1734,7 +2054,7 @@
 "Verbinden met server \"%s\".\n"
 "Even geduld."
-#: src/server_access.c:373 src/server_access.c:393
+#: src/server_access.c:371 src/server_access.c:391
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "An error ocurred while contacting the server:\n"
@@ -1745,7 +2065,7 @@
 "%s werd gecontacteerd."
-#: src/server_access.c:457
+#: src/server_access.c:455
 msgid ""
 "There is no plugin available for the keyserver\n"
 "protocol you specified."
@@ -1753,60 +2073,82 @@
 "Er is geen plugin beschikbaar voor het keyserver\n"
 "protocol dat u specifieerde."
-#: src/server_access.c:530 src/server_access.c:576
+#: src/server_access.c:528 src/server_access.c:574
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "De keyserver die u specifieerde is niet geldig"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:45
-msgid "Default _key:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
 msgstr "_Standaard sleutel:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:86
-msgid "Default key_server: "
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
 msgstr "_Standaard KeyServer:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:130
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
 msgstr "Gebruik ge_avanceerde mode:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:163
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Instellingen"
-#: src/siglist.c:126
+#: src/siglist.c:128
 msgid "Level"
 msgstr "Niveau"
-#: src/siglist.c:133
+#: src/siglist.c:135
 msgid "Local"
 msgstr "Lokaal"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:118
-msgid "Verify files"
+#: src/verifydlg.c:116
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Verify documents"
 msgstr "Bestanden verifieren"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:234
+#: src/verifydlg.c:232
 msgid "Expired Key"
 msgstr "Vervallen sleutel"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:242
+#: src/verifydlg.c:240
 msgid "Key NOT valid"
 msgstr "Sleutel NIET geldig"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:361
+#: src/verifydlg.c:359
 #, c-format
 msgid "Verified data in file: %s"
 msgstr "Geverifieerde data in bestand: %s"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:366
+#: src/verifydlg.c:364
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Signature: %s"
 msgstr "Ondertekeningen"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:372
+#: src/verifydlg.c:370
 msgid "Signatures:"
 msgstr "Ondertekeningen:"
+#~ msgid "Sign files"
+#~ msgstr "Bestanden ondertekenen"
+#~ msgid "sign in separate _file"
+#~ msgstr "ondertekening in een appart _bestand"
+#~ msgid "a_rmor"
+#~ msgstr "a_rmor"
+#~ msgid "display this help and exit"
+#~ msgstr "toon help en sluit"
+#~ msgid "Options"
+#~ msgstr "/_Opties"
+#~ msgid "Key Validity"
+#~ msgstr "Sleutel geldigheid"
 #~ msgid "GNU general public license"
 #~ msgstr "GNU general public licentie"
@@ -1873,9 +2215,6 @@
 #~ "in uw keyring. Om deze sleutel te gebruiken zal u de\n"
 #~ "publieke sleutel ook moeten importeren."
-#~ msgid "No keys selected to export."
-#~ msgstr "Geen sleutels geselecteerd voor export."
 #~ msgid "No private key to backup."
 #~ msgstr "Geen geheime sleutel voor backup."
@@ -2183,9 +2522,6 @@
 #~ msgid "/Help/_Help"
 #~ msgstr "/Help/_Help"
-#~ msgid "To _clipboard"
-#~ msgstr "Naar _klembord"
 #~ msgid "Weak passphrase"
 #~ msgstr "Zwak wachtwoord"
@@ -2236,17 +2572,11 @@
 #~ "Geen geheime sleutels beschikbaar om\n"
 #~ "een standaard sleutel te selecteren."
-#~ msgid "Set default key"
-#~ msgstr "Stel standaard sleutel in"
 #~ msgid "/Options/_Keyserver"
 #~ msgstr "/Opties/_Keyserver"
 #~ msgid "/Options/_Default Key"
 #~ msgstr "/Opties/_Standaard Sleutel"
-#~ msgid "Validity"
-#~ msgstr "Geldigheid"
 #~ msgid "Signature"
 #~ msgstr "Ondertekening"

Modified: trunk/po/pl.po
--- trunk/po/pl.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/pl.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gpa-0.7\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-24 14:59+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-08-22 02:23+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Emilian Nowak <emil5 at go2.pl>\n"
 "Language-Team: Polish <pl at li.org>\n"
@@ -15,262 +15,548 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:134 src/expirydlg.c:115 src/filesigndlg.c:123
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:294 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:144 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:95
-#: src/gpawizard.c:287 src/gpgmetools.c:660 src/keygendlg.c:140
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:110 src/passwddlg.c:98
-msgid "_Cancel"
-msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:367 src/fileman.c:350
+msgid "Open File"
+msgstr "Otwórz plik"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:135
-msgid "Encrypt files"
-msgstr "Zaszyfruj pliki"
+#: src/clipboard.c:395 src/confdialog.c:1266 src/gtktools.c:353
+msgid "GPA Message"
+msgstr "Komunikat GPA"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:166
-msgid "_Public Keys"
-msgstr "Klucze _Publiczne"
+#. TRANSLATORS: The arguments are the filename, the integer size
+#. and the unit (such as KB or MB).
+#: src/clipboard.c:412
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file %s is %lli%s large.  Do you really  want to open it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Plik %s już istnieje.\n"
+"Czy chcesz go nadpisać?"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:169
-msgid "_Sign"
-msgstr "_Podpisz"
+#: src/clipboard.c:481
+msgid "Save As..."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:190 src/filesigndlg.c:180
-msgid "Sign _as "
-msgstr "Podpisz _jako "
+#: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
+#: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
+msgid "Clipboard"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:193
-msgid "A_rmor"
-msgstr "Opa_kowanie ASCII"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:63
-msgid "Please provide a correct date."
-msgstr "Proszę podać prawidłową datę."
-#: src/expirydlg.c:110
-msgid "Change expiry date"
-msgstr "Zmiana daty ważności"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:128
-msgid "_never expire"
-msgstr "_nigdy nie wygasa"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:133
-msgid "_expire on:"
-msgstr "_wygasa dnia:"
-#: src/fileman.c:345
-msgid "Open File"
-msgstr "Otwórz plik"
-#: src/fileman.c:350 src/fileman.c:899
-msgid "The file is already open."
-msgstr "Ten plik jest już otwarty"
-#: src/fileman.c:467 src/keyring.c:844
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/_Plik"
-#: src/fileman.c:468
+#: src/clipboard.c:693 src/fileman.c:474
+msgid "/File/C_lear"
+msgstr "/Plik/Wy_czyść"
+#: src/clipboard.c:694 src/fileman.c:473
 msgid "/File/_Open"
 msgstr "/Plik/_Otwórz"
-#: src/fileman.c:469
-msgid "/File/C_lear"
-msgstr "/Plik/Wy_czyść"
+#: src/clipboard.c:695
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/File/Save _As"
+msgstr "/Plik/Z_amknij"
-#: src/fileman.c:470
+#: src/clipboard.c:697 src/fileman.c:475
 msgid "/File/sep1"
 msgstr "/Plik/sep1"
-#: src/fileman.c:471
+#: src/clipboard.c:698 src/fileman.c:476
 msgid "/File/_Sign"
 msgstr "/Plik/_Podpisz"
-#: src/fileman.c:472
+#: src/clipboard.c:699 src/fileman.c:477
 msgid "/File/_Verify"
 msgstr "/Plik/_Weryfikuj"
-#: src/fileman.c:473
+#: src/clipboard.c:700 src/fileman.c:478
 msgid "/File/_Encrypt"
 msgstr "/Plik/_Zaszyfruj"
-#: src/fileman.c:474
+#: src/clipboard.c:701 src/fileman.c:479
 msgid "/File/_Decrypt"
 msgstr "/Plik/O_dszyfruj"
-#: src/fileman.c:475
+#: src/clipboard.c:702 src/fileman.c:480
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/Plik/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:476 src/keyring.c:845
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/Plik/Z_amknij"
-#: src/fileman.c:477 src/keyring.c:847
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/Plik/Za_kończ"
-#: src/fileman.c:480 src/keyring.c:850
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "/_Edycja"
-#: src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:856
+#: src/clipboard.c:710
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Undo"
+msgstr "/Edycja/_Kopiuj"
+#: src/clipboard.c:711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Redo"
+msgstr "/Edycja/_Kopiuj"
+#: src/clipboard.c:712
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/sep0"
+msgstr "/Edycja/sep2"
+#: src/clipboard.c:714 src/clipboard.c:750
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Cut"
+msgstr "/Edycja/Kopiuj"
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
+msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
+msgstr "/Edycja/_Kopiuj"
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
+msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
+msgstr "/Edycja/_Wklej"
+#: src/clipboard.c:717
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
+msgstr "/Edycja/_Wklej"
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
+msgid "/Edit/sep1"
+msgstr "/Edycja/sep1"
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/Edycja/Wybierz _wszystko"
-#: src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/Edycja/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:483 src/keyring.c:858
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/Edycja/_Ustawienia..."
-#: src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:885
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
+msgstr "/Edycja/_Ustawienia..."
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/_Okna"
-#: src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:886
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
+msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
+msgstr "/Okna/Edytor zbioru _kluczy"
+#: src/clipboard.c:730 src/fileman.c:496
 msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
 msgstr "/Okna/Menadżer _plików"
-#: src/fileman.c:489 src/keyring.c:887
-msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
-msgstr "/Okna/Edytor zbioru _kluczy"
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
+msgstr "/Okna/Menadżer _plików"
-#: src/fileman.c:508
-msgid "/File/Sign"
-msgstr "/Plik/Podpisz"
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
+msgid "/Edit/Copy"
+msgstr "/Edycja/Kopiuj"
-#: src/fileman.c:513
-msgid "/File/Verify"
-msgstr "/Plik/Weryfikuj"
+#: src/clipboard.c:766
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Delete"
+msgstr "/Edycja/Wybierz _wszystko"
-#: src/fileman.c:518
-msgid "/File/Encrypt"
-msgstr "/Plik/Zaszyfruj"
+#: src/clipboard.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Paste"
+msgstr "/Edycja/_Wklej"
-#: src/fileman.c:523
-msgid "/File/Decrypt"
-msgstr "/Plik/Odszyfruj"
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "Clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "Open a file"
 msgstr "Otwiera plik"
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "open file"
 msgstr "otwórz plik"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "Close all files"
-msgstr "Zamyka wszystkie pliki"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save to a file"
+msgstr "Otwiera plik"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "close files"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "save file as"
 msgstr "zamknij pliki"
-#: src/fileman.c:604 src/keyring.c:1567
+#: src/clipboard.c:900
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cut the selection"
+msgstr "Szyfruje wybrany plik"
+#: src/clipboard.c:901
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cut the selection"
+msgstr "Szyfruje wybrany plik"
+#: src/clipboard.c:907
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copy the selection"
+msgstr "Szyfruje wybrany plik"
+#: src/clipboard.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "copy the selection"
+msgstr "Szyfruje wybrany plik"
+#: src/clipboard.c:914
+msgid "Paste the clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:915
+msgid "paste the clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "Podpisz"
-#: src/fileman.c:605
-msgid "Sign the selected file"
-msgstr "Podpisuje wybrany pliki"
+#: src/clipboard.c:926
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sign the selected text"
+msgstr "Podpisuje wybrany klucz"
-#: src/fileman.c:606
-msgid "sign file"
-msgstr "podpisz plik"
+#: src/clipboard.c:927
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "sign text"
+msgstr "podpisuje klucz"
-#: src/fileman.c:615
+#: src/clipboard.c:935 src/fileman.c:623
 msgid "Verify"
 msgstr "Weryfikuj"
-#: src/fileman.c:616
-msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:936
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Check signatures of selected text"
 msgstr "Sprawdza podpis wybranego pliku"
-#: src/fileman.c:617
-msgid "verify file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:937
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "verify text"
 msgstr "weryfikuj plik"
-#: src/fileman.c:626
+#: src/clipboard.c:945 src/fileman.c:634
 msgid "Encrypt"
 msgstr "Zaszyfruj"
-#: src/fileman.c:627
-msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:946
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Szyfruje wybrany plik"
-#: src/fileman.c:628
-msgid "encrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:947
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "encrypt text"
 msgstr "zaszyfruj plik"
-#: src/fileman.c:637
+#: src/clipboard.c:955 src/fileman.c:645
 msgid "Decrypt"
 msgstr "Odszyfruj"
-#: src/fileman.c:638
-msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:956
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Decrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Deszyfruje wybrany plik"
-#: src/fileman.c:639
-msgid "decrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:957
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "odszyfruj plik"
-#: src/fileman.c:654 src/keyring.c:1632
-msgid "Open the Preferences dialog"
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "Otwiera okno dialogowe z ustawieniami"
-#: src/fileman.c:655 src/keyring.c:1633
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "ustawienia"
-#: src/fileman.c:663 src/keyring.c:1656
+#: src/clipboard.c:975 src/fileman.c:666
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keyring"
+msgstr "Edytor zbioru kluczy"
+#: src/clipboard.c:976 src/fileman.c:667
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the keyring editor"
+msgstr "otwiera edytor zbioru kluczy (domyślne)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:977 src/fileman.c:668
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "keyring editor"
+msgstr "Edytor zbioru kluczy"
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Pliki"
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the file manager"
+msgstr "Otwiera okno menedżera plików"
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
+msgid "file manager"
+msgstr "menedżer plików"
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Pomoc"
-#: src/fileman.c:664 src/keyring.c:1657
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/fileman.c:665 src/keyring.c:1658
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "pomoc"
-#: src/fileman.c:764
+#: src/clipboard.c:1084
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Clipboard"
+msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Menedżer plików "
+#: src/confdialog.c:993
+msgid "<b>Main</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+msgid "Use default values"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+msgid "Use default value"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1146
+msgid "Do not use option"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom values"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom value"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1155
+msgid "Use default argument"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1280
+msgid ""
+"There are unapplied changes by you. Changing the expert setting will apply "
+"those changes.  Do you want to continue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1325
+msgid "Crypto Backend Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1334
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1346
+msgid "Configure the tools of the GnuPG system."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1350
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Level:"
+msgstr "Poziom"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1359
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "/_Kopia zapasowa..."
+#: src/confdialog.c:1360
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1361
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Expert"
+msgstr "Eksport"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt documents"
+msgstr "Zaszyfruj pliki"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:174
+msgid "_Public Keys"
+msgstr "Klucze _Publiczne"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:177
+msgid "_Sign"
+msgstr "_Podpisz"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:201 src/filesigndlg.c:185
+msgid "Sign _as "
+msgstr "Podpisz _jako "
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:215 src/filesigndlg.c:187
+msgid "A_rmor"
+msgstr "Opa_kowanie ASCII"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:64
+msgid "Please provide a correct date."
+msgstr "Proszę podać prawidłową datę."
+#: src/expirydlg.c:111
+msgid "Change expiry date"
+msgstr "Zmiana daty ważności"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:129
+msgid "_never expire"
+msgstr "_nigdy nie wygasa"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:134
+msgid "_expire on:"
+msgstr "_wygasa dnia:"
+#: src/fileman.c:355 src/fileman.c:953
+msgid "The file is already open."
+msgstr "Ten plik jest już otwarty"
+#: src/fileman.c:516
+msgid "/File/Sign"
+msgstr "/Plik/Podpisz"
+#: src/fileman.c:521
+msgid "/File/Verify"
+msgstr "/Plik/Weryfikuj"
+#: src/fileman.c:526
+msgid "/File/Encrypt"
+msgstr "/Plik/Zaszyfruj"
+#: src/fileman.c:531
+msgid "/File/Decrypt"
+msgstr "/Plik/Odszyfruj"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "Close all files"
+msgstr "Zamyka wszystkie pliki"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "close files"
+msgstr "zamknij pliki"
+#: src/fileman.c:613
+msgid "Sign the selected file"
+msgstr "Podpisuje wybrany pliki"
+#: src/fileman.c:614
+msgid "sign file"
+msgstr "podpisz plik"
+#: src/fileman.c:624
+msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+msgstr "Sprawdza podpis wybranego pliku"
+#: src/fileman.c:625
+msgid "verify file"
+msgstr "weryfikuj plik"
+#: src/fileman.c:635
+msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "Szyfruje wybrany plik"
+#: src/fileman.c:636
+msgid "encrypt file"
+msgstr "zaszyfruj plik"
+#: src/fileman.c:646
+msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "Deszyfruje wybrany plik"
+#: src/fileman.c:647
+msgid "decrypt file"
+msgstr "odszyfruj plik"
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the clipboard"
+msgstr "Otwiera okno menedżera plików"
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
+msgid "clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/fileman.c:785
 msgid "File"
 msgstr "Plik"
-#: src/fileman.c:821
+#: src/fileman.c:850
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - File Manager"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Menedżer plików "
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:124
-msgid "Sign files"
-msgstr "Podpisz pliki"
+#: src/fileman.c:876
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Manager"
+msgstr "menedżer plików"
 #: src/filesigndlg.c:134
+msgid "Sign documents"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:144
 msgid "Signing Mode"
 msgstr "Tryb podpisywania"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:142
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:152
 msgid "si_gn and compress"
 msgstr "po_dpisz i skompresuj"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:148
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:158
 msgid "_cleartext signature"
 msgstr "podpisz _czystym tekstem"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:155
-msgid "sign in separate _file"
-msgstr "podpis do _oddzielnego pliku"
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_detached signature"
+msgstr "podpisz _czystym tekstem"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:159
-msgid "a_rmor"
-msgstr "opa_kowanie ASCII"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:215 src/gpgmetools.c:137
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:213 src/gpgmetools.c:138
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The file %s already exists.\n"
@@ -279,21 +565,21 @@
 "Plik %s już istnieje.\n"
 "Czy chcesz go nadpisać?"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:218 src/gpaexportserverop.c:132
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:311 src/gpafileverifyop.c:175 src/gpgmetools.c:140
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:43 src/keydeletedlg.c:92 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:136
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "_Tak"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:219 src/gpaexportserverop.c:133
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:312 src/gpafileverifyop.c:176 src/gpgmetools.c:141
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:45 src/keydeletedlg.c:94 src/keysigndlg.c:66
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:139
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "_Nie"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:231
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "A copy of your secret key has been made to the file:\n"
@@ -311,85 +597,92 @@
 "należyty sposób \n"
 "(przykładowo: na oddzielnej dyskietce przechowywanej w bezpiecznym miejscu)"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:246
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:244
 msgid "An error ocurred during the backup operation."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:262
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:260
 msgid "Backup key to file"
 msgstr "Wykonaj kopiÄ™ zapasowÄ… klucza do pliku"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:289
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:287
 msgid "Backup Keys"
 msgstr "Kopia zaspasowa kluczy"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:313
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "Generating backup of key: %s"
 msgstr "Generowanie kopii zapasowej klucza: %s"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:319
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:317
 msgid "_Backup to file:"
 msgstr "_Kopia zapasowa do pliku:"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:331
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:329
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "P_rzeglÄ…daj..."
-#: src/gpa.c:373
-msgid "display this help and exit"
-msgstr "wyświetlenie tego opisu i zakończenie"
-#: src/gpa.c:374
-msgid "output version information and exit"
+#: src/gpa.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "wyświetlenie informacji o wersji i zakończenie"
-#: src/gpa.c:375
-msgid "open keyring editor (default)"
+#: src/gpa.c:94
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "otwiera edytor zbioru kluczy (domyślne)"
-#: src/gpa.c:376
-msgid "open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "otwiera okno menedżera plików"
-#: src/gpa.c:377
-msgid "read options from file"
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:100
+msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "odczytuje opcje z podanego pliku"
-#: src/gpa.c:401
-msgid ""
-"Syntax: gpa [options]\n"
-"Graphical frontend to GnuPG\n"
+#: src/gpa.c:293
+msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:295
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
+msgstr ""
 "Składnia: gpa [opcje]\n"
 "Nakładka graficzna na GnuPG\n"
-#: src/gpa.c:403
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Opcje"
-#: src/gpa.c:409
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "Raporty o błędach wysyłaj do <"
-#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:137
+#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:139
 msgid "The keys have been copied to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Klucze zostały skopiowane do schowka."
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:131
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:133
 msgid "Export public keys to file"
 msgstr "Eksport kluczy publicznych do pliku"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:135
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:137
 msgid "_armor"
 msgstr "opa_kowanie ASCII"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:169
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:171
 #, c-format
 msgid "The keys have been exported to %s."
 msgstr "Klucze zostały wyeksportowane do %s."
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:127
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:129
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The selected key will be sent to a public key\n"
@@ -400,87 +693,104 @@
 "serwera kluczy (\"%s\").\n"
 "Na pewno chcesz rozpowszechnić ten klucz?"
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:185
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:187
 msgid "The keys have been sent to the server."
 msgstr "Klucze zostały wysłane na serwer."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:89
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:94
 msgid "Decrypting..."
 msgstr "Odszyfrowywanie..."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:280 src/gpafileverifyop.c:385
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:358 src/gpafileverifyop.c:449
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
 msgstr "Plik \"%s\" nie zawierał żadnych danych OpenPGP."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:288
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:359 src/gpafileverifyop.c:450
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGPdata."
+msgstr "Plik \"%s\" nie zawierał żadnych danych OpenPGP."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:369
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
 msgstr "Plik \"%s\" nie zawierał zaszyfrowanych danych."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:296 src/gpafileencryptop.c:579
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:353 src/gpafileverifyop.c:393 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:233
-#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:195 src/gpakeysignop.c:227
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no validencrypted data."
+msgstr "Plik \"%s\" nie zawierał zaszyfrowanych danych."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "Niepoprawne hasło!"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:107
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:155
 msgid "Encrypting..."
 msgstr "Szyfrowanie..."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:309 src/verifydlg.c:224
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:453 src/verifydlg.c:222
 msgid "Unknown Key"
 msgstr "Nieznany klucz"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:325
-msgid "You are going to encrypt a file using the following key:"
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:469
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You are going to encrypt a document using the following key:"
 msgstr "Zamierzasz zaszyfrować plik za pomocą następującego klucza:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:331
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:475
 msgid "However, it is not certain that the key belongs to that person."
 msgstr "Nie ma jednak pewności że klucz należy do tej osoby."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:337
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:481
 msgid "Do you <b>really</b> want to use this key?"
 msgstr "Czy <b>naprawdę</b> chcesz użyć tego klucza?"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:358 src/gpafileencryptop.c:398 src/verifydlg.c:229
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:502 src/gpafileencryptop.c:542 src/verifydlg.c:227
 msgid "Revoked Key"
 msgstr "Unieważniony klucz"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:360 src/gpafileencryptop.c:400 src/gpawizard.c:279
-#: src/gtktools.c:315 src/gtktools.c:348 src/helpmenu.c:418
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:150 src/keylist.c:512 src/settingsdlg.c:166
-#: src/verifydlg.c:117
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
+#: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "Z_amknij"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:373
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:517
 msgid "The following key has been revoked by it's owner:"
 msgstr "Ten klucz został unieważniony przez swojego właściciela:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:378 src/gpafileencryptop.c:421
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:522 src/gpafileencryptop.c:565
 msgid "And can not be used for encryption."
 msgstr "Nie można wykorzystywać tego klucza do szyfrowania."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:413
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "Ten klucz przekroczył swój termin ważności %s:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:497 src/gpafilesignop.c:281
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "Nie wybrano żadnego klucza do podpisywania"
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:97
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:148
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "Podpisywanie..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:98
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "Weryfikacja..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:169
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:172
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid ""
 "GPA found a file that could be a signature of %s. Would you like to verify "
@@ -493,19 +803,19 @@
 "Odnaleziony plik to: %s"
-#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:78
+#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:80
 msgid "Generating Key..."
 msgstr "Generowanie klucza..."
-#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:129
+#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:131
 msgid "Import public keys from file"
 msgstr "Import kluczy publicznych z pliku"
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:195
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:197
 msgid "No keys were found."
 msgstr "Nie odnaleziono żadnych kluczy."
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:203
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%i public keys read\n"
@@ -522,158 +832,158 @@
 "%i tajnych kluczy zaimportowano\n"
 "%i tajnych kluczy nie uległo zmianie"
-#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:237
+#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:239
 msgid ""
 "Invalid time given.\n"
 "(you may not set the expiration time to the past.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:88 src/keylist.c:224 src/keylist.c:259
-#: src/siglist.c:92 src/siglist.c:112 src/verifydlg.c:326
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "ID klucza"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:97 src/keylist.c:233 src/keylist.c:298
-#: src/siglist.c:98 src/siglist.c:141 src/verifydlg.c:338
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:186
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:188
 msgid "No private key for signing."
 msgstr "Brak klucza prywatnego do podpisu."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:231
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:233
 msgid "This key has expired! Unable to sign."
 msgstr "Klucz stracił ważność! Nie można podpisać."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:237
 msgid "This key has already been signed with your own!"
 msgstr "Ten klucz został już podpisany przez ciebie!"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:240
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:242
 msgid "You haven't selected a default key to sign with!"
 msgstr "Nie wybrano domyślnego klucza, który ma posłużyć do podpisania!"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:31
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
 msgid "days"
 msgstr "dni"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:32
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
 msgid "weeks"
 msgstr "tygodni"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:35
 msgid "months"
 msgstr "miesięcy"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:36
 msgid "years"
 msgstr "lat"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:74
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:76
 msgid "never expires"
 msgstr "nie traci ważności"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:92
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:94
 msgid "unknown"
 msgstr "nieznany"
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:100
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:101
 msgid "Which key do you want to import? (The key must be specified by key ID)."
 msgstr "Który klucz chcesz importować? (Należy podać identyfikator klucza)."
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:115
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:116
 msgid "Key _ID:"
 msgstr "_Identyfikator klucza:"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:70
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:72
 msgid "Subkey ID"
 msgstr "Identyfikator podklucza"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:76 src/siglist.c:118 src/verifydlg.c:332
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:78 src/siglist.c:120 src/verifydlg.c:330
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Stan"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:82
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:84
 msgid "Algorithm"
 msgstr "Algorytm"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:89
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:91
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Rozmiar"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:95 src/keyeditdlg.c:170 src/keylist.c:268
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "Data końca ważności"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:102
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:104
 msgid "Can sign"
 msgstr "Można podpisywać"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:108
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:110
 msgid "Can certify"
 msgstr "Można poświadczać"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:115
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:117
 msgid "Can encrypt"
 msgstr "Można szyfrować"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:122
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:124
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr "Można autoryzować"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:135 src/gpgmetools.c:577 src/gpgmetools.c:785
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:904
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "Unieważniony"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:139 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:900
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "Po terminie ważności"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:143 src/gpgmetools.c:581
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "Wyłączone"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:147
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:149
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "Brak podpisów"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:151 src/gpgmetools.c:891 src/verifydlg.c:214
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "Poprawny"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/gpgmetools.c:625 src/gpgmetools.c:632
-#: src/keyring.c:1173 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "Nazwy użytkownika:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:80 src/gpgmetools.c:626 src/gpgmetools.c:633
-#: src/keyring.c:1175
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "ID klucza:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:196
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:194
 msgid "Expiration"
 msgstr "Data końca ważności"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:203
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:201
 msgid "_indefinitely valid"
 msgstr "_zawsze ważny"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:212
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:210
 msgid "expire _after"
 msgstr "traci ważność _po"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:231
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:229
 msgid "expire o_n:"
 msgstr "traci ważność _dnia:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:304 src/keygendlg.c:285
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:302 src/keygendlg.c:295
 msgid ""
 "Invalid insert mode for expiry date."
@@ -681,16 +991,16 @@
 "Wprowadzono niepoprwane dane określające datę końca ważności."
-#: src/gpawizard.c:258
+#: src/gpawizard.c:260
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_Back"
 msgstr "/_Kopia zapasowa..."
-#: src/gpawizard.c:265
+#: src/gpawizard.c:267
 msgid "_Forward"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpawizard.c:272
+#: src/gpawizard.c:274
 msgid "_Apply"
 msgstr ""
@@ -731,7 +1041,7 @@
 "błędem w samym GPA.\n"
 "Nastąpi teraz próba powrotu do normalnego działania GPA."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:444
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -745,7 +1055,7 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:449
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -753,109 +1063,109 @@
 "Kopia zapasowa tego klucza znajduje siÄ™ w pliku: \n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:510
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "DSA oraz ElGamal (domyślne)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:511
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (tylko do podpisywania)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "RSA (tylko do podpisywania)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:545 src/gpgmetools.c:568 src/gpgmetools.c:585
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/gpgmetools.c:929
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "Nieznany"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:548
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "Nigdy"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:551
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "Marginalne"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:554
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "Pełne"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:557
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "Nieograniczone"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "Niepełne"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:589
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "W pełni poprawny"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:623
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "Proszę podać hasło dla następującego klucza:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:631
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "Niewłaściwe hasło, proszę spróbować ponownie:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:656
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "Wprowadź hasło"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:778
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:868 src/verifydlg.c:271
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[Nieznany identyfikator użytkownika]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:894 src/verifydlg.c:219
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "ZÅ‚y"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:917
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr "Ogólne"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:920
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr "Nie sprawdzone"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:923
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr "Pobieżny"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:926
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr "Dokładne"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:944
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "Ten klucz może być użyty do wydawania certyfikatów, podpisywania i "
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:947
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "Ten klucz może być użyty do wydawania certyfikatów i podpisywania, ale nie "
 "nadaje siÄ™ do szyfrowania danych."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr "Ten klucz może być użyty do wydawania certyfikatów i szyfrowania."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "Ten klucz może być użyty tylko do certyfikatów."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:964
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
@@ -863,91 +1173,87 @@
 "Ten klucz może być użyty do podpisywania i szyfrowania, ale nie nadaję się "
 "do wydawania certyfikatów."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:967
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "Ten klucz może być użyty tylko do podpisywania."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:972
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "Ten klucz może być użyty tylko do szyfrowania."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:975
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr "Ten klucz jest bezużyteczny."
-#: src/gtktools.c:311
+#: src/gtktools.c:320
 msgid "GPA Error"
 msgstr "BÅ‚Ä…d GPA"
-#: src/gtktools.c:344
-msgid "GPA Message"
-msgstr "Komunikat GPA"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:198
+#: src/helpmenu.c:202
 msgid "About GPA"
 msgstr "Informacje o GPA"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:243
+#: src/helpmenu.c:247
 msgid "Brought to you by:"
 msgstr "Używasz tego programu dzięki:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:280
+#: src/helpmenu.c:284
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPA is Free Software under the"
 msgstr "GPA jest programem rozprowadzanym na"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:284
+#: src/helpmenu.c:288
 msgid "GNU General Public License."
 msgstr "Powszechniej Licencji Publicznej GNU."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:288
+#: src/helpmenu.c:292
 msgid "For news see:"
 msgstr "Aktualne wiadomości znajdują się na:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:293
+#: src/helpmenu.c:297
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "http://www.gpg4win.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:295
+#: src/helpmenu.c:299
 msgid "http://www.gnupg.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:378
+#: src/helpmenu.c:382
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "Powszechniej Licencji Publicznej GNU."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:405
+#: src/helpmenu.c:409
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "Powszechniej Licencji Publicznej GNU."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:432
+#: src/helpmenu.c:436
 msgid "Show Help Text\n"
 msgstr "Pokaż tekst pomocy\n"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:440
+#: src/helpmenu.c:444
 msgid "/_Help"
 msgstr "/_Pomoc"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:442
+#: src/helpmenu.c:446
 msgid "/Help/_Contents"
 msgstr "/Pomoc/_Zawartość"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:445
+#: src/helpmenu.c:449
 msgid "/Help/_License"
 msgstr "/Pomoc/_Licencja"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:446
+#: src/helpmenu.c:450
 msgid "/Help/_About"
 msgstr "/Pomoc/O _programie"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:40
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:41
 msgid "Removing Secret Key"
 msgstr "Usuwanie tajnego klucza"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:54
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:55
 msgid ""
 "If you delete this key, you won't be able to\n"
 "read messages encrypted with it.\n"
@@ -960,15 +1266,15 @@
 "Na pewno chcesz go usunąć?"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:90
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:91
 msgid "Remove Key"
 msgstr "Usuń klucz"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:103
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:104
 msgid "You have selected the following key for removal:"
 msgstr "Następujące klucze zostały wybrane do usunięcia:"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:113
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:114
 msgid ""
 "This key has a secret key. Deleting this key cannot be undone, unless you "
 "have a backup copy."
@@ -976,7 +1282,7 @@
 "Ten klucz zawiera tajny klucz. Przywrócenie go po usunięciu nie będzie "
 "możliwe jeżeli nie posiadasz kopii zapasowej."
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:122
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:123
 msgid ""
 "This key is a public key. Deleting this key cannot be undone easily, "
 "although you may be able to get a new copy  from the owner or from a key "
@@ -986,23 +1292,27 @@
 "nie będzie łatwe. Teoretycznie możliwe będzie uzyskanie nowej kopii od "
 "właściciela, lub z serwera kluczy publicznych."
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:131
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:132
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this key?"
 msgstr "Jesteś pewna/pewien że chcesz usunąć ten klucz?"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:148
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:149
 msgid "Edit Key"
 msgstr "Edycja klucza"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:164
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:165
 msgid "Change _passphrase"
 msgstr "Zmień _hasło"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:184
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:185
 msgid "Change _expiration"
 msgstr "Zmień datę utraty _ważności"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:54 src/keygenwizard.c:305 src/passwddlg.c:43
+#: src/keygendlg.c:58
+msgid "You must enter a User ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keygendlg.c:63 src/keygenwizard.c:307 src/passwddlg.c:45
 msgid ""
 "In \"Passphrase\" and \"Repeat passphrase\",\n"
 "you must enter the same passphrase."
@@ -1010,7 +1320,7 @@
 "W polu \"Hasło\" i \"Powtórz hasło\",\n"
 "należy wpisać te same dane."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:61 src/keygenwizard.c:312 src/passwddlg.c:50
+#: src/keygendlg.c:70 src/keygenwizard.c:314 src/passwddlg.c:52
 msgid ""
 "You did not enter a passphrase.\n"
 "It is needed to protect your private key."
@@ -1018,7 +1328,7 @@
 "Nie podano hasła.\n"
 "Jest ono niezbędna do zabezpieczenia twojego klucza prywatnego."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:74 src/keygenwizard.c:326 src/passwddlg.c:63
+#: src/keygendlg.c:83 src/keygenwizard.c:328 src/passwddlg.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Warning: You have entered a passphrase\n"
 "that is obviously not secure.\n"
@@ -1030,59 +1340,59 @@
 "Proszę wprowadzić nowe hasło."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:79 src/keygenwizard.c:331 src/passwddlg.c:68
+#: src/keygendlg.c:88 src/keygenwizard.c:333 src/passwddlg.c:70
 msgid "_Enter new passphrase"
 msgstr "_Wprowadź nowe hasło"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:80 src/keygenwizard.c:332 src/passwddlg.c:69
+#: src/keygendlg.c:89 src/keygenwizard.c:334 src/passwddlg.c:71
 msgid "Take this one _anyway"
 msgstr "Mimo wszystko użyj _tego"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:135 src/keygenwizard.c:539
+#: src/keygendlg.c:144 src/keygenwizard.c:541
 msgid "Generate key"
 msgstr "Wygeneruj klucz"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:176
+#: src/keygendlg.c:185
 msgid "_Algorithm: "
 msgstr "_Algorytm: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:188
+#: src/keygendlg.c:197
 msgid "_Key size (bits): "
 msgstr "_Rozmiar klucza (bity): "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:189
+#: src/keygendlg.c:198
 msgid "768"
 msgstr "768"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:190
+#: src/keygendlg.c:199
 msgid "1024"
 msgstr "1024"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:191
+#: src/keygendlg.c:200
 msgid "2048"
 msgstr "2048"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:206
+#: src/keygendlg.c:216
 msgid "_User ID: "
 msgstr "Identyfikator _użytkownika: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:216
+#: src/keygendlg.c:226
 msgid "_Email: "
 msgstr "_Email: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:226
+#: src/keygendlg.c:236
 msgid "_Comment: "
 msgstr "_Komentarz: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:238
+#: src/keygendlg.c:248
 msgid "_Passphrase: "
 msgstr "_Hasło: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:250
+#: src/keygendlg.c:260
 msgid "_Repeat passphrase: "
 msgstr "_Potwierdzenie hasła: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:150
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:152
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your full name.\n"
@@ -1094,15 +1404,15 @@
 "Twoje dane personalne będą częścią nowego klucza, dzięki czemu łatwiej "
 "będzie innym osobom identyfikować do kogo należy dany klucz."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:155
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:157
 msgid "Your Name:"
 msgstr "Twoje imiÄ™ i nazwisko:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:168
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:170
 msgid "Please insert your name"
 msgstr "Proszę podać swoje imię i nazwisko"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:181
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:183
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your email address.\n"
@@ -1116,27 +1426,27 @@
 "innym osobom identyfikować do kogo należy dany klucz. Jeżeli posiadasz kilka "
 "adresów email, to będzie można dodać je później."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:188
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:190
 msgid "Your Email Address:"
 msgstr "Twój adres email:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:203
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:205
 msgid "Please insert your email address"
 msgstr "Proszę wprowadzić swój adres email"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:237
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:239
 msgid "Please choose a passphrase for the new key."
 msgstr "Proszę wybrać hasło dla nowo utworzonego klucza."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:246 src/passwddlg.c:106
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:248 src/passwddlg.c:108
 msgid "Passphrase: "
 msgstr "Hasło: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:259 src/passwddlg.c:115
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:261 src/passwddlg.c:117
 msgid "Repeat Passphrase: "
 msgstr "Powtórz hasło: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:356
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:358
 msgid ""
 "It is recommended that you create a backup copy of your new key, once it has "
 "been generated.\n"
@@ -1146,15 +1456,15 @@
 "Zaleca siÄ™ utworzenie kopii zapasowej klucza, zaraz po jego utworzeniu.\n"
 "Chcesz utworzyć kopię zapasową?"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:365
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:367
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "Utwórz kopię _zapasową"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:372 src/keyring.c:724 src/keyring.c:752
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "Zrób to _później"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:400
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:402
 msgid ""
 "Your key is being generated.\n"
@@ -1165,7 +1475,7 @@
 "Nawet na szybkich komputerach może, to trochę potrwać. Prosimy zachować "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:409
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:411
 msgid ""
@@ -1177,15 +1487,7 @@
 "Twój klucz został poprawnie wygenerowany. Został on oznaczony jako poprawny "
 "i ma długość 1024 bitów."
-#: src/keylist.c:278 src/ownertrustdlg.c:121
-msgid "Owner Trust"
-msgstr "Zaufanie do właściciela"
-#: src/keylist.c:288
-msgid "Key Validity"
-msgstr "Poprawność klucza"
-#: src/keylist.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:342
 msgid ""
 "GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
 "This might take a few seconds."
@@ -1193,32 +1495,54 @@
 "GnuPG przebudowuje bazÄ™ danych zaufania.\n"
 "Może to zająć klika sekund."
-#: src/keylist.c:510
-msgid "GPA Warning"
-msgstr "Ostrzeżenie GPA"
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:528
+#: src/keylist.c:568
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
+msgstr "Ten klucz może być użyty tylko do certyfikatów."
+#: src/keylist.c:581
+msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
+msgid "Owner Trust"
+msgstr "Zaufanie do właściciela"
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
-"One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
-"GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be considered "
-"Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
-"The affected key is:"
+"The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
+"holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
+"It is only meaningful for OpenPGP."
 msgstr ""
-"Jeden z twoich tajnych kluczy zawierał klucz podpisujący ElGamal. Z powodu "
-"błędu w GnuPG (począwszy od wersji 1.0.2) wszystkie klucze ElGamal używane "
-"przez wymienione wersje GnuPG powinny być uznane za uszkodzone. \n"
-"Zalecamy uniważnienie tego klucza jak najszybciej.\n"
-" Ostrzeżenie dotyczy klucza:"
-#: src/keyring.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:604
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Validity"
+msgstr "Poprawność klucza"
+#: src/keylist.c:605
+msgid ""
+"The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
+"That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:619
+msgid ""
+"The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "Nie wybrano kluczy do podpisu."
-#: src/keyring.c:719
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1226,11 +1550,11 @@
 "Nie posiadasz jeszcze klucza prywatnego. Wygenerować taki klucz teraz "
 "(zalecane), czy uczynić to później?"
-#: src/keyring.c:723
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "_Wygeneruj klucz teraz"
-#: src/keyring.c:746
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1238,167 +1562,156 @@
 "Nie posiadasz kopii zapasowej swojego klucza prywatnego. Sporządzić kopię "
 "zapasową klucza teraz (zalecane), czy uczynić to później? "
-#: src/keyring.c:751
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "_Sporządź kopię zapasową teraz"
-#: src/keyring.c:851
-msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
-msgstr "/Edycja/_Kopiuj"
-#: src/keyring.c:853
-msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
-msgstr "/Edycja/_Wklej"
-#: src/keyring.c:855
-msgid "/Edit/sep1"
-msgstr "/Edycja/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:862
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/_Klucze"
-#: src/keyring.c:863
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr "/Klucze/_Odśwież"
-#: src/keyring.c:865
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/Klucze/sep0"
-#: src/keyring.c:866
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/_Nowy Klucz..."
-#: src/keyring.c:868
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/_Usuń Klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:870
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/Klucze/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/_Podpisz klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/Ustawienie wartości zaufania do właściciela..."
-#: src/keyring.c:873
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/_Edytuj klucz prywatny..."
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/Klucze/sep2"
-#: src/keyring.c:875
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/_Importuj klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/E_ksportuj klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/Kopia zapa_sowa..."
-#: src/keyring.c:880
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "/_Serwer"
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/Serwer/_Pobierz klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Serwer/_Wyślij klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:916
+#: src/keyring.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
+msgstr "/Okna/Menadżer _plików"
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/Eksportuj klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:923
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/Usuń klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:930
-msgid "/Edit/Copy"
-msgstr "/Edycja/Kopiuj"
-#: src/keyring.c:937
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Serwer/Wyślij klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:946
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/Ustaw poziom zaufania do właściciela..."
-#: src/keyring.c:954
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/Podpisz klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:962
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/Edytuj klucz prywatny..."
-#: src/keyring.c:969
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Klucze/Kopia zapasowa..."
-#: src/keyring.c:986
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "/_Kopiuj"
-#: src/keyring.c:988
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/_Wklej"
-#: src/keyring.c:990
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/_Usuń klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:993
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/_Podpisz klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:994
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Ustaw poziom zaufania do właściciela..."
-#: src/keyring.c:995
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/_Edytuj klucz prywatny..."
-#: src/keyring.c:997
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/E_ksportuj klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:998
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr "/W_yślij klucze na serwer..."
-#: src/keyring.c:999
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/_Kopia zapasowa..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1010
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Ustaw poziom zaufania do właściciela..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1018
+#: src/keyring.c:1025
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Podpisz klucze..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1026
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Edytuj prywatny klucz..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1033
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Kopia zapasowa..."
@@ -1406,187 +1719,180 @@
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr "Podklucze"
-#: src/keyring.c:1177 src/keysigndlg.c:112
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "Odcisk klucza:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1179
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "Traci ważność:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1181
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "Zaufanie do właściciela:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1183
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "Poprawność klucza:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1185
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "Rodzaj klucza:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1187
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "Utworzony dnia:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1190
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Szczegóły"
-#: src/keyring.c:1198
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr "Pokaż podpisy danego użytkownika:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1219
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "Podpisy"
-#: src/keyring.c:1244
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "Klucz posiada zarówno cześć publiczną jak i prywatną"
-#: src/keyring.c:1249
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "Klucz posiada tylko część publiczną"
-#: src/keyring.c:1283
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr "%s %u bit"
-#: src/keyring.c:1309
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "Nie wybrano żadnego klucza"
-#: src/keyring.c:1313
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
 msgstr[0] "wybranych kluczy - %d"
 msgstr[1] "wybranych kluczy - %d"
-#: src/keyring.c:1345
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "Wszystkie podpisy"
-#: src/keyring.c:1549
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Edycja"
-#: src/keyring.c:1550
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "Edytuje wybrany klucz prywatny"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "edycja klucza"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "Usuwa wybrany klucz"
-#: src/keyring.c:1560
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "usuwa klucz"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "Podpisuje wybrany klucz"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "podpisuje klucz"
-#: src/keyring.c:1575
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "Import"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "Importuje klucze"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "importuj klucze"
-#: src/keyring.c:1581
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "Eksport"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "Eksportuje klucze"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "eksport kluczy"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "Zwięzły"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "Pokazuje zwięzłą listę kluczy"
-#: src/keyring.c:1596
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "zwięzły"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "Szczegółowy"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "Pokazuje szczegółową listę kluczy"
-#: src/keyring.c:1608
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "szczegółowy"
-#: src/keyring.c:1641
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr "Odświeża zbiór kluczy"
-#: src/keyring.c:1642
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr "odświeża zbiór kluczy"
-#: src/keyring.c:1649
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr "Pliki"
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Selected default key:"
+msgstr "Wybrano domyślny klucz"
-#: src/keyring.c:1650
-msgid "Open the File Manager"
-msgstr "Otwiera okno menedżera plików"
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
+msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1651
-msgid "file manager"
-msgstr "menedżer plików"
-#: src/keyring.c:1674
-msgid "Selected Default Key:"
-msgstr "Wybrano domyślny klucz"
-#: src/keyring.c:1820
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Edytor zbioru kluczy"
-#: src/keyring.c:1851
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "Edytor zbioru kluczy"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:60
 msgid "Sign Key"
 msgstr "Podpisz klucz"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:78
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:76
 msgid "Do you want to sign the following key?"
 msgstr "Czy chcesz podpisać nas"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:122
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:120
 msgid ""
 "Check the name and fingerprint carefully to be sure that it really is the "
 "key you want to sign."
@@ -1594,20 +1900,20 @@
 "Dokładnie sprawdź nazwę i odcisk klucza, aby mieć pewność, że zamierzasz "
 "podpisać właściwy klucz."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:130
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:128
 msgid "All user names in this key will be signed."
 msgstr "Wszyscy użytkownicy przypisani do tego klucza zostaną podpisani."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:136
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:134
 msgid "The key will be signed with your default private key."
 msgstr ""
 "Klucz zostanie podpisany za pomocą twojego domyślnego klucza prywatnego."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:143
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:141
 msgid "Sign only _locally"
 msgstr "Podpisz tylko _lokalnie"
-#: src/options.c:308
+#: src/options.c:316
 msgid ""
 "The private key you selected as default is no longer available.\n"
 "GPA will try to choose a new default key automatically."
@@ -1615,26 +1921,26 @@
 "Wybrany przez Ciebie prywatny klucz nie jest już dostępny\n"
 "GPA spróbuje automatycznie wybrać nowy, domyślny klucz."
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:105
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:106
 msgid "Change key ownertrust"
 msgstr "Zmiana poziomu zaufania do właściciela"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:129
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:130
 msgid "_Unknown"
 msgstr "_Nieznany"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:134
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:135
 msgid ""
 "You don't know how much to trust this user to verify other people's keys.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Trudno jest ci określić jak bardzo ufać temu użytkownikowi w sprawie "
 "weryfikacji kluczy innych osób.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:144
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:145
 msgid "_Never"
 msgstr "_Nigdy"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:150
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user at all to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys at all.\n"
@@ -1642,11 +1948,11 @@
 "Całkowicie nie wierzysz, że ten użytkownik potrafi weryfikować i sprawdzać "
 "ważność kluczy innych osób.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:159
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:160
 msgid "_Marginal"
 msgstr "_Marginalne"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:164
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:165
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys enough to consider keys valid based on his/her sole word.\n"
@@ -1660,11 +1966,11 @@
 "jeżeli zostanie podpisany przez conajmniej dwóch innych użytkowników o "
 "marginalnym zaufaniu z poprawnymi kluczami\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:181
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:182
 msgid "_Full"
 msgstr "_Pełne"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:186
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:187
 msgid ""
 "You trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's keys "
 "so much, that you'll consider valid any key signed by him/her, provided this "
@@ -1674,11 +1980,11 @@
 "sprawdzaniem poprawności kluczy. Określenie pełnego zaufania sprawi, że "
 "każdy klucz podpisany przez tego użytkownika będzie uznawany za poprawny.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:199
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:200
 msgid "U_ltimate"
 msgstr "_Nieograniczone"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:204
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:205
 msgid ""
 "You consider this key valid, and trust the user so much that you will "
 "consider any key signed by him/her fully valid.\n"
@@ -1693,55 +1999,55 @@
 "powinno się jej stosować dla kluczy innych użytkowników, chyba że dobrze "
 "zdajesz sobie sprawÄ™ z konsekwencji)\n"
-#: src/passwddlg.c:94
+#: src/passwddlg.c:96
 msgid "Choose new passphrase"
 msgstr "Wprowadź nowe hasło"
-#: src/server_access.c:284
+#: src/server_access.c:282
 msgid "No error"
 msgstr "Brak błędów"
-#: src/server_access.c:287
+#: src/server_access.c:285
 msgid "Internal error"
 msgstr "Błąd wewnętrzny"
-#: src/server_access.c:290
+#: src/server_access.c:288
 msgid "Operation not supported"
 msgstr "Operacja nie jest obsługiwana"
-#: src/server_access.c:293
+#: src/server_access.c:291
 msgid "Version mismatch"
 msgstr "Niezgodność wersji"
-#: src/server_access.c:296
+#: src/server_access.c:294
 msgid "Internal keyserver error"
 msgstr "Wewnętrzny błąd serwera kluczy"
-#: src/server_access.c:299
+#: src/server_access.c:297
 msgid "Out of memory"
 msgstr "Brak pamięci"
-#: src/server_access.c:302
+#: src/server_access.c:300
 msgid "Key not found"
 msgstr "Klucz nie został znaleziony"
-#: src/server_access.c:305
+#: src/server_access.c:303
 msgid "Key already exists on server"
 msgstr "Klucz już istnieje na serwerze"
-#: src/server_access.c:308
+#: src/server_access.c:306
 msgid "Key incomplete"
 msgstr "Klucz nie jest pełny"
-#: src/server_access.c:311
+#: src/server_access.c:309
 msgid "Could not contact keyserver"
 msgstr "Nie można nawiązać połączenia z serwerem kluczy"
-#: src/server_access.c:314
+#: src/server_access.c:312
 msgid "Unknown Error"
 msgstr "Nieznany błąd"
-#: src/server_access.c:350
+#: src/server_access.c:348
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Connecting to server \"%s\".\n"
@@ -1750,7 +2056,7 @@
 "Łączenie z serwerem \"%s\".\n"
 "Proszę czekać."
-#: src/server_access.c:373 src/server_access.c:393
+#: src/server_access.c:371 src/server_access.c:391
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "An error ocurred while contacting the server:\n"
@@ -1761,7 +2067,7 @@
-#: src/server_access.c:457
+#: src/server_access.c:455
 msgid ""
 "There is no plugin available for the keyserver\n"
 "protocol you specified."
@@ -1769,60 +2075,98 @@
 "Nie ma dostępnej wtyczki dla wybranego protokołu\n"
 "obsługującego serwer kluczy."
-#: src/server_access.c:530 src/server_access.c:576
+#: src/server_access.c:528 src/server_access.c:574
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "Podany serwer kluczy nie jest poprawny."
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:45
-msgid "Default _key:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
 msgstr "_Domyślny klucz:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:86
-msgid "Default key_server: "
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
 msgstr "Domyślny _serwer kluczy: "
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:130
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
 msgstr "Użyj trybu zaawansowanego:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:163
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Ustawienia"
-#: src/siglist.c:126
+#: src/siglist.c:128
 msgid "Level"
 msgstr "Poziom"
-#: src/siglist.c:133
+#: src/siglist.c:135
 msgid "Local"
 msgstr "Lokalny"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:118
-msgid "Verify files"
+#: src/verifydlg.c:116
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Verify documents"
 msgstr "Weryfikacja plików"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:234
+#: src/verifydlg.c:232
 msgid "Expired Key"
 msgstr "Przedawniony klucz"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:242
+#: src/verifydlg.c:240
 msgid "Key NOT valid"
 msgstr "Klucz NIE jest poprawny"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:361
+#: src/verifydlg.c:359
 #, c-format
 msgid "Verified data in file: %s"
 msgstr "Zweryfikowano poprawność danych w pliku: %s"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:366
+#: src/verifydlg.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Signature: %s"
 msgstr "Podpis: %s"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:372
+#: src/verifydlg.c:370
 msgid "Signatures:"
 msgstr "Podpisy:"
+#~ msgid "Sign files"
+#~ msgstr "Podpisz pliki"
+#~ msgid "sign in separate _file"
+#~ msgstr "podpis do _oddzielnego pliku"
+#~ msgid "a_rmor"
+#~ msgstr "opa_kowanie ASCII"
+#~ msgid "display this help and exit"
+#~ msgstr "wyświetlenie tego opisu i zakończenie"
+#~ msgid "Options"
+#~ msgstr "Opcje"
+#~ msgid "GPA Warning"
+#~ msgstr "Ostrzeżenie GPA"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
+#~ "GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be "
+#~ "considered compromised.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "The affected key is:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "Jeden z twoich tajnych kluczy zawierał klucz podpisujący ElGamal. Z "
+#~ "powodu błędu w GnuPG (począwszy od wersji 1.0.2) wszystkie klucze ElGamal "
+#~ "używane przez wymienione wersje GnuPG powinny być uznane za uszkodzone. \n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Zalecamy uniważnienie tego klucza jak najszybciej.\n"
+#~ " Ostrzeżenie dotyczy klucza:"
 #~ msgid "GNU general public license"
 #~ msgstr "Powszechna Licencja Publiczna GNU"

Modified: trunk/po/pt_BR.po
--- trunk/po/pt_BR.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/pt_BR.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: GPA 0.6.1\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-24 14:59+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-01-20 18:39+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Renato Martini <rmartini at cipsga.org.br>\n"
 "Language-Team: PORTUGUES <rmartini at cipsga.org.br>\n"
@@ -14,269 +14,559 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:134 src/expirydlg.c:115 src/filesigndlg.c:123
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:294 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:144 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:95
-#: src/gpawizard.c:287 src/gpgmetools.c:660 src/keygendlg.c:140
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:110 src/passwddlg.c:98
-msgid "_Cancel"
-msgstr "_Cancelar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:367 src/fileman.c:350
+msgid "Open File"
+msgstr "Abrir arquivo"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:135
-msgid "Encrypt files"
-msgstr "Encriptar arquivos"
+#: src/clipboard.c:395 src/confdialog.c:1266 src/gtktools.c:353
+msgid "GPA Message"
+msgstr "Mensagem do GPA"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:166
-msgid "_Public Keys"
-msgstr "_Chaves públicas"
+#. TRANSLATORS: The arguments are the filename, the integer size
+#. and the unit (such as KB or MB).
+#: src/clipboard.c:412
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file %s is %lli%s large.  Do you really  want to open it?"
+msgstr ""
+"O arquivo %s já existe.\n"
+"Você quer sobrescrevê-lo?"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:169
-msgid "_Sign"
-msgstr "_Assinar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:481
+msgid "Save As..."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:190 src/filesigndlg.c:180
-msgid "Sign _as "
-msgstr "Assinar _como"
+#: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
+#: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
+msgid "Clipboard"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:193
-msgid "A_rmor"
-msgstr "Armor"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:63
-msgid "Please provide a correct date."
-msgstr "Queira indicar uma data correta"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:110
-msgid "Change expiry date"
-msgstr "Muda a data de expiração"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:128
-msgid "_never expire"
-msgstr "_nunca expira"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:133
-msgid "_expire on:"
-msgstr "_expira em:"
-#: src/fileman.c:345
-msgid "Open File"
-msgstr "Abrir arquivo"
-#: src/fileman.c:350 src/fileman.c:899
-msgid "The file is already open."
-msgstr "O arquivo já está aberto"
-#: src/fileman.c:467 src/keyring.c:844
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/Ar_quivo"
-#: src/fileman.c:468
+#: src/clipboard.c:693 src/fileman.c:474
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/File/C_lear"
+msgstr "/Arquivo/_Fechar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:694 src/fileman.c:473
 msgid "/File/_Open"
 msgstr "/Arquivo/_Abrir"
-#: src/fileman.c:469
+#: src/clipboard.c:695
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "/File/C_lear"
+msgid "/File/Save _As"
 msgstr "/Arquivo/_Fechar"
-#: src/fileman.c:470
+#: src/clipboard.c:697 src/fileman.c:475
 msgid "/File/sep1"
 msgstr "/Arquivo/sep1"
-#: src/fileman.c:471
+#: src/clipboard.c:698 src/fileman.c:476
 msgid "/File/_Sign"
 msgstr "/Arquivo/A_ssinar"
-#: src/fileman.c:472
+#: src/clipboard.c:699 src/fileman.c:477
 msgid "/File/_Verify"
 msgstr "/Arquivo/_Verificar"
-#: src/fileman.c:473
+#: src/clipboard.c:700 src/fileman.c:478
 msgid "/File/_Encrypt"
 msgstr "/Arquivo/En_criptar"
-#: src/fileman.c:474
+#: src/clipboard.c:701 src/fileman.c:479
 msgid "/File/_Decrypt"
 msgstr "/Arquivo/_Desencriptar"
-#: src/fileman.c:475
+#: src/clipboard.c:702 src/fileman.c:480
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/Arquivo/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:476 src/keyring.c:845
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/Arquivo/_Fechar"
-#: src/fileman.c:477 src/keyring.c:847
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/Arquivo/Sai_r"
-#: src/fileman.c:480 src/keyring.c:850
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "_Editar"
-#: src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:856
+#: src/clipboard.c:710
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Undo"
+msgstr "/Editar/_Copiar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Redo"
+msgstr "/Editar/_Copiar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:712
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/sep0"
+msgstr "/Editar/sep2"
+#: src/clipboard.c:714 src/clipboard.c:750
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Cut"
+msgstr "/Editar/Copiar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
+msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
+msgstr "/Editar/_Copiar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
+msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
+msgstr "/Editar/C_olar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:717
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
+msgstr "/Editar/C_olar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
+msgid "/Edit/sep1"
+msgstr "/Editar/sep1"
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/Editar/Selecionar _Tudo"
-#: src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/Editar/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:483 src/keyring.c:858
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/Editar/Pr_eferências..."
-#: src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:885
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
+msgstr "/Editar/Pr_eferências..."
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/_Janelas"
-#: src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:886
-msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
-msgstr "/Janelas/_Gerenciador de arquivos"
-#: src/fileman.c:489 src/keyring.c:887
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
 msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "/Janelas/_Editor do chaveiro"
-#: src/fileman.c:508
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "/File/Sign"
-msgstr "/Arquivo/A_ssinar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:730 src/fileman.c:496
+msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
+msgstr "/Janelas/_Gerenciador de arquivos"
-#: src/fileman.c:513
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "/File/Verify"
-msgstr "/Arquivo/_Verificar"
+msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
+msgstr "/Janelas/_Gerenciador de arquivos"
-#: src/fileman.c:518
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
+msgid "/Edit/Copy"
+msgstr "/Editar/Copiar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:766
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "/File/Encrypt"
-msgstr "/Arquivo/En_criptar"
+msgid "/Edit/Delete"
+msgstr "/Editar/Selecionar _Tudo"
-#: src/fileman.c:523
+#: src/clipboard.c:774
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "/File/Decrypt"
-msgstr "/Arquivo/_Desencriptar"
+msgid "/Edit/Paste"
+msgstr "/Editar/C_olar"
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "Clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "Open a file"
 msgstr "Abrir um arquivo"
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "open file"
 msgstr "abrir um arquivo"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "Close all files"
+msgid "Save to a file"
 msgstr "Abrir um arquivo"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
 #, fuzzy
-msgid "close files"
-msgstr "abrir um arquivo"
+msgid "save file as"
+msgstr "Gravar o arquivo _como"
-#: src/fileman.c:604 src/keyring.c:1567
+#: src/clipboard.c:900
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cut the selection"
+msgstr "Encriptar o arquivo selecionado"
+#: src/clipboard.c:901
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cut the selection"
+msgstr "Encriptar o arquivo selecionado"
+#: src/clipboard.c:907
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copy the selection"
+msgstr "Encriptar o arquivo selecionado"
+#: src/clipboard.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "copy the selection"
+msgstr "Encriptar o arquivo selecionado"
+#: src/clipboard.c:914
+msgid "Paste the clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:915
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "paste the clipboard"
+msgstr "I_mportar do arquivo:"
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "Assinar"
-#: src/fileman.c:605
-msgid "Sign the selected file"
-msgstr "Assinar o arquivo selecionado"
+#: src/clipboard.c:926
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sign the selected text"
+msgstr "Assinar a chave selecionada"
-#: src/fileman.c:606
-msgid "sign file"
-msgstr "assinar arquivo"
+#: src/clipboard.c:927
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "sign text"
+msgstr "assinar chave"
-#: src/fileman.c:615
+#: src/clipboard.c:935 src/fileman.c:623
 msgid "Verify"
 msgstr "Verificar"
-#: src/fileman.c:616
-msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:936
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Check signatures of selected text"
 msgstr "Verificar assinaturas para o arquivo escolhido"
-#: src/fileman.c:617
-msgid "verify file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:937
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "verify text"
 msgstr "verificar arquivo"
-#: src/fileman.c:626
+#: src/clipboard.c:945 src/fileman.c:634
 msgid "Encrypt"
 msgstr "Encriptar"
-#: src/fileman.c:627
-msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:946
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Encriptar o arquivo selecionado"
-#: src/fileman.c:628
-msgid "encrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:947
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "encrypt text"
 msgstr "encriptar arquivo"
-#: src/fileman.c:637
+#: src/clipboard.c:955 src/fileman.c:645
 msgid "Decrypt"
 msgstr "_Desencriptar"
-#: src/fileman.c:638
-msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:956
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Decrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Desencriptar o arquivo selecionado"
-#: src/fileman.c:639
-msgid "decrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:957
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "desencriptar arquivo"
-#: src/fileman.c:654 src/keyring.c:1632
-msgid "Open the Preferences dialog"
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "Abrir caixa de diálogo das Preferências"
-#: src/fileman.c:655 src/keyring.c:1633
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "preferências"
-#: src/fileman.c:663 src/keyring.c:1656
+#: src/clipboard.c:975 src/fileman.c:666
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keyring"
+msgstr "Editor do chaveiro digital"
+#: src/clipboard.c:976 src/fileman.c:667
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the keyring editor"
+msgstr "abre editor do chaveiro digital (padrão)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:977 src/fileman.c:668
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "keyring editor"
+msgstr "Editor do chaveiro digital"
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Arquivos"
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the file manager"
+msgstr "Abrir Gerenciador de arquivos"
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
+msgid "file manager"
+msgstr "gerenciador de arquivos"
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Ajuda"
-#: src/fileman.c:664 src/keyring.c:1657
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr "Compreendendo o GNU Privacy Assistant"
-#: src/fileman.c:665 src/keyring.c:1658
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "ajuda"
-#: src/fileman.c:764
+#: src/clipboard.c:1084
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Clipboard"
+msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Gerenciador de arquivos"
+#: src/confdialog.c:993
+msgid "<b>Main</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use default values"
+msgstr "Indicar chave secreta padrão."
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use default value"
+msgstr "Indicar chave secreta padrão."
+#: src/confdialog.c:1146
+msgid "Do not use option"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom values"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom value"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1155
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Use default argument"
+msgstr "Indicar destinatários default"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1280
+msgid ""
+"There are unapplied changes by you. Changing the expert setting will apply "
+"those changes.  Do you want to continue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1325
+msgid "Crypto Backend Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1334
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1346
+msgid "Configure the tools of the GnuPG system."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1350
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Level:"
+msgstr "Nunca"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1359
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "/_Backup..."
+#: src/confdialog.c:1360
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1361
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Expert"
+msgstr "Exportar"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr "_Cancelar"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt documents"
+msgstr "Encriptar arquivos"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:174
+msgid "_Public Keys"
+msgstr "_Chaves públicas"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:177
+msgid "_Sign"
+msgstr "_Assinar"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:201 src/filesigndlg.c:185
+msgid "Sign _as "
+msgstr "Assinar _como"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:215 src/filesigndlg.c:187
+msgid "A_rmor"
+msgstr "Armor"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:64
+msgid "Please provide a correct date."
+msgstr "Queira indicar uma data correta"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:111
+msgid "Change expiry date"
+msgstr "Muda a data de expiração"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:129
+msgid "_never expire"
+msgstr "_nunca expira"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:134
+msgid "_expire on:"
+msgstr "_expira em:"
+#: src/fileman.c:355 src/fileman.c:953
+msgid "The file is already open."
+msgstr "O arquivo já está aberto"
+#: src/fileman.c:516
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/File/Sign"
+msgstr "/Arquivo/A_ssinar"
+#: src/fileman.c:521
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/File/Verify"
+msgstr "/Arquivo/_Verificar"
+#: src/fileman.c:526
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/File/Encrypt"
+msgstr "/Arquivo/En_criptar"
+#: src/fileman.c:531
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/File/Decrypt"
+msgstr "/Arquivo/_Desencriptar"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Close all files"
+msgstr "Abrir um arquivo"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "close files"
+msgstr "abrir um arquivo"
+#: src/fileman.c:613
+msgid "Sign the selected file"
+msgstr "Assinar o arquivo selecionado"
+#: src/fileman.c:614
+msgid "sign file"
+msgstr "assinar arquivo"
+#: src/fileman.c:624
+msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+msgstr "Verificar assinaturas para o arquivo escolhido"
+#: src/fileman.c:625
+msgid "verify file"
+msgstr "verificar arquivo"
+#: src/fileman.c:635
+msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "Encriptar o arquivo selecionado"
+#: src/fileman.c:636
+msgid "encrypt file"
+msgstr "encriptar arquivo"
+#: src/fileman.c:646
+msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "Desencriptar o arquivo selecionado"
+#: src/fileman.c:647
+msgid "decrypt file"
+msgstr "desencriptar arquivo"
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the clipboard"
+msgstr "Abrir Gerenciador de arquivos"
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
+msgid "clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/fileman.c:785
 msgid "File"
 msgstr "Arquivo"
-#: src/fileman.c:821
+#: src/fileman.c:850
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - File Manager"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Gerenciador de arquivos"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:124
-msgid "Sign files"
-msgstr "Arquivo assinado"
+#: src/fileman.c:876
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Manager"
+msgstr "gerenciador de arquivos"
 #: src/filesigndlg.c:134
+msgid "Sign documents"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:144
 msgid "Signing Mode"
 msgstr "Modo de assinatura"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:142
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:152
 msgid "si_gn and compress"
 msgstr "assi_nar e comprimir"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:148
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:158
 msgid "_cleartext signature"
 msgstr "_assinatura em texto puro"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:155
-msgid "sign in separate _file"
-msgstr "assinar num arquivo _separado"
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_detached signature"
+msgstr "_assinatura em texto puro"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:159
-msgid "a_rmor"
-msgstr "a_rmor"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:215 src/gpgmetools.c:137
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:213 src/gpgmetools.c:138
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The file %s already exists.\n"
@@ -285,21 +575,21 @@
 "O arquivo %s já existe.\n"
 "Você quer sobrescrevê-lo?"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:218 src/gpaexportserverop.c:132
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:311 src/gpafileverifyop.c:175 src/gpgmetools.c:140
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:43 src/keydeletedlg.c:92 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:136
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "_Sim"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:219 src/gpaexportserverop.c:133
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:312 src/gpafileverifyop.c:176 src/gpgmetools.c:141
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:45 src/keydeletedlg.c:94 src/keysigndlg.c:66
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:139
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "_Não"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:231
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "A copy of your secret key has been made to the file:\n"
@@ -316,87 +606,94 @@
 "Isto é uma informação sensível, e deve ser guardada com cuidado\n"
 "(por exemplo, num disquete e colocado num lugar seguro)."
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:246
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:244
 msgid "An error ocurred during the backup operation."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:262
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:260
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Backup key to file"
 msgstr "E_xportar para o arquivo:"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:289
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:287
 msgid "Backup Keys"
 msgstr "Backup de chaves"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:313
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "Generating backup of key: %s"
 msgstr "Gerando backup de chave: %s"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:319
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:317
 msgid "_Backup to file:"
 msgstr "E_xportar para o arquivo:"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:331
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:329
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "I_nvestigar..."
-#: src/gpa.c:373
-msgid "display this help and exit"
-msgstr "mostra esta ajuda e sai"
-#: src/gpa.c:374
-msgid "output version information and exit"
+#: src/gpa.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "informa a versão e sai"
-#: src/gpa.c:375
-msgid "open keyring editor (default)"
+#: src/gpa.c:94
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "abre editor do chaveiro digital (padrão)"
-#: src/gpa.c:376
-msgid "open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "abre Gerenciador de arquivos"
-#: src/gpa.c:377
-msgid "read options from file"
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:100
+msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "ler as preferências do arquivo"
-#: src/gpa.c:401
-msgid ""
-"Syntax: gpa [options]\n"
-"Graphical frontend to GnuPG\n"
+#: src/gpa.c:293
+msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:295
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
+msgstr ""
 "Sintaxe: gpa [opções]\n"
 "Interface gráfica para o GnuPG\n"
-#: src/gpa.c:403
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Opções"
-#: src/gpa.c:409
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "Por favor envie os bugs para <"
-#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:137
+#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:139
 msgid "The keys have been copied to the clipboard."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:131
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:133
 msgid "Export public keys to file"
 msgstr "Exportar as chaves públicas num arquivo"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:135
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:137
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_armor"
 msgstr "Armor"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:169
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:171
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "The keys have been exported to %s."
 msgstr "Esta chave expirou! Impossível assinar."
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:127
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:129
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The selected key will be sent to a public key\n"
@@ -404,91 +701,108 @@
 "Are you sure you want to distribute this key?"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:185
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:187
 msgid "The keys have been sent to the server."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:89
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:94
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Decrypting..."
 msgstr "_Desencriptar"
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:280 src/gpafileverifyop.c:385
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:358 src/gpafileverifyop.c:449
 #, fuzzy, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
 msgstr "O arquivo \"%s\" não contém dados encriptados válidos."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:288
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:359 src/gpafileverifyop.c:450
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGPdata."
 msgstr "O arquivo \"%s\" não contém dados encriptados válidos."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:296 src/gpafileencryptop.c:579
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:353 src/gpafileverifyop.c:393 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:233
-#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:195 src/gpakeysignop.c:227
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:369
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
+msgstr "O arquivo \"%s\" não contém dados encriptados válidos."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no validencrypted data."
+msgstr "O arquivo \"%s\" não contém dados encriptados válidos."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "Senha errada!"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:107
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:155
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Encrypting..."
 msgstr "Encriptar"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:309 src/verifydlg.c:224
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:453 src/verifydlg.c:222
 msgid "Unknown Key"
 msgstr "Chave desconhecida"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:325
-msgid "You are going to encrypt a file using the following key:"
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:469
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You are going to encrypt a document using the following key:"
 msgstr "Você está encriptando um arquivo usando a seguinte chave:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:331
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:475
 msgid "However, it is not certain that the key belongs to that person."
 msgstr "No entanto, não é certo que esta chave pertença a esta pessoa."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:337
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:481
 msgid "Do you <b>really</b> want to use this key?"
 msgstr "Você <b>realmente</b> quer usar esta chave?"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:358 src/gpafileencryptop.c:398 src/verifydlg.c:229
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:502 src/gpafileencryptop.c:542 src/verifydlg.c:227
 msgid "Revoked Key"
 msgstr "Chave revogada"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:360 src/gpafileencryptop.c:400 src/gpawizard.c:279
-#: src/gtktools.c:315 src/gtktools.c:348 src/helpmenu.c:418
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:150 src/keylist.c:512 src/settingsdlg.c:166
-#: src/verifydlg.c:117
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
+#: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "_Fechar"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:373
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:517
 msgid "The following key has been revoked by it's owner:"
 msgstr "A seguinte chave foi revogada pelo seu proprietário:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:378 src/gpafileencryptop.c:421
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:522 src/gpafileencryptop.c:565
 msgid "And can not be used for encryption."
 msgstr "E não pode ser usada para encriptação."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:413
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "A seguinte chave expira em %s:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:497 src/gpafilesignop.c:281
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "Nenhuma chave selecionada para assinatura"
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:97
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:148
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "Modo de assinatura"
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:98
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "Verificar"
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:169
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "GPA found a file that could be a signature of %s. Would you like to verify "
@@ -497,20 +811,20 @@
 "The file found is: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:78
+#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:80
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Generating Key..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/_Gerar Chave..."
-#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:129
+#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:131
 msgid "Import public keys from file"
 msgstr "Importar chave pública de um arquivo"
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:195
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:197
 msgid "No keys were found."
 msgstr "Nenhuma chave foi encontrada."
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:203
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%i public keys read\n"
@@ -527,163 +841,163 @@
 "%i chave secreta importada\n"
 "%i chave secreta sem alterações"
-#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:237
+#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:239
 msgid ""
 "Invalid time given.\n"
 "(you may not set the expiration time to the past.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:88 src/keylist.c:224 src/keylist.c:259
-#: src/siglist.c:92 src/siglist.c:112 src/verifydlg.c:326
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "Key ID"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:97 src/keylist.c:233 src/keylist.c:298
-#: src/siglist.c:98 src/siglist.c:141 src/verifydlg.c:338
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "Nome do Usuário"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:186
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:188
 msgid "No private key for signing."
 msgstr "Nenhuma chave privada para assinar."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:231
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:233
 msgid "This key has expired! Unable to sign."
 msgstr "Esta chave expirou! Impossível assinar."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:237
 msgid "This key has already been signed with your own!"
 msgstr "Esta chave já está assinada com sua chave!"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:240
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:242
 msgid "You haven't selected a default key to sign with!"
 msgstr "Você não selecionou uma chave default para assinar!"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:31
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
 msgid "days"
 msgstr "dias"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:32
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
 msgid "weeks"
 msgstr "semanas"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:35
 msgid "months"
 msgstr "meses"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:36
 msgid "years"
 msgstr "anos"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:74
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:76
 msgid "never expires"
 msgstr "jamais expira"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:92
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:94
 msgid "unknown"
 msgstr "desconhecido"
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:100
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:101
 msgid "Which key do you want to import? (The key must be specified by key ID)."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:115
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:116
 msgid "Key _ID:"
 msgstr "_Key ID:"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:70
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:72
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Subkey ID"
 msgstr "Key ID"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:76 src/siglist.c:118 src/verifydlg.c:332
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:78 src/siglist.c:120 src/verifydlg.c:330
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:82
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:84
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Algorithm"
 msgstr "_Algoritmo:"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:89
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:91
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:95 src/keyeditdlg.c:170 src/keylist.c:268
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "Date de expiração"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:102
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:104
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Can sign"
 msgstr "_assinar"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:108
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:110
 msgid "Can certify"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:115
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:117
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Can encrypt"
 msgstr "encriptado"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:122
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:124
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:135 src/gpgmetools.c:577 src/gpgmetools.c:785
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:904
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "Revogado"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:139 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:900
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "Expirado"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:143 src/gpgmetools.c:581
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "Desabilitado"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:147
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:149
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "assinado"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:151 src/gpgmetools.c:891 src/verifydlg.c:214
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "Válido"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/gpgmetools.c:625 src/gpgmetools.c:632
-#: src/keyring.c:1173 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Nome do Usuário:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "Nomes de Usuário:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:80 src/gpgmetools.c:626 src/gpgmetools.c:633
-#: src/keyring.c:1175
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "Key ID:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:196
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:194
 msgid "Expiration"
 msgstr "Expiração"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:203
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:201
 msgid "_indefinitely valid"
 msgstr "_válida indefinidamente"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:212
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:210
 msgid "expire _after"
 msgstr "expira _após"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:231
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:229
 msgid "expire o_n:"
 msgstr "_expira em:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:304 src/keygendlg.c:285
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:302 src/keygendlg.c:295
 msgid ""
 "Invalid insert mode for expiry date."
@@ -691,16 +1005,16 @@
 "Forma de inserção inválida para a data de expiração."
-#: src/gpawizard.c:258
+#: src/gpawizard.c:260
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_Back"
 msgstr "/_Backup..."
-#: src/gpawizard.c:265
+#: src/gpawizard.c:267
 msgid "_Forward"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpawizard.c:272
+#: src/gpawizard.c:274
 msgid "_Apply"
 msgstr ""
@@ -733,7 +1047,7 @@
 "GPA will now try to recover from this error."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:444
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -749,7 +1063,7 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:449
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -757,199 +1071,195 @@
 "A chave copiada por segurança para este arquivo é:\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:510
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "DSA e ElGamal (default)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:511
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (assinatura somente)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "RSA (assinatura somente)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:545 src/gpgmetools.c:568 src/gpgmetools.c:585
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/gpgmetools.c:929
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "desconhecido"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:548
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "Nunca"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:551
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "Moderado"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:554
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "Completo"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:557
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "Inteira"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "Incompleto"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:589
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "Totalmente válido"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:623
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "Queria indicar a senha para a seguinte chave:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:631
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "Senha errada, por favor tente de novo:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:656
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "Entrar com a senha"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:778
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:868 src/verifydlg.c:271
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[User ID desconhecido]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:894 src/verifydlg.c:219
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "Ruim"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:917
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:920
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:923
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:926
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:944
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:947
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr "E não pode ser usada para encriptação."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "E não pode ser usada para encriptação."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:964
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:967
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "Nenhuma chave selecionada para assinar."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:972
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "E não pode ser usada para encriptação."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:975
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gtktools.c:311
+#: src/gtktools.c:320
 msgid "GPA Error"
 msgstr "Erro do GPA"
-#: src/gtktools.c:344
-msgid "GPA Message"
-msgstr "Mensagem do GPA"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:198
+#: src/helpmenu.c:202
 msgid "About GPA"
 msgstr "Sobre GPA"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:243
+#: src/helpmenu.c:247
 msgid "Brought to you by:"
 msgstr "Criado para você por"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:280
+#: src/helpmenu.c:284
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPA is Free Software under the"
 msgstr "GPA é software livre distribuído sob a"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:284
+#: src/helpmenu.c:288
 msgid "GNU General Public License."
 msgstr "GNU General Public License"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:288
+#: src/helpmenu.c:292
 msgid "For news see:"
 msgstr "Para novidades ver:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:293
+#: src/helpmenu.c:297
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "http://www.gpg4win.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:295
+#: src/helpmenu.c:299
 msgid "http://www.gnupg.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:378
+#: src/helpmenu.c:382
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "GNU General Public License"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:405
+#: src/helpmenu.c:409
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "GNU General Public License"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:432
+#: src/helpmenu.c:436
 msgid "Show Help Text\n"
 msgstr "Mostrar o texto de ajuda\n"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:440
+#: src/helpmenu.c:444
 msgid "/_Help"
 msgstr "/_Ajuda"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:442
+#: src/helpmenu.c:446
 msgid "/Help/_Contents"
 msgstr "/Ajuda/_Conteúdo"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:445
+#: src/helpmenu.c:449
 msgid "/Help/_License"
 msgstr "/Ajuda/_Licença"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:446
+#: src/helpmenu.c:450
 msgid "/Help/_About"
 msgstr "/Ajuda/So_bre"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:40
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:41
 msgid "Removing Secret Key"
 msgstr "Remover chave secreta"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:54
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:55
 msgid ""
 "If you delete this key, you won't be able to\n"
 "read messages encrypted with it.\n"
@@ -959,15 +1269,15 @@
 "Se você apagar esta chave, não estará apto a\n"
 "ler mensagens encriptadas com ela."
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:90
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:91
 msgid "Remove Key"
 msgstr "Remover chave"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:103
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:104
 msgid "You have selected the following key for removal:"
 msgstr "Você escolheu para ser removida a seguinte chave:"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:113
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:114
 msgid ""
 "This key has a secret key. Deleting this key cannot be undone, unless you "
 "have a backup copy."
@@ -975,7 +1285,7 @@
 "Esta chave tem uma chave secreta. Se você apagar esta chave não poderá "
 "voltar atrás, a menos que faça uma cópia de backup."
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:122
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:123
 msgid ""
 "This key is a public key. Deleting this key cannot be undone easily, "
 "although you may be able to get a new copy  from the owner or from a key "
@@ -985,23 +1295,27 @@
 "voltar atrás, entretanto você pode obter uma nova cópia através de seu "
 "proprietário ou num servidor de chaves."
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:131
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:132
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this key?"
 msgstr "Você está certo que deseja apagar esta chave?"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:148
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:149
 msgid "Edit Key"
 msgstr "Editar a chave"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:164
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:165
 msgid "Change _passphrase"
 msgstr "Mudar _senha"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:184
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:185
 msgid "Change _expiration"
 msgstr "Mudar _expiração"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:54 src/keygenwizard.c:305 src/passwddlg.c:43
+#: src/keygendlg.c:58
+msgid "You must enter a User ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keygendlg.c:63 src/keygenwizard.c:307 src/passwddlg.c:45
 msgid ""
 "In \"Passphrase\" and \"Repeat passphrase\",\n"
 "you must enter the same passphrase."
@@ -1009,7 +1323,7 @@
 "Na \"senha\" e \"Repetir a senha\",\n"
 "você deve usar a mesma senha."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:61 src/keygenwizard.c:312 src/passwddlg.c:50
+#: src/keygendlg.c:70 src/keygenwizard.c:314 src/passwddlg.c:52
 msgid ""
 "You did not enter a passphrase.\n"
 "It is needed to protect your private key."
@@ -1017,7 +1331,7 @@
 "Você não entrou com uma senha.\n"
 "É necessário proteger sua chave privada."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:74 src/keygenwizard.c:326 src/passwddlg.c:63
+#: src/keygendlg.c:83 src/keygenwizard.c:328 src/passwddlg.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Warning: You have entered a passphrase\n"
 "that is obviously not secure.\n"
@@ -1029,59 +1343,59 @@
 "Por favor entre com uma nova senha."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:79 src/keygenwizard.c:331 src/passwddlg.c:68
+#: src/keygendlg.c:88 src/keygenwizard.c:333 src/passwddlg.c:70
 msgid "_Enter new passphrase"
 msgstr "_Entre com uma nova senha"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:80 src/keygenwizard.c:332 src/passwddlg.c:69
+#: src/keygendlg.c:89 src/keygenwizard.c:334 src/passwddlg.c:71
 msgid "Take this one _anyway"
 msgstr "_Use esta assim mesmo"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:135 src/keygenwizard.c:539
+#: src/keygendlg.c:144 src/keygenwizard.c:541
 msgid "Generate key"
 msgstr "Gerar chave"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:176
+#: src/keygendlg.c:185
 msgid "_Algorithm: "
 msgstr "_Algoritmo:"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:188
+#: src/keygendlg.c:197
 msgid "_Key size (bits): "
 msgstr "_Tamanho da chave (bits)"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:189
+#: src/keygendlg.c:198
 msgid "768"
 msgstr "768"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:190
+#: src/keygendlg.c:199
 msgid "1024"
 msgstr "1024"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:191
+#: src/keygendlg.c:200
 msgid "2048"
 msgstr "2048"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:206
+#: src/keygendlg.c:216
 msgid "_User ID: "
 msgstr "User _ID:"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:216
+#: src/keygendlg.c:226
 msgid "_Email: "
 msgstr "E-_Mail:"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:226
+#: src/keygendlg.c:236
 msgid "_Comment: "
 msgstr "C_omentário:"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:238
+#: src/keygendlg.c:248
 msgid "_Passphrase: "
 msgstr "Se_nha"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:250
+#: src/keygendlg.c:260
 msgid "_Repeat passphrase: "
 msgstr "_Repetir senha:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:150
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:152
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your full name.\n"
@@ -1093,15 +1407,15 @@
 "Seu nome fará parte da nova chave para permitir aos outros identificar mais "
 "facilmente as chaves."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:155
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:157
 msgid "Your Name:"
 msgstr "Seu nome:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:168
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:170
 msgid "Please insert your name"
 msgstr "Por favor indique o seu nome"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:181
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:183
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your email address.\n"
@@ -1115,27 +1429,27 @@
 "pessoas a identificação mais fácil das chaves. Se você tem vários e-mails, "
 "será possível adicionar outros endereços mais tarde."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:188
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:190
 msgid "Your Email Address:"
 msgstr "Seu e-mail:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:203
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:205
 msgid "Please insert your email address"
 msgstr "Por favor indique o seu e-mail"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:237
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:239
 msgid "Please choose a passphrase for the new key."
 msgstr "Por favor escolha uma senha para esta nova chave."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:246 src/passwddlg.c:106
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:248 src/passwddlg.c:108
 msgid "Passphrase: "
 msgstr "_Senha"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:259 src/passwddlg.c:115
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:261 src/passwddlg.c:117
 msgid "Repeat Passphrase: "
 msgstr "Repetir a s_enha: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:356
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:358
 msgid ""
 "It is recommended that you create a backup copy of your new key, once it has "
 "been generated.\n"
@@ -1147,15 +1461,15 @@
 "Você deseja criar uma cópia de backup?"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:365
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:367
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "Criar uma _cópia de backup"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:372 src/keyring.c:724 src/keyring.c:752
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "Fazê-lo mais _tarde"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:400
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:402
 msgid ""
 "Your key is being generated.\n"
@@ -1166,7 +1480,7 @@
 "Mesmo em máquinas rápidas, isto pode demorar um pouco. Por favor seja "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:409
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:411
 msgid ""
@@ -1178,40 +1492,59 @@
 "Você gerou com sucesso uma chave. A chave tem uma validade indefinida e tem "
 "um tamanho de 1024 bits."
-#: src/keylist.c:278 src/ownertrustdlg.c:121
+#: src/keylist.c:342
+msgid ""
+"GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
+"This might take a few seconds."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:568
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
+msgstr "E não pode ser usada para encriptação."
+#: src/keylist.c:581
+msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
 msgid "Owner Trust"
 msgstr "Confiança no proprietário"
-#: src/keylist.c:288
-msgid "Key Validity"
-msgstr "Validade da chave"
-#: src/keylist.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
-"GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
-"This might take a few seconds."
+"The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
+"holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
+"It is only meaningful for OpenPGP."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:510
-msgid "GPA Warning"
+#: src/keylist.c:604
+msgid "Validity"
+msgstr "Validade"
+#: src/keylist.c:605
+msgid ""
+"The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
+"That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:528
+#: src/keylist.c:619
 msgid ""
-"One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
-"GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be considered "
-"Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
-"The affected key is:"
+"The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:452
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "Nenhuma chave selecionada para assinar."
-#: src/keyring.c:719
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1219,11 +1552,11 @@
 "Você não tem ainda uma chave privada. Você desejar gerar uma agora "
 "(recomendado) ou fazê-lo mais tarde?"
-#: src/keyring.c:723
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "_Gerar chave agora"
-#: src/keyring.c:746
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1231,173 +1564,162 @@
 "Você não tem uma cópia de backup de sua chave privada. Você quer fazer isso "
 "agora (recomendado) ou fazer mais tarde?"
-#: src/keyring.c:751
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "_Backup de chave agora"
-#: src/keyring.c:851
-msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
-msgstr "/Editar/_Copiar"
-#: src/keyring.c:853
-msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
-msgstr "/Editar/C_olar"
-#: src/keyring.c:855
-msgid "/Edit/sep1"
-msgstr "/Editar/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:862
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/_Chaves"
-#: src/keyring.c:863
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:865
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/Chaves/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:866
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/_Nova Chave..."
-#: src/keyring.c:868
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/_Apagar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:870
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/Chaves/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/_Assinar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/A_lterar a confiabilidade..."
-#: src/keyring.c:873
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/_Editar Chave Privada..."
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/Chaves/sep2"
-#: src/keyring.c:875
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/_Importar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/_Exportar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/_Backup..."
-#: src/keyring.c:880
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "_Nunca"
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/_Apagar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/_Assinar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:916
+#: src/keyring.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
+msgstr "/Janelas/_Gerenciador de arquivos"
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/Exportar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:923
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/Apagar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:930
-msgid "/Edit/Copy"
-msgstr "/Editar/Copiar"
-#: src/keyring.c:937
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/Assinar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:946
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/Alterar a confiabilidade..."
-#: src/keyring.c:954
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/Assinar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:962
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/Editar Chave Privada..."
-#: src/keyring.c:969
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Chaves/Backup..."
-#: src/keyring.c:986
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "/_Copiar"
-#: src/keyring.c:988
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/C_olar"
-#: src/keyring.c:990
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/_Apagar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:993
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/A_ssinar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:994
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/A_lterar a confiabilidade..."
-#: src/keyring.c:995
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/_Editar Chave Privada..."
-#: src/keyring.c:997
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/E_xportar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:998
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr "_Servidor de chave:"
-#: src/keyring.c:999
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/_Backup..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1010
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Alterar a confiabilidade..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1018
+#: src/keyring.c:1025
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Assinar Chaves..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1026
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Editar Chave Privada..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1033
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Backup..."
@@ -1405,189 +1727,183 @@
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1177 src/keysigndlg.c:112
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "Impressão digital:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1179
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "Expira em:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1181
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "Confiança no proprietário:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1183
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "Validade da chave:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1185
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "Tipo de chave:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1187
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "Criada em:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1190
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Detalhes"
-#: src/keyring.c:1198
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr "Mostrar assinaturas no nome do usuário:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1219
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "Assinaturas"
-#: src/keyring.c:1244
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "A chave tem ao mesmo tempo uma parte privada e pública"
-#: src/keyring.c:1249
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "A chave tem apenas uma parte pública"
-#: src/keyring.c:1283
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr "%s %li bits"
-#: src/keyring.c:1309
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "Nenhuma chave selecionada"
-#: src/keyring.c:1313
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
 msgstr[0] "%d chaves selecionadas"
 msgstr[1] "%d chaves selecionadas"
-#: src/keyring.c:1345
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "Todas as assinaturas"
-#: src/keyring.c:1549
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Editar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1550
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "Editar a chave privada selecionada"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "editar chave"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "Remover a chave selecionada"
-#: src/keyring.c:1560
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "remover a chave"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "Assinar a chave selecionada"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "assinar chave"
-#: src/keyring.c:1575
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "Importar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "Importar chaves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "importar chaves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1581
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "Exportar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "Exportar Chaves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "exportar chaves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "Resumido"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "Mostrar resumo da lista de chaves"
-#: src/keyring.c:1596
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "resumido"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "Detalhado"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "Mostrar detalhes da chave"
-#: src/keyring.c:1608
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "detalhado"
-#: src/keyring.c:1641
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr "_Chaveiro de chaves secretas"
-#: src/keyring.c:1642
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr "_Chaveiro de chaves secretas"
-#: src/keyring.c:1649
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr "Arquivos"
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Selected default key:"
+msgstr "Chave default selecionada:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1650
-msgid "Open the File Manager"
-msgstr "Abrir Gerenciador de arquivos"
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
+msgstr "Nenhum arquivo selecionado para ser protegido"
-#: src/keyring.c:1651
-msgid "file manager"
-msgstr "gerenciador de arquivos"
-#: src/keyring.c:1674
-msgid "Selected Default Key:"
-msgstr "Chave default selecionada:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1820
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Editor do chaveiro digital"
-#: src/keyring.c:1851
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "Editor do chaveiro digital"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:60
 msgid "Sign Key"
 msgstr "Assinar chave"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:78
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:76
 msgid "Do you want to sign the following key?"
 msgstr "Você deseja assinar as chaves seguintes?"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:122
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:120
 msgid ""
 "Check the name and fingerprint carefully to be sure that it really is the "
 "key you want to sign."
@@ -1595,19 +1911,19 @@
 "Verifique o nome e a impressão digital meticulosamente para estar certo que "
 "é realmente a chave que você deseja assinar."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:130
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:128
 msgid "All user names in this key will be signed."
 msgstr "Todos os nomes de usuários serão assinados."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:136
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:134
 msgid "The key will be signed with your default private key."
 msgstr "A chave será assinada com a sua chave privada padrão"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:143
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:141
 msgid "Sign only _locally"
 msgstr "Assinar apenas _localmente"
-#: src/options.c:308
+#: src/options.c:316
 msgid ""
 "The private key you selected as default is no longer available.\n"
 "GPA will try to choose a new default key automatically."
@@ -1615,26 +1931,26 @@
 "A chave privada que você escolheu como default não é mais válida. \n"
 "O GPA tentará escolher uma nova chave default automaticamente."
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:105
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:106
 msgid "Change key ownertrust"
 msgstr "Alterar a confiabilidade na chave"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:129
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:130
 msgid "_Unknown"
 msgstr "_Desconhecido"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:134
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:135
 msgid ""
 "You don't know how much to trust this user to verify other people's keys.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Você não conhece o grau de confiabilidade deste usuário para verificar as "
 "outras chaves pessoais.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:144
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:145
 msgid "_Never"
 msgstr "_Nunca"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:150
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user at all to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys at all.\n"
@@ -1643,11 +1959,11 @@
 "validade das outras\n"
 "chaves pessoais.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:159
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:160
 msgid "_Marginal"
 msgstr "_Moderado"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:164
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:165
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys enough to consider keys valid based on his/her sole word.\n"
@@ -1664,11 +1980,11 @@
 "outros \n"
 "usuários com pouca ou moderada confiança e com chaves válidas\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:181
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:182
 msgid "_Full"
 msgstr "_Completo"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:186
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:187
 msgid ""
 "You trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's keys "
 "so much, that you'll consider valid any key signed by him/her, provided this "
@@ -1679,11 +1995,11 @@
 "por ele/ela \n"
 "assinado(a), contanto que esta chave do usuário seja válida. \n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:199
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:200
 msgid "U_ltimate"
 msgstr "Comp_letamente"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:204
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:205
 msgid ""
 "You consider this key valid, and trust the user so much that you will "
 "consider any key signed by him/her fully valid.\n"
@@ -1698,55 +2014,55 @@
 "chave de outras pessoas, a menos que você realmente saiba o que está "
-#: src/passwddlg.c:94
+#: src/passwddlg.c:96
 msgid "Choose new passphrase"
 msgstr "_Entre com uma nova senha"
-#: src/server_access.c:284
+#: src/server_access.c:282
 msgid "No error"
 msgstr "Nenhum erro"
-#: src/server_access.c:287
+#: src/server_access.c:285
 msgid "Internal error"
 msgstr "Erro interno"
-#: src/server_access.c:290
+#: src/server_access.c:288
 msgid "Operation not supported"
 msgstr "Operação não suportada"
-#: src/server_access.c:293
+#: src/server_access.c:291
 msgid "Version mismatch"
 msgstr "Versão incorreta"
-#: src/server_access.c:296
+#: src/server_access.c:294
 msgid "Internal keyserver error"
 msgstr "Erro interno do servidor"
-#: src/server_access.c:299
+#: src/server_access.c:297
 msgid "Out of memory"
 msgstr "Sem memória"
-#: src/server_access.c:302
+#: src/server_access.c:300
 msgid "Key not found"
 msgstr "Chave não encontrada"
-#: src/server_access.c:305
+#: src/server_access.c:303
 msgid "Key already exists on server"
 msgstr "Chave já existe no servidor"
-#: src/server_access.c:308
+#: src/server_access.c:306
 msgid "Key incomplete"
 msgstr "Chave incompleta"
-#: src/server_access.c:311
+#: src/server_access.c:309
 msgid "Could not contact keyserver"
 msgstr "Não foi possível contactar o servidor"
-#: src/server_access.c:314
+#: src/server_access.c:312
 msgid "Unknown Error"
 msgstr "ERRO desconhecido"
-#: src/server_access.c:350
+#: src/server_access.c:348
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Connecting to server \"%s\".\n"
@@ -1755,7 +2071,7 @@
 "Conectando com o servidor \"%s\".\n"
 "Por favor espere."
-#: src/server_access.c:373 src/server_access.c:393
+#: src/server_access.c:371 src/server_access.c:391
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "An error ocurred while contacting the server:\n"
@@ -1766,7 +2082,7 @@
-#: src/server_access.c:457
+#: src/server_access.c:455
 msgid ""
 "There is no plugin available for the keyserver\n"
 "protocol you specified."
@@ -1774,61 +2090,83 @@
 "Não há um plugin disponível para o servidor de chaves\n"
 "com o protocolo especificado."
-#: src/server_access.c:530 src/server_access.c:576
+#: src/server_access.c:528 src/server_access.c:574
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "O servidor de chaves especificado não é válido"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:45
-msgid "Default _key:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
 msgstr "Chave _padrão (default key):"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:86
-msgid "Default key_server: "
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
 msgstr "Servidor de chaves _padrão:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:130
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
 msgstr "Usar modo _avançado:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:163
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Configuração"
-#: src/siglist.c:126
+#: src/siglist.c:128
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Level"
 msgstr "Nunca"
-#: src/siglist.c:133
+#: src/siglist.c:135
 msgid "Local"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/verifydlg.c:118
-msgid "Verify files"
+#: src/verifydlg.c:116
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Verify documents"
 msgstr "Verificar arquivos"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:234
+#: src/verifydlg.c:232
 msgid "Expired Key"
 msgstr "Chave Expirada"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:242
+#: src/verifydlg.c:240
 msgid "Key NOT valid"
 msgstr "Chave NÃO válida"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:361
+#: src/verifydlg.c:359
 #, c-format
 msgid "Verified data in file: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/verifydlg.c:366
+#: src/verifydlg.c:364
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Signature: %s"
 msgstr "Assinaturas"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:372
+#: src/verifydlg.c:370
 msgid "Signatures:"
 msgstr "Assinaturas:"
+#~ msgid "Sign files"
+#~ msgstr "Arquivo assinado"
+#~ msgid "sign in separate _file"
+#~ msgstr "assinar num arquivo _separado"
+#~ msgid "a_rmor"
+#~ msgstr "a_rmor"
+#~ msgid "display this help and exit"
+#~ msgstr "mostra esta ajuda e sai"
+#~ msgid "Options"
+#~ msgstr "Opções"
+#~ msgid "Key Validity"
+#~ msgstr "Validade da chave"
 #~ msgid "GNU general public license"
 #~ msgstr "GNU general public license"
@@ -2191,10 +2529,6 @@
 #~ msgstr "/Ajuda/_Ajuda"
 #, fuzzy
-#~ msgid "Import from _clipboard:"
-#~ msgstr "I_mportar do arquivo:"
-#, fuzzy
 #~ msgid "Missing public key"
 #~ msgstr "_Chaves públicas"
@@ -2244,18 +2578,12 @@
 #~ "Não há chaves privadas disponíveis para usar como chave\n"
 #~ "padrão."
-#~ msgid "Set default key"
-#~ msgstr "Indicar chave secreta padrão."
 #~ msgid "/Options/_Keyserver"
 #~ msgstr "/Preferências/_Servidor de chaves"
 #~ msgid "/Options/_Default Key"
 #~ msgstr "/Preferências/_Chave padrão"
-#~ msgid "Validity"
-#~ msgstr "Validade"
 #~ msgid "Signature"
 #~ msgstr "Assinatura"
@@ -2341,9 +2669,6 @@
 #~ msgid "_Encrypt"
 #~ msgstr "_Encriptar"
-#~ msgid "No files selected to protect."
-#~ msgstr "Nenhum arquivo selecionado para ser protegido"
 #~ msgid "Protect files by Password"
 #~ msgstr "Arquivo protegido por senha"
@@ -2359,9 +2684,6 @@
 #~ msgid "No files selected to decrypt."
 #~ msgstr "Nenhum arquivo selecionado para decifrar."
-#~ msgid "Save file _as: "
-#~ msgstr "Gravar o arquivo _como"
 #~ msgid "Save decrypted file as"
 #~ msgstr "Gravar o arquivo desencriptado _como"
@@ -2515,9 +2837,6 @@
 #~ msgstr ""
 #~ "Não há chaves públicas disponíveis para usar como destinatáriopadrão."
-#~ msgid "Set default recipients"
-#~ msgstr "Indicar destinatários default"
 #~ msgid "_Remove from recipients"
 #~ msgstr "_Remover destinatários"

Modified: trunk/po/ru.po
--- trunk/po/ru.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/ru.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: GPA 0.8\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-10 15:34+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-10 16:02+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-12 12:34+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: CJ <cj at neocaching.ru>\n"
 "Language-Team: Russian <moscow at hro.org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
 #: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
 #: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
-#: src/keyring.c:1637
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
 msgid "Clipboard"
 msgstr "Буфер"
-#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:843
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/_Файл"
@@ -81,15 +81,15 @@
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/Файл/sep2"
-#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:844
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/Файл/За_крыть"
-#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:846
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/Файл/_Выйти"
-#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:849
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "/_Правка"
@@ -109,11 +109,11 @@
 msgid "/Edit/Cut"
 msgstr "/Правка/Вырезать"
-#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:850
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
 msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
 msgstr "/Правка/_Копировать"
-#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:852
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
 msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
 msgstr "/Правка/_Вставить"
@@ -121,31 +121,31 @@
 msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
 msgstr "/Правка/_Удалить"
-#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:854
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
 msgid "/Edit/sep1"
 msgstr "/Правка/sep1"
-#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:855
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/Правка/Вы_брать все"
-#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:856
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/Правка/sep2"
-#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/Правка/_Настройки..."
-#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:859
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
 msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
 msgstr "/Правка/Настройки _шифр. программы..."
-#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:886
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/_Окно"
-#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:887
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
 msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "/Окно/Менеджер _ключей"
@@ -153,11 +153,11 @@
 msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
 msgstr "/Окно/Менеджер _файлов"
-#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:889
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
 msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
 msgstr "/Окно/_Буфер"
-#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:928
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
 msgid "/Edit/Copy"
 msgstr "/Правка/_Копировать"
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
 msgid "paste the clipboard"
 msgstr "вставить из буфера"
-#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1550
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "Подписать"
@@ -265,11 +265,11 @@
 msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "расшифровать текст"
-#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1611
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
 msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "Открыть окно настроек"
-#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1612
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "предпочтения"
@@ -285,27 +285,27 @@
 msgid "keyring editor"
 msgstr "менеджер ключей"
-#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1628
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
 msgid "Files"
 msgstr "Файлы"
-#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1629
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
 msgid "Open the file manager"
 msgstr "Открыть менеджер файлов"
-#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1630
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
 msgid "file manager"
 msgstr "менеджер файлов"
-#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1645
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Справка"
-#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1646
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr "Как работает GNU Privacy Assistant"
-#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1647
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "справка"
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
 #: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
-#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
 #: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
 msgid "_Cancel"
 msgstr "От_мена"
@@ -480,11 +480,11 @@
 msgid "decrypt file"
 msgstr "расшифровать файл"
-#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1638
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
 msgid "Open the clipboard"
 msgstr "Открыть буфер"
-#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1639
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
 msgid "clipboard"
 msgstr "буфер"
@@ -532,14 +532,14 @@
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
 #: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:153
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "Да"
 #: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
 #: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:156
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "Нет"
@@ -585,36 +585,39 @@
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "Об_зор..."
-#: src/gpa.c:91
+#: src/gpa.c:92
 msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "Показать информацию о версии и завершить"
-#: src/gpa.c:93
+#: src/gpa.c:94
 msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "Открыть менеджер ключей (по умолчанию)"
-#: src/gpa.c:95
-msgid "Open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "Открыть менеджер файлов"
-#: src/gpa.c:97
-#, fuzzy
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr "Открыть буфер"
+#: src/gpa.c:100
 msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
 msgstr "Стартовать только сервер UI"
-#: src/gpa.c:99
+#: src/gpa.c:102
 msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "Получить настройки из файла"
-#: src/gpa.c:290
+#: src/gpa.c:293
 msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr "[ФАЙЛ...]"
-#: src/gpa.c:292
+#: src/gpa.c:295
 msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
 msgstr "Графическая оболочка к GnuPG"
-#: src/gpa.c:293
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "Об ошибках сообщайте <"
@@ -675,7 +678,7 @@
 msgstr "Файл \"%s\" не содержит зашифрованных данных."
 #: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:482 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
 #: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "Неверный пароль!"
@@ -706,7 +709,7 @@
 #: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
 #: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:184 src/verifydlg.c:115
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "_Закрыть"
@@ -723,7 +726,7 @@
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "Срок годности ключа истек %s:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:410
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "Не выбран ключ для подписи"
@@ -731,6 +734,13 @@
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "Подпись..."
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
 #: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "Проверка..."
@@ -785,12 +795,12 @@
 "Некорректная дата.\n"
 "(Нельзя устанавливать срок годности задним числом.)"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:512 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
 #: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "ID ключа"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:562 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
 #: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "Имя"
@@ -859,7 +869,7 @@
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Размер"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:524
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "Срок годности"
@@ -879,16 +889,16 @@
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr "Может авториз."
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:787
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:906
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "Отозван"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:902
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "Истек"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "Отключен"
@@ -896,12 +906,12 @@
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "Неподписан"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:893 src/verifydlg.c:212
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "Достоверно"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:627 src/gpgmetools.c:634
-#: src/keyring.c:1156 src/keysigndlg.c:104
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Имя:"
@@ -909,8 +919,8 @@
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "Имена:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:628 src/gpgmetools.c:635
-#: src/keyring.c:1158
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "ID ключа:"
@@ -986,7 +996,7 @@
 "Возможно, ошибка в программе GPA.\n"
 "GPA попытатется возобновить свою работоспособность."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:446
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -1000,7 +1010,7 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:451
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -1008,108 +1018,108 @@
 "Резервная копия сохранена в файл:\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "DSA и ElGamal (по умолчанию)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:513
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (только подпись)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:514
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "RSA (только шифрование)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:547 src/gpgmetools.c:570 src/gpgmetools.c:587
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:898 src/gpgmetools.c:931
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "Неизвестно"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:550
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "Никогда"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:553
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "Ограниченное"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:556
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "Полное"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:559
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "Абсолютное"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:585
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "Не полностью"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:591
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "Полностью достоверен"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "Введите пароль доступа к ключу:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:633
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "Неверный пароль, пожалуйста, еще раз:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:658
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "Введите пароль"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:780
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr "[Нет]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:870 src/verifydlg.c:269
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[Неизвестный ID пользователя]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/verifydlg.c:217
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "Плохой"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:919
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr "Общий"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:922
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr "Персон."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:925
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr "Случайн."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:928
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr "Позитив."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:946
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "Ключ может быть использован для сертифицирования, подписи и шифрования."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:949
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "Ключ может быть использован для сертифицирования и подписи, но не для "
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:955
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr "Ключ может быть использован для сертифицирования и шифрования."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:958
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "Ключ может быть использован только для сертифицирования."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:966
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
@@ -1117,15 +1127,15 @@
 "Ключ может быть использован для подписи и шифрования, но не для "
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:969
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "Ключ может быть использован только для подписи."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:974
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "Ключ может быть использован только для шифрования."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:977
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr "Данный ключ бесполезен/неприменим."
@@ -1399,7 +1409,7 @@
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "Создать резервную копию"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:719 src/keyring.c:747
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "Позже"
@@ -1426,7 +1436,7 @@
 "Создание ключа успешно завершено. Новый ключ имеет абсолютную достоверность "
 "и длину 1024 бит."
-#: src/keylist.c:324
+#: src/keylist.c:342
 msgid ""
 "GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
 "This might take a few seconds."
@@ -1434,47 +1444,53 @@
 "GnuPG перестраивает базу с записями об уровне доверия.\n"
 "Это может занять несколько секунд."
-#: src/keylist.c:513
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:568
 msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:525
+#: src/keylist.c:581
 msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:535 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
 msgid "Owner Trust"
 msgstr "Доверие владельцу"
-#: src/keylist.c:536
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
 "The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
 "holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
 "It is only meaningful for OpenPGP."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:548
+#: src/keylist.c:604
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "Validity"
 msgstr "Достоверность ключа"
-#: src/keylist.c:549
+#: src/keylist.c:605
 msgid ""
 "The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
 "That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:563
+#: src/keylist.c:619
 msgid ""
 "The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:437
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "Не выбран ключ для подписи."
-#: src/keyring.c:714
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1482,11 +1498,11 @@
 "У вас пока нет закрытого ключа. Хотите создать его сейчас (рекомендуется) "
 "или позже?"
-#: src/keyring.c:718
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "Создать ключ"
-#: src/keyring.c:741
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1494,216 +1510,216 @@
 "Вы еще не сделали резервную копию закрытого ключа. Хотите сделать ее сейчас "
 "(рекомендуется) или позже?"
-#: src/keyring.c:746
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "Создать резервную копию"
-#: src/keyring.c:863
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/_Ключи"
-#: src/keyring.c:864
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr "/Ключи/_Обновить"
-#: src/keyring.c:866
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/Ключи/sep0"
-#: src/keyring.c:867
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/_Создать..."
-#: src/keyring.c:869
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/_Удалить..."
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/Ключи/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/_Подписать..."
-#: src/keyring.c:873
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/_Доверие..."
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/_Редактировать..."
-#: src/keyring.c:875
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/Ключи/sep2"
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/_Импорт..."
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/_Экспорт..."
-#: src/keyring.c:878
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/Ре_зервная копия..."
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "/_Сервер"
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/Сервер/_Загрузить ключи..."
-#: src/keyring.c:883
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Сервер/_Отправить ключи..."
-#: src/keyring.c:888
+#: src/keyring.c:908
 msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
 msgstr "/_Окно/Менеджер _файлов"
-#: src/keyring.c:919
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/Экспортировать ключи..."
-#: src/keyring.c:924
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/Удалить ключи..."
-#: src/keyring.c:932
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Сервер/Отправить ключи..."
-#: src/keyring.c:939
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/Доверие владельцу..."
-#: src/keyring.c:946
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/Подписать ключ..."
-#: src/keyring.c:952
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/Редактировать закрытый ключ..."
-#: src/keyring.c:957
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Ключи/Резервная копия..."
-#: src/keyring.c:974
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "/Копировать"
-#: src/keyring.c:976
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/Вставить"
-#: src/keyring.c:978
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Удалить ключи..."
-#: src/keyring.c:981
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Подписать ключи..."
-#: src/keyring.c:982
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Доверие владельцу..."
-#: src/keyring.c:983
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Редактировать закрытый ключ..."
-#: src/keyring.c:985
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Экспортировать ключи..."
-#: src/keyring.c:986
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr "/Отправить на сервер..."
-#: src/keyring.c:987
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Резервная копия..."
-#: src/keyring.c:998
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Доверие владельцу..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1005
+#: src/keyring.c:1025
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Подписать ключи..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1011
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Редактировать закрытый ключ..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1016
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Резервная копия..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1086
+#: src/keyring.c:1106
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr "Подключи"
-#: src/keyring.c:1160 src/keysigndlg.c:110
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "Отпечаток:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1162
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "Годен до:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1164
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "Доверие владельцу:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1166
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "Достоверность ключа:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1168
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "Тип ключа:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1170
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "Создан:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1173
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Подробно"
-#: src/keyring.c:1181
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr "Показать подписи имени владельца:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1205
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "Подписи"
-#: src/keyring.c:1229
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "Закрытый и открытый ключи"
-#: src/keyring.c:1232
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "Только открытый ключ"
-#: src/keyring.c:1267
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr "%s %u бит"
-#: src/keyring.c:1292
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "Не выбран ключ"
-#: src/keyring.c:1295
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
@@ -1711,107 +1727,107 @@
 msgstr[1] "%d ключа выбрано"
 msgstr[2] "%d ключей выбрано"
-#: src/keyring.c:1327
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "Все подписи"
-#: src/keyring.c:1532
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Правка"
-#: src/keyring.c:1533
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "Правка выделенного закрытого ключа"
-#: src/keyring.c:1534
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "правка ключа"
-#: src/keyring.c:1542
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "Удалить выбранный ключ"
-#: src/keyring.c:1543
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "удалить ключ"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "Подписать выбранный ключ"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "подпись ключа"
-#: src/keyring.c:1558
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "Импорт"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "Импорт ключей"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "импорт ключей"
-#: src/keyring.c:1564
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "Экспорт"
-#: src/keyring.c:1565
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "Экспорт ключей"
-#: src/keyring.c:1565
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "экспорт ключей"
-#: src/keyring.c:1578
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "Кратко"
-#: src/keyring.c:1578
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "Краткий список ключей"
-#: src/keyring.c:1579
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "кратко"
-#: src/keyring.c:1590
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "Подробно"
-#: src/keyring.c:1590
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "Подробный список ключей"
-#: src/keyring.c:1591
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "подробный"
-#: src/keyring.c:1619
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr "Обновить связку ключей"
-#: src/keyring.c:1620
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr "обновить связку ключей"
-#: src/keyring.c:1691
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
 msgid "Selected default key:"
 msgstr "Ключ по умолчанию:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1701
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
 msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
 msgstr "В настройках не выбран ключ по умолчанию."
-#: src/keyring.c:1813
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Менеджер ключей"
-#: src/keyring.c:1845
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "Менеджер ключей"
@@ -2004,19 +2020,22 @@
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "Некорректно задан сервер ключей"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:54
-msgid "Default _key:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
 msgstr "_Ключ по умолчанию:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:99
-msgid "Default key_server: "
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
 msgstr "_Сервер ключей по умолчанию:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:147
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
 msgstr "Рас_ширенный режим:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:183
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Параметры"

Modified: trunk/po/sv.po
--- trunk/po/sv.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/sv.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: GPA 0.7.0\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-24 14:59+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-17 12:50+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander <po at danielnylander.se>\n"
 "Language-Team: Swedish <sv at li.org>\n"
@@ -17,262 +17,548 @@
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.6\n"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:134 src/expirydlg.c:115 src/filesigndlg.c:123
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:294 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:144 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:95
-#: src/gpawizard.c:287 src/gpgmetools.c:660 src/keygendlg.c:140
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:110 src/passwddlg.c:98
-msgid "_Cancel"
-msgstr "_Avbryt"
+#: src/clipboard.c:367 src/fileman.c:350
+msgid "Open File"
+msgstr "Öppna fil"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:135
-msgid "Encrypt files"
-msgstr "Kryptera filer"
+#: src/clipboard.c:395 src/confdialog.c:1266 src/gtktools.c:353
+msgid "GPA Message"
+msgstr "GPA-meddelande"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:166
-msgid "_Public Keys"
-msgstr "_Publika nycklar"
+#. TRANSLATORS: The arguments are the filename, the integer size
+#. and the unit (such as KB or MB).
+#: src/clipboard.c:412
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file %s is %lli%s large.  Do you really  want to open it?"
+msgstr ""
+"Filen %s finns redan.\n"
+"Vill du skriva över den?"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:169
-msgid "_Sign"
-msgstr "_Signera"
+#: src/clipboard.c:481
+msgid "Save As..."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:190 src/filesigndlg.c:180
-msgid "Sign _as "
-msgstr "Signera s_om"
+#: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
+#: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
+msgid "Clipboard"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:193
-msgid "A_rmor"
-msgstr "ASCII-s_kal"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:63
-msgid "Please provide a correct date."
-msgstr "Ange ett korrekt datum."
-#: src/expirydlg.c:110
-msgid "Change expiry date"
-msgstr "Ändra utgångsdatum"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:128
-msgid "_never expire"
-msgstr "_går aldrig ut"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:133
-msgid "_expire on:"
-msgstr "går _ut den:"
-#: src/fileman.c:345
-msgid "Open File"
-msgstr "Öppna fil"
-#: src/fileman.c:350 src/fileman.c:899
-msgid "The file is already open."
-msgstr "Filen är redan öppnad."
-#: src/fileman.c:467 src/keyring.c:844
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/_Arkiv"
-#: src/fileman.c:468
+#: src/clipboard.c:693 src/fileman.c:474
+msgid "/File/C_lear"
+msgstr "/Arkiv/_Töm"
+#: src/clipboard.c:694 src/fileman.c:473
 msgid "/File/_Open"
 msgstr "/Arkiv/_Öppna"
-#: src/fileman.c:469
-msgid "/File/C_lear"
-msgstr "/Arkiv/_Töm"
+#: src/clipboard.c:695
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/File/Save _As"
+msgstr "/Arkiv/Stä_ng"
-#: src/fileman.c:470
+#: src/clipboard.c:697 src/fileman.c:475
 msgid "/File/sep1"
 msgstr "/Arkiv/sep1"
-#: src/fileman.c:471
+#: src/clipboard.c:698 src/fileman.c:476
 msgid "/File/_Sign"
 msgstr "/Arkiv/_Signera"
-#: src/fileman.c:472
+#: src/clipboard.c:699 src/fileman.c:477
 msgid "/File/_Verify"
 msgstr "/Arkiv/_Validera"
-#: src/fileman.c:473
+#: src/clipboard.c:700 src/fileman.c:478
 msgid "/File/_Encrypt"
 msgstr "/Arkiv/_Kryptera"
-#: src/fileman.c:474
+#: src/clipboard.c:701 src/fileman.c:479
 msgid "/File/_Decrypt"
 msgstr "/Arkiv/_Dekryptera"
-#: src/fileman.c:475
+#: src/clipboard.c:702 src/fileman.c:480
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/Arkiv/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:476 src/keyring.c:845
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/Arkiv/Stä_ng"
-#: src/fileman.c:477 src/keyring.c:847
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/Arkiv/A_vsluta"
-#: src/fileman.c:480 src/keyring.c:850
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "/R_edigera"
-#: src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:856
+#: src/clipboard.c:710
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Undo"
+msgstr "/Redigera/_Kopiera"
+#: src/clipboard.c:711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Redo"
+msgstr "/Redigera/_Kopiera"
+#: src/clipboard.c:712
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/sep0"
+msgstr "/Redigera/sep2"
+#: src/clipboard.c:714 src/clipboard.c:750
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Cut"
+msgstr "/Redigera/Kopiera"
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
+msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
+msgstr "/Redigera/_Kopiera"
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
+msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
+msgstr "/Redigera/Klistra _in"
+#: src/clipboard.c:717
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
+msgstr "/Redigera/Klistra _in"
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
+msgid "/Edit/sep1"
+msgstr "/Redigera/sep1"
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/Redigera/Markera _allt"
-#: src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/Redigera/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:483 src/keyring.c:858
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/Redigera/_Inställningar"
-#: src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:885
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
+msgstr "/Redigera/_Inställningar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/_Fönster"
-#: src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:886
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
+msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
+msgstr "/Fönster/_Nyckelringshanterare"
+#: src/clipboard.c:730 src/fileman.c:496
 msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
 msgstr "/Fönster/_Filhanterare"
-#: src/fileman.c:489 src/keyring.c:887
-msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
-msgstr "/Fönster/_Nyckelringshanterare"
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
+msgstr "/Fönster/_Filhanterare"
-#: src/fileman.c:508
-msgid "/File/Sign"
-msgstr "/Arkiv/Signera"
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
+msgid "/Edit/Copy"
+msgstr "/Redigera/Kopiera"
-#: src/fileman.c:513
-msgid "/File/Verify"
-msgstr "/Arkiv/Validera"
+#: src/clipboard.c:766
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Delete"
+msgstr "/Redigera/Markera _allt"
-#: src/fileman.c:518
-msgid "/File/Encrypt"
-msgstr "/Arkiv/Kryptera"
+#: src/clipboard.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Paste"
+msgstr "/Redigera/Klistra _in"
-#: src/fileman.c:523
-msgid "/File/Decrypt"
-msgstr "/Arkiv/Dekryptera"
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "Clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "Open a file"
 msgstr "Öppna en fil"
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "open file"
 msgstr "öppna fil"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "Close all files"
-msgstr "Stäng alla filer"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save to a file"
+msgstr "Öppna en fil"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "close files"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "save file as"
 msgstr "stäng filer"
-#: src/fileman.c:604 src/keyring.c:1567
+#: src/clipboard.c:900
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cut the selection"
+msgstr "Kryptera markerad fil"
+#: src/clipboard.c:901
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cut the selection"
+msgstr "Kryptera markerad fil"
+#: src/clipboard.c:907
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copy the selection"
+msgstr "Kryptera markerad fil"
+#: src/clipboard.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "copy the selection"
+msgstr "Kryptera markerad fil"
+#: src/clipboard.c:914
+msgid "Paste the clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:915
+msgid "paste the clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "Signera"
-#: src/fileman.c:605
-msgid "Sign the selected file"
-msgstr "Signera markerad fil"
+#: src/clipboard.c:926
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sign the selected text"
+msgstr "Signera vald nyckel"
-#: src/fileman.c:606
-msgid "sign file"
-msgstr "signera fil"
+#: src/clipboard.c:927
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "sign text"
+msgstr "signera nyckel"
-#: src/fileman.c:615
+#: src/clipboard.c:935 src/fileman.c:623
 msgid "Verify"
 msgstr "Validera"
-#: src/fileman.c:616
-msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:936
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Check signatures of selected text"
 msgstr "Kontrollera signatur på markerad fil"
-#: src/fileman.c:617
-msgid "verify file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:937
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "verify text"
 msgstr "validera fil"
-#: src/fileman.c:626
+#: src/clipboard.c:945 src/fileman.c:634
 msgid "Encrypt"
 msgstr "Kryptera"
-#: src/fileman.c:627
-msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:946
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Kryptera markerad fil"
-#: src/fileman.c:628
-msgid "encrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:947
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "encrypt text"
 msgstr "kryptera fil"
-#: src/fileman.c:637
+#: src/clipboard.c:955 src/fileman.c:645
 msgid "Decrypt"
 msgstr "Dekryptera"
-#: src/fileman.c:638
-msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:956
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Decrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Dekryptera markerad fil"
-#: src/fileman.c:639
-msgid "decrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:957
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "dekryptera fil"
-#: src/fileman.c:654 src/keyring.c:1632
-msgid "Open the Preferences dialog"
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "Öppna Inställningsdialogen"
-#: src/fileman.c:655 src/keyring.c:1633
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "inställningar"
-#: src/fileman.c:663 src/keyring.c:1656
+#: src/clipboard.c:975 src/fileman.c:666
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keyring"
+msgstr "Nyckelringshanterare"
+#: src/clipboard.c:976 src/fileman.c:667
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the keyring editor"
+msgstr "öppna nyckelringsredigeraren (standard)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:977 src/fileman.c:668
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "keyring editor"
+msgstr "Nyckelringshanterare"
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Filer"
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the file manager"
+msgstr "Öppna filhanteraren"
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
+msgid "file manager"
+msgstr "filhanterare"
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Hjälp"
-#: src/fileman.c:664 src/keyring.c:1657
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr "Hur GNU Privacy Assistant fungerar"
-#: src/fileman.c:665 src/keyring.c:1658
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "hjälp"
-#: src/fileman.c:764
+#: src/clipboard.c:1084
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Clipboard"
+msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Filhanterare"
+#: src/confdialog.c:993
+msgid "<b>Main</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+msgid "Use default values"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+msgid "Use default value"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1146
+msgid "Do not use option"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom values"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom value"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1155
+msgid "Use default argument"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1280
+msgid ""
+"There are unapplied changes by you. Changing the expert setting will apply "
+"those changes.  Do you want to continue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1325
+msgid "Crypto Backend Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1334
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1346
+msgid "Configure the tools of the GnuPG system."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1350
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Level:"
+msgstr "Nivå"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1359
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "_Tillbaka"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1360
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1361
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Expert"
+msgstr "Exportera"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr "_Avbryt"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt documents"
+msgstr "Kryptera filer"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:174
+msgid "_Public Keys"
+msgstr "_Publika nycklar"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:177
+msgid "_Sign"
+msgstr "_Signera"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:201 src/filesigndlg.c:185
+msgid "Sign _as "
+msgstr "Signera s_om"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:215 src/filesigndlg.c:187
+msgid "A_rmor"
+msgstr "ASCII-s_kal"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:64
+msgid "Please provide a correct date."
+msgstr "Ange ett korrekt datum."
+#: src/expirydlg.c:111
+msgid "Change expiry date"
+msgstr "Ändra utgångsdatum"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:129
+msgid "_never expire"
+msgstr "_går aldrig ut"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:134
+msgid "_expire on:"
+msgstr "går _ut den:"
+#: src/fileman.c:355 src/fileman.c:953
+msgid "The file is already open."
+msgstr "Filen är redan öppnad."
+#: src/fileman.c:516
+msgid "/File/Sign"
+msgstr "/Arkiv/Signera"
+#: src/fileman.c:521
+msgid "/File/Verify"
+msgstr "/Arkiv/Validera"
+#: src/fileman.c:526
+msgid "/File/Encrypt"
+msgstr "/Arkiv/Kryptera"
+#: src/fileman.c:531
+msgid "/File/Decrypt"
+msgstr "/Arkiv/Dekryptera"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "Close all files"
+msgstr "Stäng alla filer"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "close files"
+msgstr "stäng filer"
+#: src/fileman.c:613
+msgid "Sign the selected file"
+msgstr "Signera markerad fil"
+#: src/fileman.c:614
+msgid "sign file"
+msgstr "signera fil"
+#: src/fileman.c:624
+msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+msgstr "Kontrollera signatur på markerad fil"
+#: src/fileman.c:625
+msgid "verify file"
+msgstr "validera fil"
+#: src/fileman.c:635
+msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "Kryptera markerad fil"
+#: src/fileman.c:636
+msgid "encrypt file"
+msgstr "kryptera fil"
+#: src/fileman.c:646
+msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "Dekryptera markerad fil"
+#: src/fileman.c:647
+msgid "decrypt file"
+msgstr "dekryptera fil"
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the clipboard"
+msgstr "Öppna filhanteraren"
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
+msgid "clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/fileman.c:785
 msgid "File"
 msgstr "Arkiv"
-#: src/fileman.c:821
+#: src/fileman.c:850
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - File Manager"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Filhanterare"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:124
-msgid "Sign files"
-msgstr "Signera filer"
+#: src/fileman.c:876
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Manager"
+msgstr "filhanterare"
 #: src/filesigndlg.c:134
+msgid "Sign documents"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:144
 msgid "Signing Mode"
 msgstr "Signeringsläge"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:142
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:152
 msgid "si_gn and compress"
 msgstr "signera och _komprimera"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:148
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:158
 msgid "_cleartext signature"
 msgstr "signatur i klar_text"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:155
-msgid "sign in separate _file"
-msgstr "signera i separat _fil"
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_detached signature"
+msgstr "signatur i klar_text"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:159
-msgid "a_rmor"
-msgstr "ASCII-_skal"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:215 src/gpgmetools.c:137
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:213 src/gpgmetools.c:138
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The file %s already exists.\n"
@@ -281,21 +567,21 @@
 "Filen %s finns redan.\n"
 "Vill du skriva över den?"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:218 src/gpaexportserverop.c:132
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:311 src/gpafileverifyop.c:175 src/gpgmetools.c:140
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:43 src/keydeletedlg.c:92 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:136
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "_Ja"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:219 src/gpaexportserverop.c:133
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:312 src/gpafileverifyop.c:176 src/gpgmetools.c:141
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:45 src/keydeletedlg.c:94 src/keysigndlg.c:66
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:139
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "_Nej"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:231
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "A copy of your secret key has been made to the file:\n"
@@ -312,85 +598,92 @@
 "Detta är känslig information som bör lagras på ett noggrannt\n"
 "utvalt ställe (t.ex. på en diskett i ett kassaskåp)."
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:246
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:244
 msgid "An error ocurred during the backup operation."
 msgstr "Ett fel inträffade under säkerhetskopieringen."
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:262
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:260
 msgid "Backup key to file"
 msgstr "Säkerhetskopiera nyckel till fil"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:289
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:287
 msgid "Backup Keys"
 msgstr "Säkerhetskopiera nycklar"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:313
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "Generating backup of key: %s"
 msgstr "Skapar säkerhetskopia av nyckel: %s"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:319
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:317
 msgid "_Backup to file:"
 msgstr "_Säkerhetskopiera till fil:"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:331
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:329
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "_Bläddra..."
-#: src/gpa.c:373
-msgid "display this help and exit"
-msgstr "visa denna hjälp och avsluta"
-#: src/gpa.c:374
-msgid "output version information and exit"
+#: src/gpa.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "skriv ut version och avsluta"
-#: src/gpa.c:375
-msgid "open keyring editor (default)"
+#: src/gpa.c:94
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "öppna nyckelringsredigeraren (standard)"
-#: src/gpa.c:376
-msgid "open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "öppna filhanteraren"
-#: src/gpa.c:377
-msgid "read options from file"
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:100
+msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "läs inställningar från fil"
-#: src/gpa.c:401
-msgid ""
-"Syntax: gpa [options]\n"
-"Graphical frontend to GnuPG\n"
+#: src/gpa.c:293
+msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:295
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
+msgstr ""
 "Syntax: gpa [flaggor]\n"
 "Grafiskt användargränssnitt till GnuPG\n"
-#: src/gpa.c:403
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Flaggor"
-#: src/gpa.c:409
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "Rapportera fel till <"
-#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:137
+#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:139
 msgid "The keys have been copied to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Nycklarna har kopierats till urklipp."
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:131
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:133
 msgid "Export public keys to file"
 msgstr "Exportera publika nycklar till fil"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:135
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:137
 msgid "_armor"
 msgstr "AS_CII-skal"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:169
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:171
 #, c-format
 msgid "The keys have been exported to %s."
 msgstr "Nycklarna har exporterats till %s."
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:127
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:129
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The selected key will be sent to a public key\n"
@@ -401,87 +694,104 @@
 "publik nyckelserver (\"%s\").\n"
 "Är du säker på att du vill distribuera nyckeln?"
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:185
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:187
 msgid "The keys have been sent to the server."
 msgstr "Nycklarna har skickats till servern."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:89
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:94
 msgid "Decrypting..."
 msgstr "Dekrypterar..."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:280 src/gpafileverifyop.c:385
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:358 src/gpafileverifyop.c:449
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
 msgstr "Filen \"%s\" innehåller ingen OpenPGP-data."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:288
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:359 src/gpafileverifyop.c:450
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGPdata."
+msgstr "Filen \"%s\" innehåller ingen OpenPGP-data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:369
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
 msgstr "Filen \"%s\" innehåller ingen giltigt krypterat data."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:296 src/gpafileencryptop.c:579
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:353 src/gpafileverifyop.c:393 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:233
-#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:195 src/gpakeysignop.c:227
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no validencrypted data."
+msgstr "Filen \"%s\" innehåller ingen giltigt krypterat data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "Fel lösenfras!"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:107
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:155
 msgid "Encrypting..."
 msgstr "Krypterar..."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:309 src/verifydlg.c:224
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:453 src/verifydlg.c:222
 msgid "Unknown Key"
 msgstr "Okänd nyckel"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:325
-msgid "You are going to encrypt a file using the following key:"
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:469
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You are going to encrypt a document using the following key:"
 msgstr "Data kommer att krypteras med följande nyckel:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:331
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:475
 msgid "However, it is not certain that the key belongs to that person."
 msgstr "Det är dock inte säkert om nyckeln verkligen tillhör denna personen."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:337
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:481
 msgid "Do you <b>really</b> want to use this key?"
 msgstr "Vill du <b>verkligen</b> använda denna nyckel?"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:358 src/gpafileencryptop.c:398 src/verifydlg.c:229
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:502 src/gpafileencryptop.c:542 src/verifydlg.c:227
 msgid "Revoked Key"
 msgstr "Spärrad nyckel"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:360 src/gpafileencryptop.c:400 src/gpawizard.c:279
-#: src/gtktools.c:315 src/gtktools.c:348 src/helpmenu.c:418
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:150 src/keylist.c:512 src/settingsdlg.c:166
-#: src/verifydlg.c:117
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
+#: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "_Stäng"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:373
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:517
 msgid "The following key has been revoked by it's owner:"
 msgstr "Följande nyckel har spärrats av sin ägare:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:378 src/gpafileencryptop.c:421
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:522 src/gpafileencryptop.c:565
 msgid "And can not be used for encryption."
 msgstr "och kan inte användas för kryptering."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:413
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "Följande nyckel gick ut den %s:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:497 src/gpafilesignop.c:281
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "Du valde ingen nyckel för signering"
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:97
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:148
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "Signerar..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:98
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "Validerar..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:169
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "GPA found a file that could be a signature of %s. Would you like to verify "
@@ -494,19 +804,19 @@
 "Filen som hittades är: %s"
-#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:78
+#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:80
 msgid "Generating Key..."
 msgstr "Genererar nyckel..."
-#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:129
+#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:131
 msgid "Import public keys from file"
 msgstr "Importera publika nycklar från fil"
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:195
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:197
 msgid "No keys were found."
 msgstr "Inga nycklar hittades."
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:203
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%i public keys read\n"
@@ -523,160 +833,160 @@
 "%i hemliga nycklar importerade\n"
 "%i hemliga nycklar oförändrade"
-#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:237
+#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:239
 msgid ""
 "Invalid time given.\n"
 "(you may not set the expiration time to the past.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:88 src/keylist.c:224 src/keylist.c:259
-#: src/siglist.c:92 src/siglist.c:112 src/verifydlg.c:326
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "Nyckelidentitet"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:97 src/keylist.c:233 src/keylist.c:298
-#: src/siglist.c:98 src/siglist.c:141 src/verifydlg.c:338
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "Användarnamn"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:186
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:188
 msgid "No private key for signing."
 msgstr "Ingen privat nyckel för signering."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:231
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:233
 msgid "This key has expired! Unable to sign."
 msgstr "Den här nyckeln har gått ut! Kan inte signera."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:237
 msgid "This key has already been signed with your own!"
 msgstr "Den här nyckeln har redan signerats med din egen nyckel!"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:240
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:242
 msgid "You haven't selected a default key to sign with!"
 msgstr "Du har inte valt en standardnyckel att signera med!"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:31
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
 msgid "days"
 msgstr "dagar"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:32
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
 msgid "weeks"
 msgstr "veckor"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:35
 msgid "months"
 msgstr "månader"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:36
 msgid "years"
 msgstr "år"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:74
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:76
 msgid "never expires"
 msgstr "går aldrig ut"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:92
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:94
 msgid "unknown"
 msgstr "okänt"
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:100
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:101
 msgid "Which key do you want to import? (The key must be specified by key ID)."
 msgstr ""
 "Vilken nyckel vill du importera? (Nyckeln måste anges med dess "
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:115
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:116
 msgid "Key _ID:"
 msgstr "_Nyckelidentitet:"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:70
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:72
 msgid "Subkey ID"
 msgstr "Undernyckelsidentitet"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:76 src/siglist.c:118 src/verifydlg.c:332
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:78 src/siglist.c:120 src/verifydlg.c:330
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Status"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:82
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:84
 msgid "Algorithm"
 msgstr "Algoritm"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:89
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:91
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Storlek"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:95 src/keyeditdlg.c:170 src/keylist.c:268
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "Utgångsdatum"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:102
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:104
 msgid "Can sign"
 msgstr "Kan signera"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:108
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:110
 msgid "Can certify"
 msgstr "Kan certifiera"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:115
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:117
 msgid "Can encrypt"
 msgstr "Kan kryptera"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:122
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:124
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr "Kan authentisera"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:135 src/gpgmetools.c:577 src/gpgmetools.c:785
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:904
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "Spärrad"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:139 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:900
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "Utgången"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:143 src/gpgmetools.c:581
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "Inaktiverad"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:147
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:149
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "Osignerad"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:151 src/gpgmetools.c:891 src/verifydlg.c:214
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "Giltig"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/gpgmetools.c:625 src/gpgmetools.c:632
-#: src/keyring.c:1173 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Användarnamn:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "Användarnamn:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:80 src/gpgmetools.c:626 src/gpgmetools.c:633
-#: src/keyring.c:1175
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "Nyckelidentitet:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:196
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:194
 msgid "Expiration"
 msgstr "Utgångstid"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:203
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:201
 msgid "_indefinitely valid"
 msgstr "_obegränsad giltighet"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:212
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:210
 msgid "expire _after"
 msgstr "utgången _efter"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:231
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:229
 msgid "expire o_n:"
 msgstr "utgår _den:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:304 src/keygendlg.c:285
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:302 src/keygendlg.c:295
 msgid ""
 "Invalid insert mode for expiry date."
@@ -684,15 +994,15 @@
 "Ogiltigt infogande av utgångsdatum."
-#: src/gpawizard.c:258
+#: src/gpawizard.c:260
 msgid "_Back"
 msgstr "_Tillbaka"
-#: src/gpawizard.c:265
+#: src/gpawizard.c:267
 msgid "_Forward"
 msgstr "_Framåt"
-#: src/gpawizard.c:272
+#: src/gpawizard.c:274
 msgid "_Apply"
 msgstr "_Verkställ"
@@ -732,7 +1042,7 @@
 "Det här är antagligen ett fel i GPA.\n"
 "GPA kommer nu att försöka komma över felet."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:444
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -746,7 +1056,7 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:449
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -754,197 +1064,193 @@
 "Nyckeln som säkerhetskopierats till denna fil är:\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:510
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "DSA och ElGamal (standard)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:511
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (endast signering)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "RSA (endast signering)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:545 src/gpgmetools.c:568 src/gpgmetools.c:585
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/gpgmetools.c:929
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "Okänd"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:548
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "Aldrig"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:551
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "Marginell"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:554
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "Fullständig"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:557
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "Förbehållslös"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "Ofullständigt"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:589
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "Fullständigt giltig"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:623
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "Ange lösenfrasen för följande nyckel:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:631
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "Felaktig lösenfras, försök igen:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:656
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "Ange lösenfras"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:778
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr "[Ingen]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:868 src/verifydlg.c:271
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[Okänd användaridentitet]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:894 src/verifydlg.c:219
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "Felaktigt"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:917
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr "Allmänt"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:920
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr "Personligen"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:923
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr "Flyktigt"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:926
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr "Helt säkert"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:944
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr "Nyckeln kan användas för certifiering, signering och kryptering."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:947
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "Nyckeln kan användas för certifiering och signering, men inte för kryptering."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr "Nyckeln kan användas för certifiering och kryptering."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "Nyckeln kan endast användas för certifiering."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:964
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
 msgstr ""
 "Nyckeln kan användas för signering och kryptering, men inte för certifiering."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:967
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "Nyckeln kan endast användas för signering."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:972
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "Nyckeln kan endast användas för kryptering."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:975
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr "Den här nyckeln är oanvändbar."
-#: src/gtktools.c:311
+#: src/gtktools.c:320
 msgid "GPA Error"
 msgstr "GPA-fel"
-#: src/gtktools.c:344
-msgid "GPA Message"
-msgstr "GPA-meddelande"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:198
+#: src/helpmenu.c:202
 msgid "About GPA"
 msgstr "Om GPA"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:243
+#: src/helpmenu.c:247
 msgid "Brought to you by:"
 msgstr "Skapat av:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:280
+#: src/helpmenu.c:284
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPA is Free Software under the"
 msgstr "GPA är fri programvara utgiven under"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:284
+#: src/helpmenu.c:288
 msgid "GNU General Public License."
 msgstr "GNU General Public License."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:288
+#: src/helpmenu.c:292
 msgid "For news see:"
 msgstr "För nyheter och information, se:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:293
+#: src/helpmenu.c:297
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "http://www.gpg4win.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:295
+#: src/helpmenu.c:299
 msgid "http://www.gnupg.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:378
+#: src/helpmenu.c:382
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "GNU General Public License."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:405
+#: src/helpmenu.c:409
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "GNU General Public License."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:432
+#: src/helpmenu.c:436
 msgid "Show Help Text\n"
 msgstr "Visa hjälptext\n"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:440
+#: src/helpmenu.c:444
 msgid "/_Help"
 msgstr "/_Hjälp"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:442
+#: src/helpmenu.c:446
 msgid "/Help/_Contents"
 msgstr "/Hjälp/_Innehåll"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:445
+#: src/helpmenu.c:449
 msgid "/Help/_License"
 msgstr "/Hjälp/_Licens"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:446
+#: src/helpmenu.c:450
 msgid "/Help/_About"
 msgstr "/Hjälp/_Om"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:40
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:41
 msgid "Removing Secret Key"
 msgstr "Tar bort hemlig nyckel"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:54
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:55
 msgid ""
 "If you delete this key, you won't be able to\n"
 "read messages encrypted with it.\n"
@@ -956,15 +1262,15 @@
 "Är du verkligen säker på att du vill ta bort den?"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:90
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:91
 msgid "Remove Key"
 msgstr "Ta bort nyckel"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:103
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:104
 msgid "You have selected the following key for removal:"
 msgstr "Du har valt att ta bort följande nyckel:"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:113
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:114
 msgid ""
 "This key has a secret key. Deleting this key cannot be undone, unless you "
 "have a backup copy."
@@ -972,7 +1278,7 @@
 "Denna nyckel har en hemlig nyckel. Tar du bort denna nyckel kan den aldrig "
 "återskapas, såvida inte du har en säkerhetskopia av den."
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:122
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:123
 msgid ""
 "This key is a public key. Deleting this key cannot be undone easily, "
 "although you may be able to get a new copy  from the owner or from a key "
@@ -982,23 +1288,27 @@
 "tvungen att kontakta nyckelägaren för en ny nyckel, eller söka upp den på en "
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:131
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:132
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this key?"
 msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna nyckel?"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:148
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:149
 msgid "Edit Key"
 msgstr "Redigera nyckel"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:164
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:165
 msgid "Change _passphrase"
 msgstr "Ändra _lösenfras"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:184
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:185
 msgid "Change _expiration"
 msgstr "Ändra _utgångsdatum"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:54 src/keygenwizard.c:305 src/passwddlg.c:43
+#: src/keygendlg.c:58
+msgid "You must enter a User ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keygendlg.c:63 src/keygenwizard.c:307 src/passwddlg.c:45
 msgid ""
 "In \"Passphrase\" and \"Repeat passphrase\",\n"
 "you must enter the same passphrase."
@@ -1006,7 +1316,7 @@
 "I rutorna \"Lösenfras\" och \"Repetera lösenfras\"\n"
 "måste du ange exakt samma lösenfras."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:61 src/keygenwizard.c:312 src/passwddlg.c:50
+#: src/keygendlg.c:70 src/keygenwizard.c:314 src/passwddlg.c:52
 msgid ""
 "You did not enter a passphrase.\n"
 "It is needed to protect your private key."
@@ -1014,7 +1324,7 @@
 "Du angav ingen lösenfras. Du behöver en lösenfras\n"
 "för att skydda din privata nyckel."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:74 src/keygenwizard.c:326 src/passwddlg.c:63
+#: src/keygendlg.c:83 src/keygenwizard.c:328 src/passwddlg.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Warning: You have entered a passphrase\n"
 "that is obviously not secure.\n"
@@ -1026,59 +1336,59 @@
 "Ange en ny lösenfras."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:79 src/keygenwizard.c:331 src/passwddlg.c:68
+#: src/keygendlg.c:88 src/keygenwizard.c:333 src/passwddlg.c:70
 msgid "_Enter new passphrase"
 msgstr "Ange _ny lösenfras"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:80 src/keygenwizard.c:332 src/passwddlg.c:69
+#: src/keygendlg.c:89 src/keygenwizard.c:334 src/passwddlg.c:71
 msgid "Take this one _anyway"
 msgstr "Använd denna lösenfras _ändå"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:135 src/keygenwizard.c:539
+#: src/keygendlg.c:144 src/keygenwizard.c:541
 msgid "Generate key"
 msgstr "Skapa nyckel"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:176
+#: src/keygendlg.c:185
 msgid "_Algorithm: "
 msgstr "_Algoritm:"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:188
+#: src/keygendlg.c:197
 msgid "_Key size (bits): "
 msgstr "_Nyckelstorlek (bitar): "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:189
+#: src/keygendlg.c:198
 msgid "768"
 msgstr "768"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:190
+#: src/keygendlg.c:199
 msgid "1024"
 msgstr "1024"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:191
+#: src/keygendlg.c:200
 msgid "2048"
 msgstr "2048"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:206
+#: src/keygendlg.c:216
 msgid "_User ID: "
 msgstr "_Användaridentitet: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:216
+#: src/keygendlg.c:226
 msgid "_Email: "
 msgstr "_E-postadress: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:226
+#: src/keygendlg.c:236
 msgid "_Comment: "
 msgstr "_Kommentar: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:238
+#: src/keygendlg.c:248
 msgid "_Passphrase: "
 msgstr "_Lösenfras: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:250
+#: src/keygendlg.c:260
 msgid "_Repeat passphrase: "
 msgstr "_Repetera lösenfras: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:150
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:152
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your full name.\n"
@@ -1090,15 +1400,15 @@
 "Ditt namn kommer att vara en del av den nya nyckeln för att göra det enklare "
 "för andra att identifiera nycklarna."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:155
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:157
 msgid "Your Name:"
 msgstr "Ditt namn:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:168
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:170
 msgid "Please insert your name"
 msgstr "Ange ditt för- och efternamn."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:181
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:183
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your email address.\n"
@@ -1112,27 +1422,27 @@
 "enklare för andra att identifiera nycklarna. Om du har flera e-postadresser "
 "kan du lägga till dessa adresser senare."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:188
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:190
 msgid "Your Email Address:"
 msgstr "Din e-postadress:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:203
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:205
 msgid "Please insert your email address"
 msgstr "Ange din e-postadress"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:237
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:239
 msgid "Please choose a passphrase for the new key."
 msgstr "Välj en lösenfras för den nya nyckeln."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:246 src/passwddlg.c:106
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:248 src/passwddlg.c:108
 msgid "Passphrase: "
 msgstr "Lösenfras: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:259 src/passwddlg.c:115
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:261 src/passwddlg.c:117
 msgid "Repeat Passphrase: "
 msgstr "Repetera lösenfras: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:356
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:358
 msgid ""
 "It is recommended that you create a backup copy of your new key, once it has "
 "been generated.\n"
@@ -1144,15 +1454,15 @@
 "Vill du skapa en säkerhetskopia?"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:365
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:367
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "Skapa _säkerhetskopia"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:372 src/keyring.c:724 src/keyring.c:752
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "_Vänta till senare"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:400
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:402
 msgid ""
 "Your key is being generated.\n"
@@ -1162,7 +1472,7 @@
 "Detta kan ta tid även på kraftfulla datorer. Ha tålamod."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:409
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:411
 msgid ""
@@ -1174,15 +1484,7 @@
 "Du har skapat en nyckel som är 1024 bitar lång. Giltighetstiden är "
-#: src/keylist.c:278 src/ownertrustdlg.c:121
-msgid "Owner Trust"
-msgstr "Ägartillit"
-#: src/keylist.c:288
-msgid "Key Validity"
-msgstr "Giltighet"
-#: src/keylist.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:342
 msgid ""
 "GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
 "This might take a few seconds."
@@ -1190,33 +1492,54 @@
 "GnuPG bygger om tillitsdatabasen.\n"
 "Det här kan ta några sekunder."
-#: src/keylist.c:510
-msgid "GPA Warning"
-msgstr "GPA-varning"
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:528
+#: src/keylist.c:568
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
+msgstr "Nyckeln kan endast användas för certifiering."
+#: src/keylist.c:581
+msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
+msgid "Owner Trust"
+msgstr "Ägartillit"
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
-"One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
-"GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be considered "
-"Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
-"The affected key is:"
+"The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
+"holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
+"It is only meaningful for OpenPGP."
 msgstr ""
-"En av dina hemliga nycklar innehåller en ElGamal-signeringsnyckel. På grund "
-"av ett fel i GnuPG måste alla ElGamal-nycklar som används med GnuPG 1.0.2 "
-"eller senare anses som komprometterade.\n"
-"Spärra din nyckel så snart som möjligt.\n"
-"Den berörda nyckeln är:"
-#: src/keyring.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:604
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Validity"
+msgstr "Giltighet"
+#: src/keylist.c:605
+msgid ""
+"The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
+"That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:619
+msgid ""
+"The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "Inga nycklar valda för signering."
-#: src/keyring.c:719
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1224,11 +1547,11 @@
 "Du har inte skapat en privat nyckel ännu. Vill du skapa en nu "
 "(rekommenderas) eller vänta till senare?"
-#: src/keyring.c:723
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "Generera nyckel _nu"
-#: src/keyring.c:746
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1236,167 +1559,156 @@
 "Du har inte gjort en säkerhetskopia av din privata nyckel ännu. Vill du göra "
 "en nu (rekommenderas) eller vänta till senare?"
-#: src/keyring.c:751
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "Skapa _säkerhetskopia nu"
-#: src/keyring.c:851
-msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
-msgstr "/Redigera/_Kopiera"
-#: src/keyring.c:853
-msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
-msgstr "/Redigera/Klistra _in"
-#: src/keyring.c:855
-msgid "/Edit/sep1"
-msgstr "/Redigera/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:862
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/_Nycklar"
-#: src/keyring.c:863
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr "/Nycklar/_Uppdatera"
-#: src/keyring.c:865
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/Nycklar/sep0"
-#: src/keyring.c:866
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/_Ny nyckel..."
-#: src/keyring.c:868
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/_Ta bort nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:870
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/Nycklar/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/_Signera nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/Ställ in _ägartillit..."
-#: src/keyring.c:873
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/Redigera _privat nyckel..."
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/Nycklar/sep2"
-#: src/keyring.c:875
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/_Importera nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/E_xportera nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/Säkerhets_kopiera..."
-#: src/keyring.c:880
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "/_Server"
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/Server/_Hämta nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Server/_Skicka nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:916
+#: src/keyring.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
+msgstr "/Fönster/_Filhanterare"
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/Exportera nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:923
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/Ta bort nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:930
-msgid "/Edit/Copy"
-msgstr "/Redigera/Kopiera"
-#: src/keyring.c:937
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Server/Skicka nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:946
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/Ställ in ägartillit..."
-#: src/keyring.c:954
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/Signera nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:962
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/Redigera privat nyckel..."
-#: src/keyring.c:969
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Nycklar/Säkerhetskopiera..."
-#: src/keyring.c:986
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "/_Kopiera"
-#: src/keyring.c:988
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/Klistra _in"
-#: src/keyring.c:990
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/_Ta bort nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:993
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/_Signera nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:994
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Ställ in _ägartillit..."
-#: src/keyring.c:995
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Redigera _privat nyckel..."
-#: src/keyring.c:997
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/E_xportera nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:998
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr "/Skic_ka nycklar till server..."
-#: src/keyring.c:999
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Säkerhets_kopiera..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1010
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Ställ in ägartillit..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1018
+#: src/keyring.c:1025
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Signera nycklar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1026
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Redigera privat nyckel..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1033
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Säkerhetskopiera..."
@@ -1404,187 +1716,181 @@
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr "Undernycklar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1177 src/keysigndlg.c:112
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "Fingeravtryck:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1179
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "Går ut den:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1181
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "Ägartillit:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1183
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "Nyckelgiltighet:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1185
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "Nyckeltyp:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1187
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "Skapad den:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1190
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Detaljer"
-#: src/keyring.c:1198
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr "Visa signaturer på användarnamn:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1219
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "Signaturer"
-#: src/keyring.c:1244
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "Denna nyckel har både en privat och en publik del"
-#: src/keyring.c:1249
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "Denna nyckel har endast en publik del"
-#: src/keyring.c:1283
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr "%s %u bitar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1309
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "Inga nycklar valda"
-#: src/keyring.c:1313
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
 msgstr[0] "%d nycklar valda"
 msgstr[1] "%d nycklar valda"
-#: src/keyring.c:1345
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "Alla signaturer"
-#: src/keyring.c:1549
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Redigera"
-#: src/keyring.c:1550
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "Redigera markerad privat nyckel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "redigera nyckel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "Ta bort vald nyckel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1560
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "ta bort nyckel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "Signera vald nyckel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "signera nyckel"
-#: src/keyring.c:1575
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "Importera"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "Importera nycklar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "importera nycklar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1581
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "Exportera"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "Exportera nycklar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "exportera nycklar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "Kortfattat"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "Visa kortfattad nyckellista"
-#: src/keyring.c:1596
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "kortfattat"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "Detaljerat"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "Visa nyckeldetaljer"
-#: src/keyring.c:1608
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "detaljerat"
-#: src/keyring.c:1641
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr "Uppdatera nyckelringen"
-#: src/keyring.c:1642
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr "uppdatera nyckelring"
-#: src/keyring.c:1649
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr "Filer"
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Selected default key:"
+msgstr "Vald standardnyckel:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1650
-msgid "Open the File Manager"
-msgstr "Öppna filhanteraren"
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
+msgstr "Inga nycklar markerades för export."
-#: src/keyring.c:1651
-msgid "file manager"
-msgstr "filhanterare"
-#: src/keyring.c:1674
-msgid "Selected Default Key:"
-msgstr "Vald standardnyckel:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1820
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Nyckelringshanterare"
-#: src/keyring.c:1851
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "Nyckelringshanterare"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:60
 msgid "Sign Key"
 msgstr "Signera nyckel"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:78
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:76
 msgid "Do you want to sign the following key?"
 msgstr "Vill du signera följande nyckel?"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:122
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:120
 msgid ""
 "Check the name and fingerprint carefully to be sure that it really is the "
 "key you want to sign."
@@ -1592,19 +1898,19 @@
 "Kontrollera namnet och fingeravtrycket noggrant. Är du säker på att detta är "
 "nyckeln du vill signera?"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:130
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:128
 msgid "All user names in this key will be signed."
 msgstr "Alla användarnamn i denna nyckel kommer att signeras."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:136
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:134
 msgid "The key will be signed with your default private key."
 msgstr "Nyckeln kommer att signeras med din privata standardnyckel."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:143
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:141
 msgid "Sign only _locally"
 msgstr "Signera endast _lokalt"
-#: src/options.c:308
+#: src/options.c:316
 msgid ""
 "The private key you selected as default is no longer available.\n"
 "GPA will try to choose a new default key automatically."
@@ -1612,36 +1918,36 @@
 "Den privata nyckel du valt som standard finns inte längre tillgänglig.\n"
 "GPA kommer att försöka att välja en ny standardnyckel automatiskt."
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:105
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:106
 msgid "Change key ownertrust"
 msgstr "Ändra nyckelns ägartillit"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:129
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:130
 msgid "_Unknown"
 msgstr "_Okänd"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:134
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:135
 msgid ""
 "You don't know how much to trust this user to verify other people's keys.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Du vet inte hur mycket du litar på denne persons omdöme vid validering\n"
 "av andras nycklar.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:144
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:145
 msgid "_Never"
 msgstr "_Aldrig"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:150
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user at all to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys at all.\n"
 msgstr "Du litar INTE på denne persons förtroende för andra nycklar.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:159
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:160
 msgid "_Marginal"
 msgstr "_Marginellt"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:164
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:165
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys enough to consider keys valid based on his/her sole word.\n"
@@ -1653,11 +1959,11 @@
 "är signerad av denna person och minst två andra marginellt tillitliga "
 "nycklar anses emellertid som tillförlitlig.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:181
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:182
 msgid "_Full"
 msgstr "_Fullständigt"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:186
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:187
 msgid ""
 "You trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's keys "
 "so much, that you'll consider valid any key signed by him/her, provided this "
@@ -1666,11 +1972,11 @@
 "Du litar på denne persons förtroende för andra nycklar, och alla nycklar "
 "signerade med dennes (giltiga) nyckel anses som tillförlitlig.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:199
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:200
 msgid "U_ltimate"
 msgstr "_Förbehållslöst"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:204
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:205
 msgid ""
 "You consider this key valid, and trust the user so much that you will "
 "consider any key signed by him/her fully valid.\n"
@@ -1683,56 +1989,56 @@
 "(Varning: Detta är tänkt att användas på nycklar du själv äger. Använd det "
 "inte på andra nycklar utan att förstå var det innebär)\n"
-#: src/passwddlg.c:94
+#: src/passwddlg.c:96
 msgid "Choose new passphrase"
 msgstr "Ange ny lösenfras"
-#: src/server_access.c:284
+#: src/server_access.c:282
 msgid "No error"
 msgstr "Inget fel"
 # gpapa.c: Keyserver-Fehlermeldungen
-#: src/server_access.c:287
+#: src/server_access.c:285
 msgid "Internal error"
 msgstr "Internt fel"
-#: src/server_access.c:290
+#: src/server_access.c:288
 msgid "Operation not supported"
 msgstr "Åtgärden stöds inte"
-#: src/server_access.c:293
+#: src/server_access.c:291
 msgid "Version mismatch"
 msgstr "Felaktig version"
-#: src/server_access.c:296
+#: src/server_access.c:294
 msgid "Internal keyserver error"
 msgstr "Internt nyckelserverfel"
-#: src/server_access.c:299
+#: src/server_access.c:297
 msgid "Out of memory"
 msgstr "Slut på minne"
-#: src/server_access.c:302
+#: src/server_access.c:300
 msgid "Key not found"
 msgstr "Nyckeln hittades inte"
-#: src/server_access.c:305
+#: src/server_access.c:303
 msgid "Key already exists on server"
 msgstr "Nyckeln fanns redan på nyckelservern"
-#: src/server_access.c:308
+#: src/server_access.c:306
 msgid "Key incomplete"
 msgstr "Ofullständig nyckel"
-#: src/server_access.c:311
+#: src/server_access.c:309
 msgid "Could not contact keyserver"
 msgstr "Kunde inte kontakta nyckelservern"
-#: src/server_access.c:314
+#: src/server_access.c:312
 msgid "Unknown Error"
 msgstr "Okänt fel"
-#: src/server_access.c:350
+#: src/server_access.c:348
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Connecting to server \"%s\".\n"
@@ -1741,7 +2047,7 @@
 "Ansluter till servern \"%s\".\n"
-#: src/server_access.c:373 src/server_access.c:393
+#: src/server_access.c:371 src/server_access.c:391
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "An error ocurred while contacting the server:\n"
@@ -1752,7 +2058,7 @@
-#: src/server_access.c:457
+#: src/server_access.c:455
 msgid ""
 "There is no plugin available for the keyserver\n"
 "protocol you specified."
@@ -1760,60 +2066,99 @@
 "Det finns ingen insticksmodul för nyckelserverprotokollet\n"
 "du angav."
-#: src/server_access.c:530 src/server_access.c:576
+#: src/server_access.c:528 src/server_access.c:574
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "Nyckelservern du angav är inte giltig"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:45
-msgid "Default _key:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
 msgstr "Standardn_yckel:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:86
-msgid "Default key_server: "
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
 msgstr "Sta_ndardnyckelserver:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:130
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
 msgstr "Använd _avancerat läge:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:163
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Inställningar"
-#: src/siglist.c:126
+#: src/siglist.c:128
 msgid "Level"
 msgstr "Nivå"
-#: src/siglist.c:133
+#: src/siglist.c:135
 msgid "Local"
 msgstr "Lokal"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:118
-msgid "Verify files"
+#: src/verifydlg.c:116
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Verify documents"
 msgstr "Validera filer"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:234
+#: src/verifydlg.c:232
 msgid "Expired Key"
 msgstr "Utgången nyckel"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:242
+#: src/verifydlg.c:240
 msgid "Key NOT valid"
 msgstr "Nyckel är INTE giltig"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:361
+#: src/verifydlg.c:359
 #, c-format
 msgid "Verified data in file: %s"
 msgstr "Validerade data i filen: %s"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:366
+#: src/verifydlg.c:364
 #, c-format
 msgid "Signature: %s"
 msgstr "Signatur: %s"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:372
+#: src/verifydlg.c:370
 msgid "Signatures:"
 msgstr "Signaturer:"
+#~ msgid "Sign files"
+#~ msgstr "Signera filer"
+#~ msgid "sign in separate _file"
+#~ msgstr "signera i separat _fil"
+#~ msgid "a_rmor"
+#~ msgstr "ASCII-_skal"
+#~ msgid "display this help and exit"
+#~ msgstr "visa denna hjälp och avsluta"
+#~ msgid "Options"
+#~ msgstr "Flaggor"
+#~ msgid "GPA Warning"
+#~ msgstr "GPA-varning"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
+#~ "GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be "
+#~ "considered compromised.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "The affected key is:"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "En av dina hemliga nycklar innehåller en ElGamal-signeringsnyckel. På "
+#~ "grund av ett fel i GnuPG måste alla ElGamal-nycklar som används med GnuPG "
+#~ "1.0.2 eller senare anses som komprometterade.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Spärra din nyckel så snart som möjligt.\n"
+#~ "\n"
+#~ "Den berörda nyckeln är:"
 #~ msgid "GNU general public license"
 #~ msgstr "GNU General Public License"
@@ -1881,9 +2226,6 @@
 #~ "använda denna nyckel förrän du har importerat\n"
 #~ "den öppna nyckeln."
-#~ msgid "No keys selected to export."
-#~ msgstr "Inga nycklar markerades för export."
 #~ msgid "No private key to backup."
 #~ msgstr "Ingen privat nyckel att ta säkerhetskopia av."

Modified: trunk/po/tr.po
--- trunk/po/tr.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/tr.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gpa 0.7.0\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-24 14:59+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-06-20 14:42+0300\n"
 "Last-Translator: Mert Çetin <mertc at su.sabanciuniv.edu>\n"
 "Language-Team: xTc & Déjà Vu\n"
@@ -15,262 +15,548 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-9\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:134 src/expirydlg.c:115 src/filesigndlg.c:123
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:294 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:144 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:95
-#: src/gpawizard.c:287 src/gpgmetools.c:660 src/keygendlg.c:140
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:110 src/passwddlg.c:98
-msgid "_Cancel"
-msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:367 src/fileman.c:350
+msgid "Open File"
+msgstr "Dosyayý Aç"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:135
-msgid "Encrypt files"
-msgstr "Dosyalarý Þifrele"
+#: src/clipboard.c:395 src/confdialog.c:1266 src/gtktools.c:353
+msgid "GPA Message"
+msgstr "GPA Mesajý"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:166
-msgid "_Public Keys"
-msgstr "Genel Anahtarlar"
+#. TRANSLATORS: The arguments are the filename, the integer size
+#. and the unit (such as KB or MB).
+#: src/clipboard.c:412
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file %s is %lli%s large.  Do you really  want to open it?"
+msgstr ""
+"%s dosyasý zaten var. \n"
+"Üzerine yazmak istiyor musunuz?"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:169
-msgid "_Sign"
-msgstr "_Ýmzala"
+#: src/clipboard.c:481
+msgid "Save As..."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:190 src/filesigndlg.c:180
-msgid "Sign _as "
-msgstr "_Farklý Ýmzala"
+#: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
+#: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
+msgid "Clipboard"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:193
-msgid "A_rmor"
-msgstr "_Kalkan"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:63
-msgid "Please provide a correct date."
-msgstr "Lütfen doðru bir tarih girin"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:110
-msgid "Change expiry date"
-msgstr "Bitim süresini deðiþtir"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:128
-msgid "_never expire"
-msgstr "_asla bitme"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:133
-msgid "_expire on:"
-msgstr "_bitim açýk"
-#: src/fileman.c:345
-msgid "Open File"
-msgstr "Dosyayý Aç"
-#: src/fileman.c:350 src/fileman.c:899
-msgid "The file is already open."
-msgstr "Bu dosya zaten açýk"
-#: src/fileman.c:467 src/keyring.c:844
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/_Dosya"
-#: src/fileman.c:468
+#: src/clipboard.c:693 src/fileman.c:474
+msgid "/File/C_lear"
+msgstr "/Dosya/_Temizle"
+#: src/clipboard.c:694 src/fileman.c:473
 msgid "/File/_Open"
 msgstr "/Dosya/_Aç"
-#: src/fileman.c:469
-msgid "/File/C_lear"
-msgstr "/Dosya/_Temizle"
+#: src/clipboard.c:695
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/File/Save _As"
+msgstr "/Dosya/_Kapat"
-#: src/fileman.c:470
+#: src/clipboard.c:697 src/fileman.c:475
 msgid "/File/sep1"
 msgstr "/Dosya/bol1"
-#: src/fileman.c:471
+#: src/clipboard.c:698 src/fileman.c:476
 msgid "/File/_Sign"
 msgstr "/Dosya/_Ýmzala"
-#: src/fileman.c:472
+#: src/clipboard.c:699 src/fileman.c:477
 msgid "/File/_Verify"
 msgstr "/Dosya/_Doðrula"
-#: src/fileman.c:473
+#: src/clipboard.c:700 src/fileman.c:478
 msgid "/File/_Encrypt"
 msgstr "/Dosya/_Þifrele"
-#: src/fileman.c:474
+#: src/clipboard.c:701 src/fileman.c:479
 msgid "/File/_Decrypt"
 msgstr "/Dosya/Çö_z"
-#: src/fileman.c:475
+#: src/clipboard.c:702 src/fileman.c:480
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/Dosya/bol2"
-#: src/fileman.c:476 src/keyring.c:845
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/Dosya/_Kapat"
-#: src/fileman.c:477 src/keyring.c:847
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/Dosya/_Çýkýþ"
-#: src/fileman.c:480 src/keyring.c:850
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "/Dü_zen"
-#: src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:856
+#: src/clipboard.c:710
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Undo"
+msgstr "/Düzen/_Kopyala"
+#: src/clipboard.c:711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Redo"
+msgstr "/Düzen/_Kopyala"
+#: src/clipboard.c:712
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/sep0"
+msgstr "/Düzen/bol2"
+#: src/clipboard.c:714 src/clipboard.c:750
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Cut"
+msgstr "/Düzen/Kopyala"
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
+msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
+msgstr "/Düzen/_Kopyala"
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
+msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
+msgstr "/Düzen/_Yapýþtýr"
+#: src/clipboard.c:717
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
+msgstr "/Düzen/_Yapýþtýr"
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
+msgid "/Edit/sep1"
+msgstr "/Düzen/bol1"
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/Düzen/_Tümünü Seç"
-#: src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/Düzen/bol2"
-#: src/fileman.c:483 src/keyring.c:858
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/Düzen/Te_rcihler..."
-#: src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:885
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
+msgstr "/Düzen/Te_rcihler..."
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/_Pencereler"
-#: src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:886
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
+msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
+msgstr "/Pencereler/_Anahtarlýk Düzenleyicisi"
+#: src/clipboard.c:730 src/fileman.c:496
 msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
 msgstr "/Pencereler/_Dosya Yöneticisi"
-#: src/fileman.c:489 src/keyring.c:887
-msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
-msgstr "/Pencereler/_Anahtarlýk Düzenleyicisi"
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
+msgstr "/Pencereler/_Dosya Yöneticisi"
-#: src/fileman.c:508
-msgid "/File/Sign"
-msgstr "/Dosya/Ýmzala"
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
+msgid "/Edit/Copy"
+msgstr "/Düzen/Kopyala"
-#: src/fileman.c:513
-msgid "/File/Verify"
-msgstr "/Dosya/Doðrula"
+#: src/clipboard.c:766
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Delete"
+msgstr "/Düzen/_Tümünü Seç"
-#: src/fileman.c:518
-msgid "/File/Encrypt"
-msgstr "/Dosya/Þifrele"
+#: src/clipboard.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Paste"
+msgstr "/Düzen/_Yapýþtýr"
-#: src/fileman.c:523
-msgid "/File/Decrypt"
-msgstr "/Dosya/Çöz"
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "Clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "Open a file"
 msgstr "Bir dosya aç"
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "open file"
 msgstr "dosyayý aç"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "Close all files"
-msgstr "Bütün dosyalarý kapat"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save to a file"
+msgstr "Bir dosya aç"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "close files"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "save file as"
 msgstr "dosyalarý kapat"
-#: src/fileman.c:604 src/keyring.c:1567
+#: src/clipboard.c:900
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cut the selection"
+msgstr "Seçili dosyayý þifrele"
+#: src/clipboard.c:901
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cut the selection"
+msgstr "Seçili dosyayý þifrele"
+#: src/clipboard.c:907
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copy the selection"
+msgstr "Seçili dosyayý þifrele"
+#: src/clipboard.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "copy the selection"
+msgstr "Seçili dosyayý þifrele"
+#: src/clipboard.c:914
+msgid "Paste the clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:915
+msgid "paste the clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "Ýmzala"
-#: src/fileman.c:605
-msgid "Sign the selected file"
-msgstr "Seçili dosyayý imzala"
+#: src/clipboard.c:926
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sign the selected text"
+msgstr "Seçili anahtarý imzala"
-#: src/fileman.c:606
-msgid "sign file"
-msgstr "dosyayý imzala"
+#: src/clipboard.c:927
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "sign text"
+msgstr "anahtarý imzala"
-#: src/fileman.c:615
+#: src/clipboard.c:935 src/fileman.c:623
 msgid "Verify"
 msgstr "Doðrula"
-#: src/fileman.c:616
-msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:936
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Check signatures of selected text"
 msgstr "Seçili dosyanýn imzalarýný kontrol edin"
-#: src/fileman.c:617
-msgid "verify file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:937
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "verify text"
 msgstr "dosyayý doðrula"
-#: src/fileman.c:626
+#: src/clipboard.c:945 src/fileman.c:634
 msgid "Encrypt"
 msgstr "Þifrele"
-#: src/fileman.c:627
-msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:946
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Seçili dosyayý þifrele"
-#: src/fileman.c:628
-msgid "encrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:947
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "encrypt text"
 msgstr "dosyayý þifrele"
-#: src/fileman.c:637
+#: src/clipboard.c:955 src/fileman.c:645
 msgid "Decrypt"
 msgstr "Çöz"
-#: src/fileman.c:638
-msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:956
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Decrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "Seçili dosyayý çöz"
-#: src/fileman.c:639
-msgid "decrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:957
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "dosyayý çöz"
-#: src/fileman.c:654 src/keyring.c:1632
-msgid "Open the Preferences dialog"
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "Tercihler penceresini aç"
-#: src/fileman.c:655 src/keyring.c:1633
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "tercihler"
-#: src/fileman.c:663 src/keyring.c:1656
+#: src/clipboard.c:975 src/fileman.c:666
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keyring"
+msgstr "Anahtarlýk Düzenleyicisi"
+#: src/clipboard.c:976 src/fileman.c:667
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the keyring editor"
+msgstr "anahtarlýk düzenleyicisini aç (varsayýlan)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:977 src/fileman.c:668
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "keyring editor"
+msgstr "Anahtarlýk Düzenleyicisi"
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "Dosyalar"
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the file manager"
+msgstr "Dosya Yöneticisini Aç"
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
+msgid "file manager"
+msgstr "dosya yöneticisi"
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "Yardým"
-#: src/fileman.c:664 src/keyring.c:1657
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr "GNU Gizlilik Asistanýný Anlamak"
-#: src/fileman.c:665 src/keyring.c:1658
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "yardým"
-#: src/fileman.c:764
+#: src/clipboard.c:1084
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Clipboard"
+msgstr "GNU Gizlilik Asistaný - Dosya Yöneticisi"
+#: src/confdialog.c:993
+msgid "<b>Main</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+msgid "Use default values"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+msgid "Use default value"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1146
+msgid "Do not use option"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom values"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom value"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1155
+msgid "Use default argument"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1280
+msgid ""
+"There are unapplied changes by you. Changing the expert setting will apply "
+"those changes.  Do you want to continue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1325
+msgid "Crypto Backend Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1334
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1346
+msgid "Configure the tools of the GnuPG system."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1350
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Level:"
+msgstr "Seviye"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1359
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "/_Yedekle..."
+#: src/confdialog.c:1360
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1361
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Expert"
+msgstr "Dýþarý Yaz"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt documents"
+msgstr "Dosyalarý Þifrele"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:174
+msgid "_Public Keys"
+msgstr "Genel Anahtarlar"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:177
+msgid "_Sign"
+msgstr "_Ýmzala"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:201 src/filesigndlg.c:185
+msgid "Sign _as "
+msgstr "_Farklý Ýmzala"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:215 src/filesigndlg.c:187
+msgid "A_rmor"
+msgstr "_Kalkan"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:64
+msgid "Please provide a correct date."
+msgstr "Lütfen doðru bir tarih girin"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:111
+msgid "Change expiry date"
+msgstr "Bitim süresini deðiþtir"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:129
+msgid "_never expire"
+msgstr "_asla bitme"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:134
+msgid "_expire on:"
+msgstr "_bitim açýk"
+#: src/fileman.c:355 src/fileman.c:953
+msgid "The file is already open."
+msgstr "Bu dosya zaten açýk"
+#: src/fileman.c:516
+msgid "/File/Sign"
+msgstr "/Dosya/Ýmzala"
+#: src/fileman.c:521
+msgid "/File/Verify"
+msgstr "/Dosya/Doðrula"
+#: src/fileman.c:526
+msgid "/File/Encrypt"
+msgstr "/Dosya/Þifrele"
+#: src/fileman.c:531
+msgid "/File/Decrypt"
+msgstr "/Dosya/Çöz"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "Close all files"
+msgstr "Bütün dosyalarý kapat"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "close files"
+msgstr "dosyalarý kapat"
+#: src/fileman.c:613
+msgid "Sign the selected file"
+msgstr "Seçili dosyayý imzala"
+#: src/fileman.c:614
+msgid "sign file"
+msgstr "dosyayý imzala"
+#: src/fileman.c:624
+msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+msgstr "Seçili dosyanýn imzalarýný kontrol edin"
+#: src/fileman.c:625
+msgid "verify file"
+msgstr "dosyayý doðrula"
+#: src/fileman.c:635
+msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "Seçili dosyayý þifrele"
+#: src/fileman.c:636
+msgid "encrypt file"
+msgstr "dosyayý þifrele"
+#: src/fileman.c:646
+msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "Seçili dosyayý çöz"
+#: src/fileman.c:647
+msgid "decrypt file"
+msgstr "dosyayý çöz"
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the clipboard"
+msgstr "Dosya Yöneticisini Aç"
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
+msgid "clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/fileman.c:785
 msgid "File"
 msgstr "Dosya"
-#: src/fileman.c:821
+#: src/fileman.c:850
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - File Manager"
 msgstr "GNU Gizlilik Asistaný - Dosya Yöneticisi"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:124
-msgid "Sign files"
-msgstr "Dosyalarý imzala"
+#: src/fileman.c:876
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Manager"
+msgstr "dosya yöneticisi"
 #: src/filesigndlg.c:134
+msgid "Sign documents"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:144
 msgid "Signing Mode"
 msgstr "Ýmzalama Biçimi"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:142
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:152
 msgid "si_gn and compress"
 msgstr "im_zala ve sýkýþtýr"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:148
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:158
 msgid "_cleartext signature"
 msgstr "_temiz yazý imzasý"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:155
-msgid "sign in separate _file"
-msgstr "_farklý bir dosyaya imzala"
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_detached signature"
+msgstr "_temiz yazý imzasý"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:159
-msgid "a_rmor"
-msgstr "_kalkan"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:215 src/gpgmetools.c:137
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:213 src/gpgmetools.c:138
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The file %s already exists.\n"
@@ -279,21 +565,21 @@
 "%s dosyasý zaten var. \n"
 "Üzerine yazmak istiyor musunuz?"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:218 src/gpaexportserverop.c:132
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:311 src/gpafileverifyop.c:175 src/gpgmetools.c:140
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:43 src/keydeletedlg.c:92 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:136
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "_Evet"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:219 src/gpaexportserverop.c:133
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:312 src/gpafileverifyop.c:176 src/gpgmetools.c:141
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:45 src/keydeletedlg.c:94 src/keysigndlg.c:66
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:139
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "_Hayýr"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:231
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "A copy of your secret key has been made to the file:\n"
@@ -310,85 +596,92 @@
 "Bu önemli bir bilgidir, ve dikkatlica saklanmasý gerekmektedir\n"
 "(örneðin, güvenli bir yerde saklayacaðýnýz bir diskette)."
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:246
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:244
 msgid "An error ocurred during the backup operation."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:262
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:260
 msgid "Backup key to file"
 msgstr "Anahtarý dosyaya yedekle"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:289
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:287
 msgid "Backup Keys"
 msgstr "Anahtarlarý Yedekle"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:313
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "Generating backup of key: %s"
 msgstr "%s anahtarýnýn yedeklemesi yapýlýyor"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:319
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:317
 msgid "_Backup to file:"
 msgstr "Dosyaya _Yedekle"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:331
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:329
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "_Göz At"
-#: src/gpa.c:373
-msgid "display this help and exit"
-msgstr "bu yardýmý görüntüle ve çýk"
-#: src/gpa.c:374
-msgid "output version information and exit"
+#: src/gpa.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "sürüm bilgisini göster ve çýk"
-#: src/gpa.c:375
-msgid "open keyring editor (default)"
+#: src/gpa.c:94
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "anahtarlýk düzenleyicisini aç (varsayýlan)"
-#: src/gpa.c:376
-msgid "open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "dosya yöneticisini aç"
-#: src/gpa.c:377
-msgid "read options from file"
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:100
+msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "seçenekleri dosyadan oku"
-#: src/gpa.c:401
-msgid ""
-"Syntax: gpa [options]\n"
-"Graphical frontend to GnuPG\n"
+#: src/gpa.c:293
+msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:295
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
+msgstr ""
 "Sentaks: gpa [seçenekler]\n"
 "GnuPG'ye grafiksel uçbirim\n"
-#: src/gpa.c:403
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "Seçenekler"
-#: src/gpa.c:409
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "Lütfen hatalarý <"
-#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:137
+#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:139
 msgid "The keys have been copied to the clipboard."
 msgstr "Anahtarlar panoya kopyalandý"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:131
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:133
 msgid "Export public keys to file"
 msgstr "Genel anahtarlarý dosyaya aktar"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:135
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:137
 msgid "_armor"
 msgstr "_kalkan"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:169
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:171
 #, c-format
 msgid "The keys have been exported to %s."
 msgstr "Anahtarlar %s isimli dosyaya aktarýldý."
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:127
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:129
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The selected key will be sent to a public key\n"
@@ -399,87 +692,104 @@
 "sunucusuna gönderilecektir.\n"
 "Bu anahtarý daðýtmak istediðinizden emin misiniz?"
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:185
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:187
 msgid "The keys have been sent to the server."
 msgstr "Anahtarlar sunucuya yollandý."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:89
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:94
 msgid "Decrypting..."
 msgstr "Çözüyor..."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:280 src/gpafileverifyop.c:385
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:358 src/gpafileverifyop.c:449
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
 msgstr "\"%s\" dosyasý OpenPGP verisi içermiyor."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:288
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:359 src/gpafileverifyop.c:450
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGPdata."
+msgstr "\"%s\" dosyasý OpenPGP verisi içermiyor."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:369
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
 msgstr "\"%s\" dosyasý þifrelenmiþ geçerli veri içermiyor."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:296 src/gpafileencryptop.c:579
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:353 src/gpafileverifyop.c:393 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:233
-#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:195 src/gpakeysignop.c:227
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no validencrypted data."
+msgstr "\"%s\" dosyasý þifrelenmiþ geçerli veri içermiyor."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "Hatalý þifre!"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:107
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:155
 msgid "Encrypting..."
 msgstr "Þifreliyor..."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:309 src/verifydlg.c:224
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:453 src/verifydlg.c:222
 msgid "Unknown Key"
 msgstr "Bilinmeyen Anahtar"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:325
-msgid "You are going to encrypt a file using the following key:"
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:469
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You are going to encrypt a document using the following key:"
 msgstr "Bir dosyayý þu anahtarý kullanarak þifrelemek üzeresiniz:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:331
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:475
 msgid "However, it is not certain that the key belongs to that person."
 msgstr "Yine de, anahtarýn o kiþiye ait olduðu kesin deðil."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:337
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:481
 msgid "Do you <b>really</b> want to use this key?"
 msgstr "Bu anahtarý <b>gerçekten</b> kullanmak istiyor musunuz?"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:358 src/gpafileencryptop.c:398 src/verifydlg.c:229
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:502 src/gpafileencryptop.c:542 src/verifydlg.c:227
 msgid "Revoked Key"
 msgstr "Feshedilmiþ Anahtar"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:360 src/gpafileencryptop.c:400 src/gpawizard.c:279
-#: src/gtktools.c:315 src/gtktools.c:348 src/helpmenu.c:418
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:150 src/keylist.c:512 src/settingsdlg.c:166
-#: src/verifydlg.c:117
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
+#: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "_Kapat"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:373
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:517
 msgid "The following key has been revoked by it's owner:"
 msgstr "Þu anahtar sahibi tarafýndan feshedilmiþtir:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:378 src/gpafileencryptop.c:421
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:522 src/gpafileencryptop.c:565
 msgid "And can not be used for encryption."
 msgstr "Ve þifreleme için kullanýlamaz."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:413
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "Þu anahtar %s tarihinde sona ermiþtir:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:497 src/gpafilesignop.c:281
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "Þifreleme için hiçbir anahtar seçmediniz"
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:97
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:148
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "Þifreliyor..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:98
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "Doðruluyor..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:169
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "GPA found a file that could be a signature of %s. Would you like to verify "
@@ -488,19 +798,19 @@
 "The file found is: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:78
+#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:80
 msgid "Generating Key..."
 msgstr "Anahtar Yaratýlýyor..."
-#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:129
+#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:131
 msgid "Import public keys from file"
 msgstr "Genel anahtarlarý dosyadan al"
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:195
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:197
 msgid "No keys were found."
 msgstr "Hiçbir anahtar bulunamadý."
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:203
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%i public keys read\n"
@@ -517,160 +827,160 @@
 "%i gizli anahtar dýþarýdan alýndý\n"
 "%i gizli anahtar deðiþtirilmedi"
-#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:237
+#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:239
 msgid ""
 "Invalid time given.\n"
 "(you may not set the expiration time to the past.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:88 src/keylist.c:224 src/keylist.c:259
-#: src/siglist.c:92 src/siglist.c:112 src/verifydlg.c:326
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "Anahtar Kimliði"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:97 src/keylist.c:233 src/keylist.c:298
-#: src/siglist.c:98 src/siglist.c:141 src/verifydlg.c:338
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "Kullanýcý Adý"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:186
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:188
 msgid "No private key for signing."
 msgstr "Þifreleme için hiçbir özel anahtar bulunamadý."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:231
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:233
 msgid "This key has expired! Unable to sign."
 msgstr "Bu anahtar bitmiþ! Ýmzalama gerçekleþtirilemedi."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:237
 msgid "This key has already been signed with your own!"
 msgstr "Bu anahtar zaten kendiniz tarafýndan imzalanmýþ!"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:240
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:242
 msgid "You haven't selected a default key to sign with!"
 msgstr "Ýmzalamak için varsayýlan bir anahtar seçmediniz!"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:31
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
 msgid "days"
 msgstr "gün"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:32
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
 msgid "weeks"
 msgstr "hafta"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:35
 msgid "months"
 msgstr "ay"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:36
 msgid "years"
 msgstr "yýl"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:74
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:76
 msgid "never expires"
 msgstr "asla bitmez"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:92
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:94
 msgid "unknown"
 msgstr "bilinmeyen"
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:100
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:101
 msgid "Which key do you want to import? (The key must be specified by key ID)."
 msgstr ""
 "Hangi anahtarý dýþarýdan almak istiyorsunuz? (Anahtar, kimliði ile "
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:115
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:116
 msgid "Key _ID:"
 msgstr "Anahtar _Kimliði:"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:70
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:72
 msgid "Subkey ID"
 msgstr "Altanahtar Kimliði"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:76 src/siglist.c:118 src/verifydlg.c:332
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:78 src/siglist.c:120 src/verifydlg.c:330
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "Durum"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:82
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:84
 msgid "Algorithm"
 msgstr "Algoritma"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:89
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:91
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "Boyut"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:95 src/keyeditdlg.c:170 src/keylist.c:268
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "Bitim Tarihi"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:102
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:104
 msgid "Can sign"
 msgstr "Ýmzalayabilir"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:108
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:110
 msgid "Can certify"
 msgstr "Onaylayabilir"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:115
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:117
 msgid "Can encrypt"
 msgstr "Þifreleyebilir"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:122
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:124
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr "Doðrulayabilir"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:135 src/gpgmetools.c:577 src/gpgmetools.c:785
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:904
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "Feshedilmiþ"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:139 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:900
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "Sona Ermiþ"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:143 src/gpgmetools.c:581
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "Geçersiz Kýlýnmýþ"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:147
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:149
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "Ýmzalanmamýþ"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:151 src/gpgmetools.c:891 src/verifydlg.c:214
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "Geçerli"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/gpgmetools.c:625 src/gpgmetools.c:632
-#: src/keyring.c:1173 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "Kullanýcý Adý:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "Kullanýcý Adlarý:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:80 src/gpgmetools.c:626 src/gpgmetools.c:633
-#: src/keyring.c:1175
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "Anahtar Kimliði:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:196
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:194
 msgid "Expiration"
 msgstr "Sona Erme"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:203
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:201
 msgid "_indefinitely valid"
 msgstr "_sýnýrsýzca geçerli"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:212
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:210
 msgid "expire _after"
 msgstr "þu _tarihten sonra sona er"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:231
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:229
 msgid "expire o_n:"
 msgstr "þu ta_rihte sona er:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:304 src/keygendlg.c:285
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:302 src/keygendlg.c:295
 msgid ""
 "Invalid insert mode for expiry date."
@@ -678,16 +988,16 @@
 "Bitim tarihi için geçersiz ekleme biçimi."
-#: src/gpawizard.c:258
+#: src/gpawizard.c:260
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_Back"
 msgstr "/_Yedekle..."
-#: src/gpawizard.c:265
+#: src/gpawizard.c:267
 msgid "_Forward"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpawizard.c:272
+#: src/gpawizard.c:274
 msgid "_Apply"
 msgstr ""
@@ -727,7 +1037,7 @@
 "Bu büyük ihtimalle GPA'deki bir hata.\n"
 "GPA þimdi bu hatadan toparlanmaya çalýþacaktýr."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:444
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -741,7 +1051,7 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:449
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -749,107 +1059,107 @@
 "Bu dosyada yedeklenmiþ olan anahtar:\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:510
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "DSA ve ElGamal (varsayýlan)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:511
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "DSA (sadece imzalama)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "RSA (sadece imzalama)"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:545 src/gpgmetools.c:568 src/gpgmetools.c:585
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/gpgmetools.c:929
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "Bilinmiyor"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:548
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "Hiç"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:551
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "Sýnýrlý"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:554
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "Tam"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:557
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "Sonsuz"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "Eksik"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:589
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "Tamamen Geçerli"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:623
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "Lütfen þu anahtar için þifre girin:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:631
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "Hatalý þifre, lütfen tekrar deneyin:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:656
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "Þifreyi Girin"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:778
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:868 src/verifydlg.c:271
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[Bilinmeyen kullanýcý kimliði]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:894 src/verifydlg.c:219
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "Kötü"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:917
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr "Genel"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:920
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr "Kiþisel"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:923
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr "Hafif"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:926
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr "Olumlu"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:944
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr "Anahtar onaylama, imzalama, ve þifreleme için kullanýlabilir."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:947
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr ""
 "Anahtar onaylama ve imzalama için kullanýlabilir ama þifreleme için "
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr "Anahtar onaylama ve þifreleme için kullanýlabilir."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "Anahtar sadece onaylama için kullanýlabilir."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:964
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
@@ -857,91 +1167,87 @@
 "Anahtar sadece imzalama ve þifreleme için kullanýlabilir, ama onaylama için "
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:967
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "Anahtar sadece imzalama için kullanýlabilir."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:972
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "Anahtar sadece þifreleme için kullanýlabilir."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:975
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr "Bu anahtar iþe yaramaz."
-#: src/gtktools.c:311
+#: src/gtktools.c:320
 msgid "GPA Error"
 msgstr "GPA Hatasý"
-#: src/gtktools.c:344
-msgid "GPA Message"
-msgstr "GPA Mesajý"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:198
+#: src/helpmenu.c:202
 msgid "About GPA"
 msgstr "GPA Hakkýnda"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:243
+#: src/helpmenu.c:247
 msgid "Brought to you by:"
 msgstr "Size bunu saðlayan:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:280
+#: src/helpmenu.c:284
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPA is Free Software under the"
 msgstr "GPA, GNU Genel Kamu Lisansý altýnda"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:284
+#: src/helpmenu.c:288
 msgid "GNU General Public License."
 msgstr "bir özgür yazýlýmdýr."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:288
+#: src/helpmenu.c:292
 msgid "For news see:"
 msgstr "Yenilikler için:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:293
+#: src/helpmenu.c:297
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "http://www.gpg4win.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:295
+#: src/helpmenu.c:299
 msgid "http://www.gnupg.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:378
+#: src/helpmenu.c:382
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "bir özgür yazýlýmdýr."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:405
+#: src/helpmenu.c:409
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "bir özgür yazýlýmdýr."
-#: src/helpmenu.c:432
+#: src/helpmenu.c:436
 msgid "Show Help Text\n"
 msgstr "Yardým Yazýsýný Göster\n"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:440
+#: src/helpmenu.c:444
 msgid "/_Help"
 msgstr "/_Yardým"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:442
+#: src/helpmenu.c:446
 msgid "/Help/_Contents"
 msgstr "/Yardým/_Ýçindekiler"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:445
+#: src/helpmenu.c:449
 msgid "/Help/_License"
 msgstr "/Yardým/_Lisans"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:446
+#: src/helpmenu.c:450
 msgid "/Help/_About"
 msgstr "/Yardým/_Hakkýnda"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:40
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:41
 msgid "Removing Secret Key"
 msgstr "Gizli Anahtar Kaldýrýlýyor"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:54
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:55
 msgid ""
 "If you delete this key, you won't be able to\n"
 "read messages encrypted with it.\n"
@@ -953,15 +1259,15 @@
 "Silmek istediðinize emin misiniz?"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:90
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:91
 msgid "Remove Key"
 msgstr "Anahtarý Kaldýr"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:103
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:104
 msgid "You have selected the following key for removal:"
 msgstr "Þu anahtarý kaldýrmak için seçtiniz:"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:113
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:114
 msgid ""
 "This key has a secret key. Deleting this key cannot be undone, unless you "
 "have a backup copy."
@@ -969,7 +1275,7 @@
 "Bu anahtarýn bir gizli anahtarý var. Bir yedek kopyanýz olmadýðý sürece "
 "silme iþlemini geri alamazsýnýz."
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:122
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:123
 msgid ""
 "This key is a public key. Deleting this key cannot be undone easily, "
 "although you may be able to get a new copy  from the owner or from a key "
@@ -979,23 +1285,27 @@
 "yeni bir kopya alabilecek olsanýz bile silme iþlemini kolayca geri "
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:131
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:132
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this key?"
 msgstr "Bu anahtarý silmek istediðinize emin misiniz?"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:148
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:149
 msgid "Edit Key"
 msgstr "Anahtarý Düzenle"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:164
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:165
 msgid "Change _passphrase"
 msgstr "_Þifreyi Deðiþtir"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:184
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:185
 msgid "Change _expiration"
 msgstr "_Bitim süresini deðiþtir"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:54 src/keygenwizard.c:305 src/passwddlg.c:43
+#: src/keygendlg.c:58
+msgid "You must enter a User ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keygendlg.c:63 src/keygenwizard.c:307 src/passwddlg.c:45
 msgid ""
 "In \"Passphrase\" and \"Repeat passphrase\",\n"
 "you must enter the same passphrase."
@@ -1003,7 +1313,7 @@
 "\"Þifre\" ve \"Þifre tekrar\" bölümlerinde,\n"
 "ayný þifreyi girmelisiniz."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:61 src/keygenwizard.c:312 src/passwddlg.c:50
+#: src/keygendlg.c:70 src/keygenwizard.c:314 src/passwddlg.c:52
 msgid ""
 "You did not enter a passphrase.\n"
 "It is needed to protect your private key."
@@ -1011,7 +1321,7 @@
 "Bir þifre girmediniz.\n"
 "Bu özel þifrenizi korumak için gerekli."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:74 src/keygenwizard.c:326 src/passwddlg.c:63
+#: src/keygendlg.c:83 src/keygenwizard.c:328 src/passwddlg.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Warning: You have entered a passphrase\n"
 "that is obviously not secure.\n"
@@ -1023,59 +1333,59 @@
 "Lütfen yeni bir þifre girin."
-#: src/keygendlg.c:79 src/keygenwizard.c:331 src/passwddlg.c:68
+#: src/keygendlg.c:88 src/keygenwizard.c:333 src/passwddlg.c:70
 msgid "_Enter new passphrase"
 msgstr "_Yeni þifre gir"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:80 src/keygenwizard.c:332 src/passwddlg.c:69
+#: src/keygendlg.c:89 src/keygenwizard.c:334 src/passwddlg.c:71
 msgid "Take this one _anyway"
 msgstr "Her _durumda bunu kullan"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:135 src/keygenwizard.c:539
+#: src/keygendlg.c:144 src/keygenwizard.c:541
 msgid "Generate key"
 msgstr "Anahtar yarat"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:176
+#: src/keygendlg.c:185
 msgid "_Algorithm: "
 msgstr "_Algoritma: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:188
+#: src/keygendlg.c:197
 msgid "_Key size (bits): "
 msgstr "_Anahtar boyutu (bits): "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:189
+#: src/keygendlg.c:198
 msgid "768"
 msgstr "768"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:190
+#: src/keygendlg.c:199
 msgid "1024"
 msgstr "1024"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:191
+#: src/keygendlg.c:200
 msgid "2048"
 msgstr "2048"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:206
+#: src/keygendlg.c:216
 msgid "_User ID: "
 msgstr "_Kullanýcý Kimliði: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:216
+#: src/keygendlg.c:226
 msgid "_Email: "
 msgstr "_Email: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:226
+#: src/keygendlg.c:236
 msgid "_Comment: "
 msgstr "_Yorum: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:238
+#: src/keygendlg.c:248
 msgid "_Passphrase: "
 msgstr "_Þifre: "
-#: src/keygendlg.c:250
+#: src/keygendlg.c:260
 msgid "_Repeat passphrase: "
 msgstr "Þifre _Tekrar: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:150
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:152
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your full name.\n"
@@ -1087,15 +1397,15 @@
 "Ýsminiz diðerlerinin anahtarlarý tanýmasýný kolaylaþtýrmak için yeni "
 "anahtarýn bir parçasý olacaktýr."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:155
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:157
 msgid "Your Name:"
 msgstr "Ýsminiz:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:168
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:170
 msgid "Please insert your name"
 msgstr "Lütfen isminizi girin"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:181
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:183
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your email address.\n"
@@ -1109,27 +1419,27 @@
 "yeni anahtarýn bir parçasý olacaktýr. Birden fazla email adresiniz varsa, "
 "daha sonra baþka email adresleri ekleyebilirsiniz."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:188
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:190
 msgid "Your Email Address:"
 msgstr "Email Adresiniz:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:203
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:205
 msgid "Please insert your email address"
 msgstr "Lütfen email adresinizi girin"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:237
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:239
 msgid "Please choose a passphrase for the new key."
 msgstr "Lütfen yeni anahtar için bir þifre seçin."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:246 src/passwddlg.c:106
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:248 src/passwddlg.c:108
 msgid "Passphrase: "
 msgstr "Þifre: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:259 src/passwddlg.c:115
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:261 src/passwddlg.c:117
 msgid "Repeat Passphrase: "
 msgstr "Þifre Tekrar: "
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:356
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:358
 msgid ""
 "It is recommended that you create a backup copy of your new key, once it has "
 "been generated.\n"
@@ -1140,15 +1450,15 @@
 "Yedek kopya yaratmak istiyor musunuz?"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:365
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:367
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "Yedek _kopya yarat"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:372 src/keyring.c:724 src/keyring.c:752
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "So_nra yap"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:400
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:402
 msgid ""
 "Your key is being generated.\n"
@@ -1158,7 +1468,7 @@
 "Bu iþlem hýzlý bilgisayarlarda bile uzun sürebilir. Lütfen sabýrlý olun."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:409
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:411
 msgid ""
@@ -1170,15 +1480,7 @@
 "Baþarýyla bir anahtar yarattýnýz. Anahtar sonsuz geçerliliðe sahip, ve 1024 "
 "bit uzunluðundadýr."
-#: src/keylist.c:278 src/ownertrustdlg.c:121
-msgid "Owner Trust"
-msgstr "Sahibine Güven"
-#: src/keylist.c:288
-msgid "Key Validity"
-msgstr "Anahtar Geçerliliði"
-#: src/keylist.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:342
 msgid ""
 "GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
 "This might take a few seconds."
@@ -1186,26 +1488,54 @@
 "GnuPG güven veritabanýný yeniden yapýlandýrýyor.\n"
 "Bu birkaç saniyenizi alabilir."
-#: src/keylist.c:510
-msgid "GPA Warning"
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:528
+#: src/keylist.c:568
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
+msgstr "Anahtar sadece onaylama için kullanýlabilir."
+#: src/keylist.c:581
+msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
+msgid "Owner Trust"
+msgstr "Sahibine Güven"
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
-"One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
-"GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be considered "
-"Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
-"The affected key is:"
+"The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
+"holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
+"It is only meaningful for OpenPGP."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:604
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Validity"
+msgstr "Anahtar Geçerliliði"
+#: src/keylist.c:605
+msgid ""
+"The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
+"That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:619
+msgid ""
+"The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "Ýmzalamak için hiçbir anahtar seçilmedi."
-#: src/keyring.c:719
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1213,11 +1543,11 @@
 "Hala bir özel anahtara sahip deðilsiniz. Bir tane yaratmak ister misiniz "
 "(önerilen) ya da daha sonra da yapabilirsiniz?"
-#: src/keyring.c:723
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "Anahtarý þimdi _yarat"
-#: src/keyring.c:746
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
@@ -1225,168 +1555,157 @@
 "Hala özel anahtarýnýzýn bir yedek kopyasýna sahip deðilsiniz. Anahtarýnýzý "
 "þimdi mi yedeklemek istersiniz (önerilen) ya da daha sonra da yapabilirsiniz?"
-#: src/keyring.c:751
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "Anahtarý þimdi ye_dekle"
-#: src/keyring.c:851
-msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
-msgstr "/Düzen/_Kopyala"
-#: src/keyring.c:853
-msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
-msgstr "/Düzen/_Yapýþtýr"
-#: src/keyring.c:855
-msgid "/Edit/sep1"
-msgstr "/Düzen/bol1"
-#: src/keyring.c:862
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/_Anahtarlar"
-#: src/keyring.c:863
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:865
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/bol1"
-#: src/keyring.c:866
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/_Yeni Anahtar..."
-#: src/keyring.c:868
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/Anahtarlarý _Sil..."
-#: src/keyring.c:870
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/bol1"
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/Anahtarlarý Ý_mzala..."
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/Sahibine _Güveni Belirle..."
-#: src/keyring.c:873
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/Özel Anahtarý _Düzenle..."
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/bol2"
-#: src/keyring.c:875
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/A_nahtarlarý Dýþarýdan Al..."
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/Ana_htarlarý Yaz..."
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/Yed_ekle..."
-#: src/keyring.c:880
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "/_Sunucu"
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/Sunucu/A_nahtarlarý Edin..."
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Sunucu/Anahtarlarý _Gönder..."
-#: src/keyring.c:916
+#: src/keyring.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
+msgstr "/Pencereler/_Dosya Yöneticisi"
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/Anahtarlarý Dýþarý Yaz..."
-#: src/keyring.c:923
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/Anahtarlarý Sil..."
-#: src/keyring.c:930
-msgid "/Edit/Copy"
-msgstr "/Düzen/Kopyala"
-#: src/keyring.c:937
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/Sunucu/Anahtarlarý Gönder..."
-#: src/keyring.c:946
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/Sahibine Güveni Belirle..."
-#: src/keyring.c:954
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/Anahtarlarý Ýmzala..."
-#: src/keyring.c:962
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/Özel Anahtarý Düzenle..."
-#: src/keyring.c:969
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlar/Yedekle..."
-#: src/keyring.c:986
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "/_Kopyala"
-#: src/keyring.c:988
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/_Yapýþtýr"
-#: src/keyring.c:990
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlarý _Sil..."
-#: src/keyring.c:993
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlarý Ým_zala..."
-#: src/keyring.c:994
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Sahibine _Güveni Belirle..."
-#: src/keyring.c:995
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Özel Anahtarý _Düzenle..."
-#: src/keyring.c:997
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlarý _Yaz..."
-#: src/keyring.c:998
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr "/Anahtarlarý Sunucuya _Gönder..."
-#: src/keyring.c:999
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/_Yedekle..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1010
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Sahibine Güveni Belirle..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1018
+#: src/keyring.c:1025
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "Anahtarlarý Ýmzala..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1026
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "Özel Anahtarý Düzenle..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1033
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Yedekle..."
@@ -1394,187 +1713,180 @@
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr "Altanahtarlar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1177 src/keysigndlg.c:112
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "Parmakizi:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1179
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "Bitim tarihi:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1181
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "Sahibine Güven:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1183
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "Anahtar Geçerliliði"
-#: src/keyring.c:1185
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "Anahtar Tipi:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1187
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "Yaratýlma Tarihi:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1190
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "Detaylar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1198
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr "Þu kullanýcý adýndaki imzalarý göster:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1219
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "Ýmzalar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1244
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "Anahtar hem genel hem de özel bölümler içeriyor"
-#: src/keyring.c:1249
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "Anahtar sadece genel bölüme sahip"
-#: src/keyring.c:1283
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr "%s %u bit"
-#: src/keyring.c:1309
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "Hiçbir anahtar seçilmedi"
-#: src/keyring.c:1313
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
 msgstr[0] "%d anahtar seçildi"
 msgstr[1] "%d anahtar seçildi"
-#: src/keyring.c:1345
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "Tüm imzalar"
-#: src/keyring.c:1549
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "Düzenle"
-#: src/keyring.c:1550
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "Seçili özel anahtarý düzenle"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "anahtarý düzenle"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "Seçili anahtarý kaldýr"
-#: src/keyring.c:1560
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "anahtarý kaldýr"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "Seçili anahtarý imzala"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "anahtarý imzala"
-#: src/keyring.c:1575
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "Dýþarýdan Al"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "Anahtarlarý Dýþarýdan Al"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "anahtarlarý dýþarýdan al"
-#: src/keyring.c:1581
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "Dýþarý Yaz"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "Anahtarlarý Dýþarý Yaz"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "anahtarlarý dýþarý yaz"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "Özet"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "Özet Anahtar Listesi Göster"
-#: src/keyring.c:1596
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "özet"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "Detaylý"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "Anahtar Detaylarýný Göster"
-#: src/keyring.c:1608
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "detaylý"
-#: src/keyring.c:1641
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1642
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1649
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr "Dosyalar"
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Selected default key:"
+msgstr "Seçili Varsayýlan Anahtar:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1650
-msgid "Open the File Manager"
-msgstr "Dosya Yöneticisini Aç"
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
+msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1651
-msgid "file manager"
-msgstr "dosya yöneticisi"
-#: src/keyring.c:1674
-msgid "Selected Default Key:"
-msgstr "Seçili Varsayýlan Anahtar:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1820
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "GNU Gizlilik Asistaný - Anahtarlýk Düzenleyicisi"
-#: src/keyring.c:1851
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "Anahtarlýk Düzenleyicisi"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:60
 msgid "Sign Key"
 msgstr "Anahtarý Ýmzala"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:78
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:76
 msgid "Do you want to sign the following key?"
 msgstr "Bu anahtarý imzalamak istediðiniza emin misiniz?"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:122
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:120
 msgid ""
 "Check the name and fingerprint carefully to be sure that it really is the "
 "key you want to sign."
@@ -1582,19 +1894,19 @@
 "Bu anahtarýn gerçekten imzalamak istediðiniz anahtar olduðuna emin olmak "
 "için lütfen ismini ve parmakizini dikkatli kontrol edin."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:130
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:128
 msgid "All user names in this key will be signed."
 msgstr "Bu anahtardaki bütün kullanýcý isimleri imzalanacaktýr."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:136
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:134
 msgid "The key will be signed with your default private key."
 msgstr "Bu anahtar sizin varsayýlan özel anahtarýnýzla imzalanacaktýr."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:143
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:141
 msgid "Sign only _locally"
 msgstr "Sadece _yerel olarak imzala"
-#: src/options.c:308
+#: src/options.c:316
 msgid ""
 "The private key you selected as default is no longer available.\n"
 "GPA will try to choose a new default key automatically."
@@ -1602,26 +1914,26 @@
 "Varsayýlan olarak seçmiþ olduðunuz özel anahtar artýk mevcut deðil. \n"
 "GPA kendiliðinden yeni bir varsayýlan anahtar seçmeye çalýþacak."
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:105
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:106
 msgid "Change key ownertrust"
 msgstr "Anahtarýn sahibine güveni deðiþtir"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:129
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:130
 msgid "_Unknown"
 msgstr "_Bilinmiyor"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:134
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:135
 msgid ""
 "You don't know how much to trust this user to verify other people's keys.\n"
 msgstr ""
 "Bu kullanýcýya diðer insanlarýn anahtarlarýný doðrulamada ne kadar "
 "güvenmeniz gerektiðini bilmiyorsunuz.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:144
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:145
 msgid "_Never"
 msgstr "_Hiç"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:150
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user at all to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys at all.\n"
@@ -1629,11 +1941,11 @@
 "Bu kullanýcýya diðer insanlarýn anahtarlarýnýn geçerliliðini doðrulamada hiç "
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:159
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:160
 msgid "_Marginal"
 msgstr "_Sýnýrlý"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:164
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:165
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys enough to consider keys valid based on his/her sole word.\n"
@@ -1647,11 +1959,11 @@
 "kullanýcý tarafýndan geçerli anahtarlarla imzalanmýþsa onu geçerli "
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:181
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:182
 msgid "_Full"
 msgstr "_Tam"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:186
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:187
 msgid ""
 "You trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's keys "
 "so much, that you'll consider valid any key signed by him/her, provided this "
@@ -1661,11 +1973,11 @@
 "yeteneðine onun imzaladýðý herhangi bir anahtarý geçerli sayacak kadar çok "
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:199
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:200
 msgid "U_ltimate"
 msgstr "S_onsuz"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:204
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:205
 msgid ""
 "You consider this key valid, and trust the user so much that you will "
 "consider any key signed by him/her fully valid.\n"
@@ -1681,55 +1993,55 @@
 "Bunu ne yaptýðýnýzdan emin olmadýðýnýz sürece baþkalarýnýn anahtarlarýnda "
-#: src/passwddlg.c:94
+#: src/passwddlg.c:96
 msgid "Choose new passphrase"
 msgstr "Yeni þifre seçin"
-#: src/server_access.c:284
+#: src/server_access.c:282
 msgid "No error"
 msgstr "Hata yok"
-#: src/server_access.c:287
+#: src/server_access.c:285
 msgid "Internal error"
 msgstr "Dahili hata"
-#: src/server_access.c:290
+#: src/server_access.c:288
 msgid "Operation not supported"
 msgstr "Ýþlem desteklenmiyor"
-#: src/server_access.c:293
+#: src/server_access.c:291
 msgid "Version mismatch"
 msgstr "Sürüm tutmuyor"
-#: src/server_access.c:296
+#: src/server_access.c:294
 msgid "Internal keyserver error"
 msgstr "Dahili anahtar sunucusu hatasý"
-#: src/server_access.c:299
+#: src/server_access.c:297
 msgid "Out of memory"
 msgstr "Hafýza yetersiz"
-#: src/server_access.c:302
+#: src/server_access.c:300
 msgid "Key not found"
 msgstr "Anahtar bulunamadý"
-#: src/server_access.c:305
+#: src/server_access.c:303
 msgid "Key already exists on server"
 msgstr "Anahtar sunucuda zaten var"
-#: src/server_access.c:308
+#: src/server_access.c:306
 msgid "Key incomplete"
 msgstr "Eksik anahtar"
-#: src/server_access.c:311
+#: src/server_access.c:309
 msgid "Could not contact keyserver"
 msgstr "Anahtar sunucusuna baðlanýlamýyor"
-#: src/server_access.c:314
+#: src/server_access.c:312
 msgid "Unknown Error"
 msgstr "Bilinmeyen Hata"
-#: src/server_access.c:350
+#: src/server_access.c:348
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Connecting to server \"%s\".\n"
@@ -1738,7 +2050,7 @@
 "\"%s\" sunucusuna baðlanýlýyor.\n"
 "Lütfen bekleyin."
-#: src/server_access.c:373 src/server_access.c:393
+#: src/server_access.c:371 src/server_access.c:391
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "An error ocurred while contacting the server:\n"
@@ -1749,7 +2061,7 @@
-#: src/server_access.c:457
+#: src/server_access.c:455
 msgid ""
 "There is no plugin available for the keyserver\n"
 "protocol you specified."
@@ -1757,60 +2069,79 @@
 "Belirttiðiniz anahtar sunucusu protokolü için\n"
 "mevcut bir plugin bulunamadý."
-#: src/server_access.c:530 src/server_access.c:576
+#: src/server_access.c:528 src/server_access.c:574
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "Belittiðiniz anahtar sunucusu geçersiz"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:45
-msgid "Default _key:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
 msgstr "Varsayýlan _anahtar:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:86
-msgid "Default key_server: "
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
 msgstr "Varsayýlan anahtar _sunucusu: "
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:130
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
 msgstr "U_zman modunu kullan:"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:163
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "Ayarlar"
-#: src/siglist.c:126
+#: src/siglist.c:128
 msgid "Level"
 msgstr "Seviye"
-#: src/siglist.c:133
+#: src/siglist.c:135
 msgid "Local"
 msgstr "Yerel"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:118
-msgid "Verify files"
+#: src/verifydlg.c:116
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Verify documents"
 msgstr "Dosyalarý doðrula"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:234
+#: src/verifydlg.c:232
 msgid "Expired Key"
 msgstr "Sona ermiþ anatar"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:242
+#: src/verifydlg.c:240
 msgid "Key NOT valid"
 msgstr "Anahtar Geçersiz"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:361
+#: src/verifydlg.c:359
 #, c-format
 msgid "Verified data in file: %s"
 msgstr "%s dosyasýndaki veri doðrulandý"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:366
+#: src/verifydlg.c:364
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Signature: %s"
 msgstr "Ýmzalar: %s"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:372
+#: src/verifydlg.c:370
 msgid "Signatures:"
 msgstr "Ýmzalar:"
+#~ msgid "Sign files"
+#~ msgstr "Dosyalarý imzala"
+#~ msgid "sign in separate _file"
+#~ msgstr "_farklý bir dosyaya imzala"
+#~ msgid "a_rmor"
+#~ msgstr "_kalkan"
+#~ msgid "display this help and exit"
+#~ msgstr "bu yardýmý görüntüle ve çýk"
+#~ msgid "Options"
+#~ msgstr "Seçenekler"
 #~ msgid "GNU general public license"
 #~ msgstr "GNU genel kamu lisansý"

Modified: trunk/po/zh_TW.Big5.po
--- trunk/po/zh_TW.Big5.po	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/po/zh_TW.Big5.po	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gpa-0.7.0\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpa-dev at gnupg.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-05-24 14:59+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-03-12 12:29+0100\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2003-10-20 11:55+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Shell Hung <shell at linux.org.hk>\n"
 "Language-Team: Hong Kong Linux User Group <info at linux.org.hk>\n"
@@ -14,262 +14,548 @@
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=big5\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:134 src/expirydlg.c:115 src/filesigndlg.c:123
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:294 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:144 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:95
-#: src/gpawizard.c:287 src/gpgmetools.c:660 src/keygendlg.c:140
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:110 src/passwddlg.c:98
-msgid "_Cancel"
-msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:367 src/fileman.c:350
+msgid "Open File"
+msgstr "¶}±ÒÀÉ®×"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:135
-msgid "Encrypt files"
-msgstr "¥[±KÀÉ®×"
+#: src/clipboard.c:395 src/confdialog.c:1266 src/gtktools.c:353
+msgid "GPA Message"
+msgstr "GPA °T®§"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:166
-msgid "_Public Keys"
-msgstr "¤½Æ_ (&P)"
+#. TRANSLATORS: The arguments are the filename, the integer size
+#. and the unit (such as KB or MB).
+#: src/clipboard.c:412
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file %s is %lli%s large.  Do you really  want to open it?"
+msgstr ""
+"ÀÉ®× %s ¤w¸g¦s¦b.\n"
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:169
-msgid "_Sign"
-msgstr "ñ¸p (&S)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:481
+msgid "Save As..."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:190 src/filesigndlg.c:180
-msgid "Sign _as "
-msgstr "ñ¸p¬° (&a)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:522 src/clipboard.c:552 src/clipboard.c:582
+#: src/clipboard.c:612 src/clipboard.c:1113 src/fileman.c:675
+#: src/keyring.c:1657
+msgid "Clipboard"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/encryptdlg.c:193
-msgid "A_rmor"
-msgstr "¯Â¤å¦r (&r)"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:63
-msgid "Please provide a correct date."
-msgstr "½Ð´£¨Ñ¥¿½T¤é´Á"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:110
-msgid "Change expiry date"
-msgstr "§ó§ï¦³®Ä¤é´Á"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:128
-msgid "_never expire"
-msgstr "¥Ã»·¥Í®Ä (&n)"
-#: src/expirydlg.c:133
-msgid "_expire on:"
-msgstr "¥¢®Ä´Á¬° (&e)"
-#: src/fileman.c:345
-msgid "Open File"
-msgstr "¶}±ÒÀÉ®×"
-#: src/fileman.c:350 src/fileman.c:899
-msgid "The file is already open."
-msgstr "³o­ÓÀɮפw¸g¶}±Ò."
-#: src/fileman.c:467 src/keyring.c:844
+#: src/clipboard.c:692 src/fileman.c:472 src/keyring.c:863
 msgid "/_File"
 msgstr "/ÀÉ®×"
-#: src/fileman.c:468
+#: src/clipboard.c:693 src/fileman.c:474
+msgid "/File/C_lear"
+msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/²M°£ (&C)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:694 src/fileman.c:473
 msgid "/File/_Open"
 msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/¶}±Ò (&O)"
-#: src/fileman.c:469
-msgid "/File/C_lear"
-msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/²M°£ (&C)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:695
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/File/Save _As"
+msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/Ãö³¬ (&C)"
-#: src/fileman.c:470
+#: src/clipboard.c:697 src/fileman.c:475
 msgid "/File/sep1"
 msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/sep1"
-#: src/fileman.c:471
+#: src/clipboard.c:698 src/fileman.c:476
 msgid "/File/_Sign"
 msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/ñ¸p (&S)"
-#: src/fileman.c:472
+#: src/clipboard.c:699 src/fileman.c:477
 msgid "/File/_Verify"
 msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/ÅçÃÒ (&V)"
-#: src/fileman.c:473
+#: src/clipboard.c:700 src/fileman.c:478
 msgid "/File/_Encrypt"
 msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/¥[±K (&E)"
-#: src/fileman.c:474
+#: src/clipboard.c:701 src/fileman.c:479
 msgid "/File/_Decrypt"
 msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/¸Ñ±K (&D)"
-#: src/fileman.c:475
+#: src/clipboard.c:702 src/fileman.c:480
 msgid "/File/sep2"
 msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:476 src/keyring.c:845
+#: src/clipboard.c:703 src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:864
 msgid "/File/_Close"
 msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/Ãö³¬ (&C)"
-#: src/fileman.c:477 src/keyring.c:847
+#: src/clipboard.c:704 src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:866
 msgid "/File/_Quit"
 msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/Â÷¶} (&Q)"
-#: src/fileman.c:480 src/keyring.c:850
+#: src/clipboard.c:707 src/fileman.c:485 src/keyring.c:869
 msgid "/_Edit"
 msgstr "/½s¿è"
-#: src/fileman.c:481 src/keyring.c:856
+#: src/clipboard.c:710
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Undo"
+msgstr "/½s¿è/½Æ»s (&C)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Redo"
+msgstr "/½s¿è/½Æ»s (&C)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:712
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/sep0"
+msgstr "/½s¿è/sep2"
+#: src/clipboard.c:714 src/clipboard.c:750
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Cut"
+msgstr "/½s¿è/½Æ»s"
+#: src/clipboard.c:715 src/keyring.c:870
+msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
+msgstr "/½s¿è/½Æ»s (&C)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:716 src/keyring.c:872
+msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
+msgstr "/½s¿è/¶K¤W (&P)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:717
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Delete"
+msgstr "/½s¿è/¶K¤W (&P)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:718 src/keyring.c:874
+msgid "/Edit/sep1"
+msgstr "/½s¿è/sep1"
+#: src/clipboard.c:719 src/fileman.c:486 src/keyring.c:875
 msgid "/Edit/Select _All"
 msgstr "/½s¿è/¥þ³¡¿ï¾Ü (&A)"
-#: src/fileman.c:482 src/keyring.c:857
+#: src/clipboard.c:721 src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:876
 msgid "/Edit/sep2"
 msgstr "/½s¿è/sep2"
-#: src/fileman.c:483 src/keyring.c:858
+#: src/clipboard.c:722 src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:877
 msgid "/Edit/Pr_eferences..."
 msgstr "/½s¿è/³]©w (&E)"
-#: src/fileman.c:487 src/keyring.c:885
+#: src/clipboard.c:724 src/fileman.c:490 src/keyring.c:879
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/_Backend Preferences..."
+msgstr "/½s¿è/³]©w (&E)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:728 src/fileman.c:494 src/keyring.c:906
 msgid "/_Windows"
 msgstr "/µøµ¡"
-#: src/fileman.c:488 src/keyring.c:886
+#: src/clipboard.c:729 src/fileman.c:495 src/keyring.c:907
+msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
+msgstr "/µøµ¡/Æ_°é½s¿è¾¹ (&K)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:730 src/fileman.c:496
 msgid "/Windows/_Filemanager"
 msgstr "/µøµ¡/Àɮ׺޲z (&F)"
-#: src/fileman.c:489 src/keyring.c:887
-msgid "/Windows/_Keyring Editor"
-msgstr "/µøµ¡/Æ_°é½s¿è¾¹ (&K)"
+#: src/clipboard.c:731 src/fileman.c:497 src/keyring.c:909
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_Clipboard"
+msgstr "/µøµ¡/Àɮ׺޲z (&F)"
-#: src/fileman.c:508
-msgid "/File/Sign"
-msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/ñ¸p"
+#: src/clipboard.c:758 src/keyring.c:948
+msgid "/Edit/Copy"
+msgstr "/½s¿è/½Æ»s"
-#: src/fileman.c:513
-msgid "/File/Verify"
-msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/ÅçÃÒ"
+#: src/clipboard.c:766
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Delete"
+msgstr "/½s¿è/¥þ³¡¿ï¾Ü (&A)"
-#: src/fileman.c:518
-msgid "/File/Encrypt"
-msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/¥[±K"
+#: src/clipboard.c:774
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Edit/Paste"
+msgstr "/½s¿è/¶K¤W (&P)"
-#: src/fileman.c:523
-msgid "/File/Decrypt"
-msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/¸Ñ±K"
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "Clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:879
+msgid "clear buffer"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "Open a file"
 msgstr "¶}±ÒÀÉ®×"
-#: src/fileman.c:594
+#: src/clipboard.c:887 src/fileman.c:602
 msgid "open file"
 msgstr "¶}±ÒÀÉ®×"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "Close all files"
-msgstr "Ãö³¬©Ò¦³ÀÉ®×"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Save to a file"
+msgstr "¶}±ÒÀÉ®×"
-#: src/fileman.c:598
-msgid "close files"
+#: src/clipboard.c:892
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "save file as"
 msgstr "Ãö³¬ÀÉ®×"
-#: src/fileman.c:604 src/keyring.c:1567
+#: src/clipboard.c:900
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Cut the selection"
+msgstr "¥[±K¤w¿ï¾ÜÀÉ®×"
+#: src/clipboard.c:901
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "cut the selection"
+msgstr "¥[±K¤w¿ï¾ÜÀÉ®×"
+#: src/clipboard.c:907
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Copy the selection"
+msgstr "¥[±K¤w¿ï¾ÜÀÉ®×"
+#: src/clipboard.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "copy the selection"
+msgstr "¥[±K¤w¿ï¾ÜÀÉ®×"
+#: src/clipboard.c:914
+msgid "Paste the clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:915
+msgid "paste the clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/clipboard.c:925 src/fileman.c:612 src/keyring.c:1570
 msgid "Sign"
 msgstr "ñ¸p"
-#: src/fileman.c:605
-msgid "Sign the selected file"
-msgstr "ñ¸p¤w¿ï¾ÜÀÉ®×"
+#: src/clipboard.c:926
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Sign the selected text"
+msgstr "ñ¸p¤w¿ï¾Üªº±KÆ_"
-#: src/fileman.c:606
-msgid "sign file"
-msgstr "ÀÉ®×ñ¸p"
+#: src/clipboard.c:927
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "sign text"
+msgstr "ñ¸p±KÆ_"
-#: src/fileman.c:615
+#: src/clipboard.c:935 src/fileman.c:623
 msgid "Verify"
 msgstr "ÅçÃÒ"
-#: src/fileman.c:616
-msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:936
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Check signatures of selected text"
 msgstr "Àˬd¤w¿ï¾ÜÀɮתºÃ±¸p"
-#: src/fileman.c:617
-msgid "verify file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:937
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "verify text"
 msgstr "ÅçÃÒÀÉ®×"
-#: src/fileman.c:626
+#: src/clipboard.c:945 src/fileman.c:634
 msgid "Encrypt"
 msgstr "¥[±K"
-#: src/fileman.c:627
-msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:946
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "¥[±K¤w¿ï¾ÜÀÉ®×"
-#: src/fileman.c:628
-msgid "encrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:947
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "encrypt text"
 msgstr "¥[±KÀÉ®×"
-#: src/fileman.c:637
+#: src/clipboard.c:955 src/fileman.c:645
 msgid "Decrypt"
 msgstr "¸Ñ±K"
-#: src/fileman.c:638
-msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:956
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Decrypt the selected text"
 msgstr "¸Ñ±K¤w¿ï¾ÜÀÉ®×"
-#: src/fileman.c:639
-msgid "decrypt file"
+#: src/clipboard.c:957
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "decrypt text"
 msgstr "¸Ñ±KÀÉ®×"
-#: src/fileman.c:654 src/keyring.c:1632
-msgid "Open the Preferences dialog"
+#: src/clipboard.c:967 src/fileman.c:658 src/keyring.c:1631
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the preferences dialog"
 msgstr "¶}±Ò³]©wµøµ¡"
-#: src/fileman.c:655 src/keyring.c:1633
+#: src/clipboard.c:968 src/fileman.c:659 src/keyring.c:1632
 msgid "preferences"
 msgstr "³]©w"
-#: src/fileman.c:663 src/keyring.c:1656
+#: src/clipboard.c:975 src/fileman.c:666
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Keyring"
+msgstr "Æ_°é½s¿è¾¹"
+#: src/clipboard.c:976 src/fileman.c:667
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the keyring editor"
+msgstr "¶}±ÒÆ_°é½s¿è¾¹ (¹w³])"
+#: src/clipboard.c:977 src/fileman.c:668
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "keyring editor"
+msgstr "Æ_°é½s¿è¾¹"
+#: src/clipboard.c:983 src/keyring.c:1648
+msgid "Files"
+msgstr "ÀÉ®×"
+#: src/clipboard.c:984 src/keyring.c:1649
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the file manager"
+msgstr "¶}±ÒÀɮ׺޲z­û"
+#: src/clipboard.c:985 src/keyring.c:1650
+msgid "file manager"
+msgstr "Àɮ׺޲z­û"
+#: src/clipboard.c:992 src/fileman.c:684 src/keyring.c:1665
 msgid "Help"
 msgstr "¨D§U"
-#: src/fileman.c:664 src/keyring.c:1657
+#: src/clipboard.c:993 src/fileman.c:685 src/keyring.c:1666
 msgid "Understanding the GNU Privacy Assistant"
 msgstr "¤F¸ÑGNU Privacy Assistant"
-#: src/fileman.c:665 src/keyring.c:1658
+#: src/clipboard.c:994 src/fileman.c:686 src/keyring.c:1667
 msgid "help"
 msgstr "¨D§U"
-#: src/fileman.c:764
+#: src/clipboard.c:1084
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Clipboard"
+msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Àɮ׺޲z"
+#: src/confdialog.c:993
+msgid "<b>Main</b>"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+msgid "Use default values"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1143
+msgid "Use default value"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1146
+msgid "Do not use option"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom values"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1151
+msgid "Use custom value"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1155
+msgid "Use default argument"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1280
+msgid ""
+"There are unapplied changes by you. Changing the expert setting will apply "
+"those changes.  Do you want to continue?"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1325
+msgid "Crypto Backend Configuration"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1334
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1346
+msgid "Configure the tools of the GnuPG system."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1350
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Level:"
+msgstr "µ{«×"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1359
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Basic"
+msgstr "/³Æ¥÷... (&B)"
+#: src/confdialog.c:1360
+msgid "Advanced"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/confdialog.c:1361
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Expert"
+msgstr "¿é¥X"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:142 src/expirydlg.c:116 src/filesigndlg.c:133
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:292 src/gpaprogressdlg.c:146 src/gparecvkeydlg.c:96
+#: src/gpawizard.c:289 src/gpgmetools.c:696 src/keygendlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:111 src/passwddlg.c:100
+msgid "_Cancel"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:143
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Encrypt documents"
+msgstr "¥[±KÀÉ®×"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:174
+msgid "_Public Keys"
+msgstr "¤½Æ_ (&P)"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:177
+msgid "_Sign"
+msgstr "ñ¸p (&S)"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:201 src/filesigndlg.c:185
+msgid "Sign _as "
+msgstr "ñ¸p¬° (&a)"
+#: src/encryptdlg.c:215 src/filesigndlg.c:187
+msgid "A_rmor"
+msgstr "¯Â¤å¦r (&r)"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:64
+msgid "Please provide a correct date."
+msgstr "½Ð´£¨Ñ¥¿½T¤é´Á"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:111
+msgid "Change expiry date"
+msgstr "§ó§ï¦³®Ä¤é´Á"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:129
+msgid "_never expire"
+msgstr "¥Ã»·¥Í®Ä (&n)"
+#: src/expirydlg.c:134
+msgid "_expire on:"
+msgstr "¥¢®Ä´Á¬° (&e)"
+#: src/fileman.c:355 src/fileman.c:953
+msgid "The file is already open."
+msgstr "³o­ÓÀɮפw¸g¶}±Ò."
+#: src/fileman.c:516
+msgid "/File/Sign"
+msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/ñ¸p"
+#: src/fileman.c:521
+msgid "/File/Verify"
+msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/ÅçÃÒ"
+#: src/fileman.c:526
+msgid "/File/Encrypt"
+msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/¥[±K"
+#: src/fileman.c:531
+msgid "/File/Decrypt"
+msgstr "/ÀÉ®×/¸Ñ±K"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "Close all files"
+msgstr "Ãö³¬©Ò¦³ÀÉ®×"
+#: src/fileman.c:606
+msgid "close files"
+msgstr "Ãö³¬ÀÉ®×"
+#: src/fileman.c:613
+msgid "Sign the selected file"
+msgstr "ñ¸p¤w¿ï¾ÜÀÉ®×"
+#: src/fileman.c:614
+msgid "sign file"
+msgstr "ÀÉ®×ñ¸p"
+#: src/fileman.c:624
+msgid "Check signatures of selected file"
+msgstr "Àˬd¤w¿ï¾ÜÀɮתºÃ±¸p"
+#: src/fileman.c:625
+msgid "verify file"
+msgstr "ÅçÃÒÀÉ®×"
+#: src/fileman.c:635
+msgid "Encrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "¥[±K¤w¿ï¾ÜÀÉ®×"
+#: src/fileman.c:636
+msgid "encrypt file"
+msgstr "¥[±KÀÉ®×"
+#: src/fileman.c:646
+msgid "Decrypt the selected file"
+msgstr "¸Ñ±K¤w¿ï¾ÜÀÉ®×"
+#: src/fileman.c:647
+msgid "decrypt file"
+msgstr "¸Ñ±KÀÉ®×"
+#: src/fileman.c:676 src/keyring.c:1658
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open the clipboard"
+msgstr "¶}±ÒÀɮ׺޲z­û"
+#: src/fileman.c:677 src/keyring.c:1659
+msgid "clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/fileman.c:785
 msgid "File"
 msgstr "ÀÉ®×"
-#: src/fileman.c:821
+#: src/fileman.c:850
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - File Manager"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Àɮ׺޲z"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:124
-msgid "Sign files"
-msgstr "ñ¸pÀÉ®×"
+#: src/fileman.c:876
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "File Manager"
+msgstr "Àɮ׺޲z­û"
 #: src/filesigndlg.c:134
+msgid "Sign documents"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:144
 msgid "Signing Mode"
 msgstr "ñ¸p¤¤"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:142
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:152
 msgid "si_gn and compress"
 msgstr "ñ¸p¤ÎÀ£ÁY (&g)"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:148
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:158
 msgid "_cleartext signature"
 msgstr "¯Â¤å¦rñ¸p (&C)"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:155
-msgid "sign in separate _file"
-msgstr "ñ¸p¬°¿W¥ßÀÉ®× (&f)"
+#: src/filesigndlg.c:165
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "_detached signature"
+msgstr "¯Â¤å¦rñ¸p (&C)"
-#: src/filesigndlg.c:159
-msgid "a_rmor"
-msgstr "¯Â¤å¦r (&r)"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:215 src/gpgmetools.c:137
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:213 src/gpgmetools.c:138
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The file %s already exists.\n"
@@ -278,21 +564,21 @@
 "ÀÉ®× %s ¤w¸g¦s¦b.\n"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:218 src/gpaexportserverop.c:132
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:311 src/gpafileverifyop.c:175 src/gpgmetools.c:140
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:43 src/keydeletedlg.c:92 src/keysigndlg.c:64
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:136
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:216 src/gpaexportserverop.c:134
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:455 src/gpafileverifyop.c:178 src/gpgmetools.c:141
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:44 src/keydeletedlg.c:93 src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:165
 msgid "_Yes"
 msgstr "¬O (&Y)"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:219 src/gpaexportserverop.c:133
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:312 src/gpafileverifyop.c:176 src/gpgmetools.c:141
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:45 src/keydeletedlg.c:94 src/keysigndlg.c:66
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:139
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:217 src/gpaexportserverop.c:135
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:456 src/gpafileverifyop.c:179 src/gpgmetools.c:142
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:46 src/keydeletedlg.c:95 src/keysigndlg.c:64
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:168
 msgid "_No"
 msgstr "§_ (&N)"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:231
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:229
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "A copy of your secret key has been made to the file:\n"
@@ -309,85 +595,92 @@
 "(¨Ò¦p, Àx¦s¦bºÏºÐ¤ù¤¤¨Ã©ñ¦b¦w¥þ¦a¤è¤¤¦w¸m)."
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:246
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:244
 msgid "An error ocurred during the backup operation."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:262
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:260
 msgid "Backup key to file"
 msgstr "³Æ¥÷±KÆ_¨ìÀÉ®×"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:289
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:287
 msgid "Backup Keys"
 msgstr "³Æ¥÷±KÆ_"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:313
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:311
 #, c-format
 msgid "Generating backup of key: %s"
 msgstr "¥¿¦b«Ø¥ß %s ªº³Æ¥÷"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:319
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:317
 msgid "_Backup to file:"
 msgstr "¿é¥X¦ÜÀÉ®× (&B):"
-#: src/gpabackupop.c:331
+#: src/gpabackupop.c:329
 msgid "B_rowse..."
 msgstr "ÂsÄý (&r)"
-#: src/gpa.c:373
-msgid "display this help and exit"
-msgstr "Åã¥Ü¨D§U°T®§¤ÎÂ÷¶}"
-#: src/gpa.c:374
-msgid "output version information and exit"
+#: src/gpa.c:92
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Output version information and exit"
 msgstr "Åã¥Üª©¥»¸ê®Æ¤ÎÂ÷¶}"
-#: src/gpa.c:375
-msgid "open keyring editor (default)"
+#: src/gpa.c:94
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open keyring editor (default)"
 msgstr "¶}±ÒÆ_°é½s¿è¾¹ (¹w³])"
-#: src/gpa.c:376
-msgid "open filemanager"
+#: src/gpa.c:96
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Open file manager"
 msgstr "¶}±ÒÀɮ׺޲z­û"
-#: src/gpa.c:377
-msgid "read options from file"
+#: src/gpa.c:98
+msgid "Open clipboard"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:100
+msgid "Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:102
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Read options from file"
 msgstr "¥ÑÀɮפ¤Åª¨ú¿ï¶µ"
-#: src/gpa.c:401
-msgid ""
-"Syntax: gpa [options]\n"
-"Graphical frontend to GnuPG\n"
+#: src/gpa.c:293
+msgid "[FILE...]"
 msgstr ""
+#: src/gpa.c:295
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Graphical frontend to GnuPG"
+msgstr ""
 "»yªk: gpa [¿ï¶µ]\n"
-#: src/gpa.c:403
-msgid "Options"
-msgstr "¿ï¶µ"
-#: src/gpa.c:409
+#: src/gpa.c:296
 msgid "Please report bugs to <"
 msgstr "¦^³ø¯äÂÎ¦Ü <"
-#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:137
+#: src/gpaexportclipop.c:139
 msgid "The keys have been copied to the clipboard."
 msgstr "¤½Æ_¤w½Æ¨î¨ì°Å¶K鷺."
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:131
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:133
 msgid "Export public keys to file"
 msgstr "¿é¥X¤½Æ_¬°ÀÉ®×"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:135
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:137
 msgid "_armor"
 msgstr "¯Â¤å¦r (&r)"
-#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:169
+#: src/gpaexportfileop.c:171
 #, c-format
 msgid "The keys have been exported to %s."
 msgstr "±KÆ_¤w³Q¶×¥X¨ì %s."
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:127
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:129
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "The selected key will be sent to a public key\n"
@@ -398,87 +691,104 @@
 "­n½T©wµo©ñ³o¨Ç¤½Æ_¶Ü ?"
-#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:185
+#: src/gpaexportserverop.c:187
 msgid "The keys have been sent to the server."
 msgstr "¤½Æ_¤w³Q¶Ç¨ì¤½Æ_§FªA¾¹."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:89
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:94
 msgid "Decrypting..."
 msgstr "¸Ñ±K¤¤..."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:280 src/gpafileverifyop.c:385
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:358 src/gpafileverifyop.c:449
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no OpenPGP data."
 msgstr "ÀÉ®× \"%s\" ¨S¦³¥¿½Tªº OpenPGP ¸ê®Æ."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:288
-#, c-format
-msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:359 src/gpafileverifyop.c:450
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no OpenPGPdata."
+msgstr "ÀÉ®× \"%s\" ¨S¦³¥¿½Tªº OpenPGP ¸ê®Æ."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:369
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "\"%s\" contained no valid encrypted data."
 msgstr "ÀÉ®× \"%s\" ¨S¦³¥¿½Tªº¥[±K¸ê®Æ."
-#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:296 src/gpafileencryptop.c:579
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:353 src/gpafileverifyop.c:393 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:233
-#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:195 src/gpakeysignop.c:227
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:371
+#, fuzzy, c-format
+msgid "The file \"%s\" contained no validencrypted data."
+msgstr "ÀÉ®× \"%s\" ¨S¦³¥¿½Tªº¥[±K¸ê®Æ."
+#: src/gpafiledecryptop.c:380 src/gpafileencryptop.c:727
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:510 src/gpafileverifyop.c:460 src/gpakeyexpireop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeypasswdop.c:197 src/gpakeysignop.c:229
 msgid "Wrong passphrase!"
 msgstr "±K½X¿ù»~!"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:107
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:155
 msgid "Encrypting..."
 msgstr "¥[±K¤¤..."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:309 src/verifydlg.c:224
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:453 src/verifydlg.c:222
 msgid "Unknown Key"
 msgstr "¥¼ª¾ªº¤½Æ_"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:325
-msgid "You are going to encrypt a file using the following key:"
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:469
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "You are going to encrypt a document using the following key:"
 msgstr "±z¥¿¨Ï¥Î¥H¤Uªº±KÆ_¥[±K³o­ÓÀÉ®×:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:331
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:475
 msgid "However, it is not certain that the key belongs to that person."
 msgstr "¤£¹L, ±KÆ_¨Ã¤£ÄÝ©ó¹ï¤èªº"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:337
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:481
 msgid "Do you <b>really</b> want to use this key?"
 msgstr "±z½T©w­n¨Ï¥Î³o­Ó±KÆ_ ?"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:358 src/gpafileencryptop.c:398 src/verifydlg.c:229
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:502 src/gpafileencryptop.c:542 src/verifydlg.c:227
 msgid "Revoked Key"
 msgstr "²¾°£±KÆ_"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:360 src/gpafileencryptop.c:400 src/gpawizard.c:279
-#: src/gtktools.c:315 src/gtktools.c:348 src/helpmenu.c:418
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:150 src/keylist.c:512 src/settingsdlg.c:166
-#: src/verifydlg.c:117
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:504 src/gpafileencryptop.c:544 src/gpawizard.c:281
+#: src/gtktools.c:324 src/gtktools.c:357 src/helpmenu.c:422
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:151 src/settingsdlg.c:194 src/verifydlg.c:115
 msgid "_Close"
 msgstr "Ãö³¬ (&C)"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:373
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:517
 msgid "The following key has been revoked by it's owner:"
 msgstr "³o¤½Æ_¤w³Q¹ï¤è¨ú®ø¤F:"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:378 src/gpafileencryptop.c:421
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:522 src/gpafileencryptop.c:565
 msgid "And can not be used for encryption."
 msgstr "¦Ó¥B¤£¥i¥H¨Ï¥Î§@¬°¥[±K¤§¥Î."
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:413
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:557
 #, c-format
 msgid "The following key expired on %s:"
 msgstr "³o±KÆ_·|¦b %s ¥¢®Ä :"
-#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:497 src/gpafilesignop.c:281
+#: src/gpafileencryptop.c:641 src/gpafilesignop.c:414
 msgid "You didn't select any key for signing"
 msgstr "¨S¦³¿ï¾Üñ¸pªºÀÉ®×"
-#: src/gpafilesignop.c:97
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:148
 msgid "Signing..."
 msgstr "ñ¸p¤¤..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:98
+#: src/gpafilesignop.c:428
+msgid ""
+"The selected certificates are not all of the same type. That is, you mixed "
+"OpenPGP and X.509 certificates. Please make sure to select only certificates "
+"of the same type."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:101
 msgid "Verifying..."
 msgstr "ÅçÃÒ¤¤..."
-#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:169
+#: src/gpafileverifyop.c:172
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "GPA found a file that could be a signature of %s. Would you like to verify "
@@ -487,19 +797,19 @@
 "The file found is: %s"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:78
+#: src/gpagenkeyadvop.c:80
 msgid "Generating Key..."
 msgstr "«Ø¥ß·sÆ_..."
-#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:129
+#: src/gpaimportfileop.c:131
 msgid "Import public keys from file"
 msgstr "¥ÑÀɮפ¤¶×¤J¤½Æ_"
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:195
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:197
 msgid "No keys were found."
 msgstr "§ä¤£¨ì±KÆ_."
-#: src/gpaimportop.c:203
+#: src/gpaimportop.c:205
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "%i public keys read\n"
@@ -516,158 +826,158 @@
 "%i ¨pÆ_¤w¶×¤J\n"
 "%i ¨pÆ_¤w¶×¤J"
-#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:237
+#: src/gpakeyexpireop.c:239
 msgid ""
 "Invalid time given.\n"
 "(you may not set the expiration time to the past.)"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:88 src/keylist.c:224 src/keylist.c:259
-#: src/siglist.c:92 src/siglist.c:112 src/verifydlg.c:326
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:86 src/keylist.c:567 src/siglist.c:94
+#: src/siglist.c:114 src/verifydlg.c:324
 msgid "Key ID"
 msgstr "±KÆ_ID"
-#: src/gpakeyselector.c:97 src/keylist.c:233 src/keylist.c:298
-#: src/siglist.c:98 src/siglist.c:141 src/verifydlg.c:338
+#: src/gpakeyselector.c:95 src/keylist.c:618 src/siglist.c:100
+#: src/siglist.c:143 src/verifydlg.c:336
 msgid "User Name"
 msgstr "¥ÎªÌ¦WºÙ"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:186
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:188
 msgid "No private key for signing."
 msgstr "¨S¦³¿ï¾Ü§@ñ¸pªº¨pÆ_."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:231
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:233
 msgid "This key has expired! Unable to sign."
 msgstr "³o¤½Æ_¤w¬O¹L®Éªº! ¤£¯à¥Î§@ñ¸p."
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:235
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:237
 msgid "This key has already been signed with your own!"
 msgstr "³o¤½Æ_¤w³Qñ¸p¤F!"
-#: src/gpakeysignop.c:240
+#: src/gpakeysignop.c:242
 msgid "You haven't selected a default key to sign with!"
 msgstr "¨S¦³¿ï¾Ü¹w³]ñ¸pªº±KÆ_!"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:31
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
 msgid "days"
 msgstr "¤é"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:32
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
 msgid "weeks"
 msgstr "¬P´Á"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:33
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:35
 msgid "months"
 msgstr "¤ë"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:34
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:36
 msgid "years"
 msgstr "¦~"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:74
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:76
 msgid "never expires"
 msgstr "¥Ã»·¥Í®Ä"
-#: src/gpapastrings.c:92
+#: src/gpapastrings.c:94
 msgid "unknown"
 msgstr "¤£ª¾¦W"
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:100
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:101
 msgid "Which key do you want to import? (The key must be specified by key ID)."
 msgstr "¿ï¾Ü­n¶×¤Jªº±KÆ_. (½Ð¥²¶·´£¨Ñ±KÆ_ªº§Ç¸¹)."
-#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:115
+#: src/gparecvkeydlg.c:116
 msgid "Key _ID:"
 msgstr "±KÆ_§Ç¸¹: (&I)"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:70
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:72
 msgid "Subkey ID"
 msgstr "¤lÆ_§Ç¸¹"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:76 src/siglist.c:118 src/verifydlg.c:332
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:78 src/siglist.c:120 src/verifydlg.c:330
 msgid "Status"
 msgstr "ª¬ºA"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:82
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:84
 msgid "Algorithm"
 msgstr "¥[±Kºâ¦¡"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:89
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:91
 msgid "Size"
 msgstr "¤j¤p"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:95 src/keyeditdlg.c:170 src/keylist.c:268
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:97 src/keyeditdlg.c:171 src/keylist.c:580
 msgid "Expiry Date"
 msgstr "¦³®Ä¤é´Á"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:102
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:104
 msgid "Can sign"
 msgstr "¤¹³\ñ¸p"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:108
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:110
 msgid "Can certify"
 msgstr "¤¹³\ÅçÃÒ"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:115
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:117
 msgid "Can encrypt"
 msgstr "¤¹³\¥[±K"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:122
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:124
 msgid "Can authenticate"
 msgstr "¤¹³\µo©ñ"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:135 src/gpgmetools.c:577 src/gpgmetools.c:785
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:904
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:137 src/gpgmetools.c:613 src/gpgmetools.c:821
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:940
 msgid "Revoked"
 msgstr "²¾°£"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:139 src/gpgmetools.c:579 src/gpgmetools.c:900
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:141 src/gpgmetools.c:615 src/gpgmetools.c:936
 msgid "Expired"
 msgstr "¤w¸g¹L®É"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:143 src/gpgmetools.c:581
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:145 src/gpgmetools.c:617
 msgid "Disabled"
 msgstr "¤w¸g¥¢®Ä"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:147
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:149
 msgid "Unsigned"
 msgstr "¨S¦³Ã±¸p"
-#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:151 src/gpgmetools.c:891 src/verifydlg.c:214
+#: src/gpasubkeylist.c:153 src/gpgmetools.c:927 src/verifydlg.c:212
 msgid "Valid"
 msgstr "¥¿½T"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/gpgmetools.c:625 src/gpgmetools.c:632
-#: src/keyring.c:1173 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/gpgmetools.c:661 src/gpgmetools.c:668
+#: src/keyring.c:1176 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Name:"
 msgstr "¥ÎªÌ¦WºÙ :"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:74 src/keysigndlg.c:106
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:72 src/keysigndlg.c:104
 msgid "User Names:"
 msgstr "¥ÎªÌ¦WºÙ :"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:80 src/gpgmetools.c:626 src/gpgmetools.c:633
-#: src/keyring.c:1175
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:78 src/gpgmetools.c:662 src/gpgmetools.c:669
+#: src/keyring.c:1178
 msgid "Key ID:"
 msgstr "±KÆ_ ID:"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:196
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:194
 msgid "Expiration"
 msgstr "¦³®Ä´Á"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:203
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:201
 msgid "_indefinitely valid"
 msgstr "¤£¥¿½Tªº¦Xªk (&i)"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:212
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:210
 msgid "expire _after"
 msgstr "¥¢®Ä¦Û (&a)"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:231
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:229
 msgid "expire o_n:"
 msgstr "¥¢®Ä´Á¬° (&n):"
-#: src/gpawidgets.c:304 src/keygendlg.c:285
+#: src/gpawidgets.c:302 src/keygendlg.c:295
 msgid ""
 "Invalid insert mode for expiry date."
@@ -675,16 +985,16 @@
-#: src/gpawizard.c:258
+#: src/gpawizard.c:260
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_Back"
 msgstr "/³Æ¥÷... (&B)"
-#: src/gpawizard.c:265
+#: src/gpawizard.c:267
 msgid "_Forward"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpawizard.c:272
+#: src/gpawizard.c:274
 msgid "_Apply"
 msgstr ""
@@ -723,7 +1033,7 @@
 "³o¦³¥i¯à¬O GPA µ{¦¡ªº°ÝÃD.nGPA ²{¦b¹Á¸Õ±q¿ù»~¤¤¦^´_."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:444
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:477
 msgid ""
 "* WARNING: This file is a backup of your secret key. Please keep it in *\n"
@@ -737,7 +1047,7 @@
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:449
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:482
 msgid ""
 "The key backed up in this file is:\n"
@@ -745,195 +1055,191 @@
 "¤w³Æ¥÷ªºÆ_¹ï¦bÀɮתº¬O :\n"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:510
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:543
 msgid "DSA and ElGamal (default)"
 msgstr "DSA ¤Î EIGamal (¹w³])"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:511
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:544
 msgid "DSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "¥uñ¸pªºDSA"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:512
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:545
 msgid "RSA (sign only)"
 msgstr "¥uñ¸pªº RSA"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:545 src/gpgmetools.c:568 src/gpgmetools.c:585
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:896 src/gpgmetools.c:929
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:581 src/gpgmetools.c:604 src/gpgmetools.c:621
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:932 src/gpgmetools.c:965
 msgid "Unknown"
 msgstr "¤£ª¾¦W"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:548
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:584
 msgid "Never"
 msgstr "¥Ã¤£«H¥ô"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:551
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:587
 msgid "Marginal"
 msgstr "³¡¥÷«H¥ô"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:554
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:590
 msgid "Full"
 msgstr "§¹¥þ«H¥ô"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:557
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:593
 msgid "Ultimate"
 msgstr "¥Ã»·«H¥ô"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:583
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:619
 msgid "Incomplete"
 msgstr "¤£§¹¾ãªº"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:589
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:625
 msgid "Fully Valid"
 msgstr "§¹¥þ¦Xªkªº"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:623
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:659
 msgid "Please enter the passphrase for the following key:"
 msgstr "¿é¤J¥H¤U±KÆ_ªº±K½X:"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:631
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:667
 msgid "Wrong passphrase, please try again:"
 msgstr "±K½X¿ù»~, ½Ð¦A¹Á¸Õ :"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:656
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:692
 msgid "Enter Passphrase"
 msgstr "¿é¤J±K½X"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:778
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:814
 msgid "[None]"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:868 src/verifydlg.c:271
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:904 src/verifydlg.c:269
 msgid "[Unknown user ID]"
 msgstr "[¤£¦W¥ÎªÌID]"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:894 src/verifydlg.c:219
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:930 src/verifydlg.c:217
 msgid "Bad"
 msgstr "¤£¦Xªkªº"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:917
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
 msgid "Generic"
 msgstr "³q¥Î"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:920
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
 msgid "Persona"
 msgstr "¨p¥Î"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:923
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:959
 msgid "Casual"
 msgstr "Á{®É"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:926
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:962
 msgid "Positive"
 msgstr "½T©w"
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:944
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:980
 msgid "The key can be used for certification, signing and encryption."
 msgstr "±KÆ_¥i³Q¥Î§@ÅçÃÒ, ñ¸p¤Î¥[±K."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:947
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:983
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used for certification and signing, but not for encryption."
 msgstr "±KÆ_¥i³Q¥Î§@ÅçÃÒ¤Îñ¸p, ¨Ã¤£¤¹³\¥Î¦b¥[±K¤W."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:953
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:989
 msgid "The key can be used for certification and encryption."
 msgstr "±KÆ_¥i¥Î§@ÅçÃҤΥ[±K."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:956
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:992
 msgid "The key can be used only for certification."
 msgstr "±KÆ_¥u¥i¥Î§@ÅçÃÒ."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:964
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1000
 msgid ""
 "The key can be used only for signing and encryption, but not for "
 msgstr "±KÆ_¥u¥i¥H³Q¥Î§@ñ¸p¤Î¥[±K.¨Ã¤£¤¹³\¥Î¦bÅçÃҥγ~."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:967
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1003
 msgid "The key can be used only for signing."
 msgstr "±KÆ_¥u¥i¥Î§@ñ¸p."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:972
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1008
 msgid "The key can be used only for encryption."
 msgstr "±KÆ_¥u¥i¥Î§@¥[±K."
-#: src/gpgmetools.c:975
+#: src/gpgmetools.c:1011
 msgid "This key is useless."
 msgstr "±KÆ_¬O¤£¥i¨Ï¥Îªº."
-#: src/gtktools.c:311
+#: src/gtktools.c:320
 msgid "GPA Error"
 msgstr "GPA ¿ù»~"
-#: src/gtktools.c:344
-msgid "GPA Message"
-msgstr "GPA °T®§"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:198
+#: src/helpmenu.c:202
 msgid "About GPA"
 msgstr "Ãö©óGPA"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:243
+#: src/helpmenu.c:247
 msgid "Brought to you by:"
 msgstr "¥Ñ¥L­Ì±aµ¹±zªº¬O:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:280
+#: src/helpmenu.c:284
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GPA is Free Software under the"
 msgstr "GPA ¬O¦Û¥Ñ³n¥ó, ¨Ã¥H"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:284
+#: src/helpmenu.c:288
 msgid "GNU General Public License."
 msgstr "GNU ¤½²³³\¥iµý"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:288
+#: src/helpmenu.c:292
 msgid "For news see:"
 msgstr "·s»D¤§¥Î:"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:293
+#: src/helpmenu.c:297
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "http://www.gpg4win.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:295
+#: src/helpmenu.c:299
 msgid "http://www.gnupg.org"
 msgstr "http://www.gnupg.org"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:378
+#: src/helpmenu.c:382
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "GNU ¤½²³³\¥iµý"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:405
+#: src/helpmenu.c:409
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "_GNU General Public License"
 msgstr "GNU ¤½²³³\¥iµý"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:432
+#: src/helpmenu.c:436
 msgid "Show Help Text\n"
 msgstr "Åã¥Ü¨D§U¤å¦r\n"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:440
+#: src/helpmenu.c:444
 msgid "/_Help"
 msgstr "/¨D§U"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:442
+#: src/helpmenu.c:446
 msgid "/Help/_Contents"
 msgstr "/¨D§U/¤º®e (&L)"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:445
+#: src/helpmenu.c:449
 msgid "/Help/_License"
 msgstr "/¨D§U/³\¥iµý (&L)"
-#: src/helpmenu.c:446
+#: src/helpmenu.c:450
 msgid "/Help/_About"
 msgstr "/¨D§U/Ãö©ó (&A)"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:40
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:41
 msgid "Removing Secret Key"
 msgstr "²¾°£±KÆ_"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:54
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:55
 msgid ""
 "If you delete this key, you won't be able to\n"
 "read messages encrypted with it.\n"
@@ -945,21 +1251,21 @@
 "­n½T©w§R°£¶Ü ?"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:90
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:91
 msgid "Remove Key"
 msgstr "²¾°£±KÆ_"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:103
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:104
 msgid "You have selected the following key for removal:"
 msgstr "±z¿ï¾Ü²¾°£¥H¤Uªº±KÆ_:"
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:113
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:114
 msgid ""
 "This key has a secret key. Deleting this key cannot be undone, unless you "
 "have a backup copy."
 msgstr "³o±KÆ_¥]§t¨pÆ_. §R°£«á¤£½Æ­ì, °£«D±z¦³³Æ¥÷."
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:122
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:123
 msgid ""
 "This key is a public key. Deleting this key cannot be undone easily, "
 "although you may be able to get a new copy  from the owner or from a key "
@@ -967,23 +1273,27 @@
 msgstr ""
 "³o¬O¤½Æ_. §R°£«á¤£¯à»´©ö½Æ­ì, °£«D±z¥i¥H±q¾Ö¦³¤H©ÎKey Server¤¤¨ú±o·s¤½Æ_."
-#: src/keydeletedlg.c:131
+#: src/keydeletedlg.c:132
 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete this key?"
 msgstr "±z½T©w­n§R°£³o±KÆ_?"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:148
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:149
 msgid "Edit Key"
 msgstr "­×§ï±KÆ_"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:164
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:165
 msgid "Change _passphrase"
 msgstr "§ó§ï±K½X (&P)"
-#: src/keyeditdlg.c:184
+#: src/keyeditdlg.c:185
 msgid "Change _expiration"
 msgstr "§ïÅܦ³®Ä¤é´Á (&E)"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:54 src/keygenwizard.c:305 src/passwddlg.c:43
+#: src/keygendlg.c:58
+msgid "You must enter a User ID."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keygendlg.c:63 src/keygenwizard.c:307 src/passwddlg.c:45
 msgid ""
 "In \"Passphrase\" and \"Repeat passphrase\",\n"
 "you must enter the same passphrase."
@@ -991,7 +1301,7 @@
 "¦b \"±K½X\"¤Î\"­«½Æ±K½X\",\n"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:61 src/keygenwizard.c:312 src/passwddlg.c:50
+#: src/keygendlg.c:70 src/keygenwizard.c:314 src/passwddlg.c:52
 msgid ""
 "You did not enter a passphrase.\n"
 "It is needed to protect your private key."
@@ -999,7 +1309,7 @@
-#: src/keygendlg.c:74 src/keygenwizard.c:326 src/passwddlg.c:63
+#: src/keygendlg.c:83 src/keygenwizard.c:328 src/passwddlg.c:65
 msgid ""
 "Warning: You have entered a passphrase\n"
 "that is obviously not secure.\n"
@@ -1011,59 +1321,59 @@
-#: src/keygendlg.c:79 src/keygenwizard.c:331 src/passwddlg.c:68
+#: src/keygendlg.c:88 src/keygenwizard.c:333 src/passwddlg.c:70
 msgid "_Enter new passphrase"
 msgstr "¿é¤J·s±K½X (&E)"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:80 src/keygenwizard.c:332 src/passwddlg.c:69
+#: src/keygendlg.c:89 src/keygenwizard.c:334 src/passwddlg.c:71
 msgid "Take this one _anyway"
 msgstr "±j¦æ¨Ï¥Î³o­Ó±K½X (&A)"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:135 src/keygenwizard.c:539
+#: src/keygendlg.c:144 src/keygenwizard.c:541
 msgid "Generate key"
 msgstr "«Ø¥ß·sÆ_"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:176
+#: src/keygendlg.c:185
 msgid "_Algorithm: "
 msgstr "¥[±Kºâ¦¡ (&A):"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:188
+#: src/keygendlg.c:197
 msgid "_Key size (bits): "
 msgstr "±KÆ_¤j¤p (¦ì):"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:189
+#: src/keygendlg.c:198
 msgid "768"
 msgstr "768"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:190
+#: src/keygendlg.c:199
 msgid "1024"
 msgstr "1024"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:191
+#: src/keygendlg.c:200
 msgid "2048"
 msgstr "2048"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:206
+#: src/keygendlg.c:216
 msgid "_User ID: "
 msgstr "¥ÎªÌID (&U):"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:216
+#: src/keygendlg.c:226
 msgid "_Email: "
 msgstr "¹q¶l (&E):"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:226
+#: src/keygendlg.c:236
 msgid "_Comment: "
 msgstr "³Æµù (&C):"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:238
+#: src/keygendlg.c:248
 msgid "_Passphrase: "
 msgstr "±K½X (&P):"
-#: src/keygendlg.c:250
+#: src/keygendlg.c:260
 msgid "_Repeat passphrase: "
 msgstr "­«½Æ±K½X (&R):"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:150
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:152
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your full name.\n"
@@ -1074,15 +1384,15 @@
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:155
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:157
 msgid "Your Name:"
 msgstr "±zªº¦W¦r:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:168
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:170
 msgid "Please insert your name"
 msgstr "½Ð¿é¤J±zªº¦W¦r"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:181
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:183
 msgid ""
 "Please insert your email address.\n"
@@ -1095,27 +1405,27 @@
 "±zªº¹q¶l¦a§}·|¬OÆ_ªº¤@³¡¥÷¨Ï¨ä¥L¤H®e©ö¿ë»{±z. ¦pªG±z¦³¦h­Ó¹q¶l¦a§}, ±z¥i¥H¦b"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:188
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:190
 msgid "Your Email Address:"
 msgstr "±zªº¹q¶l¦a§}:"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:203
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:205
 msgid "Please insert your email address"
 msgstr "½Ð¿é¤J±zªº¹q©Ò¦a§}"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:237
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:239
 msgid "Please choose a passphrase for the new key."
 msgstr "½Ð¿é¤J·sÆ_ªº±K½X."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:246 src/passwddlg.c:106
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:248 src/passwddlg.c:108
 msgid "Passphrase: "
 msgstr "±K½X :"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:259 src/passwddlg.c:115
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:261 src/passwddlg.c:117
 msgid "Repeat Passphrase: "
 msgstr "­«½Æ±K½X :"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:356
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:358
 msgid ""
 "It is recommended that you create a backup copy of your new key, once it has "
 "been generated.\n"
@@ -1126,15 +1436,15 @@
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:365
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:367
 msgid "Create _backup copy"
 msgstr "«Ø¥ß³Æ¥÷ (&b)"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:372 src/keyring.c:724 src/keyring.c:752
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:374 src/keyring.c:739 src/keyring.c:767
 msgid "Do it _later"
 msgstr "©¹«á¤~¶i¦æ (&l)"
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:400
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:402
 msgid ""
 "Your key is being generated.\n"
@@ -1144,7 +1454,7 @@
 "¦b§ó§Öªº¹q¸£¤W¤]¥i¯à­nµ¥«J¤@¬q®É¶¡. ½Ðµ¥«J..."
-#: src/keygenwizard.c:409
+#: src/keygenwizard.c:411
 msgid ""
@@ -1155,15 +1465,7 @@
 "·sªºÆ_¤w¸g«Ø¥ß. ³oÆ_¤w³Q»{¥¿¤Î¨ä­«ªø1024 bits."
-#: src/keylist.c:278 src/ownertrustdlg.c:121
-msgid "Owner Trust"
-msgstr "¬Û«H¾Ö¦³ªÌ"
-#: src/keylist.c:288
-msgid "Key Validity"
-msgstr "ÆJÃÒ¤½Æ_"
-#: src/keylist.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:342
 msgid ""
 "GnuPG is rebuilding the trust database.\n"
 "This might take a few seconds."
@@ -1171,203 +1473,220 @@
 "GnuPG ¥¿¦b­««Ø¸ê®Æ®w.\n"
-#: src/keylist.c:510
-msgid "GPA Warning"
+#: src/keylist.c:559
+msgid ""
+"This columns lists the type of the certificate.  A 'P' denotes OpenPGP and a "
+"'X' denotes X.509 (S/MIME)."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keylist.c:528
+#: src/keylist.c:568
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "The key ID is a short number to identify a certificate."
+msgstr "±KÆ_¥u¥i¥Î§@ÅçÃÒ."
+#: src/keylist.c:581
+msgid "The Expiry Date is the date until the certificate is valid."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:591 src/ownertrustdlg.c:122
+msgid "Owner Trust"
+msgstr "¬Û«H¾Ö¦³ªÌ"
+#: src/keylist.c:592
 msgid ""
-"One of your secret keys contains an ElGamal signing key. Due to a bug in "
-"GnuPG, all ElGamal keys used with GnuPG 1.0.2 and later must be considered "
-"Please revoke your key as soon as possible.\n"
-"The affected key is:"
+"The Owner Trust has been set by you and describes how far you trust the "
+"holder of the certificate to correctly sign (certify) other certificates.  "
+"It is only meaningful for OpenPGP."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:452
+#: src/keylist.c:604
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Validity"
+msgstr "ÆJÃÒ¤½Æ_"
+#: src/keylist.c:605
+msgid ""
+"The Validity describes the trust level the system has in this certificate.  "
+"That is how sure it is that the named user is actually that user."
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keylist.c:619
+msgid ""
+"The User Name is the name and often also the email address  of the "
+msgstr ""
+#: src/keyring.c:457
 msgid "No keys selected for signing."
 msgstr "¨S¦³¿ï¾Ü§@ñ¸pªº±KÆ_."
-#: src/keyring.c:719
+#: src/keyring.c:734
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a private key yet. Do you want to generate one now "
 "(recommended) or do it later?"
 msgstr "±z¨Ã¨S¦³¨pÆ_, «Øij±z²{¦b«Ø¥ß©Î¬O©¹«á¤~«Ø¥ß?"
-#: src/keyring.c:723
+#: src/keyring.c:738
 msgid "_Generate key now"
 msgstr "²{¦b«Ø¥ßÆ_ (&G)"
-#: src/keyring.c:746
+#: src/keyring.c:761
 msgid ""
 "You do not have a backup copy of your private key yet. Do you want to backup "
 "your key now (recommended) or do it later?"
 msgstr "±z¨Ã¨S¦³¨pÆ_, «Øij±z²{¦b«Ø¥ß©Î¬O©¹«á¤~«Ø¥ß?"
-#: src/keyring.c:751
+#: src/keyring.c:766
 msgid "_Backup key now"
 msgstr "²{¦b¶i¦æ³Æ¥÷ (&G)"
-#: src/keyring.c:851
-msgid "/Edit/_Copy"
-msgstr "/½s¿è/½Æ»s (&C)"
-#: src/keyring.c:853
-msgid "/Edit/_Paste"
-msgstr "/½s¿è/¶K¤W (&P)"
-#: src/keyring.c:855
-msgid "/Edit/sep1"
-msgstr "/½s¿è/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:862
+#: src/keyring.c:883
 msgid "/_Keys"
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï"
-#: src/keyring.c:863
+#: src/keyring.c:884
 msgid "/Keys/_Refresh"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:865
+#: src/keyring.c:886
 #, fuzzy
 msgid "/Keys/sep0"
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:866
+#: src/keyring.c:887
 msgid "/Keys/_New Key..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/«Ø¥ß·sÆ_... (&N)"
-#: src/keyring.c:868
+#: src/keyring.c:889
 msgid "/Keys/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/§R°£·sÆ_... (&D)"
-#: src/keyring.c:870
+#: src/keyring.c:891
 msgid "/Keys/sep1"
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/sep1"
-#: src/keyring.c:871
+#: src/keyring.c:892
 msgid "/Keys/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/ñ¸p¤½Æ_... (&S)"
-#: src/keyring.c:872
+#: src/keyring.c:893
 msgid "/Keys/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/§ïÅÜ«H¥ô«×... (&O)"
-#: src/keyring.c:873
+#: src/keyring.c:894
 msgid "/Keys/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/­×§ï±KÆ_... (&E)"
-#: src/keyring.c:874
+#: src/keyring.c:895
 msgid "/Keys/sep2"
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/sep2"
-#: src/keyring.c:875
+#: src/keyring.c:896
 msgid "/Keys/_Import Keys..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/¶×¤JÆ_¹ï... (&I)"
-#: src/keyring.c:876
+#: src/keyring.c:897
 msgid "/Keys/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/¶×¥XÆ_¹ï... (&X)"
-#: src/keyring.c:877
+#: src/keyring.c:898
 msgid "/Keys/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/³Æ¥÷... (&B)"
-#: src/keyring.c:880
+#: src/keyring.c:901
 msgid "/_Server"
 msgstr "/¦øªA¾¹"
-#: src/keyring.c:881
+#: src/keyring.c:902
 msgid "/Server/_Retrieve Keys..."
 msgstr "/¦øªA¾¹/¤U¸ü¤½Æ_... (&R)"
-#: src/keyring.c:882
+#: src/keyring.c:903
 msgid "/Server/_Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/¦øªA¾¹/¤W¶Ç¤½Æ_... (&S)"
-#: src/keyring.c:916
+#: src/keyring.c:908
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "/Windows/_File Manager"
+msgstr "/µøµ¡/Àɮ׺޲z (&F)"
+#: src/keyring.c:939
 msgid "/Keys/Export Keys..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/¶×¥XÆ_¹ï..."
-#: src/keyring.c:923
+#: src/keyring.c:944
 msgid "/Keys/Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/«Ø¥ß·sÆ_... (&G)"
-#: src/keyring.c:930
-msgid "/Edit/Copy"
-msgstr "/½s¿è/½Æ»s"
-#: src/keyring.c:937
+#: src/keyring.c:952
 msgid "/Server/Send Keys..."
 msgstr "/¦øªA¾¹/¤W¶Ç¤½Æ_..."
-#: src/keyring.c:946
+#: src/keyring.c:959
 msgid "/Keys/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/§ïÅÜ«H¥ô«×..."
-#: src/keyring.c:954
+#: src/keyring.c:966
 msgid "/Keys/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/ñ¸p¤½Æ_..."
-#: src/keyring.c:962
+#: src/keyring.c:972
 msgid "/Keys/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/­×§ï±KÆ_..."
-#: src/keyring.c:969
+#: src/keyring.c:977
 msgid "/Keys/Backup..."
 msgstr "/Æ_¹ï/³Æ¥÷..."
-#: src/keyring.c:986
+#: src/keyring.c:994
 msgid "/_Copy"
 msgstr "/½Æ»s (&C)"
-#: src/keyring.c:988
+#: src/keyring.c:996
 msgid "/_Paste"
 msgstr "/¶K¤W (&P)"
-#: src/keyring.c:990
+#: src/keyring.c:998
 msgid "/_Delete Keys..."
 msgstr "/§R°£±KÆ_... (&D)"
-#: src/keyring.c:993
+#: src/keyring.c:1001
 msgid "/_Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/ñ¸p¤½Æ_... (&S)"
-#: src/keyring.c:994
+#: src/keyring.c:1002
 msgid "/Set _Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/³]©w«H¥ô«×... (&O)"
-#: src/keyring.c:995
+#: src/keyring.c:1003
 msgid "/_Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/­×§ï¨pÆ_... (&E)"
-#: src/keyring.c:997
+#: src/keyring.c:1005
 msgid "/E_xport Keys..."
 msgstr "/¶×¥XÆ_¹ï... (&X)"
-#: src/keyring.c:998
+#: src/keyring.c:1006
 msgid "/Se_nd Keys to Server..."
 msgstr "±H¥X¤½Æ_¨ì¦øªA¾¹... (&N)"
-#: src/keyring.c:999
+#: src/keyring.c:1007
 msgid "/_Backup..."
 msgstr "/³Æ¥÷... (&B)"
-#: src/keyring.c:1010
+#: src/keyring.c:1018
 msgid "/Set Owner Trust..."
 msgstr "/³]©w«H¥ô«×..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1018
+#: src/keyring.c:1025
 msgid "/Sign Keys..."
 msgstr "/ñ¸p¤½Æ_..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1026
+#: src/keyring.c:1031
 msgid "/Edit Private Key..."
 msgstr "/­×§ï¨pÆ_..."
-#: src/keyring.c:1033
+#: src/keyring.c:1036
 msgid "/Backup..."
 msgstr "/³Æ¥÷..."
@@ -1375,205 +1694,198 @@
 msgid "Subkeys"
 msgstr "¤lÆ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1177 src/keysigndlg.c:112
+#: src/keyring.c:1180 src/keysigndlg.c:110
 msgid "Fingerprint:"
 msgstr "«ü¯¾:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1179
+#: src/keyring.c:1182
 msgid "Expires at:"
 msgstr "¦³®Ä´Á¦Ü:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1181
+#: src/keyring.c:1184
 msgid "Owner Trust:"
 msgstr "¾Ö¦³ªÌ«H¥ô:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1183
+#: src/keyring.c:1186
 msgid "Key Validity:"
 msgstr "»{¥¿¤½Æ_:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1185
+#: src/keyring.c:1188
 msgid "Key Type:"
 msgstr "±KÆ_ºØÃþ:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1187
+#: src/keyring.c:1190
 msgid "Created at:"
 msgstr "«Ø¥ß¦b :"
-#: src/keyring.c:1190
+#: src/keyring.c:1193
 msgid "Details"
 msgstr "¸Ô±¡"
-#: src/keyring.c:1198
+#: src/keyring.c:1201
 msgid "Show signatures on user name:"
 msgstr "¦b¥ÎªÌ¦WºÙÅã¥Üñ¸p:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1219
+#: src/keyring.c:1225
 msgid "Signatures"
 msgstr "ñ¸p"
-#: src/keyring.c:1244
+#: src/keyring.c:1249
 msgid "The key has both a private and a public part"
 msgstr "³o¬O¦³¨p¤H¤Î¤½¦@³¡¥÷ªº§¹Æ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1249
+#: src/keyring.c:1252
 msgid "The key has only a public part"
 msgstr "³o±KÆ_¥u¦³¤½¦@³¡¥÷"
-#: src/keyring.c:1283
+#: src/keyring.c:1287
 #, c-format
 msgid "%s %u bits"
 msgstr "%s %u ¦ì"
-#: src/keyring.c:1309
+#: src/keyring.c:1312
 msgid "No keys selected"
 msgstr "¨S¦³¿ï¾Ü±KÆ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1313
+#: src/keyring.c:1315
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "%d key selected"
 msgid_plural "%d keys selected"
 msgstr[0] "%d ±KÆ_³Q¿ï¾Ü"
 msgstr[1] "%d ±KÆ_³Q¿ï¾Ü"
-#: src/keyring.c:1345
+#: src/keyring.c:1347
 msgid "All signatures"
 msgstr "©Ò¦³Ã±¸p"
-#: src/keyring.c:1549
+#: src/keyring.c:1552
 msgid "Edit"
 msgstr "­×§ï"
-#: src/keyring.c:1550
+#: src/keyring.c:1553
 msgid "Edit the selected private key"
 msgstr "­×§ï¤w¿ï¾Üªº±KÆ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1551
+#: src/keyring.c:1554
 msgid "edit key"
 msgstr "­×§ï±KÆ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1559
+#: src/keyring.c:1562
 msgid "Remove the selected key"
 msgstr "²¾°£¤w¿ï¾Üªº±KÆ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1560
+#: src/keyring.c:1563
 msgid "remove key"
 msgstr "²¾°£±KÆ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "Sign the selected key"
 msgstr "ñ¸p¤w¿ï¾Üªº±KÆ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1568
+#: src/keyring.c:1571
 msgid "sign key"
 msgstr "ñ¸p±KÆ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1575
+#: src/keyring.c:1578
 msgid "Import"
 msgstr "¶×¤J"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "Import Keys"
 msgstr "¶×¤J±KÆ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1576
+#: src/keyring.c:1579
 msgid "import keys"
 msgstr "¶×¤J±KÆ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1581
+#: src/keyring.c:1584
 msgid "Export"
 msgstr "¿é¥X"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "Export Keys"
 msgstr "¿é¥X±KÆ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1582
+#: src/keyring.c:1585
 msgid "export keys"
 msgstr "¿é¥X±KÆ_"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Brief"
 msgstr "ºK­n"
-#: src/keyring.c:1595
+#: src/keyring.c:1598
 msgid "Show Brief Keylist"
 msgstr "Åã¥Ü±KÆ_²M³æºK­n"
-#: src/keyring.c:1596
+#: src/keyring.c:1599
 msgid "brief"
 msgstr "ºK­n"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Detailed"
 msgstr "¸Ô±¡"
-#: src/keyring.c:1607
+#: src/keyring.c:1610
 msgid "Show Key Details"
 msgstr "Åã¥Ü±KÆ_¸Ô±¡"
-#: src/keyring.c:1608
+#: src/keyring.c:1611
 msgid "detailed"
 msgstr "¸Ô±¡"
-#: src/keyring.c:1641
+#: src/keyring.c:1639
 msgid "Refresh the keyring"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1642
+#: src/keyring.c:1640
 msgid "refresh keyring"
 msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1649
-msgid "Files"
-msgstr "ÀÉ®×"
+#: src/keyring.c:1711
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Selected default key:"
+msgstr "¿ï¾Ü¹w³]±KÆ_:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1650
-msgid "Open the File Manager"
-msgstr "¶}±ÒÀɮ׺޲z­û"
+#: src/keyring.c:1721
+msgid "No default key selected in the preferences."
+msgstr ""
-#: src/keyring.c:1651
-msgid "file manager"
-msgstr "Àɮ׺޲z­û"
-#: src/keyring.c:1674
-msgid "Selected Default Key:"
-msgstr "¿ï¾Ü¹w³]±KÆ_:"
-#: src/keyring.c:1820
+#: src/keyring.c:1833
 msgid "GNU Privacy Assistant - Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "GNU Privacy Assistant - Æ_°é½s¿è¾¹"
-#: src/keyring.c:1851
+#: src/keyring.c:1865
 msgid "Keyring Editor"
 msgstr "Æ_°é½s¿è¾¹"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:62
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:60
 msgid "Sign Key"
 msgstr "ñ¸p±KÆ_"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:78
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:76
 msgid "Do you want to sign the following key?"
 msgstr "±z§Æ±æñ¸p¥H¤Uªº±KÆ_ ?"
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:122
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:120
 msgid ""
 "Check the name and fingerprint carefully to be sure that it really is the "
 "key you want to sign."
 msgstr "Àˬd±KÆ_ªº¦WºÙ¤Î«ü¯¾¥H½T©w¨S¦³¿ù»~."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:130
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:128
 msgid "All user names in this key will be signed."
 msgstr "©Ò¦³¦b³o­ÓÆ_¤Uªº¥ÎªÌ³£§@ñ¸p."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:136
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:134
 msgid "The key will be signed with your default private key."
 msgstr "³o±KÆ_·|¥H±zªº¨pÆ_ñ¸p."
-#: src/keysigndlg.c:143
+#: src/keysigndlg.c:141
 msgid "Sign only _locally"
 msgstr "¥u¬O¥»¦a¤WªºÃ±¸p (&l)"
-#: src/options.c:308
+#: src/options.c:316
 msgid ""
 "The private key you selected as default is no longer available.\n"
 "GPA will try to choose a new default key automatically."
@@ -1581,34 +1893,34 @@
 "GPA ·|¹Á¸Õ¦Û°Ê¿ï¾Ü¨ä¥L¨pÆ_."
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:105
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:106
 msgid "Change key ownertrust"
 msgstr "§ïÅÜ«H¥ô«×"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:129
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:130
 msgid "_Unknown"
 msgstr "¤£ª¾¦W (&U)"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:134
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:135
 msgid ""
 "You don't know how much to trust this user to verify other people's keys.\n"
 msgstr "¤£ª¾¹D«H¥ô³o¤½Æ_ªº«H¥ôµ{«×.\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:144
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:145
 msgid "_Never"
 msgstr "¥Ã¤£«H¥ô (&N)"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:149
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:150
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user at all to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys at all.\n"
 msgstr "§¹¥þ¤£«H¥ô©Ò¦³³o­Ó¥ÎªÌªº¸ê®Æ\n"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:159
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:160
 msgid "_Marginal"
 msgstr "³¡¥÷«H¥ô (&M)"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:164
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:165
 msgid ""
 "You don't trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's "
 "keys enough to consider keys valid based on his/her sole word.\n"
@@ -1620,11 +1932,11 @@
 "¦ý¬O³o­Ó¥ÎªÌªº¤½Æ_¬O¦Xªkªº, ¦pªG³o­Ó¥ÎªÌªº¤½Æ_³Q¨â¤H¥H«e©Òñ¸p, ±z·|«H¥ô³o­Ó"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:181
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:182
 msgid "_Full"
 msgstr "§¹¥þ«H¥ô (&F)"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:186
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:187
 msgid ""
 "You trust this user's ability to verify the validity of other people's keys "
 "so much, that you'll consider valid any key signed by him/her, provided this "
@@ -1633,11 +1945,11 @@
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:199
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:200
 msgid "U_ltimate"
 msgstr "¥Ã»·«H¥ô (&L)"
-#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:204
+#: src/ownertrustdlg.c:205
 msgid ""
 "You consider this key valid, and trust the user so much that you will "
 "consider any key signed by him/her fully valid.\n"
@@ -1649,55 +1961,55 @@
 "(ĵ§i: °£«D¥²­n, ½Ð¤£­n»P¨ä¥L¤½Æ_¦P®É¨Ï¥Î³o­Ó¥ÎªÌªº¤½Æ_)\n"
-#: src/passwddlg.c:94
+#: src/passwddlg.c:96
 msgid "Choose new passphrase"
 msgstr "¿é¤J·s±K½X"
-#: src/server_access.c:284
+#: src/server_access.c:282
 msgid "No error"
 msgstr "¨S¦³¿ù»~"
-#: src/server_access.c:287
+#: src/server_access.c:285
 msgid "Internal error"
 msgstr "¤º³¡¿ù»~"
-#: src/server_access.c:290
+#: src/server_access.c:288
 msgid "Operation not supported"
 msgstr "¾Þ§@¤£¤ä´©"
-#: src/server_access.c:293
+#: src/server_access.c:291
 msgid "Version mismatch"
 msgstr "ª©¥»¤£¹ï"
-#: src/server_access.c:296
+#: src/server_access.c:294
 msgid "Internal keyserver error"
 msgstr "¤º³¡¤½Æ_¦øªA¾¹¿ù»~"
-#: src/server_access.c:299
+#: src/server_access.c:297
 msgid "Out of memory"
 msgstr "°O¾ÐÅ餣¨¬"
-#: src/server_access.c:302
+#: src/server_access.c:300
 msgid "Key not found"
 msgstr "§ä¤£¨ì¤½Æ_"
-#: src/server_access.c:305
+#: src/server_access.c:303
 msgid "Key already exists on server"
 msgstr "¤w¸g±H¨ì¦øªA¾¹."
-#: src/server_access.c:308
+#: src/server_access.c:306
 msgid "Key incomplete"
 msgstr "Æ_¹ï¤£§¹¾ã"
-#: src/server_access.c:311
+#: src/server_access.c:309
 msgid "Could not contact keyserver"
 msgstr "§ä¤£¨ì¤½Æ_¦øªA¾¹"
-#: src/server_access.c:314
+#: src/server_access.c:312
 msgid "Unknown Error"
 msgstr "¤£¦Wªº¿ù»~"
-#: src/server_access.c:350
+#: src/server_access.c:348
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "Connecting to server \"%s\".\n"
@@ -1706,7 +2018,7 @@
 "¥¿¦bÁpµ¸¦øªA¾¹ \"%s\" ¤¤\n"
-#: src/server_access.c:373 src/server_access.c:393
+#: src/server_access.c:371 src/server_access.c:391
 #, c-format
 msgid ""
 "An error ocurred while contacting the server:\n"
@@ -1717,7 +2029,7 @@
-#: src/server_access.c:457
+#: src/server_access.c:455
 msgid ""
 "There is no plugin available for the keyserver\n"
 "protocol you specified."
@@ -1725,60 +2037,79 @@
-#: src/server_access.c:530 src/server_access.c:576
+#: src/server_access.c:528 src/server_access.c:574
 msgid "The keyserver you specified is not valid"
 msgstr "¦øªA¾¹¨Ã¤£¥¿½T"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:45
-msgid "Default _key:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:59
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default _key</b>"
 msgstr "¹w³]±KÆ_ (&K):"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:86
-msgid "Default key_server: "
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:111
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Default key_server</b>"
 msgstr "¹w³]¤½Æ_¦øªA¾¹ :"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:130
-msgid "Use _advanced mode:"
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:158
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "<b>Use _advanced mode</b>"
 msgstr "¨Ï¥Î¶i¶¥¼Ò¦¡ (&A):"
-#: src/settingsdlg.c:163
+#: src/settingsdlg.c:193
 msgid "Settings"
 msgstr "³]©w"
-#: src/siglist.c:126
+#: src/siglist.c:128
 msgid "Level"
 msgstr "µ{«×"
-#: src/siglist.c:133
+#: src/siglist.c:135
 msgid "Local"
 msgstr "¥»°Ïªº"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:118
-msgid "Verify files"
+#: src/verifydlg.c:116
+#, fuzzy
+msgid "Verify documents"
 msgstr "ÅçÃÒÀÉ®×"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:234
+#: src/verifydlg.c:232
 msgid "Expired Key"
 msgstr "¤w¹L®Éªº¤½Æ_"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:242
+#: src/verifydlg.c:240
 msgid "Key NOT valid"
 msgstr "¤½Æ_¤£¥¿½T"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:361
+#: src/verifydlg.c:359
 #, c-format
 msgid "Verified data in file: %s"
 msgstr "ÅçÃÒÀɮפ¤ªº¸ê®Æ: %s"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:366
+#: src/verifydlg.c:364
 #, fuzzy, c-format
 msgid "Signature: %s"
 msgstr "ñ¸p"
-#: src/verifydlg.c:372
+#: src/verifydlg.c:370
 msgid "Signatures:"
 msgstr "ñ¸p"
+#~ msgid "Sign files"
+#~ msgstr "ñ¸pÀÉ®×"
+#~ msgid "sign in separate _file"
+#~ msgstr "ñ¸p¬°¿W¥ßÀÉ®× (&f)"
+#~ msgid "a_rmor"
+#~ msgstr "¯Â¤å¦r (&r)"
+#~ msgid "display this help and exit"
+#~ msgstr "Åã¥Ü¨D§U°T®§¤ÎÂ÷¶}"
+#~ msgid "Options"
+#~ msgstr "¿ï¶µ"
 #~ msgid "GNU general public license"
 #~ msgstr "GNU ¤½²³³\¥iµý"

Modified: trunk/src/ChangeLog
--- trunk/src/ChangeLog	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/ChangeLog	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -1,3 +1,31 @@
+2008-03-12  Werner Koch  <wk at g10code.com>
+	* gpastreamsignop.c, gpastreamsignop.h: New.
+	* gpafileencryptop.c (set_recipients): Free RSET before malloc.
+	(set_recipients): Set the protocol to use. 
+	* keytable.c (reload_cache): Reset FIRST_HALF_DONE.
+	* gpacontext.c (gpa_context_init): Do not set the passphrse
+	callback in CMS mode.
+	* gpgmeedit.c (gpa_gpgme_edit_passwd_parms_release) 
+	(gpa_gpgme_edit_passwd_start): Ditto.
+	* gpgmetools.c (gpa_gpgme_new): Ditto.
+	* gpafilesignop.c (set_signers): Set protocol from the keys.
+	(destination_filename): Add arg protocol and pass it from the caller.
+	* gpa.c (option_entries): Add option --clipboard.  Fix spelling of
+	file manager.
+	(gpa_args_t): Add field START_CLIPBOARD.
+	(main): Implement option.
+	(args): Remove explicit initialization to put it into BSS.
+	* gpa_license.c, gpa_license.h: Remove.
+	* gpl-text.c, gpl-text.h: New.
+	* helpmenu.c (help_license): Use the new get_gpl_text.
+	(scroll_text): Add all names from AUTHORS.
 2008-03-12  Marcus Brinkmann  <marcus at g10code.de>
 	* clipboard.c (dos_to_unix): Removed.

Modified: trunk/src/Makefile.am
--- trunk/src/Makefile.am	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/Makefile.am	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 	      gpasubkeylist.c gpasubkeylist.h \
 	      gpawizard.c gpawizard.h \
 	      gpapastrings.c gpapastrings.h\
-	      gpa_license.c gpa_license.h \
+	      gpl-text.c gpl-text.h \
 	      keyserver.c keyserver.h \
 	      hidewnd.c hidewnd.h \
 	      keytable.c keytable.h \
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
 	      gpaoperation.h gpaoperation.c \
 	      gpastreamop.h gpastreamop.c  \
 	      gpastreamencryptop.h gpastreamencryptop.c  \
+	      gpastreamsignop.h gpastreamsignop.c  \
 	      gpafileop.h gpafileop.c \
 	      gpafiledecryptop.h gpafiledecryptop.c \
 	      gpafileencryptop.h gpafileencryptop.c \

Modified: trunk/src/filesigndlg.c
--- trunk/src/filesigndlg.c	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/filesigndlg.c	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -280,17 +280,21 @@
   return GTK_WIDGET(dialog);
-GList *gpa_file_sign_dialog_signers (GpaFileSignDialog *dialog)
+GList *
+gpa_file_sign_dialog_signers (GpaFileSignDialog *dialog)
-  return gpa_key_selector_get_selected_keys (GPA_KEY_SELECTOR(dialog->clist_who));
+  return gpa_key_selector_get_selected_keys
+    (GPA_KEY_SELECTOR(dialog->clist_who));
-gboolean gpa_file_sign_dialog_get_armor (GpaFileSignDialog *dialog)
+gpa_file_sign_dialog_get_armor (GpaFileSignDialog *dialog)
   return gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(dialog->check_armor));
-gpgme_sig_mode_t gpa_file_sign_dialog_get_sign_type (GpaFileSignDialog *dialog)
+gpa_file_sign_dialog_get_sign_type (GpaFileSignDialog *dialog)
   gpgme_sig_mode_t sign_type = GPGME_SIG_MODE_NORMAL;

Modified: trunk/src/gpa.c
--- trunk/src/gpa.c	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/gpa.c	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -2,21 +2,21 @@
    Copyright (C) 2000-2002 G-N-U GmbH.
    Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 g10 Code GmbH.
-   This file is part of GPA.
+   This file is part of GPA
    GPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.
-   GPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   GPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
+   License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.  */
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
 # include <config.h>
@@ -59,11 +59,12 @@
   gboolean start_keyring_editor;
   gboolean start_file_manager;
+  gboolean start_clipboard;
   gboolean start_only_server;
   gchar *options_filename;
 } gpa_args_t;
-static gpa_args_t args = { FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL };
+static gpa_args_t args;
 /* The copyright notice.  */
@@ -92,7 +93,9 @@
     { "keyring", 'k', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &args.start_keyring_editor,
       N_("Open keyring editor (default)"), NULL },
     { "files", 'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &args.start_file_manager,
-      N_("Open filemanager"), NULL },
+      N_("Open file manager"), NULL },
+    { "clipboard", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &args.start_clipboard,
+      N_("Open clipboard"), NULL },
     { "server", 's', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &args.start_only_server,
       N_("Start only the UI server (implies --cms)"), NULL },
     { "options", 'o', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &args.options_filename,
@@ -370,7 +373,8 @@
     cms_hack = 1; 
   /* Start the keyring editor by default.  */
-  if (!args.start_keyring_editor && !args.start_file_manager)
+  if (!args.start_keyring_editor && !args.start_file_manager
+      && !args.start_clipboard)
     args.start_keyring_editor = TRUE;
   /* Note: We can not use GPGME's engine info, as that returns NULL
@@ -414,9 +418,12 @@
   if (! args.start_only_server)
       /* Don't open the keyring editor if any files are given on the
-         command line */
+         command line.  Dito for the clipboard.   */
       if (args.start_keyring_editor && (optind >= argc))
 	gpa_open_keyring_editor ();
+      if (args.start_clipboard && (optind >= argc))
+	gpa_open_clipboard ();
       if (args.start_file_manager || (optind < argc))
 	gpa_open_filemanager ();

Deleted: trunk/src/gpa_license.c
--- trunk/src/gpa_license.c	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/gpa_license.c	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -1,878 +0,0 @@
-/* gpa_license.c - The GNU Privacy Assistant
- * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 G-N-U GmbH
- *
- * This file is part of GPA.
- *
- * GPA is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * GPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY - without even the implied warranty of
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GPA; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include "gpa_license.h"
-char gpa_license_text_english[] = "\t\t    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE\n\
-\t\t       Version 2, June 1991\n\
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n\
-     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA\n\
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies\n\
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.\n\
-\t\t\t    Preamble\n\
-  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your\n\
-freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public\n\
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free\n\
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This\n\
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software\n\
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to\n\
-using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by\n\
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to\n\
-your programs, too.\n\
-  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not\n\
-price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you\n\
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for\n\
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it\n\
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it\n\
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.\n\
-  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid\n\
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.\n\
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you\n\
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.\n\
-  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether\n\
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that\n\
-you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the\n\
-source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their\n\
-  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and\n\
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,\n\
-distribute and/or modify the software.\n\
-  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain\n\
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free\n\
-software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we\n\
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so\n\
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original\n\
-authors' reputations.\n\
-  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software\n\
-patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free\n\
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the\n\
-program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any\n\
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.\n\
-  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and\n\
-modification follow.\n\
-\n\
-  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains\n\
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed\n\
-under the terms of this General Public License.  The \"Program\", below,\n\
-refers to any such program or work, and a \"work based on the Program\"\n\
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:\n\
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,\n\
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another\n\
-language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in\n\
-the term \"modification\".)  Each licensee is addressed as \"you\".\n\
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not\n\
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of\n\
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program\n\
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the\n\
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).\n\
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.\n\
-  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's\n\
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you\n\
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate\n\
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the\n\
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;\n\
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License\n\
-along with the Program.\n\
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and\n\
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.\n\
-  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion\n\
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and\n\
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1\n\
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:\n\
-    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices\n\
-    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.\n\
-    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in\n\
-    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any\n\
-    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third\n\
-    parties under the terms of this License.\n\
-    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively\n\
-    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such\n\
-    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an\n\
-    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a\n\
-    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide\n\
-    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under\n\
-    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this\n\
-    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but\n\
-    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on\n\
-    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)\n\
-\n\
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If\n\
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,\n\
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in\n\
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those\n\
-sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you\n\
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based\n\
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of\n\
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the\n\
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.\n\
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest\n\
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to\n\
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or\n\
-collective works based on the Program.\n\
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program\n\
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of\n\
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under\n\
-the scope of this License.\n\
-  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,\n\
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of\n\
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:\n\
-    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable\n\
-    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections\n\
-    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,\n\
-    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three\n\
-    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your\n\
-    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete\n\
-    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be\n\
-    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium\n\
-    customarily used for software interchange; or,\n\
-    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer\n\
-    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is\n\
-    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you\n\
-    received the program in object code or executable form with such\n\
-    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)\n\
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for\n\
-making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source\n\
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any\n\
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to\n\
-control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a\n\
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include\n\
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary\n\
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the\n\
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component\n\
-itself accompanies the executable.\n\
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering\n\
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent\n\
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as\n\
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not\n\
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.\n\
-\n\
-  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program\n\
-except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt\n\
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is\n\
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.\n\
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under\n\
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such\n\
-parties remain in full compliance.\n\
-  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not\n\
-signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or\n\
-distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are\n\
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by\n\
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the\n\
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and\n\
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying\n\
-the Program or works based on it.\n\
-  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the\n\
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the\n\
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to\n\
-these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further\n\
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.\n\
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to\n\
-this License.\n\
-  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent\n\
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),\n\
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or\n\
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not\n\
-excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot\n\
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this\n\
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you\n\
-may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent\n\
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by\n\
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then\n\
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to\n\
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.\n\
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under\n\
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to\n\
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other\n\
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any\n\
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any\n\
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the\n\
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is\n\
-implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made\n\
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed\n\
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that\n\
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing\n\
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot\n\
-impose that choice.\n\
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to\n\
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.\n\
-\n\
-  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in\n\
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the\n\
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License\n\
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding\n\
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among\n\
-countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates\n\
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.\n\
-  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions\n\
-of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will\n\
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to\n\
-address new problems or concerns.\n\
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program\n\
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and \"any\n\
-later version\", you have the option of following the terms and conditions\n\
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free\n\
-Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of\n\
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software\n\
-  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free\n\
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author\n\
-to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free\n\
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes\n\
-make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals\n\
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and\n\
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.\n\
-\t\t\t    NO WARRANTY\n\
-\n\
-\t    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs\n\
-  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest\n\
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it\n\
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.\n\
-  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest\n\
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively\n\
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least\n\
-the \"copyright\" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.\n\
-    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>\n\
-    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>\n\
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n\
-    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\
-    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n\
-    (at your option) any later version.\n\
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n\
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\
-    GNU General Public License for more details.\n\
-    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n\
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n\
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA\n\
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.\n\
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this\n\
-when it starts in an interactive mode:\n\
-    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year  name of author\n\
-    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.\n\
-    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\n\
-    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.\n\
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate\n\
-parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may\n\
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be\n\
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.\n\
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your\n\
-school, if any, to sign a \"copyright disclaimer\" for the program, if\n\
-necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:\n\
-  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program\n\
-  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.\n\
-  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989\n\
-  Ty Coon, President of Vice\n\
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into\n\
-proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may\n\
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the\n\
-library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General\n\
-Public License instead of this License.\n\
-char gpa_license_text_german[] = "                           Deutsche Ãœbersetzung der\n\
-                          GNU General Public License\n\
-                                       \n\
-   Erstellt im Auftrag der S.u.S.E. GmbH, http://www.suse.de,\n\
-   von Katja Lachmann Ãœbersetzungen,\n\
-   überarbeitet von Peter Gerwinski, G-N-U GmbH, http://www.g-n-u.de,\n\
-   31. Oktober 1996, 4. Juni 2000\n\
-   \n\
-   Diese Übersetzung wird mit der Absicht angeboten, das Verständnis der\n\
-   GNU General Public License (GNU-GPL) zu erleichtern. Es handelt sich\n\
-   jedoch nicht um eine offizielle oder im rechtlichen Sinne anerkannte\n\
-   Ãœbersetzung.\n\
-   \n\
-   Die Free Software Foundation (FSF) ist nicht der Herausgeber dieser\n\
-   Ãœbersetzung, und sie hat diese Ãœbersetzung auch nicht als\n\
-   rechtskräftigen Ersatz für die Original-GNU-GPL anerkannt. Da die\n\
-   Übersetzung nicht sorgfältig von Anwälten überprüft wurde, können die\n\
-   Übersetzer nicht garantieren, daß die Übersetzung die rechtlichen\n\
-   Aussagen der GNU-GPL exakt wiedergibt. Wenn Sie sichergehen wollen,\n\
-   daß von Ihnen geplante Aktivitäten im Sinne der GNU-GPL gestattet\n\
-   sind, halten Sie sich bitte an die englischsprachige Originalversion\n\
-   (siehe die Datei `COPYING').\n\
-   \n\
-   Die Free Software Foundation möchte Sie darum bitten, diese\n\
-   Übersetzung nicht als offizielle Lizenzbedingungen für von Ihnen\n\
-   geschriebene Programme zu verwenden. Bitte benutzen Sie hierfür\n\
-   stattdessen die von der Free Software Foundation herausgegebene\n\
-   englischsprachige Originalversion.\n\
-   \n\
-   This is a translation of the GNU General Public License into German.\n\
-   This translation is distributed in the hope that it will facilitate\n\
-   understanding, but it is not an official or legally approved\n\
-   translation (see the file `COPYING').\n\
-   \n\
-   The Free Software Foundation is not the publisher of this translation\n\
-   and has not approved it as a legal substitute for the authentic GNU\n\
-   General Public License. The translation has not been reviewed\n\
-   carefully by lawyers, and therefore the translator cannot be sure that\n\
-   it exactly represents the legal meaning of the GNU General Public\n\
-   License. If you wish to be sure whether your planned activities are\n\
-   permitted by the GNU General Public License, please refer to the\n\
-   authentic English version.\n\
-   \n\
-   The Free Software Foundation strongly urges you not to use this\n\
-   translation as the official distribution terms for your programs;\n\
-   instead, please use the authentic English version published by the\n\
-   Free Software Foundation.\n\
-                         GNU General Public License\n\
-                                      \n\
-               Deutsche Ãœbersetzung der Version 2, Juni 1991\n\
-   \n\
-           Copyright © 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n\
-           59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA\n\
-   \n\
-   Es ist jedermann gestattet, diese Lizenzurkunde zu vervielfältigen und\n\
-   unveränderte Kopien zu verbreiten; Änderungen sind jedoch nicht\n\
-   erlaubt.\n\
-   \n\
-   Diese Übersetzung ist kein rechtskräftiger Ersatz für die\n\
-   englischsprachige Originalversion!\n\
-   \n\
-                                    Vorwort\n\
-                                       \n\
-   Die meisten Softwarelizenzen sind daraufhin entworfen worden, Ihnen\n\
-   die Freiheit zu nehmen, die Software weiterzugeben und zu verändern.\n\
-   Im Gegensatz dazu soll Ihnen die GNU General Public License , die\n\
-   Allgemeine Öffentliche GNU-Lizenz, ebendiese Freiheit garantieren. Sie\n\
-   soll sicherstellen, daß die Software für alle Benutzer frei ist. Diese\n\
-   Lizenz gilt für den Großteil der von der Free Software Foundation\n\
-   herausgegebenen Software und für alle anderen Programme, deren Autoren\n\
-   ihr Datenwerk dieser Lizenz unterstellt haben. Auch Sie können diese\n\
-   Möglichkeit der Lizenzierung für Ihre Programme anwenden. (Ein anderer\n\
-   Teil der Software der Free Software Foundation unterliegt stattdessen\n\
-   der GNU Lesser General Public License, der Allgemeinen Öffentlichen\n\
-   GNU-Lizenz für Bibliotheken.) [Mittlerweile wurde die GNU Library\n\
-   General Public License von der GNU Lesser Public License abgelöst -\n\
-   Anmerkung des Ãœbersetzers.]\n\
-   \n\
-   Die Bezeichnung \"freie\" Software bezieht sich auf Freiheit, nicht\n\
-   auf den Preis. Unsere Lizenzen sollen Ihnen die Freiheit garantieren,\n\
-   Kopien freier Software zu verbreiten (und etwas für diesen Service zu\n\
-   berechnen, wenn Sie möchten), die Möglichkeit, die Software im\n\
-   Quelltext zu erhalten oder den Quelltext auf Wunsch zu bekommen. Die\n\
-   Lizenzen sollen garantieren, daß Sie die Software ändern oder Teile\n\
-   davon in neuen freien Programmen verwenden dürfen - und daß Sie\n\
-   wissen, daß Sie dies alles tun dürfen.\n\
-   \n\
-   Um Ihre Rechte zu schützen, müssen wir Einschränkungen machen, die es\n\
-   jedem verbieten, Ihnen diese Rechte zu verweigern oder Sie\n\
-   aufzufordern, auf diese Rechte zu verzichten. Aus diesen\n\
-   Einschränkungen folgen bestimmte Verantwortlichkeiten für Sie, wenn\n\
-   Sie Kopien der Software verbreiten oder sie verändern.\n\
-   \n\
-   Beispielsweise müssen Sie den Empfängern alle Rechte gewähren, die Sie\n\
-   selbst haben, wenn Sie - kostenlos oder gegen Bezahlung - Kopien eines\n\
-   solchen Programms verbreiten. Sie müssen sicherstellen, daß auch die\n\
-   Empfänger den Quelltext erhalten bzw. erhalten können. Und Sie müssen\n\
-   ihnen diese Bedingungen zeigen, damit sie ihre Rechte kennen.\n\
-   \n\
-   Wir schützen Ihre Rechte in zwei Schritten: (1) Wir stellen die\n\
-   Software unter ein Urheberrecht (Copyright), und (2) wir bieten Ihnen\n\
-   diese Lizenz an, die Ihnen das Recht gibt, die Software zu\n\
-   vervielfältigen, zu verbreiten und/oder zu verändern.\n\
-   \n\
-   Um die Autoren und uns zu schützen, wollen wir darüberhinaus\n\
-   sicherstellen, daß jeder erfährt, daß für diese freie Software\n\
-   keinerlei Garantie besteht. Wenn die Software von jemand anderem\n\
-   modifiziert und weitergegeben wird, möchten wir, daß die Empfänger\n\
-   wissen, daß sie nicht das Original erhalten haben, damit irgendwelche\n\
-   von anderen verursachte Probleme nicht den Ruf des ursprünglichen\n\
-   Autors schädigen.\n\
-   \n\
-   Schließlich und endlich ist jedes freie Programm permanent durch\n\
-   Software-Patente bedroht. Wir möchten die Gefahr ausschließen, daß\n\
-   Distributoren eines freien Programms individuell Patente lizensieren -\n\
-   mit dem Ergebnis, daß das Programm proprietär würde. Um dies zu\n\
-   verhindern, haben wir klargestellt, daß jedes Patent entweder für\n\
-   freie Benutzung durch jedermann lizenziert werden muß oder überhaupt\n\
-   nicht lizenziert werden darf.\n\
-   \n\
-   Es folgen die genauen Bedingungen für die Vervielfältigung,\n\
-   Verbreitung und Bearbeitung:\n\
-   \n\
-                       Allgemeine Öffentliche GNU-Lizenz\n\
-                     Bedingungen für die Vervielfältigung,\n\
-                          Verbreitung und Bearbeitung\n\
-                                       \n\
-   §0. Diese Lizenz gilt für jedes Programm und jedes andere Datenwerk,\n\
-   in dem ein entsprechender Vermerk des Copyright-Inhabers darauf\n\
-   hinweist, daß das Datenwerk unter den Bestimmungen dieser General\n\
-   Public License verbreitet werden darf. Im folgenden wird jedes\n\
-   derartige Programm oder Datenwerk als \"das Programm\" bezeichnet; die\n\
-   Formulierung \"auf dem Programm basierendes Datenwerk\" bezeichnet das\n\
-   Programm sowie jegliche Bearbeitung des Programms im\n\
-   urheberrechtlichen Sinne, also ein Datenwerk, welches das Programm,\n\
-   auch auszugsweise, sei es unverändert oder verändert und/oder in eine\n\
-   andere Sprache übersetzt, enthält. (Im folgenden wird die Übersetzung\n\
-   ohne Einschränkung als \"Bearbeitung\" eingestuft.) Jeder Lizenznehmer\n\
-   wird im folgenden als \"Sie\" angesprochen.\n\
-   \n\
-   Andere Handlungen als Vervielfältigung, Verbreitung und Bearbeitung\n\
-   werden von dieser Lizenz nicht berührt; sie fallen nicht in ihren\n\
-   Anwendungsbereich. Der Vorgang der Ausführung des Programms wird nicht\n\
-   eingeschränkt, und die Ausgaben des Programms unterliegen dieser\n\
-   Lizenz nur, wenn der Inhalt ein auf dem Programm basierendes Datenwerk\n\
-   darstellt (unabhängig davon, daß die Ausgabe durch die Ausführung des\n\
-   Programmes erfolgte). Ob dies zutrifft, hängt von den Funktionen des\n\
-   Programms ab.\n\
-   \n\
-   §1. Sie dürfen auf beliebigen Medien unveränderte Kopien des\n\
-   Quelltextes des Programms, wie sie ihn erhalten haben, anfertigen und\n\
-   verbreiten. Voraussetzung hierfür ist, daß Sie mit jeder Kopie einen\n\
-   entsprechenden Copyright-Vermerk sowie einen Haftungsausschluß\n\
-   veröffentlichen, alle Vermerke, die sich auf diese Lizenz und das\n\
-   Fehlen einer Garantie beziehen, unverändert lassen und desweiteren\n\
-   allen anderen Empfängern des Programms zusammen mit dem Programm eine\n\
-   Kopie dieser Lizenz zukommen lassen.\n\
-   \n\
-   Sie dürfen für den eigentlichen Kopiervorgang eine Gebühr verlangen.\n\
-   Wenn Sie es wünschen, dürfen Sie auch gegen Entgeld eine Garantie für\n\
-   das Programm anbieten.\n\
-   \n\
-   §2. Sie dürfen Ihre Kopie(n) des Programms oder eines Teils davon\n\
-   verändern, wodurch ein auf dem Programm basierendes Datenwerk\n\
-   entsteht; Sie dürfen derartige Bearbeitungen unter den Bestimmungen\n\
-   von Paragraph 1 vervielfältigen und verbreiten, vorausgesetzt, daß\n\
-   zusätzlich alle im folgenden genannten Bedingungen erfüllt werden:\n\
-   \n\
-   1.\n\
-          Sie müssen die veränderten Dateien mit einem auffälligen\n\
-          Vermerk versehen, der auf die von Ihnen vorgenommene\n\
-          Modifizierung und das Datum jeder Änderung hinweist.\n\
-   2.\n\
-          Sie müssen dafür sorgen, daß jede von Ihnen verbreitete oder\n\
-          veröffentlichte Arbeit, die ganz oder teilweise von dem\n\
-          Programm oder Teilen davon abgeleitet ist, Dritten gegenüber\n\
-          als Ganzes unter den Bedingungen dieser Lizenz ohne\n\
-          Lizenzgebühren zur Verfügung gestellt wird.\n\
-   3.\n\
-          Wenn das veränderte Programm normalerweise bei der Ausführung\n\
-          interaktiv Kommandos einliest, müssen Sie dafür sorgen, daß es,\n\
-          wenn es auf dem üblichsten Wege für solche interaktive Nutzung\n\
-          gestartet wird, eine Meldung ausgibt oder ausdruckt, die einen\n\
-          geeigneten Copyright-Vermerk enthält sowie einen Hinweis, daß\n\
-          es keine Gewährleistung gibt (oder anderenfalls, daß Sie\n\
-          Garantie leisten), und daß die Benutzer das Programm unter\n\
-          diesen Bedingungen weiter verbreiten dürfen. Auch muß der\n\
-          Benutzer darauf hingewiesen werden, wie er eine Kopie dieser\n\
-          Lizenz ansehen kann. (Ausnahme: Wenn das Programm selbst\n\
-          interaktiv arbeitet, aber normalerweise keine derartige Meldung\n\
-          ausgibt, muß Ihr auf dem Programm basierendes Datenwerk auch\n\
-          keine solche Meldung ausgeben).\n\
-          \n\
-   Diese Anforderungen gelten für das bearbeitete Datenwerk als Ganzes.\n\
-   Wenn identifizierbare Teile des Datenwerkes nicht von dem Programm\n\
-   abgeleitet sind und vernünftigerweise als unabhängige und\n\
-   eigenständige Datenwerke für sich selbst zu betrachten sind, dann\n\
-   gelten diese Lizenz und ihre Bedingungen nicht für die betroffenen\n\
-   Teile, wenn Sie diese als eigenständige Datenwerke weitergeben. Wenn\n\
-   Sie jedoch dieselben Abschnitte als Teil eines Ganzen weitergeben, das\n\
-   ein auf dem Programm basierendes Datenwerk darstellt, dann muß die\n\
-   Weitergabe des Ganzen nach den Bedingungen dieser Lizenz erfolgen,\n\
-   deren Bedingungen für weitere Lizenznehmer somit auf das gesamte Ganze\n\
-   ausgedehnt werden - und somit auf jeden einzelnen Teil, unabhängig vom\n\
-   jeweiligen Autor.\n\
-   \n\
-   Somit ist es nicht die Absicht dieses Abschnittes, Rechte für\n\
-   Datenwerke in Anspruch zu nehmen oder Ihnen die Rechte für Datenwerke\n\
-   streitig zu machen, die komplett von Ihnen geschrieben wurden;\n\
-   vielmehr ist es die Absicht, die Rechte zur Kontrolle der Verbreitung\n\
-   von Datenwerken, die auf dem Programm basieren oder unter seiner\n\
-   auszugsweisen Verwendung zusammengestellt worden sind, auszuüben.\n\
-   \n\
-   Ferner bringt auch das einfache Zusammenlegen eines anderen\n\
-   Datenwerkes, das nicht auf dem Programm basiert, mit dem Programm oder\n\
-   einem auf dem Programm basierenden Datenwerk auf ein- und demselben\n\
-   Speicher- oder Vertriebsmedium dieses andere Datenwerk nicht in den\n\
-   Anwendungsbereich dieser Lizenz.\n\
-   \n\
-   §3. Sie dürfen das Programm (oder ein darauf basierendes Datenwerk\n\
-   gemäß Paragraph 2) als Objectcode oder in ausführbarer Form unter den\n\
-   Bedingungen der Paragraphen 1 und 2 kopieren und weitergeben -\n\
-   vorausgesetzt, daß Sie außerdem eine der folgenden Leistungen\n\
-   erbringen:\n\
-   \n\
-   1.\n\
-          Liefern Sie das Programm zusammen mit dem vollständigen\n\
-          zugehörigen maschinenlesbaren Quelltext auf einem für den\n\
-          Datenaustausch üblichen Medium aus, wobei die Verteilung unter\n\
-          den Bedingungen der Paragraphen 1 und 2 erfolgen muß. Oder:\n\
-   2.\n\
-          Liefern Sie das Programm zusammen mit einem mindestens drei\n\
-          Jahre lang gültigen schriftlichen Angebot aus, jedem Dritten\n\
-          eine vollständige maschinenlesbare Kopie des Quelltextes zur\n\
-          Verfügung zu stellen - zu nicht höheren Kosten als denen, die\n\
-          durch den physikalischen Kopiervorgang anfallen -, wobei der\n\
-          Quelltext unter den Bedingungen der Paragraphen 1 und 2 auf\n\
-          einem für den Datenaustausch üblichen Medium weitergegeben\n\
-          wird. Oder:\n\
-   3.\n\
-          Liefern Sie das Programm zusammen mit dem schriftlichen Angebot\n\
-          der Zurverfügungstellung des Quelltextes aus, das Sie selbst\n\
-          erhalten haben. (Diese Alternative ist nur für\n\
-          nicht-kommerzielle Verbreitung zulässig und nur, wenn Sie das\n\
-          Programm als Objectcode oder in ausführbarer Form mit einem\n\
-          entsprechenden Angebot gemäß Absatz b erhalten haben.)\n\
-          \n\
-   Unter dem Quelltext eines Datenwerkes wird diejenige Form des\n\
-   Datenwerkes verstanden, die für Bearbeitungen vorzugsweise verwendet\n\
-   wird. Für ein ausführbares Programm bedeutet \"der komplette\n\
-   Quelltext\": Der Quelltext aller im Programm enthaltenen Module\n\
-   einschließlich aller zugehörigen\n\
-   Modulschnittstellen-Definitionsdateien sowie der zur Compilation und\n\
-   Installation verwendeten Skripte. Als besondere Ausnahme jedoch\n\
-   braucht der verteilte Quelltext nichts von dem zu enthalten, was\n\
-   üblicherweise (entweder als Quelltext oder in binärer Form) zusammen\n\
-   mit den Hauptkomponenten des Betriebssystems (Kernel, Compiler usw.)\n\
-   geliefert wird, unter dem das Programm läuft - es sei denn, diese\n\
-   Komponente selbst gehört zum ausführbaren Programm.\n\
-   \n\
-   Wenn die Verbreitung eines ausführbaren Programms oder von Objectcode\n\
-   dadurch erfolgt, daß der Kopierzugriff auf eine dafür vorgesehene\n\
-   Stelle gewährt wird, so gilt die Gewährung eines gleichwertigen\n\
-   Zugriffs auf den Quelltext als Verbreitung des Quelltextes, auch wenn\n\
-   Dritte nicht dazu gezwungen sind, den Quelltext zusammen mit dem\n\
-   Objectcode zu kopieren.\n\
-   \n\
-   §4. Sie dürfen das Programm nicht vervielfältigen, verändern, weiter\n\
-   lizenzieren oder verbreiten, sofern es nicht durch diese Lizenz\n\
-   ausdrücklich gestattet ist. Jeder anderweitige Versuch der\n\
-   Vervielfältigung, Modifizierung, Weiterlizenzierung und Verbreitung\n\
-   ist nichtig und beendet automatisch Ihre Rechte unter dieser Lizenz.\n\
-   Jedoch werden die Lizenzen Dritter, die von Ihnen Kopien oder Rechte\n\
-   unter dieser Lizenz erhalten haben, nicht beendet, solange diese die\n\
-   Lizenz voll anerkennen und befolgen.\n\
-   \n\
-   §5. Sie sind nicht verpflichtet, diese Lizenz anzunehmen, da Sie sie\n\
-   nicht unterzeichnet haben. Jedoch gibt Ihnen nichts anderes die\n\
-   Erlaubnis, das Programm oder von ihm abgeleitete Datenwerke zu\n\
-   verändern oder zu verbreiten. Diese Handlungen sind gesetzlich\n\
-   verboten, wenn Sie diese Lizenz nicht anerkennen. Indem Sie das\n\
-   Programm (oder ein darauf basierendes Datenwerk) verändern oder\n\
-   verbreiten, erklären Sie Ihr Einverständnis mit dieser Lizenz und mit\n\
-   allen ihren Bedingungen bezüglich der Vervielfältigung, Verbreitung\n\
-   und Veränderung des Programms oder eines darauf basierenden\n\
-   Datenwerks.\n\
-   \n\
-   §6. Jedesmal, wenn Sie das Programm (oder ein auf dem Programm\n\
-   basierendes Datenwerk) weitergeben, erhält der Empfänger automatisch\n\
-   vom ursprünglichen Lizenzgeber die Lizenz, das Programm entsprechend\n\
-   den hier festgelegten Bestimmungen zu vervielfältigen, zu verbreiten\n\
-   und zu verändern. Sie dürfen keine weiteren Einschränkungen der\n\
-   Durchsetzung der hierin zugestandenen Rechte des Empfängers vornehmen.\n\
-   Sie sind nicht dafür verantwortlich, die Einhaltung dieser Lizenz\n\
-   durch Dritte durchzusetzen.\n\
-   \n\
-   §7. Sollten Ihnen infolge eines Gerichtsurteils, des Vorwurfs einer\n\
-   Patentverletzung oder aus einem anderen Grunde (nicht auf Patentfragen\n\
-   begrenzt) Bedingungen (durch Gerichtsbeschluß, Vergleich oder\n\
-   anderweitig) auferlegt werden, die den Bedingungen dieser Lizenz\n\
-   widersprechen, so befreien Sie diese Umstände nicht von den\n\
-   Bestimmungen dieser Lizenz. Wenn es Ihnen nicht möglich ist, das\n\
-   Programm unter gleichzeitiger Beachtung der Bedingungen in dieser\n\
-   Lizenz und Ihrer anderweitigen Verpflichtungen zu verbreiten, dann\n\
-   dürfen Sie als Folge das Programm überhaupt nicht verbreiten. Wenn zum\n\
-   Beispiel ein Patent nicht die gebührenfreie Weiterverbreitung des\n\
-   Programms durch diejenigen erlaubt, die das Programm direkt oder\n\
-   indirekt von Ihnen erhalten haben, dann besteht der einzige Weg,\n\
-   sowohl das Patentrecht als auch diese Lizenz zu befolgen, darin, ganz\n\
-   auf die Verbreitung des Programms zu verzichten.\n\
-   \n\
-   Sollte sich ein Teil dieses Paragraphen als ungültig oder unter\n\
-   bestimmten Umständen nicht durchsetzbar erweisen, so soll dieser\n\
-   Paragraph seinem Sinne nach angewandt werden; im übrigen soll dieser\n\
-   Paragraph als Ganzes gelten.\n\
-   \n\
-   Zweck dieses Paragraphen ist nicht, Sie dazu zu bringen, irgendwelche\n\
-   Patente oder andere Eigentumsansprüche zu verletzen oder die\n\
-   Gültigkeit solcher Ansprüche zu bestreiten; dieser Paragraph hat\n\
-   einzig den Zweck, die Integrität des Verbreitungssystems der freien\n\
-   Software zu schützen, das durch die Praxis öffentlicher Lizenzen\n\
-   verwirklicht wird. Viele Leute haben großzügige Beiträge zu dem großen\n\
-   Angebot der mit diesem System verbreiteten Software im Vertrauen auf\n\
-   die konsistente Anwendung dieses Systems geleistet; es liegt am\n\
-   Autor/Geber, zu entscheiden, ob er die Software mittels irgendeines\n\
-   anderen Systems verbreiten will; ein Lizenznehmer hat auf diese\n\
-   Entscheidung keinen Einfluß.\n\
-   \n\
-   Dieser Paragraph ist dazu gedacht, deutlich klarzustellen, was als\n\
-   Konsequenz aus dem Rest dieser Lizenz betrachtet wird.\n\
-   \n\
-   §8. Wenn die Verbreitung und/oder die Benutzung des Programms in\n\
-   bestimmten Staaten entweder durch Patente oder durch urheberrechtlich\n\
-   geschützte Schnittstellen eingeschränkt ist, kann der\n\
-   Urheberrechtsinhaber, der das Programm unter diese Lizenz gestellt\n\
-   hat, eine explizite geographische Begrenzung der Verbreitung angeben,\n\
-   in der diese Staaten ausgeschlossen werden, so daß die Verbreitung nur\n\
-   innerhalb und zwischen den Staaten erlaubt ist, die nicht\n\
-   ausgeschlossen sind. In einem solchen Fall beinhaltet diese Lizenz die\n\
-   Beschränkung, als wäre sie in diesem Text niedergeschrieben.\n\
-   \n\
-   §9. Die Free Software Foundation kann von Zeit zu Zeit überarbeitete\n\
-   und/oder neue Versionen der General Public License veröffentlichen.\n\
-   Solche neuen Versionen werden vom Grundprinzip her der gegenwärtigen\n\
-   entsprechen, können aber im Detail abweichen, um neuen Problemen und\n\
-   Anforderungen gerecht zu werden.\n\
-   \n\
-   Jede Version dieser Lizenz hat eine eindeutige Versionsnummer. Wenn in\n\
-   einem Programm angegeben wird, daß es dieser Lizenz in einer\n\
-   bestimmten Versionsnummer oder \"jeder späteren Version\" (\"any later\n\
-   version\") unterliegt, so haben Sie die Wahl, entweder den\n\
-   Bestimmungen der genannten Version zu folgen oder denen jeder\n\
-   beliebigen späteren Version, die von der Free Software Foundation\n\
-   veröffentlicht wurde. Wenn das Programm keine Versionsnummer angibt,\n\
-   können Sie eine beliebige Version wählen, die je von der Free Software\n\
-   Foundation veröffentlicht wurde.\n\
-   \n\
-   §10. Wenn Sie den Wunsch haben, Teile des Programms in anderen\n\
-   freien Programmen zu verwenden, deren Bedingungen für die Verbreitung\n\
-   anders sind, schreiben Sie an den Autor, um ihn um die Erlaubnis zu\n\
-   bitten. Für Software, die unter dem Copyright der Free Software\n\
-   Foundation steht, schreiben Sie an die Free Software Foundation ; wir\n\
-   machen zu diesem Zweck gelegentlich Ausnahmen. Unsere Entscheidung\n\
-   wird von den beiden Zielen geleitet werden, zum einen den freien\n\
-   Status aller von unserer freien Software abgeleiteten Datenwerke zu\n\
-   erhalten und zum anderen das gemeinschaftliche Nutzen und\n\
-   Wiederverwenden von Software im allgemeinen zu fördern.\n\
-   \n\
-Keine Gewährleistung\n\
-   §11. Da das Programm ohne jegliche Kosten lizenziert wird, besteht\n\
-   keinerlei Gewährleistung für das Programm, soweit dies gesetzlich\n\
-   zulässig ist. Sofern nicht anderweitig schriftlich bestätigt, stellen\n\
-   die Copyright-Inhaber und/oder Dritte das Programm so zur Verfügung,\n\
-   \"wie es ist\", ohne irgendeine Gewährleistung, weder ausdrücklich\n\
-   noch implizit, einschließlich - aber nicht begrenzt auf - Marktreife\n\
-   oder Verwendbarkeit für einen bestimmten Zweck. Das volle Risiko\n\
-   bezüglich Qualität und Leistungsfähigkeit des Programms liegt bei\n\
-   Ihnen. Sollte sich das Programm als fehlerhaft herausstellen, liegen\n\
-   die Kosten für notwendigen Service, Reparatur oder Korrektur bei\n\
-   Ihnen.\n\
-   \n\
-   §12. In keinem Fall, außer wenn durch geltendes Recht gefordert oder\n\
-   schriftlich zugesichert, ist irgendein Copyright-Inhaber oder\n\
-   irgendein Dritter, der das Programm wie oben erlaubt modifiziert oder\n\
-   verbreitet hat, Ihnen gegenüber für irgendwelche Schäden haftbar,\n\
-   einschließlich jeglicher allgemeiner oder spezieller Schäden, Schäden\n\
-   durch Seiteneffekte (Nebenwirkungen) oder Folgeschäden, die aus der\n\
-   Benutzung des Programms oder der Unbenutzbarkeit des Programms folgen\n\
-   (einschließlich - aber nicht beschränkt auf - Datenverluste,\n\
-   fehlerhafte Verarbeitung von Daten, Verluste, die von Ihnen oder\n\
-   anderen getragen werden müssen, oder dem Unvermögen des Programms, mit\n\
-   irgendeinem anderen Programm zusammenzuarbeiten), selbst wenn ein\n\
-   Copyright-Inhaber oder Dritter über die Möglichkeit solcher Schäden\n\
-   unterrichtet worden war.\n\
-   \n\
-Ende der Bedingungen\n\
-              Anhang: Wie Sie diese Bedingungen auf Ihre eigenen,\n\
-                        neuen Programme anwenden können\n\
-                                       \n\
-   Wenn Sie ein neues Programm entwickeln und wollen, daß es vom\n\
-   größtmöglichen Nutzen für die Allgemeinheit ist, dann erreichen Sie\n\
-   das am besten, indem Sie es zu freier Software machen, die jeder unter\n\
-   diesen Bestimmungen weiterverbreiten und verändern kann.\n\
-   \n\
-   Um dies zu erreichen, fügen Sie die folgenden Vermerke zu Ihrem\n\
-   Programm hinzu. Am sichersten ist es, sie an den Anfang einer jeden\n\
-   Quelldatei zu stellen, um den Gewährleistungsausschluß möglichst\n\
-   deutlich darzustellen; zumindest aber sollte jede Datei eine\n\
-   Copyright-Zeile besitzen sowie einen kurzen Hinweis darauf, wo die\n\
-   vollständigen Vermerke zu finden sind.\n\
-   \n\
-     <eine Zeile mit dem Programmnamen und einer kurzen Beschreibung>\n\
-     Copyright (C) <Jahr> <Name des Autors>\n\
-     \n\
-     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n\
-     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as\n\
-     published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the\n\
-     License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\
-     \n\
-     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n\
-     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\
-     General Public License for more details.\n\
-     \n\
-     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n\
-     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n\
-     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA\n\
-     02111-1307, USA.\n\
-     \n\
-   Auf Deutsch:\n\
-   \n\
-     <eine Zeile mit dem Programmnamen und einer kurzen Beschreibung>\n\
-     Copyright (C) <Jahr> <Name des Autors>\n\
-     \n\
-     Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie können es unter den\n\
-     Bedingungen der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free\n\
-     Software Foundation veröffentlicht, weitergeben und/oder\n\
-     modifizieren, entweder gemäß Version 2 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer\n\
-     Option) jeder späteren Version.\n\
-     \n\
-     Die Veröffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, daß\n\
-     es Ihnen von Nutzen sein wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar\n\
-     ohne die implizite Garantie der MARKTREIFE oder der VERWENDBARKEIT\n\
-     FÃœR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Details finden Sie in der GNU General\n\
-     Public License.\n\
-     \n\
-     Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit\n\
-     diesem Programm erhalten haben. Falls nicht, schreiben Sie an die\n\
-     Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,\n\
-     MA 02111-1307, USA.\n\
-     \n\
-   Fügen Sie auch einen kurzen Hinweis hinzu, wie Sie elektronisch und\n\
-   per Brief erreichbar sind.\n\
-   \n\
-   Wenn Ihr Programm interaktiv ist, sorgen Sie dafür, daß es nach dem\n\
-   Start einen kurzen Vermerk ausgibt:\n\
-   \n\
-     version 69, Copyright (C) <Jahr> <Name des Autors>\n\
-     Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type\n\
-     `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to\n\
-     redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for\n\
-     details.\n\
-     \n\
-   Auf Deutsch:\n\
-   \n\
-     Version 69, Copyright (C) <Jahr> <Name des Autors>\n\
-     Für Gnomovision besteht KEINERLEI GARANTIE; geben Sie `show w' für\n\
-     Details ein. Gnonovision ist freie Software, die Sie unter\n\
-     bestimmten Bedingungen weitergeben dürfen; geben Sie `show c' für\n\
-     Details ein.\n\
-     \n\
-   Die hypothetischen Kommandos `show w' und `show c' sollten die\n\
-   entsprechenden Teile der GNU-GPL anzeigen. Natürlich können die von\n\
-   Ihnen verwendeten Kommandos anders heißen als `show w' und `show c';\n\
-   es könnten auch Mausklicks oder Menüpunkte sein - was immer am besten\n\
-   in Ihr Programm paßt.\n\
-   \n\
-   Soweit vorhanden, sollten Sie auch Ihren Arbeitgeber (wenn Sie als\n\
-   Programmierer arbeiten) oder Ihre Schule einen Copyright-Verzicht für\n\
-   das Programm unterschreiben lassen. Hier ein Beispiel. Die Namen\n\
-   müssen Sie natürlich ändern.\n\
-   \n\
-     Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the\n\
-     program `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by\n\
-     James Hacker.\n\
-     \n\
-     <Unterschrift von Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989\n\
-     Ty Coon, President of Vice\n\
-     \n\
-   Auf Deutsch:\n\
-   \n\
-     Die Yoyodyne GmbH erhebt keinen urheberrechtlichen Anspruch auf das\n\
-     von James Hacker geschriebene Programm ,Gnomovision` (einem\n\
-     Schrittmacher für Compiler).\n\
-     \n\
-     <Unterschrift von Ty Coon>, 1. April 1989\n\
-     Ty Coon, Vizepräsident\n\
-     \n\
-   Diese General Public License gestattet nicht die Einbindung des\n\
-   Programms in proprietäre Programme. Ist Ihr Programm eine\n\
-   Funktionsbibliothek, so kann es sinnvoller sein, das Binden\n\
-   proprietärer Programme mit dieser Bibliothek zu gestatten. Wenn Sie\n\
-   dies tun wollen, sollten Sie die GNU Library General Public License\n\
-   anstelle dieser Lizenz verwenden. [Mittlerweile wurde die GNU Library\n\
-   General Public License von der GNU Lesser Public License abgelöst -\n\
-   Anmerkung des Ãœbersetzers.]\n\
-char *gpa_license_text = gpa_license_text_english;

Deleted: trunk/src/gpa_license.h
--- trunk/src/gpa_license.h	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/gpa_license.h	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* gpllicense.h  -  The GNU Privacy Assistant
- *	Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 G-N-U GmbH.
- *
- * This file is part of GPA
- *
- * GPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * GPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
- */
-extern char *gpa_license_text;

Modified: trunk/src/gpacontext.c
--- trunk/src/gpacontext.c	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/gpacontext.c	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -180,8 +180,15 @@
       gpa_gpgme_warning (err);
-  /* Set the appropriate callbacks.  */
-  gpgme_set_passphrase_cb (context->ctx, gpa_context_passphrase_cb, context);
+  /* Set the appropriate callbacks.  Note that we can't set the
+     passphrase callback in CMS mode because it is not implemented by
+     the CMS backend.  To make things easier we never set in CMS mode
+     because we can then assume that a proper GnuPG-2 system (with
+     pinentry) is in use and then we don't need that callback for
+     OpenPGP either. */
+  if (!cms_hack)
+    gpgme_set_passphrase_cb (context->ctx, gpa_context_passphrase_cb, context);
   gpgme_set_progress_cb (context->ctx, gpa_context_progress_cb, context);
   /* Fill the CB structure */
   context->io_cbs = g_malloc (sizeof (struct gpgme_io_cbs));
@@ -194,6 +201,7 @@
   gpgme_set_io_cbs (context->ctx, context->io_cbs);
 static void
 gpa_context_finalize (GObject *object)

Modified: trunk/src/gpafileencryptop.c
--- trunk/src/gpafileencryptop.c	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/gpafileencryptop.c	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -576,11 +576,35 @@
   GList *cur;
   int i;
+  gpgme_protocol_t protocol = GPGME_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN;
+  g_free (op->rset);
   op->rset = g_malloc0 (sizeof(gpgme_key_t)*(g_list_length(recipients)+1));
+  /* Figure out the the protocol to use.  */
   for (cur = recipients, i = 0; cur; cur = g_list_next (cur), i++)
+      gpgme_key_t key = cur->data;
+      if (protocol == GPGME_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN)
+        protocol = key->protocol;
+      else if (key->protocol != protocol)
+        {
+          /* Should not happen either because the selection dialog
+             should have not allowed to select differet keys.  */
+          gpa_window_error 
+            (_("The selected certificates are not all of the same type."
+               " That is, you mixed OpenPGP and X.509 certificates."
+               " Please make sure to select only certificates of the"
+               " same type."), 
+             GPA_OPERATION (op)->window);
+          return FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+  /* Perform validity checks.  */
+  for (cur = recipients, i = 0; cur; cur = g_list_next (cur), i++)
+    {
       /* Check that all recipients are valid */
       gpgme_key_t key = cur->data;
       gpgme_validity_t valid;
@@ -597,9 +621,13 @@
           expired_key (key, GPA_OPERATION (op)->window);
           return FALSE;
-      /* Now, check it's validity */
-      else if (valid == GPGME_VALIDITY_FULL || 
-               valid == GPGME_VALIDITY_ULTIMATE)
+      /* Now, check it's validity.  X.509 keys are always considered
+         valid becuase the backend will chekc this.  FIXME: It would
+         be better to ask the backend to check the validity of the key
+         instead of letting it fail later. */
+      else if (valid == GPGME_VALIDITY_FULL 
+               || valid == GPGME_VALIDITY_ULTIMATE
+               || key->protocol == GPGME_PROTOCOL_CMS)
 	  op->rset[i] = key;
@@ -622,6 +650,8 @@
+  gpgme_set_protocol (GPA_OPERATION (op)->context->ctx, protocol);
   return TRUE;

Modified: trunk/src/gpafilesignop.c
--- trunk/src/gpafilesignop.c	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/gpafilesignop.c	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -224,23 +224,24 @@
 static gchar*
 destination_filename (const gchar *filename, gboolean armor, 
+                      gpgme_protocol_t protocol,
 		      gpgme_sig_mode_t sign_type)
   const gchar *extension;
   gchar *signature_filename;
-  if (sign_type == GPGME_SIG_MODE_DETACH)
-    {
-      extension = ".sig";
-    }
+  if (protocol == GPGME_PROTOCOL_CMS && armor 
+      && sign_type != GPGME_SIG_MODE_DETACH)
+    extension = ".pem";
+  else if (protocol == GPGME_PROTOCOL_CMS)
+    extension = ".p7s";
+  else if (sign_type == GPGME_SIG_MODE_DETACH)
+    extension = ".sig";
   else if (sign_type == GPGME_SIG_MODE_CLEAR)
-    {
-      extension = ".asc";
-    }
+    extension = ".asc";
-    {
-      extension = ".gpg";
-    }
+    extension = ".gpg";
   signature_filename = g_strconcat (filename, extension, NULL);
   return signature_filename;
@@ -280,7 +281,7 @@
       file_item->filename_out = destination_filename 
 	(plain_filename, gpgme_get_armor (GPA_OPERATION (op)->context->ctx),
-	 op->sign_type);
+	 gpgme_get_protocol (GPA_OPERATION (op)->context->ctx), op->sign_type);
       /* Open the files */
       op->plain_fd = gpa_open_input (plain_filename, &op->plain, 
@@ -394,14 +395,18 @@
- * Setting the signers for the context.
+ * Setting the signers and the protocol for the context. The protocol
+ * to use is derived from the keys.  An errro will be displayed if the
+ * selected keys are not all of one protocol.
 static gboolean
 set_signers (GpaFileSignOperation *op, GList *signers)
   GList *cur;
   gpg_error_t err;
+  gpgme_protocol_t protocol = GPGME_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN;
   gpgme_signers_clear (GPA_OPERATION (op)->context->ctx);
   if (!signers)
@@ -414,21 +419,45 @@
   for (cur = signers; cur; cur = g_list_next (cur))
       gpgme_key_t key = cur->data;
+      if (protocol == GPGME_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN)
+        protocol = key->protocol;
+      else if (key->protocol != protocol)
+        {
+          /* Should not happen because the selection dialog should
+             have not allowed to select different key types.  */
+          gpa_window_error 
+            (_("The selected certificates are not all of the same type."
+               " That is, you mixed OpenPGP and X.509 certificates."
+               " Please make sure to select only certificates of the"
+               " same type."), 
+             GPA_OPERATION (op)->window);
+          return FALSE;
+        }
+    }
+  gpgme_set_protocol (GPA_OPERATION (op)->context->ctx, protocol);
+  for (cur = signers; cur; cur = g_list_next (cur))
+    {
+      gpgme_key_t key = cur->data;
       err = gpgme_signers_add (GPA_OPERATION (op)->context->ctx, key);
       if (gpg_err_code (err) != GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR)
 	  gpa_gpgme_error (err);
   return TRUE;
  * The key selection dialog has returned.
-static void gpa_file_sign_operation_response_cb (GtkDialog *dialog,
-						    gint response,
-						    gpointer user_data)
+static void 
+gpa_file_sign_operation_response_cb (GtkDialog *dialog,
+                                     gint response,
+                                     gpointer user_data)
   GpaFileSignOperation *op = user_data;

Modified: trunk/src/gpgmeedit.c
--- trunk/src/gpgmeedit.c	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/gpgmeedit.c	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -1002,7 +1002,9 @@
   gpgme_data_release (parms->out);
   /* Make sure the normal passphrase callback is used */
-  gpgme_set_passphrase_cb (ctx->ctx, passwd_parms->func, passwd_parms->opaque);
+  if (!cms_hack)
+    gpgme_set_passphrase_cb (ctx->ctx,
+                             passwd_parms->func, passwd_parms->opaque);
   if (parms->signal_id != 0)
@@ -1059,7 +1061,8 @@
   /* Use our own passphrase callback: The data are the actual edit
      parms.  */
-  gpgme_set_passphrase_cb (ctx->ctx, passwd_passphrase_cb, parms);
+  if (!cms_hack)
+    gpgme_set_passphrase_cb (ctx->ctx, passwd_passphrase_cb, parms);
   err = gpgme_op_edit_start (ctx->ctx, key, edit_fnc, parms, out);

Modified: trunk/src/gpgmetools.c
--- trunk/src/gpgmetools.c	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/gpgmetools.c	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@
       gpa_gpgme_error (err);
-  gpgme_set_passphrase_cb (ctx, gpa_passphrase_cb, NULL);
+  if (!cms_hack)
+    gpgme_set_passphrase_cb (ctx, gpa_passphrase_cb, NULL);
   return ctx;

Added: trunk/src/gpl-text.c
--- trunk/src/gpl-text.c	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/gpl-text.c	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+/* gpl-text - The text of the GPL.  */
+#include "gpl-text.h"
+static const char license_text[] =
+"		       Version 3, 29 June 2007\n"
+" Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>\n"
+" Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies\n"
+" of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.\n"
+"			    Preamble\n"
+"  The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for\n"
+"software and other kinds of works.\n"
+"  The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed\n"
+"to take away your freedom to share and change the works.  By contrast,\n"
+"the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to\n"
+"share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free\n"
+"software for all its users.  We, the Free Software Foundation, use the\n"
+"GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to\n"
+"any other work released this way by its authors.  You can apply it to\n"
+"your programs, too.\n"
+"  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not\n"
+"price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you\n"
+"have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for\n"
+"them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you\n"
+"want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new\n"
+"free programs, and that you know you can do these things.\n"
+"  To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you\n"
+"these rights or asking you to surrender the rights.  Therefore, you have\n"
+"certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if\n"
+"you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.\n"
+"  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether\n"
+"gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same\n"
+"freedoms that you received.  You must make sure that they, too, receive\n"
+"or can get the source code.  And you must show them these terms so they\n"
+"know their rights.\n"
+"  Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:\n"
+"(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License\n"
+"giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.\n"
+"  For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains\n"
+"that there is no warranty for this free software.  For both users' and\n"
+"authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as\n"
+"changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to\n"
+"authors of previous versions.\n"
+"  Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run\n"
+"modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer\n"
+"can do so.  This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of\n"
+"protecting users' freedom to change the software.  The systematic\n"
+"pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to\n"
+"use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable.  Therefore, we\n"
+"have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those\n"
+"products.  If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we\n"
+"stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions\n"
+"of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.\n"
+"  Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.\n"
+"States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of\n"
+"software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to\n"
+"avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could\n"
+"make it effectively proprietary.  To prevent this, the GPL assures that\n"
+"patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.\n"
+"  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and\n"
+"modification follow.\n"
+"  0. Definitions.\n"
+"  \"This License\" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.\n"
+"  \"Copyright\" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of\n"
+"works, such as semiconductor masks.\n"
+"  \"The Program\" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this\n"
+"License.  Each licensee is addressed as \"you\".  \"Licensees\" and\n"
+"\"recipients\" may be individuals or organizations.\n"
+"  To \"modify\" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work\n"
+"in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an\n"
+"exact copy.  The resulting work is called a \"modified version\" of the\n"
+"earlier work or a work \"based on\" the earlier work.\n"
+"  A \"covered work\" means either the unmodified Program or a work based\n"
+"on the Program.\n"
+"  To \"propagate\" a work means to do anything with it that, without\n"
+"permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for\n"
+"infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a\n"
+"computer or modifying a private copy.  Propagation includes copying,\n"
+"distribution (with or without modification), making available to the\n"
+"public, and in some countries other activities as well.\n"
+"  To \"convey\" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other\n"
+"parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user through\n"
+"a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.\n"
+"  An interactive user interface displays \"Appropriate Legal Notices\"\n"
+"to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible\n"
+"feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)\n"
+"tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the\n"
+"extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the\n"
+"work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If\n"
+"the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a\n"
+"menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.\n"
+"  1. Source Code.\n"
+"  The \"source code\" for a work means the preferred form of the work\n"
+"for making modifications to it.  \"Object code\" means any non-source\n"
+"form of a work.\n"
+"  A \"Standard Interface\" means an interface that either is an official\n"
+"standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of\n"
+"interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that\n"
+"is widely used among developers working in that language.\n"
+"  The \"System Libraries\" of an executable work include anything, other\n"
+"than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of\n"
+"packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major\n"
+"Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that\n"
+"Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an\n"
+"implementation is available to the public in source code form.  A\n"
+"\"Major Component\", in this context, means a major essential component\n"
+"(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system\n"
+"(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to\n"
+"produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.\n"
+"  The \"Corresponding Source\" for a work in object code form means all\n"
+"the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable\n"
+"work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to\n"
+"control those activities.  However, it does not include the work's\n"
+"System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free\n"
+"programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but\n"
+"which are not part of the work.  For example, Corresponding Source\n"
+"includes interface definition files associated with source files for\n"
+"the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically\n"
+"linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,\n"
+"such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those\n"
+"subprograms and other parts of the work.\n"
+"  The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users\n"
+"can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding\n"
+"  The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that\n"
+"same work.\n"
+"  2. Basic Permissions.\n"
+"  All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of\n"
+"copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated\n"
+"conditions are met.  This License explicitly affirms your unlimited\n"
+"permission to run the unmodified Program.  The output from running a\n"
+"covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its\n"
+"content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknowledges your\n"
+"rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.\n"
+"  You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not\n"
+"convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains\n"
+"in force.  You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose\n"
+"of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you\n"
+"with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with\n"
+"the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do\n"
+"not control copyright.  Those thus making or running the covered works\n"
+"for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction\n"
+"and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of\n"
+"your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.\n"
+"  Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under\n"
+"the conditions stated below.  Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10\n"
+"makes it unnecessary.\n"
+"  3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.\n"
+"  No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological\n"
+"measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article\n"
+"11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or\n"
+"similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such\n"
+"  When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid\n"
+"circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention\n"
+"is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to\n"
+"the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or\n"
+"modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's\n"
+"users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of\n"
+"technological measures.\n"
+"  4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.\n"
+"  You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you\n"
+"receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and\n"
+"appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;\n"
+"keep intact all notices stating that this License and any\n"
+"non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;\n"
+"keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all\n"
+"recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.\n"
+"  You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,\n"
+"and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.\n"
+"  5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.\n"
+"  You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to\n"
+"produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the\n"
+"terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:\n"
+"    a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified\n"
+"    it, and giving a relevant date.\n"
+"    b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is\n"
+"    released under this License and any conditions added under section\n"
+"    7.  This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to\n"
+"    \"keep intact all notices\".\n"
+"    c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this\n"
+"    License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy.  This\n"
+"    License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7\n"
+"    additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,\n"
+"    regardless of how they are packaged.  This License gives no\n"
+"    permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not\n"
+"    invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.\n"
+"    d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display\n"
+"    Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive\n"
+"    interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your\n"
+"    work need not make them do so.\n"
+"  A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent\n"
+"works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,\n"
+"and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,\n"
+"in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an\n"
+"\"aggregate\" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not\n"
+"used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users\n"
+"beyond what the individual works permit.  Inclusion of a covered work\n"
+"in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other\n"
+"parts of the aggregate.\n"
+"  6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.\n"
+"  You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms\n"
+"of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the\n"
+"machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,\n"
+"in one of these ways:\n"
+"    a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product\n"
+"    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the\n"
+"    Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium\n"
+"    customarily used for software interchange.\n"
+"    b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product\n"
+"    (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a\n"
+"    written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as\n"
+"    long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product\n"
+"    model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a\n"
+"    copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the\n"
+"    product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical\n"
+"    medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no\n"
+"    more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this\n"
+"    conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the\n"
+"    Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.\n"
+"    c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the\n"
+"    written offer to provide the Corresponding Source.  This\n"
+"    alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and\n"
+"    only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord\n"
+"    with subsection 6b.\n"
+"    d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated\n"
+"    place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the\n"
+"    Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no\n"
+"    further charge.  You need not require recipients to copy the\n"
+"    Corresponding Source along with the object code.  If the place to\n"
+"    copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source\n"
+"    may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)\n"
+"    that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain\n"
+"    clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the\n"
+"    Corresponding Source.  Regardless of what server hosts the\n"
+"    Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is\n"
+"    available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.\n"
+"    e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided\n"
+"    you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding\n"
+"    Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no\n"
+"    charge under subsection 6d.\n"
+"  A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded\n"
+"from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be\n"
+"included in conveying the object code work.\n"
+"  A \"User Product\" is either (1) a \"consumer product\", which means any\n"
+"tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,\n"
+"or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation\n"
+"into a dwelling.  In determining whether a product is a consumer product,\n"
+"doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage.  For a particular\n"
+"product received by a particular user, \"normally used\" refers to a\n"
+"typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status\n"
+"of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user\n"
+"actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.  A product\n"
+"is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial\n"
+"commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent\n"
+"the only significant mode of use of the product.\n"
+"  \"Installation Information\" for a User Product means any methods,\n"
+"procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install\n"
+"and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from\n"
+"a modified version of its Corresponding Source.  The information must\n"
+"suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object\n"
+"code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because\n"
+"modification has been made.\n"
+"  If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or\n"
+"specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as\n"
+"part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the\n"
+"User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a\n"
+"fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the\n"
+"Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied\n"
+"by the Installation Information.  But this requirement does not apply\n"
+"if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install\n"
+"modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has\n"
+"been installed in ROM).\n"
+"  The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a\n"
+"requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates\n"
+"for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for\n"
+"the User Product in which it has been modified or installed.  Access to a\n"
+"network may be denied when the modification itself materially and\n"
+"adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and\n"
+"protocols for communication across the network.\n"
+"  Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,\n"
+"in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly\n"
+"documented (and with an implementation available to the public in\n"
+"source code form), and must require no special password or key for\n"
+"unpacking, reading or copying.\n"
+"  7. Additional Terms.\n"
+"  \"Additional permissions\" are terms that supplement the terms of this\n"
+"License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.\n"
+"Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall\n"
+"be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent\n"
+"that they are valid under applicable law.  If additional permissions\n"
+"apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately\n"
+"under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by\n"
+"this License without regard to the additional permissions.\n"
+"  When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option\n"
+"remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of\n"
+"it.  (Additional permissions may be written to require their own\n"
+"removal in certain cases when you modify the work.)  You may place\n"
+"additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,\n"
+"for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.\n"
+"  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you\n"
+"add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of\n"
+"that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:\n"
+"    a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the\n"
+"    terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or\n"
+"    b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or\n"
+"    author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal\n"
+"    Notices displayed by works containing it; or\n"
+"    c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or\n"
+"    requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in\n"
+"    reasonable ways as different from the original version; or\n"
+"    d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or\n"
+"    authors of the material; or\n"
+"    e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some\n"
+"    trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or\n"
+"    f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that\n"
+"    material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of\n"
+"    it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for\n"
+"    any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on\n"
+"    those licensors and authors.\n"
+"  All other non-permissive additional terms are considered \"further\n"
+"restrictions\" within the meaning of section 10.  If the Program as you\n"
+"received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is\n"
+"governed by this License along with a term that is a further\n"
+"restriction, you may remove that term.  If a license document contains\n"
+"a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this\n"
+"License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms\n"
+"of that license document, provided that the further restriction does\n"
+"not survive such relicensing or conveying.\n"
+"  If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you\n"
+"must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the\n"
+"additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating\n"
+"where to find the applicable terms.\n"
+"  Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the\n"
+"form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;\n"
+"the above requirements apply either way.\n"
+"  8. Termination.\n"
+"  You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly\n"
+"provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propagate or\n"
+"modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under\n"
+"this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third\n"
+"paragraph of section 11).\n"
+"  However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your\n"
+"license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)\n"
+"provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and\n"
+"finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright\n"
+"holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means\n"
+"prior to 60 days after the cessation.\n"
+"  Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is\n"
+"reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the\n"
+"violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have\n"
+"received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that\n"
+"copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after\n"
+"your receipt of the notice.\n"
+"  Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the\n"
+"licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under\n"
+"this License.  If your rights have been terminated and not permanently\n"
+"reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same\n"
+"material under section 10.\n"
+"  9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.\n"
+"  You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or\n"
+"run a copy of the Program.  Ancillary propagation of a covered work\n"
+"occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission\n"
+"to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance.  However,\n"
+"nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or\n"
+"modify any covered work.  These actions infringe copyright if you do\n"
+"not accept this License.  Therefore, by modifying or propagating a\n"
+"covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.\n"
+"  10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.\n"
+"  Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically\n"
+"receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and\n"
+"propagate that work, subject to this License.  You are not responsible\n"
+"for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.\n"
+"  An \"entity transaction\" is a transaction transferring control of an\n"
+"organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an\n"
+"organization, or merging organizations.  If propagation of a covered\n"
+"work results from an entity transaction, each party to that\n"
+"transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever\n"
+"licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could\n"
+"give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the\n"
+"Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if\n"
+"the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.\n"
+"  You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the\n"
+"rights granted or affirmed under this License.  For example, you may\n"
+"not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of\n"
+"rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation\n"
+"(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that\n"
+"any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for\n"
+"sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.\n"
+"  11. Patents.\n"
+"  A \"contributor\" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this\n"
+"License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based.  The\n"
+"work thus licensed is called the contributor's \"contributor version\".\n"
+"  A contributor's \"essential patent claims\" are all patent claims\n"
+"owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or\n"
+"hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted\n"
+"by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,\n"
+"but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a\n"
+"consequence of further modification of the contributor version.  For\n"
+"purposes of this definition, \"control\" includes the right to grant\n"
+"patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of\n"
+"this License.\n"
+"  Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free\n"
+"patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to\n"
+"make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and\n"
+"propagate the contents of its contributor version.\n"
+"  In the following three paragraphs, a \"patent license\" is any express\n"
+"agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent\n"
+"(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to\n"
+"sue for patent infringement).  To \"grant\" such a patent license to a\n"
+"party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a\n"
+"patent against the party.\n"
+"  If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,\n"
+"and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone\n"
+"to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a\n"
+"publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,\n"
+"then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so\n"
+"available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the\n"
+"patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner\n"
+"consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent\n"
+"license to downstream recipients.  \"Knowingly relying\" means you have\n"
+"actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the\n"
+"covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work\n"
+"in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that\n"
+"country that you have reason to believe are valid.\n"
+"  If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or\n"
+"arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a\n"
+"covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties\n"
+"receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify\n"
+"or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license\n"
+"you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered\n"
+"work and works based on it.\n"
+"  A patent license is \"discriminatory\" if it does not include within\n"
+"the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is\n"
+"conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are\n"
+"specifically granted under this License.  You may not convey a covered\n"
+"work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is\n"
+"in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment\n"
+"to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying\n"
+"the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the\n"
+"parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory\n"
+"patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work\n"
+"conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily\n"
+"for and in connection with specific products or compilations that\n"
+"contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,\n"
+"or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.\n"
+"  Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting\n"
+"any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may\n"
+"otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.\n"
+"  12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.\n"
+"  If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or\n"
+"otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not\n"
+"excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a\n"
+"covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this\n"
+"License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may\n"
+"not convey it at all.  For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you\n"
+"to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey\n"
+"the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this\n"
+"License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.\n"
+"  13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.\n"
+"  Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have\n"
+"permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed\n"
+"under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single\n"
+"combined work, and to convey the resulting work.  The terms of this\n"
+"License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,\n"
+"but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,\n"
+"section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the\n"
+"combination as such.\n"
+"  14. Revised Versions of this License.\n"
+"  The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of\n"
+"the GNU General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will\n"
+"be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to\n"
+"address new problems or concerns.\n"
+"  Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the\n"
+"Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General\n"
+"Public License \"or any later version\" applies to it, you have the\n"
+"option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered\n"
+"version or of any later version published by the Free Software\n"
+"Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of the\n"
+"GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published\n"
+"by the Free Software Foundation.\n"
+"  If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future\n"
+"versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's\n"
+"public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you\n"
+"to choose that version for the Program.\n"
+"  Later license versions may give you additional or different\n"
+"permissions.  However, no additional obligations are imposed on any\n"
+"author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a\n"
+"later version.\n"
+"  15. Disclaimer of Warranty.\n"
+"  16. Limitation of Liability.\n"
+"  17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.\n"
+"  If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided\n"
+"above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,\n"
+"reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates\n"
+"an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the\n"
+"Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a\n"
+"copy of the Program in return for a fee.\n"
+"	    How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs\n"
+"  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest\n"
+"possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it\n"
+"free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.\n"
+"  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest\n"
+"to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively\n"
+"state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least\n"
+"the \"copyright\" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.\n"
+"    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>\n"
+"    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>\n"
+"    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
+"    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
+"    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n"
+"    (at your option) any later version.\n"
+"    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
+"    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
+"    GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
+"    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
+"    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\n"
+"Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.\n"
+"  If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short\n"
+"notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:\n"
+"    <program>  Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>\n"
+"    This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.\n"
+"    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\n"
+"    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.\n"
+"The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate\n"
+"parts of the General Public License.  Of course, your program's commands\n"
+"might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an \"about box\".\n"
+"  You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,\n"
+"if any, to sign a \"copyright disclaimer\" for the program, if necessary.\n"
+"For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see\n"
+"  The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program\n"
+"into proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you\n"
+"may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with\n"
+"the library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General\n"
+"Public License instead of this License.  But first, please read\n"
+const char *
+get_gpl_text (void)
+  return license_text;

Added: trunk/src/gpl-text.h
--- trunk/src/gpl-text.h	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/gpl-text.h	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/* gpl-text.h  - The text of the GPL.  */
+const char *get_gpl_text (void);

Modified: trunk/src/helpmenu.c
--- trunk/src/helpmenu.c	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/helpmenu.c	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 #include "gpawindowkeeper.h"
 #include "gtktools.h"
 #include "icons.h"
-#include "gpa_license.h"
+#include "gpl-text.h"
 /* W32 target is broken with regards to GdkFont functions.  */
 #ifndef G_OS_WIN32
@@ -43,18 +43,32 @@
 static char *scroll_text[] =
-  "Bernhard Herzog",
+  "Markus Gerwinski",
   "Peter Gerwinski",
+  "Peter Neuhaus",
   "Werner Koch",
   "Jan-Oliver Wagner",
-  "Bernhard Reiter",
-  "Thomas Köster",
-  "Peter Neuhaus",
-  "Markus Gerwinski",
   "Beate Esser",
+  "Bernhard Herzog",
+  "Shell Hung",
+  "Peter Hanecak",
+  "Michael Fischer v. Mollard",
+  "Michael Mauch",
   "Benedikt Wildenhain",
-  "Timo Schulz",
-  "Miguel Coca"
+  "Miguel Coca",
+  "Renato Martini",
+  "Yasunari Imado",
+  "Michael Anckaert",
+  "Mick Ohrberg",
+  "Andy Ruddock",
+  "Ling Li",
+  "Josué Burgos",
+  "Can Berk Güder",
+  "Emilian Nowak",
+  "Daniel Nylander",
+  "Zdenek Hatas",
+  "Maxim Britov",
+  "Marcus Brinkmann"
 #define DIM(v)		     (sizeof(v)/sizeof((v)[0]))
 static int shuffle_array[ DIM(scroll_text) ];
@@ -396,7 +410,7 @@
   textGPL = gtk_text_view_new ();
   gtk_text_view_set_editable (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textGPL), FALSE);
   gtk_text_buffer_set_text (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (GTK_TEXT_VIEW (textGPL)),
-			    gpa_license_text, -1);
+			    get_gpl_text (), -1);
   gtk_widget_set_size_request (textGPL, 500, 300);
   licenseScrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
   gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (licenseScrolled),

Modified: trunk/src/keytable.c
--- trunk/src/keytable.c	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/keytable.c	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -119,8 +119,10 @@
   gpg_error_t err;
-  /* We select the Open PGP protocol here and later the
+  /* We select the Open PGP protocol here.  At the end
      first_half_done_cb will do another keylist_start for X,509.  */
+  keytable->did_first_half = 0;
+  keytable->first_half_err = 0;
   keytable->fpr = fpr;
   gpgme_set_protocol (keytable->context->ctx, GPGME_PROTOCOL_OpenPGP);
   err = gpgme_op_keylist_start (keytable->context->ctx, fpr,

Modified: trunk/src/server.c
--- trunk/src/server.c	2008-03-12 12:17:50 UTC (rev 846)
+++ trunk/src/server.c	2008-03-12 16:24:18 UTC (rev 847)
@@ -670,14 +670,13 @@
   if (err)
     goto leave;
-  return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
-/*   ctrl->cont_cmd = cont_sign; */
-/*   op = gpa_stream_sign_operation_new (NULL, input_data, output_data, */
-/*                                       ctrl->sender, detached, 0, ctx); */
-/*   input_data = output_data = NULL; */
-/*   g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (op), "completed", */
-/*                     G_CALLBACK (g_object_unref), NULL); */
-/*   return not_finished (ctrl); */
+  ctrl->cont_cmd = cont_sign;
+  op = gpa_stream_sign_operation_new (NULL, input_data, output_data,
+                                      ctrl->sender, protocol, detached, ctx);
+  input_data = output_data = NULL;
+  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (op), "completed",
+                    G_CALLBACK (g_object_unref), NULL);
+  return not_finished (ctrl);
   gpgme_data_release (input_data); 

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