[Gpg4win-announce] Gpg4win 2.0.3 released
Emanuel Schütze
emanuel at intevation.de
Mon Jun 14 14:56:41 CEST 2010
we are pleased to announce the availability of a new stable Gpg4win
release: Version 2.0.3.
The download is available via the usual download page:
Read the README file for details:
Short overview on changes compared to version 2.0.2:
- Pinentry:
* Change default: switch back from QT4 to GTK
(reason: 2.0.2 has a critical problem with pinentry-qt4;
see https://issues.kolab.org/issue4378)
- GnuPG-Backend:
* "is-socket-patch" agains gpgme 1.2.0
(see https://issues.kolab.org/issue4302)
- Gpg4win Compendium (German):
* Final version 3.0.0 added.
- Included components are:
GnuPG: 2.0.14
Kleopatra: 2.0.14-svn1098530 (20100303)
GPA: 0.9.0
GpgOL: 1.1.1
GpgEX: 0.9.5
Claws-Mail: 3.7.4cvs1
Kompendium: 3.0.0
For installation instructions, please visit http://www.gpg4win.org or
read on.
Developers who want to *build an installer* need to get the following
files from http://ftp.gpg4win.org/ :
gpg4win-2.0.3.tar.bz2 (5M)
The second file is a digital signature of the the first file. Either
check that this signature is fine or compare with the checksums given
below. (see also http://www.gpg4win.org/package-integrity.html)
The *ready to use installer* is available at:
http://ftp.gpg4win.org/gpg4win-2.0.3.exe (34M)
Or using the ftp protocol at:
ftp://ftp.gpg4win.org/gpg4win/gpg4win-2.0.3.exe (34M)
SHA1 checksums for these files are given below.
If you don't need the certificate manager Kleopatra or the manuals,
you might alternatively download the "light" version of the installer:
http://ftp.gpg4win.org/gpg4win-light-2.0.3.exe (12M)
or using FTP at:
ftp://ftp.gpg4win.org/gpg4win/gpg4win-light-2.0.3.exe (12M)
A separate installer with the source files used to build the above
installer is available at:
ftp://ftp.gpg4win.org/gpg4win/gpg4win-src-2.0.3.exe (277M)
Most people don't need this source installer; it is merely stored on
that server to satisfy the conditions of the GPL. In general it is
better to get the gpg4win builder tarball (see above) and follow the
instructions in the README to build new installers; building the
installer is not possible on Windows machines and works best on current
Debian GNU/Linux systems.
SHA1 checksums are:
30d25ce2f411afb58f8346f1c6036158fc7884f5 gpg4win-2.0.3.exe
08db08232b5882e27f8f6b819bac3dbc8d077024 gpg4win-light-2.0.3.exe
7a5ef4be44ac712e2b77a77156dbaede2529c03d gpg4win-src-2.0.3.exe
f21b20f7d05a0555416f86be9b85e6090ec16572 gpg4win-2.0.3.tar.bz2
If you have problems downloading the above files, you may try the mirror
server listed at the download page.
We like to thank the authors of the included packages, the NSIS authors,
all other contributors and first of all, those folks who stayed with us
and helped testing Gpg4win.
To help furthering this project, please consider to sponsor the
development. See http://www.gpg4win.org .
With best regards
your Gpg4win Development Team
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