[Gpg4win-commits] r363 - in trunk: . doc doc/manual src
scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Thu Nov 30 10:56:47 CET 2006
Author: werner
Date: 2006-11-30 10:56:46 +0100 (Thu, 30 Nov 2006)
New Revision: 363
The new novices manual renders now to PDF.
Modified: trunk/AUTHORS
--- trunk/AUTHORS 2006-11-30 08:58:00 UTC (rev 362)
+++ trunk/AUTHORS 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -7,7 +7,10 @@
g10 Code GmbH <code at g10code.com>
- Design and implementation.
+Brigitte Hamilton <gordianknits at gmail.com>
+ - English translations of the manuals.
Copyright 2005 g10 Code GmbH
This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives
Modified: trunk/configure.ac
--- trunk/configure.ac 2006-11-30 08:58:00 UTC (rev 362)
+++ trunk/configure.ac 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -39,9 +39,14 @@
MANUALINPROGRESS_DE=m4_if(my_issvn,[yes],["~und evtl. seitdem weiter bearbeitet"])
+MANUALINPROGRESS_EN=m4_if(my_issvn,[yes],["~and may have been further edited"])
@@ -61,6 +66,11 @@
# Generate extended version information. Note, that for NSIS use we
Modified: trunk/doc/ChangeLog
--- trunk/doc/ChangeLog 2006-11-30 08:58:00 UTC (rev 362)
+++ trunk/doc/ChangeLog 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
+2006-11-30 Brigitte Hamilton <gordianknits at gmail.com> (wk)
+ * manual/novices.tex: Filled with content.
2006-11-30 Werner Koch <wk at g10code.com>
+ * manual/Makefile.am: Add code to build english versions.
+ * manual/advanced.tex: New dummy file.
+ * manual/novices.tex: New dummy file.
+ * manual/what-is-gpg4win.tex: New.
* manual-de/: Renamed to manual/.
* Makefile.am (SUBDIRS): Likewise
Modified: trunk/doc/manual/Makefile.am
--- trunk/doc/manual/Makefile.am 2006-11-30 08:58:00 UTC (rev 362)
+++ trunk/doc/manual/Makefile.am 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Makefile.am - Building the german manuals
+# Makefile.am - Building the manuals
# Copyright (C) 2005 g10 Code GmbH
# This file is part of GPG4Win.
@@ -62,31 +62,36 @@
#eps_files_pdf := $(eps_files:.eps.gz=.pdf)
png_files_eps := $(png_files:.png=.eps)
-EXTRA_DIST = fdl.tex einsteiger.tex durchblicker.tex $(eps_files) \
- $(png_files) $(web_png_files) \
- was-ist-gpg4win.tex macros.tex version.tex.in \
+EXTRA_DIST = fdl.tex einsteiger.tex durchblicker.tex novices.tex advanced.tex \
+ $(eps_files) $(png_files) $(web_png_files) \
+ was-ist-gpg4win.tex what-is-gpg4win.tex \
+ macros.tex macros-en.tex version.tex.in \
gpg4win-logo.eps gpg4win-logo.png
CLEANFILES = $(eps_files_bb) $(png_files_eps) \
*.dvi *.pdf *.pdf *.toc *.log *.aux *.out
DISTCLEANFILES = version.tex $(eps_files_png)
-pkgdata_DATA = einsteiger.pdf durchblicker.pdf
+pkgdata_DATA = einsteiger.pdf durchblicker.pdf novices.pdf advanced.pdf
BUILT_SOURCES = $(eps_files_bb) $(png_files_eps) $(eps_files_png)
-all-local: einsteiger.pdf durchblicker.pdf
+all-local: einsteiger.pdf durchblicker.pdf novices.pdf advanced.pdf
einsteiger.pdf : $(eps_files_bb) $(png_files_eps) $(eps_files_png)
+einsteiger.dvi : version.tex macros.tex
+einsteiger.html : version.tex macros.tex
durchblicker.pdf : $(eps_files_bb) $(png_files_eps) $(eps_files_png)
-einsteiger.dvi : version.tex macros.tex
durchblicker.dvi : version.tex macros.tex
-einsteiger.html : version.tex macros.tex
durchblicker.html : version.tex macros.tex
+novices.pdf : $(eps_files_bb) $(png_files_eps) $(eps_files_png)
+novices.dvi : version.tex macros.tex
+novices.html : version.tex macros.tex
+advanced.pdf : $(eps_files_bb) $(png_files_eps) $(eps_files_png)
+advanced.dvi : version.tex macros.tex
+advanced.html : version.tex macros.tex
-webversion: einsteiger.html durchblicker.html
+webversion: einsteiger.html durchblicker.html novices.html advanced.html
online: webversion
set -e; \
Added: trunk/doc/manual/advanced.tex
--- trunk/doc/manual/advanced.tex 2006-11-30 08:58:00 UTC (rev 362)
+++ trunk/doc/manual/advanced.tex 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+% English version of the Durchblicker manual
+% Note, that this a HyperLaTeX source and not plain LaTeX!
+% Hyperref should be among the last packages loaded
+% Macros specific to this package
+\T\fancyhead{} % clear all fields
+\T\fancyhead[LO,RE]{Gpg4win for Advanced Users \manualversion\
+% Title stuff
+\htmltitle{Advanced Users}
+%\htmladdress{Gpg4win Project, \today}
+Gpg4win for Advanced Users}
+Hier \xlink{Download als PDF Version 2.0.1 (1.5
+MByte)}{http://wald.intevation.org/frs/download.php/203/gpg4win-fuer-einsteiger-2.0.1.pdf} und
+\xlink{Downloadübersicht alle PDF
+Zu \xlink{Gpg4win für Durchblicker}{durchblicker.html}\xml{br}
+Zur \xlink{Gpg4win Homepage}{http://www.gpg4win.de/}\xml{p}
+A publication of the Gpg4win project\\
+ \small based on original documents by
+ \small Manfred J. Heinze, Karl Bihlmeier, Isabel Kramer
+ \small Dr. Francis Wray und Ute Bahn
+\T\\ \
+ \\
+ Edited by
+ \small Werner Koch}
+\date{Version \manualversion\ vom \manualdate\ \manualinprogress}
Added: trunk/doc/manual/macros-en.tex
--- trunk/doc/manual/macros-en.tex 2006-11-30 08:58:00 UTC (rev 362)
+++ trunk/doc/manual/macros-en.tex 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+% Some people still insist that Email should be written as two words
+% for whatever reasons. Maybe is is that they don't like the game of
+% Teekesselchen and fear the ambiguity between email and enamel (which
+% uses the same word in German).
+\W \begin{description}}{\end{description}}
+% Get the version information from another file. That file is created
+% by the configure script.
Added: trunk/doc/manual/novices.tex
--- trunk/doc/manual/novices.tex 2006-11-30 08:58:00 UTC (rev 362)
+++ trunk/doc/manual/novices.tex 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -0,0 +1,1431 @@
+% novices.tex
+% Note, that this a HyperLaTeX source and not plain LaTeX!
+% Hyperref should be among the last packages loaded
+% Macros specific to this package
+\T\fancyhead{} % clear all fields
+\T\fancyhead[LO,RE]{Gpg4win for Novices \manualversion\ \manualinprogressEn}
+% Title stuff
+%\htmladdress{Gpg4win Project, \today}
+Gpg4win for Novices}
+Hier \xlink{Download als PDF Version 2.0.1 (1.5
+MByte)}{http://wald.intevation.org/frs/download.php/203/gpg4win-fuer-einsteiger-2.0.1.pdf} und
+\xlink{Downloadübersicht alle PDF
+Zu \xlink{Gpg4win for Advanced Users}{advanced.html}\xml{br}
+Zur \xlink{Gpg4win Homepage}{http://www.gpg4win.de/}\xml{p}
+A publication of the Gpg4win project\\
+ \small based on original documents by
+ \small Manfred J. Heinze, Karl Bihlmeier, Isabel Kramer
+ \small Dr. Francis Wray und Ute Bahn
+\T\\ \
+ \small Werner Koch
+ \\
+ Translated from the German original by
+ \small Brigitte Hamilton}
+\date{Version \manualversion\ vom \manualdate\ \manualinprogressEn}
+\section*{Impressum Gpg4win}
+Copyright \copyright{} 2002 Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und
+Copyright \copyright{} 2005 g10 Code GmbH\\
+Permission is hereby granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
+under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 (or
+published by the Free Software Foundation; with
+the Invariant Sections being "`Impressum"', no Front-Cover Texts, and
+no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section
+entitled "`GNU Free Documentation License"'.
+%%\htmlonly{Die aktuelle PDF Version dieses Dokuments finden sie unter
+ Die Angaben auf der \textbf{folgenden Seite}
+ sind nicht mehr korrekt; wir können diese Seite allerdings nicht
+ abändern, da die Regeln der GFDL hier falsch angewandt wurden.
+ Neue Copyright Hinweise sollten deswegen hier eingestellt werden.
+%% Orginal page 4
+%% This is an invariant section
+This page cannot be altered.\\
+Author: Manfred J. Heinze, TextLab text+media\\
+Consultant: Lutz Zolondz, G-N-U GmbH\\
+Illustrations: Karl Bihlmeier, Bihlmeier \& Kramer GbR\\
+Layout: Isabel Kramer, Bihlmeier \& Kramer GbR\\
+Documentation: Dr. Francis Wray, e-mediate Ltd.\\
+Editing: Ute Bahn, TextLab text+media\\
+First Edition, March 2002\\
+Copyright \copyright{} Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie
+(Federal Ministry for Industry and Technology)
+This manual is subject to the terms outlined in the "`GNU Free
+Documentation License"'.
+The original licence text can be found on
+The german translation can be found on
+as well as on the enclosed CD-ROM. We hereby grant permission to copy,
+distribute and/or alter this document, subject to the conditions under
+the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 (or newer) published by
+the Free Software Foundation. This page ("`Impressum"') cannot be
+altered and, in line with the requirements under the GNU Free
+Documentation Licence, must be included in all copies and editions. The
+Federal Ministry for Industry and Technology does not assume any
+responsibility for the copying, distribution or alteration of this
+Similar to the OpenSource cryptography program GnuPP, this text was
+written not for mathematicians or cryptographs, but for everyone.
+%% Orginal page 6
+%% We don't use these foreword anymore because Mr. Müller is not
+%% anymore minister of economic and technology. We might want to ask
+%% for a new foreword by the current head of that ministr
+%% Orginal page 7
+\section{About this manual}
+The Gpg4win manual and exercise module consists of three parts:
+\item \textbf{the condensed version "`Gpg4win for Novices"',} which you
+are reading right now,
+\item \textbf{the manual "`Gpg4win for Advanced Users"'} in PDF-Format,
+which can be found on your hard drive following the installation of
+\item \textbf{the exercise ROBOT Adele,} which allows you to practice
+the \Email{} en- and decryption process(an internet connection is
+\textbf{"`Gpg4win for Novices"'} provides you with a quick guide to the
+installation and everyday use of the Gpg4win software. The time required
+to work thru this manual is about half an hour, but will depend on your
+knowledge of computers and Windows.
+\textbf{"`Gpg4win for Advanced Users"'} provides more in-depth
+information on the basic principles and mechanisms behind Gpg4win as
+well as its less commonly used capabilities.
+Both manuals are available in PDF format, so you can print your own
+manual if you did not receive a printed copy.
+Each manual can be used independently, however, we suggest that you read
+both manuals to get a better understanding of the software.
+\OtherBook{} This symbol references a link to the other manual.
+\textbf{The practice robot Adele} is available on the Internet. Adele
+receives, sends an decrypts encrypted \Email{}s, and is a useful tool
+which will assist you in becoming more familiar with the software.
+Adele was developed as part of the older GnuPP project, where it is
+still used. "`Gpg4win for Novices"' also uses this very reliable
+practice robot and hereby wishes to express its gratitude to the owners
+of gnupp.de for the operation of Adele.
+%% Orginal page 8
+\section{What is Gpg4win?}
+%% Orginal page 9
+\section{Installing Gpg4win}
+If you already have a GnuPG-based application such as GnuPP, GnuPT,
+WinPT or GnuPG Basics installed on your system, we recommend reading the
+Appendix \ref{ch:migration} regarding the transferability of existing
+Installing Gpg4win from a CD-ROM:
+Insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of your computer and log in as
+Administrator. On your screen click on the CD-ROM icon titled 'Gpg4win'.
+Once the CD-ROM icon opens, click on the installation icon titled
+Installing Gpg4win from the Internet:
+If you have downloaded Gpg4win from the Internet, click on the new file
+(it should be named \texttt{gpg4win-\PackageVersion{}.exe}, or a newer
+version). Please ensure that you have downloaded the file from a
+trustworthy site.
+The following installation steps apply in all situations:
+You will be asked if you want to install the program; click on
+The following screen will appear:
+% screenshot: Welcome Seite Installer
+If you have other programs running on your computer, close them now and
+click on \Button{Next}.
+%% Orginal page 10
+The licencing page contains information regarding the licencing of this
+If your sole intention is to install and use the software, you are not
+obliged to read this information.
+However, if you plan to distribute and/or alter the software, you must
+familiarize yourself with the conditions contained in the licencing
+% Screenshot Lizenzseite des Installers
+Click on \Button{Next}.
+%% New page (not in original document)
+On the components page you can select which features of GnuPG For
+Windows you want to install.
+To assist you with your selection, a short description dialogue appears
+when you roll your mouse over the selected item. At this point, you may
+also want to check the available memory on your hard drive.
+% sreenshot Auswahl zu installierender Komponenten
+The recommended minimum installation consists of GnuPG, GPA, WinPT and
+the manuals. The remaining programs can be installed later as required.
+Click on \Button{Next}.
+%% Original page 11
+On this page you can choose the folder in which to install Gpg4win on
+your computer. If you do not specify a folder, the default location for
+this folder will be as shown: \\
+% screenshot: Auswahl des Installationsverzeichnis.
+Click on \Button{Next}.
+This page allows you to set start links for the program. The default
+setting links Gpg4win to the start menu only. Please note that these
+settings can also be changed anytime within Windows.
+% screenshot: Auswahl des Links
+Click on \Button{Next}.
+%% Original page 12
+If you chose to link the program with the Start Menu (as per previous
+page), this page allows you to choose a Start Menu folder for the
+% screenshot: Startmenu auswählen
+For a standard installation select the default setting and click on
+During the installation, a progress bar will be displayed, as well as an
+indicator listing the file currently being installed. You can click on
+\Button{Show details} to get more information on the installation steps
+in progress.
+% Screenshot: Ready page Installer
+Once the installation is complete, click on \Button{Next}.
+%% Original page 13
+The following page shows the last step of the installation process:
+% Screenshot: Finish page Installer
+Click on \Button{Finish}.
+You may need to restart Windows for the settings to take effect. In
+that case, instead of showing the installation completion page, the
+following page will appear:
+% Screenshot: Finish page Installer with reboot
+At this point you can choose to restart Windows automatically or restart
+later manually.
+Click on \Button{Finish}.
+% FIXME: Wir müssen erklären wie man Word als Standard Editor in
+% Outlook ausschaltet.
+%% Original page 14
+\textbf{And that's it!}
+You have now installed Gpg4win and are ready to work with the program.
+Prior to starting Gpg4win, we recommend reading Chapter 3 and 4 of the
+manual "`Gpg4win for Advanced Users"'
+(PDF-Files). These chapters highlight the ingeneous theory behind
+Gpg4win's ability to encrypt \Email{}s in a safe and user-friendly
+Of course you do not need to know the mechanics behind Gpg4win to be
+able to use the program. However, because unlike other applications
+Gpg4win is used to handle your most sensitive correspondence, it is a
+good idea to understand the theory behind the program.
+The following section will provide you with some tips for creating a
+secure yet easy-to-remember passphrase.
+\OtherBook{} At this point, please read Chapter 3 and 4 in the manual
+"`\xlink{Gpg4win for Advanced Users}{durchblicker.html}"'before reading
+%% Original page 15
+\section{Creating a key pair}
+After reading the information explaining the security features of
+Gpg4win as well as the creation of a good passwordphrase protecting your
+private key, this section shows you how to create a key pair.
+The process of creating a key, encryption and decryption is very
+important, therefore it is a good idea to practice these steps until you
+are very comfortable with the procedure. $\ldots$
+The idea behind doing a "`dry-run"' is to help you gain confidence in
+using the program, so that some of the more intricate steps in creating
+keys will not pose any problems later on. To do this, you can use Adele,
+a test server which was developed as part of a previous GnuPP project.
+Adele allows you to try and test several practice keys before creating
+your own set.
+%% Original page 16
+\textbf{Let's get started!}
+Start the GPA program from your Windows Start menu:
+% screenshot Startmenu with GPA highlighted
+The following window will appear:
+% screenshot: GPA erste Schlüsselerzeugung
+Click on \Button{Generate key now}.
+%% Original page 17
+\textbf{For practice purposes} you can enter any name in the window for
+i.e. "`Larry Smith"'.
+% screenshot: Key generation wizard first page
+Or you can generate your 'real' key in which case you would enter your
+real name.
+When you are done, click on \Button{Forward}.
+%% Original page 18
+Now enter your \Email{} address.
+Again, if this is a test run, you can use an imaginary \Email{}address
+such as
+"`\verb-larrys at gpg4win.de-"'
+% screenshot: Wizard email address
+Or you can enter your real \Email{}address, and click on
+%note by translator Brigitte: when I ran Gpg4win, the option outlined in
+the text below was not available!
+This option allows you to enter notes regarding your key. Usually this
+field is empty; however, if you are creating a test key, you should make
+a note, such as "`test"'. The notes are a part of your User-ID and will
+be made public along with your name and \Email{} address. Now click on
+%% Original page 19
+Entering a passphrase is one of the most important steps in the program,
+as the program is only as good (and secure) as your passphrase!
+Chapter 4 ("`The Passphrase"') from the manual "`Gpg4win for Advanced
+Users"' already provided you with suggestions on creating a secure
+passphrase. So at this point you should have developed your own
+passphrase - one that is private, easy to remember, and difficult to
+Enter your passphrase now.
+% screenshot: Wizard, Enter passphrase
+If the passphrase you entered is not very secure, the program will give
+you a warning in this regard. This allows you to enter a more secure
+\textbf Again, you can enter a test passphrase for practice purposes, or
+your real passphrase.
+Once you entered your passphrase twice, click on \Button{Next}.
+%%Oder lieber so: Dann mussen wir den Button in GPA aber ändern.
+%%Fertig? Dann klicken Sie auf \Button{Fertig} und Ihre Schlüssel werden
+%%endgültig erzeugt.
+%% Original page 21
+This starts the creation of your key pair, which can take a few minutes.
+In the meantime you can continue to work with other programs on your
+computer, which will slightly increase the quality of the key being
+%put a note in here somewhere that 'key pair' and 'key' are used
+Once the key is generated, the following window appears:
+% screenshot: Wizard, backup
+This window asks you to create a back-up copy of your key. Please do
+this now, even if this is just a test run.
+If the default file name is acceptable, click on \Button{OK}. If you
+would like to store the back-up in a different location, please select a
+different file name now.
+\textbf{Important:} Once the the back-up file is saved onto your hard
+drive, you should save this file onto a removable file storage device
+(ex. USB stick, diskette or CD-ROM), and subsequently delete the
+original file. Be sure to keep the file storage device in a secure
+Please note that you can create a back-up copy at any time, by selecting
+the following option from the main menu:
+%% Original page 23
+This concludes the installation of Gpg4win and the generation of your
+key pair. You are now the owner of a unique and secure digital key.
+You should now see the main page of GPA. The key pair you just created
+will be shown in the middle of the window, beside the key pair symbol.
+Clicking on the key pair symbol will provide details about your key
+pair, which are examined in more detail below.
+% screenshot: keymanger mit einem Schlüssel.
+What is the significance of the notes regarding your key? Your key has
+no built-in expiry date, and is therefore valid indefinitely. You can
+however change the validity period of the key - more about this later.
+A key consisting of 1024 bits is considered very secure, without
+creating undue strain on your computer's capacity.
+\textbf{ \OtherBook{} More information on this topic can be found in
+Chapter 5 "`More about keys"' in the manual "`\xlink{Gpg4win for
+Advanced Users}{durchblicker.html}"'.}
+%% Original page 24
+\section{Publishing your key per \Email{}}
+One of the more practical aspects of Gpg4win is its ability to use a
+"`non-secret"' public key for the en- and decryption of data. As long
+as your key and its corresponding passphrase are secure, you have gone a
+long way towards keeping your information confidential.
+Everyone can and should have your public key, just as you can and should
+have the public keys from those you correspond with.
+In order to exchange secure \Email{}s, each party must have access to
+the public key of the other party.
+So in order to send someone encrypted \Email{}s, you must have their
+public key in order to encrypt the emails sent to them.
+Similarly, someone wanting to send you encrypted \Email{}s must also
+have your public key in order to encrypt the email being sent to you.
+It is for this reason that your public key should be made widely
+available. Depending on the number of people on your mailing list, this
+can be done in two ways:
+\item \textbf{directly sending an \Email{}} to selected recipients
+\item \textbf{or publishing the key on a key server} --- making it
+available to anyone
+The first way of distributing your public key is to send it per
+\Email{} to one or more selected recipients.
+Alternatively you can make your \Email{}address available to anyone
+throughout the Internet. The second option is somewhat risky, as it can
+result in considerable SPAM activity on your email account. Therefore it
+is a good idea to only use an address with a good SPAM filter.
+%% Original page 25
+You can use Adele to practice the following steps:
+Adele is a very good \Email{}robot for practicing secure correspondence.
+And because most people prefer to correspond with a real person rather
+than with a piece of software (which is what Adele is, after all), we
+developed the following scenario:
+% Cartoon: Adele mit Buch ind er Hand vor Rechner ``you have mail"'
+You first send Adele your public key. Once Adele has received your key,
+she uses it to encrypt an \Email{} which she sends to you along with
+her own public key. You can now decrypt Adele's email using your own
+private key, and you can also respond to Adele by encrypting your email
+with her public key.
+You can now export your public key, copy it into an \Email{} und send it
+to Adele.
+%% Original page 26
+Here is one possible way of doing just that, a method which works even
+if your \Email{} service does not allow attachments.
+This procedure will also provide you with a first in-depth look at your
+key and its components.
+How it works:\\
+Select the key you want to export by clicking on the corresponding key
+on your list, and then clicking on the \Button{Export} icon of the main
+GPA menu. Choose a file to export your key to, ex. \\
+\Filename{my-key.asc}. A popup window will let you know whether the
+operation was successful. Then click on \Button{OK}.
+%% Original page 27
+You can access the file thru Windows Explorer, making sure you choose
+the same folder you chose when exporting the key to file. You can open
+the file with a text editor (ex. WordPad), which will show your public
+key as a series of blocks containing text and numbers.
+% screenshot: Editor mit ascii armored key
+%% Original page 28
+Highlight the whole key portion from
+and copy it using the copy function on your toolbar or a keyboard
+shortcut such as Ctrl-C. This saves your key on the clipboard until you
+are ready to paste it, as described below.
+Start your email program. Then open a new \Email{} message and paste
+your public key (Windows users may use a shortcut key such as Ctrl-V).
+Prior to doing this, it is useful to configure your email program to
+send messages in text-only format, rather than HTML.
+Put \verb-adele at gnupp.de- into the address line of the \Email{}, and
+\textbf{my public key} on the subject line.
+Your \Email{} should look like this:
+% screenshot: Eines composer Windows.
+Now send this \Email{} to Adele. Make sure that you include your proper
+email address as sender rather than your practice address, otherwise you
+will never get a response from Adele!
+%% Original page 29
+This process works exactly the same way if you send your key to a real
+\Email{} address. You can also add comments, just like any other emails.
+Obviously this is not required for emails addressed to Adele, as the
+robot's only purpose is to assist you with the technical aspects of this
+\textbf{Summary:} You have now sent your public key per \Email{} to
+someone else (ex. Adele).
+\textbf{ \OtherBook{} The "`Copy \& Paste"'-method demonstrated in this
+example is a more transparent and easier-to-understand method for
+beginners. Chapter 7 of the manual "`\xlink{Gpg4win for Advanced
+Users}{durchblicker.html}"' describes how you can send your key as a
+file attachment, which is a more commonly-used method.}
+%% Original page 30
+\section{Sending your key to a keyserver}
+You can use this option even if you are exchanging encrypted \Email{}s
+with only a few people. By making your key available on a keyserver, it
+is always accessible to you and/or others.
+\textsc{PLEASE NOTE: Although there are no indications that spammers are
+currently collecting addresses from keyservers, it is technically
+possible to do so. Therefore we do not recommend publishing your key to
+a key server if you do not have an effective spam filter.}
+Choose your key by clicking on it. Then click on \Menu{Server
+$\rightarrow$Send key} which is found under \Menu{Server$\rightarrow
+$Server}. A popup window will alert you that your key is about to be
+sent to a public key server.
+% screenshot: GPA export key to keyserver
+This window also displays a default key server. If you click on
+\Button{Yes}, your key will be automatically sent to the server, from
+where it is sent to a network of worldwide key servers. Now anyone can
+download your key, and use it to send you a secure \Email{}.
+If this is a practice run, do NOT send your practice key to the key
+server, because it cannot be removed once sent.
+\textbf{Summary:} You now know how to distribute your key via a key
+server on the Internet.
+\textbf{ \OtherBook{} Chapter 6 of the manual"`\xlink{Gpg4win for
+Advanced Users}{durchblicker.html}"'explains how to find someone else's
+key on a keyserver.}
+%% Original page 31
+\section{Decrypting an \Email{}}
+Adele has received your public key, and uses it to encrypt an \Email{}
+which she sends back to you.
+% cartoon: Adele typing and sending a mail
+%% Orginal page 32
+The email will look like this:
+From: Adele (The friendly email-Robot) <adele at gnupp.de>
+Subject: Re: my publis key
+To: larrys at gpg4win.de
+Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 09:17:28 +0100
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
+-----END PGP MESSAGE-----
+(Please note that this encryption sequence has been shortened
+considerably for the purposes of this manual.)
+%% Original page 33
+\textbf{Using WinPT to decrypt this \Email{}.}
+WinPT (Windows Privacy Tray key management tool) serves as PnuPG's
+"`front end"'. This program is used to en- and decrypt \Email{}s; it
+also creates and verifies digital signatures. One of WinPT's advantages
+is that it works with any email program.
+Most email programs (ex. MS Outlook for Windows) also have special
+plug-ins which can en- and decrypt email directly within the program.
+\textbf{ \OtherBook{} Chapter 8 of the manual "`\xlink{Gpg4win for
+Advanced Users}{durchblicker.html}"' provides more information on this
+particular funtion.}
+WinPT performs the en/decryption function using your computer's memory.
+This means that any text to be en/decrypted should be copied onto the
+computer's clipboard.
+To do this, highlight the complete text in Adele's \Email{} and copy it
+onto the Clipboard using the copy function or the shortcut Ctrl-C.
+%% Original page 34
+Starting WinPT from Windows Start Menu:
+% screenshot: startmenu Auswahl winpt
+% the english version of the program does not have the "hinweis"below,
+so I have not translated it.
+Während WinPT startet, erscheint kurz ein Hinweis darauf, dass das
+Programm die bereits vorhandenen Schlüssel einlädt.
+Once you open the program, the WinPT icon - a key - appears in your
+Windows taskbar located in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
+% screenshot: taskbar rechts mit WinPT icon
+%% Original page 35
+Right-click on the icon to open the menu box, and click on
+The program will then ask you for your secret passphrase and proceed to
+decrypt Adele's \Email{}.
+% screenshot: WinPT decryption dialog
+A popup window window will notify you when the decryption process is
+%% Original page 36
+The decrypted text is now located on the clipboard, much in the same way
+as was done during the encryption process. You can copy the text (using
+shortcut key Ctrl-V) into your text editor or email program.
+Adele's decrypted email will look something like this\footnote{Depending
+on Adele's software version, it might look slightly different.}:
+Hello Larry Smith,
+here is an encrypted response to your email.
+I received the your public key with the ID 57251332CD8687F6 and a
+description `<larrys at gpg4win.de>'.
+I have enclosed the public key of adele at gnupp.de.
+adele at gnupp.de
+The text sequence following this message is Adele's public key.
+Below we show you how to import someone's public key and attach it to
+your key ring, which allows you to use this key anytime to decrypt
+messages from that person (in this case, Adele).
+\item You know how to decrypt an encrypted \Email{} using your private
+\item You know how to send an encrypted response using the public key of
+the sender.
+%% Original page 37
+\section{Attaching a key to your key ring}
+You can store your friends' public keys on your "`key ring"' so they do
+not have to send you their public key every time they write to you.
+\textbf{First Option:}
+To import a public key (ie. attach it to your key ring), you can save
+the key as a text block, much like you did with your own key.
+To do this:
+Highlight the public key portion of the email you received, from
+and use Copy \& Paste to insert it into your text editor. We recommend
+using a file and folder name that is easily found later; ex.
+\Filename{adeles-key.asc} in folder
+\Filename{My Documents}.
+%% Original page 38
+\textbf{2nd Option:}
+The key is sent to you as a file attachment to the \Email{}. No matter
+which mail program you use, you can always save attachments onto your
+hard drive. Do this now (again using names you will easily recognize
+and find later on, ex. \Filename{My Documents}).
+It does not matter whether you save the key as text or directly as an
+\Email{}attachment, as each method imports the key into your GnuPG-"`Key
+% screenshot: Startmenu, Auswahl GPA
+This is how it works:
+Start the GNU Privacy Assistant (GPA) from Windows (this is necessary
+only if you shut it down during the previous practice session).
+%% Original page 39
+Click on Import, then select and load the key file.
+% screenshot GPA Schlüsselverwaltung mit zwei Schlüsseln
+You have now imported someone else's (in this case Adele's) public key
+and attached it to your key ring. Now you can use this key to send
+encrypted messages to the owner of that public key, as well as to verify
+his or her signature.
+\textbf{Before continuing, it is important to address the following
+It is possible that the \Email{} was sent by someone else using Adele's
+name, therefore how do you know that the public key sent to you is
+really Adele's key?
+\textbf{ \OtherBook{} Chapter 9 ("`Key Verification"') of the manual "`
+\xlink{Gpg4win for Advanced Users}{durchblicker.html}"' addresses this
+important question. You may want to read that section now before
+continuing with this manual. }
+%% Original page 40
+Chapter 9 of the manual "`Gpg4win for Advanced Users"' shows you how to
+validate a key as well as to sign a message (ie. attach a signature)
+using your private key.
+Chapter 10 of the advanced manual also discusses ways to attach a
+signature to \Email{}messages. This is the equivalent of attaching an
+electronic seal to your message, which allows the recipient to verify
+whether the \Email{} has been altered during transmission.
+The signature verification process is fairly simple. To do this, you
+must have the sender's public key on your Gpg4win-"`key ring"' (see
+Chapter 8 of "`Gpg4win for Advanced Users"' for more information).
+% cartoon: Müller mit Schlüssel
+%% Original page 41
+You can tell whether an \Email{} has been electronically signed if the
+text of the email is framed with the sender's signature (like a border).
+It will look something like this:
+Hash: SHA1
+and ends \Email{}-message with
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (MingW32)
+Highlight the text starting from \textsl{BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE} to
+\textsl{END PGP SIGNATURE} and copy it (using Ctrl-C) to your
+Now cotinue to decrypt the \Email{} as shown in Chapter 7 of this
+Right-click on the WinPT icon on your Windows taskbar and select
+\Menu{Clipboard$\rightarrow$ Decrypt/Verify}.
+You should see the following window:
+% screenshot: WinPT good signature.
+If the status line on the window displays the following message
+\emph{Invalid Signature}%someone check if this is the right text used in
+the program, i did not encounter it so I am not sure of the tranlsation,
+although i think this should be right
+it means that the message has been altered after it was sent. This does
+not always mean that a third party has altered the message, as it could
+also have been altered through a technical error during transmissiont
+through the Internet.
+\textbf{ \OtherBook{} Before continuing, you may want to read Chapter 10
+of the manual "`\xlink{Gpg4win for Advanced Users}{durchblicker.html}"'
+which contains additional information on how to handle and manage
+invalid signatures.}
+%% Original page 42
+\section{Encrypting \Email{}s}
+Encrypt an \Email{} and send it to Adele (or another person).
+Open your \Email{}program and write a message (if you are sending the
+message to Adele, any text will do)$\ldots$
+Highlight the text and copy it onto your Clipboard (Windows) using the
+copy function or the Ctrl-C shortcut.
+% screenshot: composer mit mail an Adele, body markiert
+Right click on the WinPT icon on your Windows Taskbar and select
+%% Original page 45
+You should now see a window containing the keys on your key ring. Using
+the examples featured in this manual, you would see Adele's key (the one
+she sent to you), as well as your own key, which you created in Chapter
+% screenshot: Winpt encryption key selection
+Click on Adele's key to encrypt the message you just composed, keeing in
+mind the following principle:
+\textbf{In order to send someone encrypted \Email{}s, you need to have
+that person's public key to encrypt the message properly.}
+Clicking on \Button{OK} starts the encryption process, which will be
+confirmed by the program if successful.
+%% Original page 46
+The encrypted message can be found on your computer's clipboard, from
+which you can copy it into the \Email{} window. You can erase the
+unencrypted text or just copy and paste the contents of the clipboard.
+It would look something like this:
+% screenshot: composer Windows mit enrcypted text
+Now send your \Email{} to Adele. Remember to use your proper email
+address (rather than the previous practice email) otherwise you will not
+receive a response. $\ldots$
+Congratulations! You have just encrypted your first \Email{}!
+%% Original page 47
+\section{How to archive/store encrypted \Email{}s}
+It is probably not wise to store the full(ie. decrypted) text of your
+encrypted \Email{}s on your computer (they were encrypted for a reason,
+after all). Therefore it is advisable to always store the encrypted
+copies of the \Email{}.
+You may already guess the problem at hand: In order to decrypt the
+archived \Email{}s you need the private key of the recipient, which will
+(or at least should) never be available to you. $\ldots$
+The solution: You encrypt messages to yourself as well.
+You can encrypt a message designated for a recipient (ex. Adele) using
+their own as well as your own public key. This allows you to decrypt the
+text later using your private key.
+Since Gpg4win cannot tell the difference between the different keys used
+to encrypt a message (ie. you could have more than one key), you need to
+set up the program accordingly.
+%% Original page 48
+To use this option, right click on the WinPT icon select
+\Menu{Preferences $\rightarrow$ GPG}.
+% screenshot: Winpt configuration dialog
+This opens the GnuPG Preferences Window. You can add your key in the
+"Encrypt to this key" field using your \Email{}address.
+\Email{}programs which directly support GnuPG will also feature this
+%% Original page 49
+\item You responded to the recipient by encrypting an \Email{} with
+his/her public key.
+\item You also set up WinPT to encrypt archived copies of your \Email{}s
+with your own private key.
+\textbf{And that's it - welcome to the world of free and secure \Email{}
+\OtherBook{} We recommend you read Chapter 10 to 12 of the manual "`
+for Advanced Users}{durchblicker.html}"' for additional information on
+adding signatures to \Email{}s, as well as importing and using an
+existing private key in GnuPG.
+\OtherBook{} Furthermore, Chapters 13 and 14 of the manual "`
+\xlink{Gpg4win for Advanced Users}{durchblicker.html}"' provide you with
+additional information regarding the premises on which GnuPG's security
+features are based, as well as detailed insights into the mathematical
+concepts behind GnuPG. These texts are easily readable, as they were
+created for \textbf{the every day user}, not mathematicians or
+cryptographs. }
+\section{Suggestions regarding the Outlook plugin \emph{GPGol}}
+GPGol, a Microsoft Outlook plugin, integrates the operation of GnuPG.
+Here are some tips regarding the operation of this plugin.
+While it is fairly easy to operate the plugin in other \Email{}programs,
+the technical difficulties associated with the integration of OpenPGP in
+Outlook make it harder to operate the plugin in this context.
+The current version of GPGol works only with Outlook 2003 SP2, and will
+notify you if you are using an older version of Outlook.
+You should also be aware of the following limitations:
+\item Do not use Word as your text editor.
+\item Inline-PGP or the conventional PGP is fully supported, however,
+PGP/MIME \Email{}s cannot be created.
+On the other hand, it does support the decryption and signature
+verification of simple (unlike more complex) PGP/MIME \Email{}s.
+The plugin can be installed using the the Gpg4win Installer. The next
+time you start Outlook, a \Menu{GnuPG} tab will be added in the
+\Menu{Tools$\rightarrow$Options} menu :
+The first two options of this tab allow you to set default settings
+regarding the encryption and signature of new messages. Note that you
+can always change these settings at the time you are creating new
+The option "Save decrypted message automatically" will save attachments
+as unencrypted text (after decryption). As a result, the attachment can
+be read anytime without having to decrypt it again.
+The option "Automatically sign attachments" ensures that attachments are
+automatically signed along with your main text. For this purpose, an
+attachment with a signature is created for every attachment included in
+the message.
+The option "Also encrypt message with the default key" allows you to
+enter the Key ID of your own key so that your messages are automatically
+(and additionally) encrypted using your own key. This allows you to
+later retrieve, decrypt and read messages in the Sent folder.
+The option "`Also decrypt in preview window"' is only feasible with very
+fast computers; at the present time it has only limited operational
+The option "`Show HTML view if possible"' enables you to view a message
+in HTML format. In most cases, or when an HTML format is not available,
+it will be shown in text format.
+There are a number of preset default settings which take effect after
+the initial installation. However, you should also ensure that you are
+not using \textbf{Microsoft Word} to compose messages. We also
+recommend against using HTML messages.
+You can set these option using the \Menu{Mail Format}tab in the
+\Menu{Tools$\rightarrow$Options} menu. Your settings should look like
+\subsection{Common Questions}
+\item[Encryption Icons are not visible in the notification area/system
+%The german text below was somewhat confusing - I know what they are
+trying to accomplish here and changed the english text slightly.
+If the system tray contains a large number of icons, it may not display
+all of them directly. Clicking on the arrow at the end of the system
+tray (located on the bottom right hand side of most computers) will open
+the tray to show all icons including the Key Manager icon.
+Again, make sure that you are not using Microsoft Word to compose
+messages (see installation instructions).
+\item[What is the meaning of the letters included in the GnuPG tab?]
+ GPGol lists the components and their associated file names as part of
+the decryption or signature verification of messages. File names
+containing encrypted attachments are prefaced with "`E"', while signed
+attachments are marked with an "`S"'.
+\item[Where can I locate information regarding the latest version
+ Click on the logo on the lower left side of your GnuPG options menu.
+\item[Why is it not possible to cancel an encryption process?]
+ GPGol begins the encryption process as soon as you press the Send
+button. An error contained in Outlook prevents you from interrupting or
+cancelling this process. To avoid this, we recommend configuring Outlook
+so that messages are not sent immediately. This gives you the
+opportunity to cancel the message before it is sent. As a security
+measure, GPGol will try to erase the contents of the message if the
+encryption process is interrupted, but this is not always successful.
+\item[Why does the confirmation window appear when accessing certain
+If \linebreak{} GPGol is not installed as a trusted plugin, Outlook
+assumes that it is trying to access internal information without
+authorization. GPGol attempts to prevent this from happening, but
+sometimes it is necessary in order to properly display encrypted or
+signed \Email{}s.
+GPGol is still in the development process. One outstanding issue is its
+registration as a trusted plugin. Future versions ofGPGol should be able
+to solve the issue of having to confirm each or certain emails.
+\item[How come GPGol cannot create PGP/MIME messages?]
+At the present there is no way of telling Outlook that a PGP/MIME
+message is to be created. Outlook decides on its own which
+"`Content-Type"'is to be used, as the plugin is not able to preset a
+certain type. You may want to contact Microsoft directly to talk about
+this setting and/or missing documentation regarding this setup.
+\item[Why are signature verifications not performed automatically?]
+We are currently working on an automatic signature verification option
+to be used when opening an \Email{}. However, given Outlook's complex
+technical environment, this is not an easy issue to solve.
+\section{Transferring from other GnuPG programs}
+This section explains how to transfer to Gpg4win from other GnuPG-based
+programs. The installation program will recognize some of these programs
+and notify you if that is the case.
+As a general rule it is recommended that an existing GnuPG-based program
+be removed before installing Gpg4win.
+Do not forget to save existing keys. The best way to do this is to use
+the options in the existing system. Select the option to save a private
+(secret) key, as well as all existing public keys. Save these in one or
+two files.
+As soon as Gpg4win is installed, check if your existing keys are listed
+in the new program (using either GPA or WinPT). If yes, the previous
+system was able to use the new rules regarding key storage, and no
+additional action is required on your part.
+If the program does not list the existing keys, you can import them from
+your backup file. For more information on this topic, refer to Chapter
+12 in the manual "`\xlink{Gpg4win for Avanced
+If your older system also includes GPA, you can use its back-up option
+which should be very similar to the operation of GPA in Gpg4win.
+Also, if you are not able to locate your existing keys, use the 'Search'
+function in Windows to find the files named \Filename{secring.gpg} and
+\Filename{pubring.gpg} an import them per GPA.\footnote{This is not the
+official procedure, but it works with all current versions of GnuPG.}
+\item "`GnuPP for Beginners"', First Edition March 2002,\\
+ Authors: Manfred J. Heinze, TextLab text+media\\
+ Consulting: Lutz Zolondz, G-N-U GmbH\\
+ Illustrations: Karl Bihlmeier, Bihlmeier \& Kramer GbR\\
+ Layout: Isabel Kramer, Bihlmeier \& Kramer GbR\\
+ Documentation: Dr. Francis Wray, e-mediate Ltd.\\
+ Editor: Ute Bahn, TextLab text+media\\
+ Published by the Federal Ministry for Industry and Technology.\\
+ Available at
+ \verb-http://www.gnupp.de/pdf/einsteiger.pdf-.
+% Der Abschnitt "`History"' ist im Originaldokument nicht vorhanden
+% und wurde von Werner Koch beigefügt.
+\item Revised unpublished version by TextLab text+media.
+\item "`Gpg4win for Beginners"', December 2005\\
+ Authors: Werner Koch, g10 Code GmbH\\
+ Published as part of the Gpg4win project.
+\item "`Gpg4win for Novices"', November 2006\\
+ Translated by: Brigitte Hamilton\\
+ Published as part of the Gpg4win project.
Modified: trunk/doc/manual/version.tex.in
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+++ trunk/doc/manual/version.tex.in 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
Added: trunk/doc/manual/what-is-gpg4win.tex
--- trunk/doc/manual/what-is-gpg4win.tex 2006-11-30 08:58:00 UTC (rev 362)
+++ trunk/doc/manual/what-is-gpg4win.tex 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% what-is-gpg4win.tex - Introduction used by both manuals
+Das Projekt Gpg4win (GNU Privacy Guard for Windows) ist eine vom
+Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik beauftragte
+Email-Verschlüsselungssoftware. Gpg4win bezeichnet ein Gesamtpaket,
+welches die folgenden Programme umfasst:
+\textbf{GnuPG}: das Kernstück, die Verschlüsselungs-Software \newline
+\textbf{GPA}: der GNU Privacy Assistent,
+eine Schlüsselverwaltung \newline
+\textbf{WinPT}: Schlüsselverwaltung, unterstützt auch Verschlüsselung
+per Clipboard \newline
+\textbf{GPGol}: ein Plugin für Microsoft Outlook, es integriert dort die
+Bedienung von GnuPG \newline
+\textbf{GPGee}: ein Plugin für den Windows Explorer, per rechter Maustaste
+können Dateien verschlüsselt werden \newline
+\textbf{Sylpheed-Claws}: ein komplettes Email-Programm mit integrierter
+GnuPG-Bedienung \newline
+Mit dem Verschlüsselungsprogramm GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) kann
+jedermann Emails sicher, einfach und kostenlos verschlüsseln. GnuPG
+kann ohne jede Restriktion privat oder kommerziell benutzt werden. Die
+von GnuPG eingesetzte Verschlüsselungstechnologie ist sehr
+sicher und kann nach dem heutigen
+Stand von Forschung und Technik nicht gebrochen werden.
+GnuPG ist Freie Software\footnote{oft ungenau auch als Open Source
+ Software bezeichnet}. Das bedeutet, dass jedermann das Recht hat, sie
+nach Belieben kommerziell oder privat zu nutzen. Jedermann darf den
+Quellcode, also die eigentliche Programmierung des Programms, genau
+untersuchen und auch selbst Änderungen durchführen und diese
+weitergeben.\footnote{Obwohl dies ausdrücklich erlaubt ist, sollte man
+ ohne ausreichendes Fachwissen nicht leichtfertig Änderungen
+ durchführen da hierdurch die Sicherheit der Software beeinträchtigt
+ werden kann.}
+Für eine Sicherheits-Software ist diese garantierte Transparenz des
+Quellcodes eine unverzichtbare Grundlage. Nur so läßt sich die
+Vertrauenswürdigkeit eines Programmes prüfen.
+GnuPG basiert auf dem internationalen Standard OpenPGP (RFC 2440), ist
+vollständig kompatibel zu PGP und benutzt die gleiche Infrastruktur
+(Schlüsselserver etc.).
+PGP ("`Pretty Good Privacy"') ist keine Freie Software, sie war
+lediglich vor vielen Jahren kurzzeitig zu ähnlichen Bedingungen wie
+GnuPG erhältlich. Diese Version entspricht aber schon lange nicht
+mehr dem Stand der Technik.
+Weitere Informationen zu GnuPG und den Projekten der Bundesregierung
+zum Schutz des Internets finden Sie auf der Website
+Bundesamtes für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik.
Modified: trunk/src/inst-man_advanced_en.nsi
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+++ trunk/src/inst-man_advanced_en.nsi 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win"
- File "${BUILD_DIR}/../doc/manual/durchblicker-en.pdf"
+ File "${BUILD_DIR}/../doc/manual/advanced.pdf"
Modified: trunk/src/inst-man_novice_en.nsi
--- trunk/src/inst-man_novice_en.nsi 2006-11-30 08:58:00 UTC (rev 362)
+++ trunk/src/inst-man_novice_en.nsi 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win"
- File "${BUILD_DIR}/../doc/manual/einsteiger-en.pdf"
+ File "${BUILD_DIR}/../doc/manual/novices.pdf"
Modified: trunk/src/inst-sections.nsi
--- trunk/src/inst-sections.nsi 2006-11-30 08:58:00 UTC (rev 362)
+++ trunk/src/inst-sections.nsi 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@
IntCmp $R0 ${SF_SELECTED} 0 no_man_novice_en_menu
CreateShortCut \
"$SMPROGRAMS\$STARTMENU_FOLDER\$(DESC_Name_man_novice_en).lnk" \
- "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win\einsteiger-en.pdf" \
+ "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win\novices.pdf" \
"" "" "" SW_SHOWNORMAL "" $(DESC_Menu_man_novice_en)
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@
IntCmp $R0 ${SF_SELECTED} 0 no_man_advanced_en_menu
CreateShortCut \
"$SMPROGRAMS\$STARTMENU_FOLDER\$(DESC_Name_man_advanced_en).lnk" \
- "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win\durchblicker-en.pdf" \
+ "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win\advanced.pdf" \
"" "" "" SW_SHOWNORMAL "" $(DESC_Menu_man_advanced_en)
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@
IntCmp $R0 ${SF_SELECTED} 0 no_man_novice_en_desktop
CreateShortCut \
"$DESKTOP\$(DESC_Name_man_novice_en).lnk" \
- "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win\einsteiger-en.pdf" \
+ "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win\novices.pdf" \
"" "" "" SW_SHOWNORMAL "" $(DESC_Menu_man_novice_en)
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@
IntCmp $R0 ${SF_SELECTED} 0 no_man_advanced_en_desktop
CreateShortCut \
"$DESKTOP\$(DESC_Name_man_advanced_en).lnk" \
- "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win\durchblicker-en.pdf" \
+ "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win\advanced.pdf" \
"" "" "" SW_SHOWNORMAL "" $(DESC_Menu_man_advanced_en)
Modified: trunk/src/uninst-man_advanced_en.nsi
--- trunk/src/uninst-man_advanced_en.nsi 2006-11-30 08:58:00 UTC (rev 362)
+++ trunk/src/uninst-man_advanced_en.nsi 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#Call un.SourceDelete
- Delete "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win\durchblicker-en.pdf"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win\advanced.pdf"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\share"
Modified: trunk/src/uninst-man_novice_en.nsi
--- trunk/src/uninst-man_novice_en.nsi 2006-11-30 08:58:00 UTC (rev 362)
+++ trunk/src/uninst-man_novice_en.nsi 2006-11-30 09:56:46 UTC (rev 363)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#Call un.SourceDelete
- Delete "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win\einsteiger-en.pdf"
+ Delete "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win\novices.pdf"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\share\gpg4win"
RMDir "$INSTDIR\share"
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