[Gpg4win-commits] r1237 - in trunk: . doc po

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Fri Aug 7 13:41:26 CEST 2009

Author: werner
Date: 2009-08-07 13:41:24 +0200 (Fri, 07 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 1237

Udpate manual.

Added: trunk/ONEWS
--- trunk/ONEWS	2009-08-07 11:04:17 UTC (rev 1236)
+++ trunk/ONEWS	2009-08-07 11:41:24 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+# Old NEWS for gpg4win                          -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.1.3 (2007-09-17)
+(en) Update GpgOL to 0.9.92 and build with a fixed version of GPGME.
+(de) GpgOL wurde auf 0.9.92 aktualisiert und mit einer korrigierten Version von GPGME gebaut.
+GnuPG:  1.4.7 
+GnuPG2: 2.0.7
+DirMngr: 1.0.2-svn267
+GPA:    0.7.6
+GPGol:  0.9.92
+GPGee:  1.3.1
+WinPT:  1.2.0
+Claws-Mail: 3.0.0-rc2
+Novices:        1.0.0
+Einsteiger:     2.0.2
+Durchblicker:   2.0.2
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.1.2 (2007-08-16)
+(en) Updated the Claws-Mail package.  A couple of serious bugs are fixed.
+(de) Claws-Mail Version wurde aktualisiert, und einige schwere Fehler behoben.
+(en) Additional configuration files can be installed with the
+     /C=FILE option.
+(de) Zusätzliche Konfigurationsdateien können mit der Option /C=FILE
+     installiert werden.
+(en) Update GnuPG2 to support the chain model.
+(de) GnuPG2 wurde aktualisiert um das Kettenmodell zu unterstützen.
+(en) Install DirMngr along with GnuPG2.
+(de) DirMngr wird nun zusammen mit GnuPG2 installiert.
+GnuPG:  1.4.7 
+GnuPG2: 2.0.5
+DirMngr: 1.0.1
+GPA:    0.7.6
+GPGol:  0.9.91
+GPGee:  1.3.1
+WinPT:  1.2.0
+Claws-Mail: 3.0.0-rc2
+Novices:        1.0.0
+Einsteiger:     2.0.2
+Durchblicker:   2.0.2
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.1.1 (2007-07-10)
+(en) Replaced Sylpheed-Claws by a current Claws-Mail package.
+(de) Sylpheed-Claws ist durch eine aktuelle Claws-Mail Version ersetzt worden.
+(en) Add command line tools for CMS (S/MIME) to the standard installer.
+(de) Der Standardinstaller ist um Kommandozeilenwerkzeuge für CMS
+     (S/MIME) erweitert worden.
+(en) Translations of the installer are now done in the usual GNU
+     gettext way.
+(de) Übersetzungen des Installers werden nun auf dem gebräuchlichen
+     GNU gettext Weg erstellt.
+(en) Fixed a couple of bugs.
+(de) Einige Programmfehler wurden behoben.
+GnuPG:  1.4.7 
+GnuPG2: 2.0.5
+GPA:    0.7.6
+GPGol:  0.9.91
+GPGee:  1.3.1
+WinPT:  1.2.0
+Claws-Mail: 2.10.0
+Novices:        1.0.0
+Einsteiger:     2.0.2
+Durchblicker:   2.0.2
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.1.0 (2007-05-24)
+(en) Included Brigitte Hamilton's english translation of the novice's
+     manual.
+(de) Brigitte Hamiltons englische Übersetzung des Einsteiger Handbuchs
+     with nun mit installiert.
+(en) The programs GPG, GPGV, GPGSPLIT and GPA are now installed so
+     that they are searched via PATH.
+(de) Die Programm GPG, GPGV, GPGSPLIT und GPA werden nun so
+     installiert, daß sie über den PATH gefunden werden.
+(en) Updated to the latest stable version of GTK+ libraries (2.10).
+(de) Update der GTK+ Bibliothek auf die aktuelle Version (2.10).
+(en) Files may now be dropped on GPA's file manager window.
+(de) Dateien können nun per Drag&Drop in die Dateiverwaltung von GPA
+     gezogen werden
+GnuPG: 1.4.7
+GPA:   0.7.6
+GPGol: 0.9.91
+GPGee: 1.3.1
+WinPT: 1.2.0
+Sylpheed-Claws: 2.4.0
+Novices:        1.0.0
+Einsteiger:     2.0.2
+Durchblicker:   2.0.2
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.0.9 (2007-03-09)
+(en) Updated GnuPG to fix a problem in Sylpheed-Claws and GPGol. See
+     http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2007q1/000252.html .
+(de) Update von GnuPG um eine Problem in Sylpheed-Claws and GPGol zu
+     beheben.  Siehe 
+     http://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2007q1/000252.html .
+(en) GnuPG prints German messages when used on the command line (when
+     used on a German system).
+(de) GnuPG gibt nun auf der Kommandozeile Meldungen auch auf Deutsch aus.
+(en) Some long standing bugs have been resolved in GPA.
+(de) Einige lang bekannte Fehler wurde in GPA behoben.
+(en) A new version of WinPT is included.
+(de) Eine neue Version von WinPT is nun enthalten.
+GnuPG: 1.4.7
+WinPT: 1.2.0
+GPA:   0.7.5
+GPGol: 0.9.91
+GPGee: 1.3.1
+Sylpheed-Claws: 2.4.0
+Einsteiger:     2.0.2
+Durchblicker:   2.0.2
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.0.8 (2006-12-06)
+(en) Fixed a serious and exploitable GnuPG bug in processing encrypted
+     packages. [CVE-2006-6235]
+(de) Ein schwerer und ausnutzbarer Fehler wurde in GnuPG behoben. 
+     [CVE-2006-6235]
+(en) Fixed a buffer overflow occuring when using gpg in interactive
+     mode on the command line. [CVE-2006-6169]
+(de) Ein Pufferüberlauf, der bei interaktiver Nutzung auf der
+     Kommandzeile auftreten kann, wurde behoben.  [CVE-2006-6169]
+(en) Fixed a GnuPG bug while decrypting certain compressed and
+     encrypted messages.
+(de) Ein selten auftretender Fehler beim Entschlüsseln von
+     komprimierten Nachrichten wurde in GnuPG behoben. 
+GnuPG: 1.4.6
+WinPT: 1.0.1
+GPA:   0.7.4
+GPGol: 0.9.91
+GPGee: 1.3.1
+Sylpheed-Claws: 2.4.0
+Einsteiger:     2.0.2
+Durchblicker:   2.0.2
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.0.7 (2006-10-13)
+(en) Packaged new versions of GPGol and WinPT.
+(de) Neue Versionen von GPGol und WinPT.
+(en) Fixed a bug while decrypting certain compressed and encrypted
+     messages. 
+(de) Ein Fehler beim Entschlüsseln einiger komprimierter und
+     verschlüsselter Nachrichten wurde behoben.
+(en) Fixed a crash in GPGol.
+(de) Ein Absturz von GPGOl wurde behoben.
+GnuPG: 1.4.5
+WinPT: 1.0.1
+GPA:   0.7.4
+GPGol: 0.9.91
+GPGee: 1.3.1
+Sylpheed-Claws: 2.4.0
+Einsteiger:     2.0.2
+Durchblicker:   2.0.2
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.0.6 (2006-08-28)
+(en) Packaged new versions of GPGol, Sylpheed-Claws and WinPT.
+(de) Neue Versionen von GPGol, Sylpheed-Claws und WinPT.
+GnuPG: 1.4.5
+WinPT: 1.0.0
+GPA:   0.7.4
+GPGol: 0.9.90
+GPGee: 1.3.1
+Sylpheed-Claws: 2.4.0
+Einsteiger:     2.0.2
+Durchblicker:   2.0.2
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.0.5 (2006-08-02)
+(en) Fixed another security related bug in GnuPG.
+(de) Ein weiterer sicherheitskritischer Fehler wurde in GnuPG behoben. 
+GnuPG: 1.4.5
+WinPT: 0.12.3
+GPA:   0.7.4
+GPGol: 0.9.10
+GPGee: 1.3.1
+Sylpheed-Claws: 2.3.1
+Einsteiger:     2.0.2
+Durchblicker:   2.0.2
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.0.4 (2006-07-25)
+(en)Changed GnuPG to again allow working with certain frontends.
+(de)GnuPG wurde geändert, so daß einige Frontends wieder
+    funktionieren.
+(en)Added icons to GPA and Sylpheed-Claws.
+(de)Icons werden nun für GPA und Sylpheed-Claws angezeigt.
+(en)Install an English manual for Sylpheed-Claws.
+(de)Ein englisches Handbuch zu Sylpheed-Claws wird nun installiert.
+GnuPG: 1.4.4
+WinPT: 0.12.3
+GPA:   0.7.4
+GPGol: 0.9.10
+GPGee: 1.3.1
+Sylpheed-Claws: 2.3.1
+Einsteiger:     2.0.2
+Durchblicker:   2.0.2
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.0.3 (2006-06-26)
+(en) Fixed a security related bug in GnuPG (CVE-2006-3082).
+(de) Ein sicherheitskritischer Fehler wurde in GnuPG behoben. 
+(en) Updated Sylpheed-Claws due to security problems.
+(de) Update von Sylpheed-Claws aufgrund von Sicherheitsfehlern.
+GnuPG: 1.4.4
+WinPT: 0.12.3
+GPA:   0.7.3
+GPGol: 0.9.10
+GPGee: 1.3.1
+Sylpheed-Claws: 2.3.1
+Einsteiger:     2.0.2
+Durchblicker:   2.0.2
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.0.2 (2006-05-30)
+(en) Fixed a bug in GPA which led to a non-working backup on some
+     Windows systems. 
+(de) Fehler beim Backup mittels GPA behoben.  Dieser Fehler trat bei
+     einigen Windows Versionen auf.
+(en) Updated Sylpheed-Claws to the latest stable version.
+(de) Sylpheed-Claws ist nun in der aktuellen stabilen Version eingebunden.
+GnuPG: 1.4.3
+WinPT: 0.12.1
+GPA:   0.7.3
+GPGol: 0.9.10
+GPGee: 1.3.1
+Sylpheed-Claws: 2.2.0
+Einsteiger:     2.0.2
+Durchblicker:   2.0.2
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.0.1 (2006-04-26)
+(en) New: Another version of the installer without the PDF manuals is now
+     build in addition to the standard one. 
+(de) Neu: Eine weitere Version des Installers, ohne die PDF Handbücher wird
+     nun auch gebaut.
+(en) Manuals are not installed in the quick launch bar anymore. 
+(de) Die Handbücher werden nun nicht mehr in der Schnellstartleise
+     installiert.
+(en) The manuals are now searchable even for words with Umlauts.
+(de) Die Handbücher können nun auch nach Wörtern mit Umlauten
+     durchsucht werden.
+GnuPG: 1.4.3
+WinPT: 0.11.12
+GPA:   0.7.3
+GPGol: 0.9.10
+GPGee: 1.3.1
+Sylpheed-Claws: 1.9.100cvs124
+Einsteiger:     2.0.1
+Durchblicker:   2.0.1
+Noteworthy changes in version 1.0.0 (2006-04-06)
+(en) New: Warning and hints if GnuPP, GnuPT or Windows Privacy Tools
+     are detected.  In case, GnuPG-Pack is found, installation will
+     stop, because this can not work in parallel.
+(de) Neu: Warnung und Hinweise falls GnuPP, GnuPT oder Windows Privacy
+     Tools gefunden wird.  Falls GnuPG-Pack gefunden wird, stoppt die
+     Installation da dieses Paket nicht parallel betrieben werden
+     kann.
+(en) New: A installer page allows to install start-links for the
+     desktop.
+(de) Neu: Eine Seite im Installer erlaubt es, Start-Links für
+     den Desktop mitzuinstallieren.
+(en) No splash screen anymore. Instead, the logo now integrates into
+     installer dialog.
+(de) Kein Splash-Screen mehr. Dafür Logo in Installer-Dialog eingebaut.
+GnuPG: 1.4.3
+WinPT: 0.11.10 
+GPA:   0.7.3
+GPGol: 0.9.8 
+GPGee: 1.3.0
+Sylpheed-Claws: 1.9.100cvs124
+Einsteiger:     2.0.0
+Durchblicker:   2.0.0
+Noteworthy changes in version 0.8.0 (2006-03-09)
+(en) The sound will not be played for the regular installer.
+(en) The unfinished support for the Eudora plugin as been removed
+     because Qualcomm was not able to come up with a free license for
+     the EMS API as used by this plugin.  That code makes up about an
+     quarter of the entire plugin and it should be possible to
+     re-implement it under a free license.
+(en) Updated GnuPG to 1.4.3rc2 which fixes the non-detached signature
+     verification bug.
+(en) Updated WinPT, GPA and the manuals.
+Noteworthy changes in version 0.7.0 (2006-02-15)
+(en) Finished Durchblicker manual.
+(en) Install a list with copyright statements.
+(en) Fix bugs in the individual packages.
+Noteworthy changes in version 0.6.0 (2006-01-26)
+(en) The location where to install gpg4win may now be changed.
+(en) Cosmetic changes
+(en) Finished Einsteiger manual
+Noteworthy changes in version 0.5.1 (2006-01-09)
+(en) Get plugin directory for sylpheed right.
+(en) WinPT starts again.
+(en) Included very early versions of the manuals as PDFs.
+(en) Include gpg4win in the source installer.
+Noteworthy changes in version 0.5.0 (2006-01-05)
+(en) Fixed GPA problems.
+(en) Sylpheed does now actually work.
+(en) Changed the packaging of GPGee.
+Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.1 (2005-12-07)
+(en) Updated WinPT and GPGol
+Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.0 (2005-12-06)
+(en) Add i18n stuff to GPGol.  Only German for now.
+(en) WinPT updates.
+(en) Changed the way the download script works.  It now uses a
+     packages file from ftp.gpw4win.org and only downloads packages
+     which are not yet downloaded unless the --force option is used.
+     Chnages to the packages are to be recorded in that packages file
+     and not anymore in the SVN.
+Noteworthy changes in version 0.2.1 (2005-11-28)
+(en) Translated the displayed names of the manuals in the package
+     selection.  
+(en) Removed splash.dll by code put into our helper DLL.  The tune is
+     not anymore cut off to early.
+Noteworthy changes in version 0.2.0 (2005-11-24)
+(en) The installer tries to stop a running instance of WinPT.
+(en) A warning message to close other application is displayed if
+     necessary.
+(en) Cleanups.
+Noteworthy changes in version 0.1.0 (2005-11-21)
+(en) GPA does now actually do something.
+(en) Included Sylpheed, although the GnuPG part is not yet working.
+(en) Some visual cleanups, more help texts.      
+(en) Reboot support for installing an already running GPGee.
+Noteworthy changes in version 0.0.2 (2005-11-08)
+(en) A second test release
+Noteworthy changes in version 0.0.1 (2005-11-04)
+(en) Initial release.
+# Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 g10 Code GmbH
+# This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives
+# unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without
+# modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the

Modified: trunk/doc/ChangeLog
--- trunk/doc/ChangeLog	2009-08-07 11:04:17 UTC (rev 1236)
+++ trunk/doc/ChangeLog	2009-08-07 11:41:24 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -1,55 +1,16 @@
+2009-08-07  Werner Koch  <wk at g10code.com>
+	* README.en.txt: Change order of sections.
 2009-08-07  Emanuel Schuetze  <emanuel.schuetze at intevation.de>
-    * doc/README.en.txt: Updated.
-	* manual/gpg4win-compendium-de.tex: Changed html file names 
-	(start menu link didn't found files). Changed pdf link to gpg4win
+	* README.en.txt: Update.
+	* manual/gpg4win-compendium-de.tex: Change html file names 
+	(start menu link didn't found files): Change pdf link to gpg4win
 	file page of wald.
-	* manual/gpg4win-compendium-de.tex: Many minor changes.
-	* manual/
-	Makefile.am,
-	sc-kleopatra-encryption-successful_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-withOpenpgpTestkey_de.png,
-	sc-inst-components_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-signFile3_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-decryptFile1_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-mainwindow-empty_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-openpgp-pinentry_de.png,
-	sc-gpgol-options_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-encryptFile3_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-sign-chooseOpenpgpCertificate_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-signFile1_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-openpgp-certificateDetails_de.png,
-	sc-ol-sendEncryptedMail_de.png,
-	sc-ol-adele-sendOpenpgpKey-inline_de.png,
-	sc-inst-directory_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-sign-OpenpgpPinentry_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-encryptFile1_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-configureKeyserver_de.png,
-	sc-inst-welcome_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-verifyFile2_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-openpgp-keyPairCreated_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-openpgp-encryptDialog_de.png,
-	sc-inst-startmenu_de.png,
-	sc-inst-license_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-verifyFile1_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-openpgp-signDialog_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-encryptVerify_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-withAdeleKey_de.png,
-	sc-ol-adele-sendOpenpgpKey-attachment_de.png,
-	sc-wordpad-editOpenpgpKey_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-openpgp-exportSecretKey_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-sign-successful_de.png,
-	sc-ol-sendSignedMail_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-decryptFile2_de.png:
-	Modified screenshots.
-	* manual/
-	sc-kleopatra-signFile2_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-encryptFile2_de.png,
-	sc-kleopatra-verifyFile2a-badSignature_de.png,
-	sc-inst-progress_de.png:
-	Added new screenshots.
-	* manual/sc-kleopatra-encryptFile4_de.png:
-	Deleted screenshots
+	* manual/gpg4win-compendium-de.tex: Apply minor changes.
+	* manual/:  Modify most screenshots.
 2009-08-06  Werner Koch  <wk at g10code.com>

Modified: trunk/doc/README.en.txt
--- trunk/doc/README.en.txt	2009-08-07 11:04:17 UTC (rev 1236)
+++ trunk/doc/README.en.txt	2009-08-07 11:41:24 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -14,35 +14,39 @@
      1. Important notes
      2. Changes
      3. Known bugs
-     4. Version numbers
-     5. Installer options
-     6. Legal notices
+     4. Version history
+     5. Version numbers
+     6. Installer options
+     7. Legal notices
 1. Important Notes
 Manuals describing the installation of Gpg4win are currently only
-available in German. Check out http://www/gpg4win.org for latest
+available in German.  Check out http://www/gpg4win.org for latest
 If you used an older version of Gpg4win in the past, please check
 out the migration hints in the Gpg4win Compendium's appendix.
+Please read the "Known bugs" section before you start working with
 2. Changes
-Gpg4win/2 has major changes compared to Gpg4win 1.x. Below is a list
+Gpg4win/2 has major changes compared to Gpg4win 1.x.  Below is a list
 of the most important ones:
 - Kleopatra is the new certificate manager.  Kleopatra is the S/MIME
   certificate manager of KDE (a desktop environment used on many
-  GNU/Linux systems). For use in Gpg4win it has been extended to
+  GNU/Linux systems).  For use in Gpg4win it has been extended to
   support OpenPGP and to act as a graphical user interface for all
-  cryptographic operations. It is automatically started if another
+  cryptographic operations.  It is automatically started if another
   component requests its services and then runs permanently in your
-  system tray. WinPT has been dropped.
+  system tray.  WinPT has been dropped.
 - GpgEX is the new plugin for the Explorer and replaces GpgEE.
@@ -50,9 +54,9 @@
   It now supports SSL, NNTP and IMAP.
 - GpgOL, the plugin for Outlook 2003 and 2007 has been comprehensively
-  updated. It now supports PGP/MIME and thus makes the use of
+  updated.  It now supports PGP/MIME and thus makes the use of
   encrypted or signed attachments much easier and standard conform.
-  Support for S/MIME has been added. Most dialogs are now provided by
+  Support for S/MIME has been added.  Most dialogs are now provided by
   Kleopatra for graphical user dialogs.
 - The German "Gpg4win-Kompendium" is the new documentation for Gpg4win.
@@ -62,38 +66,24 @@
   GpgEX and PGP/MIME and new texts for S/MIME and X.509.
-2.1 Version history
-Find below the changes as recorded in the source distribution's NEWS
-file. An up-to-date list of changes is also available at
-http://www.gpg4win.de/change-history.html .
 3. Known Bugs
-  * Kleopatra is still under development: Some functionalities for
-    OpenPGP are still missing. You can use GPA for the missing
-    functionality.
 - Using smart card with Kleopatra...
    * ... and OpenPGP card:
      Use the gpg command line tool to create a new OpenPGP certificate
      on your card.
-     Run "gpg --card-edit".
-     Switch to admin modus by enter: "admin".
-     Run "generate" to create a new certificate.
+     - Run "gpg --card-edit".
+     - Switch to admin modus by enter: "admin".
+     - Enter "generate" to create a new certificate.
      After finishing the process your new certificate is shown in
      Kleopatra with a smart card icon.
    * ... and Telesec Netkey 3 card:
      Use the gpgsm command line tool to initializing your card.
-     Insert your card.
-     Run "gpgsm --learn-card".
+     - Insert your card.
+     - Run "gpgsm --learn-card".
      After this the certificates from your card are shown in
      Kleopatra with a smart card icon.
@@ -102,32 +92,40 @@
 - Using the Outlook Plugin "GpgOL":
-  * You defintely should create copies of your old
-    encrypted/signed emails, e.g. in the form of PST files.
+  * You defintely should create copies of your old encrypted/signed
+    emails, e.g. in the form of PST files.
-  * Encrypted E-Mails occuring un-encrypted on the email server:
-    It can happens that parts of encrypted emails are copied
-    to your email server (IMAP or MAPI) in un-encrypted/decrypted
-    form when creating or viewing them.
-    Affected is the content of the email view windows, thus usually
-    the so-called email body. Attachments are not affected.
-    Switching off the Outlook preview will lower
-    the probability of this to happen, but not eliminate the issue.
+  * Encrypted E-Mails occuring un-encrypted on the email server: It
+    can happen that parts of encrypted emails are copied to your email
+    server (IMAP or MAPI) in un-encrypted/decrypted form when creating
+    or viewing them.  Affected is the content of the email view
+    window, thus usually the so-called email body.  Attachments are
+    not affected.  Switching off the Outlook preview will lower the
+    probability of this to happen, but not eliminate the issue.
     A solution is being worked on.
-  * Sending signed or encrypted maessages via an Exchange based
-    account doesn't work.
+  * Sending signed or encrypted messages via an Exchange based account
+    does not yet work.
+4. Version History
-4. Version Numbers of Included Software
+Find below the changes as recorded in the source distribution's NEWS
+file.  An up-to-date list of changes is also available at
+http://www.gpg4win.de/change-history.html .
+5. Version Numbers of Included Software
-5. Installer Options
+6. Installer Options
 The default installation path can be speficied with the /D=PATH
@@ -190,7 +188,7 @@
-6. Legal notices pertaining to the individual packets
+7. Legal notices pertaining to the individual packets
 Gpg4win consist of several independent developed packages, available

Modified: trunk/po/ar.po
--- trunk/po/ar.po	2009-08-07 11:04:17 UTC (rev 1236)
+++ trunk/po/ar.po	2009-08-07 11:41:24 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Gpg4Win\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpg4win-devel at wald.intevation.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-20 10:50+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-07 10:41+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-11 23:52+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Ahmad Gharbeia <ahmad at gharbeia.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Arabic <doc at arabeyes.org>\n"
@@ -407,12 +407,12 @@
 msgid "GnuPG for Outlook"
 msgstr "þGnuPG áÃæÊáæß"
-#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:200
+#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:203
 msgctxt "DESC_SEC_kleopatra"
 msgid "Keymanager for OpenPGP and X.509 and common crypto dialogs."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:204
+#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:207
 msgctxt "DESC_Menu_kleopatra"
 msgid "Run the Kleopatra key management tool."
 msgstr "ÔÛá ÃÏÇÉ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÝÇÊíÍ ßáíæÈÇÊÑÇ."

Modified: trunk/po/de.po
--- trunk/po/de.po	2009-08-07 11:04:17 UTC (rev 1236)
+++ trunk/po/de.po	2009-08-07 11:41:24 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gpg4win 2.0\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpg4win-devel at wald.intevation.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-20 10:50+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-07 10:41+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-22 15:29+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Werner Koch <wk at g10code.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: German <translation-team-de at lists.sourceforge.net>\n"
@@ -480,14 +480,14 @@
 "die verwendet wird, um Nachrichten mit OpenPGP oder S/MIME zu verschlüsseln. "
 "Benötigt Kleopatra oder GPA."
-#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:200
+#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:203
 msgctxt "DESC_SEC_kleopatra"
 msgid "Keymanager for OpenPGP and X.509 and common crypto dialogs."
 msgstr ""
 "Zertifikatsmanager für OpenPGP und X.509 (S/MIME) sowie einheitliche "
 "Benutzerführung für alle Krypto-Operationen."
-#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:204
+#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:207
 msgctxt "DESC_Menu_kleopatra"
 msgid "Run the Kleopatra key management tool."
 msgstr "Das Schlüsselverwaltungsprogramm Kleopatra aufrufen."
@@ -549,8 +549,9 @@
 msgstr "Gpg4win-Einsteigerhandbuch (englisch)"
 #: src/inst-man_novice_en.nsi:45
+#, fuzzy
 msgctxt "DESC_Menu_man_novice_en"
-msgid "Show the Gpg4win manual for novice users (English)"
+msgid "Show the Gpg4win manual for novice users (pdf, English)"
 msgstr "Gpg4win-Einsteigerhandbuch (englisch)"
 #: src/inst-compendium_de.nsi:40

Modified: trunk/po/es.po
--- trunk/po/es.po	2009-08-07 11:04:17 UTC (rev 1236)
+++ trunk/po/es.po	2009-08-07 11:41:24 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: gpg4win 1.1.1-svn417\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpg4win-devel at wald.intevation.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-20 10:50+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-07 10:41+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-01-30 17:07+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Diego Escalante Urrelo <diegoe at gnome.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Spanish <diegoe at gnome.org>\n"
@@ -419,12 +419,12 @@
 msgid "GnuPG for Outlook"
 msgstr "GnuPG para Outlook (GpgOL)"
-#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:200
+#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:203
 msgctxt "DESC_SEC_kleopatra"
 msgid "Keymanager for OpenPGP and X.509 and common crypto dialogs."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:204
+#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:207
 msgctxt "DESC_Menu_kleopatra"
 msgid "Run the Kleopatra key management tool."
 msgstr "Ejecutar la herramienta de gestión de llaves Kleopatra."

Modified: trunk/po/fr.po
--- trunk/po/fr.po	2009-08-07 11:04:17 UTC (rev 1236)
+++ trunk/po/fr.po	2009-08-07 11:41:24 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: ngoinabox\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpg4win-devel at wald.intevation.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-20 10:50+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-07 10:41+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-03-10 16:46+0100\n"
 "Last-Translator: Fabian Rodriguez <magicfab at member.fsf.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: FRENCH <aep.lists at it46.se>\n"
@@ -423,12 +423,12 @@
 msgid "GnuPG for Outlook"
 msgstr "GnuPG pour Outlook"
-#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:200
+#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:203
 msgctxt "DESC_SEC_kleopatra"
 msgid "Keymanager for OpenPGP and X.509 and common crypto dialogs."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:204
+#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:207
 msgctxt "DESC_Menu_kleopatra"
 msgid "Run the Kleopatra key management tool."
 msgstr "Courez l'outil de gestion de clé de Kleopatra."

Modified: trunk/po/ru.po
--- trunk/po/ru.po	2009-08-07 11:04:17 UTC (rev 1236)
+++ trunk/po/ru.po	2009-08-07 11:41:24 UTC (rev 1237)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Gpg4Win Installer\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: gpg4win-devel at wald.intevation.org\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-20 10:50+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-07 10:41+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-04-22 11:57+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Sergei Smirnov <moscow at hro.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Human Rights Network <moscow at hro.org>\n"
@@ -415,12 +415,12 @@
 msgid "GnuPG for Outlook"
 msgstr "GnuPG äëÿ MS Outlook"
-#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:200
+#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:203
 msgctxt "DESC_SEC_kleopatra"
 msgid "Keymanager for OpenPGP and X.509 and common crypto dialogs."
 msgstr ""
-#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:204
+#: src/inst-kleopatra.nsi:207
 msgctxt "DESC_Menu_kleopatra"
 msgid "Run the Kleopatra key management tool."
 msgstr "Çàïóñê ìåíåäæåðà êëþ÷åé Kleopatra."

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