[Gpg4win-commits] r1392 - in trunk: . patches/gpgme-1.2.0

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Fri Apr 16 14:25:51 CEST 2010

Author: werner
Date: 2010-04-16 14:25:50 +0200 (Fri, 16 Apr 2010)
New Revision: 1392

Fix the Kleo hanging problem

Modified: trunk/ChangeLog
--- trunk/ChangeLog	2010-04-13 16:08:48 UTC (rev 1391)
+++ trunk/ChangeLog	2010-04-16 12:25:50 UTC (rev 1392)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2010-04-16  Werner Koch  <wk at g10code.com>
+	* patches/gpgme-1.2.0/05-is-socket.patch: New.
 2010-04-12  Werner Koch  <wk at g10code.com>
 	Note: Version 2.0.2 has been released from another SVN branch.

Modified: trunk/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Makefile.am	2010-04-13 16:08:48 UTC (rev 1391)
+++ trunk/Makefile.am	2010-04-16 12:25:50 UTC (rev 1392)
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 	patches/gpgme-1.2.0/02-inv-signer.patch \
 	patches/gpgme-1.2.0/03-w32-socket.patch \
         patches/gpgme-1.2.0/04-check-agent.patch \
+        patches/gpgme-1.2.0/05-is-socket.patch \
 	patches/winpt/01-gpg-path.patch \
 	patches/gpgex/01-no-checksums.patch \
 	patches/gpgex-0.9.5/01-default-no-suffix.patch \

Added: trunk/patches/gpgme-1.2.0/05-is-socket.patch
--- trunk/patches/gpgme-1.2.0/05-is-socket.patch	2010-04-13 16:08:48 UTC (rev 1391)
+++ trunk/patches/gpgme-1.2.0/05-is-socket.patch	2010-04-16 12:25:50 UTC (rev 1392)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+patch -p0 -f $* < $0
+exit $?
+2010-04-16  Werner Koch  <wk at g10code.com>
+	* w32-io.c (is_socket): New.
+	(reader, writer): Determine handle type early.
+--- src/w32-io.c.orig	2010-04-12 22:24:51.000000000 +0200
++++ src/w32-io.c	2010-04-16 14:14:02.000000000 +0200
+@@ -175,16 +175,46 @@ set_synchronize (HANDLE hd)
+ }
++/* Return true if HD refers to a socket.  */
++static int
++is_socket (HANDLE hd)
++  /* We need to figure out whether we are working on a socket or on a
++     handle.  A trivial way would be to check for the return code of
++     recv and see if it is WSAENOTSOCK.  However the recv may block
++     after the server process died and thus the destroy_reader will
++     hang.  Another option is to use getsockopt to test whether it is
++     a socket.  The bug here is that once a socket with a certain
++     values has been opened, closed and later a CreatePipe returned
++     the same value (i.e. handle), getsockopt still believes it is a
++     socket.  What we do now is to use a combination of GetFileType
++     and GetNamedPipeInfo.  The specs say that the latter may be used
++     on anonymous pipes as well.  Note that there are claims that
++     since winsocket version 2 ReadFile may be used on a socket but
++     only if it is supported by the service provider.  Tests on a
++     stock XP using a local TCP socket show that it does not work.  */
++  DWORD dummyflags, dummyoutsize, dummyinsize, dummyinst;
++  if (GetFileType (hd) == FILE_TYPE_PIPE
++      && !GetNamedPipeInfo (hd, &dummyflags, &dummyoutsize,
++                            &dummyinsize, &dummyinst))
++    return 1; /* Function failed, thus we assume it is a socket.  */
++  else
++    return 0; /* Succerss, this is not a socket.  */
+ reader (void *arg)
+ {
+   struct reader_context_s *ctx = arg;
+   int nbytes;
+   DWORD nread;
+-  int try_recv = 1;
++  int sock;
+   TRACE_BEG1 (DEBUG_SYSIO, "gpgme:reader", ctx->file_hd,
+ 	      "thread=%p", ctx->thread_hd);
++  sock = is_socket (ctx->file_hd);
+   for (;;)
+     {
+       LOCK (ctx->mutex);
+@@ -212,17 +242,15 @@ reader (void *arg)
+ 	nbytes = READBUF_SIZE - ctx->writepos;
+       UNLOCK (ctx->mutex);
+-      TRACE_LOG1 ("reading %d bytes", nbytes);
++      TRACE_LOG2 ("%s %d bytes", sock? "receiving":"reading", nbytes);
+-      if (try_recv)
++      if (sock)
+         {
+           int n;
+           n = recv (handle_to_socket (ctx->file_hd),
+                     ctx->buffer + ctx->writepos, nbytes, 0);
+-          if (n < 0 && WSAGetLastError () == WSAENOTSOCK)
+-            try_recv = 0;
+-          else if (n < 0)
++          if (n < 0)
+             {
+               ctx->error_code = (int) WSAGetLastError ();
+               if (ctx->error_code == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
+@@ -237,11 +265,9 @@ reader (void *arg)
+                 }
+               break;
+             }
+-          else
+-            nread = n;
++          nread = n;
+         }
+-      if (!try_recv)
++      else
+         {
+           if (!ReadFile (ctx->file_hd,
+                          ctx->buffer + ctx->writepos, nbytes, &nread, NULL))
+@@ -537,10 +563,12 @@ writer (void *arg)
+ {
+   struct writer_context_s *ctx = arg;
+   DWORD nwritten;
+-  int try_send = 1;
++  int sock;
+   TRACE_BEG1 (DEBUG_SYSIO, "gpgme:writer", ctx->file_hd,
+ 	      "thread=%p", ctx->thread_hd);
++  sock = is_socket (ctx->file_hd);
+   for (;;)
+     {
+       LOCK (ctx->mutex);
+@@ -568,11 +596,12 @@ writer (void *arg)
+         }
+       UNLOCK (ctx->mutex);
+-      TRACE_LOG1 ("writing %d bytes", ctx->nbytes);
++      TRACE_LOG2 ("%s %d bytes", sock?"sending":"writing", ctx->nbytes);
+       /* Note that CTX->nbytes is not zero at this point, because
+ 	 _gpgme_io_write always writes at least 1 byte before waking
+ 	 us up, unless CTX->stop_me is true, which we catch above.  */
+-      if (try_send)
++      if (sock)
+         {
+           /* We need to try send first because a socket handle can't
+              be used with WriteFile.  */
+@@ -580,19 +609,16 @@ writer (void *arg)
+           n = send (handle_to_socket (ctx->file_hd),
+                     ctx->buffer, ctx->nbytes, 0);
+-          if (n < 0 && WSAGetLastError () == WSAENOTSOCK)
+-            try_send = 0;
+-          else if (n < 0)
++          if (n < 0)
+             {
+               ctx->error_code = (int) WSAGetLastError ();
+               ctx->error = 1;
+               TRACE_LOG1 ("send error: ec=%d", ctx->error_code);
+               break;
+             }
+-          else
+-            nwritten = n;
++          nwritten = n;
+         }
+-      if (!try_send)
++      else
+         {
+           if (!WriteFile (ctx->file_hd, ctx->buffer,
+                           ctx->nbytes, &nwritten, NULL))

Property changes on: trunk/patches/gpgme-1.2.0/05-is-socket.patch
Name: svn:executable
   + *

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