[Gpg4win-commits] [git] Gpg4win - branch, master, updated. gpg4win-2.1.1-66-gd6376db

by Werner Koch cvs at cvs.gnupg.org
Wed Aug 21 17:35:17 CEST 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "GnuPG for Windows".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  d6376dbd3634db7ed5e738091f6edc58b93e4332 (commit)
      from  305eb8e363f74282823133f5c3ab0fb18dc7de24 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit d6376dbd3634db7ed5e738091f6edc58b93e4332
Author: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
Date:   Wed Aug 21 17:05:32 2013 +0200

    gnupg: Make SPRx332 work under Windows.
    * patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/01-scd-varlen.patch: New.
    * patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/02-scd-spr532.patch: New.
    * Makefile.am (EXTRA_DIST): Add patches.

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index d152b75..45a4e00 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ DISTCHECK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --host=i686-w64-mingw32
 SUBDIRS = po packages doc src
+	doc/license-page doc/GPLv3 \
         build-aux/git-log-footer build-aux/git-log-fix \
         patches/pthreads-w32-2-8-0-release/01-make.patch \
  patches/pthreads-w32-2-8-0-release/02-mingw_w64_timespec_compatibility.patch \
@@ -35,6 +36,8 @@ EXTRA_DIST = autogen.sh README.GIT ONEWS \
         patches/libxml2-2.7.8/01-cve-2012-5134 \
 	patches/gnupg2/01-version.patch.in \
 	patches/gnupg2-2.0.20/02-allow-mark-trusted.patch \
+        patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/01-scd-varlen.patch \
+        patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/02-scd-spr532.patch \
 	patches/dirmngr-1.1.0/01-mmap.patch \
         patches/gpgol-1.1.3/01-w64-ming64.patch  \
         patches/gpgol-1.1.3/02-off_t.postcfg-build \
@@ -56,8 +59,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = autogen.sh README.GIT ONEWS \
         patches/gpa-0.9.4/03-homedir-via-gpgconf.patch \
         patches/gpa-0.9.4/04-utf-clip-crash.patch \
         patches/gpa-0.9.4/05-event-done.patch \
-	patches/gpgme-1.4.3/01-card-edit.patch \
-	doc/license-page doc/GPLv3
+	patches/gpgme-1.4.3/01-card-edit.patch
 	cp NEWS doc/website/NEWS.last
diff --git a/patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/01-scd-varlen.patch b/patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/01-scd-varlen.patch
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bc4b772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/01-scd-varlen.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+patch -p1 -l -f $* < $0
+exit $?
+From 43e85d7bee4644ca84ef0ab0c3b08b2d02e4a699 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
+Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 15:44:52 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/2] scd: Improve --enable-pinpad-varlen.
+* tools/gpgconf-comp.c (gc_options_scdaemon): Add
+* scd/apdu.c (check_pcsc_pinpad): Detect SPRx32 reader.
+Signed-off-by: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
+(cherry picked from commit 7bde2bf3b0ddb5d3515a44879e1a7ddb581a5c0b)
+ doc/scdaemon.texi    |    8 ++++----
+ scd/apdu.c           |    8 +++++++-
+ tools/gpgconf-comp.c |    4 ++++
+ 3 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/doc/scdaemon.texi b/doc/scdaemon.texi
+index ed2cc51..f454f14 100644
+--- a/doc/scdaemon.texi
++++ b/doc/scdaemon.texi
+@@ -290,10 +290,10 @@ than 0.
+ @item --enable-pinpad-varlen
+ @opindex enable-pinpad-varlen
+ Please specify this option when the card reader supports variable
+-length input for pinpad (default is no).  For known readers listed in
+-ccid-driver, this option is not needed.  Note that if your card reader
+-doesn't supports variable length input but you want to use it, you
+-need to specify your pinpad request on your card.
++length input for pinpad (default is no).  For known readers (listed in
++ccid-driver.c and apdu.c), this option is not needed.  Note that if
++your card reader doesn't supports variable length input but you want
++to use it, you need to specify your pinpad request on your card.
+ @item --disable-pinpad
+diff --git a/scd/apdu.c b/scd/apdu.c
+index 372932a..4b3509e 100644
+--- a/scd/apdu.c
++++ b/scd/apdu.c
+@@ -2032,7 +2032,13 @@ check_pcsc_pinpad (int slot, int command, pininfo_t *pininfo)
+   pcsc_dword_t len = 256;
+   int sw;
+-  (void)pininfo;      /* XXX: Identify reader and set pininfo->fixedlen.  */
++  /* Hack to identify the SCM SPR532 and SPR332 readers which support
++     variable length PIN input.
++     FIXME: Figure out whether there is a feature attribute for this.
++     Alternatively use the USB ids to detect known readers.  */
++  if (reader_table[slot].rdrname
++      && strstr (reader_table[slot].rdrname, "SPRx32"))
++    pininfo->fixedlen = 0;
+  check_again:
+   if (command == ISO7816_VERIFY)
+diff --git a/tools/gpgconf-comp.c b/tools/gpgconf-comp.c
+index 078dcea..c43e87a 100644
+--- a/tools/gpgconf-comp.c
++++ b/tools/gpgconf-comp.c
+@@ -612,6 +612,10 @@ static gc_option_t gc_options_scdaemon[] =
+      "gnupg", "do not use a reader's pinpad",
++   { "enable-pinpad-varlen",
++     "gnupg", "use variable length input for pinpad",
+      "gnupg", "|N|disconnect the card after N seconds of inactivity",
diff --git a/patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/02-scd-spr532.patch b/patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/02-scd-spr532.patch
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9a71168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/02-scd-spr532.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+patch -p1 -l -f $* < $0
+exit $?
+From b63717031d8ee3f9ded44a182516158f8a349bd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
+Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 16:45:48 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 2/2] scd: Make SPRx32 pinpad work with PC/SC on Windows.
+(SCARD_CTL_CODE): Define if not defined.
+(reader_table_s): Add is_spr532.
+(new_reader_slot): Clear it.
+(check_pcsc_pinpad): Set it.
+(pcsc_pinpad_verify, pcsc_pinpad_modify): Add fix for SPR532.
+Signed-off-by: Werner Koch <wk at gnupg.org>
+(cherry picked from commit 5c5e52df4b92e23045ac87abac09357de58920d4)
+ scd/apdu.c |   34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
+ 1 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/scd/apdu.c b/scd/apdu.c
+index 4b3509e..ecb3e82 100644
+--- a/scd/apdu.c
++++ b/scd/apdu.c
+@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ struct reader_table_s {
+   int last_status;
+   int status;
+   int is_t0;         /* True if we know that we are running T=0. */
++  int is_spr532;     /* True if we know that the reader is a SPR532.  */
+   unsigned char atr[33];
+   size_t atrlen;           /* A zero length indicates that the ATR has
+                               not yet been read; i.e. the card is not
+@@ -219,7 +220,12 @@ static char (* DLSTDCALL CT_close) (unsigned short ctn);
+ #define PCSC_E_NO_SERVICE              0x8010001D
+ #define PCSC_W_REMOVED_CARD            0x80100069
+-#define CM_IOCTL_GET_FEATURE_REQUEST (0x42000000 + 3400)
++/* Fix pcsc-lite ABI incompatibilty.  */
++#ifndef SCARD_CTL_CODE
++# define SCARD_CTL_CODE(code) (0x42000000 + (code))
+ #define FEATURE_VERIFY_PIN_DIRECT        0x06
+ #define FEATURE_MODIFY_PIN_DIRECT        0x07
+@@ -417,6 +423,7 @@ new_reader_slot (void)
+   reader_table[reader].any_status = 0;
+   reader_table[reader].last_status = 0;
+   reader_table[reader].is_t0 = 1;
++  reader_table[reader].is_spr532 = 0;
+   reader_table[reader].pcsc.req_fd = -1;
+   reader_table[reader].pcsc.rsp_fd = -1;
+@@ -2038,7 +2045,10 @@ check_pcsc_pinpad (int slot, int command, pininfo_t *pininfo)
+      Alternatively use the USB ids to detect known readers.  */
+   if (reader_table[slot].rdrname
+       && strstr (reader_table[slot].rdrname, "SPRx32"))
+-    pininfo->fixedlen = 0;
++    {
++      reader_table[slot].is_spr532 = 1;
++      pininfo->fixedlen = 0;
++    }
+  check_again:
+   if (command == ISO7816_VERIFY)
+@@ -2097,6 +2107,7 @@ pcsc_pinpad_verify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
+   int len = PIN_VERIFY_STRUCTURE_SIZE + pininfo->fixedlen;
+   unsigned char result[2];
+   pcsc_dword_t resultlen = 2;
++  int no_lc;
+   if (!reader_table[slot].atrlen
+       && (sw = reset_pcsc_reader (slot)))
+@@ -2120,6 +2131,8 @@ pcsc_pinpad_verify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
+   if (!pin_verify)
+     return SW_HOST_OUT_OF_CORE;
++  no_lc = (!pininfo->fixedlen && reader_table[slot].is_spr532);
+   pin_verify[0] = 0x00; /* bTimerOut */
+   pin_verify[1] = 0x00; /* bTimerOut2 */
+   pin_verify[2] = 0x82; /* bmFormatString: Byte, pos=0, left, ASCII. */
+@@ -2136,8 +2149,8 @@ pcsc_pinpad_verify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
+   pin_verify[11] = 0x00; /* bMsgIndex */
+   pin_verify[12] = 0x00; /* bTeoPrologue[0] */
+   pin_verify[13] = 0x00; /* bTeoPrologue[1] */
+-  pin_verify[14] = pininfo->fixedlen + 0x05; /* bTeoPrologue[2] */
+-  pin_verify[15] = pininfo->fixedlen + 0x05; /* ulDataLength */
++  pin_verify[14] = pininfo->fixedlen + 0x05 - no_lc; /* bTeoPrologue[2] */
++  pin_verify[15] = pininfo->fixedlen + 0x05 - no_lc; /* ulDataLength */
+   pin_verify[16] = 0x00; /* ulDataLength */
+   pin_verify[17] = 0x00; /* ulDataLength */
+   pin_verify[18] = 0x00; /* ulDataLength */
+@@ -2148,6 +2161,8 @@ pcsc_pinpad_verify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
+   pin_verify[23] = pininfo->fixedlen; /* abData[4] */
+   if (pininfo->fixedlen)
+     memset (&pin_verify[24], 0xff, pininfo->fixedlen);
++  else if (no_lc)
++    len--;
+   if (DBG_CARD_IO)
+     log_debug ("send secure: c=%02X i=%02X p1=%02X p2=%02X len=%d pinmax=%d\n",
+@@ -2178,6 +2193,7 @@ pcsc_pinpad_modify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
+   int len = PIN_MODIFY_STRUCTURE_SIZE + 2 * pininfo->fixedlen;
+   unsigned char result[2];
+   pcsc_dword_t resultlen = 2;
++  int no_lc;
+   if (!reader_table[slot].atrlen
+       && (sw = reset_pcsc_reader (slot)))
+@@ -2201,6 +2217,8 @@ pcsc_pinpad_modify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
+   if (!pin_modify)
+     return SW_HOST_OUT_OF_CORE;
++  no_lc = (!pininfo->fixedlen && reader_table[slot].is_spr532);
+   pin_modify[0] = 0x00; /* bTimerOut */
+   pin_modify[1] = 0x00; /* bTimerOut2 */
+   pin_modify[2] = 0x82; /* bmFormatString: Byte, pos=0, left, ASCII. */
+@@ -2221,15 +2239,15 @@ pcsc_pinpad_modify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
+   if (pininfo->minlen && pininfo->maxlen && pininfo->minlen == pininfo->maxlen)
+     pin_modify[10] |= 0x01; /* Max size reached.  */
+   pin_modify[11] = 0xff; /* bNumberMessage: Default */
+-  pin_modify[12] =  0x09; /* wLangId: 0x0409: US English */
++  pin_modify[12] = 0x09; /* wLangId: 0x0409: US English */
+   pin_modify[13] = 0x04; /* wLangId: 0x0409: US English */
+   pin_modify[14] = 0x00; /* bMsgIndex1 */
+   pin_modify[15] = 0x00; /* bMsgIndex2 */
+   pin_modify[16] = 0x00; /* bMsgIndex3 */
+   pin_modify[17] = 0x00; /* bTeoPrologue[0] */
+   pin_modify[18] = 0x00; /* bTeoPrologue[1] */
+-  pin_modify[19] = 2 * pininfo->fixedlen + 0x05; /* bTeoPrologue[2] */
+-  pin_modify[20] = 2 * pininfo->fixedlen + 0x05; /* ulDataLength */
++  pin_modify[19] = 2 * pininfo->fixedlen + 0x05 - no_lc; /* bTeoPrologue[2] */
++  pin_modify[20] = 2 * pininfo->fixedlen + 0x05 - no_lc; /* ulDataLength */
+   pin_modify[21] = 0x00; /* ulDataLength */
+   pin_modify[22] = 0x00; /* ulDataLength */
+   pin_modify[23] = 0x00; /* ulDataLength */
+@@ -2240,6 +2258,8 @@ pcsc_pinpad_modify (int slot, int class, int ins, int p0, int p1,
+   pin_modify[28] = 2 * pininfo->fixedlen; /* abData[4] */
+   if (pininfo->fixedlen)
+     memset (&pin_modify[29], 0xff, 2 * pininfo->fixedlen);
++  else if (no_lc)
++    len--;
+   if (DBG_CARD_IO)
+     log_debug ("send secure: c=%02X i=%02X p1=%02X p2=%02X len=%d pinmax=%d\n",


Summary of changes:
 Makefile.am                               |    6 +-
 patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/01-scd-varlen.patch |   76 ++++++++++++++
 patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/02-scd-spr532.patch |  152 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/01-scd-varlen.patch
 create mode 100755 patches/gnupg2-2.0.21/02-scd-spr532.patch

GnuPG for Windows

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