[Gpg4win-commits] [git] Gpg4win - branch, master, updated. gpg4win-3.1.3-13-gd80e3f3

by Andre Heinecke cvs at cvs.gnupg.org
Tue Oct 16 15:25:15 CEST 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "GnuPG for Windows".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  d80e3f30c2e4df2ba6ed3b757004b0720b3b6952 (commit)
       via  bf252c398e27cbcf13c28947a062454291dba913 (commit)
       via  eda207b018f374e0777f41682114c822cbc3df2b (commit)
      from  ea40355979f9dfa273084d5b7767e11b80fcc900 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit d80e3f30c2e4df2ba6ed3b757004b0720b3b6952
Author: Andre Heinecke <aheinecke at intevation.de>
Date:   Tue Oct 16 15:25:06 2018 +0200

    Update NEWS and READMEs

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 9b8d952..b420d41 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -6,11 +6,24 @@
 Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.4 (unreleased)
-(en) GpgOL: Fixed the error: "Failed to resolve recipients." occuring
-     too often. (T4132)
+(en) GpgOL: It is now possible to configure OpenPGP keys through
+     Outlook contacts. (T4122)
+(de) GpgOL: Es ist nun möglich OpenPGP Schlüssel in Outlook kontakten
+     zu konfigurieren. (T4122)
+(en) GpgOL: For improved security the signers email is now
+     shwon in the trusted sender category. (T4183)
+(de) GpgOL: Als Sicherheits-Verbesserung wird nun die Mail Adresse
+     einer Signatur in der vertrauenswürdiger Absender Kategorie
+     angezeigt. (T4183)
+(en) GpgOL: Fixed the error: "Failed to resolve recipients." occurring
+     too often. (T4132 T4129)
 (de) GpgOL: Die Fehlermeldung "Failed to resolve recipients." erscheint
-     nun nicht mehr zu häufig.
+     nun nicht mehr zu häufig. (T4132 T4129)
 (en) GpgOL: A problem that could prevent mails with Microsoft Office
      files as attachments from beeing secured has been fixed. (T4131)
@@ -19,6 +32,39 @@ Noteworthy changes in Version 3.1.4 (unreleased)
      Microsoft Office Anhängen nicht abgesichert werden konnten wurde
      behoben. (T4131)
+(en) GpgOL: Debugging has been improved and is now configurable in the
+     config dialog. (T4120 T4121)
+(de) GpgOL: Die Fehlersuche wurde verbessert und ist nun über den
+     Konfigurationsdialog einstellbar. (T4120 T4121)
+(en) GpgOL: It is now possible to generally prefer S/MIME. (T4178)
+(de) GpgOL: Es ist nun möglich S/MIME allgemein zu bevorzugen. (T4178)
+(en) GpgOL: A problem that caused attachments to be hidden in
+     unusually structured emails has been fixed. (T4161)
+(de) GpgOL: Ein Problem das in ungewöhnlich strukturierten Mails dazu
+     führen konnte das Anhänge nicht angezeigt wurden ist behoben.
+     (T4161)
+(en) GpgOL: A crash when viewing mails in unknown codepages has
+     been fixed. (T4141)
+(de) GpgOL: Ein Absturz bei der Anzeige von Mails in unbekannten
+     Zeichensätzen wurde behoben. (T4141)
+(en) GpgOL: It is now possible to automatically import X509 certificates
+     for S/MIME from configured directory services. (T4174)
+(de) GpgOL: Es ist nun möglich automatisch X509 Zertifikate, für S/MIME,
+     aus konfigurierten Verzeichnis-Diensten zu importieren. (T4174)
+(en) GpgOL: Various smaller bugfixes.
+(de) GpgOL: Verschiedene kleinere Fehlerkorrekturen.
 GnuPG:          2.2.10
 Kleopatra:      3.1.3
diff --git a/doc/README.de.txt b/doc/README.de.txt
index 8262f45..51125f6 100644
--- a/doc/README.de.txt
+++ b/doc/README.de.txt
@@ -66,13 +66,37 @@ Die integrierten Gpg4win-Komponenten in Version !VERSION! sind:
 Neu in Gpg4win Version !VERSION! (!BUILD_ISODATE!)
+- GpgOL: Es ist nun möglich OpenPGP Schlüssel in Outlook kontakten
+  zu konfigurieren. (T4122)
+- GpgOL: Als Sicherheits-Verbesserung wird nun die Mail Adresse
+  einer Signatur in der vertrauenswürdiger Absender Kategorie
+  angezeigt. (T4183)
 - GpgOL: Die Fehlermeldung "Failed to resolve recipients." erscheint
-  nun nicht mehr zu häufig.
+  nun nicht mehr zu häufig. (T4132 T4129)
 - GpgOL: Ein Problem das dazu führen konnte das Mails mit
   Microsoft Office Anhängen nicht abgesichert werden konnten wurde
   behoben. (T4131)
+- GpgOL: Die Fehlersuche wurde verbessert und ist nun über den
+  Konfigurationsdialog einstellbar. (T4120 T4121)
+- GpgOL: Es ist nun möglich S/MIME allgemein zu bevorzugen. (T4178)
+- GpgOL: Ein Problem das in ungewöhnlich strukturierten Mails dazu
+  führen konnte das Anhänge nicht angezeigt wurden ist behoben.
+  (T4161)
+- GpgOL: Ein Absturz bei der Anzeige von Mails in unbekannten
+  Zeichensätzen wurde behoben. (T4141)
+- GpgOL: Es ist nun möglich automatisch X509 Zertifikate, für S/MIME,
+  aus konfigurierten Verzeichnis-Diensten zu importieren. (T4174)
+- GpgOL: Verschiedene kleinere Fehlerkorrekturen.
 3. Anmerkungen
diff --git a/doc/README.en.txt b/doc/README.en.txt
index f30ab23..57a9fb0 100644
--- a/doc/README.en.txt
+++ b/doc/README.en.txt
@@ -65,12 +65,34 @@ Included Gpg4win components in version !VERSION! are:
 New in Gpg4win version !VERSION! (!BUILD_ISODATE!)
-- GpgOL: Fixed the error: "Failed to resolve recipients." occuring
-  too often. (T4132)
+- GpgOL: It is now possible to configure OpenPGP keys through
+  Outlook contacts. (T4122)
+- GpgOL: For improved security the signers email is now
+  shwon in the trusted sender category. (T4183)
+- GpgOL: Fixed the error: "Failed to resolve recipients." occurring
+  too often. (T4132 T4129)
 - GpgOL: A problem that could prevent mails with Microsoft Office
   files as attachments from beeing secured has been fixed. (T4131)
+- GpgOL: Debugging has been improved and is now configurable in the
+  config dialog. (T4120 T4121)
+- GpgOL: It is now possible to generally prefer S/MIME. (T4178)
+- GpgOL: A problem that caused attachments to be hidden in
+  unusually structured emails has been fixed. (T4161)
+- GpgOL: A crash when viewing mails in unknown codepages has
+  been fixed. (T4141)
+- GpgOL: It is now possible to automatically import X509 certificates
+  for S/MIME from configured directory services. (T4174)
+- GpgOL: Various smaller bugfixes.
 3. Additional notes

commit bf252c398e27cbcf13c28947a062454291dba913
Author: Andre Heinecke <aheinecke at intevation.de>
Date:   Tue Oct 16 14:24:58 2018 +0200

    Update GpgOL and kde-l10n

diff --git a/packages/packages.current b/packages/packages.current
index da55480..28535de 100644
--- a/packages/packages.current
+++ b/packages/packages.current
@@ -238,14 +238,14 @@ server http://files.gpg4win.org/src
 # last-changed: 2018-08-30
 # by: ah
 # verified: Sig 5B80 C575 4298 F0CB  55D8 ED6A BCEF 7E29 4B09 2E28
-#file gpgol/gpgol-2.3.0.tar.bz2
-#chk  8faa3bcec013b6e769a01aecb7845e94618f83aa876fdbe84fe44af89142f86b
+file gpgol/gpgol-2.3.1.tar.bz2
+chk  2b2b4ef08fda8103cfbdcb3d988081d5d6c9ae6e8021bd2d237da1257efd5dc5
 # for beta
 server http://files.intevation.de/projects/gpg4all
-file gpgol/gpgol-2.3.1-beta84.tar.bz2
-chk  9de866f9f3255dd8df3b0d34d743f63816f86d3b61b41276069c8c38ace8101a
+#file gpgol/gpgol-2.3.1-beta84.tar.bz2
+#chk  9de866f9f3255dd8df3b0d34d743f63816f86d3b61b41276069c8c38ace8101a
 # GpgEX
@@ -559,11 +559,11 @@ chk 73ef39515605d6dbd83cf974ca65f749108682f87599500ba07ca133a3910819
 # last changed: see package date.
 # by: ah
 # verified: Tarball created by ah with script kde-l10n.sh
-file kde-l10n/kde-l10n-201808311346-bin.tar.xz
-chk  ae5cbc4b93f8b886bfc2ac5584a663e2879a34459feec350f7981fec2787098d
+file kde-l10n/kde-l10n-201810161304-bin.tar.xz
+chk  f6b4c31774a67ae9aff5c10fa4db136a7594fc9cecbddf786c710ba1d73d4f241
-file kde-l10n/kde-l10n-201808311346-src.tar.xz
-chk  508ff4560e63fb729837a7fa7ac9b49a775b3f4372e883a8b9983e7768345ab2
+file kde-l10n/kde-l10n-201810161304-src.tar.xz
+chk  d3c8e91f9c758e0d5505f7cae6d3908e606cb92103ac2900c021c6c418adfe2a
 # Gpg4win-tools package
 # last changed: see package date.

commit eda207b018f374e0777f41682114c822cbc3df2b
Author: Andre Heinecke <aheinecke at intevation.de>
Date:   Tue Oct 16 14:24:06 2018 +0200

    Add patch for GpgOL to fix language in conf dlg
    * patches/gpgol-2.3.1/

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 9fc7ec3..44b282b 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = autogen.sh README.GIT ONEWS \
         patches/glib-2.41.5/01-socket.patch \
         patches/glib-2.41.5/02-formatsec.patch \
         patches/gpa-0.9.10/0001-w32-Make-location-of-locale-dir-more-flexible.patch \
-        patches/gpgol-2.1.1/0001-Disable-OL-2013-2016-resiliency-for-us.patch \
-        patches/gpgol-2.1.1/0001-Launch-Kleopatra-config-dialog-with-parent.patch \
+        patches/gpgol-2.3.1/0001-Pass-lang-correctly-to-config-dialog.patch \
         patches/kconfigwidgets/0001-Make-QDbus-optional.patch \
         patches/kconfigwidgets/0002-Crudely-remove-KF5Auth-depedency.patch \
         patches/kiconthemes/0001-Make-DBus-optional.patch \
diff --git a/patches/gpgol-2.1.1/0001-Disable-OL-2013-2016-resiliency-for-us.patch b/patches/gpgol-2.1.1/0001-Disable-OL-2013-2016-resiliency-for-us.patch
deleted file mode 100755
index 863720a..0000000
--- a/patches/gpgol-2.1.1/0001-Disable-OL-2013-2016-resiliency-for-us.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-patch -p1 -l -f $* < $0
-exit $?
-From 8635193d010812d0bff2ee64e6c8e47f1ef43164 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andre Heinecke <aheinecke at intevation.de>
-Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2018 08:29:13 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Disable OL 2013 / 2016 resiliency for us
-* src/gpgoladdin.cpp (setupDoNotDisable): New.
-(addGpgOLToReg): New helper.
-While this should not be necessrary if we don't crash, well
-in the real world it happens and then users have the problem
-that they have to manually renable GpgOL and report it
-as an issue.
-With this GpgOL should no longer be disabled in Outlook
-2013 and 2016. 2010 does not have this auto disable.
-GnuPG-Bug-Id: T3938
- src/gpgoladdin.cpp | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 73 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/src/gpgoladdin.cpp b/src/gpgoladdin.cpp
-index 6f393ca..6525598 100644
---- a/src/gpgoladdin.cpp
-+++ b/src/gpgoladdin.cpp
-@@ -246,6 +246,77 @@ GpgolAddin::QueryInterface (REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppvObj)
-   return hr;
- }
-+static void
-+addGpgOLToReg (const std::string &path)
-+  HKEY h;
-+  int err = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, path.c_str(), 0,
-+                          KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &h);
-+  if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-+    {
-+      log_debug ("%s:%s: no DoNotDisableAddinList entry '%s' creating it",
-+                 SRCNAME, __func__, path.c_str ());
-+      err = RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, path.c_str (), 0, NULL,
-+                            REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL,
-+                            &h, NULL);
-+    }
-+  if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-+    {
-+      log_error ("%s:%s: failed to create key.",
-+                 SRCNAME, __func__);
-+      return;
-+    }
-+  DWORD type;
-+  err = RegQueryValueEx (h, GPGOL_PROGID, NULL, &type, NULL, NULL);
-+  if (err == ERROR_SUCCESS)
-+    {
-+      log_debug ("%s:%s: Found gpgol reg key. Leaving it unchanged.",
-+                 SRCNAME, __func__);
-+      RegCloseKey (h);
-+      return;
-+    }
-+  // No key exists. Create one.
-+  DWORD dwTemp = 1;
-+  err = RegSetValueEx (h, GPGOL_PROGID, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&dwTemp, 4);
-+  RegCloseKey (h);
-+  if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-+    {
-+      log_error ("%s:%s: failed to set registry value.",
-+                 SRCNAME, __func__);
-+    }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      log_debug ("%s:%s: added gpgol to %s",
-+                 SRCNAME, __func__, path.c_str ());
-+    }
-+/* This is a bit evil as we basically disable outlooks resiliency
-+   for us. But users are still able to manually disable the addon
-+   or change the donotdisable setting to zero and we won't change
-+   it.
-+   It has been much requested by users that we do this automatically.
-+static void
-+setupDoNotDisable ()
-+  std::string path = "Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\";
-+  path += std::to_string (g_ol_version_major);
-+  path += ".0\\Outlook\\Resiliency\\DoNotDisableAddinList";
-+  addGpgOLToReg (path);
-+  path = "Software\\Microsoft\\Office\\";
-+  path += std::to_string (g_ol_version_major);
-+  path += ".0\\Outlook\\Resiliency\\AddinList";
-+  addGpgOLToReg (path);
- GpgolAddin::OnConnection (LPDISPATCH Application, ext_ConnectMode ConnectMode,
-                           LPDISPATCH AddInInst, SAFEARRAY ** custom)
-@@ -284,6 +355,8 @@ GpgolAddin::OnConnection (LPDISPATCH Application, ext_ConnectMode ConnectMode,
-     }
-   engine_init ();
-+  setupDoNotDisable ();
-   if (ConnectMode != ext_cm_Startup)
-     {
-       OnStartupComplete (custom);
diff --git a/patches/gpgol-2.1.1/0001-Launch-Kleopatra-config-dialog-with-parent.patch b/patches/gpgol-2.1.1/0001-Launch-Kleopatra-config-dialog-with-parent.patch
deleted file mode 100755
index d61a0fb..0000000
--- a/patches/gpgol-2.1.1/0001-Launch-Kleopatra-config-dialog-with-parent.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-patch -p1 -l -f $* < $0
-exit $?
-From 07811afb552bfc1e51aea25a39cb52327831198b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Andre Heinecke <aheinecke at intevation.de>
-Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 11:44:54 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Launch Kleopatra config dialog with parent
-* src/addin-options.cpp (launch_kleo_config): New.
-(options_window_proc): Use it.
-This fixes that the config dialog might be opened in the
-background, or that the assuan communication fails.
-GnuPG-Bug-Id: T3946
- src/addin-options.cpp | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
- 1 file changed, 63 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/src/addin-options.cpp b/src/addin-options.cpp
-index 32b47eb..6677a30 100644
---- a/src/addin-options.cpp
-+++ b/src/addin-options.cpp
-@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@
- #include "common.h"
- #include "engine.h"
-+#include <string>
-+#include <gpgme++/context.h>
-+#include <gpgme++/data.h>
- /* To avoid writing a dialog template for each language we use gettext
-    for the labels and hope that there is enough space in the dialog to
-    fit the longest translation.. */
-@@ -77,6 +82,63 @@ enable_disable_opts (HWND hDlg)
-   xfree (uiserver);
- }
-+static void
-+launch_kleo_config (HWND hDlg)
-+  char *uiserver = get_uiserver_name ();
-+  bool showError = false;
-+  if (uiserver)
-+    {
-+      std::string path (uiserver);
-+      xfree (uiserver);
-+      if (path.find("kleopatra.exe") != std::string::npos)
-+        {
-+        size_t dpos;
-+        if ((dpos = path.find(" --daemon")) != std::string::npos)
-+            {
-+              path.erase(dpos, strlen(" --daemon"));
-+            }
-+          auto ctx = GpgME::Context::createForEngine(GpgME::SpawnEngine);
-+          if (!ctx)
-+            {
-+              log_error ("%s:%s: No spawn engine.",
-+                         SRCNAME, __func__);
-+            }
-+            std::string parentWid = std::to_string ((int) (intptr_t) hDlg);
-+            const char *argv[] = {path.c_str(),
-+                                  "--config",
-+                                  "--parent-windowid",
-+                                  parentWid.c_str(),
-+                                  NULL };
-+            log_debug ("%s:%s: Starting %s %s %s",
-+                       SRCNAME, __func__, path.c_str(), argv[1], argv[2]);
-+            GpgME::Data d(GpgME::Data::null);
-+            ctx->spawnAsync(path.c_str(), argv, d, d,
-+                            d, (GpgME::Context::SpawnFlags) (
-+                                GpgME::Context::SpawnAllowSetFg |
-+                                GpgME::Context::SpawnShowWindow));
-+        }
-+      else
-+        {
-+          showError = true;
-+        }
-+    }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      showError = true;
-+    }
-+  if (showError)
-+    {
-+      MessageBox (NULL,
-+                  _("Could not find Kleopatra.\n"
-+                  "Please reinstall Gpg4win with the Kleopatra component enabled."),
-+                  _("GpgOL"),
-+                  MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK);
-+    }
- options_window_proc (HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- {
-@@ -149,7 +211,7 @@ options_window_proc (HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
-                 break;
-               }
-             case IDC_GPG_CONF:
--              engine_start_confdialog (hDlg);
-+              launch_kleo_config (hDlg);
-               break;
-             case IDC_GPG_OPTIONS:
-               config_dialog_box (hDlg);
diff --git a/patches/gpgol-2.3.1/0001-Pass-lang-correctly-to-config-dialog.patch b/patches/gpgol-2.3.1/0001-Pass-lang-correctly-to-config-dialog.patch
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d801ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/gpgol-2.3.1/0001-Pass-lang-correctly-to-config-dialog.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+patch -p1 -l -f $* < $0
+exit $?
+From 50e65b8425e2dece5dc791269bc564168bf819e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andre Heinecke <aheinecke at intevation.de>
+Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2018 14:14:29 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Pass lang correctly to config dialog
+* src/addin-options.cpp (open_gpgolconfig): Pass lang.
+ src/addin-options.cpp | 3 +++
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/src/addin-options.cpp b/src/addin-options.cpp
+index d82b095..137d880 100644
+--- a/src/addin-options.cpp
++++ b/src/addin-options.cpp
+@@ -185,6 +185,9 @@ open_gpgolconfig (LPVOID arg)
+   args.push_back (std::string("--gpgol-version"));
+   args.push_back (std::string(VERSION));
++  args.push_back (std::string ("--lang"));
++  args.push_back (std::string (gettext_localename ()));
+   auto ctx = GpgME::Context::createForEngine (GpgME::SpawnEngine);
+   if (!ctx)
+     {


Summary of changes:
 Makefile.am                                        |   3 +-
 NEWS                                               |  52 ++++++++-
 doc/README.de.txt                                  |  26 ++++-
 doc/README.en.txt                                  |  26 ++++-
 packages/packages.current                          |  16 +--
 ...01-Disable-OL-2013-2016-resiliency-for-us.patch | 119 ---------------------
 ...aunch-Kleopatra-config-dialog-with-parent.patch | 113 -------------------
 ...0001-Pass-lang-correctly-to-config-dialog.patch |  30 ++++++
 8 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 248 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 patches/gpgol-2.1.1/0001-Disable-OL-2013-2016-resiliency-for-us.patch
 delete mode 100755 patches/gpgol-2.1.1/0001-Launch-Kleopatra-config-dialog-with-parent.patch
 create mode 100755 patches/gpgol-2.3.1/0001-Pass-lang-correctly-to-config-dialog.patch

GnuPG for Windows

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