[Gpg4win-devel] Status of Claws Mail and SSL ?

Colin Leroy colin at colino.net
Fri Nov 30 10:08:55 CET 2007

On Fri, 30 Nov 2007 10:04:21 +0100, Jan-Oliver Wagner wrote:


> I wonder what the status of SSL-Support for Claws Mail ist.
> Does the new version 3.0.2 support GNU/TLS already?

No, but 3.1.0 does :)
> Is GNU/TLS the final missing element?

Nope, but it's one of the two most important - the second is libetpan,
for IMAP (and now NNTP[1]) access.

There are other missing elements, like LDAP, jPilot, or things like
that, but they're much less critical in my opinion.

[1] I had to rewrite NNTP using libetpan for two reasons: first because 
    GnuTLS doesn't have the equivalent of SSL_peek() in native mode, 
    which the crappy nntp socket code used to use, and second because
    it allowed easy non-blocking NNTP.


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