[Gpg4win-devel] Claws Mail status

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Tue Sep 30 09:37:32 CEST 2008

On Tue, 30 Sep 2008 09:21, colin at colino.net said:

> I'd like to port the Bogofilter plugin, but I didn't manage to build a
> native Bogofilter. Maybe one of you would have more luck, if you have

Server based spam filtering is anyway better ;-).

> The other asked-for feature is spell-checking, but I didn't manage to
> build enchant+aspell. Also, shipping a spell-checker that works out of
> the box means shipping its dictionaries, which is quickly huge.

Spell checking is a feature which is useable for a lot of applications,
thus I think we should not put it into Gpg4win proper but do an own
project for this and have Claws use that external spellchecking system.

> Finally, I've chosen to include all plugins in the gpg4win-light
> version, which made it grow from 8 to 10 MB. I hope this is acceptable?

Sure, no problem.  However there is a problem with downloading the
source from the claws server.  IIRC, that is still sourceforge based and
our download script does not handle this properly.  We should use our
mirror again.



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