[Gpg4win-devel] Claws Mail spell checking support and dictionaries

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Thu Dec 16 11:38:17 CET 2010

On Wed, 15 Dec 2010 17:32, colin at colino.net said:

> win32 specific, as Linux distros can ship dictionaries quite fine, so
> there's the question: do you prefer I put these in gpg4win's SVN
> repository, or should I rather put it in Claws Mail's own repository?

Given that gpg4win is based on released tarballs or zip files you would
need to also provide a tarball for installation.  It seems easier to me
to put this all into the gpg4win repo.

The remaining question is whether to put them into the installer: the
full one only or into all installers?  Spell checking support without
dictionaries does not make much sense.  Either we include those
dictionaries or come up with a download feature in Claws or using a
separate tool.

I am in favor to always install them.



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