[Gpg4win-devel] Controlling gpg-agent under MS Windows 7

Dr. Peter Voigt pvoigt at uos.de
Thu Mar 13 20:13:44 CET 2014

I am just trying to debug a strange problem with the interaction of
gpg-agent and Claws Mail under MS Windows 7.

For this I need a way to properly start, kill and reload gpg-agent
under MS Windows 7.

Under Linux:

gpg-connect-agent /bye
gpgconf --kill gpg-agent
gpgconf --reload gpg-agent

are working as expected.

Under Window option "--kill" does not work and gpgconf throws
following error:

gpgconf: Invalid option "--kill"

My questions are:

1.) Is option --kill really not implemented or am I doing something

2.) Is there any other way besides killing the task with the
    task manager to properly kill gpg-agent under Windows?

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