[Gpg4win-devel] Kleopatra devel

Andre Heinecke aheinecke at intevation.de
Tue Dec 11 08:17:46 CET 2018


On Monday, December 10, 2018 4:29:03 PM CET Luc Lalonde wrote:
> I tried to chat on the #gpg4win channel without success...  I get an
> error:  cannot send to nick/channel.
> It's been ages since I used IRC... So I hope that you'll excuse my
> ignorance.

No problem, It was probably just that I wasn't anymore around. I should have 
clarified that I'm mostly only there during German office hours.

I'm also available as "aheinecke at jabber.gnupg.org" over federated jabber if 
you prefer that.

> What are the steps for a build setup on Linux or Windows...  Is this
> documented somewhere?

We only support a build setup on Linux for Windows and document test that only 
for debian stable (which is currently debian stretch).

First fetch the source of our buildscripts:

git clone git://git.gnupg.org/gpg4win.git

The build is then documented in the README in that directory:


I personally develop Kleopatra mostly for Linux and only afterwards check that 
my new developments also work for windows.

There is some more documentation about developing Kleopatra here:


For Linux development there is documentation here:


Please take all documentation with a grain of salt it tends to become outdated 
until a new person tries it out and updates it. :-)

Best Regards,

Andre Heinecke |  ++49-541-335083-262  | http://www.intevation.de/
Intevation GmbH, Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück | AG Osnabrück, HR B 18998
Geschäftsführer: Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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