[Gpg4win-users-en] Upgraded to gpg4win 2.0.2 RC2, still can't decrypt messages with gpgol

Michele Jordan michele at michelejordan.net
Fri Mar 19 15:20:48 CET 2010

I really need this functionality to work, so I went to the newest RC for
gpg4win, which includes gpgol 1.1.1.


I'm using Windows 7, Outlook 2007.


My message is encrypted, but not signed.


I now see the gpgOL Decrypt/Encrypt button in my Add-In ribbon, but when I
click it nothing happens that I can see.


I have brought up GPA, and decrypted the message using the clipboard, so I
know my password has been accepted.


(A side note, clipboard decrypt in GPA would not work at all unless I
installed the Kleopatra component.  I received a QTcore4.dll missing error,
and it couldn't get my passphrase.)


Am I doing something wrong?  With gpgOL 1.0.1, I didn't even see the add-in
on the ribbon, so it's made some progress, but I still can't decrypt the
email.  Nothing happens when I click the button on the add-in menu.


Thanks for any help!



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