[Gpg4win-users-en] How do I exit the text editor in gpg?

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Mon Nov 17 12:41:55 CET 2014

On Mon, 17 Nov 2014 11:46, fabian.nick at scai.fraunhofer.de said:

> I tried CTRL+D before but it didn't work.
> After your e-mail I tried again and pressed CTRL+D TWICE and that 'worked':

Usually one uses Ctrl-D followed by a RETURN.

> I called gpg -r "NAME", typed a message, hit CTRL+D twice. However it
> returns:
> "Keine gültigen OpenPGP-Daten gefunden.
> gpg: processing message failed: Unbekannter Systemfehler"

Without a command option gpg tries to decrypt or verify an OpenPGP
message (that is basically the same as using "gpg -d" as seen in
Citizenfour).  If you don't type a valid OpenPGP message you will get
such an error message.

What you probably want is

  gpg -ear "NAME"

of verbose

  gpg -e -a -r "NAME"

ir even verboser

  gpg --encrypt --armor --recipient "NAME"

This encrypts (-e) a message, makes it human readable (-a for ascii
armor), and prints it to stdout (i.e. to the terminal).

There are several HOWTO documents linked from https://gnupg.org which
explain the basic commands.



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