[Greater-commits] r3766 - branches/3.0.0-all-models/greater-pre-processing

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Wed Aug 17 11:46:25 CEST 2011

Author: aheinecke
Date: 2011-08-17 11:46:24 +0200 (Wed, 17 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 3766

Revert the rename, greater-pre-processing is going to be kept as
a standalone application.

Copied: branches/3.0.0-all-models/greater-pre-processing/greater-pre-processing.py (from rev 3765, branches/3.0.0-all-models/greater-pre-processing/greater_pre_processing.py)

Deleted: branches/3.0.0-all-models/greater-pre-processing/greater_pre_processing.py
--- branches/3.0.0-all-models/greater-pre-processing/greater_pre_processing.py	2011-08-12 16:46:37 UTC (rev 3765)
+++ branches/3.0.0-all-models/greater-pre-processing/greater_pre_processing.py	2011-08-17 09:46:24 UTC (rev 3766)
@@ -1,678 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2011 by Intevation GmbH
-# Authors:
-# Jan-Oliver Wagner <jan at intevation.de>
-# Andre Heinecke <aheinecke at intevation.de>
-# This program is free software under the GPL (>=v2)
-# Read the file COPYING for details.
-version__ = "$Revision: 1.28 $"
-# $Source: /home/bricks/source/greater/cvs/greaterrepository/greater-pre-processing/greater-pre-processing.py,v $
-# $Id: greater-pre-processing.py,v 1.28 2005-07-18 16:22:28 frank Exp $
-import os, sys
-import os.path
-import subprocess
-import support
-catchment = {}
-version_str = 'greater-pre-processing 1.2.0'
-usage_str = 'greater-pre-processing [check|help|run|run-without-cleanup|clean]'
-def cygwin_call(command, suppress_output=False, extra_env={}, inputdata=None,
-         logfile=None, **kw):
-    """Run command as a subprocess in a cygwin shell on windws
-    and wait until it is finished.
-    The command should be given as a list of strings. But a single
-    string is also accepted
-    """
-    if os.name == 'nt':
-        # On windows we prepend sh.exe -c to the commandline
-        if isinstance(command, str):
-            cygwin_command = ["sh.exe", "-c"]
-            cygwin_command.append(command)
-            command = cygwin_command
-        else:
-            command = ["sh.exe", "-c"] + command
-        converted_command = []
-        for string in command:
-            converted_command.append(string.replace('\\', '/'))
-        command = converted_command
-        # add ./bin to path to allow easier packaging
-        extra_env["PATH"] = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "bin") + \
-                            ";" + os.environ["PATH"]
-        extra_env["CYGWIN"] = "nodosfilewarning"
-    if inputdata is not None:
-        kw["stdin"] = subprocess.PIPE
-    if logfile:
-        kw["stdout"] = kw["stderr"] = open(logfile, "w")
-    elif suppress_output:
-        kw["stdout"] = open(os.devnull, "w")
-        kw["stderr"] = open(os.devnull, "w")
-    env = kw.pop("env", None)
-    if extra_env:
-        if env is None:
-            env = os.environ.copy()
-        env.update(extra_env)
-    try:
-        process = subprocess.Popen(command, env=env, **kw)
-        process.wait()
-    except:
-        import traceback
-        traceback.print_exc()
-        return -1
-    return 0
-def catchment_desc():
-    """Check for file "catchment.desc" and if found
-    check also for correct syntax and completeness.
-    Else, print appropriate error messages.
-    """
-    try:
-        catchment_desc = open('catchment.desc', 'r').readlines()
-    except:
-        print "Error: Could not find or open file 'catchment.desc'"
-        print "This file is required for pre-processing the catchment."
-        return 1
-    print "Found 'catchment.desc':"
-    for line in catchment_desc:
-        line = line.rstrip()
-        if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue
-        fields = line.split('=')
-        catchment[fields[0]] = fields[1]
-    for k in [ 'ID', 'NAME', 'DESCRIPTION', 'IN-VERSION', 'OUT-VERSION' ]:
-        if not catchment.has_key(k):
-            print "Error in catchment.desc: missing", k
-            return 2
-    for c in  catchment['ID']:
-        if not((c >= 'a' and c <= 'z') or (c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z') or \
-               (c >= '0' and c <= '9')):
-            print ' Error: character "' + c + \
-                  '" not allowed in CATCHEMENTID (only a-zA-Z0-9)'
-            return 3
-    print ' ID                    =', catchment['ID']
-    print ' Name                  =', catchment['NAME']
-    print ' Description           =', catchment['DESCRIPTION']
-    print ' Format version src    =', catchment['IN-VERSION']
-    print ' Format version result =', catchment['OUT-VERSION']
-    print "description complete."
-def do_check():
-    # check for files .drn, .rna, .dsd, .cbp, .bgd and if found
-    # check also for correct syntax and completeness.
-    # provide appropriate error messages
-    print "Running check ..."
-    if catchment['IN-VERSION'] != '1.0':
-        print ' Error: Format version ' + catchment['IN-VERSION'] + \
-              ' can not be processed'
-        print ' This check is for version 1.0'
-        return 99
-    # <catchmentid>.drn: digital river network
-    fname = catchment['ID']+'.drn'
-    try:
-        catchment_drn = open(fname, 'r').readlines()
-    except:
-        print " Error: Could not find or open file '" + fname + "'"
-        print " This file is required for pre-processing the catchment."
-        return 1
-    else:
-        print ' Found ' + fname + ' (digital river network):'
-    # coarse syntax check
-    drn_count = 0
-    line_count = 0
-    drn_stretch_ids = []
-    for line in catchment_drn:
-        line_count = line_count + 1
-        line = line.rstrip()
-        if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue
-        fields = line.split(',')
-        if len(fields) == 1:
-            try:
-                id = int(fields[0])
-            except:
-                print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-                print '   StretchID ' + fields[0] + ' not an integer.'
-                return 2
-            drn_count = drn_count + 1
-            drn_stretch_ids.append(id)
-        if len(fields) == 2:
-            try:
-                float(fields[0])
-                float(fields[1])
-            except:
-                print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-                print '   coordinates (' + fields[0] + ',' + fields[1] + ') not a float tupel.'
-                return 3
-        if len(fields) > 2:
-            print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-            print '   incorrect number of fields (is ' + str(len(fields)) + ', should be 1 (StretchID) or 2 (coords)).'
-            return 4
-    print '  Total number of stretches: ' + str(drn_count)
-    print '  Syntax OK'
-    # <catchmentid>.cbp: catchment boundary polygon
-    fname = catchment['ID']+'.cbp'
-    try:
-        catchment_cbp = open(fname, 'r').readlines()
-    except:
-        print "Error: Could not find or open file '" + fname + "'"
-        print "This file is required for pre-processing the catchment."
-        return 1
-    else:
-        print ' Found ' + fname + ' (catchment boundary polygon):'
-    # coarse syntax check
-    cbp_count = 0
-    line_count = 0
-    cbp_first_coord = []
-    cbp_last_coord = []
-    for line in catchment_cbp:
-        line_count = line_count + 1
-        line = line.rstrip()
-        if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue
-        fields = line.split(',')
-        if len(fields) == 2:
-            try:
-                float(fields[0])
-                float(fields[1])
-            except:
-                print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-                print '   coordinates (' + fields[0] + ',' + fields[1] + ') not a float tupel.'
-                return 3
-            cbp_count = cbp_count + 1
-            if cbp_count == 1:
-                cbp_first_coord = fields
-            cbp_last_coord = fields
-        if len(fields) != 2:
-            print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-            print '   incorrect number of fields (is ' + str(len(fields)) + ', should be or 2 (coordinate pair)).'
-            return 4
-    if cbp_first_coord != cbp_last_coord:
-        print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-        print '   first and last coordinate pair must be equal (polygon must be closed).'
-        print '   ' + str(cbp_first_coord) + ' != ' + str(cbp_last_coord)
-        return 5
-    print '  Total number of boundary coords: ' + str(cbp_count)
-    print '  Syntax OK'
-    # <catchmentid>.rna: river network attributes
-    fname = catchment['ID']+'.rna'
-    try:
-        catchment_rna = open(fname, 'r').readlines()
-    except:
-        print "Error: Could not find or open file '" + fname + "'"
-        print "This file is required for pre-processing the catchment."
-        return 1
-    else:
-        print ' Found ' + fname + ' (river network attributes):'
-    # coarse syntax check
-    rna_count = 0
-    line_count = 0
-    rna_stretch_ids = []
-    for line in catchment_rna:
-        line_count = line_count + 1
-        line = line.rstrip()
-        if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue
-        fields = line.split(',')
-        if len(fields) == 9:
-            try:
-                id = int(fields[0])
-                float(fields[1])
-                float(fields[2])
-                if fields[3] != '': float(fields[3])
-                if fields[4] != '': float(fields[4])
-                float(fields[5])
-                if fields[6] != '': float(fields[6])
-                if fields[7] != '': float(fields[7])
-            except:
-                print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-                print '   incorrect data type (should be int,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,string.'
-                return 3
-            rna_count = rna_count + 1
-            rna_stretch_ids.append(id)
-        if len(fields) != 9:
-            print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-            print '   incorrect number of fields (is ' + str(len(fields)) + ', should be 9).'
-            return 4
-    print '  Total number of stretches: ' + str(rna_count)
-    print '  Syntax OK'
-    # <catchmentid>.dsd: discharge site data
-    fname = catchment['ID']+'.dsd'
-    try:
-        catchment_dsd = open(fname, 'r').readlines()
-    except:
-        print "Error: Could not find or open file '" + fname + "'"
-        print "This file is required for pre-processing the catchment."
-        return 1
-    else:
-        print ' Found ' + fname + ' (discharge site data):'
-    # coarse syntax check
-    dsd_count = 0
-    line_count = 0
-    for line in catchment_dsd:
-        line_count = line_count + 1
-        line = line.rstrip()
-        if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue
-        fields = line.split(',')
-        if len(fields) == 9:
-            try:
-                int(fields[0])
-                float(fields[1])
-                float(fields[2])
-                int(fields[3])
-                float(fields[4])
-                float(fields[5])
-                int(fields[7])
-            except:
-                print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-                print '   incorrect data type (should be int,float,float,int,float,float,string,int,string).'
-                return 3
-            dsd_count = dsd_count + 1
-        if len(fields) != 9:
-            print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-            print '   incorrect number of fields (is ' + str(len(fields)) + ', should be 9).'
-            return 4
-        if fields[6] not in [ 'PS', 'AS', 'TF', 'AS/TF' ]:
-            print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-            print "   Type is '" + fields[6] + "' but must be either 'PS', 'AS', 'TF' or 'AS/TF'."
-            return 6
-    print '  Total number of discharge sites: ' + str(dsd_count)
-    print '  Syntax OK'
-    # <catchmentid>.bgd: background data
-    fname = catchment['ID']+'.bgd'
-    try:
-        catchment_bgd = open(fname, 'r').readlines()
-    except:
-        print "Error: Could not find or open file '" + fname + "'"
-        print "This file is required for pre-processing the catchment."
-        return 1
-    else:
-        print ' Found ' + fname + ' (background data):'
-    # coarse syntax check
-    bgd_count = 0
-    line_count = 0
-    for line in catchment_bgd:
-        line_count = line_count + 1
-        line = line.rstrip()
-        if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue
-        fields = line.split(',')
-        if len(fields) == 5:
-            bgd_count = bgd_count + 1
-        if len(fields) != 5:
-            print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-            print '   incorrect number of fields (is ' + str(len(fields)) + ', should be 5).'
-            return 4
-        if fields[2] not in [ '', 'point', 'polygon', 'line', 'shape', 'image', 'grid' ]:
-            print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-            print "   Type is '" + fields[2] + "' but must be one of 'point', 'polygon', 'line', 'shape', 'image', 'grid' or left empty."
-            return 6
-        if fields[4] not in [ 'yes', 'no' ]:
-            print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-            print "   Ctch_fl is '" + fields[4] + "' but must be either 'yes' or 'no'."
-            return 6
-    print '  Total number of background elements : ' + str(bgd_count)
-    print '  Syntax OK'
-    # <catchmentid>.lks: lakes
-    fname = catchment['ID']+'.lks'
-    try:
-        catchment_lks = open(fname, 'r').readlines()
-    except:
-        print "Error: Could not find or open file '" + fname + "'"
-        print "This file is required for pre-processing the catchment."
-        return 1
-    else:
-        print ' Found ' + fname + ' (lakes):'
-    # coarse syntax check
-    lks_count = 0
-    line_count = 0
-    for line in catchment_lks:
-        line_count = line_count + 1
-        line = line.rstrip()
-        if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue
-        try:
-            int(line)
-        except:
-            print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-            print '   entry (' + line + ') not an integer.'
-            return 3
-        lks_count = lks_count + 1
-    print '  Total number of lakes: ' + str(lks_count)
-    print '  Syntax OK'
-    # <catchmentid>.pic: pictures
-    fname = catchment['ID']+'.pic'
-    try:
-        catchment_pic = open(fname, 'r').readlines()
-    except:
-        print "Error: Could not find or open file '" + fname + "'"
-        print "This file is required for pre-processing the catchment."
-        return 1
-    else:
-        print ' Found ' + fname + ' (pictures):'
-    # coarse syntax check
-    pic_count = 0
-    line_count = 0
-    for line in catchment_pic:
-        line_count = line_count + 1
-        line = line.rstrip()
-        if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue
-        fields = line.split(',')
-        if len(fields) == 5:
-            try:
-                int(fields[0])
-                float(fields[1])
-                float(fields[2])
-            except:
-                print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-                print '   incorrect data type (should be int,float,float,string,string).'
-                return 3
-            pic_count = pic_count + 1
-        if len(fields) != 5:
-            print '  Syntax error at line ' + str(line_count) + ':'
-            print '   incorrect number of fields (is ' + str(len(fields)) + ', should be 5).'
-            return 4
-    print '  Total number of pictures: ' + str(pic_count)
-    print '  Syntax OK'
-    error_count = 0
-    for id in rna_stretch_ids:
-        if id in drn_stretch_ids:
-            continue
-        print 'Semantic Error: StretchID %d occurs in .rna file, but does not '\
-              'appear in .drn file' % id
-        error_count += 1
-    for id in drn_stretch_ids:
-        if id in rna_stretch_ids:
-            continue
-        print 'Semantic Error: StretchID %d occurs in .drn file, but does not '\
-              'appear in .rna file' % id
-        error_count += 1
-    if error_count > 0:
-        return 5
-    print 'Check on syntax successfully complete'
-    return 0
-def do_run():
-    if catchment['OUT-VERSION'] != '1.0' and catchment['OUT-VERSION'] != '2.0':
-        print ' Error: Format version ' + catchment['OUT-VERSION'] + \
-              ' can not be created'
-        print ' Supported versions are 1.0 and 2.0'
-        return 99
-    # execute the pre-processing
-    if do_check() != 0:
-        print 'Not executing pre-processing due to error'
-        return 1
-    print 'Running pre-processing ...'
-    print ' Removing tmp-files and old log-file (' +catchment['ID'] + '.log ...'
-    cmds = [ 'rm -f *.tmp ' + catchment['ID'] + '.log' ]
-    for cmd in cmds:
-        if cygwin_call(cmd) != 0:
-            print '  Error executing ' + cmd
-            return 2
-    print ' done.'
-    print ' Creating discharges.shp ...'
-    cmds = [ 'gawk -f ' + os.path.join(greater_pre_proc_path,
-                'awk', 'dsd2gen.awk') + ' < ' + catchment['ID'] + \
-                '.dsd > discharges.gen.tmp',\
-            'gen2shp discharges points < discharges.gen.tmp']
-    for cmd in cmds:
-        if cygwin_call(cmd) != 0:
-            print '  Error executing ' + cmd
-            return 2
-    print ' done.'
-    print ' Creating rivernet.shp ...'
-    cmds = [ 'gawk -v LOG=' + catchment['ID'] + '.log -f ' + \
-                os.path.join(greater_pre_proc_path, 'awk','drn2gen.awk') +' < ' + \
-                catchment['ID'] + '.drn > rivernet.gen.tmp',\
-            'gen2shp rivernet lines < rivernet.gen.tmp']
-    for cmd in cmds:
-        if cygwin_call(cmd) != 0:
-            print '  Error executing ' + cmd
-            return 2
-    print ' done.'
-    print ' Creating disch_river.shp ...'
-    cmds = [ 'gawk -f ' + os.path.join(greater_pre_proc_path,
-            'awk', 'drn_dsd2gen.awk') + " " + catchment['ID'] + '.drn ' + \
-            catchment['ID'] + '.dsd > disch_river.gen.tmp',\
-            'gen2shp disch_river lines < disch_river.gen.tmp']
-    for cmd in cmds:
-        if cygwin_call(cmd) != 0:
-            print '  Error executing ' + cmd
-            return 2
-    print ' done.'
-    print ' Creating catchbound.shp ...'
-    cmds = [ 'sed -e "s/D/E/g" < ' + catchment['ID'] + \
-                '.cbp | gawk -f ' + os.path.join(greater_pre_proc_path,
-                 'awk', 'cbp2gen.awk') + ' > catchbound.gen.tmp',\
-            'gen2shp catchbound polygons < catchbound.gen.tmp',\
-            'echo "#catchbound,Name" > catchbound.att.tmp',\
-            'echo "1,' + catchment['NAME'] + '" >> catchbound.att.tmp',\
-            'txt2dbf -d , -I11 -C100 catchbound.att.tmp catchbound.dbf',\
-            ]
-    for cmd in cmds:
-        if cygwin_call(cmd) != 0:
-            print '  Error executing ' + cmd
-            return 2
-    print ' done.'
-    print ' Creating attribute files rivclass.dbf, wwtp.dbf, disch.dbf ' \
-          'and river.dbf ...'
-    cmds = [ 'LC_ALL=C gawk -f ' + os.path.join(greater_pre_proc_path,
-                'awk', 'topology.awk') +" "+ catchment['ID'] + '.drn', \
-            'LC_COLLATE=C sort -n to_id.tmp > to_id2.tmp', \
-            'LC_COLLATE=C sort -n from_id.tmp > from_id2.tmp', \
-            r'''join to_id2.tmp from_id2.tmp | cut -d " " -f 2,3 | sort -n | sed -e "s/ /,/" > f_t.tmp''',
-            r'''gawk --source='BEGIN { FS="," } { printf("%s,%s\n", $2, $1) }' f_t.tmp | sort -n > t_f.tmp''',
-            'echo from-tos > f_ts.tmp',
-            'gawk -f ' + greater_pre_proc_path + \
-                '/awk/joinup.awk f_t.tmp >> f_ts.tmp',
-            'echo to-froms > t_fs.tmp',
-            'gawk -f ' + os.path.join(greater_pre_proc_path,
-                'awk', 'joinup.awk') + ' t_f.tmp >> t_fs.tmp',
-                'sed -e "s/$/,/" < ' + catchment['ID'] + '.dsd > ' + \
-                catchment['ID'] + '.dsd.tmp',
-            'gawk -v LOG=' + catchment['ID'] + '.log -v OUTVERSION='+ \
-                catchment['OUT-VERSION'] + ' -f ' + \
-                os.path.join(greater_pre_proc_path,
-                'awk', 'generateAttTables.awk') + " " +\
-                catchment['ID'] + '.rna ' + catchment['ID'] + '.dsd.tmp ' + \
-                catchment['ID'] + '.lks f_ts.tmp t_fs.tmp'
-            ]
-    if catchment['OUT-VERSION'] == '1.0':
-        cmds.append('txt2dbf -d , -I10 -I2 -I1 -I10 -I10 -I5 -R12.5 -R12.5 '
-                    '-R12.5 -R12.5 -R20.10 -R12.5 -R12.5 -C60 river.att '
-                    'river.dbf 2>> ' + catchment['ID'] + '.log')
-    elif catchment['OUT-VERSION'] == '2.0':
-        # add down1,down2 to river.att
-        cmds.append('"%s" %s > river2.att' % ( sys.executable,
-             os.path.join(greater_pre_proc_path, 'add-downsegments.py'))
-        )
-        # two additional -I10 for down1, down2
-        cmds.append('txt2dbf -d , -I10 -I2 -I1 -I10 -I10 -I10 -I10 -I5 -R12.5 '
-                    '-R12.5 -R12.5 -R12.5 -R20.10 -R12.5 -R12.5 -C60 '
-                    'river2.att river.dbf 2>> ' + catchment['ID'] + '.log')
-    cmds.append('txt2dbf -d , -I4 -I1 -I1 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 '
-                '-R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 '
-                '-R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -v rivclass.att '
-                'rivclass.dbf 2>> ' + catchment['ID'] + '.log')
-    cmds.append('txt2dbf -d , -I4 -I1 -I1 -I1 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 ' + \
-                '-R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -I10 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 ' + \
-                '-R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 -I1 -R10.5 -R10.5 -R10.5 ' + \
-                '-R10.5 -R10.5 -C40 wwtp.att wwtp.dbf 2>> ' + \
-                catchment['ID'] + '.log')
-    cmds.append('txt2dbf -d , -I10 -I10 -I10 -I10 -R20.10 -R20.10 -R20.10 ' + \
-                '-R20.10 -R20.10 ' + \
-                '-R10.5 -I10 -R10.5 -C40 disch.att ' + \
-                'disch.dbf 2>> ' + catchment['ID'] + '.log')
-    for cmd in cmds:
-        if cygwin_call(cmd) != 0:
-            print '  Error executing ' + cmd
-            return 2
-    print ' done.'
-    if catchment['OUT-VERSION'] == '2.0':
-        print ' Checking for circles in the river network topology ...'
-        river_att = open('river2.att', 'r').readlines()
-        table = []
-        for line in river_att:
-            if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue
-            attributes = line.split(',')
-            table.append([ int(attributes[0]), int(attributes[1]),
-                           int(attributes[3]), int(attributes[4]),
-                           int(attributes[5]), int(attributes[6]) ])
-        result = support.check_for_circle(table)
-        if isinstance(result, list):
-            print " Error: Circle detected:"
-            print "       ", result
-            return 1
-        elif result is None:
-            print "  Error: Circle detection routine failed"
-            return 1
-    else:
-        print ' [ Check for circles only available for OUT-VERSION >= 2.0 ]'
-    print ' Creating pics.shp ...'
-    cmds = [ 'gawk -f ' + os.path.join(greater_pre_proc_path,
-                'awk', 'pic2gen.awk') + ' < ' + catchment['ID'] + '.pic > pic.gen.tmp',\
-            'gawk -f ' + os.path.join(greater_pre_proc_path,
-            'awk', 'pic2att.awk') +' < ' + catchment['ID'] + '.pic > pic.att.tmp', \
-            'gen2shp pics points < pic.gen.tmp',
-            'dbf2txt pics.dbf | sed -e "s/\t//g" > pics.txt.tmp',
-            'paste -d , pics.txt.tmp pic.att.tmp > pics.txt2.tmp',
-            'rm -f pics.dbf',
-            'txt2dbf -d , -I11 -I4 -C20 -C100 pics.txt2.tmp pics.dbf ' + \
-                '2>> ' + catchment['ID'] + '.log']
-    for cmd in cmds:
-        if cygwin_call(cmd) != 0:
-            print '  Error executing ' + cmd
-            return 2
-    print ' done.'
-    if catchment['OUT-VERSION'] == '1.0':
-        print ' Creating backgroundlst.dbf ...'
-        cmds = [ 'txt2dbf -v -d , -C30 -C25 -C20 -C25 -C8 ' + \
-                     catchment['ID'] + '.bgd backgroundlst.dbf 2>> ' + \
-                     catchment['ID'] + '.log']
-        for cmd in cmds:
-            if cygwin_call(cmd) != 0:
-                print '  Error executing ' + cmd
-                return 2
-        print ' done.'
-    print ' Creating Thuban session file (' + catchment['ID'] + '.session) ...'
-    cmds = [ 'cp ' + os.path.join(greater_pre_proc_path, "catchment.thuban") + ' .']
-    for cmd in cmds:
-        if cygwin_call(cmd) != 0:
-            print '  Error executing ' + cmd
-            return 2
-    print ' done.'
-    if sys.argv[1] == 'run':
-        print ' Cleaning up ...'
-        cmds = [ 'rm -f *.tmp' ]
-        for cmd in cmds:
-            if cygwin_call(cmd) != 0:
-                print '  Error executing ' + cmd
-                return 2
-        print ' done.'
-    else:
-        print ' Not removing temporary files.'
-    print 'Pre-processing successfully finished'
-    return 0
-def do_clean():
-    print 'Cleaning up ...'
-    cmds = [ 'rm -f *.tmp ' + catchment['ID'] + '.log',
-             'rm -f catchbound.* discharges.* rivernet.* catchment.thuban',
-             'rm -f disch_river.* disch.att disch.dbf backgroundlst.dbf',
-             'rm -f rivclass.att rivclass.dbf',
-             'rm -f river.att river.dbf river2.att wwtp.att wwtp.dbf pics.*' ]
-    for cmd in cmds:
-        if cygwin_call(cmd) != 0:
-            print '  Error executing ' + cmd
-            return 2
-    print 'done.'
-def usage():
-    print usage_str
-    print ' help  print this text'
-    print ' check test for completeness and correct syntax of source files'
-    print ' run   execute catchment pre-processing'
-    print ' run-without-cleanup execute catchment pre-processing not removing'
-    print '                     temporary files'
-    print ' clean remove all temporary and all results files'
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    print version_str
-    print
-    if catchment_desc():
-        print '\nusage:', usage_str
-        sys.exit(1)
-    print
-    if os.environ.has_key('GREATER_PRE_PROC') == 0:
-        greater_pre_proc_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
-        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(
-                                    greater_pre_proc_path,'awk','joinup.awk')):
-            print 'Error: environment variable GREATER_PRE_PROC not set'
-            sys.exit(2)
-    else:
-        greater_pre_proc_path = os.environ['GREATER_PRE_PROC']
-    if len(sys.argv) == 2:
-        if sys.argv[1] == 'check':
-            do_check()
-        if sys.argv[1] == 'run':
-            do_run()
-        if sys.argv[1] == 'run-without-cleanup':
-            do_run()
-        if sys.argv[1] == 'clean':
-            do_clean()
-        if sys.argv[1] == 'help':
-            usage()
-    else:
-        print 'usage:', usage_str

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