[Greater-commits] r3836 - trunk/GREAT-ER/doc

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Mon Nov 28 09:30:00 CET 2011

Author: frank
Date: 2011-11-28 09:30:00 +0100 (Mon, 28 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 3836

Moved to /shared/sty

Deleted: trunk/GREAT-ER/doc/Manual.sty
--- trunk/GREAT-ER/doc/Manual.sty	2011-11-28 08:27:25 UTC (rev 3835)
+++ trunk/GREAT-ER/doc/Manual.sty	2011-11-28 08:30:00 UTC (rev 3836)
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-% $Source: /home/bricks/source/greater/cvs/greaterrepository/GREAT-ER/doc/Manual.sty,v $
-% $Author: frank $
-% $Revision: 1.2 $
-% $Date: 2003-10-01 11:37:03 $
-% $Locker:  $
-% Basic stylefile for all Manuals in the GREAT-ER project.
-% Manuals have to be double page
-% Variable Settings:
-%	ManualAuthor	: dto.
-%	ManualType     	: Type of the Manual, eg. Users' Manual
-%	GREATERVersion 	: GREAT-ER Version the Manual is related on
-% Makros:
-%	\Fig{figure}{text}	: creates an mbox around 'figure' and
-%				  writes 'text' at the bottom with leading
-%				  'Fig. section.figno:'.
-%				  Example:
-%				  \Fig{\epsfxsize30mm \epsffile{x.eps}}{the x}\\
-%	\Tab{table}{text}	: creates an mbox around 'table' and
-%				  writes 'text' at the top with leading
-%				  'Tab. section tabno:'.
-\typeout{Manual Style File designed for GREAT-ER manual. 
-Ensure to define "stepBackground" before using macro "TutorialStep"!
-% macros for special names
-% convention: 
-%	- program names		:	sc (small caps)
-%	- language names, misc 	:	sf (sans serif)
-%	- file names		:	tt (typewriter)
-%	- functions, procedures :	tt
-\newcommand{\WindowsNT}{{{\scshape Windows NT} 4.0}}
-\newcommand{\ArcInfo}{{\scshape ARC/INFO}}
-\newcommand{\ArcView}{{\scshape ArcView}}
-\newcommand{\GREATER}{{\scshape GREAT-ER} desktop}
-\newcommand{\Thuban}{{\scshape Thuban}}
-\newcommand{\gawk}{{\scshape gawk}}
-\newcommand{\MicroLowFlows}{{\scshape MicroLowFlows}}
-\newcommand{\Avenue}{{\sffamily Avenue}}
-\newcommand{\TclTk}{{\sffamily Tcl/Tk}}
-\newcommand{\awk}{{\sffamily awk}}
-\newcommand{\sed}{{\sffamily sed}}
-\newcommand{\C}{{\sffamily C}}
-\newcommand{\menuitem}[1]{{\sffamily #1}}
-%	Marko for step indicator
-\newcommand{\Step}{\refstepcounter{StepCnt} \marginpar{Step \arabic{StepCnt}}}
-%	Underlay tutorial steps with gray box and center
-% \newenvironment{step}{\begin{center}\colorbox{stepBackground}{\parbox{0.95\textwidth}{}{}}\end{center}}
-	\begin{center}
-	\colorbox{stepBackground}{\parbox{0.95\textwidth}{#1}}
-	\end{center}
-%	Figure makro for graphics continously enumerated.
-	\refstepcounter{FigCnt}
-	\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}%
-		{\protect\numberline{\thechapter.\arabic{FigCnt}}{#2}}
-	\mbox{#1}
-	{Figure \thechapter.\arabic{FigCnt}: \it #2}
-	\refstepcounter{FigCnt}
-	\mbox{#1}
-	{Figure \thechapter.\arabic{FigCnt}: \it #2}
-%	Table makro for tables continously enumerated.
-	\refstepcounter{TabCnt}
-	\addcontentsline{lot}{table}%
-		{\protect\numberline{\thesection.\arabic{TabCnt}}{#2}}
-	{Table \thesection.\arabic{TabCnt}: \it #2}
-	\mbox{#1}
-	\refstepcounter{TabCnt}
-	{Table \thesection.\arabic{TabCnt}: \it #2}
-	\mbox{#1}
-%	Makro for directory information
-	#1 \\
-%	Makro for file information
-	#1 \\ #2 \\
-\newdimen\fullwidth	\fullwidth=\textwidth
-\newdimen\emptyhead	\advance\footskip by 0.5\baselineskip
-\emptyhead=\topmargin	\advance\emptyhead by-1\baselineskip
-\def\ps at footings{
-{\uppercase{\ifnum \c at secnumdepth>\z@
- \thesection\hskip 1em\relax \fi ##1}}{}}
-\def\subsectionmark##1{\markright {\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >\@ne
- \thesubsection\hskip 1em\relax \fi ##1}}}
-{\def\chaptermark##1{\markboth {\uppercase{\ifnum \c at secnumdepth>\m at ne
- \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ \fi ##1}}{}}
-\def\sectionmark##1{\markright{\uppercase{\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >\z@
- \thesection. \ \fi ##1}}}}
-}% endps@
-	\def\@evenhead{\vbox{\hsize\fullwidth
-		\hbox to \fullwidth{{\bf\thepage}\hfil\leftmark}%
-		\vskip 3pt \hrule}\hss}
-	\def\@oddhead{\vbox{\hsize\fullwidth
-		\hbox to \fullwidth{\rightmark\hfil{\bf\thepage}}%
-		\vskip 3pt \hrule}\hss}
-	\def\@evenfoot{\vbox{\hsize\fullwidth \hrule \vskip 3pt%
-		\hbox to \fullwidth{\small \sc {\ManualAuthor} 
-		\hfil $\cdot$ \hfil {\ManualType\ GREAT-ER \GREATERVersion}
-		\hfil $\cdot$ \hfil {\today} }}\hss}%
-	\def\@oddfoot{\vbox{\hsize\fullwidth \hrule \vskip 3pt%
-		\hbox to \fullwidth{\small \sc {\ManualAuthor}
-		\hfil $\cdot$ \hfil {\ManualType\ GREAT-ER \GREATERVersion}
-		\hfil $\cdot$ \hfil \today\ }}\hss}%
-%}% endps@

Deleted: trunk/GREAT-ER/doc/intevation-logo.png
(Binary files differ)

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