[Greater-commits] r3768 - branches/3.0.0-all-models/GREAT-ER/doc

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Tue Sep 20 11:49:03 CEST 2011

Author: aheinecke
Date: 2011-09-20 11:49:03 +0200 (Tue, 20 Sep 2011)
New Revision: 3768

Add greater-sediment tex

Added: branches/3.0.0-all-models/GREAT-ER/doc/greater-sediment.tex
--- branches/3.0.0-all-models/GREAT-ER/doc/greater-sediment.tex	2011-08-17 17:35:31 UTC (rev 3767)
+++ branches/3.0.0-all-models/GREAT-ER/doc/greater-sediment.tex	2011-09-20 09:49:03 UTC (rev 3768)
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+%vim:set tw=68:
+% $Source$
+% $Id$
+% Description of the GREAT-ER Sediment Extension
+% Although the components of the extension are described in the main manual 
+% at appropriate sections, this appendix gives a compact overview. 
+\chapter{GREAT-ER Sediment Extension}
+Although the components of the extension are described in the main manual 
+at appropriate sections, this appendix gives a compact overview. 
+The GREAT-ER Sediment Extension development is a CEFIC LRI project. 
+Its focus is to add sediment as an additional compartment to GREAT-ER.
+This covers:
+	\item Make the water column concentrations for sorbed/dissolved
+		fractions available to the GUI.
+	\item Derive per stretch sediment concentrations based on 
+		equilibrium partitioning.
+	\item Various modes to specify the most important parameter for
+		fractioning: Suspended solids concentration.
+	\item Include diffuse inputs as provided by the 
+		TERRACE\footnote{{\bf TE}rrestrial {\bf R}unoff 
+			Modelling for {\bf R}isk {\bf A}ssessment 
+			of {\bf C}hemical {\bf E}xposure} project.
+\end {itemize}
+\section{Model basics}
+The core of the GREAT-ER river model is the analytical steady-state surface
+water model WATER \citep{Trapp1998}. The chemical elimination is described 
+by first order instream removal:
+R_{River} = 1 - e ^ {-HRT \cdot k}
+The elimination rate coefficient ($k$) is calculated as follows:
+k & = & k_{deg} + f_s k_{sed} + f_d k_{vol}\\
+f_d & = & \frac{1}{1+10^{-6}\cdot K_{d\_river}\cdot SS} \\
+f_s & = & 1 - f_d
+\subsection{Fractional concentrations and Sediment}
+Based on partitioning the three concentrations for the water column can 
+be calculated:
+C_{total} & = & \left(1 - R_{River}\right) \cdot C_0\\
+C_{dissolved} & = & f_d \cdot C_{total} \\
+C_{sorbed} & = & f_s \cdot C_{total} \\
+The WATER model also covers an equilibrium based sediment model component:
+C_{Sediment} = f_d \cdot C_{total} \cdot K_{SW} 
+		 = C_{dissolved} \cdot 
+		   \left( K_{d\_river} \frac{\rho_{S}}{\rho_{W}} + \theta\right)
+$\rho_{S}$ \=: Dry sediment density $[kg_{dwt}/L]$\\
+$\rho_{W}$ \>: Water density (1 $[kg/L]$)\\
+$\theta$   \>: Volumetric water fraction of the sediment 
+\subsection{Diffuse Input}
+Considering diffuse input as constant and continous over the stretch the 
+instream removal model results in:
+R' = (1 - e^{-kt})(1 - \frac{I}{k m_0})
+$\rho_{S}$ \=: \kill
+$I$	   \>: Diffuse Input $[kg/d]$\\
+$m_0$	   \>: Initial substance mass at beginning of the stretch 
+The model as described above is implemented by the GREAT-ER II 
+river model modes 2 and 3.
+\section{Sediment Modes}
+The ruling parameter (apart from substance specific values) for the
+partitioning and sedimentation is the suspended solids concentration ($SS$).
+To reflect different scenarios of parameter availability the GREAT-ER Sediment
+Extension provides four options for the $SS$ parameter:
+	\item A single SS concentration as fixed value for all river stretches,
+	\item a single distributed SS concentration (considered as lognormal)
+		for all river stretches,
+	\item a single distributed SS concentration derived from an expert
+		knowledge system based on catchment characteristics and 
+	\item a per stretch SS concentration derived from TERRACE and provided
+		as CSV file uploaded to the database.
+\subsection{Per catchment suspended solids}
+The first three options are implemented by the environmental parameter for
+suspended solids concentration (see Fig. A.\ref{fig:envparam_river}): 
+The user can either specify a fixed value or a
+distribution for the SS on the card 'River' which will be applied on the entire river network. With the implementations for 
+GREAT-ER Sediment Extension Milestone 2 the already available 'Estimate'
+button will be linked a dialog providing the expert knowlegde system.
+The use of all these three variants is straight forward and analog to all other
+parameters editable through the GREAT-ER desktop client.
+     Edit Environment Dialog - page River\label{fig:envparam_river}}
+\subsection{Per stretch suspended solids}
+The per stretch suspended solids concentration implements a link to the TERRACE
+project (also a CEFIC LRI project): In addition to diffuse inputs calculated by
+the TERRACE model the suspended solid concentrations are provided by a simple
+comma seperated value (CSV) table (see format and processing below). The table 
+can be uploaded to and removed from a session. The table management is
+available under the 'Catchment'-Menu: 
+'Load TERRACE Data' and 'Remove TERRACE Data'.
+When loading a table, the session is check if already a table is loaded. In
+case the user is prompted a warning (see Fig. A.\ref{fig:terrace_file_overwrite}).
+Cancelling the dialog leaves the session unmodified. Else a file selection
+dialog is opened (Fig. A.\ref{fig:ss_file_selection}). The user must select an
+existing file or exit the dialog with 'Cancel'.
+     Load TERRACE File - Overwrite Warning\label{fig:terrace_file_overwrite}}
+     Load TERRACE File - File Selection\label{fig:ss_file_selection}}
+After file selection the table is checked against the river network: Only if it
+contains a record for each strech in the river network (the stretch attribute
+table) it is loaded and joined to the river network. Else an error is raised
+(see Fig. A.\ref{fig:ss_file_network_error}) and the sesssion is left unmodified.
+     Load TERRACE File - Network Mismatch\label{fig:ss_file_network_error}}
+After a successful upload and join the stretch specific data is available as a
+river network attribute. The user can investigate the data with the
+'Identify'-Tool or via the Layer table.
+If needed, the uploaded file can be removed from the session using the 
+'Remove TERRACE Data' menu item. The user is asked to confirm the remove
+explicitely (Fig. A.\ref{fig:terrace_file_remove}).
+     Remove TERRACE File - Confirmation Dialog\label{fig:terrace_file_remove}}
+If the actions performed on the network specific data file have been successful
+can be identified by the 'Modified' flag for a before unmodified session. If in
+doubt the user should save the session before using the load/remove features.
+The desktop client considers the per stretch data file as part of a session and
+therewith it will be copied, saved or deleted together with the related
+session. Moreover the data is stronlgy related to the selected catchment. If
+a new catchment is selected for a session, the file is also removed from the 
+current session. 
+\subsection{Mode Selection}
+As said the first three modes considering the suspended solids concentration 
+are using a single (distributed) value per catchment while the latter (per
+stretch) is file based. The selection between both approaches is available
+through the 
+'Edit Model Parameters' dialog (Fig. A.\ref{fig:model_select_data}) on the card
+'River / Sediment'. The 'Data' item offers a selection between 'generic data'
+and 'per stretch data'. 
+The availablility of data is displayed by the 'TERRACE data file loaded' item.
+The item cannot be edited directly but identifies the status of TERRACE data
+files loadable through the 'Catchment' menu items. 
+The 'Data' item offers also a third mode: 'Class data'. This mode
+refers to an alternative concept of GREAT-ER 1.0 / 2.0: Classes are defined 
+for stretches/discharges by the preprocessing, the user has no direct way 
+to edit or query these settings. However, the concept provides a method to
+use 'typical' values for a class of discharges (e.g. trickling filter,
+activated sludge) or stretches (brook, main stream) for parameters where per 
+object values are not available.
+     Edit Model Parameters - River / Sediment Card\label{fig:model_select_data}}
+In addition to the suspended sediment concentration handling the 
+'Edit Model Parameters' dialog offers the control over the diffuse input
+data provided through the TERRACE file: The 'Consider diffuse input' switch
+activates/deactivates the diffuse input.
+As usual for GREAT-ER all parameters / selections are always editable. The 
+completeness of parameters / data for a given for selection of models (or
+modes) is checked automatically before starting a model run and can be called
+explicitely by the menu item 'Simulation / Missing Parameters?' 
+There is one exception (since it does not affect a parameter in the usual
+meaning): A warning is raised if mode selections for river and sediment are not
+matching (Fig. A.\ref{fig:model_sediment-warning}).
+     Edit Model Parameters - 
+	Sediment extension disabled warning\label{fig:model_sediment-warning}}
+To provide easy access on the results calculated by the 
+GREAT-ER Sediment Extension the features of the GREAT-ER \menuitem{Analysis}
+menu have been enhanced: A new menu item \menuitem{Sediment Extension Results}
+is added. The item is active if results from the sediment extension are
+available. A dialog is raised from which the results of interest can be
+selected (Fig. A.\ref{fig:sedimentresults-dlg}).
+     Sediment Extension Results Dialog\label{fig:sedimentresults-dlg}}
+For each selected result set a layer will be added to the legend. As a
+consequence the analysis tools now are available only if a result layer is
+selected in the legend. Depending on the selected result layer various tools
+are available (e.g. the PEC calculation or Risk Analysis are only defined for
+the total water column concentration).
+The following functions are available per result group:\\
+{\bf Function} & {\bf$C_{total}$} & {\bf$C_{dissolved}$} 
+		& {\bf$C_{sorbed}$} & {\bf$C_{Sediment}$} \\ \hline
+Calculate River CSim X 	& \checked & \checked & \checked & \checked \\
+CSim Classes River 	& \checked & \checked & \checked & \checked \\
+Combine CSim/Flow 	& \checked & \checked & \checked & \checked \\
+PEC Inital		& \checked & -        &	-        & -	    \\
+PEC Catchment		& \checked & -        & -        & -	    \\
+Risk Analysis		& \checked & -        & -        & - 	    \\
+Mass Flux		& \checked & \checked & \checked & -	    \\
+Concentration Profile	& \checked & \checked & \checked & \checked
+\section{The TERRACE file}
+The TERRACE file is a simple table of records as comma seperated values (CSV).
+It must contain a record for each stretch of the river network (compare 
+or the catchments {\small\tt .rna} file from the preprocessing.
+Each record consists of 6 fields:
+DiffuseStdDev \=: \kill
+BasinID	      \>: ID of the TERRACE (sub) basin, for informational purposes.\\
+StretchID     \>: ID of the corresponding stretch, this is the link to the 
+		  river network.\\
+SSConcMean    \>: Suspended Solids concentration, mean value $[g/m^3]$.\\
+SSConcStdDev  \>: Suspended Solids concentration, standard deviation.\\
+DiffuseMean   \>: Diffuse Input into stretch, mean value $[kg/d]$.\\
+DiffuseStdDev \>: Diffuse Input into stretch, standard deviation.
+Based on the mean and standard deviation suspended solids concentration and
+diffuse input can be considered as distributed parameters. It is assumed that 
+both parameters are logarithmic-normal distributed.

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