Kalender SyncML Probleme mit Funambol für Outlook

Gregor Adamczyk g.adamczyk at netkult.eu
Mit Mar 11 19:29:40 CET 2009

Hallo und erstmal vielen Dank für Kolab und den Support.

Ich habe wegen SyncML auf die aktuelle Kolab Version 2.2.1 RC1 geupdatet.

Das Update von Version 2.2.0 verlief ohne Probleme.

Leider habe ich aber einige Probleme mit SyncML.

Um SyncML überhaupt testen zu können, habe ich den bekannten 
funambol-outlook-sync-client-7.1.10.exe auf einem Windows Rechner mit 
Outlook 2007 installiert.

Die Synchronisation von Kontakten funktioniert einwandfrei.

Leider kommt es beim Kalender zu einem Fehler.

Siehe Debug Informationen von funambol unten.

Ich habe so ziemlich alle Einstellungen getestet und habe nun keine 
Ideen mehr.

Deswegen bitte ich um Hilfe.

Wegen den Datenbanken habe ich wie in der Horde FAQ gehandelt:

Databases (sometimes called remote settings or server path) should be 
calendar, tasks, notes, and contacts, but common default values from the 
various clients may work too. The default values in Funambol Client 
7.1.10 work just fine.

Zertifikat wurde Importiert und die richtige URL eingestellt.

Synchronistaion von Kontakten funktioniert einwandfrei.

Hier die Debug Informationen:

2009-03-11 19:07:42 GMT +1:00 - # Funambol Outlook Sync Client v. 7.1.10 
- LOG file

19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Starting the Sync process...
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Set a lower priority to the process
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Set listeners
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Creating SyncSources...
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Creating the sync-mutex 
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Start SyncClient::Sync() with 1 sources
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [INFO] -
************************** BEGIN of Synchronization session 
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Synchronization URL: 
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Preparing synchronization of appointment...
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Checking devinfo...
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - devinfo hash: Yt4xS7GL89dnfCnIm0VnIA==
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - devinfo unchanged, no need to send
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Initialization message:
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - User Agent = Funambol Outlook Sync Client 
v. 7.1.10
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Initialization sent.
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Cred><Meta><Format xmlns="syncml:metinf">b64</Format>
<Type xmlns="syncml:metinf">syncml:auth-basic</Type>
<Meta><MaxMsgSize xmlns="syncml:metinf">250000</MaxMsgSize>
<Meta><Anchor xmlns="syncml:metinf"><Last>0</Last>
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Connecting to mail.netkult.eu:443
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Requesting resource /client/rpc.php
19:07:42 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Sending data of size 839...
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Message sent
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Data sent succesfully to server. Server 
responds OK
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Header:
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Reading response...
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Content-length: 1512
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Receiving data of size 1512...
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Finished receiving data of size 1512.
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Response read:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SyncML 
xmlns="syncml:syncml1.2"><SyncHdr><VerDTD>1.2</VerDTD><VerProto>SyncML/1.2</VerProto><SessionID>1236794862</SessionID><MsgID>1</MsgID><Target><LocURI>fol-U1RBVElPTi1HQTpHcmVnb3I=</LocURI><LocName>g.adamczyk at netkult.eu</LocName></Target><Source><LocURI>https://mail.netkult.eu/client/rpc.php</LocURI></Source><RespURI>https://mail.netkult.eu/client/rpc.php</RespURI><Meta><MaxMsgSize 
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Server requested syncmode "slow" for 
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Checking for forced slow-sync...
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Initialize COM library
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Create Outlook.Application instance...
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Logon to Outlook MAPI: default profile, 
show-dialog = true, new-session = false
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Creating Redemption.MAPIUtils instance...
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Creating Redemption.RDOSession instance...
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Outlook session opened successfully! Using: 
Outlook 2007.
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - ---------------------- appointment BEGIN 
(mode "slow") ----------------------
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - beginSync of appointment source: opening 
Outlook session...
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Reading ALL appointments from folder 
'\\Pers�nliche Ordner\Kalender' (0 found)...
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Total appointment items to send: 0
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Modification message: estimated size 150, 
allowed size 250000, real size 3955 / estimated size 150 = 2636%
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Modifications sent.
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Item><Data><Anchor xmlns="syncml:metinf"><Next>1236794865</Next>
<Meta><Type xmlns="syncml:metinf">application/vnd.syncml-devinf+xml</Type>
<Data><DevInf xmlns="syncml:devinf"><VerDTD>1.2</VerDTD>
<Mod>Funambol Outlook Sync Client</Mod>
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Connecting to mail.netkult.eu:443
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Requesting resource /client/rpc.php
19:07:44 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Sending data of size 3955...
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Message sent
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - HTTP server error: 500. Server failure.
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - ---------------------- END (mode "none") 
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Error occurred in sync: code 3 = HTTP 
server error: 500. Server failure.
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [ERROR] - Error in syncing: HTTP server error: 500. 
Server failure.
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [INFO] -
================ SYNCHRONIZATION REPORT ================

Last error message = "HTTP server error: 500. Server failure."
Last error code = 2052

Sync completed successfully!
Sync type: slow (requested by Server)

| on Client | on Server
New | 0/ 0 | 0/ 0
Updated | 0/ 0 | 0/ 0
Deleted | 0/ 0 | 0/ 0

19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Saving configuration to winRegistry
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Writing configuration settings to the 
management tree
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Closing Outlook...
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Deleting ClientApplication instance
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Releasing IMAPIUtils object...
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Outlook session closed successfully.
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Closing COM library...
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Releasing sync-mutex...
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Sync-mutex released - closing handle.
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [DEBUG] - Delete SyncSources...
19:07:45 GMT +1:00 [INFO] - Syncronization process completed with errors 
(code = 2052).