Free/Busy URL for Outlook

Chirag Gajjar cgajjar at
Die Okt 12 18:36:00 CEST 2010



I am trying to view users free/busy information in Outlook while creating a meeting request.

The URL provided in the Kolab Wiki ( https://<server>/freebusy/%USER%@%SERVER%.ifb <https://%3cserver%3e/freebusy/%25USER%25@%25SERVER%25.ifb>  ) to be entered in the Search location does not work and displays a “General Failure” pop-up error message in the taskbar.
It also states to leave the Publish URL blank or enter the same URL to keep Outlook happy.
Can anyone that has successfully configured the free/busy URL and using the free/busy information displayed while creating meetings inform me of the accurate steps and URL to do so?
I have tried several variations of the above mentioned URL to get free/busy information to be displayed. 

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