March 2015 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Mar 6 12:54:47 CET 2015
Ending: Fri Mar 27 16:00:50 CET 2015
Messages: 283
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 01 of 10] Changed alias for verwaltungseinheit widget
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 01 of 11] Renamed all 'messungId' url parameters to 'messungsId'
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 01 of 15] Use paging parameters to send sublists of the result
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 02 of 10] UI update for textfield widget
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 02 of 11] Allow /{id} in urls on PUT requests
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 02 of 15] Updated sql query to fit the requirements of sorting and paging
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 03 of 10] Removed row editing plugin in ort grid
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 03 of 11] Added stubs for owner and readonly flags in probe
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 03 of 15] Merged branch openid back to default
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 04 of 10] Moved messungen field in probe edit window up
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 04 of 11] Fixed field name 'probeentnahmeBeginn'
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 04 of 15] Updated model classes to have getter/setter for owner and readonly flags
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 05 of 10] Updated the ort grid controller
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 05 of 11] Updated queryconf; Added '' as result
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 05 of 15] Fixed column name in stammdaten.auth
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 06 of 10] Added ort form and controller
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 06 of 11] Return null as data
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 06 of 15] Added authorization type OPEN_ID
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 07 of 10] Added form for locations
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 07 of 11] Allow parameter 'ortId' to filter locations
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 07 of 15] Updated authorization interface and its default implemenation
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 08 of 10] Added panel with OpenLayers map
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 08 of 11] Added some tests for validation module
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 08 of 15] Add authentication info to http request
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 09 of 10] Added ort edit window
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 09 of 11] Added testclass for messung validator
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 09 of 15] Added OpenId authorization and user info class
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 10 of 10] Load the ort form controller
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 10 of 11] Added messung validator and rules
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 10 of 15] Added enum for http request method
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 11 of 11] Updated messung validator
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 11 of 15] Use authentication info for authorization of requested objects
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 12 of 15] Cleanup in stammdaten rest services
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 13 of 15] Filter messstellen, netzbetreiber and verwaltungseinheiten
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 14 of 15] Make 'and-/or like' operations case insensitive
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 15 of 15] Updated queryconf
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Added field treeModified to models
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Added new DateTimeFields
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Added readonly to models, Probenzusatzwertgrid does now check wheter a record is readonly and disables the roweditor in such a case
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Added validation rule for probe objects
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Column zu datecolumn gemacht
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Create the viewport manually on application startup
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Ein Datefield Widget hinzugefügt
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Fixed field names
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Fixed NPE in LProbe object
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Merge branch default into openid
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] More translations for the RowEditor
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] moved code from translations_de.js into proper overrides
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Renamed function edit to gridSave
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Updated authorization for probe list. Performance is much better now!
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] Updated probe model to serialize empty strings to a null-value
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 2] zusätzliche overrides für übersetzungsfehler von ext-js
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 3] Added a Checkbox Widget
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 3] Load locations as layer on the map, set selections based on the selected 'ort'
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 3] Merge current default into openid
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 3] Renamed messungen grid and controller
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 3] RW Column may not be sortable
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 3] URL berichtigt
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 4] Added a blank window to edit a Messung
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 4] Added a MessungenGridController. "Delete" causes a Code-500 Server Error
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 4] Added window for creating probe objects
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 4] Merged branch openid back to default
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 5] Added override for RowEditor
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 5] Further Failure Messages
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 5] Removed field types from orte model
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 5] Updated images for errors and warnings
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 5] Use indexOf instead of contains to check if a substring exists
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 6] Removed all files
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 6] Updated missing name changes for messung grid
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 7] anchored all elements, to make them the same size, added a margin of 1px to the frame around the fieldset to prevent the cuttoff on the right side
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 7] Update probe form and button status on save
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 8] ComboBoxes sind nun per default nicht mehr editierbar. Das Betriftt auch die Filter-ComboBoxes
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 8] Fixed authorization via openid
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 1 of 9] Added Owner to Model
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Added failure - Messages
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Added tag 2.0-alpha1 for changeset 3d38d1fe9e88
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Changes to the Datetimepicker's events, InputValidation and Sanity Checks
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Cosmetics
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Die Datei translations_de.js hinzugefügt. In Ihr sind Übersetzungen für die Buttons des Row-Editors enthalten
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Erste Ansaätze für Paging. Der Server muss dass nun noch umsetzen
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Fixed warning field name in validator rule
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Im Probeform den Custom-Datetimepicker durch den Standard Datepicker ersetzt. So funktioniert die Lokalisierung besser
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Improve error handling on authentication loss
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] merged
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Removed netzbetreiber from authorization
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Removed old DateTimeField and replaced them with the new one
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Rowediting is now disabled when the Grid was set to ReadOnly
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Set record dirty flag to false if commit failed
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Temporarily disabled paging toolbar
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 2] Use treeModiefied timestamp to determine if working with 'old' objects
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 3] added a controller for messungforms, modified testdatensatz-widget to load a local store, removed dirtychange listeners from probe-form
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 3] Add option to completely disable the openIDFilter
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 3] Cosmetics
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 3] Datumsumwandlung Timestamp -> Datum korrigiert
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 3] Made Grid-Rows uneditable if the dataset contains readonly=true. This only affects the Grids using the RowEdit Plugin
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 3] Update feature selection on 'ort' selection change
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 4] Added Todos. More specific 'are your sure?' question on delete
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 4] merged
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 4] Open probe create window on button click
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 4] Removed Detail Button from MessungenGrid, Added Operation in Messungengrid controller to open a detailed view after a doubleclick
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 5] Allow multiple warning- or error-messages in a fieldset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 5] Implemented the 'add' button; fixed renderer and controller
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 5] Load and update the correct orte form
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 5] Removed autoload from status model
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 5] ResponseObject was not defined
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 6] Added new js files
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 6] Updated status model
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 7] added xtype for numeric-fields to grid to enable decimalseparator-replacement by locale-config
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 7] Fixed typo in messstelle widget
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 8] Textfields sind nun max. 1000 Zeichen Lang. Die begrenzung wird erzwungen, kann jedoch überschrieben werden
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 8] Updated log4j config
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 2 of 9] added owner-field
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 3] Added grid (+controller) for messwerte
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 3] Datumsumwandlung Timestamp -> Datum korrigiert
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 3] Interpret session_timeout_minutes as minutes value instead of secs
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 3] merged
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 3] merged
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 3] When a Probeform is dirty, all child-grids are made readonly (Row Editing is not disbled correctly). When a Probe is read-only all Child-grid buttons are disabled. When a Probe is ReadOnly probeform is also readonly
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 4] Added messung create window
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 4] hgignore erweitert
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 4] merged
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 4] More specific 'are your sure?' question on delete
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 5] Added controller for PKommentarGrid and implemented update/add/delete
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 5] Added window to create a new ort
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 5] Fixed indention and constructor call
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 5] Re-Enable Add/Delete Button of a MessungGrid in Cases when the User owns the Probe
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 5] Set translateable messages for the parent fieldset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 6] Added i18n files
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 6] Added status grid and controller
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 7] Update probe window and ort grid only on save success
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 7] Xtype numbercolumn hinzugefügt,
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 8] Fixed hauptproben_nr validation
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 8] merged
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 3 of 9] Readonly was missing
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 4] Added a model for Status
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 4] merged
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 4] merged
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 4] Open messung create window on button click
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 5] Added a toolbar to the OpenLayers map panel
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 5] added disable/enableChildren Method
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 5] Load status, messwerte and kommentare asynchronously
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 5] Load the PKommentarGrid controller
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 5] Open the ort create window on button click
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 6] Added datetime library
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 6] Add status to messung edit window
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 7] Added i18n string for 'orte' errors and warnings
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 7] Datum Spalte zu einer Datumsspalte gemacht
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 8] Added new column 'tree_modified' to entity classes
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 8] Enforcing maxlength on Numberfield Messdauer
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 4 of 9] added setReadOnly()
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 5 of 5] Added ClearMessages, SetWarnigs, SetReadonly
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 5 of 5] merged
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 5 of 5] merged
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 5 of 5] Reload grids on messung or ort changed/added
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 5 of 5] Removed row editor
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 5 of 6] Added images
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 5 of 6] Added messung kommentar grid and controller
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 5 of 7] Datumsspalte xtype hinzugefügt
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 5 of 7] Load probenzusatzwert controller
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 5 of 8] Added interface, annotation and enum for Lock mechanism
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 5 of 8] MaxLength
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 5 of 9] Added simple handling for Failure-Messages
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 6 of 6] Added lada.css to index.html
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 6 of 6] Add messung kommentare to messung edit window
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 6 of 7] merged
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 6 of 7] Updated probenuzsatzwert grid columns and editors
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 6 of 8] Added concrete class to lock objects based on the tree_modified timestamp
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 6 of 8] Field Validity in Status Grid
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 6 of 9] Made the unhandled Errors more talkativew
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 7 of 7] added ext-lang-de.js to index.html
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 7 of 7] Added probenzusatzwert controller
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 7 of 8] Field Validity in MKommentar Grid
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 7 of 8] Use timestamp locker in REST services
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 7 of 9] Display Error Message on Failure
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 8 of 8] Field Validity in Probenzusatzwerte Grid
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 8 of 8] Update the 'letzteAenderung' field
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 8 of 9] merged
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH 9 of 9] removed debug messages
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Add client side openID authentication handling
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Added a form for Messungen (unfinished)
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Added controllers for map and location form and handle new locations
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Added lada.css
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] added MessungGrid Controller
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Added tag 2.0-alpha1 for changeset 9f557bd48c30
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Add LoginServlet dummy
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Also Deskriptoren must be set to readonly
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Applied ReadOnlyParadigm to a Messung Window
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] a probe can not be edited when the readonly flag was sent by the server
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Changed numberfield to spinner in datepicker to allow leading zeros
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Configure publicly accessible identity provider url
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] constrain windows to viewport
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Deskriptor validation with Regex
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Do not load query store in controller
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Ein grid für Messungen hinzugefügt und im Window ProbeEdit eingesetzt. Ohne Funktion sind die Felder: Status, OK-Flag, Anzahl Nuklide/Kommentare
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Ext sends timezone information to the server to prevent accidental changes in times
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Felder erweitert. Alles was auf weiter Stores zugreift funktioniert noch nicht
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Fixed bug in datetimepicker: Allways insert leading zero; do not allow values
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Fixed filter widget creation
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Forgot to commit the controller for commit 684
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Get user roles from openid server
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Let the return to url be handled by the client
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Moved controller into subfolders
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Open Probe-/Messung-Edit window automatically if a new item was saved
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Paging Enabled, RemoteSort Enabled, totalProperty für Probelist spezifisziert
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Remove a new record on cancel in grids with rowediting plugin
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Removed debug logs
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] reverted changes on messungenedit.js
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Send raw response on authentication failure instead of HTTP error document
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] Set search parameters as extra parameters to result grid store to send them on
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] [PATCH] totalCountProperty
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 552: 6 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 553: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 560: 7 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 561: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 564: 3 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 565: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 569: 4 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 574: 5 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 575: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 579: 4 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 580: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 581: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 586: 5 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 587: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 590: 3 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 591: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 597: 6 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 607: 10 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 608: new changeset (1 on openid)
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 609: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 612: 3 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 613: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 616: 3 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 618: 2 new changesets (2 on openid)
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 622: 4 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 629: 7 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 631: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 636: 5 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 637: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 638: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 639: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 644: 5 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 646: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 648: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 650: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 651: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 653: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 654: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 655: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 656: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 657: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 665: 8 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 667: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 669: 2 new changesets (2 on openid)
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 670: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 671: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 672: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 676: 4 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 678: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 680: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 681: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 684: 3 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 685: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 686: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 687: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 688: new changeset
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 690: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 699: 9 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 701: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 703: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada-client at 708: 5 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada/lada-server at 549: new changeset (1 on openid)
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada/lada-server at 550: new changeset (1 on openid)
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada/lada-server at 551: new changeset (1 on openid)
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada/lada-server at 552: new changeset (1 on openid)
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada/lada-server at 555: 3 new changesets (3 on openid)
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada/lada-server at 566: 11 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada/lada-server at 567: new changeset (1 on openid)
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada/lada-server at 569: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada/lada-server at 571: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada/lada-server at 586: 15 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada/lada-server at 588: 2 new changesets
Wald Commits
- [Lada-commits] lada/lada-server at 596: 8 new changesets
Wald Commits
Last message date:
Fri Mar 27 16:00:50 CET 2015
Archived on: Fri Mar 27 16:00:48 CET 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).