[mapWOC-announce] mapWOC 1.4.0 released

Emanuel Schütze emanuel at intevation.de
Tue Dec 18 17:36:11 CET 2012


we are pleased to announce the availability of the new mapWOC release 1.4.0!

The download is available via the mapWOC website:


New in version 1.4.0 (compared to 1.3.5):
 * New command line interface (cli) for mapwoc to upload url list, create scan and start/stop scan
   (packaged as 'mapwoc-cli')
 * New config file to overwrite the severities in database (/etc/mapwoc/severities.conf)
 * New email notification when a severe finding occurred (Severity threshold for notifications can be selected)

For installation instructions please read the (German) mapWOC manual:

Please report any problems with mapWOC to our mapWOC delevopment mailing list. 

With best regards

  your mapWOC Development Team

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