[Mpuls-commits] r3420 - in jmd/trunk: . jmdstrukturweb/lib

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Tue Aug 17 15:40:29 CEST 2010

Author: bh
Date: 2010-08-17 15:40:28 +0200 (Tue, 17 Aug 2010)
New Revision: 3420

* jmdstrukturweb/lib/search.py (CaseSearch.get_where): Removed.
The implementation was an incorrect one from an old waska or wasko
code-base anyway and the base class method should be fine in

Modified: jmd/trunk/ChangeLog
--- jmd/trunk/ChangeLog	2010-08-17 13:39:07 UTC (rev 3419)
+++ jmd/trunk/ChangeLog	2010-08-17 13:40:28 UTC (rev 3420)
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
 2010-08-17  Bernhard Herzog  <bh at intevation.de>
+	* jmdstrukturweb/lib/search.py (CaseSearch.get_where): Removed.
+	The implementation was an incorrect one from an old waska or wasko
+	code-base anyway and the base class method should be fine in
+	principle.
+2010-08-17  Bernhard Herzog  <bh at intevation.de>
 	* jmdstrukturweb/public/formed/formedtree.xml: Update to new
 	formed description with time flags on the date fields so that
 	searching for date-ranges will work.

Modified: jmd/trunk/jmdstrukturweb/lib/search.py
--- jmd/trunk/jmdstrukturweb/lib/search.py	2010-08-17 13:39:07 UTC (rev 3419)
+++ jmd/trunk/jmdstrukturweb/lib/search.py	2010-08-17 13:40:28 UTC (rev 3420)
@@ -54,139 +54,6 @@
 class CaseSearch(CaseBaseSearch):
-    def get_where(self, search, options, allowed_states, bad_types, phaseslist,
-                  fieldsdic):
-        # Ansicht eigene Fallakten / Vertretung
-        which_user = 0
-        allowed_viewer = "FALSE"
-        if options.has_key('own'):
-            which_user += 2
-        if options.has_key('standin'):
-            which_user += 1
-        if which_user == 1:
-            allowed_viewer = "m.bearbeiter_id <> %s" % options.get('standin')
-        if which_user == 2:
-            allowed_viewer = "m.bearbeiter_id = %s" % options.get('own')
-        if which_user == 3:
-            allowed_viewer = "TRUE"
-        allowed_viewer = "TRUE"
-        allowed_viewer = (hasRole(['admin_ka', 'pb_ka'])
-                          and "TRUE" or allowed_viewer)
-        # Bearbeiter
-        editor = (options.has_key('editor')
-                  and "m.bearbeiter_id = %s" % options.get('editor') or "TRUE")
+    pass
-        #Phases
-        phases = 'TRUE' #default
-        if phaseslist:
-            phases = ('m.id in'
-                      ' (SELECT id from master_tbl_view WHERE phase in (%s))'
-                      % ','.join([str(p) for p in phaseslist]))
-        fields = {'needle': ""}
-        fields['needle'] = " ".join(search)
-        log.debug("My match fields: %s" % self.match_fields)
-        needle_expr = ("((%s) OR (%s))"
-                       % (" OR ".join("m.%s ~* '%%(needle)s'"
-                                      % field
-                                      for field in self.match_fields),
-                          " AND ".join("m.%s IS NULL"
-                                       % field
-                                       for field in self.match_fields)))
-        needle_expr = needle_expr % fields
-        needle_expr = "TRUE"
-        ee = "TRUE"
-        #
-        # WASKOSPECIFIC or at least depending on concrete naming of fields.
-        #
-        # Geschlecht
-        gender = (options.get('gender')
-                  and "m.geschlecht = %s" % options.get('gender') or "TRUE")
-        branch = (options.get('branch')
-                  and "b.filiale = '%s'" % options.get('branch') or "TRUE")
-        fkz = (options.get('fkz')
-               and "m.fkz = '%s'" % options.get('fkz') or "TRUE")
-        #Identify bad cases
-        bad_query = []
-        INCONSISTENCY_TYPE_QUERY = {} # remove this
-        for type_id in bad_types:
-            query = INCONSISTENCY_TYPE_QUERY.get(str(type_id))
-            if query:
-                bad_query.append(query)
-        if len(bad_query) > 0:
-            bad = "(%s)" % " OR ".join(bad_query)
-        else:
-            bad = 'TRUE'
-        # This is a convinience option to ignore older cases in the
-        # inconsistency search
-        if options.get('only_cases_after'):
-            only_cases_after = ("coalesce(erstgespraech, now()) > '%s'"
-                                % options.get('only_cases_after'))
-        else:
-            only_cases_after = 'TRUE'
-        #Build timeinterval
-        time_interval = "TRUE"
-        if (options.get('interval_start_date')
-            and options.get('interval_end_date')):
-            interval_start_field = options.get('interval_start_field',
-                                               "erstgespraech")
-            interval_end_field = options.get('interval_end_field',
-                                             "datum_cm_ende")
-            interval_start_date = options.get('interval_start_date',
-                                              "1970-01-01")
-            d = datetime.today()
-            interval_end_date = options.get('interval_end_date',
-                                            d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
-            fields = {'start_field': interval_start_field,
-                      'start_date': interval_start_date,
-                      'end_field': interval_end_field,
-                      'end_date': interval_end_date}
-            if interval_start_date != '1970-01-01':
-                time_interval =("(coalesce(%(start_field)s, '1970-01-01'::date)"
-                                " <= '%(end_date)s'::date"
-                                " AND (coalesce(%(end_field)s, now())"
-                                       " >= '%(start_date)s'::date))" % fields)
-        #Migration
-        migration = "TRUE"
-        if options.get('migration'):
-            if options.get('migration') == '1':
-                migration = ("(nat_muspra not in (18, -1, -3)"
-                             " or nat_staat not in (1, -1, -3)"
-                             " or vater_land not in (29, -1, -3)"
-                             " or mutter_land not in (29, -1, -3))")
-            elif options.get('migration') == '0':
-                migration = ("(nat_muspra = 18 and nat_staat = 1"
-                             " and vater_land = 29 and mutter_land = 29)")
-            elif options.get('migration') == '-1':
-                migration = ("(not (nat_muspra not in (18,-1, -3)"
-                                  " or nat_staat not in (1, -1,-3)"
-                                  " or vater_land not in (29, -1, -3)"
-                                  " or mutter_land not in (29, -1, -3))"
-                                  " and not (nat_muspra = 18 and nat_staat = 1"
-                                           " and vater_land = 29"
-                                           " and mutter_land = 29))")
-            elif options.get('migration') == '2':
-                # FIXME: This case is WASKO specific.  It used to search
-                # cases that were incorrectly imported so that the
-                # missing information can be corrected manually.
-                # wasko/issue344
-                migration = ("(nat_staat = 2"
-                             " and (vater_staat != 2 or mutter_staat != 2))")
-        return SEARCH_WHERE % (needle_expr,
-                               ",".join([str(x) for x in allowed_states]),
-                               ee, allowed_viewer, editor, gender,
-                               time_interval, phases, branch, fkz, bad,
-                               only_cases_after, migration)
 # vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf8:

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