[Mpuls-commits] r1475 - wasko/branches/2.0/waskaweb/model

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Wed Feb 10 17:30:42 CET 2010

Author: torsten
Date: 2010-02-10 17:30:42 +0100 (Wed, 10 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 1475

* waskaweb/model/appointment.py: Deleted all classes and vars which
are not defined in mpulsweb.model.appointment. Import them from there.

Modified: wasko/branches/2.0/waskaweb/model/appointment.py
--- wasko/branches/2.0/waskaweb/model/appointment.py	2010-02-10 16:28:31 UTC (rev 1474)
+++ wasko/branches/2.0/waskaweb/model/appointment.py	2010-02-10 16:30:42 UTC (rev 1475)
@@ -28,83 +28,11 @@
 # Torsten Irländer <torsten.irlaender at intevation.de>
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-import mpulsweb.lib.helpers as h
-from mpulsweb.lib.base import session
-from mpulsweb.lib.db import db
+from mpulsweb.model.appointment import *
 from mpulsweb.model.agencysettings import Agency
 from waskaweb.model.case import CaseOverview
-SELECT id, master_id, sdatum, edatum, name, beschreibung, art
-FROM ka_global_termine_tbl_view
-WHERE id = %(id)s
-SELECT id, master_id, sdatum, edatum, name, beschreibung, art
-FROM ka_global_termine_tbl_view
-WHERE coalesce(edatum, sdatum)::date+1 >= %(date)s::date ORDER BY sdatum
-DELETE_GLOBAL_APPOINTMENT_SQL = "SELECT delete_global_termin_ds(%(id)s)"
-CREATE_GLOBAL_APPOINTMENT_SQL = "SELECT create_global_termin_ds()"
-UPDATE ka_global_termine_tbl_view
-    sdatum = %(start_date)s::timestamp,
-    edatum = %(end_date)s::timestamp,
-    name = %(title)s,
-    beschreibung = %(description)s,
-    art = %(type)s
-WHERE id = %(id)s
-SELECT id, master_id, sdatum, edatum, name, beschreibung, art
-FROM ka_fall_termine_tbl_view
-WHERE id = %(id)s
-SELECT id, master_id, sdatum, edatum, name, beschreibung, art
-FROM ka_fall_termine_tbl_view
-WHERE master_id = %(id)s
-      AND coalesce(edatum, sdatum)::date+1 >= %(date)s::date
-      AND art = 0
-ORDER BY sdatum
-SELECT id, master_id, sdatum, edatum, name, beschreibung, art
-FROM ka_fall_termine_tbl_view
-WHERE master_id = %(id)s AND art = 1
-ORDER BY sdatum
-SELECT a.id, a.master_id, a.sdatum, a.edatum, a.name, a.beschreibung, a.art
-FROM ka_fall_termine_tbl_view a JOIN master_tbl_view m ON m.id = a.master_id
-WHERE coalesce(edatum, sdatum)::date+1 >= %(date)s::date
-      AND art = 0 AND m.bearbeiter_id = %(editor)s
-ORDER BY sdatum
-SELECT a.id, a.master_id, a.sdatum, a.edatum, a.name, a.beschreibung, a.art
-FROM ka_fall_termine_tbl_view a JOIN master_tbl_view m ON m.id = a.master_id
-WHERE art = 1 AND m.bearbeiter_id = %(editor)s
-ORDER BY sdatum
-DELETE_CASE_APPOINTMENT_SQL = "SELECT delete_fall_termin_ds(%(id)s)"
-CREATE_CASE_APPOINTMENT_SQL = "SELECT create_fall_termin_ds(%(id)s)"
-UPDATE ka_fall_termine_tbl_view
-    sdatum = %(start_date)s::timestamp,
-    edatum = %(end_date)s::timestamp,
-    name = %(title)s,
-    beschreibung = %(description)s,
-    art = %(type)s
-WHERE id = %(id)s
 SELECT m.id, s.zugriff, getLastCaseAppointment(m.id) AS last_date
@@ -113,6 +41,7 @@
    JOIN master_tbl_view m ON m.id = s.master_id
 WHERE phase in (-1, 0, 1)
 SELECT m.id, s.zugriff, getLastCaseAppointment(m.id) AS last_date
@@ -140,153 +69,6 @@
-class AppointmentFactory:
-    def loadById(self, id):
-        appointment = None
-        try:
-            conn = db.getConnection()
-            cur = conn.cursor()
-            cur.execute(self.get_sql, {'id': id})
-            row = cur.fetchone()
-            appointment = self.createByDBRow(row)
-        finally:
-            db.recycleConnection(conn, cur)
-        return appointment
-    def createByData(self, id=None, title=None, sdate=None, edate=None,
-                     desc=None, case_id=None, type=0):
-        appointment             = self.constructor()
-        appointment.id          = id
-        appointment.start_date  = sdate
-        appointment.end_date    = edate
-        appointment.title       = title
-        appointment.description = desc
-        appointment.case_id     = case_id
-        appointment.type        = type
-        return appointment
-    def createByDBRow(self, row):
-        id        = row[0]
-        master_id = row[1]
-        sdate     = row[2]
-        edate     = row[3]
-        name      = h.ensure_unicode(row[4])
-        desc      = h.ensure_unicode(row[5])
-        type      = row[6]
-        return self.createByData(id, name, sdate, edate, desc, master_id, type)
-    def createNew(self, case_id=None):
-        try:
-            conn = db.getConnection()
-            cur = conn.cursor()
-            if case_id:
-                cur.execute(self.create_sql, {'id': case_id})
-            else:
-                cur.execute(self.create_sql)
-            row = cur.fetchone()
-            id = row[0]
-            return self.createByData(id)
-        finally:
-            db.recycleConnection(conn, cur)
-        return None
-class CaseAppointmentFactory(AppointmentFactory):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.get_sql = GET_CASE_APPOINTMENT_SQL
-        self.create_sql = CREATE_CASE_APPOINTMENT_SQL
-        self.constructor = CaseAppointment
-class CaseReminderFactory(AppointmentFactory):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.get_sql = GET_CASE_APPOINTMENT_SQL
-        self.create_sql = CREATE_CASE_APPOINTMENT_SQL
-        self.constructor = CaseReminder
-class GlobalAppointmentFactory(AppointmentFactory):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.get_sql = GET_GLOBAL_APPOINTMENT_SQL
-        self.create_sql = CREATE_GLOBAL_APPOINTMENT_SQL
-        self.constructor = GlobalAppointment
-class AppointmentOverview:
-    def _load(self, factory, sql, values):
-        self.appointment_list = []
-        conn, cur = None, None
-        try:
-            conn = db.getConnection()
-            cur = conn.cursor()
-            cur.execute(sql, values)
-            rows = cur.fetchall()
-            for row in rows:
-                self.appointment_list.append(factory.createByDBRow(row))
-        finally:
-            db.recycleConnection(conn, cur)
-    def getDatasets(self):
-        return self.appointment_list
-    def setDatasets(self, list):
-        self.appointment_list = list
-    def join(self, overview):
-        self.appointment_list.extend(overview.getDatasets())
-    def sort(self, cmp=None):
-        self.appointment_list = sorted(self.appointment_list)
-class CaseAppointmentOverview(AppointmentOverview):
-    def __init__(self, caseid=None):
-        afactory = CaseAppointmentFactory()
-        today = datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0,
-                                       microsecond=0)
-        if caseid:
-            values = {'id': caseid, 'date': today}
-        else:
-            user = session['USER_AUTHORIZED']
-            values = {'date': today, 'editor': user.id}
-        self._load(afactory, sql, values)
-class GlobalAppointmentOverview(AppointmentOverview):
-    def __init__(self):
-        afactory = GlobalAppointmentFactory()
-        today = datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0,
-                                       microsecond=0)
-        values = {'date': today}
-        self._load(afactory, sql, values)
-class CaseReminderOverview(AppointmentOverview):
-    def __init__(self, caseid=None):
-        afactory = CaseReminderFactory()
-        today = datetime.now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0,
-                                       microsecond=0)
-        if caseid:
-            values = {'id': caseid, 'date': today}
-            sql = GET_CASE_REMINDERLIST_SQL
-        else:
-            user = session['USER_AUTHORIZED']
-            values = {'date': today, 'editor': user.id}
-        self._load(afactory, sql, values)
 class MaxSaveTimeReminderOverview(AppointmentOverview):
     def __init__(self):
@@ -389,130 +171,4 @@
                                            case.id, type)
         return appointment
-class Appointment:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.id = None
-        self.title = None
-        self.start_date = None
-        self.end_date = None
-        self.description = None
-        self.case_id = None
-        # available types
-        # 0: normal appointment
-        # 1: Reminder
-        self.type = 0
-    def __cmp__(self, other):
-        return cmp(self.start_date, other.start_date)
-    def _convertStr2Date(self, str, format=None):
-        str = str.strip()
-        date, time = str.split(' ')
-        try:
-            d, m, Y = date.split('.')
-        except:
-            return None
-        try:
-            H, M = time.split(':')
-        except:
-            H, M = (0, 0)
-        return datetime(int(Y), int(m), int(d), int(H), int(M))
-    def getStartDate(self):
-        return self.start_date
-    def getEndDate(self):
-        return self.end_date
-    def getDuration(self, empty=''):
-        if self.end_date:
-            return h.human_timedelta(self.end_date - self.start_date)
-        return empty
-    def setData(self, data):
-        """Sets values of the appointment to data.
-        Data is a dict returned from formencode
-        """
-        self.title = data.get('title', self.title)
-        self.type = data.get('type', self.type)
-        # Set date
-        sdate = "%s %s" % (data.get('start_date'), data.get('start_time'))
-        self.start_date = self._convertStr2Date(sdate)
-        ## If not end_date is given, than end_date is equal to start_date
-        #if not data.get('end_date') or not data.get('end_time'):
-        #    self.end_date   = self.start_date
-        #else:
-        #    edate = "%s %s" % (data.get('end_date'), data.get('end_time'))
-        #    self.end_date   = self._convertStr2Date(edate)
-        edate = "%s %s" % (data.get('end_date'), data.get('end_time'))
-        self.end_date = self._convertStr2Date(edate)
-        self.description = data.get('description', self.description)
-        self.case_id = data.get('case_id', self.case_id)
-    def store(self):
-        conn, cur = None, None
-        fields = {'id': self.id, 'case_id': self.case_id,
-                  'type': self.type,
-                  'title': self.title, 'description': self.description,
-                  'start_date': self.start_date, 'end_date': self.end_date,
-                  }
-        try:
-            conn = db.getConnection()
-            cur = conn.cursor()
-            cur.execute(self.store_sql, fields)
-            conn.commit()
-            return True
-        finally:
-            db.recycleConnection(conn, cur)
-        return False
-    def isGlobal(self):
-        return self.case_id is None
-    def isReminder(self):
-        return self.type == 1
-    def delete(self):
-        conn, cur = None, None
-        try:
-            conn = db.getConnection()
-            cur = conn.cursor()
-            cur.execute(self.delete_sql, {'id': self.id})
-            conn.commit()
-            return True
-        finally:
-            db.recycleConnection(conn, cur)
-        return False
-class GlobalAppointment(Appointment):
-    def __init__(self):
-        Appointment.__init__(self)
-        self.type = 0
-        self.store_sql = STORE_GLOBAL_APPOINTMENT_SQL
-        self.delete_sql = DELETE_GLOBAL_APPOINTMENT_SQL
-class CaseAppointment(Appointment):
-    def __init__(self):
-        Appointment.__init__(self)
-        self.type = 0
-        self.store_sql = STORE_CASE_APPOINTMENT_SQL
-        self.delete_sql = DELETE_CASE_APPOINTMENT_SQL
-class CaseReminder(CaseAppointment):
-    def __init__(self):
-        CaseAppointment.__init__(self)
-        self.type = 1
 # vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf-8:

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