[Mpuls-commits] r3241 - in base/trunk: . mpulsweb/model mpulsweb/templates/phase

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Mon Jul 26 12:13:45 CEST 2010

Author: torsten
Date: 2010-07-26 12:13:44 +0200 (Mon, 26 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 3241

Issue871: Automatic hide phases in phasemodell which are in a another "phase-branch" the the current phase.

Modified: base/trunk/ChangeLog
--- base/trunk/ChangeLog	2010-07-26 09:25:01 UTC (rev 3240)
+++ base/trunk/ChangeLog	2010-07-26 10:13:44 UTC (rev 3241)
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+2010-07-26  Torsten Irländer <torsten.irlaender at intevation.de>
+	Issue871:
+	* mpulsweb/model/phase.py (PhaseList.get_reachable_path): Fixed
+	traversion the path and collecting the reachable phases. 
+	* mpulsweb/templates/phase/phase.mako: Only show phase which are a) on
+	the path (from root) up to the current path, or b) are after the
+	current path. So hide phases which are a a different branch of the
+	phase-tree and therefor now completely irrelevant.
 2010-07-23  Bernhard Herzog  <bh at intevation.de>
 	* mpulsweb/lib/renderer.py (ViewRenderer._renderRadio)

Modified: base/trunk/mpulsweb/model/phase.py
--- base/trunk/mpulsweb/model/phase.py	2010-07-26 09:25:01 UTC (rev 3240)
+++ base/trunk/mpulsweb/model/phase.py	2010-07-26 10:13:44 UTC (rev 3241)
@@ -155,13 +155,12 @@
         path = ['-1'] # default unknown phase
-        if self.get_phase(phasepart_id).is_ok():
-            for pp in self.suc.get(phasepart_id, []):
-                if not self.get_phase(pp).is_ok() and only_reachable: 
-                    continue
-                path.extend(self.get_reachable_path(pp))
-                path.append(pp)
-            path.append(phasepart_id)
+        for pp in self.suc.get(phasepart_id, []):
+            if not self.get_phase(pp).is_ok() and only_reachable: 
+                continue
+            path.extend(self.get_reachable_path(pp, only_reachable))
+            path.append(pp)
+        path.append(phasepart_id)
         return path
     def get_path(self, phasepart_id, only_reachable=False):

Modified: base/trunk/mpulsweb/templates/phase/phase.mako
--- base/trunk/mpulsweb/templates/phase/phase.mako	2010-07-26 09:25:01 UTC (rev 3240)
+++ base/trunk/mpulsweb/templates/phase/phase.mako	2010-07-26 10:13:44 UTC (rev 3241)
@@ -31,56 +31,64 @@
       <% phases_are_valid = c.phases.is_valid() %>
       <% current_phase = c.phases.get_current_phase_id() %>
       % for num, phase in enumerate(c.phases): 
       <% p1, p2 = phase.getStart(), phase.getEnd()  %>
-      <tr class="${(num%2) and 'hl' or ''}">
-        <td rowspan="2" class="bold center middle">
-          ${phase.getDescription()}<br>
-          <span class="note">
-          % if p1.is_active():
-            ${_('Running')}
-          % elif p2.is_active():
-            ${_('Finished')}
-          % elif (p2.id in c.phases.get_path(current_phase)) or (p1.id in c.phases.get_path(current_phase)):
-            ${_('Finished')}
-          % else:
-            ${_('Not yet started')}
-          % endif
-          </span>
-        </td>
-        % if p1.is_ok() and (c.phases.is_on_path(p1.id, current_phase,True) or c.phases.is_on_path(current_phase, p1.id, True)): 
+      ## Only show phases which are are on the path of the current phase, or
+      ##are after the current path
+      % if c.phases.is_on_path(p1.id, current_phase) \
+        or c.phases.is_on_path(p2.id, current_phase) \
+        or p1.id in c.phases.get_reachable_path(current_phase, False) \
+        or p2.id in c.phases.get_reachable_path(current_phase, False):
+        <tr class="${(num%2) and 'hl' or ''}">
+          <td rowspan="2" class="bold center middle">
+            ${phase.getDescription()}<br>
+            <span class="note">
+            % if p1.is_active():
+              ${_('Running')}
+            % elif p2.is_active():
+              ${_('Finished')}
+            % elif (p2.id in c.phases.get_path(current_phase)) or (p1.id in c.phases.get_path(current_phase)):
+              ${_('Finished')}
+            % else:
+              ${_('Not yet started')}
+            % endif
+            </span>
+          </td>
+          % if p1.is_ok() and (c.phases.is_on_path(p1.id, current_phase,True) or c.phases.is_on_path(current_phase, p1.id, True)): 
-        <td class="ok"></td>
-        % else:
-        <td class="error"></td>
-        % endif
-        <td class="note" style="border-bottom: 1pt dotted; border-color: #000;">${h.literal(p1.getLinks())}</td>
-        <td class="note center middle" style="border-bottom: 1pt dotted; border-color: #000;">
-          ${h.NA(h.format_date(p1.getTime()))}
-        </td>
-        <td class="actions middle" style="border-bottom: 1pt dotted; border-color: #000;">
-          % if p1.is_ok() and phases_are_valid and p1.is_neighbor(current_phase) and h.hasRole(['cm']) and session.get('case').getState().getState() == 1:
-            <input type="submit" name="${p1.id}" value="${_('Start')}">
+          <td class="ok"></td>
           % else:
-            <input type="submit" name="${p1.id}" value="${_('Start')}" disabled="disabled">
+          <td class="error"></td>
           % endif
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr class="${(num%2) and 'hl' or ''}">
-        % if p2.is_ok() and (c.phases.is_on_path(p2.id, current_phase, True) or c.phases.is_on_path(current_phase, p2.id, True)): 
-        <td class="ok"></td>
-        % else:
-        <td class="error"></td>
-        % endif
-        <td class="note">${h.literal(p2.getLinks())}</td>
-        <td class="note center middle">${h.NA(h.format_date(p2.getTime()))}</td>
-        <td class="actions">
-          % if p2.is_ok() and phases_are_valid and p2.is_neighbor(current_phase) and h.hasRole(['cm']) and session.get('case').getState().getState() == 1:
-            <input type="submit" name="${p2.id}" value="${_('Finish')}">
+          <td class="note" style="border-bottom: 1pt dotted; border-color: #000;">${h.literal(p1.getLinks())}</td>
+          <td class="note center middle" style="border-bottom: 1pt dotted; border-color: #000;">
+            ${h.NA(h.format_date(p1.getTime()))}
+          </td>
+          <td class="actions middle" style="border-bottom: 1pt dotted; border-color: #000;">
+            % if p1.is_ok() and phases_are_valid and p1.is_neighbor(current_phase) and h.hasRole(['cm']) and session.get('case').getState().getState() == 1:
+              <input type="submit" name="${p1.id}" value="${_('Start')}">
+            % else:
+              <input type="submit" name="${p1.id}" value="${_('Start')}" disabled="disabled">
+            % endif
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="${(num%2) and 'hl' or ''}">
+          % if p2.is_ok() and (c.phases.is_on_path(p2.id, current_phase, True) or c.phases.is_on_path(current_phase, p2.id, True)): 
+          <td class="ok"></td>
           % else:
-            <input type="submit" name="${p2.id}" value="${_('Finish')}" disabled="disabled">
+          <td class="error"></td>
           % endif
-        </td>
-      </tr>
+          <td class="note">${h.literal(p2.getLinks())}</td>
+          <td class="note center middle">${h.NA(h.format_date(p2.getTime()))}</td>
+          <td class="actions">
+            % if p2.is_ok() and phases_are_valid and p2.is_neighbor(current_phase) and h.hasRole(['cm']) and session.get('case').getState().getState() == 1:
+              <input type="submit" name="${p2.id}" value="${_('Finish')}">
+            % else:
+              <input type="submit" name="${p2.id}" value="${_('Finish')}" disabled="disabled">
+            % endif
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      % endif
       % endfor

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