[Mpuls-commits] r1941 - wasko/branches/2.0/mpulsweb/lib
scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Mon Mar 15 11:32:56 CET 2010
Author: torsten
Date: 2010-03-15 11:32:53 +0100 (Mon, 15 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 1941
* mpulsweb/lib/dialogs.py: New. Includes checkPrivacy-Decorator and
future logic for confirm-dialogs.
Added: wasko/branches/2.0/mpulsweb/lib/dialogs.py
--- wasko/branches/2.0/mpulsweb/lib/dialogs.py 2010-03-15 09:09:46 UTC (rev 1940)
+++ wasko/branches/2.0/mpulsweb/lib/dialogs.py 2010-03-15 10:32:53 UTC (rev 1941)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging
+from decorator import decorator
+from paste.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound
+from pylons import request, session, tmpl_context as c, app_globals as g
+from pylons.i18n import _
+from mpulsweb.lib.base import render
+from mpulsweb.lib.helpers import url_for
+from mpulsweb.model.appointment import CaseAppointmentFactory
+CONFIRM_DEFAULT_HEADER = _('Default Header')
+CONFIRM_DEFAULT_TEXT = _('Default Text')
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# ------------------------
+# If the statement of the declaration of consent is missing on openening a case
+# we will open a dialog which informs the user about this fact
+def checkPrivacyStatement(context='select'):
+ '''Decorator for the methods in the case controller'''
+ def validate(func, self, *args, **kwargs):
+ #load case and check if the statement is signed
+ if context == "showAppointment":
+ try:
+ app_id = int(args[0])
+ confirmed = int(args[1])
+ except:
+ raise HTTPNotFound()
+ app_factory = CaseAppointmentFactory()
+ app = app_factory.loadById(app_id)
+ case_id = app.case_id
+ c.targeturl = url_for(controller="/case",
+ action="showAppointment",
+ id=app_id, confirmed=1)
+ else:
+ try:
+ case_id = int(args[0])
+ confirmed = int(args[1])
+ except:
+ raise HTTPNotFound()
+ c.targeturl = url_for(controller="/case", action=context,
+ id=case_id, confirmed=1)
+ case = g.case_factory.loadById(case_id)
+ statement = case.getPrivacyStatement()
+ # Check if there is a "Einverstaendniserklaerung" None if it is
+ # not either signed or declined
+ if (not statement.isSigned() is None) or (confirmed == 1):
+ return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ c.ds_id = case_id
+ return render('/privacy/dialogs/missing_statement.mako')
+ return decorator(validate)
+# ---------------------
+# Not used yet. Use this confirm decaorator in future to set up general
+# confirm dialog. Not that this means to loose information in the navigation
+# path, as the dialogs do not have any information on this
+def get_dialog_template():
+ '''
+ Depending of the called url this function will return the context
+ (global/case) in which the dialog will be displayed
+ '''
+ # TODO: Parse url and return context
+ return "main" # All dialogs are shown in main context for now
+def render_confirm(header=None,text=None,url_ok=None,url_abort=None,dyntext=None):
+ c.dialog_title = header or CONFIRM_DEFAULT_HEADER
+ if dyntext and text:
+ c.dialog_text = text % dyntext
+ else:
+ c.dialog_text = text or CONFIRM_DEFAULT_TEXT
+ c.url_ok = url_ok or "%s?confirmed=1" % (request.environ.get('PATH_INFO'))
+ #c.url_abort = url_abort or "%s" % session['history'][-1]
+ c.url_abort = url_abort or CONFIRM_DEFAULT_URL_ABORT
+ return render('/dialogs/confirm_%s.mako' % get_dialog_template())
+def confirm(header=None, text=None, url_ok=None, url_abort=None, dynfunc=None):
+ def validate(func, self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # Check if the GET parameters include a parameter 'confirmed' which is set to '1'
+ if request.params.get('confirmed') == '1':
+ log.debug('calling function %s is confirmed. Proceeding.' % func.__name__)
+ return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ else: # show dialog
+ log.debug('calling function %s is NOT confirmed. Redirecting.' % func.__name__)
+ # Save request.params in a session. Otherwise they will get
+ # lost after the user confirms the action (new request).
+ session['request.params'] = request.params
+ session.save()
+ # Use function to include dynamic content to the confirm
+ # dialog, function will be called with the id of the origin call
+ dyntext = None
+ if dynfunc:
+ dyntext = dynfunc(args[0])
+ return render_confirm(header, text, url_ok, url_abort, dyntext)
+ else: # No dialogs at all
+ return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ return decorator(validate)
+# vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf-8:
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