[Mpuls-commits] r2069 - wasko/branches/2.0/jmdweb/model

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Tue Mar 23 11:08:53 CET 2010

Author: torsten
Date: 2010-03-23 11:08:53 +0100 (Tue, 23 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 2069

Deleted. MaxSavetimeReminder is now defined in mpulsweb

Deleted: wasko/branches/2.0/jmdweb/model/appointment.py
--- wasko/branches/2.0/jmdweb/model/appointment.py	2010-03-23 10:07:59 UTC (rev 2068)
+++ wasko/branches/2.0/jmdweb/model/appointment.py	2010-03-23 10:08:53 UTC (rev 2069)
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2007, 2008 Intevation GmbH, Germany, <info at intevation.de>
-# This file is part of mpuls WASKA (CoMPUter-based case fiLeS -
-# Web-Anwendungs-Server fuer Kompetenzagenturen).
-# mpuls WASKA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the
-# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
-# option) any later version.
-# mpuls WASKA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Affero General Public
-# License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
-# License along with mpuls WASKA. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# mpuls WASKA has been developed on behalf of the
-# Projekttraeger im Deutschen Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (PT-DLR)
-# within the programme Kompetenzagenturen (Durchfuehrungsphase) funded by
-# the Bundesministerium fuer Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend and
-# European Social Fund resources.
-# Authors:
-# Torsten Irländer <torsten.irlaender at intevation.de>
-from mpulsweb.model.appointment import *
-from mpulsweb.model.agencysettings import Agency
-from jmdweb.model.case import CaseOverview
-SELECT m.id, s.zugriff, getLastCaseAppointment(m.id) AS last_date
-  (SELECT * FROM ka_status_tbl_view
-   WHERE zugriff < now() - interval '1 day' * %(maxdays)s AND status <> 5) s
-   JOIN master_tbl_view m ON m.id = s.master_id
-WHERE phase in (-1, 0, 1)
-SELECT m.id, s.zugriff, getLastCaseAppointment(m.id) AS last_date
-  (SELECT * FROM ka_status_tbl_view
-   WHERE zugriff < now() - interval '1 day' * %(maxdays)s AND status <> 5) s
-   JOIN master_tbl_view m ON m.id = s.master_id
-WHERE phase in  (-1, 0, 1) AND m.bearbeiter_id = %(editor)s
-SELECT m.id, s.zugriff, getLastCaseAppointment(m.id) as last_date
-FROM master_tbl_view m JOIN ka_status_tbl_view s ON s.master_id = m.id
-WHERE s.status <> 5
-      AND extract(day from now()-s.zugriff) > %(maxdays)s
-      AND phase in (2, 3, 4)
-SELECT m.id, s.zugriff, getLastCaseAppointment(m.id) as last_date
-FROM master_tbl_view m JOIN ka_status_tbl_view s ON s.master_id = m.id
-WHERE s.status <> 5
-      AND m.bearbeiter_id = %(editor)s
-      AND extract(day from now()-s.zugriff) > %(maxdays)s
-      AND phase in (2, 3, 4)
-class MaxSaveTimeReminderOverview(AppointmentOverview):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.appointment_list = []
-        agency = Agency()
-        maxage = agency.getMaxSavetime()
-        cases = CaseOverview()
-        user = session['USER_AUTHORIZED']
-        # 0. Load ids and some additional info on cases which either are active
-        # but seems to be orphaned or are finished and not edited for
-        # longer than maxage.
-        # orphaned means that all last appointmentment, aids or the
-        # modification date is older than maxage
-        oldAndActive = self.__getOldAndActiveCases(maxage, user)
-        oldAndFinished = self.__getOldAndFinishedCases(maxage, user)
-        # 1. Load cases of the user so we can so checks regarding the maximum
-        # savetime on them
-        default_search_options = ['own:%s' % user.id, 'standin:%s' % user.id,
-                                  'state:1', 'state:2', 'state:3']
-        cases.search(";".join(default_search_options))
-        # 2. filter cases which seems to be orphaned and create reminders
-        oldAndActiveSet = set(oldAndActive)
-        old_cases = [case for case in cases.getDatasets()
-                          if case.id in oldAndActiveSet]
-        for case in old_cases:
-            info = oldAndActive[case.id]
-            last = info['last_date']
-            appointment = self.__makeAppointment(case, last, maxage,
-                                                 finished=False)
-            self.appointment_list.append(appointment)
-        # 3. filter cases which are finished and not edited and create reminders
-        oldAndFinishedSet = set(oldAndFinished)
-        old_cases = [case for case in cases.getDatasets()
-                          if case.id in oldAndFinishedSet]
-        for case in old_cases:
-            info = oldAndFinished[case.id]
-            access = info['access']
-            appointment = self.__makeAppointment(case, access, maxage,
-                                                 finished=True)
-            self.appointment_list.append(appointment)
-    def __getOldAndFinishedCases(self, days, user):
-        conn, cur = None, None
-        list = {}
-        try:
-            conn = db.getConnection()
-            cur = conn.cursor()
-            if user.isAdmin():
-                cur.execute(GET_OLDFINISHED_CASES_4_ADMIN, {'maxdays': days})
-            else:
-                cur.execute(GET_OLDFINISHED_CASES, {'maxdays': days,
-                                                    'editor': user.id})
-            result = cur.fetchall()
-            for r in result:
-                list[r[0]] = {'access':r[1], 'last_date': r[2]}
-            return list
-        finally:
-            db.recycleConnection(conn, cur)
-        return False
-    def __getOldAndActiveCases(self, days, user):
-        conn, cur = None, None
-        list = {}
-        try:
-            conn = db.getConnection()
-            cur = conn.cursor()
-            if user.isAdmin():
-                cur.execute(GET_OLDACTIVE_CASES_4_ADMIN, {'maxdays': days,
-                                                          'editor': user.id})
-            else:
-                cur.execute(GET_OLDACTIVE_CASES, {'maxdays': days,
-                                                  'editor': user.id})
-            result = cur.fetchall()
-            for r in result:
-                list[r[0]] = {'access':r[1], 'last_date': r[2]}
-            return list
-        finally:
-            db.recycleConnection(conn, cur)
-        return False
-    def __makeAppointment(self, case, last_date, maxage, finished):
-        factory = CaseAppointmentFactory()
-        type = 1
-        title = u"%s, %s" % (case.last_name, case.first_name)
-        age = datetime.now() - last_date
-        mydate = datetime.now() - timedelta(age.days-int(maxage))
-        if finished:
-            desc = (u"Achtung! Die maximale Speicherdauer von (%s Tagen)"
-                    u" ist seit %s Tagen für diese Fallakte überschritten!"
-                    % (maxage, age.days-int(maxage)))
-        else:
-            desc = (u"Inaktive Fallakte? Bitte prüfen Sie,"
-                    u" ob der Fall noch bearbeitet wird.")
-        appointment = factory.createByData(None, title, mydate, None, desc,
-                                           case.id, type)
-        return appointment
-# vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf-8:

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