[Mpuls-commits] r5246 - in base/trunk: . mpulsweb/controllers

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Thu Aug 18 22:12:52 CEST 2011

Author: bh
Date: 2011-08-18 22:12:51 +0200 (Thu, 18 Aug 2011)
New Revision: 5246

* mpulsweb/controllers/case.py (CaseController._markForAnonymize):
Prepare for the possibility that marking a case for anonymization
may raise arbitrary exception which will be the case when the
meta-server is involved, for instance. The actual anonymization is
handled in the new method _do_mark_anonymize_case which is the
place where the more specific exceptions can be
handled. _markForAnonymize itself is mostly scaffolding to ask for
confirmation and handle exceptions not caught by
_do_mark_anonymize_case in a generic way.
(CaseController._do_mark_anonymize_case): Extracted from
_markForAnonymize so that derived classes can easily extend the
exception handling, if necessary.

Modified: base/trunk/ChangeLog
--- base/trunk/ChangeLog	2011-08-18 17:32:23 UTC (rev 5245)
+++ base/trunk/ChangeLog	2011-08-18 20:12:51 UTC (rev 5246)
@@ -1,5 +1,20 @@
 2011-08-18  Bernhard Herzog  <bh at intevation.de>
+	* mpulsweb/controllers/case.py (CaseController._markForAnonymize):
+	Prepare for the possibility that marking a case for anonymization
+	may raise arbitrary exception which will be the case when the
+	meta-server is involved, for instance. The actual anonymization is
+	handled in the new method _do_mark_anonymize_case which is the
+	place where the more specific exceptions can be
+	handled. _markForAnonymize itself is mostly scaffolding to ask for
+	confirmation and handle exceptions not caught by
+	_do_mark_anonymize_case in a generic way.
+	(CaseController._do_mark_anonymize_case): Extracted from
+	_markForAnonymize so that derived classes can easily extend the
+	exception handling, if necessary.
+2011-08-18  Bernhard Herzog  <bh at intevation.de>
 	* mpulsweb/controllers/case_bundle.py
 	(CaseBundleController.delete): Improve error reporting. This is
 	basically the same as the improved error reporting implemented for

Modified: base/trunk/mpulsweb/controllers/case.py
--- base/trunk/mpulsweb/controllers/case.py	2011-08-18 17:32:23 UTC (rev 5245)
+++ base/trunk/mpulsweb/controllers/case.py	2011-08-18 20:12:51 UTC (rev 5246)
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@
         id = self._checkInt(id)
         confirmed = self._checkBool(confirmed)
         case = self._loadCase(id)
         # First check if the case is in a state which allows anonymization
@@ -135,59 +136,89 @@
             c.dialog_text = h.literal(e.value)
             c.url_ok = url
             return render('/casemanagement/dialogs/failed_markanonymize.mako')
-        # Ok, show confirmation dialog if the user really wants to anonymize the
-        # case.
-        if confirmed == 1:
-            try:
-                c.dialog_title = _(u"""Freed case document to anonymise.""")
-                c.dialog_text = _(u"""\
-The case document has been freed to be anonymised and has been given to
-the admininstration. Please click on OK, to get back to the overview.""")
-                c.url_ok = h.url_for(controller="/case_overview")
-                case.make_anonymizable()
-                case.markAnonymize()
-                session['render_mode'] = 'ro'
-                session.save()
-                return render('/casemanagement/dialogs/success_markanonymize.mako')
-            except SetDataException, e:
-                errors = []
-                for k, values in e.errors.iteritems():
-                    for v in values:
-                        errors.append(v.msg)
-                c.dialog_title = _(u"""Anonymising not possible.""")
-                c.dialog_text = _(u"""\
-To anonymise this case document was not possible, because of following 
-reason:</p><p><i>%s</i></p><p>Please click on OK to geht back to the overview.
-</p>""") % "<br>".join(errors) 
-                c.url_ok = h.url_for(controller='/case', action='select',
-                                     id=case.id, confirmed=1)
-                return render('/casemanagement/dialogs/failed_markanonymize.mako')
-        else:
+        # Show confirmation dialog if necessary.
+        if not confirmed:
             # Get description of the phase which will be set after anonymisation
             phase_name = []
             pdescriptions = g.mpuls_config.get('phases', 'description')[0]
             phase = pdescriptions.get(determineAnonymizedCaseEndPhaseName(case))
             end_phase = determineAnonymizedCaseEndPhase(case)
-            for ph, pairs in g.mpuls_config.get('phases', 'pairs')[0].iteritems():
+            for ph, pairs in g.mpuls_config.get('phases',
+                                                'pairs')[0].iteritems():
                 if str(end_phase) in pairs:
                     if str(end_phase) == pairs[0]:
                         phase_name.append("(%s)" % _('Running'))
                         phase_name.append("(%s)" % _('Finished'))
-            c.dialog_title = _(u"""Do make anonymous?""")
-            c.dialog_text =_(u"""\
-<p>Do you really want to free the case document to be made anonymous? The
-case document can then no longer be edited and is given to the administrator
-to make anonymous.</p>
-<p><b>The case document is going to make anonymous in phase </b>%s<b>!</b>""") \
-        % " ".join(phase_name) 
+            c.dialog_title = _(u"Do make anonymous?")
+            c.dialog_text = (_(u"<p>Do you really want to mark the case for"
+                               u" anonymization? The case can then no longer be"
+                               u" edited and will given to the administrators"
+                               u" for final anonymisation.</p>"
+                               u"<p><b>The case document is going to be"
+                               u" anonymised in phase </b>%s<b>!</b>""") \
+                             % " ".join(phase_name))
             c.url_yes = h.url_for(controller='/case', action='markForAnonymize',
                                   id=id, confirmed=1)
             c.url_no = url
             return render('/casemanagement/dialogs/confirm_markanonymize.mako')
+        # the action is confirmed, so call attempt to mark the case for
+        # deletion.
+        try:
+            return self._do_mark_anonymize_case(case)
+        except Exception:
+            log.exception("Exception while trying to mark case %d for"
+                          " anonymisation", case.id)
+            c.dialog_title = _("Case document not marked for anonymisation!")
+            c.dialog_text = _("The case can not be marked for anonymisation"
+                              " because of an unexpected problem.")
+            c.url_ok = h.url_for(controller="/case_overview")
+            return render('/casemanagement/dialogs/failed_markanonymize.mako')
+    def _do_mark_anonymize_case(self, case):
+        """Mark the case for anonymization and handle SetDataException.
+        Derived classes may override or extend this method if they need
+        to handle more exceptions.
+        The method returns a rendered HTML page with the success or
+        error message.
+        """
+        try:
+            case.make_anonymizable()
+            case.markAnonymize()
+            c.dialog_title = _(u"Case marked for anonymisation.")
+            c.dialog_text = _(u"The case document has been marked for"
+                              u" anonymisation and has been given to the"
+                              u" administration for final anonymisation."
+                              u" Please click on OK, to get back to the"
+                              u" overview.")
+            c.url_ok = h.url_for(controller="/case_overview")
+            session['render_mode'] = 'ro'
+            session.save()
+            return render('/casemanagement/dialogs/success_markanonymize.mako')
+        except SetDataException, e:
+            log.exception("SetDataException while trying to mark case %d for"
+                          " anonymization", case.id)
+            errors = []
+            for k, values in e.errors.iteritems():
+                for v in values:
+                    errors.append(v.msg)
+            c.dialog_title = _(u"Anonymisation not possible.")
+            c.dialog_text = _(u"The case could not be anonymised for the"
+                              u" following reason:</p>"
+                              u"<p><i>%s</i></p>"
+                              u"<p>Please click on OK to geht back to the"
+                              u" overview.</p>""") % "<br>".join(errors)
+            c.url_ok = h.url_for(controller='/case', action='select',
+                                 id=case.id, confirmed=1)
+            return render('/casemanagement/dialogs/failed_markanonymize.mako')
     def anonymize(self, id, confirmed):
         id = self._checkInt(id)

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