[Mpuls-commits] r4500 - in jmd/trunk: jmdstrukturweb/templates jmdweb/templates

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Mon Jan 17 16:01:46 CET 2011

Author: torsten
Date: 2011-01-17 16:01:45 +0100 (Mon, 17 Jan 2011)
New Revision: 4500

Moved code to switch between different datasets into extra file

Modified: jmd/trunk/jmdstrukturweb/templates/main.mako
--- jmd/trunk/jmdstrukturweb/templates/main.mako	2011-01-17 14:30:37 UTC (rev 4499)
+++ jmd/trunk/jmdstrukturweb/templates/main.mako	2011-01-17 15:01:45 UTC (rev 4500)
@@ -121,20 +121,7 @@
         % endif
-    % if config.get('jmd.otherapp.url'):
-      <div class="menu">
-        <div class="actions">
-          <h1>Fallakten</h1>
-          <ul>
-            <li>
-              ## hier kein url_for, da diese URL auf eine andere WSGI
-              ## Applikation verweist
-              <a href="${config['jmd.otherapp.url']}">Zum Fallaktenteil wechseln</a>
-            </li>
-          </ul>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    %endif
+    <%include file="switch_to_other_datasets.mako" />
     % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('module', 'evaluation'):
       <div class="menu">
         <div class="actions">

Added: jmd/trunk/jmdstrukturweb/templates/switch_to_other_datasets.mako
--- jmd/trunk/jmdstrukturweb/templates/switch_to_other_datasets.mako	2011-01-17 14:30:37 UTC (rev 4499)
+++ jmd/trunk/jmdstrukturweb/templates/switch_to_other_datasets.mako	2011-01-17 15:01:45 UTC (rev 4500)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+% if config.get('jmd.otherapp.url'):
+  <div class="menu">
+    <div class="actions">
+      <h1>Fallakten</h1>
+      <ul>
+        <li>
+          ## hier kein url_for, da diese URL auf eine andere WSGI
+          ## Applikation verweist
+          <a href="${config['jmd.otherapp.url']}">Zum Fallaktenteil wechseln</a>
+        </li>
+      </ul>
+    </div>
+  </div>

Deleted: jmd/trunk/jmdweb/templates/main.mako
--- jmd/trunk/jmdweb/templates/main.mako	2011-01-17 14:30:37 UTC (rev 4499)
+++ jmd/trunk/jmdweb/templates/main.mako	2011-01-17 15:01:45 UTC (rev 4500)
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-<%inherit file="base.mako" />
-<%def name="buildStatusBar()">
-  <div id="statusbar">
-    ${_('statusbar_logininfo')}:
-        <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/usersettings', action='showSettings',
-                             id=h.getUserId())}"
-           title="${_('sm_menu_link_settings')}"
-           onclick="return checkModification();">
-    % if h.getLogin() != 'adm':
-        <strong>${h.getUserFullname()}</strong></a> (${h.getRole()})
-    % else:
-        <strong>${h.getUserLastname()}</strong></a>
-    % endif
-    <!--|
-    <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/usersettings', action='showSettings',
-                             id=h.getUserId())}"
-           onclick="return checkModification();">${_('sm_menu_link_settings')}</a>-->
-  </div>
-<%def name="buildStartMenu()">
-  <div id="startmenu">
-    <ul>
-      <li>
-        <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/')}"
-           onclick="return checkModification();">
-          ${_('sm_menu_link_home')}
-        </a>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/usersettings', action='showSettings',
-                             id=h.getUserId())}"
-           onclick="return checkModification();">
-          ${_('sm_menu_link_settings')}
-        </a>
-      </li>
-      <!--<li>
-        <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/info')}"
-           onclick="return checkModification();">
-          ${_('sm_menu_link_responsible')}</a>
-      </li>-->
-      <li>
-          <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/help')}"
-           onclick="return checkModification();">
-           ${_('sm_menu_link_help')}</a>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/auth', action='logout')}"
-           onclick="return checkModification();">
-          ${_('sm_menu_link_logout')}</a>
-      </li>
-    </ul>
-  </div>
-<%def name="buildNavipath()">
-  <li><a href="${h.url_for(controller='/')}"
-         onclick="return checkModification();">${_('%s Start') % h.get_app_title()}</a></li>
-<%def name="buildInfofield()">
-<%def name="buildPrivacyfield()">
-<%def name="buildIco()">
-  <span class="menuico"> &gt;&gt;</span>
-<%def name="buildNavigation()">
-  % if (h.getLogin() != 'adm'):
-    % if h.hasRole(['cm_ka', 'admin_ka']):
-      <div class="menu">
-        <div class="actions">
-          <h1>${_('%s Start') % h.get_app_title()}</h1>
-          <ul>
-            <li>
-              <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/')}">
-                ${_('sm_menu_link_home')}
-              </a>
-            </li>
-            ## APPOINTMENTS 
-            % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('module', 'appointments'):
-              <li>
-                <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/appointment',
-                                     action='overview')}">
-                  ${_('menu_app_link_overview')}
-                </a>
-              </li>
-            % endif
-            ## DOCUMENTS
-            % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('module', 'documents'):
-              <li>
-                <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/document', 
-                                     action='globalOverview')}">
-                  ${_('menu_doc_link_overview')}
-                </a>
-              </li>
-            % endif
-          </ul>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    % endif
-    <div class="menu">
-      <div class="actions">
-        % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('module', 'casemanagement'):
-          <h1>${_('menu_header_cm')}</h1>
-          <ul>
-            <li>
-              <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/case_overview',
-                                   action='overview')}">
-                ${_('menu_cm_link_overview')}
-              </a>
-            </li>
-            % if h.hasRole(['cm_ka']):
-              <li>
-                <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/case', action='new')}">
-                  ${_('menu_cm_link_new')}
-                </a> 
-              </li>
-              % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('case-module', 'import'):
-                <li>
-                  <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/case', action='importCase')}">
-                    ${_('menu_cm_link_import')}
-                  </a>
-                </li>
-              % endif
-            % endif
-          </ul>
-        % endif
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <%
-    from jmdweb.model.struktur import is_struktur_user, struktur_part_available
-    %>
-    % if struktur_part_available() and (h.hasRole(['admin']) or is_struktur_user()):
-      <div class="menu">
-        <div class="actions">
-          <h1>Strukturdaten, Aktivitäten</h1>
-          <ul>
-            <li>
-              ## hier kein url_for, da diese URL auf eine andere WSGI
-              ## Applikation verweist
-              <a href="${config['jmd.otherapp.url']}">Zum Strukturteil wechseln</a>
-            </li>
-            %if h.hasRole(['admin']):
-            <li>
-              <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/jmdstruktur/permission')}">
-                ${_('Benutzerberechtigungen')}
-              </a>
-            </li>
-            %endif
-          </ul>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    % endif
-    % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('module', 'agency-overview'):
-      <div class="menu">
-        <div class="actions">
-          <h1>${_('Overview')}</h1>
-            <ul>
-              <li>
-                <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/evaluation_overview', action='index')}">
-                  ${_('Agency')}
-                </a>
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    % endif
-    % if g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('module', 'evaluation'):
-      <div class="menu">
-        <div class="actions">
-          <h1>${_('Evaluations')}</h1>
-          ${self.buildEvaluations()}
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    % endif
-    <div class="menu_spacer">
-      <div class="actions">
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  % endif
-  % if h.hasRole(['admin_ka']) and g.mpuls_config.is_enabled('module', 'administration'):
-    <div class="menu">
-      <div class="actions">
-        <h1>${_('menu_header_adm')}</h1>
-        <ul>
-          <li>
-            <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/administration',
-                                 action='overviewUser')}"> 
-              ${_('menu_adm_link_useroverview')}
-            </a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/administration',
-                                 action='overviewUserGroups')}">
-              ${_('menu_adm_link_usergroupoverview')}
-            </a>
-          </li>
-          <li>
-            <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/settings')}">
-              ${_('menu_adm_link_showsettings')}
-            </a>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  % endif
-<%def name="buildEvaluations()">
-  <ul>
-    % for eval in g.mpuls_config.get('evaluations', 'enabled'): 
-      <li>
-        <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/evaluate', action='evaluate',
-                             id=eval.get('id'))}">${eval.get('name')}</a>
-      </li>
-    % endfor
-  </ul>
-<%def name="buildFormErrors(labels=None)">
-  <% formular_labels = labels or {} %>
-  % if len(c.form_errors) > 0:
-    <div class="form_errors">
-      <h1><a name="error_list">${_('main_formular_input_error')}</a></h1>
-      <ul>
-        % for key, value in c.form_errors.iteritems():
-          <li>${_(formular_labels.get(key, '%s' % key))}: ${value}</li>
-        % endfor
-      </ul>
-    </div>
-  % endif
-<%def name="buildFooter()">
-  <div id="footer">
-    <div id="version_str">
-    <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/info')}"
-           onclick="return checkModification();">
-          ${_('sm_menu_link_responsible')}</a>
-      | ${g.mpuls_config.get_app_name()}
-      | ${g.mpuls_config.get_releasedate()}
-      | ${g.mpuls_config.get_app_version()}
-    </div>
-  </div>
-<%def name="buildContentHeader()">
-  ${self.buildUeberschrift()}
-  ${self.buildModusfield()}
-<%def name="buildUeberschrift()">
-<%def name="buildModusfield()">
-<span class="skiplink">
-  <a href="#startmenu" title="Direkt zum Hauptmen&#252; springen" 
-     tabindex="1">
-    Zum Hauptmen&#252; springen
-  </a>
-<span class="skiplink">
-  <a href="#navigation" title="Direkt zum Bereichsmen&#252; springen" 
-     tabindex="1">
-    Zum Bereichsmen&#252; springen
-  </a>
-<span class="skiplink">
-  <a href="#content" title="Direkt zum Inhalt springen" tabindex="2">
-    Zum Inhalt springen
-  </a>
-<div id="header">
-  <div class="left" id="logo">
-    <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/')}"
-       onclick="return checkModification();">
-      <img src="${h.url_for('/images/logos/logo_ka_75.png')}" 
-           alt="Logo Einrichtung" border="0">
-    </a>
-  </div>
-  <div id="rightheader">
-    ${self.buildStartMenu()}
-    ${self.buildStatusBar()}
-    <div id="navipath">
-      <ul>
-        ${self.buildNavipath()}
-      </ul>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-<div id="main">
-  <div class="left">
-    <div>
-      % if h.hasRole(['cm_ka']):
-        ${self.buildPrivacyfield()}
-      % endif
-      ${next.buildNavigation()}
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div id="content" class="right">
-    <div id="status_str_nofloat">
-      % if c.status_msg:
-        <span class="redcolor">${c.status_msg}</span>
-      % else:
-        <strong>Hinweis:</strong> 
-        Gegen ${h.get_logouttime()} Uhr wird diese Sitzung automatisch 
-        beendet. Speichern sie bitte vorher Ihre Eingaben!
-      % endif
-    </div>
-    ${self.buildContentHeader()}
-    ${self.body()}
-  </div>

Added: jmd/trunk/jmdweb/templates/switch_to_other_datasets.mako
--- jmd/trunk/jmdweb/templates/switch_to_other_datasets.mako	2011-01-17 14:30:37 UTC (rev 4499)
+++ jmd/trunk/jmdweb/templates/switch_to_other_datasets.mako	2011-01-17 15:01:45 UTC (rev 4500)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from jmdweb.model.struktur import is_struktur_user, struktur_part_available
+% if struktur_part_available() and (h.hasRole(['admin']) or is_struktur_user()):
+  <div class="menu">
+    <div class="actions">
+      <h1>Strukturdaten, Aktivitäten</h1>
+      <ul>
+        <li>
+          ## hier kein url_for, da diese URL auf eine andere WSGI
+          ## Applikation verweist
+          <a href="${config['jmd.otherapp.url']}">Zum Strukturteil wechseln</a>
+        </li>
+        %if h.hasRole(['admin']):
+        <li>
+          <a href="${h.url_for(controller='/jmdstruktur/permission')}">
+            ${_('Benutzerberechtigungen')}
+          </a>
+        </li>
+        %endif
+      </ul>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+% endif

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