[Osaas-commits] r77 - in trunk: . contrib contrib/billing

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Mon Oct 4 10:13:00 CEST 2010

Author: iweinzierl
Date: 2010-10-04 10:12:58 +0200 (Mon, 04 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 77

Added a python script (and relevant sql scripts) to update the number of features of GetFeature requests stored in the database table where osaas is logging to.

Modified: trunk/ChangeLog
--- trunk/ChangeLog	2010-03-22 15:15:46 UTC (rev 76)
+++ trunk/ChangeLog	2010-10-04 08:12:58 UTC (rev 77)
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+2010-10-04  Ingo Weinzierl <ingo.weinzierl at intevation.de>
+	* contrib/billing/billing.py,
+	  contrib/billing/billing.cfg: A python script and an example configuration.
+	  The script looks for GetFeature requests stored in a database table and
+	  updates the number of features returned by the specific request of the
+	  entries.
+	* contrib/billing/wfs_requests.sql: An sql script that creates a table
+	  that stores wfs requests. OSAAS is logging to such a table.
+	* contrib/billing/billing.sql: An additional script for the
+	  wfs_requests.sql script - it adds a new column 'billtime' that saves
+	  the time when the billing.py script has been executed.
 2010-03-22  Stephan Holl  <stephan.holl at intevation.de>
 	* packaging/rpm/osaas-suse10.3-gp.spec: Updated to reflect the

Added: trunk/contrib/billing/billing.cfg
--- trunk/contrib/billing/billing.cfg	2010-03-22 15:15:46 UTC (rev 76)
+++ trunk/contrib/billing/billing.cfg	2010-10-04 08:12:58 UTC (rev 77)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Demo configuration for the billing script.
+# This file defines some basic configuration settings.
+## !!! This section is necessary for running this script. At least a database
+## !!! and a user have to be defined, otherwise you are not able to run this
+## !!! script.
+## The host where the database is running on. If this option is not used,
+## 'localhost' is used as hostname.
+## The database where osaas is logging to.
+## A user that is allowed to access the database specified above.
+## The password that is required to connect to database.
+## Uncomment the following line to specify the logfile used for internal
+## logging. By default, a file named 'billing.log' is used for logging.
+## The following line defines the loglevel for the script. Currently, there are
+## three loglevels defined:
+## 1: the script just logs failures the occured while processing.
+## 2: the script shows failures and some additional information.
+## 3: the script is very verbose - shows failures, additional information and a
+##    lot of information about the process itself (recommended for developers).

Added: trunk/contrib/billing/billing.py
--- trunk/contrib/billing/billing.py	2010-03-22 15:15:46 UTC (rev 76)
+++ trunk/contrib/billing/billing.py	2010-10-04 08:12:58 UTC (rev 77)
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2010 by Intevation GmbH
+# Authors:
+# Ingo Weinzierl <ingo.weinzierl at intevation.de>
+# This program is free software under the LGPL (>=v2.1)
+# Read the file LGPL.txt coming with the software for details.
+import logging
+import psycopg2 as db
+import sys
+import urllib
+from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from lxml import etree
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from urlparse import urlparse
+DEFAULT_CONFIG  = "billing.cfg"
+DEFAULT_LOGFILE = "billing.log"
+NS_WFS = "http://www.opengis.net/wfs"
+SQL_SELECT_OPEN_BILLINGS = """SELECT id, wfsidintern, wfsidextern,
+requestformat, rawrequest AS TEXT, numfeatures, billtime FROM requests
+WHERE billtime IS NULL"""
+SQL_UPDATE_NUM_FEATURES = """UPDATE requests SET numfeatures = %(num)s,
+billtime = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where id =
+def read_config(filename):
+    """Reads the configuration from the file given by filename."""
+    config = SafeConfigParser()
+    config.read([filename])
+    return config
+def get_config_option(section, option, default=None):
+    if not config:
+        print "No config given yet."
+        return default
+    if not config.has_option(section, option):
+        return default
+    return config.get(section, option)
+def setup_logging():
+    """Sets up the logging."""
+    loglevel = logging.WARN
+    level    = get_config_option("logging", "loglevel", 1)
+    if level and int(level) >= 3:
+        print "Setup logging to DEBUG"
+        loglevel = logging.DEBUG
+    elif level and int(level) == 2:
+        print "Setup logging to INFO"
+        loglevel = logging.INFO
+    logfile = get_config_option("logging", "logfile", DEFAULT_LOGFILE)
+    file_handler = logging.FileHandler(logfile)
+    file_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
+        "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s"))
+    file_handler.setLevel(loglevel)
+    console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+    console_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
+        "--> %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s"))
+    console_handler.setLevel(logging.WARN)
+    global logger
+    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+    logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    logger.addHandler(console_handler)
+    logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+class Request(object):
+    """This class represents a very simple request object.
+    It stores some basic things like the server url, the request format
+    (1=HTTP-POST, 2=HTTP-GET), its data, the number of features that have been
+    retrieved by this request earlier and the time where the billing has taken
+    place."""
+    def __init__(self, id, wfsidintern, wfsidextern, requestformat,
+                 rawrequest, numfeatures, cashtime):
+        self.id = id
+        self.wfsidintern   = wfsidintern
+        self.wfsidextern   = wfsidextern
+        self.requestformat = requestformat
+        self.rawrequest    = rawrequest
+        self.numfeatures   = numfeatures
+        self.cashtime      = cashtime
+    def handle_response(self, doc):
+        """ This method handles the response object of the request. Currently,
+        it searches for an xml element with the xpath
+        '/FeatureCollection/@numberOfFeatures' where the number of features
+        retrieved by this request should be stored. The default namespace for
+        this xpath is NS_WFS. If a valid quantity is found by the xpath
+        expression, the number of features is saved to database."""
+        try:
+            logger.debug("Response finished.")
+            response = doc.xpath('/g:FeatureCollection/@numberOfFeatures',
+                                 namespaces={'g': NS_WFS})
+            if not response:
+                logger.warn("GetFeature request retrieved no number of "
+                            "features.")
+                return False
+            numFeatures = int(response[0])
+            logger.info("GetFeature retrieved %d features." %
+                        numFeatures)
+            self.numfeatures = numFeatures
+            return self.update_num_features()
+        except ValueError, e:
+            logger.error("The response did not retrieve a valid quantity.")
+        return False
+    def update_num_features(self):
+        """ This method opens a database connection and updates the request
+        object's number of features using the SQL query defined by
+        SQL_UPDATE_NUM_FEATURES. The return value of this function is the number
+        of features that have been written into database, or False if the update
+        process failed."""
+        db_conn = open_connection()
+        if not db_conn:
+            return False
+        try:
+            logger.debug("Execute update statement for request id %d" %
+                         self.id)
+            cur = db_conn.cursor()
+            cur.execute(SQL_UPDATE_NUM_FEATURES, { 'id': self.id,
+                                                   'num': self.numfeatures})
+            db_conn.commit()
+            close_connection(cur, db_conn)
+            logger.info("Update for request id %d completed (%d features)"
+                         % (self.id, self.numfeatures))
+            return self.numfeatures
+        except:
+            logger.error("Could not update request id %r" % self.id)
+            return False
+class GETRequest(Request):
+    """This request object represents HTTP-GET request objects and inherits from
+    Request."""
+    def is_get_feature_request(self):
+        """This method returns True, if this request object represents an OGC
+        WFS GetFeature request, otherwise it returns False."""
+        if 'request=getfeature' in str(self.rawrequest).lower():
+            return True
+        return False
+    def create_request_url(self):
+        """This method modifies the URL of this GetFeature request and returns
+        an URL which response is the number of features of the GetFeature
+        request represented by this object."""
+        req_url = None
+        if "?" in self.wfsidintern:
+            req_url = "%s&%s" % (self.wfsidintern, self.rawrequest)
+        else:
+            req_url = "%s?%s" % (self.wfsidintern, self.rawrequest)
+        req_url = urllib.unquote(req_url)
+        if 'resulttype' in req_url.lower():
+            url_parts = urlparse(req_url)
+            req_url   = req_url.split("?")[0]
+            if url_parts and url_parts[4]:
+                params = url_parts[4].split("&") or []
+                for param in params:
+                    if "?" in req_url:
+                        req_url += "&"
+                    else:
+                        req_url += "?"
+                    if 'resulttype' in param.lower():
+                        param = "resultType=hits"
+                    req_url += param
+        else:
+            req_url += '&resultType=hits'
+        logger.debug("request url = %s" % req_url)
+        return req_url
+    def bill(self):
+        """ This method should be called to take account for the request. If
+        this object represents a GetFeature request, a modified version of this
+        request is used to query the number of feature that would have been
+        retrieved by this GetFeature request. If the modified version of this
+        request returns a valid quantity, this number is used to update the row
+        in the database. If everything was ok in this process, this method
+        returns the number of features of this request, otherwise False."""
+        req_url = self.create_request_url()
+        try:
+            doc = etree.parse(req_url)
+            return self.handle_response(doc)
+        except IOError:
+            logger.error("Could not connect to server %s" %
+                         self.wfsidintern)
+        except:
+            logger.error("Could not bill request with database id %r" %
+                         self.id)
+        return False
+class POSTRequest(Request):
+    """This request object represents HTTP-POST request objects and inherits
+    from Request."""
+    def is_get_feature_request(self):
+        """This method returns True, if this request object represents an OGC
+        WFS GetFeature request, otherwise it returns False."""
+        doc = etree.parse(StringIO(self.rawrequest))
+        if doc and doc.xpath('/g:GetFeature', namespaces={'g': NS_WFS}):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def bill(self, db_conn=None):
+        """ This method should be called to take account for the request. If
+        this object represents a GetFeature request, a modified version of this
+        request's raw data is used to query the number of feature that would
+        have been retrieved by this GetFeature request. If the modified version
+        of this request returns a valid quantity, this number is used to update
+        the row in the database. If everything was ok in this process, this
+        method returns the number of features of this request, otherwise
+        False."""
+        doc = etree.parse(StringIO(self.rawrequest))
+        req = doc.xpath('/g:GetFeature', namespaces={'g': NS_WFS})
+        if not req or not req[0]:
+            logger.error("Could not find request parameters for request id"
+                        "%r" % self.id)
+            return False
+        req[0].set('resultType', 'hits')
+        opener = urllib.URLopener()
+        data   = etree.tostring(doc)
+        conn   = opener.open(self.wfsidintern, data)
+        if not conn:
+            logger.error("Could not connect to host '%r'." %
+                         self.wfsidintern)
+            return False
+        response = etree.parse(conn)
+        return self.handle_response(response)
+def open_connection():
+    host     = get_config_option("database", "host", "localhost")
+    dbname   = get_config_option("database", "database")
+    user     = get_config_option("database", "user")
+    password = get_config_option("database", "password", "")
+    try:
+        conn = db.connect(host=host, database=dbname, user=user,
+                          password=password)
+        return conn
+    except:
+        logger.critical("Could not connect to database (host='%s', database="
+                     "'%s', user='%s'" % (host, dbname, user))
+def close_connection(*cur):
+    for c in cur:
+        if c:
+            try: c.close()
+            except: pass
+def load_requests():
+    requests = []
+    try:
+        conn = open_connection()
+        if not conn:
+            return None
+        cur = conn.cursor()
+        cur.execute(SQL_SELECT_OPEN_BILLINGS)
+        while True:
+            row = cur.fetchone()
+            if not row: break
+            req = None
+            if row[3] == REQUEST_POST:
+                req = POSTRequest(*row)
+            elif row[3] == REQUEST_GET:
+                req = GETRequest(*row)
+            else:
+                logger.warn("Unknown request format found: %r" % row[3])
+            if req and not req.cashtime and req.is_get_feature_request():
+                requests.append(req)
+        close_connection(cur, conn)
+        return requests
+    except:
+        logger.error("An error occured while connecting to database.")
+        return None
+def main():
+    parser = OptionParser()
+    parser.add_option("-c", "--config-file", default=DEFAULT_CONFIG)
+    opts, rest = parser.parse_args()
+    global config
+    config=read_config(opts.config_file)
+    setup_logging()
+    print "Start billing script."
+    print "===============================================\n"
+    try:
+        requests = load_requests()
+        if not requests:
+            return
+        logger.info("Found %d open billings for GetFeature requests." %
+                    len(requests))
+        failed  = 0
+        success = 0
+        for req in requests:
+            logger.info("================================")
+            logger.info("Process request with db id %d (format = %d)" % (
+                        req.id, req.requestformat))
+            try:
+                if not req.bill():
+                    failed += 1
+                else:
+                    success += 1
+            except:
+                logger.error("Could not bill the request with id %d" % req.id)
+        print "\nScript ended successfully."
+        print "\n==============================================="
+        print "== Summary: Found %d open requests." % len(requests)
+        print "== Summary: Sucessfully billed %d requests." % success
+        print "== Summary: %d requests failed." % failed
+        print "== (See the logfile '%s' for more details)" % get_config_option(
+                                                                "logging",
+                                                                "logfile",
+                                                                DEFAULT_LOGFILE)
+    except:
+        logger.error("An unexpected error occured - the script did not "
+                     "finish regularly!")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

Property changes on: trunk/contrib/billing/billing.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/contrib/billing/billing.sql
--- trunk/contrib/billing/billing.sql	2010-03-22 15:15:46 UTC (rev 76)
+++ trunk/contrib/billing/billing.sql	2010-10-04 08:12:58 UTC (rev 77)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: trunk/contrib/billing/wfs_requests.sql
--- trunk/contrib/billing/wfs_requests.sql	2010-03-22 15:15:46 UTC (rev 76)
+++ trunk/contrib/billing/wfs_requests.sql	2010-10-04 08:12:58 UTC (rev 77)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+CREATE SEQUENCE requests_id_seq
+    CACHE 1;
+CREATE TABLE requests (
+    id              INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('requests_id_seq'::regclass),
+    wfsidintern     CHARACTER VARYING(100),
+    wfsidextern     CHARACTER VARYING(100),
+    username        CHARACTER VARYING(20),
+    starttime       TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
+    endtime         TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE,
+    requestformat   INTEGER,
+    rawrequest      BYTEA,
+    numfeatures     INTEGER
+ALTER TABLE public.requests OWNER TO osaas;

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