[Saegewerk-commits] r5 - trunk

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Thu Jun 26 10:59:30 CEST 2008

Author: khruskowski
Date: 2008-06-26 10:59:29 +0200 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 5


Modified: trunk/Makefile
--- trunk/Makefile	2008-06-24 12:52:04 UTC (rev 4)
+++ trunk/Makefile	2008-06-26 08:59:29 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -1,41 +1,25 @@
-# Makefile
 ONLINE_REPOS=fnord at saegewerk.wald.intevation.de
-all: get_reports build_website
+all: build_website
 	@echo "done."
-get_reports: clean_htdocs
-# get listing
-# from saegewerk server
-	cd $(REPORTS_DIR); \
-  rsync -rloDhzv --progress $(ONLINE_REPOS):$(ONLINE_REPORTS) .; \
-  tar -xjvf *.tar.bz2 -C $(HTDOCS_DIR); \
-  rm *.tar.bz2
-	@echo "got reports."
 	@echo "building website..."
-	python generate_site.py $(PWD) $(TEMPLATE_DIR) $(REPORTS_DIR) $(HTDOCS_DIR)
+	python generate_site.py $(TEMPLATE_DIR) $(HTDOCS_DIR)
 # remove .svn from htdocs/img/
 	rm -Rf $(HTDOCS_DIR)img/.svn
-# upload website data
+# upload data
 	rsync -rloDhzv --del --progress $(HTDOCS_DIR) $(ONLINE_REPOS):$(ONLINE_HTDOCS) --exclude="reports/"
 	@echo "Site online."
+clean: clean_htdocs
 	cd $(HTDOCS_DIR); rm -Rf * 
-	cd $(REPORTS_DIR); rm -Rf *
-clean: clean_reports clean_htdocs 
 	@echo "clean."

Modified: trunk/generate_site.py
--- trunk/generate_site.py	2008-06-24 12:52:04 UTC (rev 4)
+++ trunk/generate_site.py	2008-06-26 08:59:29 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -11,102 +11,98 @@
 import os, re, sys, shutil, glob, fnmatch
 from distutils import dir_util
-from Cheetah.Template import Template 
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
 from report_parser import ReportParser
-HOME_DIR = sys.argv[1] 
-REPORT_DIR = sys.argv[3]
-TEMPLATE_DIR = sys.argv[2]
-HTDOCS_DIR =  sys.argv[4]
+TEMPLATE_DIR = sys.argv[1]
+HTDOCS_DIR =  sys.argv[2]
 ADDITIONAL_FILES = ['*.css', 'img/']
-# Htmlparser for buildreportfiles 
+# Htmlparser for buildreportfiles
 def main():
-	# Site Frame Template & bound template variables
-	site_frame_template_namespace = { 'TITLE': '',
-                                    'STYLE_TAG': '', 
-                                    'SITE_CONTENT': '', 
+  # Site Frame Template & bound template variables
+  site_frame_template_namespace = { 'TITLE': '',
+                                    'STYLE_TAG': '',
+                                    'SITE_CONTENT': '',
                                     'SOURCE_PATH': '' }
-	site_frame_template = Template(open('%ssite_frame.ctpl.html' % TEMPLATE_DIR).read(), \
-																			searchList = [site_frame_template_namespace])
-	#print 'Copying reports to %s' % HTDOCS_DIR
-	#dir_util.copy_tree(REPORT_DIR, HTDOCS_DIR, verbose=1)
+  site_frame_template = Template(open('%ssite_frame.ctpl.html' % TEMPLATE_DIR).read(), \
+                                      searchList = [site_frame_template_namespace])
-	# Collect full report-dir-tree 
-	build_reports = []
-	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(HTDOCS_DIR): 
-		for filename in files: 
-			if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*.html'):
-				build_reports.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
+  # Collect full report-dir-tree
+  build_reports = []
+  for root, dirs, files in os.walk(HTDOCS_DIR):
+    for filename in files:
+      if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*.html'):
+        build_reports.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
-	projects = [] 
+  projects = []
-	# Walk over reports, scan them and create static html files in htdocs
-	for report in build_reports: 
-		print 'Report File: %s' % (report) 
+  # Walk over reports, scan them and create static html files in htdocs
+  for report in build_reports:
+    print 'Report File: %s' % (report)
-		#New & clean Parser
-		report_parser = ReportParser()
+    #New & clean Parser
+    report_parser = ReportParser()
-		report_parser.feed(open(report).read())
-		report_parser.close()
-		# Imprison css
-		report_css = report_parser.get_style_content()	
-		report_css = re.sub(r"(\.*\w+\s*{)", '#css_prison \g<1>', report_css)
+    report_parser.feed(open(report).read())
+    report_parser.close()
-		report_content_template = Template(open('%sreport.ctpl' % TEMPLATE_DIR).read(), \
+    # Imprison css
+    report_css = report_parser.get_style_content()
+    report_css = re.sub(r"(\.*\w+\s*{)", '#css_prison \g<1>', report_css)
+    report_content_template = Template(open('%sreport.ctpl' % TEMPLATE_DIR).read(), \
                                        searchList = [{'CONTENT': \
-		site_frame_template_namespace = { 'TITLE': report_parser.get_title(),
-																	  	'STYLE_TAG': report_css,
-																	  	'SITE_CONTENT': str(report_content_template), 
-                                     	'SOURCE_PATH': '../' }
+    site_frame_template_namespace = { 'TITLE': report_parser.get_title(),
+                                      'STYLE_TAG': report_css,
+                                      'SITE_CONTENT': str(report_content_template),
+                                      'SOURCE_PATH': '../' }
-		site_frame_template.searchList()[0] = site_frame_template_namespace
+    site_frame_template.searchList()[0] = site_frame_template_namespace
-		buildlog_file_h = open(report, 'w')
-		buildlog_file_h.write(str(site_frame_template))
-		buildlog_file_h.close()
+    buildlog_file_h = open(report, 'w')
+    buildlog_file_h.write(str(site_frame_template))
+    buildlog_file_h.close()
-		print report_parser.get_title()
-		if report.find('index.html') > -1: 
-			projects.append({'title': report_parser.get_title(), 'src': report.replace(HTDOCS_DIR, '')})
+    print report_parser.get_title()
+    if report.find('index.html') > -1: 
+      projects.append({'title': report_parser.get_title(),\
+                       'src': report.replace(HTDOCS_DIR, '')})
-	print 'Projects: %s' % projects
+  print 'Projects: %s' % projects
-	# Create saegewerks index site
-	print 'Creating Saegewerk index.html'
-	buildlog_block = Template(open('%sbuildlog_block.ctpl' % TEMPLATE_DIR).read(), \
-										              searchList = [{'BUILDLOGS': projects}])
+  # Create saegewerks index site
+  print 'Creating Saegewerk index.html'
+  buildlog_block = Template(open('%sbuildlog_block.ctpl' % TEMPLATE_DIR).read(), \
+                                  searchList = [{'BUILDLOGS': projects}])
-	site_frame_template_namespace = { 'TITLE': 'S&auml;gewerk - Free Software forestry', 
+  site_frame_template_namespace = { 'TITLE': 'S&auml;gewerk - Free Software forestry',
                                     'SITE_CONTENT': str(buildlog_block),
-                                    'SOURCE_PATH': '' } 
+                                    'SOURCE_PATH': '' }
-	site_frame_template.searchList()[0] = site_frame_template_namespace
-	site_index_h = open('%sindex.html' % HTDOCS_DIR, 'w+') 
-	site_index_h.write(str(site_frame_template)) 
-	site_index_h.close()
+  site_frame_template.searchList()[0] = site_frame_template_namespace
-	# Copy additional files
-	for additional_file in ADDITIONAL_FILES:
-		for file in glob.glob('%s%s' % (TEMPLATE_DIR, additional_file)):
-			print 'copy %s -> %s' % (file, HTDOCS_DIR)
+  site_index_h = open('%sindex.html' % HTDOCS_DIR, 'w+')
+  site_index_h.write(str(site_frame_template))
+  site_index_h.close()
-			if file[-1] == '/' and file[0] != '.':
-				# Copy a directory
-				dest_dir = file.replace(TEMPLATE_DIR, '')
-				dir_util.copy_tree(file, '%s%s' % (HTDOCS_DIR, dest_dir), verbose=1)
+  # Copy additional files
+  for additional_file in ADDITIONAL_FILES:
+    for file in glob.glob('%s%s' % (TEMPLATE_DIR, additional_file)):
+      print 'copy %s -> %s' % (file, HTDOCS_DIR)
-			else:  
-				# Copy a single file
-				shutil.copy(file, HTDOCS_DIR)
+      if file[-1] == '/' and file[0] != '.':
+        # Copy a directory
+        dest_dir = file.replace(TEMPLATE_DIR, '')
+        dir_util.copy_tree(file, '%s%s' % (HTDOCS_DIR, dest_dir), verbose=1)
+      else:
+        # Copy a single file
+        shutil.copy(file, HTDOCS_DIR)
 if __name__ == '__main__': 
-	main()
+  main()

Modified: trunk/report_parser.py
--- trunk/report_parser.py	2008-06-24 12:52:04 UTC (rev 4)
+++ trunk/report_parser.py	2008-06-26 08:59:29 UTC (rev 5)
@@ -3,76 +3,75 @@
 import HTMLParser
 class ReportParser(HTMLParser.HTMLParser):
-	def __init__(self): 
-		HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self) 
+  def __init__(self):
+    HTMLParser.HTMLParser.__init__(self)
-		self.body_start_end = [(0,0),(0,0)]
-		self.style_start_end = [(0,0),(0,0)]
-		self.title_start_end = [(0,0), (0,0)]
+    self.body_start_end = [(0,0),(0,0)]
+    self.style_start_end = [(0,0),(0,0)]
+    self.title_start_end = [(0,0), (0,0)]
-		self.raw_data = ''
+    self.raw_data = ''
-	def handle_starttag(self, tag, attr):
-		# copy raw data
-		if self.raw_data == '': 
-			self.raw_data = self.rawdata 
-		if tag == 'body': 
-			self.body_start_end[0] = self.getpos()
-		if tag == 'style': 
-			self.style_start_end[0] = self.getpos()
+  def handle_starttag(self, tag, attr):
+    # copy raw data
+    if self.raw_data == '':
+      self.raw_data = self.rawdata
-		if tag == 'title': 
-			self.title_start_end[0] = self.getpos()
+    if tag == 'body':
+      self.body_start_end[0] = self.getpos()
-	def handle_endtag(self, tag): 
-		if tag == 'body': 
-			self.body_start_end[1] = self.getpos()
-		if tag == 'style': 
-			self.style_start_end[1] = self.getpos()
+    if tag == 'style':
+      self.style_start_end[0] = self.getpos()
-		if tag == 'title': 
-			self.title_start_end[1] = self.getpos()		
-	def x_seek(self, start, end):
-		# Record raw content from - to line
-		if(start[0] > end[0]): 
-			raise 'Invalid range %s to %s' % (start, end)
+    if tag == 'title':
+      self.title_start_end[0] = self.getpos()
-		rawdata = self.raw_data 
-		rawdata = rawdata.splitlines(1)
-		line_i = 0 
-		rec = 0
-		content = ''
+  def handle_endtag(self, tag):
+    if tag == 'body':
+      self.body_start_end[1] = self.getpos()
-		for line in rawdata:
-			if line_i == start[0] and start[0] != end[0]:
-				rec = 1
-			if line_i == (end[0]-1) and start[0] != end[0]: 
-				content += line[:end[1]]
-				break
+    if tag == 'style':
+      self.style_start_end[1] = self.getpos()
-			if line_i == (start[0]-1) and start[0] == end[0]:
-				content = line[start[1]:end[1]] 
-				break 
+    if tag == 'title':
+      self.title_start_end[1] = self.getpos()
-			if rec == 1: 
-				content += line
+  def x_seek(self, start, end):
+    # Record raw content from - to line
+    if(start[0] > end[0]):
+      raise 'Invalid range %s to %s' % (start, end)
-			line_i += 1
+    rawdata = self.raw_data
+    rawdata = rawdata.splitlines(1)
+    line_i = 0
+    rec = 0
+    content = ''
-		return content
+    for line in rawdata:
+      if line_i == start[0] and start[0] != end[0]:
+        rec = 1
-	def get_body_content(self):
-		return self.x_seek(self.body_start_end[0], self.body_start_end[1]) 			 
-	def get_style_content(self): 
-	  return self.x_seek(self.style_start_end[0], self.style_start_end[1])
+      if line_i == (end[0]-1) and start[0] != end[0]:
+        content += line[:end[1]]
+        break
-	def get_title(self): 
-		return self.x_seek(self.title_start_end[0], self.title_start_end[1]).replace('<title>', '') 
+      if line_i == (start[0]-1) and start[0] == end[0]:
+        content = line[start[1]:end[1]]
+        break
+      if rec == 1:
+        content += line
+      line_i += 1
+    return content
+  def get_body_content(self):
+    return self.x_seek(self.body_start_end[0], self.body_start_end[1])
+  def get_style_content(self):
+    return self.x_seek(self.style_start_end[0], self.style_start_end[1])
+  def get_title(self):
+    return self.x_seek(self.title_start_end[0], self.title_start_end[1]).replace('<title>', '') 

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