[Schmitzm-commits] r705 - trunk

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Sun Feb 14 23:03:37 CET 2010

Author: mojays
Date: 2010-02-14 23:03:37 +0100 (Sun, 14 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 705

Compile targets ("bin_XX") in build.xml

Modified: trunk/build.xml
--- trunk/build.xml	2010-02-14 15:18:36 UTC (rev 704)
+++ trunk/build.xml	2010-02-14 22:03:37 UTC (rev 705)
@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@
      Option "all"     -> all of the upper mentioned options
      Option "basic"   -> only "jar" and "src"
+     Option "bin_ms"  -> compile the "src" folder to "classes" with Martin's classpath
+     Option "all_ms"  -> "bin_ms", "jar", "src", "javadoc"
+     Option "bin_sk"  -> compile the "src" folder to "classes" with Stefan's classpath
+     Option "all_sk"  -> "bin_sk", "jar", "src", "javadoc"
      The default option is "basic"
 <project default="basic" basedir="." xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib">
@@ -45,12 +51,46 @@
 	<property name="LINK.LOG4J"       value="http://logging.apache.org/log4j/docs/api/"/>
 	<property name="JAVADOC.TITLE"    value="Klassenbibliothek Martin Schmitz"/>
+	<!-- Destination and classpath to create binaries with Martin's parameters (MS) -->
+	<property name="LIB.ROOT.MS"      value="C:/Programme/Java"/>
+	<property name="GT.ROOT.MS"       value="${LIB.ROOT.MS}/gt2-2.6.1"/>
+	<property name="COLT.ROOT.MS"     value="${LIB.ROOT.MS}/Colt"/>
+	<property name="JFREE.ROOT.MS"    value="${LIB.ROOT.MS}/jfreechart-1.0.13"/>
+	<property name="JINI.ROOT.MS"     value="${LIB.ROOT.MS}/jini"/>
+	<property name="LOG4J.ROOT.MS"    value="${LIB.ROOT.MS}/logging-log4j-1.2.14"/>
+	<property name="POI.ROOT.MS"      value="${LIB.ROOT.MS}/POI"/>
+	<property name="JAI.ROOT.MS"      value="${LIB.ROOT.MS}/jdk1.6.0_05/jre/lib/ext"/>
+	<!-- Destination and classpath to create binaries with Martin's parameters (MS) -->
+	<property name="LIB.ROOT.SK"      value="..."/>
+	<property name="GT.ROOT.SK"       value="${LIB.ROOT.SK}/..."/>
+	<property name="COLT.ROOT.SK"     value="${LIB.ROOT.SK}/..."/>
+	<property name="JFREE.ROOT.SK"    value="${LIB.ROOT.SK}/..."/>
+	<property name="JINI.ROOT.SK"     value="${LIB.ROOT.SK}/..."/>
+	<property name="LOG4J.ROOT.SK"    value="${LIB.ROOT.SK}/..."/>
+	<property name="POI.ROOT.SK"      value="${LIB.ROOT.SK}/..."/>
+	<property name="JAI.ROOT.SK"      value="${LIB.ROOT.SK}/..."/>
 	<target name="all">
 		<antcall target="jar"/>
 		<antcall target="src"/>
 		<antcall target="javadoc"/>
+	<target name="all_ms">
+		<antcall target="bin_ms"/>
+		<antcall target="jar"/>
+		<antcall target="src"/>
+		<antcall target="javadoc"/>
+	</target>
+	<target name="all_sk">
+		<antcall target="bin_sk"/>
+		<antcall target="jar"/>
+		<antcall target="src"/>
+		<antcall target="javadoc"/>
+	</target>
 	<target name="basic">
 		<antcall target="jar"/>
 		<antcall target="src"/>
@@ -121,6 +161,79 @@
+	<!-- ##############  Create binaries with Martin's parameters  ############## -->
+	<target name="bin_ms">
+		<property name="GT.ROOT"       value="${GT.ROOT.MS}"/>
+		<property name="COLT.ROOT"     value="${COLT.ROOT.MS}"/>
+		<property name="JFREE.ROOT"    value="${JFREE.ROOT.MS}"/>
+		<property name="JINI.ROOT"     value="${JINI.ROOT.MS}"/>
+		<property name="LOG4J.ROOT"    value="${LOG4J.ROOT.MS}"/>
+		<property name="POI.ROOT"      value="${POI.ROOT.MS}"/>
+		<property name="JAI.ROOT"      value="${JAI.ROOT.MS}"/>
+		<antcall target="javac"/>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ##############  Create binaries with Stefan's parameters  ############## -->
+	<target name="bin_sk">
+		<property name="GT.ROOT"       value="${GT.ROOT.SK}"/>
+		<property name="COLT.ROOT"     value="${COLT.ROOT.SK}"/>
+		<property name="JFREE.ROOT"    value="${JFREE.ROOT.SK}"/>
+		<property name="JINI.ROOT"     value="${JINI.ROOT.SK}"/>
+		<property name="LOG4J.ROOT"    value="${LOG4J.ROOT.SK}"/>
+		<property name="POI.ROOT"      value="${POI.ROOT.SK}"/>
+		<property name="JAI.ROOT"      value="${JAI.ROOT.SK}"/>
+		<antcall target="javac"/>
+	</target>
+	<!-- ##############  Create binaries   ############## -->
+	<target name="javac">
+		<!--delete failonerror="false" dir="${DIR.BIN}"/-->
+		<mkdir  dir="${DIR.CLASSES}"/>
+		<!-- Compile source to binaries folder -->
+		<javac   srcdir     ="${DIR.SRC}"
+			     destdir    ="${DIR.CLASSES}"
+		>
+			<classpath>
+				<fileset dir="lib/gt-unsupported">
+					<include name="*.jar"/>
+				</fileset>
+				<fileset dir="${COLT.ROOT}">
+					<include name="*.jar"/>
+				</fileset>
+				<fileset dir="${JFREE.ROOT}">
+					<include name="*.jar"/>
+				</fileset>
+				<fileset dir="${JINI.ROOT}">
+					<include name="lib/*.jar"/>
+					<include name="lib-dl/*.jar"/>
+					<include name="lib-ext/*.jar"/>
+				</fileset>
+				<fileset dir="${LOG4J.ROOT}">
+					<include name="*.jar"/>
+				</fileset>
+				<fileset dir="${POI.ROOT}">
+					<include name="*.jar"/>
+				</fileset>
+				<fileset dir="${GT.ROOT}">
+					<include name="*.jar"/>
+				</fileset>
+				<fileset dir="${JAI.ROOT}">
+					<include name="*.jar"/>
+				</fileset>
+			</classpath>
+		</javac>
+		<!-- copy other necessary files to destination folder -->
+		<copy todir="${DIR.CLASSES}">
+		    <fileset dir="${DIR.SRC}">
+			  <include name="**/COPYING*"/>    <!-- Licence -->
+		      <include name="**/*.LIST"/>      <!-- META-INF -->
+		      <include name="**/resource/**"/> <!-- resource files -->
+		      <exclude name="**/Thumbs.db" />
+		      <exclude name="**/.svn/"/>
+		    </fileset>
+		</copy>
+	</target>
 	<target name="nativeToAscii" description="Wandelt alle .properties dateien in src/ in ascii UTF8 um.">
 		<ac:for xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib" param="file">

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