[Schmitzm-commits] r1234 - in trunk: src/schmitzm/geotools/gui src/schmitzm/geotools/styling src_junit/schmitzm/geotools/styling

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Thu Nov 4 20:40:11 CET 2010

Author: alfonx
Date: 2010-11-04 20:40:10 +0100 (Thu, 04 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 1234


Modified: trunk/src/schmitzm/geotools/gui/XMapPane.java
--- trunk/src/schmitzm/geotools/gui/XMapPane.java	2010-11-04 17:29:59 UTC (rev 1233)
+++ trunk/src/schmitzm/geotools/gui/XMapPane.java	2010-11-04 19:40:10 UTC (rev 1234)
@@ -1678,6 +1678,8 @@
 	protected void paintComponent(final Graphics g) {
+		setBackground(Color.blue);
 		// Maybe update the cursor and maybe stop the repainting timer

Modified: trunk/src/schmitzm/geotools/styling/StylingUtil.java
--- trunk/src/schmitzm/geotools/styling/StylingUtil.java	2010-11-04 17:29:59 UTC (rev 1233)
+++ trunk/src/schmitzm/geotools/styling/StylingUtil.java	2010-11-04 19:40:10 UTC (rev 1234)
@@ -3037,6 +3037,7 @@
 			final PropertyName literalLabelField1,
 			final PropertyName literalLabelField2) {
 		if (literalLabelField2 != null
+				&& !literalLabelField2.getPropertyName().isEmpty()
 				&& !literalLabelField2.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("-")) {
 			final Literal trenner = FilterUtil.FILTER_FAC2.literal(": ");
 			final Function f3 = FilterUtil.FILTER_FAC2.function("strConcat",

Modified: trunk/src_junit/schmitzm/geotools/styling/StylingUtilTest.java
--- trunk/src_junit/schmitzm/geotools/styling/StylingUtilTest.java	2010-11-04 17:29:59 UTC (rev 1233)
+++ trunk/src_junit/schmitzm/geotools/styling/StylingUtilTest.java	2010-11-04 19:40:10 UTC (rev 1234)
@@ -7,10 +7,14 @@
 import java.awt.Rectangle;
 import java.awt.RenderingHints;
 import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.URL;
 import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
 import javax.swing.JLabel;
 import javax.swing.JPanel;
+import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
 import junit.framework.TestCase;
@@ -24,6 +28,7 @@
 import org.geotools.styling.RasterSymbolizer;
 import org.geotools.styling.Style;
 import org.geotools.styling.StyleBuilder;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;
 import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType;
@@ -122,18 +127,18 @@
 		assertEquals("3.0", colorMapEntries[1].getQuantity().toString());
 		assertEquals("4.0", colorMapEntries[2].getQuantity().toString());
-//	@Test
-//	@Ignore
-//	public void testParseColormapToSld() throws IOException, TransformerException {
-//		URL colormapUrl = StylingUtilTest.class.getResource("gdaloutput.txt");
-//		assertNotNull(colormapUrl);
-//		ColorMap cm = StylingUtil.parseColormapToSld(colormapUrl);
-//		assertEquals(256, cm.getColorMapEntries().length);
-//		RasterSymbolizer createRasterSymbolizer = StylingUtil.STYLE_BUILDER.createRasterSymbolizer(cm, 1.0);
-//		Style style = StylingUtil.STYLE_BUILDER.createStyle(createRasterSymbolizer);
-//		StylingUtil.saveStyleToSLD(style, new File("/home/stefan/Desktop/colors.sld"));
-//	}
+	@Test
+	@Ignore
+	public void testParseColormapToSld() throws IOException, TransformerException {
+		URL colormapUrl = StylingUtilTest.class.getResource("gdaloutput.txt");
+		assertNotNull(colormapUrl);
+		ColorMap cm = StylingUtil.parseColormapToSld(colormapUrl);
+		assertEquals(256, cm.getColorMapEntries().length);
+		RasterSymbolizer createRasterSymbolizer = StylingUtil.STYLE_BUILDER.createRasterSymbolizer(cm, 1.0);
+		Style style = StylingUtil.STYLE_BUILDER.createStyle(createRasterSymbolizer);
+		StylingUtil.saveStyleToSld(style, new File("/home/stefan/Desktop/colors.sld"));
+	}

Modified: trunk/src_junit/schmitzm/geotools/styling/gdaloutput.txt
--- trunk/src_junit/schmitzm/geotools/styling/gdaloutput.txt	2010-11-04 17:29:59 UTC (rev 1233)
+++ trunk/src_junit/schmitzm/geotools/styling/gdaloutput.txt	2010-11-04 19:40:10 UTC (rev 1234)
@@ -1,291 +1,274 @@
 Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
-Files: satbild.tif
-Size is 9128, 10474
-Coordinate System is:
-    GEOGCS["Merchich",
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-    PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",33.3],
-    PARAMETER["central_meridian",-5.4],
-    PARAMETER["false_easting",500000],
-    PARAMETER["false_northing",300000],
-    UNIT["metre",1,
-        AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]]]
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-Pixel Size = (25.000000000000000,-25.000000000000000)
+Files: satrgb_wgs84.tif
+Size is 4420, 3793
+Coordinate System is `'
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+Pixel Size = (0.000522620000000,-0.000522688900000)
 Image Structure Metadata:
 Corner Coordinates:
-Upper Left  (  273706.832,  158065.021) (  7d47'42.46"W, 31d59'46.61"N)
-Lower Left  (  273706.832, -103784.979) (  7d43'59.43"W, 29d38'10.99"N)
-Upper Right (  501906.832,  158065.021) (  5d22'47.33"W, 32d 1'10.93"N)
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-Center      (  387806.832,   27140.021) (  6d34'19.44"W, 30d50'0.08"N)
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+Lower Right ( 108.0931198,  13.4566818) 
+Center      ( 106.9381296,  14.4479613) 
+Band 1 Block=256x256 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Palette
+  Overviews: 2210x1897, 1105x949, 553x475
   Color Table (RGB with 256 entries)
-    0: 80,56,52,255
-    1: 60,88,104,255
-    2: 172,208,136,255
-    3: 248,104,100,255
-    4: 32,48,76,255
-    5: 152,196,228,255
-    6: 76,40,92,255
-    7: 16,84,76,255
-    8: 144,116,112,255
-    9: 72,80,92,255
-   10: 248,248,232,255
-   11: 120,72,88,255
-   12: 36,132,120,255
-   13: 184,188,220,255
-   14: 144,176,164,255
-   15: 164,168,156,255
-   16: 56,48,96,255
-   17: 128,132,128,255
-   18: 136,152,136,255
-   19: 48,12,28,255
-   20: 124,144,152,255
-   21: 152,124,136,255
-   22: 88,80,120,255
-   23: 104,24,24,255
-   24: 96,96,76,255
-   25: 4,0,20,255
-   26: 48,64,76,255
-   27: 104,128,140,255
-   28: 152,132,168,255
-   29: 12,32,20,255
-   30: 96,56,92,255
-   31: 136,144,136,255
-   32: 32,92,120,255
-   33: 40,124,196,255
-   34: 208,204,200,255
-   35: 140,116,48,255
-   36: 76,68,120,255
-   37: 248,200,228,255
-   38: 28,92,112,255
-   39: 200,132,52,255
-   40: 120,132,128,255
-   41: 56,40,20,255
-   42: 224,200,168,255
-   43: 104,32,68,255
-   44: 0,0,4,255
-   45: 80,80,76,255
-   46: 152,172,184,255
-   47: 140,68,136,255
-   48: 80,16,20,255
-   49: 72,100,112,255
-   50: 56,56,60,255
-   51: 232,212,232,255
-   52: 176,140,156,255
-   53: 216,232,200,255
-   54: 200,196,52,255
-   55: 96,112,136,255
-   56: 104,112,108,255
-   57: 60,72,88,255
-   58: 88,52,92,255
-   59: 60,80,96,255
-   60: 4,12,32,255
-   61: 104,136,136,255
-   62: 104,124,152,255
-   63: 128,116,136,255
-   64: 164,20,40,255
-   65: 56,48,24,255
-   66: 56,72,76,255
-   67: 104,76,104,255
-   68: 128,92,32,255
-   69: 76,88,92,255
-   70: 60,80,104,255
-   71: 84,120,136,255
-   72: 148,76,40,255
-   73: 188,200,204,255
-   74: 96,76,112,255
-   75: 80,64,60,255
-   76: 212,236,224,255
-   77: 140,156,152,255
-   78: 108,128,128,255
-   79: 48,24,76,255
-   80: 20,48,60,255
-   81: 124,180,160,255
-   82: 108,120,128,255
-   83: 184,184,156,255
-   84: 136,116,112,255
-   85: 108,144,192,255
-   86: 140,156,160,255
-   87: 164,176,164,255
-   88: 232,244,248,255
-   89: 112,68,92,255
-   90: 8,0,4,255
-   91: 184,208,232,255
-   92: 80,24,64,255
-   93: 104,80,76,255
-   94: 124,144,136,255
-   95: 76,88,104,255
-   96: 48,32,20,255
-   97: 136,128,116,255
-   98: 144,124,136,255
-   99: 20,12,8,255
-  100: 208,144,168,255
-  101: 20,36,88,255
-  102: 20,40,24,255
-  103: 24,12,44,255
-  104: 104,112,120,255
-  105: 152,160,168,255
-  106: 56,72,96,255
-  107: 104,136,48,255
-  108: 120,116,136,255
-  109: 164,148,136,255
-  110: 152,220,192,255
-  111: 24,92,104,255
-  112: 124,116,52,255
-  113: 24,92,96,255
-  114: 248,248,116,255
-  115: 184,188,172,255
-  116: 152,128,160,255
-  117: 212,188,184,255
-  118: 76,68,112,255
-  119: 96,128,136,255
-  120: 128,64,132,255
-  121: 76,100,120,255
-  122: 200,160,136,255
-  123: 20,56,76,255
-  124: 56,48,60,255
-  125: 88,80,112,255
-  126: 224,244,248,255
-  127: 80,72,76,255
-  128: 144,168,164,255
-  129: 120,124,152,255
-  130: 96,72,104,255
-  131: 20,72,24,255
-  132: 76,56,104,255
-  133: 80,84,24,255
-  134: 128,36,40,255
-  135: 12,24,76,255
-  136: 96,120,136,255
-  137: 48,196,200,255
-  138: 248,228,100,255
-  139: 24,88,88,255
-  140: 152,128,152,255
-  141: 188,236,232,255
-  142: 84,112,136,255
-  143: 136,164,52,255
-  144: 188,224,172,255
-  145: 104,68,92,255
-  146: 124,152,196,255
-  147: 104,64,24,255
-  148: 64,92,112,255
-  149: 16,12,44,255
-  150: 4,16,20,255
-  151: 80,80,92,255
-  152: 228,204,200,255
-  153: 104,92,32,255
-  154: 60,64,76,255
-  155: 200,132,116,255
-  156: 176,188,216,255
-  157: 20,40,128,255
-  158: 136,124,136,255
-  159: 196,116,48,255
-  160: 152,184,216,255
-  161: 44,132,56,255
-  162: 148,144,136,255
-  163: 84,136,120,255
-  164: 216,20,40,255
-  165: 12,32,56,255
-  166: 80,64,76,255
-  167: 212,140,156,255
-  168: 88,76,104,255
-  169: 80,48,20,255
-  170: 232,244,228,255
-  171: 36,140,136,255
-  172: 120,76,136,255
-  173: 92,124,192,255
-  174: 96,96,92,255
-  175: 112,128,140,255
-  176: 56,80,24,255
-  177: 124,144,196,255
-  178: 56,56,76,255
-  179: 76,72,92,255
-  180: 164,168,172,255
-  181: 160,156,160,255
-  182: 224,228,168,255
-  183: 208,148,136,255
-  184: 80,100,112,255
-  185: 20,40,60,255
-  186: 208,208,232,255
-  187: 56,44,88,255
-  188: 152,172,220,255
-  189: 128,132,140,255
-  190: 4,16,4,255
-  191: 48,12,8,255
-  192: 60,100,104,255
-  193: 232,232,232,255
-  194: 88,96,92,255
-  195: 220,188,172,255
-  196: 124,116,116,255
-  197: 112,76,144,255
-  198: 56,40,56,255
-  199: 136,172,116,255
-  200: 104,72,68,255
-  201: 80,88,60,255
-  202: 128,92,76,255
-  203: 40,84,76,255
-  204: 108,120,140,255
-  205: 104,140,108,255
-  206: 108,200,200,255
-  207: 120,132,140,255
-  208: 160,156,152,255
-  209: 76,100,104,255
-  210: 60,96,96,255
-  211: 188,228,204,255
-  212: 208,148,212,255
-  213: 136,180,136,255
-  214: 248,248,240,255
-  215: 108,112,136,255
-  216: 104,76,148,255
-  217: 152,216,164,255
-  218: 52,48,76,255
-  219: 80,56,72,255
-  220: 212,236,244,255
-  221: 4,12,52,255
-  222: 20,80,60,255
-  223: 56,52,128,255
-  224: 116,124,200,255
-  225: 220,184,156,255
-  226: 196,116,112,255
-  227: 76,100,92,255
-  228: 84,148,136,255
-  229: 108,96,76,255
-  230: 96,84,152,255
-  231: 48,32,56,255
-  232: 200,124,136,255
-  233: 60,92,88,255
-  234: 152,136,208,255
-  235: 236,232,200,255
-  236: 88,80,160,255
-  237: 104,144,120,255
-  238: 80,96,76,255
-  239: 48,12,52,255
-  240: 56,92,76,255
-  241: 200,196,116,255
-  242: 124,204,212,255
-  243: 216,188,220,255
-  244: 76,76,160,255
-  245: 104,164,136,255
-  246: 56,84,60,255
-  247: 200,76,40,255
-  248: 152,228,228,255
-  249: 32,92,160,255
-  250: 216,208,136,255
-  251: 196,68,132,255
-  252: 248,248,0,255
-  253: 248,240,228,255
-  254: 240,244,248,255
-  255: 248,248,248,255
+    0: 88,76,72,255
+    1: 72,56,28,255
+    2: 96,124,120,255
+    3: 176,164,124,255
+    4: 116,120,44,255
+    5: 144,160,136,255
+    6: 112,128,92,255
+    7: 88,84,28,255
+    8: 184,164,132,255
+    9: 132,160,116,255
+   10: 96,136,84,255
+   11: 204,164,68,255
+   12: 52,64,80,255
+   13: 104,104,76,255
+   14: 76,64,72,255
+   15: 48,96,72,255
+   16: 112,136,100,255
+   17: 216,184,164,255
+   18: 88,128,100,255
+   19: 144,112,120,255
+   20: 88,104,100,255
+   21: 132,108,128,255
+   22: 72,88,64,255
+   23: 128,132,112,255
+   24: 96,80,72,255
+   25: 44,104,32,255
+   26: 212,168,160,255
+   27: 144,148,112,255
+   28: 88,136,100,255
+   29: 136,144,136,255
+   30: 168,160,148,255
+   31: 112,160,144,255
+   32: 104,104,88,255
+   33: 88,104,72,255
+   34: 96,128,112,255
+   35: 112,116,112,255
+   36: 112,112,88,255
+   37: 128,120,100,255
+   38: 56,96,80,255
+   39: 116,144,100,255
+   40: 176,164,168,255
+   41: 160,176,168,255
+   42: 128,144,116,255
+   43: 120,136,120,255
+   44: 136,128,44,255
+   45: 152,152,136,255
+   46: 220,184,132,255
+   47: 148,192,48,255
+   48: 132,144,100,255
+   49: 120,88,44,255
+   50: 168,184,164,255
+   51: 152,168,144,255
+   52: 40,64,72,255
+   53: 60,112,80,255
+   54: 112,128,112,255
+   55: 136,144,128,255
+   56: 144,160,144,255
+   57: 76,64,64,255
+   58: 116,136,44,255
+   59: 112,204,124,255
+   60: 104,84,76,255
+   61: 112,136,112,255
+   62: 112,120,96,255
+   63: 128,132,120,255
+   64: 168,168,168,255
+   65: 128,148,136,255
+   66: 96,128,40,255
+   67: 220,224,184,255
+   68: 116,128,44,255
+   69: 160,204,64,255
+   70: 152,120,120,255
+   71: 96,176,36,255
+   72: 96,120,36,255
+   73: 104,112,96,255
+   74: 160,168,160,255
+   75: 168,160,168,255
+   76: 196,136,136,255
+   77: 96,104,80,255
+   78: 104,128,96,255
+   79: 88,96,80,255
+   80: 112,128,104,255
+   81: 160,128,120,255
+   82: 176,176,168,255
+   83: 176,184,164,255
+   84: 72,96,64,255
+   85: 96,112,96,255
+   86: 96,120,88,255
+   87: 136,128,100,255
+   88: 112,168,124,255
+   89: 132,96,112,255
+   90: 104,160,124,255
+   91: 52,104,80,255
+   92: 104,80,96,255
+   93: 168,176,168,255
+   94: 96,120,96,255
+   95: 104,84,32,255
+   96: 96,84,32,255
+   97: 56,112,72,255
+   98: 104,84,120,255
+   99: 136,152,136,255
+  100: 96,104,88,255
+  101: 132,136,128,255
+  102: 152,112,160,255
+  103: 184,216,132,255
+  104: 132,100,120,255
+  105: 148,144,60,255
+  106: 56,120,104,255
+  107: 52,104,72,255
+  108: 168,164,124,255
+  109: 80,96,80,255
+  110: 184,212,164,255
+  111: 116,168,160,255
+  112: 176,184,196,255
+  113: 76,96,28,255
+  114: 172,176,132,255
+  115: 144,152,136,255
+  116: 128,128,48,255
+  117: 96,116,112,255
+  118: 152,160,120,255
+  119: 220,188,212,255
+  120: 112,88,96,255
+  121: 36,56,64,255
+  122: 96,80,80,255
+  123: 128,152,116,255
+  124: 100,144,120,255
+  125: 28,48,28,255
+  126: 120,96,100,255
+  127: 112,120,104,255
+  128: 176,164,148,255
+  129: 88,68,92,255
+  130: 120,136,112,255
+  131: 88,120,100,255
+  132: 132,188,44,255
+  133: 120,212,176,255
+  134: 100,136,100,255
+  135: 200,148,60,255
+  136: 88,120,88,255
+  137: 88,96,72,255
+  138: 104,112,88,255
+  139: 144,136,120,255
+  140: 36,96,32,255
+  141: 120,136,100,255
+  142: 128,148,128,255
+  143: 76,88,72,255
+  144: 80,104,80,255
+  145: 176,168,160,255
+  146: 116,124,120,255
+  147: 216,176,132,255
+  148: 152,160,144,255
+  149: 168,168,160,255
+  150: 152,160,152,255
+  151: 96,128,100,255
+  152: 104,120,96,255
+  153: 72,96,72,255
+  154: 168,160,160,255
+  155: 96,76,96,255
+  156: 104,84,112,255
+  157: 88,104,88,255
+  158: 120,148,120,255
+  159: 220,216,176,255
+  160: 112,84,40,255
+  161: 144,116,164,255
+  162: 128,132,100,255
+  163: 96,128,88,255
+  164: 120,128,92,255
+  165: 152,148,120,255
+  166: 152,168,124,255
+  167: 116,120,84,255
+  168: 160,168,152,255
+  169: 152,152,168,255
+  170: 88,104,80,255
+  171: 88,84,64,255
+  172: 172,220,164,255
+  173: 120,128,112,255
+  174: 80,96,64,255
+  175: 60,112,116,255
+  176: 160,168,144,255
+  177: 136,132,120,255
+  178: 160,160,152,255
+  179: 176,168,196,255
+  180: 132,160,132,255
+  181: 96,112,88,255
+  182: 116,188,44,255
+  183: 96,108,72,255
+  184: 96,120,80,255
+  185: 88,112,88,255
+  186: 104,104,100,255
+  187: 168,168,148,255
+  188: 148,196,100,255
+  189: 136,152,128,255
+  190: 80,104,72,255
+  191: 172,216,132,255
+  192: 80,88,64,255
+  193: 168,176,160,255
+  194: 80,96,72,255
+  195: 176,220,200,255
+  196: 96,144,112,255
+  197: 184,128,48,255
+  198: 96,120,104,255
+  199: 104,128,104,255
+  200: 112,112,100,255
+  201: 104,92,172,255
+  202: 136,132,112,255
+  203: 144,148,124,255
+  204: 152,168,168,255
+  205: 104,112,76,255
+  206: 160,160,144,255
+  207: 144,152,160,255
+  208: 136,148,116,255
+  209: 132,196,100,255
+  210: 96,104,100,255
+  211: 72,88,28,255
+  212: 156,160,136,255
+  213: 120,128,104,255
+  214: 88,112,80,255
+  215: 120,116,112,255
+  216: 124,160,180,255
+  217: 160,168,180,255
+  218: 64,104,124,255
+  219: 96,176,84,255
+  220: 168,168,196,255
+  221: 220,220,164,255
+  222: 220,164,132,255
+  223: 104,120,88,255
+  224: 88,96,96,255
+  225: 120,120,100,255
+  226: 96,112,80,255
+  227: 104,112,104,255
+  228: 184,128,100,255
+  229: 132,108,164,255
+  230: 204,128,120,255
+  231: 60,96,128,255
+  232: 88,112,72,255
+  233: 116,148,112,255
+  234: 156,160,180,255
+  235: 48,156,32,255
+  236: 212,168,196,255
+  237: 104,120,104,255
+  238: 96,112,104,255
+  239: 116,188,100,255
+  240: 152,212,124,255
+  241: 52,60,124,255
+  242: 132,148,164,255
+  243: 220,220,132,255
+  244: 88,112,100,255
+  245: 104,144,156,255
+  246: 96,184,100,255
+  247: 160,216,176,255
+  248: 180,84,52,255
+  249: 192,132,180,255
+  250: 0,0,0,255
+  251: 0,0,16,255
+  252: 20,0,12,255
+  253: 208,212,64,255
+  254: 52,172,120,255
+  255: 220,224,220,255

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