[Skencil-commits] r716 - in skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions: Filter Modules Pax

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Wed Sep 22 14:44:41 CEST 2010

Author: igor_n
Date: 2010-09-22 14:44:40 +0200 (Wed, 22 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 716

build scripts for Automake are removed

Deleted: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Filter/Makefile.pre.in
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Filter/Makefile.pre.in	2010-09-22 12:42:14 UTC (rev 715)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Filter/Makefile.pre.in	2010-09-22 12:44:40 UTC (rev 716)
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-# Universal Unix Makefile for Python extensions
-# =============================================
-# Short Instructions
-# ------------------
-# 1. Build and install Python (1.5 or newer).
-# 2. "make -f Makefile.pre.in boot"
-# 3. "make"
-# You should now have a shared library.
-# Long Instructions
-# -----------------
-# Build *and install* the basic Python 1.5 distribution.  See the
-# Python README for instructions.  (This version of Makefile.pre.in
-# only withs with Python 1.5, alpha 3 or newer.)
-# Create a file Setup.in for your extension.  This file follows the
-# format of the Modules/Setup.in file; see the instructions there.
-# For a simple module called "spam" on file "spammodule.c", it can
-# contain a single line:
-#   spam spammodule.c
-# You can build as many modules as you want in the same directory --
-# just have a separate line for each of them in the Setup.in file.
-# If you want to build your extension as a shared library, insert a
-# line containing just the string
-#   *shared*
-# at the top of your Setup.in file.
-# Note that the build process copies Setup.in to Setup, and then works
-# with Setup.  It doesn't overwrite Setup when Setup.in is changed, so
-# while you're in the process of debugging your Setup.in file, you may
-# want to edit Setup instead, and copy it back to Setup.in later.
-# (All this is done so you can distribute your extension easily and
-# someone else can select the modules they actually want to build by
-# commenting out lines in the Setup file, without editing the
-# original.  Editing Setup is also used to specify nonstandard
-# locations for include or library files.)
-# Copy this file (Misc/Makefile.pre.in) to the directory containing
-# your extension.
-# Run "make -f Makefile.pre.in boot".  This creates Makefile
-# (producing Makefile.pre and sedscript as intermediate files) and
-# config.c, incorporating the values for sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix
-# and sys.version from the installed Python binary.  For this to work,
-# the python binary must be on your path.  If this fails, try
-#   make -f Makefile.pre.in Makefile VERSION=1.5 installdir=<prefix>
-# where <prefix> is the prefix used to install Python for installdir
-# (and possibly similar for exec_installdir=<exec_prefix>).
-# Note: "make boot" implies "make clobber" -- it assumes that when you
-# bootstrap you may have changed platforms so it removes all previous
-# output files.
-# If you are building your extension as a shared library (your
-# Setup.in file starts with *shared*), run "make" or "make sharedmods"
-# to build the shared library files.  If you are building a statically
-# linked Python binary (the only solution of your platform doesn't
-# support shared libraries, and sometimes handy if you want to
-# distribute or install the resulting Python binary), run "make
-# python".
-# Note: Each time you edit Makefile.pre.in or Setup, you must run
-# "make Makefile" before running "make".
-# Hint: if you want to use VPATH, you can start in an empty
-# subdirectory and say (e.g.):
-#   make -f ../Makefile.pre.in boot srcdir=.. VPATH=..
-# === Bootstrap variables (edited through "make boot") ===
-# The prefix used by "make inclinstall libainstall" of core python
-installdir=	/usr/local
-# The exec_prefix used by the same
-# Source directory and VPATH in case you want to use VPATH.
-# (You will have to edit these two lines yourself -- there is no
-# automatic support as the Makefile is not generated by
-# config.status.)
-srcdir=		.
-VPATH=		.
-# === Variables that you may want to customize (rarely) ===
-# (Static) build target
-TARGET=		python
-# Installed python binary (used only by boot target)
-PYTHON=		python
-# Add more -I and -D options here
-# These two variables can be set in Setup to merge extensions.
-# See example[23].
-# === Variables set by makesetup ===
-# === Definitions added by makesetup ===
-# === Variables from configure (through sedscript) ===
-CC=		@CC@
-OPT=		@OPT@
-SO=		@SO@
-# Install prefix for architecture-independent files
-prefix=		/usr/local
-# Install prefix for architecture-dependent files
-exec_prefix=	$(prefix)
-# === Fixed definitions ===
-# Shell used by make (some versions default to the login shell, which is bad)
-SHELL=		/bin/sh
-# Expanded directories
-BINDIR=		$(exec_installdir)/bin
-LIBDIR=		$(exec_prefix)/lib
-MANDIR=		$(installdir)/man
-INCLUDEDIR=	$(installdir)/include
-SCRIPTDIR=	$(prefix)/lib
-# Detailed destination directories
-EXECINCLUDEPY=	$(exec_installdir)/include/python$(VERSION)
-LIBP=		$(exec_installdir)/lib/python$(VERSION)
-DESTSHARED=	$(BINLIBDEST)/site-packages
-LIBPL=		$(LIBP)/config
-MAKESETUP=	$(LIBPL)/makesetup
-MAKEFILE=	$(LIBPL)/Makefile
-CONFIGC=	$(LIBPL)/config.c
-CONFIGCIN=	$(LIBPL)/config.c.in
-SETUP=		$(LIBPL)/Setup
-ADDOBJS=	$(LIBPL)/python.o config.o
-# Portable install script (configure doesn't always guess right)
-INSTALL=	$(LIBPL)/install-sh -c
-# Shared libraries must be installed with executable mode on some systems;
-# rather than figuring out exactly which, we always give them executable mode.
-# Also, making them read-only seems to be a good idea...
-# === Fixed rules ===
-# Default target.  This builds shared libraries only
-default:	sharedmods
-# Build everything
-all:		static sharedmods
-# Build shared libraries from our extension modules
-sharedmods:	$(SHAREDMODS)
-# Build a static Python binary containing our extension modules
-static:		$(TARGET)
-$(TARGET):	$(ADDOBJS) lib.a $(PYTHONLIBS) Makefile $(BASELIB)
-		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(ADDOBJS) lib.a $(PYTHONLIBS) \
-		 -o $(TARGET)
-install:	sharedmods
-		if test ! -d $(DESTSHARED) ; then \
-			mkdir $(DESTSHARED) ; else true ; fi
-		-for i in X $(SHAREDMODS); do \
-			if test $$i != X; \
-			then $(INSTALL_SHARED) $$i $(DESTSHARED)/$$i; \
-			fi; \
-		done
-# Build the library containing our extension modules
-lib.a:		$(MODOBJS)
-		-rm -f lib.a
-		ar cr lib.a $(MODOBJS)
-		-$(RANLIB) lib.a 
-# This runs makesetup *twice* to use the BASESETUP definition from Setup
-config.c Makefile:	Makefile.pre Setup $(BASESETUP) $(MAKESETUP)
-		 -m Makefile.pre -c $(CONFIGCIN) Setup -n $(BASESETUP) $(SETUP)
-		$(MAKE) -f Makefile do-it-again
-# Internal target to run makesetup for the second time
-		 -m Makefile.pre -c $(CONFIGCIN) Setup -n $(BASESETUP) $(SETUP)
-# Make config.o from the config.c created by makesetup
-config.o:	config.c
-		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c config.c
-# Setup is copied from Setup.in *only* if it doesn't yet exist
-		cp $(srcdir)/Setup.in Setup
-# Make the intermediate Makefile.pre from Makefile.pre.in
-Makefile.pre: Makefile.pre.in sedscript
-		sed -f sedscript $(srcdir)/Makefile.pre.in >Makefile.pre
-# Shortcuts to make the sed arguments on one line
-H=Generated automatically from Makefile.pre.in by sedscript.
-# Make the sed script used to create Makefile.pre from Makefile.pre.in
-sedscript:	$(MAKEFILE)
-	sed -n \
-	 -e '1s/.*/1i\\/p' \
-	 -e '2s%.*%# $H%p' \
-	 -e '/^VERSION=/s/^VERSION=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@VERSION[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^CC=/s/^CC=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@CC[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^CCC=/s/^CCC=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%#@SET_CCC[@]%CCC=\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LINKCC=/s/^LINKCC=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LINKCC[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^OPT=/s/^OPT=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@OPT[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LDFLAGS=/s/^LDFLAGS=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LDFLAGS[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^DEFS=/s/^DEFS=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@DEFS[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LIBS=/s/^LIBS=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LIBS[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LIBM=/s/^LIBM=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LIBM[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LIBC=/s/^LIBC=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LIBC[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^RANLIB=/s/^RANLIB=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@RANLIB[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^MACHDEP=/s/^MACHDEP=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@MACHDEP[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^SO=/s/^SO=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@SO[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LDSHARED=/s/^LDSHARED=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LDSHARED[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^CCSHARED=/s/^CCSHARED=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@CCSHARED[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^$L=/s/^$L=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@$L[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^$P=/s/^$P=\(.*\)/s%^$P=.*%$P=\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^$E=/s/^$E=\(.*\)/s%^$E=.*%$E=\1%/p' \
-	 $(MAKEFILE) >sedscript
-	echo "/^#@SET_CCC@/d" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^installdir=/s%=.*%=	$(installdir)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^exec_installdir=/s%=.*%=$(exec_installdir)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^srcdir=/s%=.*%=		$(srcdir)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^VPATH=/s%=.*%=		$(VPATH)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^LINKPATH=/s%=.*%=	$(LINKPATH)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^BASELIB=/s%=.*%=	$(BASELIB)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^BASESETUP=/s%=.*%=	$(BASESETUP)%" >>sedscript
-# Bootstrap target
-boot:	clobber
-	VERSION=`$(PYTHON) -c "import sys; print sys.version[:3]"`; \
-	installdir=`$(PYTHON) -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"`; \
-	exec_installdir=`$(PYTHON) -c "import sys; print sys.exec_prefix"`; \
-	$(MAKE) -f $(srcdir)/Makefile.pre.in VPATH=$(VPATH) srcdir=$(srcdir) \
-		installdir=$$installdir \
-		exec_installdir=$$exec_installdir \
-		Makefile
-# Handy target to remove intermediate files and backups
-		-rm -f *.o *~
-# Handy target to remove everything that is easily regenerated
-clobber:	clean
-		-rm -f *.a tags TAGS config.c Makefile.pre $(TARGET) sedscript
-		-rm -f *.so *.sl so_locations
-# Handy target to remove everything you don't want to distribute
-distclean:	clobber
-		-rm -f Makefile Setup

Deleted: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Filter/Setup.in
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Filter/Setup.in	2010-09-22 12:42:14 UTC (rev 715)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Filter/Setup.in	2010-09-22 12:44:40 UTC (rev 716)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# full functionality
-#streamfilter streamfilter.c filterobj.c nullfilter.c linefilter.c subfilefilter.c stringfilter.c hexfilter.c base64filter.c ascii85filter.c zlibfilter.c binfile.c  -DALL_FILTERS -lz
-# minimal functionality for Sketch:
-streamfilter streamfilter.c filterobj.c linefilter.c subfilefilter.c base64filter.c nullfilter.c stringfilter.c binfile.c hexfilter.c

Deleted: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Modules/Makefile.pre.in
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Modules/Makefile.pre.in	2010-09-22 12:42:14 UTC (rev 715)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Modules/Makefile.pre.in	2010-09-22 12:44:40 UTC (rev 716)
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-# Universal Unix Makefile for Python extensions
-# =============================================
-# Short Instructions
-# ------------------
-# 1. Build and install Python (1.5 or newer).
-# 2. "make -f Makefile.pre.in boot"
-# 3. "make"
-# You should now have a shared library.
-# Long Instructions
-# -----------------
-# Build *and install* the basic Python 1.5 distribution.  See the
-# Python README for instructions.  (This version of Makefile.pre.in
-# only withs with Python 1.5, alpha 3 or newer.)
-# Create a file Setup.in for your extension.  This file follows the
-# format of the Modules/Setup.in file; see the instructions there.
-# For a simple module called "spam" on file "spammodule.c", it can
-# contain a single line:
-#   spam spammodule.c
-# You can build as many modules as you want in the same directory --
-# just have a separate line for each of them in the Setup.in file.
-# If you want to build your extension as a shared library, insert a
-# line containing just the string
-#   *shared*
-# at the top of your Setup.in file.
-# Note that the build process copies Setup.in to Setup, and then works
-# with Setup.  It doesn't overwrite Setup when Setup.in is changed, so
-# while you're in the process of debugging your Setup.in file, you may
-# want to edit Setup instead, and copy it back to Setup.in later.
-# (All this is done so you can distribute your extension easily and
-# someone else can select the modules they actually want to build by
-# commenting out lines in the Setup file, without editing the
-# original.  Editing Setup is also used to specify nonstandard
-# locations for include or library files.)
-# Copy this file (Misc/Makefile.pre.in) to the directory containing
-# your extension.
-# Run "make -f Makefile.pre.in boot".  This creates Makefile
-# (producing Makefile.pre and sedscript as intermediate files) and
-# config.c, incorporating the values for sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix
-# and sys.version from the installed Python binary.  For this to work,
-# the python binary must be on your path.  If this fails, try
-#   make -f Makefile.pre.in Makefile VERSION=1.5 installdir=<prefix>
-# where <prefix> is the prefix used to install Python for installdir
-# (and possibly similar for exec_installdir=<exec_prefix>).
-# Note: "make boot" implies "make clobber" -- it assumes that when you
-# bootstrap you may have changed platforms so it removes all previous
-# output files.
-# If you are building your extension as a shared library (your
-# Setup.in file starts with *shared*), run "make" or "make sharedmods"
-# to build the shared library files.  If you are building a statically
-# linked Python binary (the only solution of your platform doesn't
-# support shared libraries, and sometimes handy if you want to
-# distribute or install the resulting Python binary), run "make
-# python".
-# Note: Each time you edit Makefile.pre.in or Setup, you must run
-# "make Makefile" before running "make".
-# Hint: if you want to use VPATH, you can start in an empty
-# subdirectory and say (e.g.):
-#   make -f ../Makefile.pre.in boot srcdir=.. VPATH=..
-# === Bootstrap variables (edited through "make boot") ===
-# The prefix used by "make inclinstall libainstall" of core python
-installdir=	/usr/local
-# The exec_prefix used by the same
-# Source directory and VPATH in case you want to use VPATH.
-# (You will have to edit these two lines yourself -- there is no
-# automatic support as the Makefile is not generated by
-# config.status.)
-srcdir=		.
-VPATH=		.
-# === Variables that you may want to customize (rarely) ===
-# (Static) build target
-TARGET=		python
-# Installed python binary (used only by boot target)
-PYTHON=		python
-# Add more -I and -D options here
-# These two variables can be set in Setup to merge extensions.
-# See example[23].
-# === Variables set by makesetup ===
-# === Definitions added by makesetup ===
-# === Variables from configure (through sedscript) ===
-CC=		@CC@
-OPT=		@OPT@
-SO=		@SO@
-# Install prefix for architecture-independent files
-prefix=		/usr/local
-# Install prefix for architecture-dependent files
-exec_prefix=	$(prefix)
-# === Fixed definitions ===
-# Shell used by make (some versions default to the login shell, which is bad)
-SHELL=		/bin/sh
-# Expanded directories
-BINDIR=		$(exec_installdir)/bin
-LIBDIR=		$(exec_prefix)/lib
-MANDIR=		$(installdir)/man
-INCLUDEDIR=	$(installdir)/include
-SCRIPTDIR=	$(prefix)/lib
-# Detailed destination directories
-EXECINCLUDEPY=	$(exec_installdir)/include/python$(VERSION)
-LIBP=		$(exec_installdir)/lib/python$(VERSION)
-DESTSHARED=	$(BINLIBDEST)/site-packages
-LIBPL=		$(LIBP)/config
-MAKESETUP=	$(LIBPL)/makesetup
-MAKEFILE=	$(LIBPL)/Makefile
-CONFIGC=	$(LIBPL)/config.c
-CONFIGCIN=	$(LIBPL)/config.c.in
-SETUP=		$(LIBPL)/Setup
-ADDOBJS=	$(LIBPL)/python.o config.o
-# Portable install script (configure doesn't always guess right)
-INSTALL=	$(LIBPL)/install-sh -c
-# Shared libraries must be installed with executable mode on some systems;
-# rather than figuring out exactly which, we always give them executable mode.
-# Also, making them read-only seems to be a good idea...
-# === Fixed rules ===
-# Default target.  This builds shared libraries only
-default:	sharedmods
-# Build everything
-all:		static sharedmods
-# Build shared libraries from our extension modules
-sharedmods:	$(SHAREDMODS)
-# Build a static Python binary containing our extension modules
-static:		$(TARGET)
-$(TARGET):	$(ADDOBJS) lib.a $(PYTHONLIBS) Makefile $(BASELIB)
-		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(ADDOBJS) lib.a $(PYTHONLIBS) \
-		 -o $(TARGET)
-install:	sharedmods
-		if test ! -d $(DESTSHARED) ; then \
-			mkdir $(DESTSHARED) ; else true ; fi
-		-for i in X $(SHAREDMODS); do \
-			if test $$i != X; \
-			then $(INSTALL_SHARED) $$i $(DESTSHARED)/$$i; \
-			fi; \
-		done
-# Build the library containing our extension modules
-lib.a:		$(MODOBJS)
-		-rm -f lib.a
-		ar cr lib.a $(MODOBJS)
-		-$(RANLIB) lib.a 
-# This runs makesetup *twice* to use the BASESETUP definition from Setup
-config.c Makefile:	Makefile.pre Setup $(BASESETUP) $(MAKESETUP)
-		 -m Makefile.pre -c $(CONFIGCIN) Setup -n $(BASESETUP) $(SETUP)
-		$(MAKE) -f Makefile do-it-again
-# Internal target to run makesetup for the second time
-		 -m Makefile.pre -c $(CONFIGCIN) Setup -n $(BASESETUP) $(SETUP)
-# Make config.o from the config.c created by makesetup
-config.o:	config.c
-		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c config.c
-# Setup is copied from Setup.in *only* if it doesn't yet exist
-		cp $(srcdir)/Setup.in Setup
-# Make the intermediate Makefile.pre from Makefile.pre.in
-Makefile.pre: Makefile.pre.in sedscript
-		sed -f sedscript $(srcdir)/Makefile.pre.in >Makefile.pre
-# Shortcuts to make the sed arguments on one line
-H=Generated automatically from Makefile.pre.in by sedscript.
-# Make the sed script used to create Makefile.pre from Makefile.pre.in
-sedscript:	$(MAKEFILE)
-	sed -n \
-	 -e '1s/.*/1i\\/p' \
-	 -e '2s%.*%# $H%p' \
-	 -e '/^VERSION=/s/^VERSION=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@VERSION[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^CC=/s/^CC=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@CC[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^CCC=/s/^CCC=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%#@SET_CCC[@]%CCC=\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LINKCC=/s/^LINKCC=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LINKCC[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^OPT=/s/^OPT=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@OPT[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LDFLAGS=/s/^LDFLAGS=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LDFLAGS[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^DEFS=/s/^DEFS=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@DEFS[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LIBS=/s/^LIBS=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LIBS[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LIBM=/s/^LIBM=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LIBM[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LIBC=/s/^LIBC=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LIBC[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^RANLIB=/s/^RANLIB=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@RANLIB[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^MACHDEP=/s/^MACHDEP=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@MACHDEP[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^SO=/s/^SO=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@SO[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LDSHARED=/s/^LDSHARED=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LDSHARED[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^CCSHARED=/s/^CCSHARED=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@CCSHARED[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^$L=/s/^$L=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@$L[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^$P=/s/^$P=\(.*\)/s%^$P=.*%$P=\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^$E=/s/^$E=\(.*\)/s%^$E=.*%$E=\1%/p' \
-	 $(MAKEFILE) >sedscript
-	echo "/^#@SET_CCC@/d" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^installdir=/s%=.*%=	$(installdir)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^exec_installdir=/s%=.*%=$(exec_installdir)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^srcdir=/s%=.*%=		$(srcdir)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^VPATH=/s%=.*%=		$(VPATH)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^LINKPATH=/s%=.*%=	$(LINKPATH)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^BASELIB=/s%=.*%=	$(BASELIB)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^BASESETUP=/s%=.*%=	$(BASESETUP)%" >>sedscript
-# Bootstrap target
-boot:	clobber
-	VERSION=`$(PYTHON) -c "import sys; print sys.version[:3]"`; \
-	installdir=`$(PYTHON) -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"`; \
-	exec_installdir=`$(PYTHON) -c "import sys; print sys.exec_prefix"`; \
-	$(MAKE) -f $(srcdir)/Makefile.pre.in VPATH=$(VPATH) srcdir=$(srcdir) \
-		installdir=$$installdir \
-		exec_installdir=$$exec_installdir \
-		Makefile
-# Handy target to remove intermediate files and backups
-		-rm -f *.o *~
-# Handy target to remove everything that is easily regenerated
-clobber:	clean
-		-rm -f *.a tags TAGS config.c Makefile.pre $(TARGET) sedscript
-		-rm -f *.so *.sl so_locations
-# Handy target to remove everything you don't want to distribute
-distclean:	clobber
-		-rm -f Makefile Setup

Deleted: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Modules/Setup.config
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Modules/Setup.config	2010-09-22 12:42:14 UTC (rev 715)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Modules/Setup.config	2010-09-22 12:44:40 UTC (rev 716)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# -*- makefile -*- 
-# Configuration file for the Sketch specific C-modules. 
-# This file is used by the setup.py script to automatically configure
-# Sketch. For manual configuration, use Setup.in.
-# Directory where the Pax header files can be found
-PAX_DIR = ../../Pax
-# Directory where the streamfilter header files can be found
-FILTER_DIR = ../../Filter
-_sketchmodule _sketchmodule.c \
-	skpoint.c sktrafo.c skrect.c skfm.c \
-	curvefunc.c curveobject.c curvelow.c curvemisc.c curvedraw.c \
-	skaux.c skimage.c skcolor.c skdither.c  \
-	-I$(PAX_DIR) \
- at sketch:imaging-include@ @_tkinter:inc_dirs,lib_dirs@  -lX11 -lm
-_type1module _type1module.c 
-skreadmodule skreadmodule.c
-pstokenize pstokenize.c -I$(FILTER_DIR)

Deleted: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Modules/Setup.in
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Modules/Setup.in	2010-09-22 12:42:14 UTC (rev 715)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Modules/Setup.in	2010-09-22 12:44:40 UTC (rev 716)
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# -*- makefile -*- 
-# Configuration file for the Sketch specific C-modules. This file works
-# just like the Setup file in Python's Modules directory. If you edit
-# anything save it as `Setup'.
-# Note: leave the backslashes ('\') intact.
-# Directory where the Pax header files can be found
-PAX_DIR = ../../Pax
-# Directory where the streamfilter header files can be found
-FILTER_DIR = ../../Filter
-_sketchmodule _sketchmodule.c \
-	skpoint.c sktrafo.c skrect.c skfm.c \
-	curvefunc.c curveobject.c curvelow.c curvemisc.c curvedraw.c \
-	skaux.c skimage.c skcolor.c skdither.c  \
-	-I$(PAX_DIR) \
-# *** Edit to reflect where the file Imaging.h of the Imaging library is:
--I/home/tester/Python-1.5.1/Imaging-0.3b2/libImaging/  \
-# *** X libraries (should be correct for Linux)
--L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lm
-_type1module _type1module.c 
-skreadmodule skreadmodule.c
-pstokenize pstokenize.c -I$(FILTER_DIR)

Deleted: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Pax/Makefile.pre.in
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Pax/Makefile.pre.in	2010-09-22 12:42:14 UTC (rev 715)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Pax/Makefile.pre.in	2010-09-22 12:44:40 UTC (rev 716)
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-# Universal Unix Makefile for Python extensions
-# =============================================
-# Short Instructions
-# ------------------
-# 1. Build and install Python (1.5 or newer).
-# 2. "make -f Makefile.pre.in boot"
-# 3. "make"
-# You should now have a shared library.
-# Long Instructions
-# -----------------
-# Build *and install* the basic Python 1.5 distribution.  See the
-# Python README for instructions.  (This version of Makefile.pre.in
-# only withs with Python 1.5, alpha 3 or newer.)
-# Create a file Setup.in for your extension.  This file follows the
-# format of the Modules/Setup.in file; see the instructions there.
-# For a simple module called "spam" on file "spammodule.c", it can
-# contain a single line:
-#   spam spammodule.c
-# You can build as many modules as you want in the same directory --
-# just have a separate line for each of them in the Setup.in file.
-# If you want to build your extension as a shared library, insert a
-# line containing just the string
-#   *shared*
-# at the top of your Setup.in file.
-# Note that the build process copies Setup.in to Setup, and then works
-# with Setup.  It doesn't overwrite Setup when Setup.in is changed, so
-# while you're in the process of debugging your Setup.in file, you may
-# want to edit Setup instead, and copy it back to Setup.in later.
-# (All this is done so you can distribute your extension easily and
-# someone else can select the modules they actually want to build by
-# commenting out lines in the Setup file, without editing the
-# original.  Editing Setup is also used to specify nonstandard
-# locations for include or library files.)
-# Copy this file (Misc/Makefile.pre.in) to the directory containing
-# your extension.
-# Run "make -f Makefile.pre.in boot".  This creates Makefile
-# (producing Makefile.pre and sedscript as intermediate files) and
-# config.c, incorporating the values for sys.prefix, sys.exec_prefix
-# and sys.version from the installed Python binary.  For this to work,
-# the python binary must be on your path.  If this fails, try
-#   make -f Makefile.pre.in Makefile VERSION=1.5 installdir=<prefix>
-# where <prefix> is the prefix used to install Python for installdir
-# (and possibly similar for exec_installdir=<exec_prefix>).
-# Note: "make boot" implies "make clobber" -- it assumes that when you
-# bootstrap you may have changed platforms so it removes all previous
-# output files.
-# If you are building your extension as a shared library (your
-# Setup.in file starts with *shared*), run "make" or "make sharedmods"
-# to build the shared library files.  If you are building a statically
-# linked Python binary (the only solution of your platform doesn't
-# support shared libraries, and sometimes handy if you want to
-# distribute or install the resulting Python binary), run "make
-# python".
-# Note: Each time you edit Makefile.pre.in or Setup, you must run
-# "make Makefile" before running "make".
-# Hint: if you want to use VPATH, you can start in an empty
-# subdirectory and say (e.g.):
-#   make -f ../Makefile.pre.in boot srcdir=.. VPATH=..
-# === Bootstrap variables (edited through "make boot") ===
-# The prefix used by "make inclinstall libainstall" of core python
-installdir=	/usr/local
-# The exec_prefix used by the same
-# Source directory and VPATH in case you want to use VPATH.
-# (You will have to edit these two lines yourself -- there is no
-# automatic support as the Makefile is not generated by
-# config.status.)
-srcdir=		.
-VPATH=		.
-# === Variables that you may want to customize (rarely) ===
-# (Static) build target
-TARGET=		python
-# Installed python binary (used only by boot target)
-PYTHON=		python
-# Add more -I and -D options here
-# These two variables can be set in Setup to merge extensions.
-# See example[23].
-# === Variables set by makesetup ===
-# === Definitions added by makesetup ===
-# === Variables from configure (through sedscript) ===
-CC=		@CC@
-OPT=		@OPT@
-SO=		@SO@
-# Install prefix for architecture-independent files
-prefix=		/usr/local
-# Install prefix for architecture-dependent files
-exec_prefix=	$(prefix)
-# === Fixed definitions ===
-# Shell used by make (some versions default to the login shell, which is bad)
-SHELL=		/bin/sh
-# Expanded directories
-BINDIR=		$(exec_installdir)/bin
-LIBDIR=		$(exec_prefix)/lib
-MANDIR=		$(installdir)/man
-INCLUDEDIR=	$(installdir)/include
-SCRIPTDIR=	$(prefix)/lib
-# Detailed destination directories
-EXECINCLUDEPY=	$(exec_installdir)/include/python$(VERSION)
-LIBP=		$(exec_installdir)/lib/python$(VERSION)
-DESTSHARED=	$(BINLIBDEST)/site-packages
-LIBPL=		$(LIBP)/config
-MAKESETUP=	$(LIBPL)/makesetup
-MAKEFILE=	$(LIBPL)/Makefile
-CONFIGC=	$(LIBPL)/config.c
-CONFIGCIN=	$(LIBPL)/config.c.in
-SETUP=		$(LIBPL)/Setup
-ADDOBJS=	$(LIBPL)/python.o config.o
-# Portable install script (configure doesn't always guess right)
-INSTALL=	$(LIBPL)/install-sh -c
-# Shared libraries must be installed with executable mode on some systems;
-# rather than figuring out exactly which, we always give them executable mode.
-# Also, making them read-only seems to be a good idea...
-# === Fixed rules ===
-# Default target.  This builds shared libraries only
-default:	sharedmods
-# Build everything
-all:		static sharedmods
-# Build shared libraries from our extension modules
-sharedmods:	$(SHAREDMODS)
-# Build a static Python binary containing our extension modules
-static:		$(TARGET)
-$(TARGET):	$(ADDOBJS) lib.a $(PYTHONLIBS) Makefile $(BASELIB)
-		$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(ADDOBJS) lib.a $(PYTHONLIBS) \
-		 -o $(TARGET)
-install:	sharedmods
-		if test ! -d $(DESTSHARED) ; then \
-			mkdir $(DESTSHARED) ; else true ; fi
-		-for i in X $(SHAREDMODS); do \
-			if test $$i != X; \
-			then $(INSTALL_SHARED) $$i $(DESTSHARED)/$$i; \
-			fi; \
-		done
-# Build the library containing our extension modules
-lib.a:		$(MODOBJS)
-		-rm -f lib.a
-		ar cr lib.a $(MODOBJS)
-		-$(RANLIB) lib.a 
-# This runs makesetup *twice* to use the BASESETUP definition from Setup
-config.c Makefile:	Makefile.pre Setup $(BASESETUP) $(MAKESETUP)
-		 -m Makefile.pre -c $(CONFIGCIN) Setup -n $(BASESETUP) $(SETUP)
-		$(MAKE) -f Makefile do-it-again
-# Internal target to run makesetup for the second time
-		 -m Makefile.pre -c $(CONFIGCIN) Setup -n $(BASESETUP) $(SETUP)
-# Make config.o from the config.c created by makesetup
-config.o:	config.c
-		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c config.c
-# Setup is copied from Setup.in *only* if it doesn't yet exist
-		cp $(srcdir)/Setup.in Setup
-# Make the intermediate Makefile.pre from Makefile.pre.in
-Makefile.pre: Makefile.pre.in sedscript
-		sed -f sedscript $(srcdir)/Makefile.pre.in >Makefile.pre
-# Shortcuts to make the sed arguments on one line
-H=Generated automatically from Makefile.pre.in by sedscript.
-# Make the sed script used to create Makefile.pre from Makefile.pre.in
-sedscript:	$(MAKEFILE)
-	sed -n \
-	 -e '1s/.*/1i\\/p' \
-	 -e '2s%.*%# $H%p' \
-	 -e '/^VERSION=/s/^VERSION=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@VERSION[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^CC=/s/^CC=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@CC[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^CCC=/s/^CCC=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%#@SET_CCC[@]%CCC=\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LINKCC=/s/^LINKCC=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LINKCC[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^OPT=/s/^OPT=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@OPT[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LDFLAGS=/s/^LDFLAGS=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LDFLAGS[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^DEFS=/s/^DEFS=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@DEFS[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LIBS=/s/^LIBS=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LIBS[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LIBM=/s/^LIBM=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LIBM[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LIBC=/s/^LIBC=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LIBC[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^RANLIB=/s/^RANLIB=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@RANLIB[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^MACHDEP=/s/^MACHDEP=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@MACHDEP[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^SO=/s/^SO=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@SO[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^LDSHARED=/s/^LDSHARED=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@LDSHARED[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^CCSHARED=/s/^CCSHARED=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@CCSHARED[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^$L=/s/^$L=[ 	]*\(.*\)/s%@$L[@]%\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^$P=/s/^$P=\(.*\)/s%^$P=.*%$P=\1%/p' \
-	 -e '/^$E=/s/^$E=\(.*\)/s%^$E=.*%$E=\1%/p' \
-	 $(MAKEFILE) >sedscript
-	echo "/^#@SET_CCC@/d" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^installdir=/s%=.*%=	$(installdir)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^exec_installdir=/s%=.*%=$(exec_installdir)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^srcdir=/s%=.*%=		$(srcdir)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^VPATH=/s%=.*%=		$(VPATH)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^LINKPATH=/s%=.*%=	$(LINKPATH)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^BASELIB=/s%=.*%=	$(BASELIB)%" >>sedscript
-	echo "/^BASESETUP=/s%=.*%=	$(BASESETUP)%" >>sedscript
-# Bootstrap target
-boot:	clobber
-	VERSION=`$(PYTHON) -c "import sys; print sys.version[:3]"`; \
-	installdir=`$(PYTHON) -c "import sys; print sys.prefix"`; \
-	exec_installdir=`$(PYTHON) -c "import sys; print sys.exec_prefix"`; \
-	$(MAKE) -f $(srcdir)/Makefile.pre.in VPATH=$(VPATH) srcdir=$(srcdir) \
-		installdir=$$installdir \
-		exec_installdir=$$exec_installdir \
-		Makefile
-# Handy target to remove intermediate files and backups
-		-rm -f *.o *~
-# Handy target to remove everything that is easily regenerated
-clobber:	clean
-		-rm -f *.a tags TAGS config.c Makefile.pre $(TARGET) sedscript
-		-rm -f *.so *.sl so_locations
-# Handy target to remove everything you don't want to distribute
-distclean:	clobber
-		-rm -f Makefile Setup

Deleted: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Pax/Setup.config
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Pax/Setup.config	2010-09-22 12:42:14 UTC (rev 715)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Pax/Setup.config	2010-09-22 12:44:40 UTC (rev 716)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# -*- makefile -*-
-# Configuration file for the Pax module. 
-# This file is used by the setup.py script to automatically configure
-# Sketch. For manual configuration, use Setup.in.
-paxmodule paxmodule.c tkwinobject.c gcobject.c cmapobject.c \
-	pixmapobject.c regionobject.c fontobject.c imageobject.c \
-	borderobject.c clipmask.c paxutil.c \
-	@pax:XSHM@ \
-	@_tkinter:inc_dirs,lib_dirs,libraries@ -lXext
-paxtkinter paxtkinter.c @_tkinter:inc_dirs,lib_dirs,libraries@
- at intl:files@
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Pax/Setup.in
--- skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Pax/Setup.in	2010-09-22 12:42:14 UTC (rev 715)
+++ skencil/branches/skencil-0.6/src/extensions/Pax/Setup.in	2010-09-22 12:44:40 UTC (rev 716)
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# -*- makefile -*-
-# Configuration file for the Pax module. This file works just like the
-# Setup file in Python's Modules directory. If you edit anything save it
-# as `Setup'.
-# Note: leave the backslashes ('\') intact.
-paxmodule paxmodule.c tkwinobject.c gcobject.c cmapobject.c \
-	pixmapobject.c regionobject.c fontobject.c imageobject.c \
-	borderobject.c clipmask.c paxutil.c \
-# *** Uncomment if you don't want to use shared memory images
-# *** Uncomment and edit to reflect where your X11 header files are:
-#	-I/usr/X11/include \
-# *** Uncomment and edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk headers are:
-#	-I/usr/local/include \
-# *** Uncomment and edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk libraries are:
-#	-L/usr/local/lib \
-# *** Uncomment and edit to reflect your Tcl/Tk versions:
-	-ltk8.0 -ltcl8.0 \
-# *** Uncomment and edit to reflect where your X11 libraries are:
-	-L/usr/X11R6/lib \
-# *** Always uncomment this; X11 libraries to link with:
-	-lX11 -lXext
-paxtkinter paxtkinter.c \
-# *** Uncomment and edit to reflect where your X11 header files are:
-#	-I/usr/X11/include \
-# *** Uncomment and edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk headers are:
-#	-I/usr/local/include \
-# *** Uncomment and edit to reflect where your Tcl/Tk libraries are:
-#	-L/usr/local/lib \
-# *** Uncomment and edit to reflect your Tcl/Tk versions:
-	-ltk8.0 -ltcl8.0 \
-# *** Uncomment and edit to reflect where your X11 libraries are:
-	-L/usr/X11R6/lib \
-# *** Always uncomment this; X11 libraries to link with:
-	-lX11

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