[Skencil-users] installing on Mac Intel, now a segfault problem

W. Craig Carter ccarter at mit.edu
Wed Aug 30 01:14:11 CEST 2006

Hello All,
I just posted a message either on this list 
or perhaps it was "sketch-users" about not 
being able to load the Image module in PIL. I 
solved this by getting libjpeg and zlib via 
fink and then compiling PIL myself.

I recompiled and installed skencil after the 
PIL build.

However, now I get a segfault when I run 
skencil and a pop-up message saying that 
python unexpectantly quit.

It looks like there is a python2.3 in both 
/Libary and in /sw (one a native Mac, the 
other is installed via fink)  There is a PIL 
in both directories.  I believe that skencil 
is getting the find-installed python, but I 
am not positive about this.

Thanks for any help--I'll post a clean 
solution when I can get one.


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