[Winpt-commits] r70 - trunk/Gnupg

scm-commit at wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Sat Nov 5 13:30:53 CET 2005

Author: twoaday
Date: 2005-11-05 13:30:53 +0100 (Sat, 05 Nov 2005)
New Revision: 70

Forgot to delete rndw32.c file.

Modified: trunk/Gnupg/ChangeLog
--- trunk/Gnupg/ChangeLog	2005-11-05 12:28:12 UTC (rev 69)
+++ trunk/Gnupg/ChangeLog	2005-11-05 12:30:53 UTC (rev 70)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2005-11-05  Timo Schulz  <ts at g10code.com>
+	* rndw32.c: Removed.
 2005-11-02  Timo Schulz  <ts at g10code.com>
 	* random.c: Removed.

Modified: trunk/Gnupg/Makefile.am
--- trunk/Gnupg/Makefile.am	2005-11-05 12:28:12 UTC (rev 69)
+++ trunk/Gnupg/Makefile.am	2005-11-05 12:30:53 UTC (rev 70)
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 	packet.h \
 	parse-packet.c \
 	rmd160.c \
-	rndw32.c \
 	sha1.c \

Deleted: trunk/Gnupg/rndw32.c
--- trunk/Gnupg/rndw32.c	2005-11-05 12:28:12 UTC (rev 69)
+++ trunk/Gnupg/rndw32.c	2005-11-05 12:30:53 UTC (rev 70)
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-/* rndw32.c  -	W32 entropy gatherer
- *	Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *	Copyright Peter Gutmann, Matt Thomlinson and Blake Coverett 1996-1999
- *
- * This file is part of Libgcrypt.
- *
- * Libgcrypt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Libgcrypt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
- *
- *************************************************************************
- * The code here is based on code from Cryptlib 3.0 beta by Peter Gutmann.
- * Source file misc/rndwin32.c "Win32 Randomness-Gathering Code" with this
- * copyright notice:
- *
- * This module is part of the cryptlib continuously seeded pseudorandom
- * number generator.  For usage conditions, see lib_rand.c
- *
- * [Here is the notice from lib_rand.c, which is now called dev_sys.c]
- *
- * This module and the misc/rnd*.c modules represent the cryptlib
- * continuously seeded pseudorandom number generator (CSPRNG) as described in
- * my 1998 Usenix Security Symposium paper "The generation of random numbers
- * for cryptographic purposes".
- *
- * The CSPRNG code is copyright Peter Gutmann (and various others) 1996,
- * 1997, 1998, 1999, all rights reserved.  Redistribution of the CSPRNG
- * modules and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
- * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice
- *    and this permission notice in its entirety.
- *
- * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the copyright notice in
- *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- * 3. A copy of any bugfixes or enhancements made must be provided to the
- *    author, <pgut001 at cs.auckland.ac.nz> to allow them to be added to the
- *    baseline version of the code.
- *
- * ALTERNATIVELY, the code may be distributed under the terms of the GNU
- * General Public License, version 2 or any later version published by the
- * Free Software Foundation, in which case the provisions of the GNU GPL are
- * required INSTEAD OF the above restrictions.
- *
- * Although not required under the terms of the GPL, it would still be nice if
- * you could make any changes available to the author to allow a consistent
- * code base to be maintained
- *************************************************************************
- * Heavily modified by Timo Schulz to fit into WinPT, 2001.
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <tlhelp32.h>
-#include <winioctl.h>
-/* Type definitions for function pointers to call Toolhelp32 functions
- * used with the windows95 gatherer */
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI * MODULEWALK) (HANDLE hSnapshot, MODULEENTRY32 *lpme);
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI * THREADWALK) (HANDLE hSnapshot, THREADENTRY32 *lpte);
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI * HEAPLISTWALK) (HANDLE hSnapshot, HEAPLIST32 *lphl);
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI * HEAPFIRST) (HEAPENTRY32 *lphe, DWORD th32ProcessID,
-				   DWORD th32HeapID);
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI * HEAPNEXT) (HEAPENTRY32 *lphe);
-/* Type definitions for function pointers to call NetAPI32 functions */
-					   DWORD dwLevel, DWORD dwOptions,
-					   LPBYTE * lpBuffer);
-/* When we query the performance counters, we allocate an initial buffer and
- * then reallocate it as required until RegQueryValueEx() stops returning
- * ERROR_MORE_DATA.  The following values define the initial buffer size and
- * step size by which the buffer is increased
- */
-#define PERFORMANCE_BUFFER_SIZE 	65536	/* Start at 64K */
-#define PERFORMANCE_BUFFER_STEP 	16384	/* Step by 16K */
-static void
-random_w32_err( const char *format, ... )
-    char log[8192];
-    va_list arg_ptr;
-    va_start( arg_ptr, format );	
-    _vsnprintf( log, sizeof log-1, format, arg_ptr );
-    MessageBox( NULL, log, "Crypto RNG", MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK );
-    va_end( arg_ptr );
-} /* log_box */
-static void
-slow_gatherer_windows95( void (*add)(const void*, size_t, int), int requester )
-    static CREATESNAPSHOT pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot = NULL;
-    static MODULEWALK pModule32First = NULL;
-    static MODULEWALK pModule32Next = NULL;
-    static PROCESSWALK pProcess32First = NULL;
-    static PROCESSWALK pProcess32Next = NULL;
-    static THREADWALK pThread32First = NULL;
-    static THREADWALK pThread32Next = NULL;
-    static HEAPLISTWALK pHeap32ListFirst = NULL;
-    static HEAPLISTWALK pHeap32ListNext = NULL;
-    static HEAPFIRST pHeap32First = NULL;
-    static HEAPNEXT pHeap32Next = NULL;
-    HANDLE hSnapshot;
-    /* initialize the Toolhelp32 function pointers */
-    if ( !pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot ) {
-	HANDLE hKernel;
-	/* Obtain the module handle of the kernel to retrieve the addresses
-	 * of the Toolhelp32 functions */
-	if ( ( !(hKernel = GetModuleHandle ("KERNEL32.DLL"))) ) {
-	    random_w32_err( "rndw32: can't get module handle" );
-            return;
-	}
-	/* Now get pointers to the functions */
-	pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot = (CREATESNAPSHOT) GetProcAddress (hKernel,
-                                                                     "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot");
-	pModule32First = (MODULEWALK) GetProcAddress (hKernel, "Module32First");
-	pModule32Next = (MODULEWALK) GetProcAddress (hKernel, "Module32Next");
-	pProcess32First = (PROCESSWALK) GetProcAddress (hKernel,
-							"Process32First");
-	pProcess32Next = (PROCESSWALK) GetProcAddress (hKernel,
-						       "Process32Next");
-	pThread32First = (THREADWALK) GetProcAddress (hKernel, "Thread32First");
-	pThread32Next = (THREADWALK) GetProcAddress (hKernel, "Thread32Next");
-	pHeap32ListFirst = (HEAPLISTWALK) GetProcAddress (hKernel,
-							  "Heap32ListFirst");
-	pHeap32ListNext = (HEAPLISTWALK) GetProcAddress (hKernel,
-							 "Heap32ListNext");
-	pHeap32First = (HEAPFIRST) GetProcAddress (hKernel, "Heap32First");
-	pHeap32Next = (HEAPNEXT) GetProcAddress (hKernel, "Heap32Next");
-	if (	!pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot
-                || !pModule32First || !pModule32Next
-                || !pProcess32First || !pProcess32Next
-                || !pThread32First  || !pThread32Next
-                || !pHeap32ListFirst || !pHeap32ListNext
-                || !pHeap32First	  || !pHeap32Next  ) {
-	    random_w32_err( "rndw32: failed to get a toolhep function" );
-            return;
-	}
-    }
-    /* Take a snapshot of everything we can get to which is currently
-     *	in the system */
-    if ( !(hSnapshot = pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0)) ) {
-	random_w32_err( "rndw32: failed to take a toolhelp snapshot" );
-	return;
-    }
-    /* Walk through the local heap */
-    {	HEAPLIST32 hl32;
-    hl32.dwSize = sizeof (HEAPLIST32);
-    if (pHeap32ListFirst (hSnapshot, &hl32)) {
-        do {
-            HEAPENTRY32 he32;
-            /* First add the information from the basic Heaplist32 struct */
-            (*add) ( &hl32, sizeof (hl32), requester );
-            /* Now walk through the heap blocks getting information
-             * on each of them */
-            he32.dwSize = sizeof (HEAPENTRY32);
-            if (pHeap32First (&he32, hl32.th32ProcessID, hl32.th32HeapID)){
-                do {
-                    (*add) ( &he32, sizeof (he32), requester );
-                } while (pHeap32Next (&he32));
-            }
-        } while (pHeap32ListNext (hSnapshot, &hl32));
-    }
-    }
-    /* Walk through all processes */
-    {	PROCESSENTRY32 pe32;
-    pe32.dwSize = sizeof (PROCESSENTRY32);
-    if (pProcess32First (hSnapshot, &pe32)) {
-        do {
-            (*add) ( &pe32, sizeof (pe32), requester );
-        } while (pProcess32Next (hSnapshot, &pe32));
-    }
-    }
-    /* Walk through all threads */
-    {	THREADENTRY32 te32;
-    te32.dwSize = sizeof (THREADENTRY32);
-    if (pThread32First (hSnapshot, &te32)) {	    
-        do {
-            (*add) ( &te32, sizeof (te32), requester );
-        } while (pThread32Next (hSnapshot, &te32));
-    }
-    }
-    /* Walk through all modules associated with the process */
-    {	MODULEENTRY32 me32;
-    me32.dwSize = sizeof (MODULEENTRY32);
-    if (pModule32First (hSnapshot, &me32)) {
-        do {
-            (*add) ( &me32, sizeof (me32), requester );
-        } while (pModule32Next (hSnapshot, &me32));
-    }
-    }
-    CloseHandle (hSnapshot);
-static void
-slow_gatherer_windowsNT( void (*add)(const void*, size_t, int), int requester )
-    static int is_initialized = 0;
-    static NETSTATISTICSGET pNetStatisticsGet = NULL;
-    static NETAPIBUFFERSIZE pNetApiBufferSize = NULL;
-    static NETAPIBUFFERFREE pNetApiBufferFree = NULL;
-    static int is_workstation = 1;
-    static int diskperf_warning = 0;
-    static int cbPerfData = PERFORMANCE_BUFFER_SIZE;
-    PERF_DATA_BLOCK *pPerfData;
-    HANDLE hDevice, hNetAPI32 = NULL;
-    DWORD dwSize, status;
-    int nDrive;
-    if ( !is_initialized ) {
-	HKEY hKey;
-	/* Find out whether this is an NT server or workstation if necessary */
-			  "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions",
-			  0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-	    BYTE szValue[32];
-	    dwSize = sizeof (szValue);
-	    status = RegQueryValueEx (hKey, "ProductType", 0, NULL,
-				      szValue, &dwSize);
-	    if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS && stricmp (szValue, "WinNT")) {
-		/* Note: There are (at least) three cases for ProductType:
-		 * WinNT = NT Workstation, ServerNT = NT Server, LanmanNT =
-		 * NT Server acting as a Domain Controller */
-		is_workstation = 0;		
-	    }
-	    RegCloseKey (hKey);
-	}
-	/* Initialize the NetAPI32 function pointers if necessary */
-	if ( (hNetAPI32 = LoadLibrary ("NETAPI32.DLL")) ) {	    
-	    pNetStatisticsGet = (NETSTATISTICSGET) GetProcAddress (hNetAPI32,
-                                                                   "NetStatisticsGet");
-	    pNetApiBufferSize = (NETAPIBUFFERSIZE) GetProcAddress (hNetAPI32,
-                                                                   "NetApiBufferSize");
-	    pNetApiBufferFree = (NETAPIBUFFERFREE) GetProcAddress (hNetAPI32,
-                                                                   "NetApiBufferFree");
-	    if ( !pNetStatisticsGet
-		 || !pNetApiBufferSize || !pNetApiBufferFree ) {
-		FreeLibrary (hNetAPI32);
-		hNetAPI32 = NULL;
-	    }
-	}
-	is_initialized = 1;
-    }
-    /* Get network statistics.	Note: Both NT Workstation and NT Server by
-     * default will be running both the workstation and server services.  The
-     * heuristic below is probably useful though on the assumption that the
-     * majority of the network traffic will be via the appropriate service.
-     * In any case the network statistics return almost no randomness */
-    {	LPBYTE lpBuffer;
-    if (hNetAPI32 && !pNetStatisticsGet (NULL,
-                                         is_workstation ? L"LanmanWorkstation" :
-                                         L"LanmanServer", 0, 0, &lpBuffer) ) {	    
-        pNetApiBufferSize (lpBuffer, &dwSize);
-        (*add) ( lpBuffer, dwSize,requester );
-        pNetApiBufferFree (lpBuffer);
-    }
-    }
-    /* Get disk I/O statistics for all the hard drives */
-    for (nDrive = 0;; nDrive++) {
-	DISK_PERFORMANCE diskPerformance;
-	char szDevice[50];
-	/* Check whether we can access this device */
-	sprintf (szDevice, "\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive%d", nDrive);
-	hDevice = CreateFile (szDevice, 0, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
-			      NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
-	if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
-	    break;
-	/* Note: This only works if you have turned on the disk performance
-	 * counters with 'diskperf -y'.  These counters are off by default */
-	if (DeviceIoControl (hDevice, IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE, NULL, 0,
-			     &diskPerformance, sizeof (DISK_PERFORMANCE),
-			     &dwSize, NULL))
-	{	    
-	    (*add) ( &diskPerformance, dwSize, requester );
-	}
-	CloseHandle (hDevice);
-    }  
-    /* Get information from the system performance counters.  This can take
-     * a few seconds to do.  In some environments the call to
-     * RegQueryValueEx() can produce an access violation at some random time
-     * in the future, adding a short delay after the following code block
-     * makes the problem go away.  This problem is extremely difficult to
-     * reproduce, I haven't been able to get it to occur despite running it
-     * on a number of machines.  The best explanation for the problem is that
-     * on the machine where it did occur, it was caused by an external driver
-     * or other program which adds its own values under the
-     * HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA key.  The NT kernel calls the required external
-     * modules to map in the data, if there's a synchronisation problem the
-     * external module would write its data at an inappropriate moment,
-     * causing the access violation.  A low-level memory checker indicated
-     * that ExpandEnvironmentStrings() in KERNEL32.DLL, called an
-     * interminable number of calls down inside RegQueryValueEx(), was
-     * overwriting memory (it wrote twice the allocated size of a buffer to a
-     * buffer allocated by the NT kernel).  This may be what's causing the
-     * problem, but since it's in the kernel there isn't much which can be
-     * done.
-     *
-     * In addition to these problems the code in RegQueryValueEx() which
-     * estimates the amount of memory required to return the performance
-     * counter information isn't very accurate, since it always returns a
-     * worst-case estimate which is usually nowhere near the actual amount
-     * required.  For example it may report that 128K of memory is required,
-     * but only return 64K of data */
-    {	pPerfData =  malloc (cbPerfData);
-    for (;;) {
-        dwSize = cbPerfData;	    
-        status = RegQueryValueEx (HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, "Global", NULL,
-                                  NULL, (LPBYTE) pPerfData, &dwSize);
-        if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
-            if (!memcmp (pPerfData->Signature, L"PERF", 8)) {
-                (*add) ( pPerfData, dwSize, requester );
-            }		
-            break;
-        }
-        else if (status == ERROR_MORE_DATA) {
-            cbPerfData += PERFORMANCE_BUFFER_STEP;
-            pPerfData = realloc (pPerfData, cbPerfData);
-        }
-        else {
-            random_w32_err ( "rndw32: get performance data problem");
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    free (pPerfData);
-    }
-    /* Although this isn't documented in the Win32 API docs, it's necessary
-       to explicitly close the HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA key after use (it's
-       implicitly opened on the first call to RegQueryValueEx()).  If this
-       isn't done then any system components which provide performance data
-       can't be removed or changed while the handle remains active */
-gather_random( void (*add)(const void*, size_t, int), int requester,
-					  size_t length, int level )
-    static int is_initialized;
-    static int is_windows95;
-    if( !level )
-	return 0;
-    /* We don't differentiate between level 1 and 2 here because
-     * there is no nternal entropy pool as a scary resource.  It may
-     * all work slower, but because our entropy source will never
-     * block but deliver some not easy to measure entropy, we assume level 2
-     */
-    if ( !is_initialized ) {
-	OSVERSIONINFO osvi = { sizeof( osvi ) };
-	DWORD platform;
-	GetVersionEx( &osvi );
-	platform = osvi.dwPlatformId;
-	is_windows95 = platform == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS;
-	if ( platform == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s ) {
-	    random_w32_err("can't run on a W32s platform" );
-            return 0;
-	}
-	is_initialized = 1;	
-    }    
-    if (is_windows95 ) {
-	slow_gatherer_windows95( add, requester );
-    }
-    else {
-	slow_gatherer_windowsNT( add, requester );
-    }
-    return 0;
-gather_random_fast( void (*add)(const void*, size_t, int), int requester )
-    static int addedFixedItems = 0;    
-    /* Get various basic pieces of system information: Handle of active
-     * window, handle of window with mouse capture, handle of clipboard owner
-     * handle of start of clpboard viewer list, pseudohandle of current
-     * process, current process ID, pseudohandle of current thread, current
-     * thread ID, handle of desktop window, handle  of window with keyboard
-     * focus, whether system queue has any events, cursor position for last
-     * message, 1 ms time for last message, handle of window with clipboard
-     * open, handle of process heap, handle of procs window station, types of
-     * events in input queue, and milliseconds since Windows was started */
-    {	BYTE buffer[20*sizeof(DWORD)], *bufptr;
-	bufptr = buffer;
-      #define ADD(f)  do { DWORD along = (DWORD)(f);		      \
-			   memcpy (bufptr, &along, sizeof (along) );  \
-			   bufptr += sizeof (along); } while (0)
-	ADD ( GetActiveWindow ());
-	ADD ( GetCapture ());
-	ADD ( GetClipboardOwner ());
-	ADD ( GetClipboardViewer ());
-	ADD ( GetCurrentProcess ());
-	ADD ( GetCurrentProcessId ());
-	ADD ( GetCurrentThread ());
-	ADD ( GetCurrentThreadId ());
-	ADD ( GetDesktopWindow ());
-	ADD ( GetFocus ());
-	ADD ( GetInputState ());
-	ADD ( GetMessagePos ());
-	ADD ( GetMessageTime ());
-	ADD ( GetOpenClipboardWindow ());
-	ADD ( GetProcessHeap ());
-	ADD ( GetProcessWindowStation ());
-	ADD ( GetQueueStatus (QS_ALLEVENTS));
-	ADD ( GetTickCount ());
-	assert ( bufptr-buffer < sizeof (buffer) );
-	(*add) ( buffer, bufptr-buffer, requester );
-      #undef ADD
-    }
-    /* Get multiword system information: Current caret position, current
-     * mouse cursor position */
-    {	POINT point;
-	GetCaretPos (&point);
-	(*add) ( &point, sizeof (point), requester );
-	GetCursorPos (&point);
-	(*add) ( &point, sizeof (point), requester );
-    }
-    /* Get percent of memory in use, bytes of physical memory, bytes of free
-     * physical memory, bytes in paging file, free bytes in paging file, user
-     * bytes of address space, and free user bytes */
-    {	MEMORYSTATUS memoryStatus;
-	memoryStatus.dwLength = sizeof (MEMORYSTATUS);
-	GlobalMemoryStatus (&memoryStatus);
-	(*add) ( &memoryStatus, sizeof (memoryStatus), requester );
-    }
-    /* Get thread and process creation time, exit time, time in kernel mode,
-       and time in user mode in 100ns intervals */
-    {	HANDLE handle;
-	FILETIME creationTime, exitTime, kernelTime, userTime;
-	DWORD minimumWorkingSetSize, maximumWorkingSetSize;
-	handle = GetCurrentThread ();
-	GetThreadTimes (handle, &creationTime, &exitTime,
-					       &kernelTime, &userTime);
-	(*add) ( &creationTime, sizeof (creationTime), requester );
-	(*add) ( &exitTime, sizeof (exitTime), requester );
-	(*add) ( &kernelTime, sizeof (kernelTime), requester );
-	(*add) ( &userTime, sizeof (userTime), requester );
-	handle = GetCurrentProcess ();
-	GetProcessTimes (handle, &creationTime, &exitTime,
-						&kernelTime, &userTime);
-	(*add) ( &creationTime, sizeof (creationTime), requester );
-	(*add) ( &exitTime, sizeof (exitTime), requester );
-	(*add) ( &kernelTime, sizeof (kernelTime), requester );
-	(*add) ( &userTime, sizeof (userTime), requester );
-	/* Get the minimum and maximum working set size for the current process */
-	GetProcessWorkingSetSize (handle, &minimumWorkingSetSize,
-					  &maximumWorkingSetSize);
-	(*add) ( &minimumWorkingSetSize,
-				   sizeof (&minimumWorkingSetSize), requester );
-	(*add) ( &maximumWorkingSetSize,
-				   sizeof (&maximumWorkingSetSize), requester );
-    }
-    /* The following are fixed for the lifetime of the process so we only
-     * add them once */
-    if (!addedFixedItems) {
-	STARTUPINFO startupInfo;
-	/* Get name of desktop, console window title, new window position and
-	 * size, window flags, and handles for stdin, stdout, and stderr */
-	startupInfo.cb = sizeof (STARTUPINFO);
-	GetStartupInfo (&startupInfo);
-	(*add) ( &startupInfo, sizeof (STARTUPINFO), requester );
-	addedFixedItems = 1;
-    }
-    /* The performance of QPC varies depending on the architecture it's
-     * running on and on the OS.  Under NT it reads the CPU's 64-bit timestamp
-     * counter (at least on a Pentium and newer '486's, it hasn't been tested
-     * on anything without a TSC), under Win95 it reads the 1.193180 MHz PIC
-     * timer.  There are vague mumblings in the docs that it may fail if the
-     * appropriate hardware isn't available (possibly '386's or MIPS machines
-     * running NT), but who's going to run NT on a '386? */
-    {	LARGE_INTEGER performanceCount;
-	if (QueryPerformanceCounter (&performanceCount)) {	    
-	    (*add) (&performanceCount, sizeof (&performanceCount), requester);
-	}
-	else { /* Millisecond accuracy at best... */
-	    DWORD aword = GetTickCount ();
-	    (*add) (&aword, sizeof (aword), requester );
-	}
-    }
-    return 0;

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