[Winpt-commits] r333 - trunk/Src

scm-commit@wald.intevation.org scm-commit at wald.intevation.org
Tue Oct 13 12:51:23 CEST 2009

Author: twoaday
Date: 2009-10-13 12:51:21 +0200 (Tue, 13 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 333


Modified: trunk/Src/WinPT.cpp
--- trunk/Src/WinPT.cpp	2009-09-26 10:02:36 UTC (rev 332)
+++ trunk/Src/WinPT.cpp	2009-10-13 10:51:21 UTC (rev 333)
@@ -597,6 +597,14 @@
+	    rc = gnupg_import_keypair ();
+	    if (rc) {
+		msg_box (hwnd, winpt_strerror (rc), _("WinPT Error"), MB_ERR);
+		goto start;
+	    }
+	    break;
 	    rc = DialogBoxParam (glob_hinst, (LPCSTR)IDD_WINPT_CARD_KEYGEN,
 				 h, card_keygen_dlg_proc, 0);

Modified: trunk/Src/resource.h
--- trunk/Src/resource.h	2009-09-26 10:02:36 UTC (rev 332)
+++ trunk/Src/resource.h	2009-10-13 10:51:21 UTC (rev 333)
@@ -1,893 +1,896 @@
-// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
-// Used by _WinPT.rc
-#define IDS_WINPT_ABOUT                 1
-#define IDS_WINPT_ABOUTGPG              2
-#define IDS_WINPT_CLIPEDIT              3
-#define IDS_WINPT_DATE                  4
-#define IDS_WINPT_DECRYPT               5
-#define IDS_WINPT_DECRYPT_SIGN          6
-#define IDS_WINPT_ENCRYPT               7
-#define IDS_WINPT_EXPORT                8
-#define IDS_WINPT_FILE                  9
-#define IDS_WINPT_FILE_ENCRYPT          10
-#define IDS_WINPT_FILE_EXPORT           11
-#define IDS_WINPT_FILE_PREFS            12
-#define IDS_WINPT_FILE_SIGN             13
-#define IDS_WINPT_GPGOPT                14
-#define IDS_WINPT_GPGPREFS              15
-#define IDS_WINPT_GROUP                 16
-#define IDS_WINPT_HKPSEARCH             17
-#define IDS_WINPT_IMPORT                18
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYCACHE              19
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYEDIT_ADDUID        21
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYGEN                23
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYMISC               24
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYPROG               25
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYPROPS              26
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYREVOKE             27
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYSERVER             28
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYSIGN               29
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYSUB                30
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYTRUST              31
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYUID                32
-#define IDS_WINPT_OWNERTRUST            33
-#define IDS_WINPT_PASSWD                34
-#define IDS_WINPT_PREFS                 35
-#define IDS_WINPT_SIGN                  36
-#define IDS_WINPT_SIGNENC               37
-#define IDS_WINPT_TEXT                  38
-#define IDS_WINPT_VERIFY                39
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYSIG                40
-#define IDS_WINPT_SECLIST               42
-#define IDS_WINPT_FILE_STAT             43
-#define IDS_WINPT_FILE_SAVE             44
-#define IDS_WINPT_IMPORT_STAT           45
-#define IDS_WINPT_SIGCLASS              46
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEY_REVOKERS          47
-#define IDS_WINPT_FILES_SECDEL          48
-#define IDS_WINPT_SPACE_SECDEL          49
-#define IDS_WINPT_CONFDEL_CLIP          50
-#define IDI_WINPT                       101
-#define IDR_WINPT                       104
-#define IDD_WINPT_ABOUT                 105
-#define IDD_WINPT_CLIPEDIT              107
-#define IDD_WINPT_ENCRYPT               108
-#define IDD_WINPT_DECRYPT               109
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSERVER             110
-#define IDD_WINPT_SIGN                  111
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYGEN                112
-#define IDD_WINPT_EXPORT                113
-#define IDD_WINPT_SIGNENC               114
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYMISC               115
-#define IDD_WINPT_ABOUTGPG              116
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYCACHE              118
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSIGN               119
-#define IDD_WINPT_GPGPREFS              120
-#define IDD_WINPT_IMPORT                122
-#define IDD_WINPT_GPGOPT                123
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSIG                124
-#define IDD_WINPT_VERIFY                125
-#define IDD_WINPT_OWNERTRUST            126
-#define IDD_WINPT_WNDSWITCH             127
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYEDIT               128
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYEDIT_ADDUID        129
-#define IDD_WINPT_PREFS                 131
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYUID                133
-#define IDD_WINPT_HKPSEARCH             134
-#define IDD_WINPT_FILE                  135
-#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_SIGN             136
-#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_ENCRYPT          137
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYPREFS              139
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYPROPS              139
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYTRUST              140
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYREVOKE             141
-#define IDR_WINPT_KEYMISC               142
-#define IDR_WINPT_FILEMISC              148
-#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_PREFS            150
-#define IDR_WINPT_KEYMISC_CTX           152
-#define IDD_WINPT_PASSWD                153
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSUB                154
-#define IDD_WINPT_DATE                  155
-#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_EXPORT           161
-#define IDR_WINPT_FILEMISC_CTX          162
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYPROG               163
-#define IDD_WINPT_DECRYPT_SIGN          164
-#define IDR_WINPT_GROUP_CTX             165
-#define IDD_WINPT_GROUP                 166
-#define IDD_WINPT_TEXT                  167
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSERVER_PROXY       168
-#define IDD_WINPT_SECLIST               169
-#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_STAT             170
-#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_SAVE             171
-#define IDD_WINPT_IMPORT_STAT           172
-#define IDD_WINPT_FIRST                 173
-#define IDD_WINPT_SIGCLASS              174
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYREVOKERS           175
-#define IDR_WINPT_KMTB                  176
-#define IDI_FILE_ENC                    178
-#define IDI_FILE_SIG                    179
-#define IDR_WINPT_KEYSIG_CTX            181
-#define IDD_WINPT_FILES_SECDEL          182
-#define IDD_WINPT_SPACE_SECDEL          183
-#define IDD_WINPT_CONFDELCLIP           184
-#define IDD_WINPT_DATACB                185
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYEDIT_ADDREV        186
-#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_MDSUM            188
-#define IDD_WINPT_GPGCONF               190
-#define IDR_WINPT_ACCELERATOR           191
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYWIZARD             192
-#define IDR_WINPT_KEUID_CTX             193
-#define IDD_WINPT_PROGRESS              194
-#define IDD_WINPT_CARD_EDIT             195
-#define IDD_WINPT_CARD_CONFIG           196
-#define IDD_WINPT_PIN                   197
-#define IDD_WINPT_CARD_CHPIN            198
-#define IDD_WINPT_CARD_KEYGEN           199
-#define IDD_WINPT_CARD_CTRL             200
-#define IDD_WINPT_ELGWARN               201
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYEDIT_SETPREF       202
-#define IDB_WINPT_KMTB                  203
-#define IDI_KEY_DELETE                  211
-#define IDI_KEY_EXPORT                  212
-#define IDI_KEY_IMPORT                  213
-#define IDI_KEY_PROPS                   214
-#define IDI_KEY_SIGN                    215
-#define IDI_SORT_UPARROW                218
-#define IDI_SORT_DOWNARROW              219
-#define IDD_WINPT_MAIL                  220
-#define IDD_WINPT_CDISK_MOUNT           221
-#define IDD_WINPT_CDISK_UMOUNT          222
-#define IDD_WINPT_CDISK_NEW             223
-#define IDD_WINPT_HTTP                  224
-#define IDD_WINPT_SIGPROPS              225
-#define IDR_WINPT_CLIPEDIT              226
-#define IDD_FILE_PREFS                  227
-#define IDI_PUBKEY                      230
-#define IDI_KEYPAIR                     231
-#define IDI_KEY_FILE_EXPORT             232
-#define IDI_KEY_FILE_IMPORT             233
-#define IDI_KEY_SEARCH                  234
-#define IDI_KEY_NEW                     235
-#define IDI_COMPUTER                    236
-#define IDD_WINPT_INFODLG               237
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSERVER_ADD         238
-#define IDR_WINPT_KEYSERVER_CTX         239
-#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSIG_TREE           241
-#define IDI_KEY_SIG                     242
-#define IDI_USERID                      243
-#define IDD_WINPT_LANGUAGE              245
-#define IDR_WINPT_KEYEDIT               246
-#define IDD_WINPT_SHOWPHOTO             247
-#define IDI_SIG_GOOD                    248
-#define IDI_SIG_BAD                     249
-#define IDI_REV_KEYPAIR                 251
-#define IDI_EXP_KEYPAIR                 252
-#define IDI_REV_PUBKEY                  253
-#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_SEND               1000
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_CONFIRMSIGN         1000
-#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_CLEAR              1001
-#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_CLIPTEXT           1002
-#define IDC_PASSWD_QOP                  1002
-#define IDC_ENCRYPT_KEYLIST             1003
-#define IDC_PASSWD_QOPINF               1003
-#define IDC_DECRYPT_PWD                 1005
-#define IDC_KEYSERVER_LIST              1006
-#define IDC_KEYSERVER_SEND              1007
-#define IDC_KEYSERVER_SEARCH            1008
-#define IDC_SIGN_PWD                    1012
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_SUBKEYBITS           1013
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_NAME                 1014
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_COMMENT              1015
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_EMAIL                1016
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_PASSPHRASE           1017
-#define IDC_EXPORT_KEYLIST              1018
-#define IDC_SIGNENC_KEYLIST             1019
-#define IDC_SIGNENC_PWD                 1020
-#define IDC_KEYMISC_DELETE              1021
-#define IDC_KEYMISC_KEYLIST             1022
-#define IDC_KEYTRUST_TRUST              1024
-#define IDC_DECRYPT_MSG                 1028
-#define IDC_KEYMISC_SIGN                1029
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_INFOS               1031
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_PASSPHRASE          1032
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_LOCAL               1036
-#define IDC_ABOUTGPG_INFO               1037
-#define IDC_KEYCACHE_INFO               1038
-#define IDC_DECRYPT_PWDINFO             1039
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_PWDCHECK             1040
-#define IDC_WINPT_VERSION               1041
-#define IDC_SIGN_KEYLIST                1042
-#define IDC_SIGN_PWDINFO                1044
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_HOMEDIR            1045
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_EXEDIR             1046
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_SAVE               1047
-#define IDC_IMPORT_KEYLIST              1048
-#define IDC_IMPORT_DOIT                 1049
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_LOCALE             1050
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_HOMEINF            1051
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_EXEINF             1052
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_LOCALINF           1053
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_EDIT               1054
-#define IDC_GPGOPT_LOAD                 1055
-#define IDC_GPGOPT_SAVE                 1056
-#define IDC_GPGOPT_FILE                 1057
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_INFO                 1058
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_SUBKEYINF            1059
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_NAMEINF              1060
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_COMMINF              1061
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_EMAILINF             1062
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_PWDINF               1063
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_REPWDINF             1064
-#define IDC_KEYSIG_LIST                 1065
-#define IDC_KEYMISC_LISTSIG             1066
-#define IDC_KEYSIG_INFO                 1067
-#define IDC_VERIFY_SIGLIST              1069
-#define IDC_KEYSERVER_INFO              1070
-#define IDC_KEYTRUST_ADVANCED           1071
-#define IDC_OWNERTRUST_IMPORT           1072
-#define IDC_OWNERTRUST_FILE             1073
-#define IDC_OWNERTRUST_INFO             1074
-#define IDC_IMPORT_KEYMNGT              1075
-#define IDC_WNDSWITCH_INFO              1076
-#define IDC_KEYMISC_CHECKSIG            1077
-#define IDC_KEYMISC_EDIT                1078
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_INFO                1079
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_ADDUID              1080
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_ADDKEY              1081
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_PWD                 1083
-#define IDC_ADDUID_INFNAME              1084
-#define IDC_ADDUID_INFEMAIL             1085
-#define IDC_ADDUID_INFCOMMENT           1086
-#define IDC_ADDUID_NAME                 1087
-#define IDC_ADDUID_EMAIL                1088
-#define IDC_ADDUID_COMMENT              1089
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_NEWPWD              1091
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_CHANGEPWD           1092
-#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_ALGO              1093
-#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_SIZE              1094
-#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_VALID             1095
-#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_INFALGO           1096
-#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_INFSIZE           1097
-#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_INFVALID          1098
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_OWNERTRUST          1099
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_NOTICE              1100
-#define IDC_PREFS_CACHETIME             1101
-#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_ENCRYPT          1102
-#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_SIGN             1104
-#define IDC_PREFS_DISABLE_HOTKEYS       1105
-#define IDC_PREFS_CWS_ENCRYPT           1106
-#define IDC_PREFS_CWS_SIGN              1108
-#define IDC_KEYUID_LIST                 1109
-#define IDC_KEYMISC_UID                 1110
-#define IDC_KEYUID_DELETE               1111
-#define IDC_PREFS_WORDWRAP              1112
-#define IDC_KEYSERVER_INDEX             1113
-#define IDC_HKPSEARCH_LIST              1114
-#define IDC_HKPSEARCH_RECV              1115
-#define IDC_FILE_ENCRYPT                1116
-#define IDC_FILE_LIST                   1117
-#define IDC_HKPSEARCH_INFO              1118
-#define IDC_FILE_DECRYPT                1119
-#define IDC_FILE_SIGN                   1120
-#define IDC_FILE_VERIFY                 1121
-#define IDC_FILE_SIG_NORMAL             1123
-#define IDC_FILE_SIG_DETACH             1124
-#define IDC_FILE_SIG_CLEAR              1125
-#define IDC_FILE_SIG_ARMOR              1126
-#define IDC_ENCRYPT_LIST                1127
-#define IDC_ENCRYPT_ARMOR               1128
-#define IDC_BUTTON3                     1131
-#define IDC_KEYSUB_REVOKE               1131
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_PWD_INFO            1132
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_NEWPWD_INFO         1133
-#define IDC_FILE_IMPORT                 1134
-#define IDC_KEYPREFS_INFO               1136
-#define IDC_KEYPROPS_INFO               1136
-#define IDC_KEYTRUST_TREE               1137
-#define IDC_KEYSIG_RECVKEY              1138
-#define IDC_FILE_SYMENC                 1139
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_REASON            1141
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_TEXT              1142
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_PWD               1143
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_FILE              1144
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_HINT              1145
-#define IDC_SIGNENC_PWDINFO             1146
-#define IDC_OWNERTRUST_DESC             1147
-#define IDC_KEYPROPS_FPR                1148
-#define IDC_FILE_PREFS_ALGO             1149
-#define IDC_KEYSERVER_PROXY             1150
-#define IDC_PREFS_GPGPREFS              1151
-#define IDC_KEYUID_REVOKE               1152
-#define IDC_KEYPROPS_OT                 1153
-#define IDC_KEYPROPS_OT_CHANGE          1154
-#define IDC_KEYUID_ADD                  1155
-#define IDC_PASSWD_PWD                  1158
-#define IDC_KEYPROPS_CHANGE_PWD         1159
-#define IDC_KEYSUB_LIST                 1160
-#define IDC_KEYSUB_ADD                  1161
-#define IDC_KEYSUB_DELETE               1162
-#define IDC_KEYSUB_EXPIRE               1163
-#define IDC_DATE_DTP                    1165
-#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_LOAD               1166
-#define IDC_EXPORT_ARMOR                1169
-#define IDC_EXPORT_LIST                 1170
-#define IDC_KEYPROG_CB                  1172
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_EXPINF               1173
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_EXPDATE              1174
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_EXPDLG               1175
-#define IDC_GPGREFS_EXEDLG              1176
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_OPTFILE            1177
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_OPTINF             1178
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_OPTDLG             1179
-#define IDC_DECRYPT_LIST                1180
-#define IDC_DECRYPT_LISTINF             1181
-#define IDC_DECRYPT_SIGN_PWD            1182
-#define IDC_DECRYPT_SIGN_PWDINFO        1183
-#define IDC_DECRYPT_SIGN_MSG            1184
-#define IDC_FILE_SIG_LIST               1185
-#define IDC_KEYMISC_DEFKEYINFO          1186
-#define IDC_KEYMISC_GROUP               1189
-#define IDC_GROUP_EMAIL                 1190
-#define IDC_PREFS_SECMODE               1191
-#define IDC_PREFS_VIEWER                1192
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_CLEAR                1193
-#define IDC_TEXT_INPUT                  1194
-#define IDC_TEXT_INFO                   1195
-#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_SIGNENC          1196
-#define IDC_PREFS_CWD_SIGNENC           1197
-#define IDC_PREFS_CWS_SIGNENC           1197
-#define IDC_PREFS_V3SIGS                1198
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_V3SIGS             1198
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_ASKLEVEL           1198
-#define IDC_PREFS_COMMENT               1199
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_COMMENT            1199
-#define IDC_PREFS_ENCTO                 1200
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_ENCTO              1200
-#define IDC_PREFS_OPENPGP               1201
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_OPENPGP            1201
-#define IDC_PREFS_PGP2                  1202
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_PGP2               1202
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_RESET              1203
-#define IDC_ABOUT_INFO                  1204
-#define IDC_ABOUT_URL                   1205
-#define IDC_ABOUT_BUGS                  1206
-#define IDC_ABOUT_GPL1                  1208
-#define IDC_ABOUT_GPL2                  1209
-#define IDC_PREFS_WWINFO                1210
-#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_SAVE               1211
-#define IDC_KEYSERVER_PROXSETT          1212
-#define IDC_PROXY_HOSTINF               1213
-#define IDC_PROXY_HOST                  1214
-#define IDC_PROXY_PORTINF               1215
-#define IDC_PROXY_PORT                  1216
-#define IDC_PROXY_USERINF               1217
-#define IDC_PROXY_PWDINF                1218
-#define IDC_PROXY_USER                  1219
-#define IDC_PROXY_PWD                   1220
-#define IDC_SIGNENC_USEDEFKEY           1221
-#define IDC_SIGNENC_SELKEY              1221
-#define IDC_SIGNENC_LOCUSR              1222
-#define IDC_SECLIST_KEYS                1225
-#define IDC_KEYMISC_GTEXT               1226
-#define IDC_FILE_STAT_LIST              1227
-#define IDC_FILE_SAVE_TOFILE            1228
-#define IDC_FILE_SAVE_FILE              1229
-#define IDC_FILE_SAVE_SELECT            1230
-#define IDC_FILE_SAVE_CLIP              1231
-#define IDC_FILE_SAVE                   1232
-#define IDC_VERIFY_SAVE                 1233
-#define IDC_TEXT_FILE                   1234
-#define IDC_PREFS_LISTMODE              1235
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_KEYTYPE              1236
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_KEYTYPEINF           1237
-#define IDC_DECRYPT_HIDE                1238
-#define IDC_DECRYPT_SIGN_HIDE           1239
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NPKEYS              1240
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NOUID               1241
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_IPKEYS              1242
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NSKEYS              1243
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_ISKEYS              1244
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NREV                1245
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_INFO                1246
-#define IDC_FIRST_KEYGEN                1247
-#define IDC_FIRST_IMPORT                1248
-#define IDC_FIRST_SETUP                 1249
-#define IDC_SIGCLASS_CLASS0             1250
-#define IDC_SIGCLASS_CLASS1             1251
-#define IDC_SIGCLASS_CLASS2             1252
-#define IDC_SIGCLASS_CLASS3             1253
-#define IDC_VERIFY_INFO                 1254
-#define IDC_PASSWD_HIDE                 1255
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_CHOOSE            1258
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKERS_LIST            1260
-#define IDC_KEYPROPS_REVOKERS           1261
-#define IDC_KEYSERVER_RECV              1263
-#define IDC_KEYSERVER_DEFAULT           1265
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_PGPMODE           1266
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_KEYLIST             1267
-#define IDC_PREFS_WIPEMODE              1268
-#define IDC_SECDEL_FILES                1269
-#define IDC_SPACE_DRIVES                1270
-#define IDC_SPACE_PROGRESS              1271
-#define IDC_SPACE_INFO                  1272
-#define IDC_SPACE_DISC_INFO             1273
-#define IDC_SPACE_OFF                   1274
-#define IDC_SPACE_N                     1275
-#define IDC_OWNERTRUST_SELFILE          1276
-#define IDC_OWNERTRUST_EXPORT           1277
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NUID                1278
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NSUBK               1279
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NSIG                1280
-#define IDC_CONFDELCLIP_BRAIN           1281
-#define IDC_ENCRYPT_WIPE                1282
-#define IDC_ADDREV_PASS                 1283
-#define IDC_ADDREV_KEYLIST              1284
-#define IDC_ADDPHOTO_FILE               1286
-#define IDC_ADDPHOTO_SELFILE            1287
-#define IDC_ADDPHOTO_PASS               1288
-#define IDC_MDSUM_LIST                  1289
-#define IDC_MDSUM_COPY                  1290
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_HELP                1291
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_CMD                 1292
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_UIDLIST             1293
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_KEYLIST             1294
-#define IDC_GPGCONF_ENCTOINF            1295
-#define IDC_GPGCONF_ENCTO               1296
-#define IDC_GPGCONF_EXPERT              1297
-#define IDC_GPGCONF_V3SIGS              1298
-#define IDC_GPGCONF_COMMENT             1302
-#define IDC_GPGCONF_NOAUTOKEY           1303
-#define IDC_GPGCONF_NODOS83             1304
-#define IDC_GPGCONF_IGNTIMERR           1305
-#define IDC_GPGCONF_IGNCRCERR           1306
-#define IDC_GPGCONF_PGPMODE             1307
-#define IDC_PREFS_TRUST                 1308
-#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_NAME              1309
-#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_EMAIL             1310
-#define IDC_PREFS_AUTOBACKUP            1311
-#define IDC_PREFS_BAKHOME               1312
-#define IDC_PREFS_BAKUSER               1313
-#define IDC_PREFS_BAKPATH               1314
-#define IDC_PREFS_BAKSELECT             1315
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_HIDEPWD              1316
-#define IDC_SIGNENC_SECLIST             1317
-#define IDC_PROGRESS_WHAT               1318
-#define IDC_PROGRESS_CURR               1319
-#define IDC_PROGRESS_TOTAL              1320
-#define IDC_PROGRESS_BAR                1321
-#define IDC_CEDIT_AID                   1322
-#define IDC_CEDIT_VERSION               1323
-#define IDC_CEDIT_VENDOR                1324
-#define IDC_CEDIT_SERIAL                1325
-#define IDC_CEDIT_NAME                  1326
-#define IDC_CEDIT_LANG                  1328
-#define IDC_CEDIT_SEX                   1329
-#define IDC_CEDIT_KEYURL                1330
-#define IDC_CEDIT_LOGIN                 1331
-#define IDC_CEDIT_SIGCOUNT              1332
-#define IDC_CEDIT_FPR1                  1333
-#define IDC_CEDIT_FPR2                  1334
-#define IDC_CEDIT_FPR3                  1335
-#define IDC_CEDIT_CHPIN                 1336
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_HOMEDLG            1337
-#define IDC_CCONFIG_PCSC                1339
-#define IDC_CCONFIG_CTAPI               1340
-#define IDC_CCONFIG_LIBPATH             1341
-#define IDC_CCONFIG_PORT                1342
-#define IDC_CEDIT_DRIVER                1343
-#define IDC_PIN_INFO                    1344
-#define IDC_PIN_VALUE                   1345
-#define IDC_CHPIN_ISADMIN               1346
-#define IDC_CHPIN_ISWORK                1347
-#define IDC_CHPIN_OLDPIN                1348
-#define IDC_CHPIN_NEWPIN                1349
-#define IDC_CCONFIG_SELFILE             1350
-#define IDC_CEDIT_NAME2                 1351
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_NAME                1352
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_COMMENT             1353
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_EMAIL               1354
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_NEVER               1355
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_VALID               1356
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_REPLACE             1357
-#define IDC_CEDIT_NEWKEYS               1358
-#define IDC_CCTRL_MSG                   1359
-#define IDC_CCTRL_VAL                   1360
-#define IDC_CEDIT_LANG2                 1361
-#define IDC_CEDIT_SEX2                  1362
-#define IDC_ELGWARN_LIST                1363
-#define IDC_SETPREF_MDC                 1364
-#define IDC_SETPREF_KSNO                1365
-#define IDC_SETPREF_PREFLIST            1366
-#define IDC_SETPREF_LIST                1367
-#define IDC_SETPREF_UPDATE              1368
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_EXPIRES             1369
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_EXPSIG              1370
-#define IDC_PMAIL_TO                    1371
-#define IDC_PMAIL_CC                    1372
-#define IDC_PMAIL_SUBJECT               1373
-#define IDC_PMAIL_MSG                   1374
-#define IDC_CDMOUNT_ID                  1376
-#define IDC_CDMOUNT_IMGFILE             1377
-#define IDC_CDMOUNT_DRV                 1378
-#define IDC_CDMOUNT_PASS                1379
-#define IDC_CDUMOUNT_LIST               1380
-#define IDC_CDMOUNT_SELFILE             1381
-#define IDC_CDNEW_IMGFILE               1383
-#define IDC_CDNEW_SIZE                  1384
-#define IDC_CDNEW_SIZSPIN               1385
-#define IDC_CDNEW_CIPHERS               1386
-#define IDC_CDNEW_PASS                  1387
-#define IDC_ENCRYPT_ANON                1388
-#define IDC_ABOUT_GPG                   1389
-#define IDC_ENCRYPT_SIGN                1390
-#define IDC_ENCRYPT_SECLIST             1391
-#define IDC_PASSWD_INFO                 1393
-#define IDC_PREFS_KSERVER               1394
-#define IDC_PREFS_KSELFILE              1396
-#define IDC_HTTP_URL                    1397
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_REV                1398
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_NREV               1399
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_EXP                1400
-#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_CLIPTEXT2          1401
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_EXPIRED            1402
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_INFO               1403
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_ISSUER             1404
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_EXPDATE            1405
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_CLASS              1406
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_EXPSTR             1407
-#define IDC_KEYSIG_SIGPROPS             1408
-#define IDC_ENCRYPT_FIND                1409
-#define IDC_ENCRYPT_FNDCMD              1410
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_KEYID              1411
-#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_USEOTHERPK        1412
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_NREV                1413
-#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_EXPERT            1414
-#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_NAMEINF           1415
-#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_EMAILINF          1416
-#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_TITLEINF          1417
-#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_TEXT1INF          1418
-#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_TEXT2INF          1419
-#define IDC_SIGCLASS_TITLEINF           1420
-#define IDC_SIGNENC_SECLISTINF          1421
-#define IDC_KEYTRUST_INF                1422
-#define IDC_ADDREV_INF                  1423
-#define IDC_ADDREV_KEYINF               1424
-#define IDC_ADDREV_PWDINF               1425
-#define IDC_ADDPHOTO_INF                1426
-#define IDC_ADDPHOTO_FILEINF            1427
-#define IDC_ADDPHOTO_PWDINF             1428
-#define IDC_ABOUT_HELP                  1430
-#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_QUOTE              1431
-#define IDC_KEYGEN_EXPNEVER             1432
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_BACKUP              1434
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_PASS                1435
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_ALG                 1436
-#define IDC_KEYPROPS_IMG                1437
-#define IDC_FPREFS_PROGRESS             1438
-#define IDC_CHPIN_NEWPIN2               1439
-#define IDC_CHPIN_HIDE                  1440
-#define IDC_PIN_HIDE                    1441
-#define IDC_SHOWPREF_INFO               1442
-#define IDC_SHOWPREF_CIPHERS            1443
-#define IDC_SHOWPREF_HASH               1444
-#define IDC_SHOWPREF_ZIP                1445
-#define IDC_HTTP_TITLE                  1446
-#define IDC_SHOWPREF_MDC                1447
-#define IDC_PROXY_AUTH                  1448
-#define IDC_IMPORT_INFO                 1449
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_ASKLEVEL            1450
-#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_EXPDATE           1451
-#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_EXPIRE            1452
-#define IDC_CEDIT_SIG_FPRTIME           1454
-#define IDC_CEDIT_DEC_FPRTIME           1455
-#define IDC_CEDIT_AUTH_FPRTIME          1456
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_CMDINF              1457
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_PWDINF              1458
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_NAMEINF             1459
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_CMTINF              1460
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_EXPDATEINF          1461
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_PWDINF              1462
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_MAILINF             1463
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_SHOWIMG             1464
-#define IDC_KEYPROPS_OTINF              1465
-#define IDC_KEYPROPS_IMGINF             1466
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_ENCINF             1467
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_CMTINF             1468
-#define IDC_PREFS_KEYLISTINF            1469
-#define IDC_PREFS_WIPEINF               1470
-#define IDC_PREFS_KSINF                 1471
-#define IDC_PREFS_CACHEINF              1472
-#define IDC_PREFS_CACHEHINT             1473
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_CLASSINF           1474
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_KEYINF             1475
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_KEYIDINF           1476
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_ALLOPTINF          1477
-#define IDC_PREFS_ALLOPTINF             1478
-#define IDC_PREFS_CLIPINF               1479
-#define IDC_PREFS_CURRINF               1480
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKERS_INF             1481
-#define IDC_CONFDELCLIP_INFO            1482
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_REASONINF         1483
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_OPTINF            1484
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_PWDINF            1485
-#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_OUTINF            1486
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NPKEYSINF           1487
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_IPKEYSINF           1488
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NSKEYSINF           1489
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_ISKEYSINF           1490
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NREVINF             1491
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NOUIDINF            1492
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NUIDINF             1493
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NSUBKINF            1494
-#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NSIGINF             1495
-#define IDC_SHOWPREF_PREFINF            1496
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_LOCDLG             1497
-#define IDC_FILE_SIG_SIGINF             1498
-#define IDC_FILE_SIG_OPTINF             1499
-#define IDC_ABOUT_GPLINF                1501
-#define IDC_INFODLG_TEXT                1502
-#define IDC_INFODLG_ICO                 1503
-#define IDC_KSERVADD_TYPEINF            1504
-#define IDC_KSERVADD_TYPES              1505
-#define IDC_KSERVADD_HOSTINF            1506
-#define IDC_KSERVADD_HOST               1507
-#define IDC_KSERVADD_PORTINF            1508
-#define IDC_KSERVADD_PORT               1509
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_OVRDEFAULT         1510
-#define IDC_MDSUM_TOCLIP                1511
-#define IDC_VKEYSIG_TREE                1512
-#define IDC_VKEYSIG_EDIT                1514
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_HIDE                1515
-#define IDC_PROXY_PROTOINF              1516
-#define IDC_PROXY_PROTO                 1517
-#define IDC_PROXY_AUTHINF               1518
-#define IDC_GPGPREFS_ASKEXPIRE          1520
-#define IDC_ABOUT_AUTHORS               1522
-#define IDC_LANGUAGE_INFO               1523
-#define IDC_LANGUAGE_LIST               1524
-#define IDC_SHOWPREF_UIDHINT            1525
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_POLICINF           1526
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_POLIC              1527
-#define IDC_KEYEDIT_REVOKE              1528
-#define IDC_ENCRYPT_OPTINF              1529
-#define IDC_PREFS_EXTINF                1530
-#define IDC_PREFS_DEFEXT                1531
-#define IDC_PREFS_BAKSECRING            1532
-#define IDC_VERIFY_SIGNOT               1533
-#define IDC_PASSWD_KEYINF               1534
-#define IDC_SHOWPHOTO_IMG               1535
-#define IDC_KEYSIGN_IMG                 1535
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_CREATSTR           1537
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_CREATDATE          1538
-#define IDC_FIRST_CARDGEN               1539
-#define IDC_CKEYGEN_PKINF               1540
-#define IDC_CEDIT_NAMEINF               1541
-#define IDC_CEDIT_LANGINF               1542
-#define IDC_CEDIT_KURLINF               1543
-#define IDC_CEDIT_LOGINF                1544
-#define IDC_CEDIT_SEXINF                1545
-#define IDC_SECDEL_PASSES               1547
-#define IDC_SECDEL_PASSESINF            1548
-#define ID_GPG_ENCRYPT                  40003
-#define ID_GPG_DECRYPT                  40004
-#define ID_GPG_SIGN                     40005
-#define ID_GPG_VERIFY                   40006
-#define ID_GPG_IMPORT                   40007
-#define ID_GPG_EXPORT                   40008
-#define ID_WINPT_ENCRYPT                40013
-#define ID_WINPT_DECRYPT                40014
-#define ID_WINPT_DECRYPT_VERIFY         40014
-#define ID_WINPT_SIGN                   40015
-#define ID_WINPT_VERIFY                 40016
-#define ID_GPG_KEYSERVER                40017
-#define ID_GPG_KEYGEN                   40018
-#define ID_WINPT_ABOUT                  40019
-#define ID_WINPT_QUIT                   40020
-#define ID_WINPT_IMPORT                 40022
-#define ID_WINPT_EXPORT                 40023
-#define ID_WINPT_EDIT                   40024
-#define ID_WINPT_SIGNENCRYPT            40025
-#define ID_GPG_KEYMISC                  40026
-#define ID_WINPT_ABOUTGPG               40027
-#define ID_WINPT_CURRWND_ENCRYPT        40030
-#define ID_WINPT_CURRWND_SIGN           40031
-#define ID_GPG_PREFERENCES              40033
-#define ID_WINPT_PREFS                  40034
-#define ID_WINPT_FILE                   40036
-#define ID_KEYMISC_QUIT                 40037
-#define ID_KEYMISC_PROPS                40039
-#define ID_KEYMISC_SIGN                 40040
-#define ID_KEYMISC_DELETE               40041
-#define ID_KEYMISC_REVCERT              40042
-#define ID_KEYMISC_CHECKSIGS            40043
-#define ID_KEYMISC_TRUSTPATH            40044
-#define ID_KEYMISC_EDIT                 40045
-#define ID_KEYMISC_UID                  40046
-#define ID_FILEMISC_QUIT                40047
-#define ID_FILEMISC_ENCRYPT             40048
-#define ID_FILEMISC_DECRYPT             40049
-#define ID_FILEMISC_SIGN                40050
-#define ID_FILEMISC_VERIFY              40051
-#define ID_FILEMISC_SYMENC              40052
-#define ID_FILEMISC_IMPORT              40053
-#define ID_FILEMISC_EXPORT              40054
-#define ID_FILEMISC_PREFS               40055
-#define ID_KEYMISC_SENDRECV             40056
-#define ID_KEYMISC_NEWKEY               40057
-#define ID_KEYMISC_GPGPREFS             40058
-#define ID_WINPT_KEY                    40059
-#define ID_KEYMISC_GPGOPT               40060
-#define ID_KEYMISC_RECACHE              40061
-#define ID_FILEMISC_WIPE                40062
-#define ID_FILEMISC_CLEAR               40063
-#define ID_FILEMISC_OPEN                40064
-#define ID_KEYMISC_IMPORT               40065
-#define ID_KEYMISC_EXPORT               40066
-#define ID_KEYMISC_SUBKEY               40067
-#define ID_KEYCTX_PROPS                 40068
-#define ID_KEYCTX_COPY                  40069
-#define ID_KEYCTX_PASTE                 40070
-#define ID_KEYCTX_UIDS                  40071
-#define ID_KEYCTX_SUBKEYS               40072
-#define ID_KEYCTX_SIGN                  40073
-#define ID_KEYCTX_REV                   40074
-#define ID_KEYCTX_DEL                   40075
-#define ID_KEYCTX_LISTSIGS              40076
-#define ID_KEYCTX_SETDEFKEY             40077
-#define ID_FILECTX_ENCRYPT              40078
-#define ID_FILECTX_DECRYPT              40079
-#define ID_FILECTX_SIGN                 40080
-#define ID_FILECTX_VERIFY               40081
-#define ID_FILECTX_WIPE                 40082
-#define ID_WINPT_GPGPREFS               40084
-#define ID_KEYCTX_SENDTO                40085
-#define ID_KEYCTX_RECVFROM              40086
-#define ID_GROUP_NEW                    40087
-#define ID_GROUP_IMPORT                 40088
-#define ID_GROUP_PASTE                  40089
-#define ID_GROUP_DELETE                 40090
-#define ID_KEYMISC_COPY                 40091
-#define ID_KEYMISC_PASTE                40092
-#define ID_WINPT_SYMENC                 40094
-#define ID_KEYMISC_EXPORT_PRIVKEY       40095
-#define ID_FILEMISC_SIGNENC             40096
-#define ID_FILECTX_SIGNENC              40097
-#define ID_FILECTX_LIST                 40098
-#define ID_FILEMISC_LIST                40099
-#define ID_KEYMISC_REBUILD              40100
-#define ID_KEYMISC_SHOWPHOTO            40101
-#define ID_KEYMISC_REFRESH_KEYS         40102
-#define ID_KEYMISC_INFO                 40103
-#define ID_KEYCTX_SHOWPHOTO             40104
-#define ID_KEYCTX_UID_COPY              40105
-#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_DEFAULT            40106
-#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_NL                 40107
-#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_PL                 40108
-#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_AT                 40109
-#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_CH                 40110
-#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_DE                 40111
-#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_DK                 40112
-#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_CZ                 40113
-#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_ES                 40114
-#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_UK                 40115
-#define ID_KMTBB_DEL                    40116
-#define ID_KMTBB_PROPS                  40118
-#define ID_KMTBB_SIGN                   40119
-#define ID_KMTBB_IMPORT                 40120
-#define ID_KMTBB_EXPORT                 40121
-#define ID_KEYCTX_KEYID_COPY            40122
-#define ID_KEYCTX_FPR_COPY              40123
-#define ID_KEYCTX_KINFO_COPY            40124
-#define ID_SIGCTX_PROPS                 40125
-#define ID_SIGCTX_KEYPROPS              40126
-#define ID_FILEMISC_WIPE_FREES          40127
-#define ID_KEYMISC_OT                   40131
-#define ID_KEYCTX_ADDKEY                40132
-#define ID_KEYCTX_ADDUID                40133
-#define ID_KEYCTX_ADDREV                40134
-#define ID_KEYCTX_ADDPHOTO              40135
-#define IDS_KEYCTX_EDIT                 40135
-#define ID_WINPT_CURRWND_SYMENC         40136
-#define IDS_WINPT_KEYWIZARD             40136
-#define ID_FILEMISC_MD_MD5              40137
-#define IDS_WINPT_CARD_EDIT             40137
-#define ID_FILEMISC_MD_SHA1             40138
-#define IDS_WINPT_CARD_CONFIG           40138
-#define ID_FILEMISC_MD_RMD160           40139
-#define IDS_WINPT_CARD_KEYGEN           40139
-#define ID_KEYCTX_ENABLE                40140
-#define ID_KEYCTX_DISABLE               40141
-#define ID_KEYCTX_EDIT                  40142
-#define ID_KEYMISC_EDITKEY              40143
-#define ID_KEYMISC_KEYWIZARD            40144
-#define ID_KEUID_ADD                    40145
-#define ID_KEUID_PRIMARY                40146
-#define ID_KEUID_DEL                    40147
-#define ID_WINPT_CARD                   40148
-#define ID_KEYMISC_CARDNEW              40149
-#define ID_KEYCTX_SENDMAIL              40150
-#define ID_KEYCTX_SETPREF               40151
-#define ID_KEYMISC_MAIL                 40152
-#define ID_WINPT_CDISKNEW               40154
-#define ID_WINPT_CDISKMOUNT             40155
-#define ID_WINPT_CDISKUNMOUNT           40156
-#define ID_WINPT_CDISKUMOUNTALL         40157
-#define ID_FILEMISC_PASTE               40158
-#define ID_KEYMISC_IMPORT_HTTP          40159
-#define ID_KEYCTX_MAXTRUST              40160
-#define ID_KEYMISC_HELP                 40161
-#define ID_KEYCTX_SETPREFKS             40162
-#define ID_FILECTX_SEND                 40163
-#define ID_FILEMISC_SEND                40164
-#define ID_FILEMISC_ONTOP               40165
-#define ID_FILEMISC_SELALL              40166
-#define ID_KEYMISC_SELALL               40167
-#define ID_CLIPEDIT_COPY                40168
-#define ID_CLIPEDIT_PASTE               40169
-#define ID_CLIPEDIT_SEND                40170
-#define ID_KEYMISC_FIND                 40172
-#define ID_FILEMISC_MD_SHA256           40173
-#define ID_FILECTX_ENCRYPT_ZIP          40174
-#define ID_FILEMISC_ENCRYPT_ZIP         40175
-#define ID_KEYMISC_DELETE2              40176
-#define ID_KEYMISC_VIEWKEYID            40177
-#define ID_KEYMISC_VIEWCIPHER           40178
-#define ID_KEYMISC_VIEWTYPE             40179
-#define ID_KEYMISC_VIEWCREAT            40180
-#define ID_KEYMISC_WEBSITE              40181
-#define ID_KSERVCTX_ADD                 40182
-#define ID_KSERVCTX_DEL                 40183
-#define ID_KSERVCTX_EDIT                40184
-#define ID_KEYMISC_VIEWUID              40185
-#define ID_GROUP_SHOW                   40186
-#define ID_KEYEDIT_UID_PRIM             40187
-#define ID_KEYEDIT_UID_DEL              40188
-#define ID_KEYEDIT_UID_REV              40189
-#define ID_CLIPEDIT_CLEAR               40190
-#define ID_CLIPEDIT_QUIT                40191
-#define ID_CLIPEDIT_SAVE                40192
-#define ID_CLIPEDIT_OPEN                40193
-#define ID_CLIPEDIT_QUOTE               40194
-#define ID_CLIPEDIT_ENC                 40195
-#define ID_CLIPEDIT_DEC                 40196
-#define ID_KEYCTX_EMAIL_COPY            40197
-#define ID_KEYMISC_WINPTPREFS           40198
-#define ID_KEYMISC_DEVWWW               40199
-#define ID_KEYMISC_FAQWWW               40200
-#define IDC_KEYPROPS_FPRTXT             40201
-#define IDC_SIGPROPS_FRAME              40202
-#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_HT_ENC           40203
-#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_HT_DEC           40204
-#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_HT_SIG           40205
-#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_HT_SAE           40206
-#define IDC_PREFS_CW_HT_ENC             40207
-#define IDC_PREFS_CW_HT_DEC             40208
-#define IDC_PREFS_CW_HT_SIG             40209
-#define IDC_PREFS_CW_HT_SAE             40210
-#define IDC_ENCRYPT_FINDKEY             40211
-#define IDI_KEYMISC_N_NEWKEY            40212
-#define IDI_KEYMISC_N_DELETE            40213
-// Next default values for new objects
-#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        101
-#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40001
-#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1004
-#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101
+// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
+// Used by _WinPT.rc
+#define IDS_WINPT_ABOUT                 1
+#define IDS_WINPT_ABOUTGPG              2
+#define IDS_WINPT_CLIPEDIT              3
+#define IDS_WINPT_DATE                  4
+#define IDS_WINPT_DECRYPT               5
+#define IDS_WINPT_DECRYPT_SIGN          6
+#define IDS_WINPT_ENCRYPT               7
+#define IDS_WINPT_EXPORT                8
+#define IDS_WINPT_FILE                  9
+#define IDS_WINPT_FILE_ENCRYPT          10
+#define IDS_WINPT_FILE_EXPORT           11
+#define IDS_WINPT_FILE_PREFS            12
+#define IDS_WINPT_FILE_SIGN             13
+#define IDS_WINPT_GPGOPT                14
+#define IDS_WINPT_GPGPREFS              15
+#define IDS_WINPT_GROUP                 16
+#define IDS_WINPT_HKPSEARCH             17
+#define IDS_WINPT_IMPORT                18
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYCACHE              19
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYEDIT_ADDUID        21
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYGEN                23
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYMISC               24
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYPROG               25
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYPROPS              26
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYREVOKE             27
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYSERVER             28
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYSIGN               29
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYSUB                30
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYTRUST              31
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYUID                32
+#define IDS_WINPT_OWNERTRUST            33
+#define IDS_WINPT_PASSWD                34
+#define IDS_WINPT_PREFS                 35
+#define IDS_WINPT_SIGN                  36
+#define IDS_WINPT_SIGNENC               37
+#define IDS_WINPT_TEXT                  38
+#define IDS_WINPT_VERIFY                39
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYSIG                40
+#define IDS_WINPT_SECLIST               42
+#define IDS_WINPT_FILE_STAT             43
+#define IDS_WINPT_FILE_SAVE             44
+#define IDS_WINPT_IMPORT_STAT           45
+#define IDS_WINPT_SIGCLASS              46
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEY_REVOKERS          47
+#define IDS_WINPT_FILES_SECDEL          48
+#define IDS_WINPT_SPACE_SECDEL          49
+#define IDS_WINPT_CONFDEL_CLIP          50
+#define IDI_WINPT                       101
+#define IDI_DIS_PUBKEY                  102
+#define IDR_WINPT                       104
+#define IDD_WINPT_ABOUT                 105
+#define IDD_WINPT_CLIPEDIT              107
+#define IDD_WINPT_ENCRYPT               108
+#define IDD_WINPT_DECRYPT               109
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSERVER             110
+#define IDD_WINPT_SIGN                  111
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYGEN                112
+#define IDD_WINPT_EXPORT                113
+#define IDD_WINPT_SIGNENC               114
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYMISC               115
+#define IDD_WINPT_ABOUTGPG              116
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYCACHE              118
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSIGN               119
+#define IDD_WINPT_GPGPREFS              120
+#define IDD_WINPT_IMPORT                122
+#define IDD_WINPT_GPGOPT                123
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSIG                124
+#define IDD_WINPT_VERIFY                125
+#define IDD_WINPT_OWNERTRUST            126
+#define IDD_WINPT_WNDSWITCH             127
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYEDIT               128
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYEDIT_ADDUID        129
+#define IDD_WINPT_PREFS                 131
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYUID                133
+#define IDD_WINPT_HKPSEARCH             134
+#define IDD_WINPT_FILE                  135
+#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_SIGN             136
+#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_ENCRYPT          137
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYPREFS              139
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYPROPS              139
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYTRUST              140
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYREVOKE             141
+#define IDR_WINPT_KEYMISC               142
+#define IDR_WINPT_FILEMISC              148
+#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_PREFS            150
+#define IDR_WINPT_KEYMISC_CTX           152
+#define IDD_WINPT_PASSWD                153
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSUB                154
+#define IDD_WINPT_DATE                  155
+#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_EXPORT           161
+#define IDR_WINPT_FILEMISC_CTX          162
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYPROG               163
+#define IDD_WINPT_DECRYPT_SIGN          164
+#define IDR_WINPT_GROUP_CTX             165
+#define IDD_WINPT_GROUP                 166
+#define IDD_WINPT_TEXT                  167
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSERVER_PROXY       168
+#define IDD_WINPT_SECLIST               169
+#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_STAT             170
+#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_SAVE             171
+#define IDD_WINPT_IMPORT_STAT           172
+#define IDD_WINPT_FIRST                 173
+#define IDD_WINPT_SIGCLASS              174
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYREVOKERS           175
+#define IDR_WINPT_KMTB                  176
+#define IDI_FILE_ENC                    178
+#define IDI_FILE_SIG                    179
+#define IDR_WINPT_KEYSIG_CTX            181
+#define IDD_WINPT_FILES_SECDEL          182
+#define IDD_WINPT_SPACE_SECDEL          183
+#define IDD_WINPT_CONFDELCLIP           184
+#define IDD_WINPT_DATACB                185
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYEDIT_ADDREV        186
+#define IDD_WINPT_FILE_MDSUM            188
+#define IDD_WINPT_GPGCONF               190
+#define IDR_WINPT_ACCELERATOR           191
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYWIZARD             192
+#define IDR_WINPT_KEUID_CTX             193
+#define IDD_WINPT_PROGRESS              194
+#define IDD_WINPT_CARD_EDIT             195
+#define IDD_WINPT_CARD_CONFIG           196
+#define IDD_WINPT_PIN                   197
+#define IDD_WINPT_CARD_CHPIN            198
+#define IDD_WINPT_CARD_KEYGEN           199
+#define IDD_WINPT_CARD_CTRL             200
+#define IDD_WINPT_ELGWARN               201
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYEDIT_SETPREF       202
+#define IDB_WINPT_KMTB                  203
+#define IDI_KEY_DELETE                  211
+#define IDI_KEY_EXPORT                  212
+#define IDI_KEY_IMPORT                  213
+#define IDI_KEY_PROPS                   214
+#define IDI_KEY_SIGN                    215
+#define IDI_SORT_UPARROW                218
+#define IDI_SORT_DOWNARROW              219
+#define IDD_WINPT_MAIL                  220
+#define IDD_WINPT_CDISK_MOUNT           221
+#define IDD_WINPT_CDISK_UMOUNT          222
+#define IDD_WINPT_CDISK_NEW             223
+#define IDD_WINPT_HTTP                  224
+#define IDD_WINPT_SIGPROPS              225
+#define IDR_WINPT_CLIPEDIT              226
+#define IDD_FILE_PREFS                  227
+#define IDI_PUBKEY                      230
+#define IDI_KEYPAIR                     231
+#define IDI_KEY_FILE_EXPORT             232
+#define IDI_KEY_FILE_IMPORT             233
+#define IDI_KEY_SEARCH                  234
+#define IDI_KEY_NEW                     235
+#define IDI_COMPUTER                    236
+#define IDD_WINPT_INFODLG               237
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSERVER_ADD         238
+#define IDR_WINPT_KEYSERVER_CTX         239
+#define IDD_WINPT_KEYSIG_TREE           241
+#define IDI_KEY_SIG                     242
+#define IDI_USERID                      243
+#define IDD_WINPT_LANGUAGE              245
+#define IDR_WINPT_KEYEDIT               246
+#define IDD_WINPT_SHOWPHOTO             247
+#define IDI_SIG_GOOD                    248
+#define IDI_SIG_BAD                     249
+#define IDI_REV_KEYPAIR                 251
+#define IDI_EXP_KEYPAIR                 252
+#define IDI_REV_PUBKEY                  253
+#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_SEND               1000
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_CONFIRMSIGN         1000
+#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_CLEAR              1001
+#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_CLIPTEXT           1002
+#define IDC_PASSWD_QOP                  1002
+#define IDC_ENCRYPT_KEYLIST             1003
+#define IDC_PASSWD_QOPINF               1003
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_UIDLIST             1004
+#define IDC_DECRYPT_PWD                 1005
+#define IDC_FIRST_IMPORTKEY             1005
+#define IDC_KEYSERVER_LIST              1006
+#define IDC_KEYSERVER_SEND              1007
+#define IDC_KEYSERVER_SEARCH            1008
+#define IDC_SIGN_PWD                    1012
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_SUBKEYBITS           1013
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_NAME                 1014
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_COMMENT              1015
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_EMAIL                1016
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_PASSPHRASE           1017
+#define IDC_EXPORT_KEYLIST              1018
+#define IDC_SIGNENC_KEYLIST             1019
+#define IDC_SIGNENC_PWD                 1020
+#define IDC_KEYMISC_DELETE              1021
+#define IDC_KEYMISC_KEYLIST             1022
+#define IDC_KEYTRUST_TRUST              1024
+#define IDC_DECRYPT_MSG                 1028
+#define IDC_KEYMISC_SIGN                1029
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_INFOS               1031
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_PASSPHRASE          1032
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_LOCAL               1036
+#define IDC_ABOUTGPG_INFO               1037
+#define IDC_KEYCACHE_INFO               1038
+#define IDC_DECRYPT_PWDINFO             1039
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_PWDCHECK             1040
+#define IDC_WINPT_VERSION               1041
+#define IDC_SIGN_KEYLIST                1042
+#define IDC_SIGN_PWDINFO                1044
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_HOMEDIR            1045
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_EXEDIR             1046
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_SAVE               1047
+#define IDC_IMPORT_KEYLIST              1048
+#define IDC_IMPORT_DOIT                 1049
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_LOCALE             1050
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_HOMEINF            1051
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_EXEINF             1052
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_LOCALINF           1053
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_EDIT               1054
+#define IDC_GPGOPT_LOAD                 1055
+#define IDC_GPGOPT_SAVE                 1056
+#define IDC_GPGOPT_FILE                 1057
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_INFO                 1058
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_SUBKEYINF            1059
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_NAMEINF              1060
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_COMMINF              1061
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_EMAILINF             1062
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_PWDINF               1063
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_REPWDINF             1064
+#define IDC_KEYSIG_LIST                 1065
+#define IDC_KEYMISC_LISTSIG             1066
+#define IDC_KEYSIG_INFO                 1067
+#define IDC_VERIFY_SIGLIST              1069
+#define IDC_KEYSERVER_INFO              1070
+#define IDC_KEYTRUST_ADVANCED           1071
+#define IDC_OWNERTRUST_IMPORT           1072
+#define IDC_OWNERTRUST_FILE             1073
+#define IDC_OWNERTRUST_INFO             1074
+#define IDC_IMPORT_KEYMNGT              1075
+#define IDC_WNDSWITCH_INFO              1076
+#define IDC_KEYMISC_CHECKSIG            1077
+#define IDC_KEYMISC_EDIT                1078
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_INFO                1079
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_ADDUID              1080
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_ADDKEY              1081
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_PWD                 1083
+#define IDC_ADDUID_INFNAME              1084
+#define IDC_ADDUID_INFEMAIL             1085
+#define IDC_ADDUID_INFCOMMENT           1086
+#define IDC_ADDUID_NAME                 1087
+#define IDC_ADDUID_EMAIL                1088
+#define IDC_ADDUID_COMMENT              1089
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_NEWPWD              1091
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_CHANGEPWD           1092
+#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_ALGO              1093
+#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_SIZE              1094
+#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_VALID             1095
+#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_INFALGO           1096
+#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_INFSIZE           1097
+#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_INFVALID          1098
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_OWNERTRUST          1099
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_NOTICE              1100
+#define IDC_PREFS_CACHETIME             1101
+#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_ENCRYPT          1102
+#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_SIGN             1104
+#define IDC_PREFS_DISABLE_HOTKEYS       1105
+#define IDC_PREFS_CWS_ENCRYPT           1106
+#define IDC_PREFS_CWS_SIGN              1108
+#define IDC_KEYUID_LIST                 1109
+#define IDC_KEYMISC_UID                 1110
+#define IDC_KEYUID_DELETE               1111
+#define IDC_PREFS_WORDWRAP              1112
+#define IDC_KEYSERVER_INDEX             1113
+#define IDC_HKPSEARCH_LIST              1114
+#define IDC_HKPSEARCH_RECV              1115
+#define IDC_FILE_ENCRYPT                1116
+#define IDC_FILE_LIST                   1117
+#define IDC_HKPSEARCH_INFO              1118
+#define IDC_FILE_DECRYPT                1119
+#define IDC_FILE_SIGN                   1120
+#define IDC_FILE_VERIFY                 1121
+#define IDC_FILE_SIG_NORMAL             1123
+#define IDC_FILE_SIG_DETACH             1124
+#define IDC_FILE_SIG_CLEAR              1125
+#define IDC_FILE_SIG_ARMOR              1126
+#define IDC_ENCRYPT_LIST                1127
+#define IDC_ENCRYPT_ARMOR               1128
+#define IDC_BUTTON3                     1131
+#define IDC_KEYSUB_REVOKE               1131
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_PWD_INFO            1132
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_NEWPWD_INFO         1133
+#define IDC_FILE_IMPORT                 1134
+#define IDC_KEYPREFS_INFO               1136
+#define IDC_KEYPROPS_INFO               1136
+#define IDC_KEYTRUST_TREE               1137
+#define IDC_KEYSIG_RECVKEY              1138
+#define IDC_FILE_SYMENC                 1139
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_REASON            1141
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_TEXT              1142
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_PWD               1143
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_FILE              1144
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_HINT              1145
+#define IDC_SIGNENC_PWDINFO             1146
+#define IDC_OWNERTRUST_DESC             1147
+#define IDC_KEYPROPS_FPR                1148
+#define IDC_FILE_PREFS_ALGO             1149
+#define IDC_KEYSERVER_PROXY             1150
+#define IDC_PREFS_GPGPREFS              1151
+#define IDC_KEYUID_REVOKE               1152
+#define IDC_KEYPROPS_OT                 1153
+#define IDC_KEYPROPS_OT_CHANGE          1154
+#define IDC_KEYUID_ADD                  1155
+#define IDC_PASSWD_PWD                  1158
+#define IDC_KEYPROPS_CHANGE_PWD         1159
+#define IDC_KEYSUB_LIST                 1160
+#define IDC_KEYSUB_ADD                  1161
+#define IDC_KEYSUB_DELETE               1162
+#define IDC_KEYSUB_EXPIRE               1163
+#define IDC_DATE_DTP                    1165
+#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_LOAD               1166
+#define IDC_EXPORT_ARMOR                1169
+#define IDC_EXPORT_LIST                 1170
+#define IDC_KEYPROG_CB                  1172
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_EXPINF               1173
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_EXPDATE              1174
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_EXPDLG               1175
+#define IDC_GPGREFS_EXEDLG              1176
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_OPTFILE            1177
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_OPTINF             1178
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_OPTDLG             1179
+#define IDC_DECRYPT_LIST                1180
+#define IDC_DECRYPT_LISTINF             1181
+#define IDC_DECRYPT_SIGN_PWD            1182
+#define IDC_DECRYPT_SIGN_PWDINFO        1183
+#define IDC_DECRYPT_SIGN_MSG            1184
+#define IDC_FILE_SIG_LIST               1185
+#define IDC_KEYMISC_DEFKEYINFO          1186
+#define IDC_KEYMISC_GROUP               1189
+#define IDC_GROUP_EMAIL                 1190
+#define IDC_PREFS_SECMODE               1191
+#define IDC_PREFS_VIEWER                1192
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_CLEAR                1193
+#define IDC_TEXT_INPUT                  1194
+#define IDC_TEXT_INFO                   1195
+#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_SIGNENC          1196
+#define IDC_PREFS_CWD_SIGNENC           1197
+#define IDC_PREFS_CWS_SIGNENC           1197
+#define IDC_PREFS_V3SIGS                1198
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_V3SIGS             1198
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_ASKLEVEL           1198
+#define IDC_PREFS_COMMENT               1199
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_COMMENT            1199
+#define IDC_PREFS_ENCTO                 1200
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_ENCTO              1200
+#define IDC_PREFS_OPENPGP               1201
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_OPENPGP            1201
+#define IDC_PREFS_PGP2                  1202
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_PGP2               1202
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_RESET              1203
+#define IDC_ABOUT_INFO                  1204
+#define IDC_ABOUT_URL                   1205
+#define IDC_ABOUT_BUGS                  1206
+#define IDC_ABOUT_GPL1                  1208
+#define IDC_ABOUT_GPL2                  1209
+#define IDC_PREFS_WWINFO                1210
+#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_SAVE               1211
+#define IDC_KEYSERVER_PROXSETT          1212
+#define IDC_PROXY_HOSTINF               1213
+#define IDC_PROXY_HOST                  1214
+#define IDC_PROXY_PORTINF               1215
+#define IDC_PROXY_PORT                  1216
+#define IDC_PROXY_USERINF               1217
+#define IDC_PROXY_PWDINF                1218
+#define IDC_PROXY_USER                  1219
+#define IDC_PROXY_PWD                   1220
+#define IDC_SIGNENC_USEDEFKEY           1221
+#define IDC_SIGNENC_SELKEY              1221
+#define IDC_SIGNENC_LOCUSR              1222
+#define IDC_SECLIST_KEYS                1225
+#define IDC_KEYMISC_GTEXT               1226
+#define IDC_FILE_STAT_LIST              1227
+#define IDC_FILE_SAVE_TOFILE            1228
+#define IDC_FILE_SAVE_FILE              1229
+#define IDC_FILE_SAVE_SELECT            1230
+#define IDC_FILE_SAVE_CLIP              1231
+#define IDC_FILE_SAVE                   1232
+#define IDC_VERIFY_SAVE                 1233
+#define IDC_TEXT_FILE                   1234
+#define IDC_PREFS_LISTMODE              1235
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_KEYTYPE              1236
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_KEYTYPEINF           1237
+#define IDC_DECRYPT_HIDE                1238
+#define IDC_DECRYPT_SIGN_HIDE           1239
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NPKEYS              1240
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NOUID               1241
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_IPKEYS              1242
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NSKEYS              1243
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_ISKEYS              1244
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NREV                1245
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_INFO                1246
+#define IDC_FIRST_KEYGEN                1247
+#define IDC_FIRST_IMPORT                1248
+#define IDC_FIRST_SETUP                 1249
+#define IDC_SIGCLASS_CLASS0             1250
+#define IDC_SIGCLASS_CLASS1             1251
+#define IDC_SIGCLASS_CLASS2             1252
+#define IDC_SIGCLASS_CLASS3             1253
+#define IDC_VERIFY_INFO                 1254
+#define IDC_PASSWD_HIDE                 1255
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_CHOOSE            1258
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKERS_LIST            1260
+#define IDC_KEYPROPS_REVOKERS           1261
+#define IDC_KEYSERVER_RECV              1263
+#define IDC_KEYSERVER_DEFAULT           1265
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_PGPMODE           1266
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_KEYLIST             1267
+#define IDC_PREFS_WIPEMODE              1268
+#define IDC_SECDEL_FILES                1269
+#define IDC_SPACE_DRIVES                1270
+#define IDC_SPACE_PROGRESS              1271
+#define IDC_SPACE_INFO                  1272
+#define IDC_SPACE_DISC_INFO             1273
+#define IDC_SPACE_OFF                   1274
+#define IDC_SPACE_N                     1275
+#define IDC_OWNERTRUST_SELFILE          1276
+#define IDC_OWNERTRUST_EXPORT           1277
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NUID                1278
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NSUBK               1279
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NSIG                1280
+#define IDC_CONFDELCLIP_BRAIN           1281
+#define IDC_ENCRYPT_WIPE                1282
+#define IDC_ADDREV_PASS                 1283
+#define IDC_ADDREV_KEYLIST              1284
+#define IDC_ADDPHOTO_FILE               1286
+#define IDC_ADDPHOTO_SELFILE            1287
+#define IDC_ADDPHOTO_PASS               1288
+#define IDC_MDSUM_LIST                  1289
+#define IDC_MDSUM_COPY                  1290
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_HELP                1291
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_CMD                 1292
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_UIDLIST             1293
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_KEYLIST             1294
+#define IDC_GPGCONF_ENCTOINF            1295
+#define IDC_GPGCONF_ENCTO               1296
+#define IDC_GPGCONF_EXPERT              1297
+#define IDC_GPGCONF_V3SIGS              1298
+#define IDC_GPGCONF_COMMENT             1302
+#define IDC_GPGCONF_NOAUTOKEY           1303
+#define IDC_GPGCONF_NODOS83             1304
+#define IDC_GPGCONF_IGNTIMERR           1305
+#define IDC_GPGCONF_IGNCRCERR           1306
+#define IDC_GPGCONF_PGPMODE             1307
+#define IDC_PREFS_TRUST                 1308
+#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_NAME              1309
+#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_EMAIL             1310
+#define IDC_PREFS_AUTOBACKUP            1311
+#define IDC_PREFS_BAKHOME               1312
+#define IDC_PREFS_BAKUSER               1313
+#define IDC_PREFS_BAKPATH               1314
+#define IDC_PREFS_BAKSELECT             1315
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_HIDEPWD              1316
+#define IDC_SIGNENC_SECLIST             1317
+#define IDC_PROGRESS_WHAT               1318
+#define IDC_PROGRESS_CURR               1319
+#define IDC_PROGRESS_TOTAL              1320
+#define IDC_PROGRESS_BAR                1321
+#define IDC_CEDIT_AID                   1322
+#define IDC_CEDIT_VERSION               1323
+#define IDC_CEDIT_VENDOR                1324
+#define IDC_CEDIT_SERIAL                1325
+#define IDC_CEDIT_NAME                  1326
+#define IDC_CEDIT_LANG                  1328
+#define IDC_CEDIT_SEX                   1329
+#define IDC_CEDIT_KEYURL                1330
+#define IDC_CEDIT_LOGIN                 1331
+#define IDC_CEDIT_SIGCOUNT              1332
+#define IDC_CEDIT_FPR1                  1333
+#define IDC_CEDIT_FPR2                  1334
+#define IDC_CEDIT_FPR3                  1335
+#define IDC_CEDIT_CHPIN                 1336
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_HOMEDLG            1337
+#define IDC_CCONFIG_PCSC                1339
+#define IDC_CCONFIG_CTAPI               1340
+#define IDC_CCONFIG_LIBPATH             1341
+#define IDC_CCONFIG_PORT                1342
+#define IDC_CEDIT_DRIVER                1343
+#define IDC_PIN_INFO                    1344
+#define IDC_PIN_VALUE                   1345
+#define IDC_CHPIN_ISADMIN               1346
+#define IDC_CHPIN_ISWORK                1347
+#define IDC_CHPIN_OLDPIN                1348
+#define IDC_CHPIN_NEWPIN                1349
+#define IDC_CCONFIG_SELFILE             1350
+#define IDC_CEDIT_NAME2                 1351
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_NAME                1352
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_COMMENT             1353
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_EMAIL               1354
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_NEVER               1355
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_VALID               1356
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_REPLACE             1357
+#define IDC_CEDIT_NEWKEYS               1358
+#define IDC_CCTRL_MSG                   1359
+#define IDC_CCTRL_VAL                   1360
+#define IDC_CEDIT_LANG2                 1361
+#define IDC_CEDIT_SEX2                  1362
+#define IDC_ELGWARN_LIST                1363
+#define IDC_SETPREF_MDC                 1364
+#define IDC_SETPREF_KSNO                1365
+#define IDC_SETPREF_PREFLIST            1366
+#define IDC_SETPREF_LIST                1367
+#define IDC_SETPREF_UPDATE              1368
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_EXPIRES             1369
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_EXPSIG              1370
+#define IDC_PMAIL_TO                    1371
+#define IDC_PMAIL_CC                    1372
+#define IDC_PMAIL_SUBJECT               1373
+#define IDC_PMAIL_MSG                   1374
+#define IDC_CDMOUNT_ID                  1376
+#define IDC_CDMOUNT_IMGFILE             1377
+#define IDC_CDMOUNT_DRV                 1378
+#define IDC_CDMOUNT_PASS                1379
+#define IDC_CDUMOUNT_LIST               1380
+#define IDC_CDMOUNT_SELFILE             1381
+#define IDC_CDNEW_IMGFILE               1383
+#define IDC_CDNEW_SIZE                  1384
+#define IDC_CDNEW_SIZSPIN               1385
+#define IDC_CDNEW_CIPHERS               1386
+#define IDC_CDNEW_PASS                  1387
+#define IDC_ENCRYPT_ANON                1388
+#define IDC_ABOUT_GPG                   1389
+#define IDC_ENCRYPT_SIGN                1390
+#define IDC_ENCRYPT_SECLIST             1391
+#define IDC_PASSWD_INFO                 1393
+#define IDC_PREFS_KSERVER               1394
+#define IDC_PREFS_KSELFILE              1396
+#define IDC_HTTP_URL                    1397
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_REV                1398
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_NREV               1399
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_EXP                1400
+#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_CLIPTEXT2          1401
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_EXPIRED            1402
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_INFO               1403
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_ISSUER             1404
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_EXPDATE            1405
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_CLASS              1406
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_EXPSTR             1407
+#define IDC_KEYSIG_SIGPROPS             1408
+#define IDC_ENCRYPT_FIND                1409
+#define IDC_ENCRYPT_FNDCMD              1410
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_KEYID              1411
+#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_USEOTHERPK        1412
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_NREV                1413
+#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_EXPERT            1414
+#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_NAMEINF           1415
+#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_EMAILINF          1416
+#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_TITLEINF          1417
+#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_TEXT1INF          1418
+#define IDC_KEYWIZARD_TEXT2INF          1419
+#define IDC_SIGCLASS_TITLEINF           1420
+#define IDC_SIGNENC_SECLISTINF          1421
+#define IDC_KEYTRUST_INF                1422
+#define IDC_ADDREV_INF                  1423
+#define IDC_ADDREV_KEYINF               1424
+#define IDC_ADDREV_PWDINF               1425
+#define IDC_ADDPHOTO_INF                1426
+#define IDC_ADDPHOTO_FILEINF            1427
+#define IDC_ADDPHOTO_PWDINF             1428
+#define IDC_ABOUT_HELP                  1430
+#define IDC_CLIPEDIT_QUOTE              1431
+#define IDC_KEYGEN_EXPNEVER             1432
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_BACKUP              1434
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_PASS                1435
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_ALG                 1436
+#define IDC_KEYPROPS_IMG                1437
+#define IDC_FPREFS_PROGRESS             1438
+#define IDC_CHPIN_NEWPIN2               1439
+#define IDC_CHPIN_HIDE                  1440
+#define IDC_PIN_HIDE                    1441
+#define IDC_SHOWPREF_INFO               1442
+#define IDC_SHOWPREF_CIPHERS            1443
+#define IDC_SHOWPREF_HASH               1444
+#define IDC_SHOWPREF_ZIP                1445
+#define IDC_HTTP_TITLE                  1446
+#define IDC_SHOWPREF_MDC                1447
+#define IDC_PROXY_AUTH                  1448
+#define IDC_IMPORT_INFO                 1449
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_ASKLEVEL            1450
+#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_EXPDATE           1451
+#define IDC_ADDSUBKEY_EXPIRE            1452
+#define IDC_CEDIT_SIG_FPRTIME           1454
+#define IDC_CEDIT_DEC_FPRTIME           1455
+#define IDC_CEDIT_AUTH_FPRTIME          1456
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_CMDINF              1457
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_PWDINF              1458
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_NAMEINF             1459
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_CMTINF              1460
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_EXPDATEINF          1461
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_PWDINF              1462
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_MAILINF             1463
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_SHOWIMG             1464
+#define IDC_KEYPROPS_OTINF              1465
+#define IDC_KEYPROPS_IMGINF             1466
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_ENCINF             1467
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_CMTINF             1468
+#define IDC_PREFS_KEYLISTINF            1469
+#define IDC_PREFS_WIPEINF               1470
+#define IDC_PREFS_KSINF                 1471
+#define IDC_PREFS_CACHEINF              1472
+#define IDC_PREFS_CACHEHINT             1473
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_CLASSINF           1474
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_KEYINF             1475
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_KEYIDINF           1476
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_ALLOPTINF          1477
+#define IDC_PREFS_ALLOPTINF             1478
+#define IDC_PREFS_CLIPINF               1479
+#define IDC_PREFS_CURRINF               1480
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKERS_INF             1481
+#define IDC_CONFDELCLIP_INFO            1482
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_REASONINF         1483
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_OPTINF            1484
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_PWDINF            1485
+#define IDC_KEYREVOKE_OUTINF            1486
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NPKEYSINF           1487
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_IPKEYSINF           1488
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NSKEYSINF           1489
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_ISKEYSINF           1490
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NREVINF             1491
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NOUIDINF            1492
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NUIDINF             1493
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NSUBKINF            1494
+#define IDC_IMPSTAT_NSIGINF             1495
+#define IDC_SHOWPREF_PREFINF            1496
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_LOCDLG             1497
+#define IDC_FILE_SIG_SIGINF             1498
+#define IDC_FILE_SIG_OPTINF             1499
+#define IDC_ABOUT_GPLINF                1501
+#define IDC_INFODLG_TEXT                1502
+#define IDC_INFODLG_ICO                 1503
+#define IDC_KSERVADD_TYPEINF            1504
+#define IDC_KSERVADD_TYPES              1505
+#define IDC_KSERVADD_HOSTINF            1506
+#define IDC_KSERVADD_HOST               1507
+#define IDC_KSERVADD_PORTINF            1508
+#define IDC_KSERVADD_PORT               1509
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_OVRDEFAULT         1510
+#define IDC_MDSUM_TOCLIP                1511
+#define IDC_VKEYSIG_TREE                1512
+#define IDC_VKEYSIG_EDIT                1514
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_HIDE                1515
+#define IDC_PROXY_PROTOINF              1516
+#define IDC_PROXY_PROTO                 1517
+#define IDC_PROXY_AUTHINF               1518
+#define IDC_GPGPREFS_ASKEXPIRE          1520
+#define IDC_ABOUT_AUTHORS               1522
+#define IDC_LANGUAGE_INFO               1523
+#define IDC_LANGUAGE_LIST               1524
+#define IDC_SHOWPREF_UIDHINT            1525
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_POLICINF           1526
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_POLIC              1527
+#define IDC_KEYEDIT_REVOKE              1528
+#define IDC_ENCRYPT_OPTINF              1529
+#define IDC_PREFS_EXTINF                1530
+#define IDC_PREFS_DEFEXT                1531
+#define IDC_PREFS_BAKSECRING            1532
+#define IDC_VERIFY_SIGNOT               1533
+#define IDC_PASSWD_KEYINF               1534
+#define IDC_SHOWPHOTO_IMG               1535
+#define IDC_KEYSIGN_IMG                 1535
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_CREATSTR           1537
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_CREATDATE          1538
+#define IDC_FIRST_CARDGEN               1539
+#define IDC_CKEYGEN_PKINF               1540
+#define IDC_CEDIT_NAMEINF               1541
+#define IDC_CEDIT_LANGINF               1542
+#define IDC_CEDIT_KURLINF               1543
+#define IDC_CEDIT_LOGINF                1544
+#define IDC_CEDIT_SEXINF                1545
+#define IDC_SECDEL_PASSES               1547
+#define IDC_SECDEL_PASSESINF            1548
+#define ID_GPG_ENCRYPT                  40003
+#define ID_GPG_DECRYPT                  40004
+#define ID_GPG_SIGN                     40005
+#define ID_GPG_VERIFY                   40006
+#define ID_GPG_IMPORT                   40007
+#define ID_GPG_EXPORT                   40008
+#define ID_WINPT_ENCRYPT                40013
+#define ID_WINPT_DECRYPT                40014
+#define ID_WINPT_DECRYPT_VERIFY         40014
+#define ID_WINPT_SIGN                   40015
+#define ID_WINPT_VERIFY                 40016
+#define ID_GPG_KEYSERVER                40017
+#define ID_GPG_KEYGEN                   40018
+#define ID_WINPT_ABOUT                  40019
+#define ID_WINPT_QUIT                   40020
+#define ID_WINPT_IMPORT                 40022
+#define ID_WINPT_EXPORT                 40023
+#define ID_WINPT_EDIT                   40024
+#define ID_WINPT_SIGNENCRYPT            40025
+#define ID_GPG_KEYMISC                  40026
+#define ID_WINPT_ABOUTGPG               40027
+#define ID_WINPT_CURRWND_ENCRYPT        40030
+#define ID_WINPT_CURRWND_SIGN           40031
+#define ID_GPG_PREFERENCES              40033
+#define ID_WINPT_PREFS                  40034
+#define ID_WINPT_FILE                   40036
+#define ID_KEYMISC_QUIT                 40037
+#define ID_KEYMISC_PROPS                40039
+#define ID_KEYMISC_SIGN                 40040
+#define ID_KEYMISC_DELETE               40041
+#define ID_KEYMISC_REVCERT              40042
+#define ID_KEYMISC_CHECKSIGS            40043
+#define ID_KEYMISC_TRUSTPATH            40044
+#define ID_KEYMISC_EDIT                 40045
+#define ID_KEYMISC_UID                  40046
+#define ID_FILEMISC_QUIT                40047
+#define ID_FILEMISC_ENCRYPT             40048
+#define ID_FILEMISC_DECRYPT             40049
+#define ID_FILEMISC_SIGN                40050
+#define ID_FILEMISC_VERIFY              40051
+#define ID_FILEMISC_SYMENC              40052
+#define ID_FILEMISC_IMPORT              40053
+#define ID_FILEMISC_EXPORT              40054
+#define ID_FILEMISC_PREFS               40055
+#define ID_KEYMISC_SENDRECV             40056
+#define ID_KEYMISC_NEWKEY               40057
+#define ID_KEYMISC_GPGPREFS             40058
+#define ID_WINPT_KEY                    40059
+#define ID_KEYMISC_GPGOPT               40060
+#define ID_KEYMISC_RECACHE              40061
+#define ID_FILEMISC_WIPE                40062
+#define ID_FILEMISC_CLEAR               40063
+#define ID_FILEMISC_OPEN                40064
+#define ID_KEYMISC_IMPORT               40065
+#define ID_KEYMISC_EXPORT               40066
+#define ID_KEYMISC_SUBKEY               40067
+#define ID_KEYCTX_PROPS                 40068
+#define ID_KEYCTX_COPY                  40069
+#define ID_KEYCTX_PASTE                 40070
+#define ID_KEYCTX_UIDS                  40071
+#define ID_KEYCTX_SUBKEYS               40072
+#define ID_KEYCTX_SIGN                  40073
+#define ID_KEYCTX_REV                   40074
+#define ID_KEYCTX_DEL                   40075
+#define ID_KEYCTX_LISTSIGS              40076
+#define ID_KEYCTX_SETDEFKEY             40077
+#define ID_FILECTX_ENCRYPT              40078
+#define ID_FILECTX_DECRYPT              40079
+#define ID_FILECTX_SIGN                 40080
+#define ID_FILECTX_VERIFY               40081
+#define ID_FILECTX_WIPE                 40082
+#define ID_WINPT_GPGPREFS               40084
+#define ID_KEYCTX_SENDTO                40085
+#define ID_KEYCTX_RECVFROM              40086
+#define ID_GROUP_NEW                    40087
+#define ID_GROUP_IMPORT                 40088
+#define ID_GROUP_PASTE                  40089
+#define ID_GROUP_DELETE                 40090
+#define ID_KEYMISC_COPY                 40091
+#define ID_KEYMISC_PASTE                40092
+#define ID_WINPT_SYMENC                 40094
+#define ID_KEYMISC_EXPORT_PRIVKEY       40095
+#define ID_FILEMISC_SIGNENC             40096
+#define ID_FILECTX_SIGNENC              40097
+#define ID_FILECTX_LIST                 40098
+#define ID_FILEMISC_LIST                40099
+#define ID_KEYMISC_REBUILD              40100
+#define ID_KEYMISC_SHOWPHOTO            40101
+#define ID_KEYMISC_REFRESH_KEYS         40102
+#define ID_KEYMISC_INFO                 40103
+#define ID_KEYCTX_SHOWPHOTO             40104
+#define ID_KEYCTX_UID_COPY              40105
+#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_DEFAULT            40106
+#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_NL                 40107
+#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_PL                 40108
+#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_AT                 40109
+#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_CH                 40110
+#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_DE                 40111
+#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_DK                 40112
+#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_CZ                 40113
+#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_ES                 40114
+#define ID_KEYCTX_KS_UK                 40115
+#define ID_KMTBB_DEL                    40116
+#define ID_KMTBB_PROPS                  40118
+#define ID_KMTBB_SIGN                   40119
+#define ID_KMTBB_IMPORT                 40120
+#define ID_KMTBB_EXPORT                 40121
+#define ID_KEYCTX_KEYID_COPY            40122
+#define ID_KEYCTX_FPR_COPY              40123
+#define ID_KEYCTX_KINFO_COPY            40124
+#define ID_SIGCTX_PROPS                 40125
+#define ID_SIGCTX_KEYPROPS              40126
+#define ID_FILEMISC_WIPE_FREES          40127
+#define ID_KEYMISC_OT                   40131
+#define ID_KEYCTX_ADDKEY                40132
+#define ID_KEYCTX_ADDUID                40133
+#define ID_KEYCTX_ADDREV                40134
+#define ID_KEYCTX_ADDPHOTO              40135
+#define IDS_KEYCTX_EDIT                 40135
+#define ID_WINPT_CURRWND_SYMENC         40136
+#define IDS_WINPT_KEYWIZARD             40136
+#define ID_FILEMISC_MD_MD5              40137
+#define IDS_WINPT_CARD_EDIT             40137
+#define ID_FILEMISC_MD_SHA1             40138
+#define IDS_WINPT_CARD_CONFIG           40138
+#define ID_FILEMISC_MD_RMD160           40139
+#define IDS_WINPT_CARD_KEYGEN           40139
+#define ID_KEYCTX_ENABLE                40140
+#define ID_KEYCTX_DISABLE               40141
+#define ID_KEYCTX_EDIT                  40142
+#define ID_KEYMISC_EDITKEY              40143
+#define ID_KEYMISC_KEYWIZARD            40144
+#define ID_KEUID_ADD                    40145
+#define ID_KEUID_PRIMARY                40146
+#define ID_KEUID_DEL                    40147
+#define ID_WINPT_CARD                   40148
+#define ID_KEYMISC_CARDNEW              40149
+#define ID_KEYCTX_SENDMAIL              40150
+#define ID_KEYCTX_SETPREF               40151
+#define ID_KEYMISC_MAIL                 40152
+#define ID_WINPT_CDISKNEW               40154
+#define ID_WINPT_CDISKMOUNT             40155
+#define ID_WINPT_CDISKUNMOUNT           40156
+#define ID_WINPT_CDISKUMOUNTALL         40157
+#define ID_FILEMISC_PASTE               40158
+#define ID_KEYMISC_IMPORT_HTTP          40159
+#define ID_KEYCTX_MAXTRUST              40160
+#define ID_KEYMISC_HELP                 40161
+#define ID_KEYCTX_SETPREFKS             40162
+#define ID_FILECTX_SEND                 40163
+#define ID_FILEMISC_SEND                40164
+#define ID_FILEMISC_ONTOP               40165
+#define ID_FILEMISC_SELALL              40166
+#define ID_KEYMISC_SELALL               40167
+#define ID_CLIPEDIT_COPY                40168
+#define ID_CLIPEDIT_PASTE               40169
+#define ID_CLIPEDIT_SEND                40170
+#define ID_KEYMISC_FIND                 40172
+#define ID_FILEMISC_MD_SHA256           40173
+#define ID_FILECTX_ENCRYPT_ZIP          40174
+#define ID_FILEMISC_ENCRYPT_ZIP         40175
+#define ID_KEYMISC_DELETE2              40176
+#define ID_KEYMISC_VIEWKEYID            40177
+#define ID_KEYMISC_VIEWCIPHER           40178
+#define ID_KEYMISC_VIEWTYPE             40179
+#define ID_KEYMISC_VIEWCREAT            40180
+#define ID_KEYMISC_WEBSITE              40181
+#define ID_KSERVCTX_ADD                 40182
+#define ID_KSERVCTX_DEL                 40183
+#define ID_KSERVCTX_EDIT                40184
+#define ID_KEYMISC_VIEWUID              40185
+#define ID_GROUP_SHOW                   40186
+#define ID_KEYEDIT_UID_PRIM             40187
+#define ID_KEYEDIT_UID_DEL              40188
+#define ID_KEYEDIT_UID_REV              40189
+#define ID_CLIPEDIT_CLEAR               40190
+#define ID_CLIPEDIT_QUIT                40191
+#define ID_CLIPEDIT_SAVE                40192
+#define ID_CLIPEDIT_OPEN                40193
+#define ID_CLIPEDIT_QUOTE               40194
+#define ID_CLIPEDIT_ENC                 40195
+#define ID_CLIPEDIT_DEC                 40196
+#define ID_KEYCTX_EMAIL_COPY            40197
+#define ID_KEYMISC_WINPTPREFS           40198
+#define ID_KEYMISC_DEVWWW               40199
+#define ID_KEYMISC_FAQWWW               40200
+#define IDC_KEYPROPS_FPRTXT             40201
+#define IDC_SIGPROPS_FRAME              40202
+#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_HT_ENC           40203
+#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_HT_DEC           40204
+#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_HT_SIG           40205
+#define IDC_PREFS_CLIP_HT_SAE           40206
+#define IDC_PREFS_CW_HT_ENC             40207
+#define IDC_PREFS_CW_HT_DEC             40208
+#define IDC_PREFS_CW_HT_SIG             40209
+#define IDC_PREFS_CW_HT_SAE             40210
+#define IDC_ENCRYPT_FINDKEY             40211
+#define IDI_KEYMISC_N_NEWKEY            40212
+#define IDI_KEYMISC_N_DELETE            40213
+// Next default values for new objects
+#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        103
+#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40001
+#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1006
+#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101

Modified: trunk/Src/wptFileManager.cpp
--- trunk/Src/wptFileManager.cpp	2009-09-26 10:02:36 UTC (rev 332)
+++ trunk/Src/wptFileManager.cpp	2009-10-13 10:51:21 UTC (rev 333)
@@ -729,7 +729,6 @@
     switch (fm_cmd) {
     case FM_ENCRYPT:
-    case FM_ENCRYPT_DIR:
     case FM_SIGNENCRYPT:   
 	if (strcmp (status, "ENCRYPTED") 
 	    && strcmp (status, "SYMKEYENC"))
@@ -792,7 +791,6 @@
     switch (fm_cmd) {
     case FM_ENCRYPT: 
-    case FM_ENCRYPT_DIR:
     case FM_SIGNENCRYPT: 
 	strcpy (status, "ENCRYPTED");
@@ -909,8 +907,7 @@
     /* Commands we need before we can perform the main command */
-    switch (fm_cmd) {
-    case FM_ENCRYPT_ZIP:
+    switch (fm_cmd) {    
     case FM_ENCRYPT:
 	if (fm_cmd == FM_SIGNENCRYPT)
@@ -954,9 +951,7 @@
 	    log_box (_("File Manager"), MB_ERR, 
 		     _("\"%s\" does not exist"), fname);
-        }
-	if (is_directory (fname))
-	    fm_cmd = FM_ENCRYPT_DIR;        
+        }	
         if (!fm_check_file_type (lv, i, fm_cmd))
         sig_detached = fm_check_detached_sig (lv, i);

Modified: trunk/Src/wptFirstRunDlg.cpp
--- trunk/Src/wptFirstRunDlg.cpp	2009-09-26 10:02:36 UTC (rev 332)
+++ trunk/Src/wptFirstRunDlg.cpp	2009-10-13 10:51:21 UTC (rev 333)
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@
 		choice = SETUP_KEYGEN;
 	    else if (IsDlgButtonChecked (dlg, IDC_FIRST_IMPORT))
 		choice = SETUP_IMPORT;
+	    else if (IsDlgButtonChecked (dlg, IDC_FIRST_IMPORTKEY))
+		choice = SETUP_EXISTING;
 		choice = 0;
 	    EndDialog (dlg, choice);

Modified: trunk/Src/wptGPG.cpp
--- trunk/Src/wptGPG.cpp	2009-09-26 10:02:36 UTC (rev 332)
+++ trunk/Src/wptGPG.cpp	2009-10-13 10:51:21 UTC (rev 333)
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include <time.h>
 #include "wptGPG.h"
+#include "wptGPGME.h"
 #include "wptGpgCmds.h"
 #include "wptTypes.h"
 #include "wptNLS.h"
@@ -875,6 +876,28 @@
+gnupg_import_keypair (void)
+    const char *file;
+    gpgme_error_t err;
+    GPGME gpgme;
+    HWND hwnd = GetDesktopWindow ();
+    file = get_fileopen_dlg (hwnd, _("Please choose your Key Pair"),
+			     "GPG Key File (*.gpg)\0*.gpg\0"
+			     "GPG Armored Key File (*.asc)\0*.asc\0\0",
+			     NULL);
+    if (file == NULL)
+    err = gpgme.importFromFile (file);
+    if (err)
+	msg_box (hwnd, gpgme_strerror (err), _("WinPT Error"), MB_ERR);
+    else
+	msg_box (hwnd, _("Key pair successfully imported."), "WinPT", MB_OK);
+    return 0;
 gnupg_copy_keyrings (void)
     const char *pring, *sring;

Modified: trunk/Src/wptImagelist.cpp
--- trunk/Src/wptImagelist.cpp	2009-09-26 10:02:36 UTC (rev 332)
+++ trunk/Src/wptImagelist.cpp	2009-10-13 10:51:21 UTC (rev 333)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* wptImagelist.cpp - Imagelist helper routines
+/* wptImagelist.cpp - Key Manager Imagelist
  *	Copyright (C) 2004, 2006, 2009 Timo Schulz
  *	Copyright (C) 2003 Andreas Jobs
@@ -30,10 +30,8 @@
 #include "wptVersion.h"
-int il_map_bitmap[IMAGELIST_NUMIMAGES+2];
+int kl_il_map[IMAGELIST_NUMIMAGES+2];
 #define replace_icon(il_ctx, resid) \
     ImageList_ReplaceIcon ((il_ctx), -1, \
 			   LoadIcon (glob_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE (resid)))
@@ -41,7 +39,7 @@
 /* Load the image list with the default icons.
    Return value: 0 on success.  */
-imagelist_load (HWND hwnd, HIMAGELIST *r_il)
+km_imagelist_load (HWND hwnd, HIMAGELIST *r_il)
     HIMAGELIST il = ImageList_Create (16, 16, ILC_COLOR|ILC_MASK,
@@ -50,17 +48,17 @@
 	return -1;
-    il_map[IMI_KEY_NEW]	       = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_NEW);
-    il_map[IMI_KEY_DELETE]     = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_DELETE);
-    il_map[IMI_KEY_PROPS]      = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_PROPS);
-    il_map[IMI_KEY_SIGN]       = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_SIGN);
-    il_map[IMI_KEY_SEARCH]     = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_SEARCH);
-    il_map[IMI_KEY_FILE_IMPORT]= replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_FILE_IMPORT);
-    il_map[IMI_KEY_FILE_EXPORT]= replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_FILE_EXPORT);
-    il_map[IMI_KEY_IMPORT]     = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_IMPORT);
-    il_map[IMI_KEY_EXPORT]     = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_EXPORT);    
-    il_map[IMI_SORT_UPARROW]   = replace_icon (il, IDI_SORT_UPARROW);
-    il_map[IMI_SORT_DOWNARROW] = replace_icon (il, IDI_SORT_DOWNARROW);
+    kl_il_map[IMI_KEY_NEW]	       = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_NEW);
+    kl_il_map[IMI_KEY_DELETE]     = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_DELETE);
+    kl_il_map[IMI_KEY_PROPS]      = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_PROPS);
+    kl_il_map[IMI_KEY_SIGN]       = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_SIGN);
+    kl_il_map[IMI_KEY_SEARCH]     = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_SEARCH);
+    kl_il_map[IMI_KEY_FILE_IMPORT]= replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_FILE_IMPORT);
+    kl_il_map[IMI_KEY_FILE_EXPORT]= replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_FILE_EXPORT);
+    kl_il_map[IMI_KEY_IMPORT]     = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_IMPORT);
+    kl_il_map[IMI_KEY_EXPORT]     = replace_icon (il, IDI_KEY_EXPORT);    
+    kl_il_map[IMI_SORT_UPARROW]   = replace_icon (il, IDI_SORT_UPARROW);
+    kl_il_map[IMI_SORT_DOWNARROW] = replace_icon (il, IDI_SORT_DOWNARROW);
     *r_il = il;
     return 0;
@@ -68,7 +66,7 @@
 /* Free image list. */
-imagelist_destroy (HIMAGELIST il)
+km_imagelist_destroy (HIMAGELIST il)
     int ret = 0;
     if (!ImageList_Destroy (il))
@@ -79,46 +77,9 @@
 /* Map an index to an icon. */
-imagelist_getindex (HIMAGELIST il, int icon)
+km_imagelist_getindex (HIMAGELIST il, int icon)
     if ((icon < 0) || (icon >= IMAGELIST_NUMIMAGES))
         return -1;
-    return il_map[icon];
+    return kl_il_map[icon];
-b_imagelist_load (HWND hwnd, HIMAGELIST *r_il)
-    HIMAGELIST il = ImageList_Create (30, 30, ILC_COLOR8|ILC_MASK, 2, 0);
-    if (!il ) {
-	msg_box (hwnd, "Could not create imagelist.", _("Key Manager"), MB_ERR);
-	return -1;
-    }
-    if (ImageList_Add (il, bm, NULL) == -1)
-	msg_box (hwnd, "Could not replace bitmap", "", MB_ERR);
-    bm = LoadBitmap (glob_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_KEYMISC_N_DELETE));
-    if (ImageList_Add (il, bm, NULL) == -1)
-	msg_box (hwnd, "Could not replace bitmap", "", MB_ERR);
-    il_map_bitmap[IMI_KEY_NEW] = 0;
-    il_map_bitmap[IMI_KEY_DELETE] = 1;
-    *r_il = il;
-    return 0;
-b_imagelist_destroy (HIMAGELIST il)
-    return imagelist_destroy (il);
-b_imagelist_getindex (HIMAGELIST il, int img)
-    return il_map_bitmap[img];

Modified: trunk/Src/wptKeyEditCB.cpp
--- trunk/Src/wptKeyEditCB.cpp	2009-09-26 10:02:36 UTC (rev 332)
+++ trunk/Src/wptKeyEditCB.cpp	2009-10-13 10:51:21 UTC (rev 333)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* wptKeyEditCB.cpp - Key edit callback handling
- *	Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Timo Schulz
+ *	Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2009 Timo Schulz
  *	Copyright (C) 2005 g10 Code GmbH
  * This file is part of WinPT.
@@ -345,15 +345,15 @@
     if (!strcmp (key, "passphrase.enter"))
 	return ctx->pass;
     if (!strcmp (key, "keygen.algo")) {
-        _snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf)-1, "%d", ctx->pubkey_algo);
+        _snprintf (buf, DIM (buf)-1, "%d", ctx->pubkey_algo);
 	return buf;
     if (!strcmp (key, "keygen.size")) {
-        _snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf)-1, "%d", ctx->pubkey_size);
+        _snprintf (buf, DIM (buf)-1, "%d", ctx->pubkey_size);
 	return buf;
     if (!strcmp (key, "keygen.valid")) {
-        _snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf)-1, "%d", ctx->getValidDays ());
+        _snprintf (buf, DIM (buf)-1, "%d", ctx->getValidDays ());
 	return buf;        
     if (!strcmp (key, "keyedit.prompt")) {
@@ -399,13 +399,13 @@
     static char buf[128] = {0};
     if (!strcmp (key, "keyedit.prompt") && !ctx->cmd_sent) {
-	_snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf)-1, "uid %d", ctx->getUseridIndex ());
+	_snprintf (buf, DIM (buf)-1, "uid %d", ctx->getUseridIndex ());
 	ctx->cmd_sent = 1;
 	ctx->cnt = 1;
 	return buf;
     if (!strcmp (key, "keyedit.prompt") && ctx->cnt == 1) {
-	_snprintf (buf, sizeof buf-1, "setpref %s", ctx->new_prefs);
+	_snprintf (buf, DIM (buf)-1, "setpref %s", ctx->new_prefs);
 	ctx->cnt = 2;
 	return buf;
@@ -641,19 +641,16 @@
 	ctx->cnt = 1;
 	return "addrevoker";
-    if (ctx->cnt == 1 && !strcmp (key, "keyedit.add_revoker")) {
-	ctx->cnt = 2;
+    if (!strcmp (key, "keyedit.add_revoker"))	
 	return ctx->name;
-    }
-    if (ctx->cnt == 2 && !strcmp (key, "keyedit.add_revoker.okay")) {
-	ctx->cnt = 3;
+    if (!strcmp (key, "keyedit.add_revoker.okay"))	
 	return "Y";
-    }
-    if (ctx->cnt == 3 && !strcmp (key, "passphrase.enter")) {
-	ctx->cnt = 4;
+    if (!strcmp (key, "passphrase.enter"))	
 	return ctx->pass;
-    }
-    if (ctx->cnt == 4 && !strcmp (key, "keyedit.prompt")) {
+    if (ctx->cnt > 0 && !strcmp (key, "keyedit.prompt")) {
 	ctx->reset ();
 	return "save";
@@ -751,18 +748,27 @@
+//	ke->setResult (0);
+//	break;
-	log_debug ("editkey_command_handler: bad passphrase\n");
+	if (!ke->usePassphraseCallback ()) {
+	    log_debug ("editkey_command_handler: bad passphrase\n");
+	    ke->setResult (EDITKEY_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE);
+	}
-    if (ke->getResult () & EDITKEY_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE) {
-	/* If the entered passphrase is bad, we supply empty
-	   passphrase to abort and send 'quit' as soon as possible. */
+    /* If the entered passphrase is bad, we supply empty
+       passphrase to abort and send 'quit' as soon as possible. 
+       But this semantic is not used when we use the callback mode. */
+    if (!ke->usePassphraseCallback() && 
+	(ke->getResult () & EDITKEY_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE)) {
 	if (!strcmp (key, "passphrase.enter"))
 	    WriteFile (hd, "\n", 1, &n, NULL);
 	if (!strcmp (key, "keyedit.prompt"))
@@ -880,8 +886,7 @@
    Return value: gpg error constant. */
 static gpgme_error_t 
 map_result (GpgKeyEdit *ke)
-    /* XXX Sometimes ALREADY_SIGNED indicates an failure. */
     if (!ke->getResult ())
 	return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR);
     if (ke->getResult () & EDITKEY_ERR_BAD_PASSPHRASE)

Modified: trunk/Src/wptKeyManagerDlg.cpp
--- trunk/Src/wptKeyManagerDlg.cpp	2009-09-26 10:02:36 UTC (rev 332)
+++ trunk/Src/wptKeyManagerDlg.cpp	2009-10-13 10:51:21 UTC (rev 333)
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
-#define ico2idx(ico) imagelist_getindex (kmi->iconlist, (ico))
+#define ico2idx(ico) km_imagelist_getindex (kmi->iconlist, (ico))
 /* Create a new toolbar window with a pre-defined list of buttons. */
 static HWND
 create_toolbar (HWND dlg, struct km_info_s *kmi)
@@ -1103,9 +1103,9 @@
     Header_GetItem (hheader, idx, &hdi);   
     hdi.fmt |= HDF_IMAGE | HDF_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT;
     if (!ctx->ext_chkbox)
-	hdi.iImage = imagelist_getindex (kmi->iconlist, 
-					 sort_desc? IMI_SORT_DOWNARROW :
-					            IMI_SORT_UPARROW);
+	hdi.iImage = km_imagelist_getindex (kmi->iconlist, 
+					    sort_desc? IMI_SORT_DOWNARROW :
+					               IMI_SORT_UPARROW);
 	hdi.iImage = sort_desc? KEY_IMG_SORT_DOWN : KEY_IMG_SORT_UP;
     Header_SetItem (hheader, idx, &hdi);
@@ -1392,7 +1392,7 @@
         memset (kmi, 0, sizeof (struct km_info_s));
 	kmi->lv_idx = -1;
 	kmi->hwnd_sep = register_separator_window (dlg, kmi);
-        imagelist_load (dlg, &kmi->iconlist);
+        km_imagelist_load (dlg, &kmi->iconlist);
 	translate_menu_strings (dlg);
 	SetWindowText (dlg, _("Key Manager"));
@@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@
     case WM_DESTROY:
 	save_column_info (kmi);
-	imagelist_destroy (kmi->iconlist);
+	km_imagelist_destroy (kmi->iconlist);
 	if (kmi->kl) {
             keylist_delete (kmi->kl);
             kmi->kl = NULL;       
@@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@
             LPTBNOTIFY lpTbNotify;
             lpTbNotify = (LPTBNOTIFY)lparam;
             if (lpTbNotify->iItem < (sizeof (tbb) / sizeof (tb_button_s))) {
-                lpTbNotify->tbButton.iBitmap = imagelist_getindex (kmi->iconlist, 
+                lpTbNotify->tbButton.iBitmap = km_imagelist_getindex (kmi->iconlist, 
                 lpTbNotify->tbButton.idCommand = tbb[lpTbNotify->iItem].command;
                 lpTbNotify->tbButton.fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;

Modified: trunk/Src/wptKeygenCBDlg.cpp
--- trunk/Src/wptKeygenCBDlg.cpp	2009-09-26 10:02:36 UTC (rev 332)
+++ trunk/Src/wptKeygenCBDlg.cpp	2009-10-13 10:51:21 UTC (rev 333)
@@ -13,9 +13,6 @@
  * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with WinPT; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 
- * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
 #include <config.h>
@@ -98,7 +95,7 @@
     static int cb_pos = 0;
     if (!opaque && !what && !type && !curretn && !total) {
-        memset (cb, 0, sizeof cb);
+        memset (cb, 0, sizeof (cb));
         cb_pos = 0;
@@ -112,6 +109,8 @@
     cb[cb_pos] = '\0';
     SetDlgItemText (dlg_hwnd, IDC_KEYPROG_CB, cb);
+    if (GetForegroundWindow () != dlg_hwnd)
+	SetForegroundWindow (dlg_hwnd);

Modified: trunk/Src/wptKeysignDlg.cpp
--- trunk/Src/wptKeysignDlg.cpp	2009-09-26 10:02:36 UTC (rev 332)
+++ trunk/Src/wptKeysignDlg.cpp	2009-10-13 10:51:21 UTC (rev 333)
@@ -137,30 +137,7 @@
-/* Check if the selected key is protected and en- or disable the 
-   passphrase control. */
-static void
-do_check_protection (HWND dlg)
-    gpgme_key_t key;
-    struct winpt_key_s k;
-    int idx, protec;    
-    idx = SendDlgItemMessage (dlg, IDC_KEYSIGN_KEYLIST, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
-    key = (gpgme_key_t)SendDlgItemMessage (dlg, IDC_KEYSIGN_KEYLIST, 
-					   CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)idx, 0);
-    if (!key)
-	return;
-    if (winpt_get_seckey (key->subkeys->keyid, &k))
-	BUG (0);
-    protec = k.is_protected;
-    if (!protec)
-	protec = k.ext->gloflags.divert_to_card;
-    EnableWindow (GetDlgItem (dlg, IDC_KEYSIGN_PASSPHRASE), 
-			protec? TRUE : FALSE);
 /* Dialog box procedure to choose the signature class. */
 sig_class_dlg_proc (HWND dlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
@@ -245,12 +222,11 @@
 /* Display all needed information about the key @key in the dialog @dlg. */
 static void
-display_keyinfo (HWND dlg, winpt_key_t key)
+display_keyinfo (HWND dlg, listview_ctrl_t list, winpt_key_t key)
     StringBuffer kinf;
     struct native_uid_s *u;
-    char tmp[256];
-    int len;
+    char tmp[256];    
     _snprintf (tmp, DIM (tmp) -1,
                    _("pub %d/0x%s   created: %s    expires: %s\n\n"
@@ -260,23 +236,16 @@
                    get_key_created (key->ctx->subkeys->timestamp),
 		   get_expire_date (key->ctx),
                    get_printable_fpr (key->ctx->subkeys->fpr));     
-    kinf = tmp;    
-    for (len=0, u = key->ext->uids; u; u = u->next) {
+    kinf = tmp;
+    SetDlgItemText (dlg, IDC_KEYSIGN_INFOS, kinf.getBuffer ());
+    for (u = key->ext->uids; u; u = u->next) {
 	if (u->revoked)
-	if (len++ > 2)
-	    break;	
-	kinf = kinf + "   \"";
-	if (strlen (u->uid) > 128) {
-	    kinf.add (u->uid, 128);
-	    kinf += "...";
-	    // FIXME: make sure at least the e-mail address will be shown!
-	}
-	else
-	    kinf += u->uid;
-	kinf += "\"\n";
+	listview_add_item (list, "");
+	listview_add_sub_item (list, 0, 0, u->name);
+	listview_add_sub_item (list, 0, 1, u->email);
-    SetDlgItemText (dlg, IDC_KEYSIGN_INFOS, kinf.getBuffer ());
@@ -326,49 +295,66 @@
 	    expires = 1;
 	_snprintf (keymsg, DIM (keymsg)-1, "%04d-%02d-%02d", 
-		    st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay);
+		   st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay);
-    assert (key->ctx->subkeys->keyid != NULL); /* should be always true. */
+    if (key->ctx->subkeys->keyid == NULL)
+	BUG (0); /* should be always true. */
     ke.setKeyID (key->ctx->subkeys->keyid);
-    // XXX: callback hangs after bad passphrase
     passphrase_cb_s cb;
-    set_gpg_auto_passphrase_cb (&cb, _("Key Edit"));    
+    set_gpg_auto_passphrase_cb (&cb, _("Key Edit"));
     ke.setPassphraseCallback (passphrase_cb, (void*)&cb);
     HWND klist = GetDlgItem (dlg, IDC_KEYSIGN_KEYLIST);
     idx = SendMessage (klist, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
-    k = (gpgme_key_t)SendDlgItemMessage (dlg, IDC_KEYSIGN_KEYLIST, 
-						 CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)idx, 0);
+    k = (gpgme_key_t)SendMessage (klist, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)idx, 0);
     if (k != NULL)
 	ke.setLocalUser (k);
     err = ke.signKey (type, sig_class, expires? keymsg : "0");    
     release_gpg_passphrase_cb (&cb);
-    if (err) {
+    if (cb.cancel)
+	return TRUE;
+    else if (err) {
 	msg_box (dlg, gpgme_strerror (err), _("Key Signing"), MB_ERR);
 	return TRUE;	
     else if (ke.getResult () != 0) {
 	show_balloon_msg (klist, _("This key is already signed by your key"),
 	return TRUE;
     else {
 	status_box (dlg, _("Key successfully signed."), _("Key Signing"));
-	key->update = 1;	
+	key->update = 1;
     EndDialog (dlg, TRUE);
     return TRUE;
+static listview_ctrl_t
+init_uidlist (HWND dlg)
+    struct listview_column_s cols[] = {
+	{0, 190, (char *)_("Name")},
+	{1, 150, (char *)_("E-Mail")}};
+    listview_ctrl_t list;
+    listview_new (&list, GetDlgItem (dlg, IDC_KEYSIGN_UIDLIST));
+    listview_add_column (list, &cols[0]);
+    listview_add_column (list, &cols[1]);
+    return list;
 /* Dialog box procedure to sign a key. */
 keysign_dlg_proc (HWND dlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
     static winpt_key_t key;
+    static listview_ctrl_t list;
     char buf[MAX_PATH+128+1];
     const char *s;
@@ -383,8 +369,9 @@
 		     _("Key Signing"), MB_ERR);
 	    EndDialog (dlg, FALSE);
 	    return TRUE;
-	}	
-	display_keyinfo (dlg, key);
+	}
+	list = init_uidlist (dlg);
+	display_keyinfo (dlg, list, key);
         SetDlgItemText (dlg, IDC_KEYSIGN_LOCAL, _("Sign local only (non exportable signature)"));
 	SetDlgItemText (dlg, IDC_KEYSIGN_EXPSIG, _("Signature expires on"));
 	SetDlgItemText (dlg, IDC_KEYSIGN_NREV, _("Sign non-revocably"));
@@ -415,6 +402,10 @@
 	    get_photo_tmpname (key->ctx, buf, DIM(buf)-1);
 	    DeleteFile (buf);
+	if (list != NULL) {
+	    listview_release (list);
+	    list = NULL;
+	}
     case WM_PAINT:

Modified: trunk/Src/wptPassphraseCB.cpp
--- trunk/Src/wptPassphraseCB.cpp	2009-09-26 10:02:36 UTC (rev 332)
+++ trunk/Src/wptPassphraseCB.cpp	2009-10-13 10:51:21 UTC (rev 333)
@@ -291,19 +291,29 @@
     uid_hint += 16; /* skip keyid */
     uid_hint += 1;  /* space */
+    struct winpt_key_s skey;
+    gpgme_subkey_t sk;
+    if (winpt_get_seckey (mainkey, &skey))
+	BUG (0);
+    for (sk = skey.ctx->subkeys; sk; sk = sk->next) {
+	if (memcmp (sk->keyid, usedkey, 8) == 0)
+	    break;
+    }
     uid = utf8_to_native (uid_hint);
     if (strcmp (usedkey, mainkey))
 	_snprintf (desc, desc_size-1,
 		   _("You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for user:\n"
-		     "%s key, ID 0x%s (main key ID 0x%s)\n"),
-		   uid, get_key_pubalgo (algo), usedkey+8, mainkey+8);
+		     "%d-bit %s key, ID 0x%s, created %s (main key ID 0x%s)\n"),
+		   uid, sk->length, get_key_pubalgo (algo), 
+		   usedkey+8, get_key_created (sk->timestamp), mainkey+8);
     else if (!strcmp (usedkey, mainkey))
 	_snprintf (desc, desc_size-1,
 		   _("You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for user:\n"
-		     "%s key, ID 0x%s\n"),
-		     uid, get_key_pubalgo (algo), usedkey+8);
+		     "%d-bit %s key, created %s, ID 0x%s\n"),
+		     uid, sk->length, get_key_pubalgo (algo),
+		     get_key_created (sk->timestamp), usedkey+8);
     safe_free (uid);
     return 0;

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