[Gpg4win-devel] [gpg4win-Bugs][531] Changing passphrase does not prompt for confirmation

gpg4win-bugs@wald.intevation.org gpg4win-bugs at wald.intevation.org
Mon Nov 19 20:37:15 CET 2007

Bugs item #531, was opened at 2007-11-19 14:37
Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Matthew Connor (connah)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Changing passphrase does not prompt for confirmation 
Resolution: None
Severity: normal
Version: 0.7.0
Component: None
Operating System: None
Product: None
Hardware: PC

Initial Comment:
GNU Privacy Assistant v0.7.6 (rev. 777) on a Windows XP machine.

When launching the GPA application and selecting to change the passphrase for your key, you are presented with the following message:

"Please enter the passphrase for the following key."

It should read:

"Please enter the CURRENT passphrase for the following key."

After you enter it, you are presented with an IDENTICAL dialog reading:

"Please enter the passphrase for the following key."

It should read:

"Please enter the NEW passphrase for the following key."

Also, after you enter the new passphrase, the user is not prompted to enter it again to confirm that it was typed correctly the first time.

Thank you!

Matthew Connor
connah at gmail.com


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