[Gpg4win-devel] Launch Request for Sponsoring gpg4win?

Jan-Oliver Wagner jan-oliver.wagner at intevation.de
Thu May 10 15:16:17 CEST 2007

Hi gpg4win developers,

we have around 1000 downloads per day quite constantly over months now.
And we have 1661 subscribers to gpg4win-announce as of today, about
constantly 3-5 subscribing anew per day. Almost no unsubscriptions so far.

I regard this a very good basis to motivate the apparently strong
user community to sponsor some next steps of Gpg4win.

The idea is to send a corresponding email to gpg4win-announce.
Below is a draft proposal and I would be happy if you could add  your
ideas, comments etc.



 Subject: Be a Gpg4win sponsor and vote for next features

Dear Gpg4win users,

Gpg4win 1.0 has gained a huge user basis since its 1.0.0 release
in April 2006.

Besides regularly updating the tool inside Gpg4win, now a major step
to version 1.1 happened with the new, often-requested english
users manual. This was only possible because of the time-consuming
volunteer work of Brigitte Hamilton and some proof-readers.

We received numerous wishes on how to improve Gpg4win.
Unfortunately we were only able to consider some of them.

We received a few sponsorships and are thankful for each of them.
But the number of users is so much bigger than we have sponsors.

Please take the opportunity to sponsor Gpg4win if it makes your daily live
easier or saves you money by avoiding expensive alternatives.

 -> Just click on the PayPal Icon at http://www.gpg4win

In conjunction with a sponsorhsip, leave a note on what you like to see
next with Gpg4win. We interpret this as a vote and try to adapt plans
to what users apparently need.

We would use the money improve the core of Gpg4win and also the
integrated tools in general. Which actually means to pay translators,
document writers or software developers.

Some wishes that have reached us more than once so far:

* Translate also the experts manual to english

* Translate both manuals into various languages.

* Update Claws-Mail (former Sylpheed-Claws) and
   improve it with SSL and IMAP support.

* Add GPGoe (Plugin for Outlook Express Support)

* Add support for Windows Vista

* Improve GPGol (Plugin for Outlook Support) in various

* Improve GPGol to better support Outlook 2007

* Add S/MIME support with GnuPG 2.0 including the
  whole tool chain with key manager and plugins for
  email programs.

With best regards

	The Gpg4win Developement Team

Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner                        Intevation GmbH, Osnabrück
Amtsgericht Osnabrück, HR B 18998             http://www.intevation.de/
Geschäftsführer: Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner

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