[Gpg4win-devel] [gpg4win-Bugs][579] Kleopatra UI Server not automatically running in systray

gpg4win-bugs@wald.intevation.org gpg4win-bugs at wald.intevation.org
Mon Jan 14 23:16:28 CET 2008

Bugs item #579, was opened at 2008-01-14 23:16
Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Jan-Oliver Wagner (jan)
Assigned to: Marcus Brinkmann (marcus)
Summary: Kleopatra UI Server not automatically running in systray 
Resolution: None
Severity: major
Version: 1.9.0
Component: None
Operating System: None
Product: gpg4win exe-Installer
Hardware: None

Initial Comment:
I experirienced that for some time now the Kleopatra
UI server is not running automatically anymore
when logging in. I always have to start it manually from the menu.

Might it be that I lost some settings with my account or system?

How could I re-enable the background execution?


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