[Gpg4win-devel] PGP/MIME and future (Re: signature in body: no-mime and new "double no-mime")

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Mon Aug 26 17:44:53 CEST 2013

On Mon, 26 Aug 2013 16:28, bernhard at intevation.de said:

> To be able to fully support crypto email messages with MIME
> the "extension" code must have enough access to the MIME handling of
> the email client it wants to work for.

For GpgOL this is not true because we provide our own MIME parser and
maker code.  The problem at hand is that Outlook knows about MOSS
objects (that is the common framework for S/MIME and PGP/MIME) and
processes such mails through a different code path.  What the client
code (and thus GpgOL) the sees is a pre-processed MIME object which is
not anymore suitable as input for crypto processing.

> There is a technical approach that is promissed to work with Outlook v>=2010.
> To prove that it works mean to create a working prototype. Given Outlooks 

According to the description and partly confirmed in a telco with the
Outlook developers, this new API is actually what we want and even
better than the hacks I came up with for OL 2003 and 2007.



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